Tuesday, October 14, 2014

La Gata #32 Tues 10/14/14 La Pesadilla

Alternate title: "AAAAARGH! He was so close to seeing Fela!!!"

It's another recap from memory. It's out of order. Please let me know what I forget and I can go back and add it.

Ines is out of jail (I assume on bail) and goes to see Rita in the hospital. She is repentant and asks Rita to forgive her. Rita does and assumes this contrite behavior means that Ines and Garabato have broken up. Ines informs her that that is not the case.

Centavito/Carrrlos and Virginia enjoy a romantic 3-topping pizza and lemonade lunch. Lupe has arranged a singer and a bouquet of flowers. The Meatball thinks it's a bit extravagant (3 toppings!) Lupe tells him that the more Centavito thinks he "owes" the Meatball, the more likely he is to give up La Gata's address. The Meatball finally gets around to asking and Centavito tells the Parmesan Sleaze (™ tofie) that he doesn't know where Esme is living.

Esme tells Jarocha in a long-winded conversation that she and Pablo aren't meant to be. Sure she loves him, but it's too late for them.

Fancy schmancy lawyer types have denied (or rescinded) Augie's invitation to a high society hootenanny. Augie commits phone-i-cide. Lowrenza reminds him that FDLSC offered him a way out. Augie is stubborn and is not going to give in to FDLSC demands. He then goes out to drink.

Jarocha tells Pablo that FDLSC is Esme's DAD not amante.

Pablo runs to tell Mommy. Mommy hyperventilates and calls Augie. He's busy getting drunk. She leaves multiple messages. He finally comes home drunk and passes out. The next morning, Lowrenza yells at him.

Mariano tries to get Pablo to choose his suit for the wedding. More conversation about marrying a woman you don't love. Pablo admits he loves Monica...like a sister. Mariano tells him you can't base a marriage on that kind of affection. Passion sure doesn't grow out of that!

Later Mariano gets excited about the wedding. Once Pablo is married, he can court Esme!!!

Esme has a nightmare in which she watches Pablo and Monica say their "I do"s. She tells him he can't marry Monica. He looks her in the eye and kisses Monica. (Please note, these were actual events that weren't really actual...it was a dream sequence.) Esme awakes in a cold sweat.

Pablo is in his room thinking about the wedding to come (with Monica) and the wedding that was (with Esme.) How different the two events are. He will always love Esme. He and Esme have condemned themselves to misery for the rest of their lives.

Breakfast at Fernando's. Everyone tries to make Esme feel better. FDLSC apologizes for not serving up Pablo on a silver platter for Esme. Meche tries to tell Esme to move on, but Esme says that Pablo was, is and always will be the love of her life. Esme speaks a lot of sense. In fact, I thought during most of her scenes how much sense she was making. We've said in countless comments that novela characters are just hard-headed and stubborn and here she is admitting it. I think it makes this all twice as frustrating.

Esme has a conversation with FDLSC. She and Pablo lacked trust. It wasn't outside influences; it was their stupid pride. His needing to confirm the babies were his just sealed the deal. If he doubted it, they don't need to be together.

Jarocha gets little Pablo ready for a play date at the church!

Pablo and Augie decide sharing a drink is a great way to greet the wedding day. Mariano and Lowrenza yell at them both. Augie denies he has a drinking problem.

Garabato harasses Fela. He takes her doll and he and his thugs play keep away with it. This sets off an episode in Fela. Maria brings Fela to Fernando's house. Fernando tells Esme that her people are always welcome in his house. He goes up stairs RIGHT AS FELA ENTERS!! HE DOESN'T SEE HER!!!

Monica gets ready for the wedding. Her father is still in his jogging suit. He begs her to find some dignity. Pablo is marrying her just for the social status. The scandal around his family is growing! He doesn't love her. Monica just wants Pablo. She doesn't care. The only thing that will make her happy is her parents' support of this marriage. You know, I really agree with Lila's comments about Monica being a pitiable character. It is painful to see her shunted aside and ignored, but at some point I have to lay some of the blame at her doorstop.

Mariano gets ready to take Pablo to the wedding. Pablo starts badmouthing Esme and saying he wants her to suffer. Mariano tries to defend Esme. Pablo starts thinking. He asks Mariano if he's in love with Esme and wants Pablo out of the way so he (Mariano) can give Esme the Martinez Negrete name!

