Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #66 11/17/14 Lupe' Needs to Make a Choice

From Friday:
From his sickbed, Javier asks Lupe' to forgive him.
Sofia and Chava meet with Raphael Silvetti who likes the proposal. Sofia tells Chava that if the deal gets done she'll owe him one. He suggests they take the bus back home.
Irma tells Araceli that she knows how to make Armie stay with her.
Alexa and Armie look at apartments together.
Captain Tavares talks to Renzi about the robberies. Renzi claims he had no idea the neighborhood was that violent.
Chava asks Sofia to imagine that all the people on the bus are customers of Ripoll. She likes the idea.

They can all buy my chocolates. - except the guy
who dropped the chicken on my head.

Tavares watches Renzi carefully, "All this crime makes people scared. Then they can be forced into selling their homes."
Renzi laughs at the idea that he is responsible for the violence. "The only thing I'm guilty of is offering people lots of money for their homes. But now that I know about this crime wave, my company may have to reconsider."
"That's your decision." Tavares warns Renzi that he's serious and keeping an eye on things.
It's easy to keep an eye on you.  
You glow in the dark like a traffic cone.
Chava and Sofia arrive at the bus terminal in Mexico City.
Silvana lies in Pato's arms on the couch. He has to go back to work and console Sofia. "I'm sure it's not good news. She'll return empty handed." Silvana thanks him for staying with her. "I know that you really love me." He tells her to get some rest, then leaves.
Silvana cuddles up with the Snake.
At the factory, Lucas stops Dani in the hall. She doesn't want to listen to him bitch about Miguelina working for rich folks again. Lucas has heard about her hunger strike. He gets close to her, "You were very brave to confront your mother. I know I was rude to you..."
"Very rude."
"I was wondering if there's a way..." Just then Oliver interrupts them.
Not that one. The new one is better!
Matias talks to Marisol in the break room, "I know you love your dad, but he's never worried about you. If he's really sick he should go to the hospital instead of causing problems for your mother."
Can't you see that your dad
is just a turd in Lupe's punchbowl?
Oliver asks what Lucas does at the factory. "You told me you were the Director of Human Resources."
"No. I told you I worked for the manager of Human Resources."
Dani realizes they know each other. Oliver hands her some study materials. Lucas stomps away.
Oliver asks, "Is there anything between you and Lucas?" Before she can answer, Noemi tells Dani that Sofia is back. Dani excuses herself, "I have to get back to work."
Sofia and Chava arrive at the Ripoll house. Fausto comes out to greet Sofia and is surprised to see Chava. "It's a pleasure to see you Salvador!"
Chava grins at him, "I've returned her safe and sound. I should go now."
Sofia gives Chava a little kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for everything, Salvador."
After Chava leaves Fausto chides Sofia, "You have a lot of things to explain, senorita." She smiles and laughs.
Paco is angry with Lupe' about Javier's return. "He can't stay here!"
"But Paco, he has a high fever."
"Then he should be in the hospital and not here."
Lupe' tells him that Marisol insisted that Javier stay in her room. Paco yells, "He's a liar! He's just pretending." He heads to the bedroom to throw Javier out. Lupe' runs after him.
Sofia tells Fausto that Chava was with her at the business congress and that he was a great help to her. Fausto asks, "When did he arrive? Where did he stay?" Sofia confesses that Chava arrived the day before the congress and stayed in the room with her. Fausto taps his fingers together and presses her for details.
Did you...? You know... Do the horizontal bop?
Sofia dashes his hopes. "No. Salvador is a gentleman and I am a lady." Sofia wants to take a bath and pushes Fausto toward the door. She promises to tell him more later. Fausto puts his hand over his heart. "You girls and your forbidden loves will be the death of me."
Paco confronts Javier. "You're an irresponsible drunkard!"
Javier coughs, "I'm very sick, Paco."
Lupe' takes Paco back to the living room and cautions him, "Javier shouldn't know about us or about the divorce."
Oliver catches up with Lucas and asks him what's going on with him and Dani. "Nothing. If you want to start something with her, go ahead." Lucas storms off. Oliver thinks a moment, "I guess there is something between them."
Other than the abs, what could she possibly see in him?
Renzi calls Pato to tell him about the visit from Captain Tavares. Pato cautions him, "Don't give him any reason to suspect anything." Sofia enters the office and Pato quickly ends the call. She asks how Renzi is doing. "He's recuperating."
Just once I wish she'd listen at the door.
Pato takes her in his arms and apologizes for not going with her to the congress. "I'm sorry that it didn't go well."
"It was marvelous. I negotiated an important deal with an Argentinian importer. We are going to go international! I am so happy!"
Pato hugs her, "You're incredible, tesoro."
I'm beginning to think she's actually smarter than me.
Chava comes into the house calling for Lupe. He goes from room to room and finds Javier in Marisol's bed.
That's not your bed, Moldilocks.
Chava rips the covers off the bed and orders Javier to get the hell out. Javier pleads, "Salvador, son..."
"Don't you call me son!"
Javier coughs into his handkerchief, "I'm very sick."
"This isn't a hospital!"
Lupe' runs in and pleads with Chava, "He's sick. Marisol insisted he should stay."
Chava is undeterred, "I'm giving you three minutes to get out of this house!" He storms from the bedroom and Lupe' follows, "Let him stay until the fever goes down. He's your father."
"No! He's never been a father to me! I won't spend a penny taking care of him!"
Javier appears in the doorway and walks toward them, "Maybe I should go." He collapses onto the floor.
Once again, Javier assumes his normal position.
Lupe gets down on the floor and takes Javier's hand. She looks up at Chava, "Let him stay. But don't do it for me or for Marisol who loves him. Do it because you are good and kind and noble and because it's the right thing to do."
Chava has had enough. "No! If he stays, I'm leaving!"
Paco is furious that Lupe has allowed Javier to stay in her house. Araceli tries to calm him down. Paco insists that Javier is only pretending to be sick. Araceli is worried that this has messed up Lupe's divorce. The papers that Araceli filed claimed Javier had abandoned Lupe'. Now Javier can argue that he has returned.
Dani congratulates Sofia on her success at the business congress. Alexa is excited to show Sofia the presentation she's been working on. Alexa sits down at the computer and starts the slide show with a florish, "Presenting the new uniforms of Ripoll Chocolates!"
Sofia stares at the picture in disbelief.
Wouldn't that be a little... cold?
The next design appears.
Sofia and Dani both seem... skeptical.
Wait. There's more.
Good Grief.
They wear more clothing at Hooters.


