Saturday, November 08, 2014


My Dear Reinamaniacs:

Here's a new page for the weekend.  Make yourselves at home here -- laugh, wail, rant, o lo que sea -- while I try to make some sense of Friday's triple episode.  

For now, please enjoy Anita's brilliant creation that was posted on Thursday, but that some of you may have missed in the embarrassment of riches that is Page Two:

Subtitled: I Cannot Reveal Who is Making This Up


He who hesitates when facing a dragon, loses.

When el llamado de la sangre regarding dragona daughters is in doubt and he doesn’t believe the child’s mother, a dragon can turn to DNA; but should be skeptical about believing the results.

A Dragon trusts no one, not even science. (See prior entry).

A Dragon always greets his mother with a drawn gun.

A Dragon can survive torture, as long as he remembers all the other things that were done to him that were worse (like abandonment in a church as an infant and being raised in an orphanage).

A Dragon is always in control of everything, except when he makes it look as though he doesn’t.

When it is cold and damp in Madrid, a dragon is permitted to don a dark fisherman’s knit turtle-neck sweater to wear inside.


A Dragon is a speed-healer.

A Dragon is a speed-reader.

A Dragon is a speed-traveler.

A Dragon should study genetics in his spare time (also Diamonds, Legends and Passions).

A Dragon learns deft movements with cheese and sharp knives (it helps when the cheese also has a gun).

A Dragon is not embarassed to buy a home pregnancy test at a local Madrid pharmacy (it’s not for himself, of course).

A Dragon never makes a promise he can’t keep (especially where his rival for the damsel is concerned).

A Dragon can make a $30 high school ring look like $12 million bucks.

A Dragon can melt into a hopless puddle of sentimentality when he hears his damsel call him “MY GUY."

A Dragon can protest too much, to no avail, if he’s confronting his superior.

A Dragon must take a Friday Night break once in awhile to recuperate.

And now, the ThreeCap:

Friday, episodios 110, 111 and 112: Las Ironías de la vida (Isn't Life Ironic!)

Susana has gotten tired of waiting in the garden of the manicomio so she goes back inside looking for Juanjo.  ¡Ay!  He left his phone in the director's office!  He'll be right back.

Original Recipe Big O (gracias, Vivi!) peers out from behind a corner, retreats, then screws up his courage and approaches Susana.  He whispers her name.  She turns to him, stares, drops her bag and falls in a dead faint.  ORBO is scared.  He runs away.  Juanjo finds Susana lying on the floor.


Reina tells FELS-PELS-GELS that even if HE doesn't care that she's his sister, it matters to HER that he's her brother.  Neither one of them is responsible for what their parents did.

Navier tells FELS they need to talk alone.  After Reina  leaves -- with some reluctance -- Navier says that he wants to talk about Estefi and the way FELS protected her.  

He confronts FELS with all the things he did to protect Estefi (like saying the evidence against her was fake, forcing Navier to marry her, separating Navier from Reina).  FELS ruined Navier's life!  FELS admits he did all those things to protect his sister, but he is no criminal.  Navier wants to know if Estefi was behind all the attempts on Reina's life.  FELS doesn't answer.

Dr. MalaSuerte asks Esmeeth out.  They begin to address each other as 'tu.' 

Las Vegas
Victor and the Cobra get to work on making a baby.

Christian questions the motives for Laz and Moto getting married.  Connie reminds Christian that THEY only got married because they thought he was dying. 

Estefi is anxious for ORBO's report.  Did he get to talk to Susana?  He couldn't.  She wails in frustration: "What do you mean, you couldn't!  It was the time and the opportunity, damn it!"

"She saw me and she fainted.  I was scared!"


"Because I've been locked up in here and I haven't crossed that threshold in twenty years and I don't know how to talk to another person...THIS IS MY HOUSE!   I've only talked to doctors and nurses and prostitutes.  I CAN'T!  I'm not alive!  I'm a ghost!"

Juanjo helps Susana back to the evil director's office.  She believes she has seen a ghost.  

The director urges Susana to leave at once.

Juanjo is afraid they will think Susana is crazy and want to lock her up.

FELS claims that Estefi is completely innocent.  She made two mistakes in her life: the first was inheriting Artemio's dirty business; the second was falling in love with Navier.

