Thursday, October 09, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE TWO: week of October 6, 2014

Reinamaniacs need their space!

Will the Dragon succumb to hypothermia?
Will FELS-PELS really go to Spain?
Will the real Gregorio Pérez please stand up?

Stick around and find out what Thursday and Friday bring.  

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Let's go!

NovelaMaven--Actually, I was going by the number of comments and we were scrolling further down the page to post. But, yes, I was going to post my last Wisdom of the Dragon for awhile. (I guess I'm like those farewell concerts that go on and on.)

I'll put up the most recent body count, too. I think I have them all.

Thanks so much, Anita, for replying about my remembering that Victor was planning to send Clarita away the second time. I don't think Reina is going to let that happen again. At least I hope she's not wimpy enough for that.

Reina de Corazones Body Count (of minor characters)

The last list was published at Sep 15 Page Two (posted Sun 21st)

24. The magician, who came to perform a disappearing act with Clara, was really a sicario (hit man) – garrotted to death by Victor and stuffed in Reina’s bedroom closet. Apparently, according to what FELS and Javier found in his hideout, Javier was the real target.

25. Gerard Rothstein, The Big Waffle’s brother, in a park somewhere in Las Vegas while holding a gun on Pony-Tail Fiel Boris Bosch – shot with some quick gun work by Javier. The guy dies, or so says PFELS.

26. Church sniper – shot by Javier as he whips out his pistol from beneath his wedding tuxedo and shoots the sniper in the church balcony. He falls and Lopez 2.0 kicks him while he’s down.

27. Nameless bonbon girl, who comes to a flower shop dressed like Reina, down to Reina’s cross necklace expecting some nookie from Victor – dies by Injecto-Death 3000 administered by Victor and left laid out on the counter holding a calla lily and no sex. (Clever of Victor to remember sex would leave trace elements with the violator’s DNA and Dr. Moto would discover it).

28. The sicario punk from Belgium, distracted and caught in the Antiquarian Shoppe hideaway – shot by Javier, assisted by Reina, who kneed him; Boris began the distraction by yelling Police, the place is surrounded.

29. A nervous looking guy who either participated or was forced to participate in Reina’s fake ambulance ride and sequestration as he starts to pray — shot point blank by the dreadlocked capo of the gang of Belgian Wafflers who initiated this prank to bring Javier out of hiding.

30. The two Belgian Wafflers guarding the four who are with the doc and a wounded Reina — shot by Javier before he is shot with some fancy flying moves.

31. The nameless doctor who is attending Reina in the Belgian Waffler’s bodega — shot in the back by the capo of the gang, as the doc tried to make a run for it when Javier starts playing with the lights.

32. Belgian Waffler gang members Number One through Four – shot by Javier as he arrives in the room where Reina is being held.


33. Potential next victim: Madam of the bordello the EMT visited and Victor toyed with and the EMT guy when Stefi finishes with him.

Potential next major character to die: Cristian.


Jean- Sorry to be so late to the party. I loved the recap and headings. :)

Reina sure does sleep with a lot of stuff on- clunky bracelet AND her watch. All the better to track her. I'd just expected Vic to give her another dose of sleeping pills, and implant a cheep in her body like the CIA does.

I have updated the Perils of the Dragon. This latest time is the 5th time Navier has been shot with a bullet entering his body. He's been shot twice (once last night and once by Reina) when he was wearing a bullet-proof vest

The Perils of the Dragon or, It's Hard being Navier

shot twice in back on Victor's orders;

beaten by guards in prison;

knocked out when Reina was kidnapped;

shot in leg rescuing Reina w/fever complications;

shot (graze only) while in shower with Reina;

forcibly sedated on orders of Esmeeth;

knocked out by Izzy and pinned by falling beam in fire in body-storage place;

shot in shoulder by Fico in parking deck;

poisoned by coffee laced with heart-attack flu virus;

involved in roll-over car crash - no injuries;

shot in chest by Reina but was wearing a bullet-proof vest - no injury;

thrown through window of hotel onto van on Victor's orders - minor injuries, broken ribs;

knocked out, chained up, beaten and almost shot on Victor's orders - minor injuries;

gassed in diamond vault by Estefi; and

shot in bicep by Victor with fever complications (ice bath).


...and never those curly locks hair out of place, either.

Wowzers what a body count! Thanks Anita!

Now that's he's passed out (from a minor flesh wound that he could have put some bandaids on!), I hope Boris gets to Navier before that ice melts. Can dragons breathe under water?

What are the chances that FELS really has a dead mother in Spain and isn't just covering up for whatever he's going to do for sister Estefi? I'd guess slim to nil. Doesn't mean he's a bad guy though! (Although all that sexual harassment might).


Subtitled: Who on Earth is Making This Up


A Dragon’s memory is NEVER wrong! (How many times do I have to remind you?)

One cannot shoot a dragon easily. (Remember those 9 lives + immortality?)

A Dragon can worry about damsels in distress and not do anything about it.

A Dragon arrives when you least expect him.

Six months of watching Dragon Moves, does not a Dragon make.

A Dragon is VERY fast.

A Dragon is bullet proof even without a Kevlar vest. (see item #2 above).

A Dragon wearing a “borrowed” police officer’s uniform and a pair of dark glasses isn’t enough to keep him from being recognized. (Remember baseball caps?)

A Dragon has a hard time saying goodbye, so it is easier to say he might pop back up when least expected (see item #4 above).

A Dragon is not an assassin.

You can’t trust a priest with curly blonde hair in big ugly glasses wearing a black felt retired godfather gangster’s beret to absolve you of your sins.

A Dragon is a man of many disguises (some work, some don’t).

My Dragon™ perfume emits powerful pheromones that radiate outward up to 6 feet away.

A Dragon likes to work alone (see all items from Week 1-13).

Sometimes a dragon needs a right-hand man (convenient, but always temporary, see prior item).



Thank you for the Updated RdC Body Count. I'd offer to fill in for you while you're away, but I'm afraid I can never keep these things straight. I'm always foggy about how many guys there were and whether or not they managed to escape. You have a rare eye for these things, my friend. :)

The latest edition of The Wisdom of the Dragon is a hoot and a half. I am especially partial to this item:

My Dragon™ perfume emits powerful pheromones that radiate outward up to 6 feet away.

Indeed. There is a lot of smelling going on in Reinaville and lots of olfactory memories. These nosy lines are always a great challenge to paraphrase because invariably ISBIS.

Thanks so much, Anita!


I'm so glad you're keeping track of The Perils of the Dragon for us. Yes, it IS hard being Navier, but at least he doesn't go unappreciated or unnoticed. Not on the Patio, that's for sure.


the entire story was on hold while the boss went to Spain for a month?

and what about Reina's secret agent training?

and say, who ended up with that diamond Reina had,
did Javier take it?


Jean – Thank you for our Perils of the Dragon list. Only our Dragon and Superman could survive all that.

Anita – Great Wisdom of the Dragon list!!
”My Dragon™ perfume…” BwaHahahahaaaa!!!

deb - we have not been despuesed much in this telenovela, so far. I'm not sure why we had the 1-month FFWd--> but the writers have their reasons.

I see a big anvil over Christian's head... wedding bells... tu abuela .

