Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #88 Isa going... going... gone!!! Fernando finds out about Alicia's internet boyfriend and does not like it one bit


Leon and Fanny in a romantic moment… he tells her what he loves about her and their relationship… followed by kisses…

Ana with a picture of Eliz Taylor as her mom… (or who is that?)… Ana is crying with the boys in the room, Fernando overhears out the door. One of the twins goes out to get him… Luz is also there. Some guy (sorry haven’t seen the last 4 eps) sent Ana a pic of her mom… Fernando asks to see it, then says he is happy that Ana can see what her mom looks like, says she is beautiful like Ana (with the song… yeah that one!... in the background, sung by the old woman)… The boys and Luz are hugging Ana… The boys are all smiling and this seems to move Fernando even more.

Lo Nuevo:

Bruno comes to library to see Fer. Bruno asks Fer if he is feeling alright. The tragedies have not come alone but quitting the company… Fernando is honest with Bruno, and acknowledges Bruno’s important role in their family… Bruno notes that when Fernando started working there he looked like a little boy in his first day of classes… Fernando acknowledges the company was his life… his family. A great family, like the Lasc are for Bruno. Fernando knows the value of not only the company but the people who work there. He quit because the company does not need the scandal. It is a dream of many families.

Nando and Edith in his room… they are arguing about exact sciences, theory of relativity, scientific explanations and exactitude, subatomic particles, (and these two are on each other’s face…) quantum space and space time… He acknowledges she is real smart to have so many tattoos.

Nico and Jen. Nico tells Jen the Doctor said he would need special care… Jen offers herself. Nico does not want to be a burden on Jen.(Fernando heard this on his way in the room).

Ana calls Diego, Natalia gets the phone. She tells Diego its Ana. But Diego does not want to talk to her. Ana texts Diego she wanted to say thank you… about finding facts about her mom… appoligizes for what happened but says she was always sincere… and again, thank you.

Back to Nico, Jen and Fer. Jen argues that her dream was to be with him, he thanks her but… will you be happy with no kids? Aren’t you better off with a young man and not having to care for an old hag? Fernando cuts him short, not the time to talk about this. Jen is crying. Nico says he loves her so much he wishes her to find a guy closer to her age… (Fernando is hugging Jen, who is very upset)

Isa and Yomama, Isa is carrying a suitcase… Yomama says you have to help me with my suitcase. Isa nags. Suddenly Fanny and the boys are all throwing stuff at Isa and YoMama and the twins are shooting with their water guns… a battle ensues, Isa slips at the door trying to run out. (Carmen Salinas can’t help but laugh on her way out)…

Ana and Fer come out of the library… Ana says finally the arachnidas are out of here…! Fernando says ‘perfect! Now finally we can be happy…’ and they kiss (WHOA!!! what did I Miss???? I have to watch these recordings… someone changed the game on me!!)… nah… it was just a nightmare of Isa’s… (Phew!! I thought I had missed volumes!!)

Jen is putting ice on Johnny’s wrist… then we see the clip of Jen and Johnny working at the car shop and her almost running him over… (Johnny is having the blues about an unreturned love) … Johnny is at the hospital and a nurse comes to give him a chat… He says the woman he loves is married… and beautiful.

Ana is looking at her mom’s picture on her laptop… (it is her mom’s picture from the penitentiary, ok, it looks a lot like Liz Taylor but it is not… ) Ana is talking to the picture, is very happy to have an image to be able to talk to now… seeing her gives her hope to find her. Luz coms in… they pray together so that Ana will find her mom. Ana is moved at Luz’s prayer.

Fernando is with Nico at hospital. Doc says he is doing great. Nico looks a bit scared/spooked… Fernando comes out and tries to console Jen and thanks her for what she has done for his dad. For respecting him, for caring for him, for considering him. You are a great lady. She says no need to thank her, she loves him.

Fanny and Leon can’t wait to be together again…. (oopsie… is this the note from Leny? Edith comes downstairs, Edith tells Fanny something about lenny the Patan transforming into a ‘galan’.

Ana and Luz are in Ana’s bed talking about Morpheus… Bruno comes in… Bruno tells Ana he feels real bad about Manuela. In comes Fernando, he also needs to talk to her. In comes Fanny, also wants to talk to Ana. Nando is at the door next. (seems most of them came to meet Ana’s mom picture.).