Las Vegas
Victor reproaches Izzy for failing to protect him from the Cobra.  Izzy disagrees.  

Flashback:  Izzy recalls threatening the Cobra -- If you touch Victor, I'll kill your brother Christian.  I have two men watching him right now.

Victor tells Izzy he has to find the diamonds.  He also tells him he was forced to agree to help the Cobra make a baby.

Reina writes in her diary:  I would have like having a big brother.  What would our lives been like if we had been raised together?  He's my brother but he doesn't love me.  He only loves Estefanía.  Why?

Navier also questions FELS about his devotion to Estefi.  FELS says he hates Reina because she's the daughter of the woman who abandoned him -- Navier knows better than anyone how that feels.

In Clara's room, the bright new Esmeeth in a bright red dress tells the little girl a story about a mother who was separated from her son for many years.  But the story ends happily when the mother and son are reunited.  Clara understands that the story is about Esmeeth and the Dragon.  She is very happy that Esmeeth is her grandma.

Navier asks FELS if he loves Esmeeth... or Moto. 

FELS wants to know how Navier got all his information.  "You know it all," smirks the Dragon.  "Find out yourself."  FELS isn't the only one with cards up his sleeve.  Given all that Navier knows about FELS -- all his cover-ups and the fact that he's the brother of the Queen of Diamonds -- now it's FELS who has to negotiate with him.  "Not only your career is in my hands, but also your life."  

He asks FELS if Esmeeth's name is on the list of 179 agents and if he would be willing to endanger her life along with the lives of the others. 

Las Vegas
Moto examines the Martian's body.  She teaches Laz as she goes along.  She points out the bruising on the body and praises Laz for guessing the blunt object used might have been a baseball batThe killing was done by a pro, she says, with a single shot to the heart.   A silencer was used.

"You've killed people, haven't you?" asks Laz.  "What did you feel?"

"They were missions and it was them or me.  I didn't feel anything.  Besides, everyone dies...But the noises...the sounds people make when they are dying, you never forget that."

"Is that why you stopped going on missions?"

"Yes...and for another reason."

"Estefi found out everything from you, not from me," says Navier.  FELS denies giving her the information.  Maybe not directly, says Navier.  But Estefanía stole it from FELS and he knows that very well.  "If any of the 179 should die, it will be your responsibility."

FELS agrees that Navier can stay in Spain with Reina and Clara.  But if he finds out the Navier is responsible for Estefi's disappearance, he'll come after him.

Reina tells Navier that if he did something to Estefi, FELS will have no mercy on any of them.

Susana dumps out a vial of pills and promises not to take any more. (Let's hope they don't end up in the water supply.)

Juanjo suggests having some fun while he and Susana are in Miami.  They could buy some swimsuits and go to the beach...  "Don't you understand that I'm not well?" says Susana.

The evil doctor and three nurses restrain ORBO and drag him away, leaving Estefi lolling on ORBO's bed in his studio.

The Dragon couple have apparently not gone to bed angry.  "That's why I went to see Emperatriz," says Navier to Reina, summing up his explanation as they snuggle.  He wanted to find out more of the story.  In fact, he learned that she and her adopted brother hated each other.  "There are some very dark secrets in that family."

Reina wants to know what Emperatriz looks like.  Navier chuckles at her jealousy.  She admits she's jealous.  She would die without him.  It kills her to think of him with another woman.  They kiss.  
♪♪No importa el tiempo que pase

FELS goes up to Asuncion's bedside.  Her eyes are closed and she seems to be asleep.  He says he is her son Gregorio, the one she disposed of like garbage and never gave another thought to.  

Esmeeth watches and listens, unseen.

Asunción wakes up.  She thinks she has been dreaming.  She looks around and sees FELS.  He repeats his harsh words.

Las Vegas
Moto tells Laz she found something weird at the scene of the Martian's murder -- fingerprints and hairs from a killer who has been dead for many years.

Meanwhile the Cobra boasts to Victor about leaving puzzling evidence to confuse the police.