It was funny when the voiceover for the previews for last night's episode says that Navier is "gravemente herido."
Really? The producers/writers put themselves in a box though when they had Navier wear the kevlar vest, which otherwise was very sensible. They're not going to have him be shot in the head or neck so that sort of leaves the arms and legs. Anyway, the Dragon is back on his feet now after a refreshing ice bath and ready for action.

It was funny how they showed his two women mooning over his absence.

I don't really understand the one month jump but I agree that Christián is the character "most likely to be killed" and I still think that Reina is going to end up pregnant.

Jueves Part 1

The ice bucket challenge taken to an extreme

Navier passes out while taking an ice bath to lower his fever [This is a good example of the ice bucket challenge taken to the extreme].

One Month Later

Reina seeks the help of her dead father

At the cementary, we see Reina walking towards a tomb as she thoughbubbles how one month is sometimes too much time. It’s too much time when you miss and when you need someone. When you are a full of questions, a month can be like a hole - black, empty, and desolate. Sometimes it feels like time never stops and other times it’s like it doesn’t move at all. Sometimes you feel like your life is on a pause. You are paralyzed and frozen. Reina leaves flowers at her father’s (Pedro Ortiz’s) tomb. She asks her father to help her. He was everything for her. He was her support and her guide and she had to learn to live without him. She asks him to help her live without her love.

Estefy has it all except for him

At Estefy’s mansion, Estefy is in her diamond vault. Not only is she keeping her diamonds in there but now she’s also keeping a photo of Navier in there as well. Estefy tells herself how she has all these jewels but doesn’t have Navier who is her most valuable diamond. It has been a month of loneliness and sadness for her. A month of looking for Navier and not finding him. She doesn’t want Navier to abandon her because it's like killing her and she doesn’t want to die. She wants to live with him. By now she holds the photo of Navier in her hands and kisses it. She gets a text telling her there is news about Navier.

His lips are sealed

Esmeeth and ONE agent enter what appears to be a restaurant. A man is face down on the floor. Esmeeth turns him over. The man’s lips have been sewn shut. With a sigh relief, Esmeeth informs the other agent that the man is not Navier.

We used to be best buddies and now we’re not do you want to build a snowman

Over at Casa De Rosas, Victor and Christian converse for a while in Victor’s study. Victor never thought Christian would have the guts to come over. The ex-BFF’s have not seen each other since the whole “I was your daughter’s lover!” / “I was your wife’s lover!” incident. Christian did as Victor asked - he had a patrol car search for Navier and then got off the case. Christian thinks it is best he not get involved with anything in relation to the relationship Victor has with his little bro. Victor agrees with Christian because he wouldn’t want Christian to be involved if Navier were to go through with his threat and spill the beans about Camila to everyone. Victor wants Camila’s name to be left clean. Christian tells Victor that he can count on his silence. Everything that happened was hard on Christian and while he feels betrayed knowing about the affair Victor had with Mirta he knows it doesn’t compare to his own affair with Camila. Christian knows their friendship can’t be fixed. Victor tells Christian that it is not in Christian’s interest to become his enemy. If Victor hasn't acted yet it’s because Greta asked him not to and Victor wants to start things over with his daughter. Christian asks Victor what he means when he says he hasn’t acted yet. Victor means that Christian is still alive.

The operation

At Casa de Estefy, Laz comes to see Greta in her room and greets her with a kiss. It’s the day of the operation and Laz isn’t happy. Greta tells Laz how important it is for her to be able to walk again. Laz isn’t ok with the operation because Greta could die during it. Greta doesn’t think she’ll die during the operation. She tells Laz that Victor talked to the doctor and while there are risks it isn’t many. Laz reminds Greta how she herself told him there was a 50% chance risk. Laz doesn’t want to take the risk.

Jueves Part 2

Perhaps the news of the red diamond will make her feel better

Estefy stares at Navier’s photo in her room. Lopez 2.0 enters and informs Estefy that the lawyer called and Navier’s situation is pracitcally resolved. There is no evidence against Navier for homicide and the judge determined it was self-defense. Navier is free of all charges. Estefy says Navier is missing and not even Esmeeth with the help of the CIA has been able to find him. Lopez 2.0 asks Estefy if she thinks Navier could be dead. Estefy doesn’t think this but thinks that perhaps Navier decided not to come back. Estefy pours her heart out to Lopez 2.0 and tells him she can’t and doesn’t want to live without Navier. Lopez 2.0 tells Estefy that he knows something that might make her feel better. He has found Donna the woman who has the red diamond.

I’ll make love to YOU

Laz wants Greta to understand - he doesn’t want anything to happen to her. He loves her. They are ok like this without risks. Greta tells Laz she loves him. She tells him she needs him with her loving and supporting her. She needs for his love to accompany her in the OR and not his anger and doubts. Laz kisses Greta. Greta smiles and tells Laz this will be the last time he’ll make love to her because after the operation she will make love to him. They kiss.

Let me kill him, sir! Please!

Christian gets up to leave. He tells Victor that if it makes him feel better he wants him to know that he payed for his mistakes and is still paying for him. Nothing can make Victor feel better than that. Christian tells Victor he came in peace. Christian hasn’t forgotten about Camila and Mrita. They will forever be on his conscience. Victor slams his hand on the desk and tells Christian not to compare Camila with Mirta because Mirta had no morals. Victor tells Christian he thinks it is good that Christian is attempting to go on with his life and finding happiness because not everyone can achieve it. Christian leaves. Izzy enters and asks Victor what Christian wanted. Victor replies that Christian wanted to talk nonsense. Izzy tells Victor he’s been waiting over a month for Victor to give him the order to off Christian. Victor tells Izzy to go ahead and do it. Kill him once and for all.

Esmeeth vs Dr. Moto

Over at forensics, the new lip sewn victim is on the examining table. Esmeeth believed it was Navier thanks to the description an anonymous tip gave them about the victim. The victim apparantly had the same physical complexion, height, and skin color as Navier [height and skin color maybe, but definitely not the same phyiscal complexion; the Dragon is WAYYY more buff]. Dr. Moto wonders when all this will stop [most likely the last week of the show]. Esmeeth turns to leave but Dr. Moto stops her with a question. Has Esmeeth heard from HIM? HIM = FELS. Esmeeth tells Dr. Moto that FELS is HER boss. Dr. Moto tells Esmeeth that FELS is a boss whom Esmeeth has slept with on various ocassions. Esmeeth had no idea Dr. Moto kept tabs on her sex life. Dr. Moto had no idea that Esmeeth was interetsed in her ex. Does Esmeeth want Dr. Moto to write up a list of her other ex’s? Maybe Esmeeth will like someone from the list. Esmeeth tells Dr. Moto she had enough with FELS. Does that mean they are through? Esmeeth basically tells her to mind her own beeswax. Esmeeth tells Dr. Moto to try to get back together with FELS. The two could get back together if not then Dr. Moto could find someone else. Esmeeth tells Dr. Moto not to mess with her or else. So the score is Esmeeth: 1 Dr. Moto: 0

I believe I can fly

Laz and Greta are in the middle of some lovemaking and in between smooches they chat a little. Greta tells Laz that he makes her fly. When she is with Laz he makes her feeel the same adrenaline rush as when she up in the air [huh?]. Laz tells Greta he is her air. She feels like dying of love and he tells her not to die because he needs her with him. Greta wonders how all this could be wonderful and magical. Because it is real replies Laz.