Diego tells Natalia that he has an idea… what?... how aobut going to scuba dive at Galapagos, to China, as long as it is out of Mexico. Natalia asks as what? (them as a couple)… as friends? As lovers? Natalia demands to know what they will be… he wants to take photos. He asks her don’t you love adventure? Wars? Natalia again gets miffed and tells him firmly she won’t be consolation prize because he could not have Ana… Natalia confronts Diego about doing the same thing he did many years ago about Fanny, run away…. Don’t be a coward, Diego!

Fanny and Nando hug and wish for Ana to find her mom. Ana says she is selling hugs at $1peso. The kids hug her together, Fernando just sighs in yearning from his spot by the door. Fernando asks Ana if there are any hugs left. She says no, but all the kids run out and Ana kids around with Fernando… they argue (jokingly) about time… can’t promise anything. The heart, when it is broken, you gotta iron it. (or stte)… she keeps on talking some nonsense, he just stops her cold by saying ‘te amo!’ and walks out.

Outside, Fanny asks Fernando how it went. He avoids the answer by telling Luz its past her bedtime. Bruno comes by and asks how it went. Fernando says relatively, yes. He only has to repair Ana’s heart, and that will take a while.

As Fer and Luz get to her room, Luz asks how do you fix a heart… How come the Doctor can’t do it? Fer says he has to fix Ana’s heart himself, not the Doctor. With all the love he feels for her… On his way out, Fer grabs Alicia’s tablet and seems he finds something he does not like. He immediately goes back to Ana’s room. He shows Ana Alicia’s tablet. Seems some boy 20 years old wants to meet Alicia, (who is 15). They see a picture of Alicia with makeup on appearing to be older than she is. Fernando and Ana argue about Alicia being a girl or an adolescent… Ana ‘explains’ a virtual relationship. Fernando argues it is IMPOSSIBLE!! He is real ansy and sits on Ana’s bed.. ‘when are the problems with OUR kids going to end?... forgive me, with MY kids??’ ‘When Lucecita turns about 90, Sir.’ (Fernando gets even more scared, turns to Ana…) ‘Seriously??’

Fanny is hearing something, maybe the poems Lenin suggested in his note.

Next morning, Ana is waking up the girls… Time to go to school!... Alicia is looking for her tablet… Ana tells her that Fernando took it, and saw about that guy named ‘Pablo’. Ana tells Alicia that her dad wants to talk to her. Alicia gets upset about her dad spying on her. Ana tells her that she had fallen asleep and Fernando saw the picture of Pablo and also the picture of Alicia with stuffed boobs and makeup appearing older. Alicia yells that its not fair!! … and when Luz says something Alicia yells at Luz ‘shut up!!!’

Edith is waking up Fanny (Edith is all made up and dressed) … Fanny says she had been listening to this guy Lenin had written to her about… Edith says Lenin is already making strides on Fanny.

In the kitchen, Ana is helping Bruno with breakfast while she is counseling him about Manuela. Bruno claims he never knew what things to talk to Manuela about. Bruno reminds Ana about his love scar. He knows what it feels like and it is not fair for Manuela. Ana says for whatever its worth, that’s life. In come the twins. Ana gives the twins their Omega-3 vitamins… then they review the multiplication tables orally with Ana.

Fer comes in Luz’s room, greets Luz and then asks her to let him speak to her sister. Fernando sits on Alicia’s bed, but she is really whining about him invading her privacy… Fernando notes that this guy is someone she just met over the internet… these ‘sites’ are not for girls your age. Don’t want for you to have contact with this ‘boy’. Alicia keeps whining. Ali claims he does not understand. He says he does understand more than she does. He wants her to get ready for school and leaves her alone. She says he is bad and no one understands her.

Isa and YoMama… Isa is thinking about her fate… about them having to leave with their tails under… defeated… villains,… hated… ‘I am a loser!!’ (with hand gesture)

Ana meets Fernando at his library desk… he is reviewing the newspaper articles about his resigning the company. She can tell he is sad. She asks him if he won’t do anything. He says he wants to dedicate his time to his kids for a while. Ana questions if he will be there all day. Ana gets a bit nervous when he confirms he will be there all day. He can’t allow Alicia to contact a guy with that age. Ana also points that who knows if the guy is lying or any dangers Alicia might be exposed to.