Jarocha brings little Pablo to the wedding!

Previous: Episode 31
Next: Episode 33


Mariano thou dost confound. One minute he's talking sense to Pablo about NOT marrying a person you don't love, but then any time he's alone with his musings he's mooning over Esme and wanting him for himself!

Does he consider what will happen if Pablo actually listen's to him??? Where will he be then?


PRINCIPE SIGHTING!!! He is alive and well and prefers the library!

Thanks, Sara. With Augie's drinking, I don't think Lowrenza ever managed to tell him that his enemy is Gata's father.
Laughed at both dad's trying to stay in their casual clothes up until wedding time. Looking forward to some fireworks in the church.

(I'm still on schedule to recap tomorrow and Thurs. No guarantees on quality, but will cover it.)

Thanks Sara. You know they could have added bridesmaids for Monica to make the wedding more authentic or at least have one friend for her.

I realized that when Pablo is alone, he talks to himself about how he will always love Esme and wants her back, but then when he is in front of people, he says he hates her and she deserves to suffer even after the facts were laid out in front of him 1) the kids are his 2) FDLSC is her father, not lover. Why does he still hate her? I seriously forgot because they've been doing this dance for a while now.

Monica's parents should threaten to stop funding her. I bet living in his parent's house with his broke butt as he sulk and say he's confused will make for a happy marriage.

Thank you Sara---good memory, I think you got it all.

Looks like Ines didn't learn. She isn't giving up Garabato and that guy is Basura. Tormenting Fela? I'm going to check anvil inventory
Garabato needs one.

Yes Sara, I noticed that Principe likes books.

La Paloma---No guarantees on quality, but will cover it. La Paloma, you are quality.

So they're really going to do it.
A church wedding. Does that mean that Pablo and Esme can't have a church wedding at some point in the future?

Caroline---Your last paragraph made me laugh. You are so right. A real happy marriage ahead -- NOT

Well Mariano and Meatball will now be competing for Esmeralda, that'll be a hoot.

Rita doesn't look to be on her deathbed. I don't think writers are going to give us any Rita relief anytime soon. What do you guys think?
the gringo


Sara--your recap had me laughing out loud, loudly!!! Phone-i-cide! We've all seen it, just never knew what it was called. Thank you!

I did see Principe in the library, he was suspiciously still. Was he behind glass? I did see his ears move so I know he wasn't stuffed.

(Oh yes, and the snake on the tree from Monday night...guess it was there for symbolic drama, very interesting.)

Oh yes, Lorenza forgot to tell Augie the big reveal because when he woke up he was hung over and told her he was tired of her yammering. Maybe that put her off? But I loved the scene of Pablo and Dad getting bombed together.

Can't wait for the wedding. Necklace showdown!

J in Oregon


I got the impression that Príncipe was being reflected in the mirror behind them.

Lowrenza said Virginia was one of Monicas bridesmaid. A fact Pablo didn't seem to know. I thought that was a pretty good indicator of how uninvolved he is in the wedding.

La Paloma- I'm with gringo you are quality. I love your recaps and I can't wait to read it (and post it.) We all appreciate anything you can give us.

"Wedding Necklace Showdown"


Excellent Sara! I will set the dvr tonight so that I can see the upcoming wedding disaster that's sure to happen. Wish I could have see Pablo and Ughie getting their drunk on together. :)

Tell me again, why does Pablo still hate Esme?

Glad that Fela was brought into the mansion, although she missed Fer. It can't be long now. Also glad to read there was a Principe sighting.

Great Sara.

"Fancy schmancy lawyer types have denied (or rescinded) Augie's invitation to a high society hootenanny. Augie commits phone-i-cide." Stellar

JnO, at first it looked to me Principe had just returned from the taxidermist.

Mariano - stealth charmer

Monica - come hell or high water

Monica's hiphop pop - hell yeah I'm wearing this, its FUBU Sport

Jarocha - act now, apologize later

Rita - I'll forgive you if you straighten this wig for me

Lorenza - unlimited calls with our framily plan

Fernando - shou'da got my shotgun and gone cross the holler

Esmeralda - oneitis

The Doll - ouch


"Monica's hiphop pop - hell yeah I'm wearing this, its FUBU Sport"

I think you've outdone yourself, tofie! I love this line.

