Monday, November 17, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 61. 11/17/14

Discussion page.


Apologizes again. Hubby took me to the doctor today to get a shot to break the migraine that I have had for 3 days. It leaves me nauseous and tired. I forgot to ask someone to recap this. I should be better by tomorrow and should recap on Friday.

Gloria- I hope the shot has you feeling back to normal soon. Tomorrow is my first day back to work, so I'm off to bed and won't be online much tomorrow.

High level stuff:

German completely goes off the edge and gets crazy drunk after hearing from Ale and smirking Dan that they are married.

No one understands or is happy about the marriage news except Rubio and Norb.

Cris gives Dan a tongue lashing for breaking his word and doing something like this. As an old geezer/mature man, he should know better. She asks point blank if Ale is pregnant. She denies it. Dan keeps a firm hand on Ale at all times to make sure she's spewing the party line about being so in love that she had to get married NOW.

Poor Andres candy catch a break. Drunk German cusses him out in the cantina and Manuel joins in. Art blocks him from Uli's house and Carmen tells him to hit the road.

Cris talks sense to Luisa and convinces her she can't leave school and give up her dreams just because some guy broke her heart. Luisa goes to see Art, apologizes, says she won't testify against Uli, and renews their catering partnership.

Cris decides to take over management of the hacienda, much to the disappointment of Rubio, who thought he would get to step into Este's shoes, and Este, who thought he'd just get to come and go to the hacienda to work (and stalk Acacia) as he pleased. Cris says she's giving him the time he needs to deal with his "crisis", but it's all or nothing with her. He's either all in, or he's out.

Rubio makes a copy of Uli's letter and sells it to Dan. Dan wants the original too. Dan calls Memo and tells him where to find Uli.

Itzel's friend returns. He explains he gave the letter to the capataz as Acacia was approaching. Uli realizes the letter was not given to her, and decides to go to Soto. Itzel's friend takes him by donkey, he hobbles on his branch crutch to the general store, and calls Acacia.

That's can't catch a break...

Vivi, that's one crazy brother & crazy mother plotting chaos !

Gloria..hope that you can get relief from the migraine.

Vivi, thanks for the recap. I hope that your first day back goes well.

Gloria, I really hope you get some relief. I have never had a migrane but you have my total sympathy...

Vivi, I hope your first day back goes well - please try not to push yourself. I'll be thinking of you today...

Thank you so much for providing the highlights in your usual fine style. You captured the main events succintly yet perfectly.

"No one understands or is happy about the marriage news except Rubio and Norb". Very well said. I just love the way Cris dealt with Danilo, stern and looking him square in the eye and letting him know he was dead wrong.

"Cris says she's giving him the time he needs to deal with his "crisis", but it's all or nothing with her. He's either all in, or he's out". You go girl!

I love the fact that Danilo and Norberto are going to have to deal with Cris and that Rubio 's hold and power will lessen as a result.

I thought Rubio might have sold the letter to Norberto but sadly believe in any case, it would have filtered back to Danilo. I hope Uli survives all this.

Poor German! And what an inopptune time Andres chose to show up and to thank him for his concern, Carmen shuts the door in his face literally.

I doubt Luisa is done flitting to and from Manuel. I am not taking Luisa's partnership with Arturo too seriously. She changes like the wind. The next time Manuel crooks his little finger at her, she will be running to him once again.

How can Acacia see her mother heartbroken and not feel guilty?

Looks like Acacia and Uli meet tonight. They are not alone.


Vivi, Gloria noted she will recap again on Friday.

I was just wondering if you were going to be able to recap tonight? I know this is your first day back to work.

If you are, that's wonderful and I will eagerly look forward to it.

If not, please post and let me know and I will try to recap the highlights, provided I am home and able to watch (I have several deadlines at work this week so expect to be working late every night).


Damnilo is despicable and creepy. I hate the way he grabs poor Ale and kisses her in the most unloving way. Such violent kisses. Yuck I want him gone.

Este brings drunken German and Manuel home , and Ack and Juliana cart them off to bed.

Carmen is making it easy on Juliana to suck Andres back into her black hole. Andres should get away from both nutcases. Run like the wind Andres.

Well, Esteban didn't think this through and expect Cris will ask for the keys to the castle too. Silly boytoy, his reward for a murder & years of work will be the clothes on his back.

Cris owns the property and signs the checks so she can do whatever she wants. At least Acacia is worried about what Esteban will eat for supper.

Wish German would lock himself up for a few days and have him a really good cry and get this out of his system, but for Ale to continue to get in his face as if nothing has happened and then flip 180 within seconds would screw with anybody's head. She is getting on my nerves and while it unfair she forced into the relationship with Dan, if she loved German she would leave him be.

Thankfully one person has deductive reasoning. Uli quickly surmised Acacia didn't read that letter but that should give him pause before just showing up on an ass.