Clarita is looking perkier.  She is feeling well enough to be bored with the hospital.  Reina and Navier tell her she'll be going home soon.  "Will we live with the two abuelas?" asks Clara.  Esmeeth explains that she told Clara she's her grandma.  She smiles down at the child.  "And I was really happy," says Clara.

Esmeeth takes Navier aside and tells him that FELS is with Asunción.  "Esmeeth, walk me to the door," says Navier.  "I have to do something, but on the way, I'll tell you everything about FELS."  "You're still calling me Esmeeth?"

"My daddy is my hero," says Clara.  "Mine too," agrees Reina.

Las Vegas
Alicia (the Cobra) Palacios sets the record straight for Victor.    She's the one who killed the Martian, not Izzy.  She did it because he wouldn't talk.

"Why don't I believe a word you said?"

"That I killed him?"

"No, about how things went down.  Look, aren't you afraid of being found out, that one day your brother..."

"I don't know what my brother might do, but there won't be any evidence against me."

"So you're a real specialist in murder?"

"In murder and in what you might call 'clean-up.'  I'm sorry I told you about it.  Often the pupil surpasses the teacher.  You're a very dangerous pupil -- so you should know: I have your fingerprints and your hair, and I can put you in jail any time I want."

Victor seethes.

Susana leaves a note on Juanjo's pillow:  

She's not crazy or drunk and she doesn't believe in ghosts.  She has to go back to the clinic and find out the truth.

Poor Original Recipe Big O is being given electroshock treatments with a device once used by Bela Lugosi.  The evil director screams at Estefi's sleeping (drugged?) form -- "You helped him get out!  Damned whore! I wish you were dead!"

Navier returns to Librería Emperatriz.  The door is locked.  He knocks.  No one answers.  He picks the lock, calls out Emperatriz's name, and finds her dead body sprawled on the floor, a knife plunged in her chest.

Navier calls the Spanish Intelligence Services and asks for an ambulance.  He makes a second call, identifying himself as an agent, and reports the murder.  He hears a noise and goes to investigate.  A single book is on the floor.  Has the killer just left the scene?

Las Vegas
Christian has been questioning Izzy for hours.  Izzy maintains his innocence.  Connie watches through the glass wall and prays that Izzy really is innocent.

Asunción addresses FELS. 

"It's you, Gregorio!  My son!"  

"I haven't been your son since you abandoned me."  

"Forgive me!  I wept for you for years."  

"Tears don't heal.  You POOR thing.  How sad.  How cruel life was, forcing you to abandon your children."

"You say that ironically, but it's true.  I fell in love twice, both times with very cruel men.  One was your father and the other was Reina's."

This time it is Reina who listens in on the conversation.  Now she walks into the room and asks FELS to leave.  "My mother isn't well."  FELS pounces on Reina for referring to Asunción as 'mamá.'  Asunción says she knows he's very angry, but one day he'll also call her 'mamá.'  FELS says that will never happen.  Then he wheels around and faces Reina; he tells her to stop treating him like a brother.  He isn't one.

Asunción weeps.  Reina tells her not to cry for him.  That's just how he is.  The only one he cares about is Estefi.  Asunción says that at least she has seen his face.  Now she can die.

Away from Asunción's bedside, FELS admits to Reina that it is true -- Estefanía is the only one who matters to him.  She saved him, she sacrificed for him and she has suffered so much.  What about Reina's suffering?  When he planted those diamonds in her sewing machine, did he know she was his sister?  Yes, he knew.  When he forced her to work for him, did he know?  Yes, he knew.

Navier examines Emperatriz's cell phone.  He reads a message: "I'm in Madrid and I wanted you to know.  Patricio."  Then he reads her response:  "And I don't want to know about it.  I don't want to see you.  Don't show up.  I hate you and I always will.  I'm nothing of yours, much less your sister."

Navier kneels down and picks up a red book.  (I can't read the title.)

Las Vegas
Moto comes to question Victor about Marciano (the Martian).  She knows the victim was involved with the "Organization."  Victor, who has seen Moto's name on the list of the 179, freaks her out by calling her by several of her aliases. He says he knows a lot about her and many other agents.  He marvels at her past -- she's a real survivor.  But she'd better leave him alone -- or else.  She tells him the course of the investigation isn't up to her.  And yes, she is a survivor!