Alexa finishes the slide show with this little number.
Only appropriate for a waitress in a Chocolate Bar.
On the phone, Pato complains to Renzi, "I don't get it. How did Sofia get this contract?" Renzi has his own theory, "All she has to do is show those legs." Pato laments, "All my work is going down the drain."  Renzi is happy to find out that he isn't the only one with problems.
Peralta hands Isadora an envelope full of money. "Don't spend it all in a bar." Oliver comes into the office and kisses his parents. Peralta asks him about Daniella Ripoll. "You'd be marrying a girl from a good family."
Oliver says, "She's not interested in me."
Peralta thinks that will change when Dani finds out who Oliver's father is. Oliver says that Dani isn't interested in money.
Alexa urges Sofia and Dani to say something about her designs. "Say that my proposal is fabulous. That it's original."
Just think of the money we'll save on fabric.
Sofia can only manage one word, "Radical." Alexa can't believe it. "You don't like it! They're the latest designs from Europe!" She breaks down in tears, " I put in all that effort for nothing!" Alexa runs down the hall crying. Sofia sends Dani after her. "We don't want her to have a panic attack."
Armando sees Alexa crying and asks what's wrong. "Queen Sofia didn't like my designs! I was excited about them and I worked really hard!"
"Did you ask for the reasons why she didn't like them?"
"You should have listened to her. She's the director of the company and she's been here for many years. Don't be so childish. You need to talk to her. I'm telling you this for your own good."
Javier apologizes to Chava for not being a good father. Chava yells, "My mother raised me alone while you were out chasing women!"
The following scene was deleted from the US version:
Chava remembers being a kid and watching his drunken father laughing and kissing two slutty women on a couch. Chava runs his little race car across a table trying to ignore what's going on but the drunken laughter continues. Chava asks, "Papa, when are we going home?"
The women laugh at his question. Javier and the women get up from the couch. He says, "I'm not going home anytime soon, little man." Little Chava watches as Javier and the women go into the bedroom and leave him alone.
Chava's thoughts come back to the present. He looks at Javier lying in Marisol's bed. "I have no love or respect for you Javier Cruz. You are dead to me. I took care of the family that you abandoned! You better get well fast. You only have one day." Chava rushes from the room.
Paco offers to take Javier to his house. Chava doesn't want Paco to be bothered. Lupe' pleads with Chava, "Please, son. Don't leave."
Paco agrees and tells Chava, "Don't leave Lupe' and Marisol alone with him. Who knows what he's like after all these years."
Chava says grimly, "No. I won't."
Sofia asks Noemi if she's talked to Silvana. Noemi tried calling her several times since Sofia arrived, but Silvana doesn't answer. Sofia thinks she should go see her. Alexa approaches and Sofia apologizes to her. "I hurt your feelings. You're very talented. You just need to watch and learn. Think about Dad's vision for the company." Alexa and Sofia hug. "Together, you and I are invincible."
Paco tells Araceli, "We better leave." Araceli and Chava walk to the door. Lupe' looks at Paco, "Just like that? You're leaving just like that?"
Paco sighs, "How do you want me to react with your husband in the house?" Paco and Araceli leave. Lupe' cries in Chava's arms.
Dani brings Marisol's pay advance so Sofia can sign it. Sofia picks up her purse and asks Noemi to tell Pato that she's leaving. Noemi tells Sofia that Patricio left the office.