Jueves Part 3

The single life is not for me

At Casa De Connie, Connie is looking at her wedding drress sprawled on the sofa. Reina visits. Connie is getting married tomorrow and Reina believes it’s crazy for Connie to be getting married when she loves Izzy. Connie thinks her love for Izzy is a minor detail and tells Reina that Izzy is a criminal just like Victor. Connie doesn’t want to stay single forever and can’t see herself as a nun because it’s just not her style. That’s why she wants to marry whoever she can. Connie will never love anyone as she loves Izzy and Christian is the best thing that could have happened to her and well not everything can be perfect.

Silk bedsheets can be slippery

Yoli dances and shakes her booty as she cleans when JJ shows up and startles her. He’s come to see Laz. What about Yoli his GF? Yeah he’s come to see her too! But Greta’s operation is today and JJ knows how Laz feels about it. Do you know how I feel? Yoli asks JJ. Yoli feels like she’s burining up! She kisses JJ just as another maid lets Susana in. Susana clears her throat and apologizes for having interrupted. Susana has come to see Estefy. Lopez 2.0 appears and tells Susana that Estefy will be right down. Lopez 2.0 tells Yoli he needs to give her a list of things Estefy needs. Yoli, Lopez 2.0, and the other maid leave. JJ asks Susana how things are going with her “merchant”. Susana corrects him on the pronunciation and tells him things are going well just like things are going well for JJ and Yoli. JJ goes on about how opposites don't attract and it’s better to be with someone who has the same tastes as you. The same tastes is music and movies and even the same taste in bedsheets. JJ was always slipping on her silk bedsheets and he assumes the “merchant” isn’t slipping. Susana tells him he assumes right.

Slow and steady wins the race

Izzy wants to give Christian a slow death. He wants to relish with the terror in CHristian’s eyes as he kills him. He gives some suggestions on how it could be done. He could shoot Christian in both legs. He could strangle Christian. He could stab Christian in the back. Victor likes this idea. But Izzy thinks about it twice and tells Victor that if he stabbed Christian in the back he wouldn’t be able to relish seeing Christian’s face as he killed him. Victor can see the hate Izzy has for Christian and doesn’t think it is a good idea for Izzy to be the one to kill him. Maybe Izzy could find someone else to do it. Victor tells Izzy that either way they’ll get the same pleasure as they would by killing him knowing that Christian is dead. Victor wants it done after Greta’s operation because he doesn’t want problems with her and doesn’t want any mistakes. Izzy will think about it. Asuncion enters the study to tell Victor that Greta’s doctor is there to see him.

Her face says it all

Esmeeth enters her office and wonders where Navier could be. She finds FELS sitting at the desk and he asks her if she won’t greet him after a month of not seeing him. He gets up and walks towards her and wraps his long manly arms around her. He asks her if she missed him. The look of yearning on Esmeeth’s face says it all.

Jueves Part 4

She as stubborn as her mom. No not her bio mom. Her adoptive one.

Susana talks with merchant over the phone and tries to make JJ jealous. It seems to be working because JJ makes faces as she talks. Susana talks about the wine she and the merchant had the other night and how it made her lose control. She tells the merchant she has a new baby doll that he’ll love. What? A garter belt? Aren’t you naughty? she says. Who knows maybe she’ll surprise him. Estefy shows up and Susana throws down her phone. Estefy wasn’t able to sleep last night and neither was Susana. Estefy was up until late talking to Greta about the operation and wasn’t able to convince Greta to not go through with it. JJ tells them that Laz tried to talk to Greta too but wasn’t able to convince her either. JJ says that Greta is as stubborn as her mother. No not Estefy. He means Susana. Greta and Laz show up. No one wants Greta to go through with the operation. Greta is doing this for herself because it is horrible to be in a wheelchair with a body that does not respond. She asks them to understand and tells them she is going to go through with the operation.

We have a little problem

Doc tells Victor that something unexpected came up. Doc had told Victor that there was a good chance for Greta to walk again and all the risks were under control. Victor wants to know what is going on. Doc tells Victor that Greta is preggers.

The curls are well hidden for a change

Reina walks to her car as she thoughtbubbles how it has been a month without seeing Navier. Without hearing his vocie. Without his laugh and his breathing. Without feeling his scent and without touching him. Her heart is on a pause. She doesn’t know if her love is alive or dead. Hey now! Who’s that homeless guy over there behind the trash bin. It’s Navier. For the first time his curls are well hidden by the disguise. Navier hides from Reina and she doesn’t see him. He recalls how he regained consciousness after passing out and emerged from the ice bath. He stood by the mirror and looked at himself. We got a glimpse of the dragon tattoo and then at Navier’s face. The dragon is reborn. Back to the present, Reina gets into her car.

The operation must go on

Victor asks how it’s possible for her daughter to be pregnant [I guess Big O never had the birds and the bees chat with Victor]. Doc saw Greta was preggers on the last blood tests. Victor wants to know - are there risks for Greta? Doc replies that there aren’t risk for Greta but she could lose the baby. Victor doesn’t care about the risk that Greta could lose the baby [his grandchoild] and tells the doctor that the operation must go one. Oh and no one must know about the pregnancy!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Juves Part 5

It’s been a difficult month

This month has not been easy for Esmeeth. Despite all the investigating she did she wasn’t able to locate Navier. FELS knows this because he never lost contact. Esmeeth imagines things were difficult for FELS as well. Things were difficult and the worst part for FELS was realizing he never told his mother how special she was and now he won’t be able to tell her. FELS was investigating Boris while in Europe. FELS has Boris under 24 hour surveilance. FELS tells Esmeeth that Boris is well trained and won’t make a wrong move. Esmeeth has news on the hitmen. They were all hired by German and were determined to finish the job despite German’s death. Esmeeth tells FELS it was motivated by revenge. She telle FELS that the CIA worked together with the Belgium police and they were able to dismantle the organization. Esmeeth can now relax knowing that there aren’t any hitmen after her son. Dr. Moto enters the office. She heard FELS was back. She hugs him and gives him her condolescenes. FELS’s mom was a great woman. She knows it is a terrible loss for him.

It’s bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress

Christian enters Casa De Connie [Connie needs to learn to lock her door] and catches Connie while she’s with her wedding dress. She goes to hide because it’s bad luck for him to see her with it. Too late. He’s seen it already. Christian doesn’t believe in superstitions and tells Connie they will get married tomorrow.

How can I kill you let me count the ways

At Casa De Rosas, Izzy’s in the kitchen pondering of ways he could off his rival err follow the orders of his boss and kill Christian. He imagines shooting Christian several times. He imagines strangling Christian. He imagines stabbing Christian several times. He relishes with these images in his head. Asuncion shows up and is surprised to see Izzy all smiles. She’d thought he’d be upset with Connie’s upcoming wedding. Izzy tells Asuncion he is more mature now and if Connie is getting married he has no choice but to step aside because sometimes you lose and sometimes you win. Izzy gets a phone call.

He left you! Hahahahaha

Victor walks Doc to the door and tells Doc he knows what to do. Doc assures Victor it will turn out fine. Doc leaves as Reina arrives home. He asks her where she came from. She replies that she went to the cementary because it’s the anniversary of her father’s death. Victor asks why Asuncion didn’t go along. Oh wait he knows why because Asuncion abandoned and cheated on him and it just wouldn’t look good for Asuncion to have come along to the cementary. He wraps his slimy arms around her and throws in her face how happy it makes him that Navier abandoned her. He hopes Navier is having the worst moments of his life. Reina leaves and heads upstairs. Izzy comes and tells Victor he has Donna’s new phone number. Victor says the diamond will finally be his.