Rubio is delusional, somebody, anybody call him on it.


tofie "Uli quickly surmised Acacia didn't read that letter but that should give him pause before just showing up on an ass".

That made me laugh out loud! Thank you so much - that was great and sorely needed...


I thought during the conversation with Estehomeless I heard Crus say "Mi hacienda...Alonso," so I am figuring she told Estestupido that it is her hacienda and she ran it after Alonso died (was KILLED by Estekiller). YAY , Cris. Also, when Esteasshat leaned in to kiss her, Cris backed away. YAY

Yikes, in the advances Estedreamer seemed to be having a vision of Ack next to him in bed..yuck. And Memo and friend were following Uli after he met Ack. Please let Uli survive and be the true galan

Surprise, will be left with Cris, no Ack, no hacienda...KARMA strikes.

I think Esteban is doing the right thing by getting out of the house away from temptation. Yes, he be bad and guilty of sniffing around Acacia in the first place but those wanton stares (by both of them) from across any room, is a romp that will happen. At least this removes the fuel from around the fire.

Tofie Tofie, yes Run Andres Run!!! Uli showing up on ass?? How funny is that. Love the way Chris held herself up. did not act like a B, but way more respectable, proud. She did tell him because she loved him, she would give him space. ha! The jerk thought he was gonna have his cake and eat it too for sure. Boy, he never thought that he would not be allowed to come and go. All or nothing!!! Good lesson to develope self esteem and hold ones on, instead of begging and turning into doirmat. are my heroe!!!!!!

2 hours in the office, and I needed a break.

Novella lover- I loved Cris' dignified attitude too. No doubt her heart was breaking, and she wasn't too proud to tell Este that she loves him and wants him. But she was not going to beg, and she made it clear she was not going to be a doormat that he can walk all over, and back and forth on.

Tofie- Cris tols Acacia that Este actually has his earnings from the manager job and would actually still be pulling his salary. She was also very confident that since he's smart and a hard worker, he'd be able to find work. I think that's perfectly fine. She was not leaving him destitute, not underestimating his ability to survive without her-- which he is doing with her.

Diana- I think I'll be able to do a quick recap of tonight. Thanks for offering to help, amiga. I'll let you know what I feel like tomorrow. It might be an early night for me tomorrow.

Tofie- I don't think Ale had any choice about going to the office to renounce her job and announce in front of German that she's now married. That was ALL Danilo-- and he was enjoying every moment of it.

Gloria, hope you'll soon be feeling better. And Vivi thanks for pitching in. Loved your take on the story. Great as usual. Hope your first day back goes well.

I think Carmen has been babied too much by her sons. She wouldn't even hear Andres out.

And Cris was wonderful. Boy, did she ever give it to Este. She didn't mince her words. And I think Danilo is always stumped by her words. She leaves him bumbling a little. It's good to see him squirm a bit.

Can't wait for tonite.



Poor Germán. He's having another bad day and chooses to drown his sorrows with alcohol. So Juliana told Andres where Germán was? I don't think that was the best idea for Andres to go see Germán while Germán was in that condition. I think once he's sober he will listen to what Andres has to say.

I think Esteban made the right choice in taking his time to think things over. I think Cris should respect that. But I'm glad she put her foot down and told Esteban that while he's getting his priorities straight that she will deal with what's going on at La Benavente by herself.


Vivi, sure Danny got off on having Ale do that but it was not the only time she has gotten in German's face (marched right into the shop Lizzy works too) and her feelings evident only to flip because Danny pops up. She has done this repeatedly. I thought when she walked away and we saw her back in shadow she resolved herself to her fate and would let German go. That has not happened.

I don't think she's a bad girl, and believe she loves German with every fiber of her being but what she is doing is not in her, nor German's best interest. German doesn't know what's happening to him/them.

I recall the conversation with Acacia and she the one that worried about Esteban and Cris set her straight. I don't think Esteban thought Cris would collapse without him and left because he doesn't trust himself around Acacia (she was gonna do the same) so he doesn't hurt Cris more. He is not a noble gent but he is also appreciative of what Cris has done for him and like it or not torn between a respectful love and a lustful want. Acacia is struggling too, with her lust for him and respect, support and love for her mother/rival. The larger kick in the teeth for Cris, I think, will be the disclosure her daughter the reason for his departure.


Gloria---I rarely get a headache but when I do, if it lasts for more than an hour I think that the world is coming to an end. Well at least my world anyway. I can't imagine having a monster headache that lasts for three days
I sure hope that the doctor can help you.