Pato is at Silvana's apartment. They talk about Sofia's success at the business congress. Sofia never received the information she was expecting and Pato heard that there were lots of questions about the stolen chocolate recipes. How did she manage to pull it off? Pato seethes, "She negotiated a big contract to sell Ripoll Chocolates in South America! Damn her!"
Why does Sofia have to be richer, prettier
and smarter than I am?
Chava angrily tells Armando about Javier's return. Armando calms him down and asks how things went with Sofia. Chava can't contain himself, "It was the most beautiful night of my life!"
You actually lost your virginity?
Chava tells Armando about how he and Sofia sat in the moonlight watching the stars. How he  felt her breathing next to him and waking up with her in the morning. "It was perfect."
Pato has to go back to the factory. Silvana gets a call from the doorman. She tells Pato, "Sofia is on her way up! Go hide in the bedroom!" Pato goes into the hall as Silvana answers the door. Sofia asks why Silvana didn't come back to work, "Is something wrong? How is your pregnancy?" Silvana starts to cry, "I lost it. I lost my baby." Sofia holds her close.
Chava wants to be closer to the woman he truly loves. Armie knows how he feels. He tells Chava that he thought he loved Irma, but now he knows he's in love with Alexa. But he's still not a free man. Chava muses, "Nobody said life would be easy." Armie tells Chava that things will get better. "And as soon as Javier gets well, you can kick him out."
Silvana tells Sofia about the terrible pain and going to the hospital in the ambulance. Sofia asks her, "Why didn't you call me?"
"It all happened so fast. I lost the child of the man I love."
Sofia tries to console her, "Sometimes things happen for reasons we don't know." Silvana cries, "Life is unfair when you have to give up what you want."
Pato listens in to the conversation. Sofia tells Silvana about Chava being with her at the business congress. Silvana asks if they slept together. No, but they spent the most romantic night in the moonlight under the stars. And they woke up together on a bench! Silvana says, "You owe your good luck to Salvador." Sofia admits that Chava is an amazing man. Silvana doesn't think Greta will accept him. Sofia isn't sure, "Life has so many twists and turns." Silvana says, "I absolutely agree."
Araceli asks Chava to stay at Paco's. He refuses. He tells Araceli that he has nothing but bad memories of Javier, just pain, poverty and sickness. Araceli understands that Javier's absence meant that Chava had to grow up fast. Chava is afraid that Lupe' will believe Javier's lies and take him back.
Lupe' goes to Paco's store to talk to him. Paco doesn't understand what happened. "I chased him away and you take him back. You're still interested in him."
Sofia doesn't want Pato to know that Chava was at the business congress because he wouldn't understand. Sofia is sure that someday Silvana will have a child with someone worthy of her. "For now you should let go of that little angel that you lost and focus on other things." Silvana says she will be back at work tomorrow. Sofia tells her to take all the time she needs and to call if she wants to talk. They hug and Sofia leaves. Pato comes out of the hall. Silvana teases, "Well I guess you know she's cheating on you!" Pato yells, "Shut up!" 
Lupe' is having a hard time trying to explain things to Paco. "I can't forget that Javier is the father of my children. I loved him a lot. I took him back time after time to keep my family together." Paco asks, "Do you love him?" Lupe' mumbles that she's not explaining things very well. Paco sighs, "I shouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend."
Lupe' looks shocked, "Are you dumping me?"
"No. I love you. But you aren't ready to have a relationship with someone else. You need to get that man out of your life and out of your home. Then we'll see."
End of Episode.