If you want something done right do it yourself

Greta is ready to head for the hospital. JJ and Estefy will come to the hospital later because they have things to do. Greta thanks them all for their suppprt despite not being ok with her operation. Estefy tells Greta not to forget how important she is in her life. They all leave except for Estefy. Lopez 2.0 shows up. He is awaiting orders from Estefy. He had Donna’s phone bugged and knows Donna received a call from...Estefy knows who Donna receieved a call from. Estefy wants to take care of this personally [because sometimes if you want something done right you have to do it yourself and that definitely applies when it comes Lopez 2.0 who can’t seem to do anything right].

Jueves Part 6

Ya basta with the secrets

Reina sews in her room and Asuncion brings her coffee. Asuncion knows it is a special day for her. Reina tells Asuncion she went to the cementary in the morning. Reina wants to be distracted and not get sad so she decided to do some sewing. Reina tells Asuncion she has done as promised and hasn’t told anyone about Asuncion’s son. Navier listens in from his hideout via the camearas he had planted at Casa De Rosas and is surprised to hear this about Asuncion’s son. Asuncion doesn’t think Estefy blabbed either at least not to Victor who she is sure would have said something to her if he knew. Reina is sick and tired of all these secrets especially between parents and children. Asuncion asks if she says this because of what she read in her diary the day of the wedding. Navier listens in attentively. Reina hasn’t wanted to tell Asuncion what she found out and she tells Asuncion that she will never tell. There are some secrets that cannot be revealed no matter how much you want to tell everyone. Asuncion tells Reina to tell her because she can trust her to keep the secret. Reina still won’t tell. Reina wants to finish the jacket and hopes one day HE will use it. Reina will like to be alone. Asuncion gets up to leave and before leaving thanks Reina for letting her be close to her and Clara who now knows she is her grandmother. Asuncion leaves. Reina sniffs the jacket and then lays down on her bed and cuddles with it. She receives a phone call but there is no answer from the other end. She asks if it is Navier and asks him to talk. She eventually hangs up.

¿Donde Esta Navier?

Esmeeth wonders where Navier is [ok we get it she wants to find Navier; does she have to say the same thing three times in one episode!] FELS brings her some info on Boris. There are connections and possible hiding places for Navier in the info. Esmeeth asks FELS if he believes Navier is in Las Vegas. FELS does because the dragon doens’t seem like the type that would go far especially since his love is there. Esmeeth will look at the info in the computer room. FELS stops her and tells her he missed her and would have loved it if she had come along with him. He sometimes needs to take stop being the boss and for someone to hug him. Esmeeth gives him the hug he needs and he kisses her. She eventually pulls back after a few seconds and leaves the office.

Chrisitian needs a good wakeup slap

At Casa de Connie, Connie tries to open Christina’s eyes and make him understand that Victor is capable of murderer and is dangerous. Christian is blind as a bat [or worse] and refuses to believe it. Connie tells Christian there are things she knows but can’t tell him because it would affect others. Christian tells Connie that she’s so imaginative and that’s what she loves about her. She is his peace and shelter. He tells Connie that if Victor were a murderer he’d be dead already.

I’m here to save you, sweetie!

Donna arrives at Victor’s love pad. She’s mad and he thanks her for coming. She doesn’t know why she answered his call after he was so rude to her the last time. He apologizes to her. She tells her how she had to escape and change her phone number because they were after her. She found her place ranshacked when she returned home after being with him the last time. He tells her that he came just in time to save her. They eventually start getting it on the couch.


Jueves Part 7

May I take a look at those results

Greta is at the hospital with Laz and Susana. Susana tries to convince her not to go through with the operation. Susana mentions how Victor started all this. Greta tells Susana that her dad helped her. Susana tells Greta that Victor didn’t want to lose her and doesn’t realize the risks. Doc comes in and informs Greta that they’ll do last minute checkups and if everything is ok they will begin the operation. Laz asks the doctor to see the results. Laz has been talking to a doctor friend and doctor friend doesn’t have the same opinon as Greta’s doctor. He doesn’t think Doc should have any problems with him taking a look at the results.

Dear Diary

Reina writes in her diary. It’s day 31 without her dargon. It is another endless day full of questions and uncertainess with this emptiness and pain that she can’t and won’t get used to. She wants her love to come back. From his hideout, Navier watches Reina via the cameras. Clara comes into the room and hugs Reina. Reina is happy that Clara loves her again. Clara asks Reina why she’s so sad and Reina replies it is because of Clara’s dad.

Nookie interrupted

Victor and Donna have moved over to the bed for their nookie. They are interrupted by Estefy who points a gun at them. Donna asks Estefy who she is and what she wants. Estefy replies she wants the same thing as the imbecile next to her. She wants the red diamond. Victor tells Estefy she should be looking for her hubby and not a diamond that doesn’t belong to her. Estefy says she came for her diamond. Victor tells Donna how impulsive Estefy is. Donna says she doesn’t know what they are talking about. Estefy will give her until the count of three or she’ll kill them both.

Dads, dads, dads

Clara tells Reina not to be sad over her dad. Her dad is mean but he is her dad and he has to love her, right? Clara tells Reina how her dad has a strange way of loving. She doesn’t know how he was with Camila but he also sent Greta to a boarding school and lied to Clara about Reina. Reina tells Clara never to confront her dad with this. He must not know they know it all. She makes Clara promise. Clara wants to pray for Greta and for the Dragon who she misses. Asuncion comes in and hands Reina the phone. She has a phone call.

One. Two. Ok I’ll talk.

Back to the loved pad, Estefy begins counting. One. Two. Donna decides to talk. Estefy asks her where the diamond is.

Great recap, Mauricio!!! I loved the ice bucket challenge reference. I bet you were hoping no snagged that one before you did. I also liked Silk bedsheets can be slippery and The curls are well hidden for a change.

I thought exactly the same thing when Esmeeth found the dead guy with his lips sewn up. You didn't need to turn him over to see that wasn't Navier.

It was kind of ghoulish but I though Izzy imagining and us seeing all the ways he could kill TWCILV was very funny. As was the dumbest cop assuring Connie that Victor wasn't a killer. Famous last words!!

Fabulous recap Mauricio!
with lots of little details,

you have such a wonderful take on things.


Mauricio wrote: When she is with Laz he makes her feeel the same adrenaline rush as when she up in the air [huh?].

I believe Greta is referring to when she was performing up in the air in the Cirque-du-Soleil-type act she did before she fell.

Loved the recap, Mauricio. Ice bucket challenge was inspired! :)

The reason Greta mentioned being back up in the air is because she was an aerial acrobat-- that's how she had the accident that left her paralyzed. Gosh, I hope Laz sees those results and puts a stop to this before Greta goes under. As unethical as he seems to be, I don't even trust that doctor with the surgery, minus the pregnancy complication.

There's got to be a valid reason for the one month time jump, right?


Mauricio – Thank you for the recap and the snark. My favs ---
”The ice bucket challenge taken to an extreme”
” How can I kill you let me count the ways”
” Dr. Moto wonders when all this will stop [most likely the last week of the show].”