Isa comes in and Ana excuses herself out. Outside by piano Bruno asks Ana what is going on. No idea.

Back inside, Fer asks Isa whats up. Isa says she and her mom are leaving the house today. They are ready. He offers the driver to take things to their apartment. He tells Isa he is going out. Have to turn in the job at the company. Fernando asks Isa to let him go with her to the OBGYN appointments. Isa says thanks for everything. Kisses his cheek and gives him a hug. She cries and heads out. Ana and Bruno run to hide. Seems Fernando can’t help but feel a bit of remorse?

Isa and YoMama confront Ana…’I swear for my life I will take revenge on you, Ana. I will break you to pieces. I will step on you like a bug… Someday I will come back and will see you stepped on!! I will make sure that Fernando hates you!! Everything I said… multiplied by 1 Million!! Ana seems a bit concerned. When Isa and YoMama are finally outside, Ana talks to Fanny Sr’s painting… ‘she’s finally gone… but it was her fault!’

Previews: Fernando’s world fell. And he is at the mercy of his worst enemy! Fernando has a convo with Doctor about possibility someone tried to kill his dad, Fernando looks determined to find out who.


For anyone intersted: I posted a summary of the previous episode yesterday evening.


Better: earlier this evening!


Gracias, Marta!

Alicia has no idea what she's stepping into. Here's hoping that Ana and Fernando don't have to go running to prevent another disaster.

I'm bothered tremendously by the parting rant of Isabruja to Ana. If this is a prediction of where the writers areally going then, yes, Fernando will have no pity for Ana when he finds out about Chicago; and he will run straight into Isa's welcoming arms.

Also found the pizza scene the other night somewhat perplexing in light of the rumors that Osorio put the cast on diets. Mixed signals I guess.

“At least that nasty madrastra is out of the house,” said Aphrodite. “Now this family can have some normal times with each other.”

“I hope so,” said Apollo. “But I just had an awful thought.”

“What?” Aphrodite was getting worried.

“That last threat she made. I just had this horrible vision of Fernando and Ana in front of the priest and he asked that insane question about anyone objecting. That sleaze Doroteo entered saying 'That so-called bride is my star attraction at Chicago' with Hissabruja watching from the door.”

“Cancelo, cancelo, cancelo!” said Aphrodite, snapping her fingers. “We can't let that happen! We must think of something.”

“I think Ana will do something to protect herself or at least the children. She always puts them before herself.”

“But she needs protection now. Hissabela won't take this one lying down. Women like her don't let go of grudges.”

“I know. It's how they protect themselves from the truth.”


Marta, I hope you had a great trip! Thank you for another wonderful recap. You never miss a beat. The photo didn't look like Liz Taylor to me.

Loved: Edith holding her own with Nando with her knowledge of quantum physics.

Isabela's nightmare fantasy sequence. Yes, Carmen Salinas looked like she was really enjoying herself.

Fernando consoling Jennifer.

Natalia telling Diego not to be a coward.

Hated: Nico and his harangue on his age one more time. He never should have married Jennifer in the first place if he felt that way. She does not deserve the suffering.

Hope: Manuela and Ximena return later as new and improved versions of their characters to shake things up.



Thanks Marta! Appreciate you jumping right in after your trip and giving us a gem.

If Alicia was my daughter, we would have had a longer talk and discussion of what she was doing then what Fer gave her. Surprised they had him discover this already. Privacy...sorry, you're 15 and under my house firstly. Secondly, you left that for anyone to see, so there is that. The fact she seems to have no clue and this now looks more as a means to have her think she is odd girl out again gives me the idea they are setting us up to get her back to being in Isa's clutches. Watch, she'll want to go live with Isa.

I did appreciate Fer's support and thanks to Jen. Nice moment but Nico needs to have some respect for Jen's wishes too and stop the "younger man" nonsense again. He meant well at first, but she took you better or for worse. And she is fine with it, so shut up. But I have a feeling this is going to keep going and at the end of the rope Nico is reeling in is Johny. They are telegraphing that way too much. GRRRRR.

I think that rant was there for all of us to know Isa's moving out isn't the end of her and still trying to worm her way back in. The fact the Chicago issue has yet to be revealed is too apparent as the possible means to keep Fer and Ana apart.

Edith and Nando for the win!!

Kissy huggy with Fanny/Leon felt like the happy before the middle episodes fall. I watch too many TN's.

