Thursday, October 09, 2014

La Malquerida # 33 10/8/14

Hola Amiguis! Everyone is coming to terms with thier lives xcept a couple people. Cris and Acacia are about to go onvacay but before they go Acacia goes to her Papa's crypt and wants some enlightment. She is hurting snice she has lost Uli. Speaking of Uli, he has come to see Acicia and Este wants him gone. Cris comes and tried to stop uli from going, but Acacia sides with Este she doesn't want anything to do with Uli. And there is the little matter of the rebuildiing of the bodega
Here  is an ear worm.rED rOses for A bLUE Lady
Dans has shown up at Benevente iof course he is on th hunt for Ale. Dans tells Cris he cn help her project to educate her peeps on the haceida with cmputors and books anything she needs. Este ovehears and tells Cris he doesn't trust this guy. Don't accept a thing fom Dans.

Later Rubio and Dans. Rubio wants to know what the facination is with Ale, well she is his women! La De Dah!

Perla is meeting with Nuria and Uli is there Uli is mad at Nuria because she is overselling/or selling the plots of land to close together. Nuria accuses Uli of WANTING to get rid of her because Acacia hates her.

German comes and aks Dans what the heck Dans' interst inAle is. Dans doesn't say, After DANS LEaves German asks Cris if Dans came to see Ale, Cris is shoked.

While that is going on, Ale and Aacia have contacted a lawyer and both try to convince Ale to denonce this dud, but she is sill too afraid of him.

Ale goes to work and Norbie is there. Since poor Ale is a supporter of Grman's painting, Norbie fires Ale, German comes and tells Norbie he can't fire Ale, it's illegal becsuause Este hired Ale. And Besides Ale feels sh just cannot work for a douchebag that wont support his son . After norbie goesGerman tellsAle he knows she loves him, does she need time? He kisses Ale and now w know tht Ale lied when she said she didn't love him and wanted him to go.

Rosa and Rubio are talking about Luisa's place. Louisa is not marrying Rubio anytime soon and she tells her A buela one day she'll hsve her own place and will never be called a sirventa again.

Manuel and Acaica do a bidez deal with Peppers. They tell Cris.

Chris and Jules have A Chat, Chris wants to know why Jules has never defended German against Norbie's anti painting crap. Jules explsains ABOUT Andres being a painter.

NOrbie confronts Cris and she tells him that German wil be showcasing his paintings with her photos. H e is all kinds of pevved. Cris also tells Norbie never grab her like that again.

Acaia gets a delvery of flowers Este is peeved cause they are from Uli and now Roa gets grief for allowing them in. and Rubio gets crap for not keeping Uli out. Este wants those flowers sentback.


Thanks for another recap this week Mads! So much drama last night.

I did not like that Dan is ingratiating himself at Benavente by getting involved with Cris' education projects. I finally agreed with Esteban, which hasn't happened for a long time. And he's paying Rubio major money to keep tabs on Ale and German.

Dan told Rubio that Ale does not know about his illegal businesses, but that he wants her as his mujer, not as one of his working girls. Seeing as how his competition is Big Sexy, and not knowing the history Ale and Dan have, Rubio thinks Dan's chances are slim. If only they were.

Ale was quite cruel in her attempts to push German away. But there is no way he'll believe she doesn't love him after all the time they've spent together, and even her current actions like defending him to Norberto. I really felt his frustration trying to make sense of her actions, and feeling correctly that it has something to do with Dan. But when words fail, go in for the passionate kiss! Woohoo!

Uli did manage to get out that Nuria just drove him home because he was drunk and that nothing happened. At the very least, it planted a seed of doubt in Acacia that she might have jumped to conclusions. Hopefully, she and Cris will discuss it while they are away.

Loved Cris standing up to Norbie and telling him to hit her, if he dared! I don't think he's used to people standing up to him like that, although both Ale and German also defied him this episode. Not a good day for Norbie.

The business Manuel wants to open is a video games/arcade business, and he wants Acacia to help him hire an assistant. Well, Ale just lost her job. But I'm guessing Norbie wouldn't allow Manuel to hire her.

Oh, the lawyer basically said that because the young woman they were inquiring about (they did not say that Ale was the person) is no longer a minor, in order to prove that the underage abuse happened, they would need a witness to testify to that. Considering that would mean Perla, and mean this would all become very public, Ale doesn't think she'll be away to put Dan away that way. The other thought they had was investigating to see if Dan still has that brothel and denouncing him for that. Acacia offered to check to see if the brothel in San Jacinto was still open. But Ale begged her not to get more involved because it could be dangerous, and Ale doesn't want to put any of them in danger.

Madelaine, any day we get to read one of your amazing recaps is a good day.