Eeew! Another victim with his mouth sewn shut. Seems like it would be the same killer, but what’s the connection with this latest victim? Otherwise, it is just too darned random.

Oh Connie, please don’t marry TWCILV/TSCILV just for the sake of getting married! That is pretty desperate. And so pathetic.

Susana was acting so eighth grade, going on and on about her fake 'marchand' boyfriend to Juanjo. GROW UP,GIRL!!!

Hola, does anyone else think Navier looks like a marble statue? David by Michaelangelo? He's one cute guy! I agree with Deb, what happened to Estefania's red diamond?

Thanks so much, Mauricio. That was a great recap!

I am going to be very annoyed if murderous Izzy ends up with Connie. I am up to HERE with how much they love each other. She shouldn't marry Christian either, but hopefully it won't be because he's been murdered by Izzy.

Yes, Susana's behavior is beyond ridiculous. Making up a boyfriend to spite someone you really love is just SO 7th grade.

Well, I'm pretty sure Victor's plan to have Greta lose the baby he thinks of not as his grandchild but as the child of the peasant Lázaro when the surgery goes forward is going to blow up when Laz sees the medical report. If there's one thing more sure than the female and male leads surviving to the end, it's the sanctity of the almighty fetus.

Hi Anonymous 4:48

Navier/Eugenio does look like a marble statue. I don't think I've seen any actor with such pale skin. It's particularly noticeable when he and Reina are unclothed together. She is perfectly tanned all over and his skin is as white as a corpse (or a marble statue) - a cute buff corpse or statue.

Here's the red diamond status report as I understand it.

there are 4 red diamonds:

Victor still has #s 1 and 2;
Ambulance guy gave #3 to the madam/singer and we don't know what she did with it. Stay tuned for tonight's episode; and
presumably Connie still has #4 or maybe Navier has it. All we know is that Navier saw Connie and Reina with #4.

novelera - ITA. Victor telling the doctor to go forward with the surgery just adds to his guaranteed condemnation to hell.

Since when is the doctor even allowed to tell Greta's father that she is pregnant??? We have HIPAA laws in this country to protect her privacy. It doesn't matter who is paying the insurance premiums, either. (Oops, my telenovela beanie hat is falling off . . . )

Thanks Mauricio! I was short on time and FFd through all the Susana and Juanjo scenes. I appreciate your details.

I hope Laz gets to see those results!!

Jean-Many thanks for the Red Diamond report!! I had sort of lost track of them.

Navier is unattractively pale, IMHO. I don't find it marble-y or deathly. It looks like raw chicken skin to me. Blech. I'll admit he's buff, but boy needs some spray tan.

Sara- LOL! Poor, pale Navier. The muscles and curls do make him look like the statue of David.

I really hope Connie still has that diamond. I don't trust her ability to keep hold of it. Especially since the last place we saw she had it was in one of her nephew's toys in the living room! Because that's really secure. I would not be surprised if Navier got hold of it after he and Reina had nookie last time.

Sara - " raw chicken skin" Eeeew! (LOL). He is deathly pale, though. Even a bit of spray-on tan would help.

I thought the singer said where the diamond us, or was that in the previews for tonight's episode. I was up late watching, so can't remember. And I sure won't give away a spoiler!

Where is NovelaMaven today? She is MIA.

just wanted to give a quick thanks for your recap Mauricio! Chrisitian needs a good wakeup slap So true. Is there a line for that?

Also agree on Susanna's childish behavior. Too bad Juanjo is so taken with her.

a cute buff corpse or statue Jean, LOL funny way to describe him but accurate. Handsome either way though.


I don't think Sara will mind if we discuss last night's capitulo a little before the recap gets posted.

A long time ago, Esmeeth told Navier that he might make more progress on the investigation if he weren't so obsessed with Reina all the time and that seems to be the case. With Navier separated from the two (well three, including Esmeeth) women in his life, the CIA investigation seems finally to be making progress.

I definitely got the impression last night that FELS is Estefi's brother. His weird silence when Reina told him and Esmeeth about the brother was telling. She took her time about passing on this information. She's known about the brother for a month. Is Vic still tracking her on her watch? Does he know that she is visiting CIA headquarters? I guess she could say that she was called in for questioning about the body with the lips sewn shut.

The guy who was supposed to be Reina's uncle looked waaaay too young for that.

I was reminded of the 1984 Rockwell song, "Somebody's Watching Me" ( with it's chorus, "I always feel like somebody's watching me..." That could be the theme song of the last couple of capitulos where Navier sits in his lair watching everybody.

Singer/Madam is the newest edition to the minor character body count when Victor uses the Injecto-Death 3000 once again.

Jean - The camera definitely lingered on PFELS too long and too often, last night. After watching, my money is on him being their brother, too.

Reina's uncle .... that guy on the table didn't have blonde hair. It looked dark, to me. I don't have time this morning to look back at Thursday's episode, to see if he had blonde hair in that episode.

If Reina's supposedly-already-dead-for-years uncle finally showed up dead, most likely her father is still alive, too. Otherwise, why is that $2mil sitting in a Panamanian bank? We still don't know who was Carmen's 'secret boyfriend' who bankrolled her, or who killed her.

It's starting to look more like Reina's dad may be behind at least some of our ongoing mysteries. It can't be long now before we meet him.

Well, it's looking like our theory about FELS is turning out to be true. He was definitely affected to learn about Reina's brother,and then took the time to walk Reina out. I don't think he's ever been so polite to her before.

I was thinking exactly what you guys said last night. Navier gets so much more done on this case when he isn't in the middle getting pulled into Reina, Vic, Stefi drama every day.

I don't mind at fact we may all need to think tank this one. I watched my recording late last night and when I awoke this morning, it was gone!! I swear I don't remember erasing it.

Here's what I remember (out of order):

Reina's jumpsuit almost perfectly matched the wall hanging behind her.

Reina's uncle (Rodolfo Ortiz?) is the dead man with the sewn lips and yes, he looks way too young. Records show he made phone calls to Asunción days before his death!

The doomed cantante coughed up the info on the diamond. She sold it to some guy. She gives the address to Estefy.

That guy is Navier.

Victor killed the cantante. Then he and Eestefy got their fingerprints all over the laundry basket they put her in. And it looked like they were covering her up with sheer curtains.

Vic and Estefy head to the pawn shop where the diamond purchaser is. They get locked in. Estefy worries about missing Greata's surgery. More lines. Vic shoots the door open they leave...

BUT Navier has camera-ed this place too and he was watching and listening. He heard and saw Vic make threats with the Injectodeath 3000. He somehow managed to get a close up of the Injecto Death and and sent this info to Esmeeth. OH, he also sent both Estefy and Vic a picture of the Diamond while they were in there.

(Mind you the picture he sent was not some blow up of camera footage. It looked almost like a catalog pic. QTH?)

Somehow Esmeeth gets a full 3D moving diagram of the Injecto-Death. This is going to be the evidence they need to get Vic de Rosas.

Connie tells Izzy nothing better happen to "her" Christian. Victor is bad news of Izzy hasn't noticed.

Asunción gets stuck in traffic due to some accident. Izzy starts thinking "heeey...accidents happen every day."

Susana channels her inner Jan Brady and continues to play like things are going well with her Marchand George Glass (too obscure a reference?) Juanjo acts aloof. Honestly I FFd all their scenes.