Izzy accuses Christian of abusing his authority.  He has it in for him because Connie loves him.  The real murderer, he tells Christian, is his own sister, the Cobra.

The Cobra tells Laz she won't allow Connie to make a fool of her brother.  Laz says if she touches Connie, she'll have to watch out for him.  Cobra laughs.  Laz reminds her of Little Red Riding Hood putting her head in the mouth of the wolf.

Moto is very upset about her conversation with Victor.  She tells Laz and Connie that it's time for her to get back into the game.

The evil director tells Susana that ORBO was a figment of her imagination.  He tells her to get out -- "Go back to your boyfriend or whatever he is!"  Susana says she'll leave, but she'll come back with the police.  She gets up with great dignity and begins to walk out the door.  But the evil director grabs her and covers her mouth with one of what must be an inexhaustible supply of chloroformed handkerchiefs that all Telemundo villains are contractually obliged to carry.  Her eyelids flutter prettily...

ORBO is back in his studio.  He can't rouse Estefi.  He screams for help.

Juanjo reads Susana's note.  He dresses hurriedly and rushes after her.

Reina is disconcerted to hear that Navier has gone to see Emperatriz again.  

Esmeeth and Reina discuss the FELS problem.  Esmeeth says she fell in love with him and lost control.  She doesn't really know who FELS is.  Being Estefi's brother doesn't mean he's a criminal, Reina points out.  If Esmeeth goes to the authorities with what she knows about FELS, will she be acting as the agent or the woman?

FELS tells Reina and Esmeeth that Navier has called.  Emperatriz has been murdered!  FELS leaves for the bookstore.  Esmeeth follows.

FELS arrives at the bookstore.  He lifts the sheet covering Emperatriz's face, looks at her, and then replaces the sheet.  His face betrays no emotion.  Navier says the knife to the heart reveals how much hatred there was in the attack.  He looks at FELS sharply.  "What's the matter?  Maybe you found out that she's the one who told me everything?"  FELS furrows his brow. (With him, this is profound emotion.)  Navier persists.  "Are you a murderer like Estefanía?"

FELS says that Emperatriz was very important to him for many years.  He didn't kill her.

Reina phones Navier and urges him to come clean with FELS and tell him what he did with Estefi.

The evil doctor has drawn up a lethal injection for Susana, who is still unconscious from the chloroform and is lying on what was Estefi's bed.

Meanwhile, ORBO gets a nurse to come to Estefi's aid.  Psych!  Estefi springs into action, squeezing the nurse's neck in her powerful legs.  "You're going to kill him, you're going to kill him..." repeats ORBO with horror.

"I'm going to kill you," says the evil shrink to Susana.

Estefi squeezes relentlessly.  ORBO retreats. No no no no no no.  Don't kill him. No no no no....

"No, I'm not going to kill," says the scuzzy shrink.  "There's always a time to die."

"Your time to die has come," says Estefi, gritting her teeth.  "Bastard!"  She squeezes again.  Crack!  It's done.  ORBO cowers.

Scuzzy shrink unbuttons Susana's blouse.  "Damn.  I've never seen such a beautiful woman."

Estefi grabs ORBO's face.  He is going to do exactly what he tells her to do.

Las Vegas
Christian apologizes to his sister for questioning her.   It's just that Izzy has accused her of murdering Marciano.  Alicia smiles.  She knows her brother is only doing his duty.  She's happy to give a statement.  She is innocent.  She has an alibi.  She was here with Victor last night having sex.  Victor assents silently and puffs on his cigar.

Estefi pulls ORBO through the hallways of the clinic.  He doesn't want to go with her.  She strokes him and kisses him and inches him along.  They reach the director's office.  She goes in...

Susana is wearing only bra and panties.  The Scuzz is on top of her, fully clothed.  She wakes up and realizes what is happening.  She says in a small voice "no no no."  He covers her mouth with his hand.  He glances behind him...

The Scuzzy doctor notices the camera in the painting on the wall.  He jumps up, tears the painting down and rips off the camera cable.  

In Madrid, Navier tries to check on Estefi and discovers the feed is gone.