Vivi - Pablo still hates Esme because there are still 80ish episodes to go. Oh and he's not real bright. Pretty, but dim.

I think Pablo hates on Esmeralda because she hasn't come begging at his door and, as he discovers his parents (and his) version of events is not rooted in reality, he cannot accept he was wrong and ask for forgiveness. That would not support his victim mentality (suffering unrequited love for a tramp) and he'd have to leave his own pity party.

Why does Pablo still hate Esme? It's obvious that we don't know. But it gives us a chance to continue the slurs. How about this one, he hates her because he's not potty trained and needs to be spoon fed by his mommy.
Esme is being so cooperative in the relationship and trying to get them back together and Stupid a$$ Pablow who is not fit to live is 100% responsible that it's not happening.

"he hates her because he's not potty trained and needs to be spoon fed by his mommy."

I'll accept this

Thanks, Sara. I want to be invited to a high society hootenanny. The depiction of the dads still in lounge wear up until the last minute was so right on. Varyano continues to wobble. tofie...love your mind.

Yes, Pablo secretly loves throwing himself a pity party. Everyone in this show acts like a victim, especially Lowrenza. In every episode, she asks why all this bad stuff is happening to a good family like them. If I ever make a telenovela, I will create a sassy, won't-take-no-BS character that will have common sense and represents what the viewers are thinking.

Varyano continues to wobble. Now that is clever Susanlynn

You got something there Caroline. Perhaps viewerville could be a virtual player

tofie..thanks..it was the best I could muster after getting up at 5.15 and no breakfast yet.

Caroline..ooh..You could call your antiBS character "tofie"

Thanks, Sara. It was fun watching daddy Augie and Pissant Pablo preparing for the wedding with hefty snorts of booze. I think that that is exactly what I would do if I was enmeshed in this horrid marriage morass.

By the way, Sara! I love when you use exclamation points!

Hi, gringo. I stayed late and made up an anvil especially for Garabato last night, so no worries. By the way, I'm going to make up three gallons of Margarita mix for tonight on the patio. Could you bring salt for the glasses?

Baby Pablo at the wedding? Jarocha comes up with the most inventive ways to support Esme. The need to rent some older babies, though. It would be cool if an older Pablo Jr. would look at Pissant Pablo at the wedding and say his first word: "Dada."


" If I ever make a telenovela, I will create a sassy, won't-take-no-BS character that will have common sense and represents what the viewers are thinking."

Esmeralda is close. Not perfect...but she's getting there. If she could just stop with the "Pablo is the only guy for me!"

David- I am sitting behind my desk snorting at your "Dada" scenario. The students think I've lost it.

And you are so right- Garabato needs an extra big anvil. Do NOT mess with Fela or her doll!

Maybe you could put one of those knit "I am too cool for school" hats that Garabato wears on his anvil. Sara...keep the students guessing or will you tell them you just read a Spanish joke?

Thanks for the recap and the shout-out Sara! Caroline, I love your idea for the sassy no-nonsense, no BS-suffering character...how about an assertive, intelligent, principled galan instead of a pretty boy not yet weaned from mommy's sagging breast for gosh sake! My knickers are not twisted yet but 80+ episodes to go! Yikes! Love your list Tofie, that kind of thing will help!

Re Lowrenza (love that!) freaking out to learn that Esme is Fernando's daughter. . . maybe you guys have discussed this but despite the grim reaper outfit, that looked like Augie who took Esme from Blanca. Augie and Lowrenza were involved in disappearing Esme so she knows they're in for major payback. Perhaps they poisoned Blanca because she did seem dazed when the baby was taken and perhaps they thought she died later.

Also, I can't locate the link to "La Gata" on the sidebar. . .recaps are sometimes hard to find.

Thanks again Sara! Lovely, fun recap!


Favorite female lead characters (protagonistas) include the two female bodyguards in "Corazon Valiente". No sniveling, lots of kick-8ss attitude. Ha! The men in their lives had to work to deserve them. Also, in "Mi Corazon Insiste", can't remember character's name (but it also starred JenCarlos Canela), she had a soft heart but iron will. Esme is excellent...except for that little bitty blind spot occupied by Pablo.