Greata's sketchy doc applies the HIPAA laws to Laz (but not to Vic...juarever.) Laz is forced to break into the doc's office. But he doesn't find anything.

Laz calls Dr. Moto and asks her to find info on the doc. She doesn't find out anything about the doc, but she does manage to hack the hospital records and discovers Greata is pregnant. Too bad Laz's phone battery is low!

Forgot to add...
Izzy contracts two guys to get rid of Christian and make it look like an accident. Izzy knows Italian. Makes me wonder if he's a bigger "pesce" then we've been lead to believe.

I'm really hoping that the previous stuff with Laz and Moto were just so he would have someone to call that could help in this situation. I still don't like the idea of a Greata, Laz, Moto triangle.

Sara-You did an excellent job from memory. And if course the conversation between Reina, Smith, and FELS.

I also couldn't take my eyes off of Reina's psychedelic jump suit. And yes, it matched the white wall with the large black metal art piece. :)

Shucks, Doris, thanks for noticing! Actually, I had to see a guy about a thing...

Mauricio, ¡espectacular como siempre!

Doris and Jean, I agree that FELS-PELS spoke volumes with his silence.

And Navier sitting in his bunker watching it all on his laptop --

"Somebody's Watching Me"

Hah! I was thinking of the film, "The Truman Show."

Now to catch up with Friday...

thanks so much Sara!

the pants on Reina's jumpsuit being totally black from behind was just strange.

ah, so we see Javier with only one diamond, does this mean Reina/Connie have, or misplaced, or lost the other diamond.

I was amazed at Victor killing the singer, then throwing her across the room, on to the bed.

Isidro was sure hamming it up when he was playing the big boss ordering the hit on Cristian.

and what were those things Connie brought Laz at the hospital?

so we spent the whole show hoping Laz would discover that Greta was pregnant and stop the surgery, at least now dra. Moto knows, but Greta is finally wheeled into the operating room and...


I hope Dr. Moto calls the hospital immediately after she tries to call Laz of the dead cell phone battery.

Mauricio, your recap was detailed and hilarious as usual. I love your titles. Sarah you memory is excellent. Good recap.

To add to the comments that have been made about FELS behavior toward Asuncion- a few weeks ago, the first time he interrogated her, he was incredibly polite and gracious to her. He pulled out her chair to sit down, made her as comfortable as possible, then listened respectfully to her story. This kind of graciousness is odd behavior for FELS. I think it is another sign that she is someone important to him.

Deb: I think Connie still has Reina's diamond. The one Navier has is the the one that fell on the floor of the ambulance.

Connie brought Laz rabbit's feet and other good luck charms that their grandmother had.

Good point, Anonymous 1:22, about FELS' treatment of Asunción when he interrogated her. But they were alone. If she knew he was Gregorio, wouldn't she have said something? I go back to the scene where the guy came to tell Estefi that he came on behalf of her brother. Is it possible that neither Estefi nor Asunción have ever met the adult Gregorio in person? They've only talked to him on the phone? We recall that FELS operated in that manner with Esmeeth (and she was unable to recognize his voice when she did meet him as Feranando San Juan).

If FELS is Gregorio and he has been nice and considerate to Asunción then he doesn't hold a grudge because she never came and found him after his parents were killed. If so, that is a conspicuous difference between him and Navier.

Thanks, Sara! Here's some extra stuff. Sorry if I'm repeating anything:

Part 1

The doctor won't allow Laz to see Greta's chart even though Greta has him given her permission so when the doc is called away, he sneaks back in his office to take a look. Unfortunately the doctor returns and kicks Laz out on his ear before he can read anything.

In a last ditch effort to find out what sneaky doc might be hiding, he calls Dr. Moto and asks her to look into this surgeon and his possibly murky past. She comes up empty on the doctor himself. She reports this to Laz. We see his phone battery is low.

Moto doesn't give up; she manages to hack into the hospital's records and discovers that Greta is pregnant!

CLIFFHANGER: Will Dr. Moto get that info to Laz BEFORE Greta has the operation and loses the baby?

Susana tells Juanjo that her new boyfriend makes her feel like a... a porno star in bed. (I think she's been spending too much time in Estefi's house.)

Juanjo and Susana wonder why Estefi and Victor aren't at the hospital.

When Estefi threatens to shoot on the count of three, the singing madam admits she sold the diamond. She holds out a little piece of paper to Estefi. Victor quickly dispatches the madam with his ID 3000, grabs the paper and takes the gun from Estefi. He and Estefi will pay the a visit to the poor shmuck who bought the diamond.

We see Javier holding up a red diamond to the light and staring at it. So presumably he is the poor shmuck...

Estefi is taken aback. "You didn't have to kill her," she tells Victor. "So you could kill her yourself with an unloaded gun? I KNOW you and how scared you are of guns!" Victor prepares to dispose of the body by wrapping it in sheets in a laundry cart. He gives her some helpful advice: Estefi should use a knife or a bow and arrow the next time she wants to kill someone. (Anyone else think she's going to use that advice in the future on Victor himself?)

Flashback: Lopez gives Stefi the unloaded gun. He disapproves of what she is planning: "Una arma se usa para matar, no para aparentar." (You use a gun to kill, not to pretend.)

Estefi ask how this is going to work: there are two of them and only one diamond. "May the best one win," says Victor.

Now there are three victims with their lips sutured shut: Rocky, the owner of the Little Shop of Horrors, and Pedro Ortiz's brother Rodolfo. Did the three share a secret?

Reina is summoned to the CIA. In the presence of FELS-PELS and Dr. Moto, Esmeeth informs her that the latest corpse with the sutured lips is Rodolfo Ortiz, the brother of Reina's father and therefore her uncle.

Reina says that can't be true -- her uncle Rodolfo died years ago. All she remembers is that her uncle and her father were very close and worked together. One day, Rodolfo disappeared; her father said he died in an accident in Mexico. Dr. Moto perks up. It was precisely in Mexico that Rodolfo began to work as a hitman and ended up as the right hand man of a huge arms trafficker.

Reina is escorted to the CIA morgue and identifies the (much too young) body as good old Uncle Rudy.

Later, Reina hands Esmeeth some flashdrives which contain photos of Victor's documents and the numbers of some of his accounts in Switzerland. This should be enough to hold him on.

Javier takes a picture of the diamond and then puts it diamond away in a small wooden toolbox.

Part 2

Connie comes to see Izzy at the De Rosas house to warn him that if anything happens to Christian, she'll see to it that Izzy goes to jail.

When Asuncion returns from grocery shopping and tells Izzy about a bad accident a block away -- a man was run over! -- Izzy has an aha! moment. If he can't murder Christian outright, he can stage his death as an accident!

We see Izzy playing the Godfather and ordering two foot soldiers to take care of Christian.

Victor and Estefi arrive at some kind of pawnshop and ask the boy working there for Harry. Meanwhile Navier watches and listens remotely on his laptop. While Victor and Estefi wait, they exchanging gibe about poison; he holds up his ID 3000 to her neck; she is obviously uncomfortable and tells him to back off.

"La pulsera!" says Javier, watching. He gets a close-up of the killer bracelet and sends it to Esmeeth from an untraceable server on a second computer. Then he devises some schematics for the working of the apparatus (I assume -- we don't actually see this) and sends those to Esmeeth as well. Now the CIA understands the murder weapon in the Case of the Bon Bon in the Greenhouse.