Wooooo! Fabulous recapping of a great episode!

Most favorite line today - the picture of Fausto with the caption "Did you...? You know... Do the horizontal bop?"

Hee hee! Funny funny!

Hmm, Paco, Tavares, and now Javier is back in the picture. It's feast or famine for Lupe. I still like Tavares the best.

"That's not your bed, Moldilocks." was perfect! Also, thank you for including the scene that was deleted. Why they would delete such a useful scene is beyond me. It is really important to see illustrated why Chava detests his father as much as he does. Without that scene we only have Lupe's version of things and the telephone hangup on Marisol. Thank you, xlnt, for the great recap!

Lupe never should have given into Marisol and let Javier stay. She is too "martyrish" and powerless suddenly and could mess up her divorce. Her character is not looking as strong and independent as she originally seemed. I am glad Paco has decided to stay away until Javier is really gone for good. Maybe in that time she will see Paco for who he is and take a chance with Tavares.

Another character annoying me for her "martyrish" ways is Sofía. She only has to look at her mother bitter Greta to see what she will become if she sacrifices herself for the family and business. Martyrish tendencies are not attractive and too many women (as usual) seem to be "infected" by them.

I wonder what Irma is going to try and pull over on Armando when she said she knew hiw to make sure he did not leave her.


xlnt, thank you so much for the excellent recap!

The only thing I can think that Irma plans to blackmail Armando into staying with her is to sell his house. He wants the house for Nandito.

Apparently in Mexico there is palimony for common law spouses, so I guess she can do it. Would this make him come to heel? Not sure how. What other possibilities are there...?

I was struck by how small Silvana looks in her vulnerable state, without all her wardrobe, makeup, hair and heels. She was just a girl sitting there in her living room in mourning. :-(

Turd in Lupe's punch bowl! LOL!

Alexa can take criticism from Armando's good looking face; she trusts him and his advice, that he's really got her best interests in mind and a positive outlook for her. I'm glad that milestone has been accomplished. Now maybe she can do something to help the company.

Thank you for the interesting deleted scene; it looks like Chava's devotion to racing was also a refuge from his awful family situation. It is interesting.

During Patricio's eavesdropping scene on Sofia at Silvana's, his reactions to the revelations kind of perplexed me; they didn't always make sense with his character as I know it -- as though it were edited badly or there are some aspects of him that are new.

Once again I'm struck by how petite and girlish Silvana can look; and I haven't given up the idea that Octavio is both her and Sofia's father. Their interactions in that conversation were sweet, even if Silvana is fighting it.

So...Lupe is actually devoting two good neurons to Javier's plight; ok.


Loved this xInt and thanks for the omitted scene and helps understand Salvador's venom.

My favorite
" Can't you see that your dad
is just a turd in Lupe's punchbowl?"

I get so mad at Sofia, makes me want to spit. I want Salvador to walk in on her all huggie with Patricio and give up on deluding himself she will be his and leave.

Hate that Patricio will try to ruin this deal with Raphael.

Paco got too much a temper for me but I do think he is right about Lupe.

Alexa, what a primadonna, Armando has another kid on his hands.

What business is it of Oliver something between (or was) Lucas and Dani?


Araceli and Irma are really STUPIDA.

They know deep down both Chava and Armando do NOT want them.

I think Irma got a better chance at keeping Armando than Araceli does of ever winning Salvador back.