Estefi looks in the desk.  She sees a gun.  She has a flashback to her parents' murder.  She struggles with her inner demons...I can't...I must!  She grabs the gun!  (Normally, we would be happy for this psychological breakthrough, but some phobias are better left alone.)

ORBO does his part.  He stands in the hallway screaming "She escaped!  She escaped!"  The scuzzy director hears him.  He leaves poor Susana and runs out to see what is going on. 

"What happened?" he asks ORBO.  Estefi is right behind him.  She fires a single bullet into his back.  POW! He falls.

Susana hears the shot.  She is terrified.   She screams for help.  With trembling hands, she tries to put her clothes back on.

Big O is horrified.  "He's dead!"  Estefi tells him to wait for her outside.  Then in rapid succession, she shoots down a security guard and three nurses.

Susana puts her hands over her ears and curls up in a fetal position.  "They're going to kill me."

Estefi encounters her next victim -- it's Juanjo coming for Susana.  "Welcome!" says Estefi.  She plugs a hole in his left shoulder.  He sinks to the floor.  "Shoot me," he says defiantly.  She tries to oblige, but her gun is out of bullets.  She's so frustrated, she kicks him in the face. (Fortunately for Juanjo, she is wearing clinic-issued soft tennies, not those lethal spikes she wore for the first 100 episodes.)

Reina goes to Asunción's room and finds her bed empty.  The nurse doesn't know where she is.

Now that the bullets have stopped, Susana makes her way out of the office and past the horrible trail of dead bodies.  Juanjo calls her name weakly.  She hurries to him, embraces him, and shouts for help.  He tells her how much he loves her. Just before he faints, he manages to say Estefi's name.

Las Vegas
Izzy tells Victor that Alicia killed Marciano precisely BECAUSE he named the person who has the diamonds.  But Izzy can't reveal the secret to Victor or Alicia will kill Connie.  Victor threatens to kill Connie himself if Izzy doesn't speak up.  Izzy reminds him of everything he knows about Victor and everything he's done for him.  Victor backs off and contents himself with imagining how happy he'll be when he kills Alicia and then every single one of the secret agents.

Moto is wearing a skin-tight bare-back striped jumpsuit and high-heeled boots.  She is preparing to go out on the street and investigate the murder of Marciano.  Laz and Connie try to discourage her.  It's dangerous out there!  But Moto knows what she's doing.  She asks Laz to take care of Greta if anything happens to her.  Then she grabs her helmet and leaves.

Laz picks up his own helmet, prepared to follow her.  Connie gets hysterical -- she is afraid of being left alone with the baby with crazy Alicia out there gunning for her.  Too bad.  Laz is out the door. 

Navier examines the victim's computer. He thinks there's a draft of an email that might be the key to identifying the killer -- it's addressed to FELS.  Esmeeth swivels her head from one man to the other, tennis match style, and FELS furrows his brow.  Navier makes as if to read the draft aloud, but FELS grabs the computer out of his hands.  Tactfully, Esmeeth steps away to do her work.

"I've actually already read it," Navier tells furrowed FELS.  "And now I understand everything.  You and Emperatriz weren't biological brother and sister, and you never felt like adopted siblings either.  You didn't hate each other all your lives -- because you were lovers."

FELS says it's true. He hardly lived with the family when he was growing up.  Most of the time he was in boarding school.  His relationship with Emperatriz evolved over vacations.  They were adolescents.  It was much more natural than it sounds.  Recently, she had been dating a Cuban by the name of Julio César Blanco, a writer of thrillers.

Later, FELS also tells Esmeeth that he and his sister had a more complicated relationship in adolescence than is apparent.

Susana calls Navier and tells him what has happened.  "It was Estefanía."

Estefi and ORBO sit in a car.  She tells Big O that all those dead people are just collateral damage.  They're free!

ORBO worries that he's going to end up in jail.  He's going to call the authorities!  Estefi says if the does that, she'll kill him.

Las Vegas
Christian sets Izzy and Alicia free.  There's not enough evidence to hold them.

There are several scenes that cut back and forth between Madrid and Las Vegas:

Navier returns to the hospital and learns that Asunción has disappeared.  "Someone must have seen something, doctor," says Navier.  Dr. MalaSuerte will check with security.