J in O

Perhaps Esmeralda will see Pablo for what he is and the love will die once she realizes her children are smarter and more industrious than he when they hit the terrible two's. Bye, bye wimp.

Tofie---I was going to single out one or two from your list today but I just can't. They're all great. If I move to Florida can I
get what you have?

No stuffed Principe's please!

David I glad to hear that our anvil stock is 100% Garabato and his gang of hoodlums all need one
and we are here to help them out.
Hey, we'll even put their names on them at no extra charge, it's the least that we can do for basura. Tormenting Fela has gone a little too far. They should be proud of themselves torching a poor disturbed woman.

Salt for the tequila glasses, check. I also will be bringing plenty of limes chips and salsa. It's Pablo and Monica's wedding tonight so plenty of tequila is a must. If Augie and Pablo can get bombed before the wedding, why can't we?
The gringo


"If Augie and Pablo can get bombed before the wedding, why can't we?"


Lila-I don't think La Gata is on the sidebar. The blogmom is very busy and I don't think she's gotten a chance to put it on the sidebar. I'm not sure if Kat has the power to do that or not.

OO! OO! Susanlynn--I LOVE to knit! I would love to knit a hat for the Garabato anvil.

Is that ok, David?

Sara...All the women in my family were big knitters and crocheters. ..my grandmother, mother, sister, aunts. Me....not so much. However, when my dad was sick , and we were always in waiting rooms , my sister would cast on the yarn and I Would just crochet back and forth. I made about a dozen afghans in a two year period. No more.

Sara...Could you make hats for Fela's doll baby and Principe, too ?

I'll just leave this right here:


I want a hat, someone, make me a hat!!!

Let me just say that I love, love,love Jarocha and like her I too dislike Pablo, god, why can't more galans be like Daniel from Amor Bravio?

Thanks for the recap; it was no more 'spotty' than the actual episode. Takes real courage to continue to watch this absurd show.
But I'll bite: wanna bet the church wedding will fail somehow. A fairly standard ploy in a lot of TN's and since La Gata is soo derivative, I see no reason why this should change.

Daniel Arenas looks really bored playing this role. (Who wouldn't be?) His next role should have these conditions: hair as least as long as CI or AC; and he should be a mean, decisive killer! No more wishy-washy 'nice guy' It's killing his (SEX) appeal.
End of rant.

gringo, salt, salsa, etc. awesome.

Sara, sorry my earlier musings disturbed the decorum in your classroom.

Re: knitting a gorro for the anvil; make it small; I want to apply it to just one small area of the anvil so as not to provide any cushioning whatsoever.

I'm looking forward to whatever happens at the wedding. The Church may want to video tape this as an example of what is excluded by Canon Law.


Sara..I can tell that we would not have been allowed to sit together in studyhall . I would not want to try to put a sweater on a cat, but a cat in a hat might be doable.

Eli...I think that years ago someone actually made knit beanies and sent them to several folks after someone invented the term "beanies" for helping us suspend our disbelief. I think it was Emily.

Eli, I like Jarocha also. She is plain-spoken, unpretentious, practical. Thank goodness Esme has her around to keep things down to earth. At least sometimes.
I wonder about the wedding...if Pablo and Monica actually get married, it's going to be a major plot dilemma to get them free of each other without, you know...divorce. Which seems almost never happens in novelas.

J in Oregon

Gracias, Sara! It may have been out of order, but everything was there, and hilariously so! To answer the sidebar question, I do not have access. I'll ask again about updating it.

The editing on this show baffles me. They leave in annoying, long-winded scenes, but are ok with letting us assume things, like Ines must have gotten out on bail and Meatball must have had a conversation with Carlos about exchanging pizza for info. And in the case of Ines, I actually would be curious to know what happened...is it just bail or were the charges dropped? Weird.

Something about Esme's logic, that she and Pablo are the ones who screwed things up, almost gives me hope. Like maybe he really will have to grow and mature before they get back together. As for her, I don't know if I agree that she's done anything wrong. If anything, it's her pride getting in the way of being direct and giving information, but at the same time, what's the point when he never believes her?

Are we sure Mariano hasn't been drinking as well? How does he think that Lorenza is going to let him date Esme? Or that Esme is going to want to date him? Dude, she's met your mother! That's a relationship killer right there!