FELS barges into Esmeeth's office with news: the last two calls on Rodolfo's phone were with Asunción. Reina is sure that Asunción knows a lot more than she is telling.


Victor notices the security camera in the pawnshop. He realizes he and Estefani have fallen into a trap, a trap so clever it could only have been devised by his little brother. But it's too late. Gates slam shut and they are locked inside. Oh no! But then Victor remembers Estefi's gun. Would López really have sent her out with an unloaded weapon? He thinks not. He checks the gun and he's right. It's loaded. He tells Estefi to back away and then he shoots out the lock so they can escape.

Other details, dear Reinamaniacs?

Wow, we have an embarrassment of riches this weekend: tag-team recapping by Sara and NovelaMaven.

This was a very exciting episode.

I'm STILL furious about Izzy and our sweet Connie being in love with a sociopath.

I'm also STILL hoping that the silences and odd behavior of PFELS are red herrings and that he's NOT Gregorio.

My money is on the survival of Greta's fetus. Long years of telenovela watching have taught me that normally only villainesses lose their babies. And then they usually wear a fake baby pad to fool everyone.

And -- best of all -- no torturing of Reina by Victor. Actually she tortured him when she told him he could dream all he wanted about her loving him, she'd never forget he cost her all her dreams

novelera- I hope FELS turns out NOT to be Gregorio. I don't know why. It just still feels too obvious to me.

NovelaMaven - Glad you are back amongst the Reinamaniacs. You and Sara have covered everything.

The lighting in the pawn shop did not flatter Stefy and made her look ten years older. Perhaps black just isn't her color, nor red lipstick.


Jean this is Penny. I am the one who made the comment about FELS behavior towards Asuncion when he first interrogated her.

I don't think that she know that he is her grown up son, but I do suspect FELS knows that she is his mother. Hence the very respectful behavior.



"Long years of telenovela watching have taught me that normally only villainesses lose their babies. And then they usually wear a fake baby pad to fool everyone."

Maybe times are changing or stories are getting crueler, but I can think of a few pregnancy losses recently:

In the current Telemundo line-up, the leads in Los Miserables and Señora Acero both suffer brutal pregnancy losses at the very beginning of the story.

In El Talisman, Karyme Lozano's character suffers a late pregnancy loss after a beating so disturbing that several Caray people stopped watching the show.

In Abismo de pasión, a minor character, Sabrina, is abused and subsequently miscarries.

It's ugly out there, Novelera, and not even the good guys are safe.

Thanks Sara and NovelaMaven!

This was a very good episode.

Darn! Lazaro should have charged his phone the night before. I always do that to avoid it being on low battery during the day. OF course he was probably too worried about the operation to even think about his phone. I hope Dr. Moto can find a way to contact him. Maybe she could hop on her motorcycle and race to the hospital. Of course Greta is already going into the OR.

Reina sure threw Asuncion under the bus by releaving her secret to Esmeeth, PELS, & and Dr. Moto. BTW how come Dr. Moto was present during the interrogation. Is she a secret agent too? Shouldn't she be looking at a corpse.

I HATE how Izzy has just ordered to off Christian and make it look like an accident. He definitely doesn't deserve to end up with Connie. I hope he calls it off or the plan fails.

I did get the feeling that PELS was the brother. I can't wait until the big reveal takes place. It should be good.

I loved how Navier has the 4th red diamond. I wasn't expecting that at all. I hope this means Victor and Estefania won't be able to get their hands on it. I loved how he trapped them at the pawn shop and how he found out about ID 3000 and reported it to Esmeeth and PELS.

PS: The year that Victor had to get the four diamonds before the curse takes place should be over by now with all the time jumps we've had. The writers must think we forgot about it.

Can't wait until next week. It is sure to be another exciting week in Reina-land.

Our protagonists actually did do the ice bucket challenge. Here they are if you are interested in seeing them:

Eugenio Siller

Paola Nuñez

Doris, I agree that Estefi wasn't looking her best in the pawnshop. The camera (and hair and make-up) are usually far kinder to her.

I never did weigh in on the Eugenio question. Personally, I think the contrast of his alabaster skin next to Reina's morena skin tones is... um... aesthetically pleasing. And his face is nicely pinked up, but not ridiculously so. So marble statue, maybe. Corpse? Never! (BTW, those white statues in museums used to be painted -- or so I recall from long-ago Art History courses -- so not even the David looked like the David.) :D


PS: The year that Victor had to get the four diamonds before the curse takes place should be over by now with all the time jumps we've had. The writers must think we forgot about it."

Hah! The writers should read this blog -- they'd know we don't forget anything!

wow, thanks so much NovelaMaven, for giving us the fine print, these little details you added really colored in some of the blank spots for me.

and good point about the leads in "Los Miserables" and "Señora Acero" losing their babies, for some reason I was still stunned that they can't have kids,
like Patricio.

and isn't one of the conditions of Isidro offing Cristian, that it be done AFTER Greta's operation, but what happens if by miracle someone stops the operation, has Izzy screwed up again.

as to Eugenio Siller's complexion, he would still need some make up to be a mime,
but after seeing him in Aurora, I think of him as a dancer, which he is.


My pleasure, guys. And not that I'm obsessed or anything, but I thought it might be interesting to add details about a couple of other key scenes:

In the CIA office, Reina Outs Asunción
(Compiled from several smaller scenes)

FELS-PELS: Whether she likes it or not, Asunción is going to have to tell us everything she knows about Rodolfo Ortiz.

Reina: I'm sure Asunción has many secrets.

Esmeeth: Is there something else we should know?

Reina: Yes, there's something else: I have a brother. Yes, Asunción had a son before I was born. Maybe you can help me look for him.
[Reina has just made a phone call in front of FELS-PELS and Esmeeth]

Reina: Well I let Asunción know that they're going to bring her here and you're going to question her. She was pretty surprised. Or do you think she had something to do with my uncle's murder?

Esmeeth: No, Reina, no one said that. It's just that Asunción knows a lot more than she lets on.

FELS-PELS: For example what you just told us about having an older brother.

Reina: Well apparently Asunción abandoned him as a newborn and the father, "El Coyote," was the one who raised him -- the same guy she went back to when she left my's very strange. The point is that Estefanía and I have a brother in common.

[The camera lingers on the face of FELS-PELS.]

Reina continues: Believe me, I was as surprised as you when I found out Estefi and I had a brother in common, but what can you do? That's life. ... I can't change anything.

Esmeeth: And that's something [that will affect you] for the rest of your life.

Reina: Yes, I know. Asunción had this other child before she met my father, so my father never knew of the existence of this child [she had] with another man.

Esmeeth: Another man who is no other than "El Coyote." The odd thing is that she never told us that she knew him from before.

[FELS-PELS stands up, seemingly anxious to stop this conversation and hustle Reina out the door.]

FELS-PELS: Anyway, we'll talk about it with Asunción at the appropriate time. Reina, we're finished with you. You can leave. I'll see you out.

so is el Supremo (Patricio Picasso) related to Pablo Picasso?

it's a tough life for a sterile guy, did dra. Moto lie, err, tell the truth?


And then there's this one:

Reina joins Victor at the hospital. Victor reveals a bit of vulnerability

Reina: Are you sorry you decided on the surgery?