"Rubio wants to know what the facination is with Ale, well she is his women! La De Dah!" and "He is all kinds of pevved" were my favs.

I loved the fire eminating from Ale when she rightfully raged at Norberto. And of course hearing her defending him told German everything he needed to know - that despite her words, she loves him. His tortured expression told us that while her words were devastating him, he knew she was the wounded one. Oh dear...

Vivi, very insightful comments. Yes, it was revolting that he is trying to impress Cris (and succeeding) by offering the equipment.

Norberto picked the wrong person to direct his anger to, didn't he? I cheered Cris for standing up to him as well Vivi.

My thought is that Danilo should be publically accused and pressure put on Perla to testify. If only Ale had told Cris the entire sordid mess, Danilo would have been exposed, barred from the Association and be shunned. Also, doesn't she realize German will be so much more devastated the more time goes by? And heaven only knows how he will find out now.

Ale is unable to see the fact she must enlist help - it may already be too late. Dan is waltzing into Ale's home at will and another terrifying encounter with Ale will surely happen very soon. I'm not quite sure Rubio realizes exactly who Danilo is and his playing with that knife means serious business. It's not just for cleaning his nails.

I feel for Uli. I think he is a good man but it will be an uphill battle for him between Esteban and Acacia's childish jealousy.

When Cris and Acacia went to get in their car, Esteban did grab Cris and really did look as though he did not want her to go. That was interrupted of course by yet another hug from Acacia.

Can someone kindly tell me what Cris' father overheard Este saying to Rubio in the barn?

And getting mad at Rosa? Get a grip Este.

Looks like Papa Peniche is making an appearance tonight! I loved he and Ruffo together in El Nombre del Amor. I wonder if he will have any scenes with Brandon?

Thanks again Madelaine for your dedication. This was great!


Thanks so much, Mads. Does Rotten Raunchy Rubio ever do anything besides skulk around while smirking, eavesdropping , and picking his teeth ? His scenes with Damdan are cringeworthy. And I am sooo tired of Este's singular look..the furrowed brow and pouty lips. . Get those eyebrows up, dude....and never ever play poker.

One thing I Have to give lovesick puppy Este is that he is rightfully suspicious of Damdan. He is not buying what oily Dam is selling and does not like him swarming all over Chris. Despierto , a hero instead of a zero.

Be a hero not a zero. LOL, Susanlynn! Yes, time for Esteban to focus all that pent up energy and passion on keeping his peeps safe, instead of lusting after his stepdaughter and losing his cool with his wife. I think most of his discomfort was jealousy over Dan fawning over Cris, but I’m ok with that, as long as he uses those feeligns to dig deeper into Dan’s background.

Diana- I also don’t think that Rubio knows just how dangerous Dan is. He seems to think he’s just another rich dude with shady business. He didn’t seem to take Dan’s threat that he might have to get rid of Memo because he talks too much (to Perla), and Rubio too if he opens his mouth, seriously at all. When Dan says “get rid of” he doesn’t mean fire.

Esteban was going on and on about how much he’ll miss seeing/being close to Acacia while she’s away, when Juan Carlos walked in. Frankly, I tune out when he starts talking about his feelings for Acacia, so I didn’t get all the details. JC walks in and asks, “You love her that much?” Frankly, I don’t think he heard enough to know Este was speaking about Acacia. I think he’s going to assume he’s speaking about Cris, as he should/would.

Yes, Este did look desperate to hang on to Cris as she was saying goodbye. I love that she was so confident as she left and said the separation would do them good. Loved her confident attitude when her last words to him with a smile were, “Miss me.” Not, I’ll miss you. Ha! Of course, she has no idea that he’s also desperate to keep her daughter home too. Rubio brought up the love vs desire conundrum again, and wondered who Este will miss more.


Madelaine - Fine recap. Hope you are feeling better each day.

Juan Carlos looked ticked when he said "you love her that much?" So I'm wondering if he's thinking Este is being too clingy and demanding with Cris (not Acacia!) by not wanting her out of his sight for even a moment. But then, maybe the writers are just playing with us. Because right before Juan Carlos entered, Rubio warned Este to cool down his tone or folks would realize his true feelings for his stepdaughter.

That was some kiss! I give German (and Ale) an A+.

Ale needs to think about the future girls that Danilo will force into prostitution if she doesn't stop him.

Ulises is a scrupulous businessman. Nuria, not so much. When Nuria stressed her professionalism in selling properties (even though Perla's manicure shop didn't warrant the bloated proposal she pushed) and then cried like a baby cause Ulises didn't approve, I was hoping Ulises would see what a mess she is.

Vivi, thank you for adding so many crucial details.