We see Asunción lying in a bed somewhere.  A man paces and points a gun at her.

Reina wonders whether Asunción has simply abandoned her again.

Navier tells Reina that Juanjo has been shot.  Estefi did it!  It happened in the psych clinic where he had her locked up.  

"In a psychiatric clinic?" repeats Reina.  "Yes, I wanted her locked up.  I wanted her to pay for everything.  She's crazy!  What she did to Clara is unforgiveable!  She lied and changed our destiny.  I can't prove it, but it's likely that she was behind every one of the attempts on your life.  She wanted to make you kill yourself.  I was wrong to let her live.  Her brother would never let her go to jail.  She couldn't be allowed to be free.  And now it turns out she shot my friend and she's on the loose."

Victor sits at his desk in front of his new favorite webpage and asks Izzy to pick a number from one to 179.  Izzy picks 69.  "Let's see: Mariano Vidal, alias Julio César Blanco, writer of crime novels (novelas negras)."  Victor clicks on the page.  "Okay, now the world is going to know who you are.  The secret agent isn't secret anymore.  From now on, he'll feel pursued, trapped, threatened."

A man points a gun at Asunción, who is in bed with her hands tied.  "Are you going to kill me?"  "No, not for now."

Victor drools over the prospect of destroying one secret agent a day for 179 days. Izzy reminds him of the problem with killing Navier.  Victor says he won't release Navier's name because there is someone who would give anything to protect him. 

Madrid, Reina's house
Esmeeth tells FELS she knows he didn't kill Emperatriz.  

He gets a message:  "Do you want to meet your sister's killer?"

Juanjo confesses to Susana that he doesn't have a sister in the clinic.  The patient was Estefi.

Navier calls Juanjo (bandaged but apparently okay) and tells him what to say when he is questioned by the police.

While Juanjo is on the phone with Navier, Estefi calls Susana and threatens to accuse Juanjo of kidnapping and to reveal everything she knows about Greta if they tell the police about her.

Estefi is calling from a house that belonged to her late husband, Artemio Hidalgo.  ORBO wonders if Artemio's son Andrés might stop by.  She tells him Andrés is dead.  Then she assures him he is going to come back to life as the great and powerful Octavio De Rosas.  She can just go online and access all her holdings.  But she has an unpleasant surprise when she discovers that her bank accounts are empty.  "Javier robbed me!"

Navier tells Reina about Estefi's call to Susana.  He doesn't know how she managed to escape or get a phone.  "She always accomplishes what she sets out to do," says Reina.  "And after what you did to her, she's not going to leave you alone."

The kidnapper/secret agent/writer sits and types:  "She had to die because the brother had come back and their sinful life was about to start again...  There are some sinners so perverse that they end up with a knife in the heart..."

Las Vegas
Christian informs Victor that there has been a massacre in psychiatric clinic that Big O used to own and now belongs to Navier.  Does Victor know anything about it?  He says Juanjo was shot -- not fatally -- and the director of the clinic tried to rape Susana.  The last piece of information gets Victor's attention.  His expression is something akin to concern.

Moto is back from her wild night.  Her face is bruised.  She tells Laz she didn't want him to follow her.  She needed to investigate.  (Apparently she got in a fight, but held her own.)

Moto takes a call from Navier.  She agrees to help.  He thanks her.

The hospital security cameras confirm that Asunción was kidnapped.  A man took her out in a wheelchair!

FELS is still with Esmeeth at Reina's home when he gets a second message:  "I'm going to kill your mother.  I know you don't love her, but I'm going to kill her."

There's a knock at the door.  It's Julio César Blanco, outed spy, crime writer, kidnapper (and likely murderer)!  (Except FELS and Esmeeth know only the first two things.)  He says he came because he heard the news about Emperatriz.

Navier rushes in with the news of Asunción's kidnapping.  Then he sees Julius Caesar and looks at him quizzically.

Estefi tells ORBO that they will feel better after a shower, a good dinner and a nice bottle of wine.  Then they can think.  "Think?" says ORBO.  "Yes," says Estefi.  And her revenge is going to be apoteósico (tremendous, amazing).

Juanjo and Susana discuss the vague statements they gave to the police, per Navier's instructions.

