Friday, October 10, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #39 Pato's Plans Starts in Motion

Our dear Mads is under the weather. So here is a quick and dirty recap from memory of Thursday night's episode:

Alexa cries to Armie that Sofia and Greta are giving her the money to go back to Spain, but she really doesn't want to go. Armie tells her to be honest with her family, they will understand. Alexa says she doesn't have the courage to do that.

Silvana's jealousy gets the best of her and she confronts Patricio in his office. She's in love with him and can't stand to see him in the arms of Sofia Ripoll. Sofia walks in to see Silvana crying but not soon enough to hear why. She takes Silvana away to talk privately. Pato sits at his desk planning damage control.

Dani and Lucas sneak away and have a make out session in the warehouse of the factory. Marisol tracks Lucas down and interrupts the kissing and heavy breathing to offer him some of the cornbread she made. (Girl, it's gonna take more than cornbread. Just sayin'...)

Silvana lies to Sofia. Silvana says she just found out the man she's in love with is engaged. She was talking to Pato about personnel issues and noticed one of the factory workers has a name similar to her (fake) boyfriend's and that's what caused the emotional outburst. Sofia buys it.

Pato talks to Tavares at the police station. It seems that Pato's fingerprints were found all over that stolen money. Tavares asks Pato if he'd like to change his story? Of course he would! And he does. Chava is now off the hook.

Paco re-opens his shop against the wishes of Araceli. He's tired of sitting at home and needs to be active. Araceli warns him to be careful.

Chava takes a walk and runs into Araceli. He confesses there is a woman who is always on his mind. Araceli guesses that it's Ceci, but Chava tells her the woman consuming all his waking and dreaming moments is Sofia Ripoll. Araceli can't understand why warm, passionate Chava would be drawn to a cold android like Sofia.

Patricio tells Sofia that he put in a few good words with Tavares and the all charges and suspicions against Chava have been dropped.

Irma can't get in to see her sick "friend" because he's been taken in for medical tests. She'll have to wait until morning. Irma wants to go home now, but Martina says if Irma leaves she'll go to Armando and show him the unique mole on her back - the one that both she and her brother have - that matches the mole on Nandito's back. And she will tell Armie that Nandito Ain't. His. Kid. Irma agrees to stay.

Alan is helping Dani with her English homework. He offers to help her with other subjects as well. As Dani walks upstairs he leers at her and says he can hardly control himself.

Sofia tells Chava that Patricio talked to Tavares. Chava isn't happy. He doesn't like feeling like he owes Patricio something. (I don't get this. Chava doesn't owe Pato anything.)

Lupe' is having a dance recital at Cuco's place tonight. She goes to the factory with Chava to hand out fliers. Lupe' is talking to Dani when she is spotted by Silvana. They have an argument and in the process of throwing Lupe' out, Silvana knocks her to the floor. Lupe's ankle is sprained. Chava helps her home and now has to help improvise something for the dance program. Lucas is going to help.

One of the Ripoll trucks has an accident and an entire shipment of chocolate is lost. (I cannot believe I had to type that. An entire shipment of chocolate... gone. Truly tragic.) The client waiting for the shipment is so angry he hangs up on Sofia. Now the entire factory has to scramble to get another shipment ready to go in less than 24 hours. Pato tells Sofia not to worry, he'll take charge. Uh-Oh.

End of Episode.



Great job Cathy! We are all sending good thoughts to Mads for her speedy (and complete this time) recovery!

I was so grossed out by Alan continuing to salivate about 17 year old Dani. Blech! I hope that storyline goes nowhere and disappears, fast!

I was surprised that Chava actually told Araceli who he's in love with. No way she can say he led her on or wasn't honest about his feelings.

Silvana disappointed me by losing it over Pato. Not like she didn't know his plans.

Marisol needs to stop. I was proud of Dani for not smashing that cornbread in Marisol's face after she wiped and then licked from her fingers the bit of cornbread off Lucas' face. As Dani called her, the "not so secret admirer."

Get well wishes here as well. And thanks to Cathy for the pinch hit and to Madelaine for the steady supply throughout.

Dani is still the undercover Ripoll? When Lucas discovers her identity, he's bound to view her as deceitful, and will doubtless recall Marisol's interest and her track record of never having lied (to him).

Whether that's a new direction, or just another stumbling block on the road to D&L's happily ever after, who knows.

Chris in FL


So... Cathyx and xlnt are both Cathys? Thanks to whoever wrote the recap for Thursday's episode, whatever your first name is. Sigh.

Sorry, I meant Kathy with a K. Xltnt is also a Kathy, but I will go my her screen name from now on to avoid confusion (even my own) with Cathyx with a C. :)

First of all, get well soon, Mads.

I could not believe Sofía believed Silvana's stupid excuse to explain her "odd" behavior/exchange with Patricio.

If Alexa would only just kick Alan to the curb already. He was insufferable laying it on with Greta. She is basically willing to support him and Alexa.

I loved the interchange between Tavares and Patricio. At least the right person has his number and it happened to benefit Chava.



Dani as the undercover Ripoli ?

Can you be specific on why you've came to that theory ?

Martina just pulled a Maury Povich: Armando is NOT Nandito's father !!!!!!

So, who's really Nandito's bio dad?

Xint, thank you for the fantastic recap. "(Girl, it's gonna take more than cornbread. Just sayin'...) had me laughing away. " One of the Ripoll trucks has an accident and an entire shipment of chocolate is lost. (I cannot believe I had to type that. An entire shipment of chocolate... gone. Truly tragic" echoed my sentiments exactly. Sniff. ;) Excellent.

We finally have confirmation that Armando is not Nando's bio father. That changes nothing as Nando is his son in every sense of the word. Armando and Irma are clearly having issues and I'm not sure that their relationship can survive this if the truth is revealed, even though I believe Armando has a strong sense of family.

Vivi, I could not believe Marisol's audacious, totally inappropriate licking of the cornbread from Lucas' face. Not only does she have poor taste in men, but it was totally disrespectful of Dani. I would not have been able to react so maturely as Dani, to whom I give great credit for being watchful but never reacting with jealousy. And as much as I am reluctant to say so, Lucas has really never given Dani reason to be so.

And as Chris pointed out, I don't think Lucas will be very understanding when he learns just who Dani is.

Jarifa, why Alexa continues to hold onto Alan is a mystery. And just knowing he has lecherous thoughts toward Dani makes him more cringeworthy.

Madelaine, you are very much missed! But, as Vivi noted, please rest and know that we are thinking of you and eagerly looking forward to your return.


By undercover Ripoll imeant only her working at the family factory without any of her co-workers (except Matias ans Silvana and Chava and...) knowing she is one of the owner's family. No intimation that she is otherwise on a secret mission of some sort.
Chris in FL

Diana, why do you don't trust Dani ?


Xint - Thanks. Fine recap. My fave snark: Girl, it's gonna take more than cornbread. Just sayin'...

Armando and Nandito will be father and son forever anyway, but this is some betrayal by Irma. Maybe the roles between Armando and Alexa will switch, with her being the comforter for a change.

I'm disappointed in Silvie too. Woman, remember you are out to avenge your mother. Get your priorities straight. Didn't Pato tell you it was just sex anyway?


Steve, my comment concerning Dani was just a reference to the fact she lied to Lucas about who she is. He thinks she comes from a similar background and has no idea she is a Ripoll. I think he will feel hurt and betrayed. I'm worried Marisol will be there to "comfort" him.

In fairness though, he has a lot to atone for as his thieving days are hardly far behind him.


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