Irma successfully deceived Armando for years, just let her act like she is leaving the hood for good with Nandito to live with some other guy or tell Greta another daughter is slumming.

Araceli got nothing right now unless she gets proof Sofia and her fiancee doing the nasty and shows it to Chava.


I don't know why Chava allowed her to sit in the outside seat. He knew the peril and risk of chickens on a bus.

I was pretty much dumbfounded that they edited out the scene of Chava as a kid. It is a crucial element of the story that he witnessed Javier's infidelities instead of hearing about them through Lupe'. Chava's experience may come in handy sometime soon when Irma tries to poison Nandito's mind about Armando. I couldn't believe how much that little actor looked like Pedro. Some really good casting there.


Thanks for the recap xlnt. What I didn't understand last night was the fact that Javier spoke through most of his lines without coughing. If you have pneumonia it's hard to even breathe let alone talk.
I think Paco was right for waiving Lupe off. Their relationship needs to be put on hold till she sorts out her old emotions. Her home isn't a hospital and she is jeopardizing the divorce by letting Javier stay.

Tofie, the fact is that I don't see Irma and Armando staying together in the end.

Just can't see it.

Thanks, Xlnt. Terrific storytelling and pics. Appreciate the bonus of the missed scenes of Chava as a kid. My favorite snark:

Not that one. The new one is better!

That's not your bed, Moldilocks.

Once again, Javier assumes his normal position.

Even though Univision was a dolt to snip kid Chava, from grown Chava’s anger I had a feeling that he’d seen dear (not) old dad getting it on with some chicks. And I’ll bet kid Chava never told Lupe (much less Marisol) that he witnessed Javier in all his sleaziness.

Yay, Paco put Lupe on hold. Now Detective Fuzzy can get back in the game. Lupe, give Javier some chicken soup and hustle his a$$ out of there.

Armando, good luck dear. Alexa is bound to grow up by the time Nandito graduates high school.


Thanks for the skanks.

Um, I mean thank you for the concrete evidence of Javier's negligent parenting and flagrantly unhusbandly conduct.

Oh, I don't think they will be together at the end either and think Irma a skank and Armando in good faith and in love was with her and taking responsibility for a child not his. Irma is not gonna let the guy go but has much more leverage to bring him to heel than Araceli. I keep thinking something will start up between Irma and that nasty Renzi.


Did you notice anything during Armando's heart to heart with Chava, maybe just after he said something about having thought he had loved Irma, that might suggest he is just a teensie weensie unsure whether he has found the real thing with with Alexa?
Chris in FL

Chris, Yes, I think there was a bit of hesitation on his part. Armie made a comment about not being a free man. The CCs translation was that he felt something 'strange' with Alexa. Maybe that was a reference to not feeling real love with Irma and now feeling something different for Alexa. Can anyone else comment on this?


Another excellent recap from you Kathy! Thank you. Thank you as well for the cut scene. Honestly Univision, unlike little Chava, we're grownups and can take it.

What kind of sleaze engages in that kind of behavior in front of his young child? Javier doesn't deserve any sympathy.

Yeah, Alexa's reaction to Sofia not being thrilled about her Ripoll Ramera-wear collection was that of a child. I can't believe that Armando would really want to leave one drama queen for another, who's even more unstable and immature.

I understood Armando, admitted he loved Irma but what is developing now with Alexa can trump that love.

I think the guy could do so much better than both women. I also see why he and Salvador are friends. Both stand up men.

I knew better than to even hope, but I was sooo wanting for Sofia to catch Pato at Silvi's. Sofia really was on cloud nine after the congress with Chava. THEN all cuddly with Patricio. WTF Sofia?

xlnt, Armando said that he felt strange kissing Alexa because he was not free and his life was really complicated. To me it sounded like he was ready to move on with Alexa but he knows he still has to deal with Irma.

Vivi, I so agree he could do better than Irma or nutsy Alexa.


My favorite part of the recap from last night's episode:
1.) Snob Hill: The Ripoli's uppityism with Greta & Sophia.

2.) Ghetto-Ville: The Cruz family.

3.) Ho-Ville: Silvana.


Gotta love ole Fausto. Couldnt wait to rat out Patricio's secret visit with Greta. Got Sofia steamed. I T H I N K Sofia is starting to smell a rat .

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