I sort of couldn't get into Nat's ranting this time around on where she stands with Diego when she was the one who made the moves on him to begin with. I thought that was really an odd move on her part. Sure, tell him to deal with Ana, but stop hitting on him until he does and make him either discover something genuine with you.

For the love of all, get Ana to meet her mother. Conversations with that picture with that song, which I'm really starting to get sick of, need to stop.


Daisynjay, I was sick of that song from the start.


Thank you, Marta, for doing another amazing recap. I don't know how you capture all of the details. I hope that your trip was great.

Thank thanks to Jarifa for filling us in yesterday.

I love the hope: that Ximena and Manuela come back in new versions of themselves. What an interesting way to resolve the problems of these two characters. And perhaps the new, more mature versions will let their reluctant suitors go!

But we will see. There are so many ways that this can go now with Isabela out of the house. Nothing good likely to happen for a while, as we move through the doldrums of seeing Fer and Ana in more crises.

Like others, I get a huge kick out of Edith and her blossoming relationship with Nando. She is a good character and a true friend to the gang.

Lenin -- I assume this is his nom de guerre -- is certainly not living up to his name with his haiku. But he's tapping some feelings in Fanny. However this goes, I love to see her think and deepen her knowledge about the world.


As with LQLVMR, when there was such a philosophical discussion and so many varying opinions about Esmeralda's choice to continue to poll dance while being a mother, I'd love to read comments on MCET about the right to privacy and how far or how limited it should be for children / teenagers / young adults living at home!!

I think Fernando was perfectly within his rights to view Alicia's tablet and call her to the table.


Yes thank you Marta for the full recap, it will give me something to re-read tonight when Latin Grammys are on.

I'm wondering if Xime will come back completely "cured", and maybe with a boyfriend she met in the U.S. I really like Nando and Edith together. As for Manuela...lose the sobbing please. But I still think there is something unrevealed about Bruno and why he broke up with her. And speaking of ex's, Natalia looks a bit young to have known Diego "since before Fanny", that's over 20 years ago.

J in Oregon

No episode tonight? I'm still working off the Mexican episodes.

Jarifa--I forgot to say thank you for filling in with the summary until Marta got back onboard!

Whoever suggested some possible connection between Edith and Linda Tight-buns, I think you may be on to something. Recall all the mother reunion themes we have had: Bruno, Xime, Ana (in progress). And, lost their mothers at a young age: Fernando and Diego, the Lascurain little kids, Mau (Leon's son). So Edith ran away after her widowed mom remarried. Seems to me there were some teenage sons who assaulted Edith, wonder if we will be seeing them too?

J in Oregon


Thanks for the recap! I too thought the pic looked like Liz Taylor.

So Edith went to bed with all of that makeup still on her face! Fanny's pillow cases should be smeared in black makeup. Girl, wash your face before you go to bed. No wonder one of your eyes is bloodshot.

Fer had every right to look at Alicia's tablet. Ah the angst of the teenage girl. I made my mom miserable and Alicia is on the same path.

Poor Fer wanted a hug from Ana so bad.

I hope Reeky and Isa's bad behaviour causes them to lose all support of the employees at work.

Since the show is off tonight I wonder if Friday's episode is going to be a true cliff hanger.

Thanks for the recap!

Fer really should have had a longer chat with Alicia. It was clear she did not see the danger in what she was doing. He should have described to her what, exactly, could happen to a girl her age who misrepresents herself and gets together with an unknown but probably older guy she finds on the internet. If she's old enough to try to hook up with an adult, she's old enough to hear some nitty-gritty truths.

Nico is being a jerk. For one thing, trying to push away his wife and tell her what she should want and do. She chose you, chump. For another, if he has to try to push her toward another man, WHY JOHNNY?! UGH. If he were the last man on earth, Jen would be better off letting the species die out with dignity. Since there are millions of others available, there's really no reason to waste a moment's thought on him. Really, Nico, you think your lovely wife would be better off with a lazy delusional free-loading sexist skeezeball? Well, then maybe she does deserve someone better than you.

Love Edith and Nando together. She studied astrophysics before switching to sociology? She's his dream woman! But she should still wash her hair and take off all that makeup. Her eyes and skin must be suffering.

"If he were the last man on earth, Jen would be better off letting the species die out with dignity."