Las Vegas
Christian tells Alicia he isn't sure how long he can go on protecting her.  She tells him she is going to Miami with Victor.  (We know that Victor thinks there is something fishy going on in the psych clinic and he wants to find out what it is.)

At the hospital, Clara asks Reina why she looks so sad.  Reina says she's not sad -- she's happy because Clara is alive.

Navier takes FELS aside.  They have to do something to find Asunción.  FELS wonders if Estefi might be involved in her disappearance.  Navier tells him that's not possible and explains why.  She was gunning down people in south Florida last night, so she was a little far from Madrid.  Isn't it time for FELS to stop protecting her?  She may be his sister, but she's a killer.

Las Vegas
Moto is on the phone.  She says "Connie, bring Agatha so I can see her before I leave.  And buy her something pretty to wear.  I'll pay you back.  Tell her that her parents are getting married."

Laz treats Moto's bruises with ice and an anti-inflammatory cream.  He doesn't want his bride to look like a boxer.

Julio César Blanco tells Esmeeth that Emperatriz was everything to him.  They spoke on the phone twice a day. He was the first person she spoke to in the morning and the last one she spoke to at night.

Navier tells Blanco that FELS has spoken with Intelligence and they're ready to follow protocol.  Blanco excuses himself for a moment.  Esmeeth remarks that Blanco is in bad shape.   Navier tells Esmeeth that Emperatriz wasn't planning to speak to Blanco that night because she was expecting Navier himself in her apartment.

FELS reports that he made the call.  Then he gets a new text: "What are you prepared to do to save your mother's life?"  He texts back: "Tell me where you have her and what I have to do to free her."

He sits down and reflects on the ironies of life -- doing all this for a woman who never worried about her son.  Who else knows that she is his mother?

Blanco comes back into the room.  "I...  Excuse me, I don't feel well.  Please let me know about the autopsy results when you have them."

FELS tells Blanco he should go straight to the Intelligence Headquarters and stay there.  He agrees to do that.

Navier says that Moto will help track down Estefi.  FELS says he'll join them once the problem with Asunción is solved.  Navier adds that he left Estefi without any money or property.  "What right did you have to do that?" asks FELS.  "You're lucky I didn't kill her!"

Las Vegas
Moto sneaks in a Garnier product placement as she spritzes her glammed up hair.  Laz is duly impressed by how lovely his bride-to-be looks.

Dr. MalaSuerte tells Reina he is in shock.  Nothing like this has ever happened in this hospital before.  Suddenly a man in a policeman's uniform approaches Reina and asks her to accompany him.   He has information about Asunción.  It won't take long, but she has to come down to the station.  She is reluctant to leave Clara, but MalaSuerte assures her he will look after the child.

When the camera shows his face, we see that the policeman is Julio César Blanco!  He smirks as he follows Reina into the elevator and the doors close.

Las Vegas
Victor is packing his suitcase.  Izzy tells him the private plane is ready.  He wonders if traveling with the Cobra is dangerous.  Victor thinks it's better to have her close so he can control her.  He says he's about to carry out his biggest coup.  His enemies will be eating out of his hands.  He will be the most powerful of the powerful.

Moto is in a big hurry.  Can the Justice of the Peace move it along a little faster?  He says there are just a couple of questions he has to ask:

Lazaro Leiva, do you take this woman... Sí, acepto.
Jacqueline Montontoya, do you take this man...

Moto's face looks odd.  Is she in pain?  She sits down.  She breathes hard.  She touches her chest.  "Jackie, are you okay?"  Little Román stares solemnly over his father's shoulder. (He is such a beautiful child that those of us who speculated, however briefly, that he might end up as spare parts are deeply ashamed.)

FELS gets a new message. "Go out and take a taxi.  I'll tell you how to get where you are going.  No one can follow you if you want to see your mother alive."

Esmeeth says she won't let him go alone.  Not because she's an agent, but because she loves him.  Doesn't he get it?

Blanco leads Reina to the place where Asunción is being held captive.  "What's going on?"  "I kidnapped you both -- her and you, Queen of Hearts!"


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I'll do the best I can, folks! I hope I don't make you wait too long!

Take as long as you need. Did Mauricio post the videos for Friday's episode?