Augie in casual clothing and sunglasses having a drink with bitter, whiny Pablo cracked me up! And boo on Mariano for spoiling their fun!

I get that Fernando wants Esme to treat the house like it's hers and have guests if she wants to, but isn't it just a tiny bit rude that he didn't stick around and meet her guests?

PRINCIPE!!! It was so good to see him just hanging around, cat-like, on the books.

La Paloma, I'm sure anything you put up will be awesome! Thank you so much for doing this!

J..or death..poor, clueless, wishywashy MOnica.

Monica's not clueless, though. Or at least, not consistently. She'll act like a total ditz and then five minutes later "Oh, tia, stop it, we both know he doesn't love me." or "I'll do my best to help you forget, Pablo." She knows why he's marrying her, but she's doing it anyway. I don't get her.

La Paloma-I think you are going to get a great episode!!

If Pablo marries Monica, how will he be freed up to marry Esme? I don't think Monica is "evil" so I don't think she deserves to die (which seems to be the only way a galan/protagonista can marry after a church wedding.)

But will Jarocha stop the wedding?

I'm pretty excited about what will happen tonight.


I don't think Mariano cares about what his mother has to say, he knows exactly what Esmeralda is and I don't think his mothers disapproval will keep him form trying to get Ms.Kitty, but I doubt Kitty will give him the time of day.

I see Mariano as somewhat delusional. His mom would never approve and Miss Kitty definitely wouldn't give him the time of day...but he's still maintaining this little fantasy that Pablo will be out of his way and he can have Esme.

And Mariano doesn't have a job either.

Maybe they cut out the scene where he gets rip roarin' drunk, too.

I have a feeling Gata's laughter after slamming the door in Mariano's face will be heard for miles.

If Jarocha does manage to stop the wedding...or, I guess, if Jarocha's confrontation of Pablo is enough to get him to take action...will Esme still tell him to take a hike? Especially if she finds out that he didn't spontaneously do it because of his luuuuuuurve for her.

Thanks, Sara. I thought I missed a scene or two with Ines out of jail so quickly, but nope. A recap from memory? All I can say is your memory is incredible.

Wondering if Rita is going to stay on the straight and narrow now. Team Fernando could use her craftiness in the service of good.

What a hoot that the dads were dressed for jogging up till wedding time. I hope Monica’s dad actually wears his jogging suit to the nuptials. Something needs to shake up Monica.

Tofie – my fave: The Doll – ouch

So Garabato was tormenting Fela just for kicks? GrrrrH!

I take back what I said about Garabato having a code. He was being a total ass last night. And the night before with the creepy barging into Felas...he had this look in his eyes like he might not want to rob Gata, but he'd sexually assault her.

I am pretty sure that my dad was out in the field until about an hour before my wedding. Monica's daddy probably only needed ten minutes to slip into something a lot less comfortable.

5ft, I think that Garabato trying to sexually assault la Gata would be his best chance to acquire pureed huevos, a dislocated shoulder and a deviated nasal septum. He seems to do ok while in a gang, or up against a weak female, but I wonder how he would fare against a determined spitfire like Esme?


I would like to see Miss Kitty kick Garabato so hard that his goofy knit cap pops right off his head.

I think she could take him, but I hate to have one more bad thing happen to her.

In CI the galan married someone else by priest, they had a kid, got divorced, and the same priest married him and the heroine. There was no explanation for how that was possible. He also just seemed to give up the kid he had with her, and let her and her new man have the kid. He didn't even look back. But he did take on his orphaned nephew. Anyway, Monica could be totally safe if they get married because Ms. Latoodle feels no need to explain some things.

I'm blanking on that part of CI. Who was Oblivio's wife?

Simona. They even gave her a brain tumor and we thought that was the end. But she survived and fell in love with her doctor.

thanks Vivi, now that flood comes crashing in on me about Simona. Didn't we also have some baby snatching too?

Oh that's right! I've blocked out so much of that show.

Sara, no one could ever blame you for doing that...sometimes I still have nightmares.

Sara, a reminder that I don't have current posting privileges, so sent the recap for Wed. to your email. Also sent a copy to Vivi--need someone to post it for me. Thanks!

It's posted and it's GREAT!!! Thank you so much!!!!

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