Victor: No, I never regret my decisions, although I have to say I'm pretty confused. Greta is the only one who carries my blood and right now, as she fights for her life, I feel that if I lose her, my own life will go with her.

Reina: Everything changes when it's about your children, doesn't it? ... Well I have to go home to Clara. I'll be waiting for news -- let me know what's happening.

Victor: Please, why pretend that it matters to you? I know you hate me, and the truth is I don't want your pity.

Reina: Don't worry, Victor. I don't feel sorry for you -- and I don't feel love for you either. I'm just concerned about Greta.

Victor: I also know I'll never get a hug from you -- even a phony hug -- that would let me dream that you love me.

Reina: No. You destroyed all MY dreams. Why should I give one to you?

That was great dialogue and delivered so well by Reina and Victor. Not one bit over-acted.


"it's a tough life for a sterile guy, did dra. Moto lie, err, tell the truth?"

Would Moto lie to Laz when he never asked her the question? That would be PERVERSE. So yeah, I guess she would.

Do we think FELS is a real Picasso? I always assumed he was a fake. [I do LOVE the image link! Thanks!]

Doris, I agree about that scene of Reina's and Victor's. That's the thing about this show -- it's crazy and parodic, but also has stuff like this where real actors deliver real drama.

Thanks so much NovelaMaven!

I agree that the scene with Victor and Reina was vey well acted.


In her last tn, Mentir Para Vivir, the Greta actress lost her baby pretty late in her term. She also got HIV from her boyfriend. So, yeah, tn writers are quite willing to make good characters suffer with miscarriages and even irreversible illnesses.

The New York Times reviewed the electric KIA Soul and part of the review read:

Kia’s good decisions started with the choice of the Soul as a platform. It’s not only that the trademark groovy design of the gas-powered Soul is a proven success, on track for some 150,000 sales in 2014. And it’s not just that the hamsters in the ads are so cute, or that the Soul served as an appropriately modest limo for Pope Francis on his visit to South Korea in August...

So I guess the rodents are hamsters. You couldn't tell by me.

So they're HAMSTERS, Jean? I suppose if you have to pick a rodent...

BTW, I spotted my very first snot-green KIA Soul in the wild the other day. Mr. Maven was driving. I got so excited, almost made him swerve off the road!

I've been thinking about the gathering in the hospital.

The only one with any sense is Lázaro (sort of The Mouse that Roared) and no one listens to him.

Susana, knowing everything she knows about Victor, still trusts blindly that when it comes to Greta, he will only do what is best for her.

Victor, in his arrogance -- his hubris -- has decided that he knows what is best for his daughter just as he did years ago when he broke her heart by sending her away to boarding school. He is the only one who knows about Greta's pregnancy. He decides it is expendable. This is Big O Redux: Big O broke up Victor and Estefi because he KNEW what was best for Victor.

If Estefi knew about the pregnancy, she would surely put it to Greta to decide what to do...

And there's Connie with her assorted rabbit's foot charms and plaster saints, and Juanjo worried about Laz's true love and still admitting that what he felt for Susana was the REAL THING, and even Reina worried about Greta because she has become close to her in the last year or so...

I wouldn't want to be in that surgeon's position -- If he talks, Victor will kill him.
If Greta dies, Laz will kill him (if Victor doesn't get to him first)
If Greta survives, but doesn't walk...
If the operation succeeds, but the pregnancy is sacrificed and Greta finds out...

So many ifs.

I saw the Kia rat ad on another network but the Kia was all-electric, and the rat cast included a novela style female rodent, that was also drawing some attention from the rat pack.


ah some more fine print NovelaMaven, so nice of you to do this, and so interesting that writers are adding such detail, making our little story so much more rico.

Asunción, the commonly ignored house servant appears to be a reluctant vault of information affecting all of our characters.

(the word asunción also translates into assumption, "something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof")

and Victor, so interesting your comments relating his actions to his dad,
(and didn't the doctor assure him that the operation would be a success, the only real danger was to the unborn child?)

I think Victor intentionally wants the new baby gone,
but on the other hand what does this say about Laz and Greta,
were they trying for a child?
(but the real bomb here is that dra. Moto knows, no matter which way the chips fall).

and so true what you say about this show "it's crazy and parodic, but also has stuff like this (the Victor/Reina chat) where real actors deliver real drama.


". . . and the rat cast included a novela style female rodent, that was also drawing some attention from the rat pack. . . "
LOL! Did she have big boobs and a very short skirt?

I often wonder if there is any significance to the names given to telenovela characters.

Because I have better things to do and I am procrastinating,,, I spent some time (mostly @ Wikipedia) looking at some of the characters' names and possible connection of their names. Some have a bit more than mere coincidence:

Victor/Octavio de Rosas --- Wars of the Roses

Estefania Perez Hidalgo
Hidalgo --- traditional titles for men of the Spanish nobility;
Perez --- a name associated with many famous politicians, artists, etc.

Nicolas Nuñez --- Vasco Nuñez de Balboa - Spanish, explorer and conquistador in South & Central America

Patricio Picasso --- Pablo Picasso -Famous painter who demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his early years (as did our wunderkind “PFELS”)

Lazaro --- New Testament biblical character; “stand up and walk” (literally from Reina de Corazones)

Laz & Connie Leíva --- Leíva surname of many famous athletes & politicians in South America

Reina Ortiz --- David Ortiz famous baseball player from the Dom. Rep.

Susana Santillana --- famous fútbol athlete in Spain

Dr. Montoya a/k/a Dr. Moto, motorcycle racer --- Juan Pablo Montoya, famous race car driver

Asunción – “The Ascension” in Christian history; City in Paraguay

Juanjo García --- Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead fame?

There are more match-ups to the names listed, but nobody wants to read THAT much . . .

Perhaps, in reality, the names are simply dropped into a hat, then pulled & assigned at random.

The original Kia rodent ads (2011) were much more hamstery. They got a make over this year.

Thanks, Sara. Wow, who knew the Kia rodents were such a big deal. There is even a video to show you how to dance like a KIA hamster (that's how they spell it).

Damn you, autocorrect. They spell it HAMSTAR!

Doris, thanks so much for your analysis of the names in our novela.

I would add a correction. I'm pretty sure the female name Asunción is the Spanish for assumption, and for Catholics:

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15 August; also called in old liturgical books Pausatio, Nativitas (for heaven), Mors, Depositio, Dormitio S. Mariae.

This feast has a double object: (1) the happy departure of Mary from this life; (2) the assumption of her body into heaven. It is the principal feast of the Blessed Virgin.


Doris: You didn't mention El Libertador, Simón Bolivar, the great liberator. I bet that name wasn't chosen at random for the hero of our story.

Novelera, I think you and Doris are both right. You can translate Asunción as ASCENSION or ASSUMPTION and in a religious context, they mean the same thing, a taking up or ascent into heaven.

Actually, novelera is correct. The Ascension marks the day when Jesus went into heaven, forty days after the resurrection.

Jean - Thanks! I researched Bolivar and missed him when I compiled the list.

oops. Right you are, Doris. Sorry, Novelera.

Hey guys!

Can anyone do the recap tonight? I am in the middle of trial and won't be able to do it tonight.


Caroline, I can do it.

[Jean reposted your request and I answered you over on the new page too.]

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