Diana---I hope that you are wrong about Luisa's weakness when it comes to Manuel. I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to look him anymore. Manuel has become disgusting to me. I do suspect that you are right though.
Has Luisa finally learned her lesson or when Manuel comes by and gives her a little sweet talk
will she respond with another trip out to the cotton bodega? Please no, don't let that worthless no good play you again.
Be strong like Cris and don't fall
for another quickie. You are not amigos, he's only using you for his own desires. For your own self respect, don't give him what he wants. Wake up girl, Arturo is waiting for you. Open your eyes and give your heart a chance. When
you finally find true happiness with Arturo, you can send your laughter and joys to
I will be happy for you.

Andres, don't answer your phone, it's that simple and it would send a good signal to Carmen.

He showed up on an ass. You're a riot Tofie. I bet that when there is a party scheduled in your area
you get the first invitation.

Susanlynn---A new name for Este, Estehomeless. I thought that all of the Este names have already been given out and here you come with yet one more. Oh no! There's even more. Estestupido, Estekiller
and Esteasshat. Would I be right in saying that you don't like Esteban?

The shows cast don't know what we know but shouldn't they be able to see the hurt, sadness and horror on Alejandra's face? Her feelings are evident.

A rifle/shotgun? and a pistol against a guy that can barely walk
Like shooting fish in a barrel. Or
they can wait until Acacia leaves
then follow Uli to see where he goes. Either way, it does not look good for Ulises.

I can't wait for Rubio to go down.
And yes, lets put pretty eyes Memo
under the anvil too.
the gringo


Gloria – BIG sympathy for your migraine. I hope it leaves you alone very soon. Like right now.

Vivi – did you do all that from memory? Without notes? I’m in awe.

Last night was very hard to watch. Poor Chris – not too long ago she had a loving husband, and then he starting acting all weird, and now he’s gone icy and has left home. It’s heart-wrenching.

gringo, you got a great point and I too wonder why no one has commented on the look of abject terror and disgust when Danny drapes that paw over her shoulder. I mean, can't somebody ask about her trembling lip? That silent scream? The creepy crawlers on her skin? Those knocking knees? Looked like Cris got a whiff of a clue but does that put her too in jeopardy without Esteban around?

Oh, I got a busy social calender but semi retirement and Florida does that to everybody.


Wow, I've forgotten already. What was the final straw for Cris? Was
it the day when she was out with her camera and found Esteban and Acacia sitting down with their arms around each other?

So Acacia is just hanging around the rancho so why is she made up like she is going out on a date?
Red lipstick and a lot of eye makeup. She didn't do that before.

I'm waiting for the JC tirade that Este hurt our Crisie? He sure went off on Ulises.
the gringo


Acacia doesn't have to get dolled up anymore since Esteban is gone but I wonder who will catch how she looks at him. When he showed up at Juliana's with German draped over him didn't know if Acacia was gonna jump him or bolt from the room.

Just back and enjoying all the comments. I made the mistake of tellng my class that I watch this show , and the guy from Guatemala told me an enormous spoiler. Yikes.

It is hard to watch Estawful buzzing around Cris and Ack knowing that he killed more wondering which woman he will end up with...he will end up in jail or dead,

Gloria - Hope the shot has you feeling much better by now.

Vivi - Thanks for the highlights. Rest up -- first day back in the office can be tough.

I find myself nodding in agreement with everybody's comments. I too loved Cris telling Esteban that she will manage the hacienda. One of the reasons I think Cris isn’t falling apart is that, like most good mothers, she feel she needs to be a role model and show her daughter how to have self-respect. When Cris told Luisa that it was foolish to break up with a good friend over a kiss from a man when said man doesn't even love you anyway, I thought about if/when Cris finds out about Acacia’s kiss(grope) with Esteban.

How ironic that Luisa and Ale would have given their eyeteeth to have had an understanding mother like Cris, but Acacia is (almost) screwing her dear mother over. Acacia sniffing and caressing Esteban’s leather jacket when she knows what damage she’s done to Cris was just yuck. If she'd picked up the jacket, sniffed it, and then hurled it angrily across the room, I would've liked her more.

I loved the look on Manuel's face when he's standing behind German as his poor brother is getting the nasty news about Ale getting hitched. Manuel never says a word, but his indignation on his brother's behalf was so cute. Of course, Manuel the boob lets German get drunk, but I think he has potential. I put 65% of his screwing over Luisa in her court. For each sexual encounter, she made the first move and even started entering stalker mode.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. They sent me home early today, and I was grateful because my incisions did not like having the waistband of real pants rub against them, while I sat in an office chair all day. Ahh, back to sweatpants. :)

I also don't know how people are missing how wide with fear Ale's eyes get when Dan pops up, and how she cringes before putting on a tight smile, that looks nothing like her genuine smile. German would be able to pick up on this, if he weren't so focused on his own pain. I mean, her eyes welled up with tears when Dan popped up while they were talking in the town square. That's NOT a woman in love, people!

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