I didn't realize Danilo threatened he might get rid of Memo. While I hope Rubio relays this, I think Memo knows the deal. The cut on his hand was his first warning. He sees the way Danilo treats Perla and he certainly sees what he is capable of. I must admit I have a soft spot for Perla as she is so pathetic. I don't want Danilo to physically hurt Perla any more than she has been. That said, we know he will and I hope Memo steps in to stop him. Permanently.

Ahh, so JC thinks Este was talking about Cris. And I appreciate Cris' parting words to Este. What a treasure she is. What a shame he doesn't realize it.


I have to go to Los Angeles today so this probably will be all from me but want to quickly post and say Thanks Madelaine. You are so appreciated. I will read all of the comments later on today.

A big show last night with a lot happening. Dan is moving ever so closer to Ale. I wish that I didn't have to look at him again, he is so repulsive.

From reading everything today it does look like Ale will need Perla's help to bring DanEvil down but they both would be in big danger. Would Perla go against Dan? He told her that he would marry her? We'll see where that goes.

The whole thing with Perla looking at the mockup of the development had me confused.
Is she going to open up a business when everything is built? Is DanEvil bankrolling her?

WOW!!! Norbie is spinning out of control. He manhandles Julie and now he's going after Cris. Cris isn't married to him and will not stand for his ABUSE. Look out Norbie, you're skating on thin ice

I'm glad that German knows that Ale still loves him but he now knows that there is something more going on. This story is getting very good.

Acacia and Ulises---maybe Acacia will give things a second thought.
She is explosive and often acts without thinking things through. Some time with her mother will do her good.

Can't wait for tonight to see where all these things are headed.
Must see TV.
the gringo

Twice my comments disappeared. I cant redo exactly the same causr I am bit frustrated. 1) did Rosa and:or daughter get used and dumped by rich men? I missed first 2 weeks do I might have missed that.
Secondly, I said I got a kick out of the look Ale gave Aca when Aca proposed pj party. She gave her the funniest look like she was wondering what was in Aca's pipe to suggest such a weird thing. Turns out that look was because she was confused, she didnt know anout aca breakup.
Have a great day y'all!

Novella Lover - They haven't shed any light on Rosa's or her kid's past love life, so we don't know if either was dumped by a rich guy.

I'm home today and just saw Arturo Peniche being interviewed about his new role on LM. Brandon Peniche definitely resembles his pop, and I couldn't help but wonder how funny it would be if Manuelo too turned out not to be Norberto's biological son.

Novella Lover- Just saw your original comment made it over on the La Gata line.

Yes. I noticed Ale's look the other day. I thought it was because she had no idea what a pajama party was, having spent those years girls do that kind of thing in a brothel-- a different kind of pajama party. :)

Niecie- I'm so excited about Arturo Peniche joining the cast, seeing him act with his son, AND that he will be competition for Este it looks like. Yay!

Diana..I agree with you about petulant Este yelling at Rosa was childish. Is he getting any work done ? Is his infatuation with nubile Acacia due to a raging midlife crisis ? QTH

Thanks for the recap!

Regarding Ale and German, I think *something else* is coming with that kiss. Like I said, German is going to make it hard for Ale to break up with him. If they do "go there" tonight we shall see what Ale feels about that.

I said before that I don't feel sorry for Rubio regarding the Luisa situation, BUT Rubio does seem to have a brain. He sees the things going on around him. So far he's the only one who knows Este's secret. He seems to enjoy this role he has per se.

The fact that Nuria wanted to get the most out of Perla's business seems a little fishy to me. Ulises is right: she's not doing business the right way. It seems like she's doing it for her own benefit.


TF- Well that kiss certainly had enough passion behind it to lead to something else (can't wait to see how it plays out tonight). But I just don't see Ale backing down on this plan to break up with German since she sees it as the only way to keep him safe. But I also don't see him just accepting that, just like he refused to back down this episode.


I agree. However, I think after a while German might move on. If there comes a point where Ale succeeds in making German think she doesn't love him anymore then he will have that right and unfortunately that will mean Ale will also be hurt. So it's a lose-lose situation for both.


Vivi, thx for letting me know I sent my comment to La Gata. I dont watch that, and never even lurk on the recaps. Total oops.

Niece, thanks for letting me know the beginning episodes didn 't make mention of Rosa or her daughter being involved with tich folk, but since Rosa has major major worries about that happening to Luisa, its my opinion that some point Rosa will break down and make a revelation about a tragic story that happened to her or daughter. You can see her worrying and torturing herself and Luisa incessantly with those fears. I wish someone would explain that she will be attracting that which she cant stop obsessing over. That she could manifest those fears into reality. I wanted to mention that best selling book that points that out....but I having serious senior moment. Dern, I am even posting in wrong blogs!

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