Julia, this is truly sidebar worthy!!! My son home for the holidays gave me a look for yelling out "YES!". (I then said I was reading Caray comments and he was "Oh, yeah, that" and just smiled. He knows.)

I am curious about where the Fanny character may be going. Forget the opening sequence, not that I don't like Leon, I do, but I'm like others who would like to see her possibly date further, or realize her first love was special, but maybe not the end of her journey and meet someone else later who is her future love. I've always rather disliked the way some very young women are paired with a "true love" barely turning 18-19 in these TN's. It wouldn't be unrealistic to see her grow, experience new views and outlets. I could see her with the results of her studies heading out of town and really experience the world. Not sure this Lenin would fit into that, maybe she would come back to Leon later, but reminds me of the end of Gilmore Girls. Rory needed to have that life as a single, smart young woman first before settling down. Now THAT would be a great PSA versus the usual "but don't you want to get married and just have babies" plot we usually get.


thanks, everyone! the trip was a blast... too much to do, too much food, too little time, but what i got to do/see/taste was amazing!!!
I will probably be changing my photo so you guys can see different pictures, once i get them all together (my daughter has my grandson's pix with the disney characters in her phone, she will email them to me.)For now, the first picture (currently my picture) is my encounter with the turtles.

i love the Nando/Edith pairing... they are sooooo right for each other... he grounds her and provides lots of fuel for her self-esteem and she is challenging enough in the areas/subjects he loves to talk about...
i can't wait for her to feel comfortable enough with Nando and Fanny's friendship that she will remove that protective shell (makeup, wardrobe, hairstyle) and show her real self... and feel comfortable doing it... which i hope will come soon...

I too am sick and tired of waiting for Ana's mom to show up... and i too thought Isa's threats to Ana were a huge prediction that Fernando's reaction to Ana's secret about the job at Chicago will be just about the worst possible (at first... granted Nico and Diego and Fanny will make him re-think himself)


Thanks Jarifa and Marta for the recaps.

I didn't watch last night. Of course, I recorded it and can't wait to see the Edith/Nando scene.

We're getting pretty close to the half-way mark.


Daisy - Love any reference to the Gilmore Girls. Great observation that Fanny would be so well served by developing as a person first and then letting romance enter the picture. It is hard to believe that this young woman, so tough on Ana and the would-be nannies, has developed so well up to this point. For all the goofiness in this novela, once in a while something good happens with characters -- the best kind of PSA.

Enjoy having a young one at home. Can't wait for mine to arrive next week.

"If he were the last man on earth, Jen would be better off letting the species die out with dignity."

Julia, this is truly sidebar worthy!!! (I second the motion!!)

Marta, playing with turtles looks so fun! I love looking at people's vacation pictures. I'm excited to see some more.

I also love the Gilmore Girls and any reference to them. I agree, Leon's fine, but Fanny shouldn't settle down so young. Even if they stick together, I hope they don't get married soon. Alas, I fear the question those drawings are leading up to is a marriage proposal. They should both focus on finishing school and getting their careers off the ground, and even maybe date other people. It's hard to take Lenin seriously, though. He's more suited to Alicia's maturity level.

I think it's about time Alicia moved out of the babyish bedroom she shares with Luz. Perhaps she could redecorate Yolanda's room for herself? That might help her feel a little more like she isn't being treated like a child without doing something stupid like hooking up with an internet stranger.


Julia: I agree about Alicia needing her own bedroom. She's 15. It's time.

Thank you for recapping, Marta. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday!

I thought the picture of Ana's mother looked like Ana. I assumed the producers styled SN in era-appropriate hair and makeup for the shot. Although now you mention it, she does look like a young Liz Taylor. Hmmmmmm. . .


Thanks so much Marta.

Actually the first person I thought of, when shown the photo of Ana's mom, was Salvador Dali, without his trademark mustachio

Fanny is no way ready to be a mother and she's falling for Lenin hook, line and sinker. While she and Leon cute together Reina already works with his mother, loved him for years and takes care of Mau.


Actually I think the photo is of Norma Herrera herself, just when she was very young, circa 1960 something.
check this out..she is third from left in the photo.*%26quot%3BLos+que+ayudan+a+Dios%26quot%3B*(M%C3%A9xico,+1973)*

Marta thanks for the link but even more thanks for your vacation photo. It looks like you had loads of fun!


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