Jean - it does not look like they are up yet.

NM--Thanks for clarifying "Martian" for me. That reduces the Body Count by ONE!

Also, you are so kind to republish the last edition of the Wisdom of the Dragon.

It's getting harder and harder to mine nuggets from Our Dragon's current activities and behavior. Of course, commentors are probably aware that many of their nuggets have been polished up and are now presented as rare gems. Please keep it up. It makes my job easier.


Friday's episodes are upon Mauricio's blog. Thanks so much, Mauricio!!!

The ThreeCap is up!

Thanks for the videos, Mauricio!

NovelaMaven – Superbly written, lots of great, funny lines! Plus once again you filled in the missing parts, which means you had to spend a longgg time looking at all the capitulos that were chopped up into one butchered one.

Thank goodness for you recappers – here Dra. Moto and Laz were getting married last night, and, if I didn’t have all these wonderful recaps, I would have been astonished. The way they’re cutting the show, there would have been absolutely no lead-up to explain why these two people would suddenly be standing there (almost) completing their “I do’s”.

And there were a lot of other things I would have been scratching my head over. Poor viewers who don’t know about Caray, or don’t have internet to try (!) to find full capitulos. They would be completely lost.

Thank you, thank you!

Words can never express my gratitude to you amazing stalwarts who are posting what the money-grubbing, empty-headed Philistines at Telemundo have cut out of our beloved Reina de Corazones.

NovelaMaven, this recap was just loaded with gems! Here are a few I loved: "Victor having an expression somewhat akin to concern"; "Some phobias are better left alone"; re FELS and the furrowed brow: "with him this is profound emotion". Also the Bela Lugosi reference to ORBO's shock "treatment".

Although they didn't outright say it, Susana's feeble resistance to Dr. Evil's rape attempt, I conjecture, was because it had happened to her before and she was paralyzed with fear because of it.

I just about laughed at Juanjo's bravely staring into the muzzle of Estefy's gun and telling her to go ahead and shoot him. Only in telenovelas and some B movies do people ask to be shot at point blank range.

The introduction of a psycho secret agent at this late date has my head spinning. So, we are to gather that he loved Emperatriz but was madly jealous of FELS. So he plans to kill FELS mother. And he also killed Emperatriz because...? By the way that name fascinates me. Is this the Miami-based writers attempt to show their street cred and knowledge of names of European Spaniards?

I loved, loved, loved Navier having Moto drain all Estefy's bank accounts!

Maggie and Novelera,

Thank you both for your gracious comments. I always worry when I post a monster on Caray. Who is going to read a thing like this? But then I remember what my boss told me many years ago during my very brief and inglorious stint writing promotional copy -- serious customers will read every word!

I'm thrilled when my fellow Reinamaniacs -- serious customers if ever there were any -- read closely and take the trouble to comment!

Novelera, I agree that Susana's past trauma made the evil shrink's attack that much more heinous and probably slowed her reaction too. However, she was also probably still too groggy from the chloroform to fight back effectively.

Thanks for the info on the name Emperatriz. I didn't think anything of it except something like 'Empress trumps Queen.' Many, if not all, of the names in this show are fun and/or evocative.

I think the writers do play with Spanishness. There have been two references to the seductiveness of the accent. And I'm sure MalaSuerte's accent is a large part of his appeal.

Holy Mackerel, NovelaMaven, that recap was beyond amazing!! I'm on my way home to a marathon catch up session. Thanks so much for putting it all together. I'm going to read it again now just to try and figure out what is going on.

Thank you, Jean! You know how much I bask in your approval!

I must be having a senior moment. Where is NovelaMaven's threecap?

Found it!

Whew! I was starting to wonder what had happened to it!

What fun. I just watched Mauricio's full episodes and now I'm reading the full recap. I just don't know how you do it. It's wonderful.

BTW, I would never have bought any books from Librería Emperatriz because they are all USED. She must have gotten them from a library. You can tell because they have the Call No. labels still on each book on the shelves. They even had a check-out counter up front...Hmmmm maybe Telemundo stole the whole library?

Hee hee, Anita. Remember when Reina was held prisoner in what appeared to be a library where Navier found the Big Red Book of Diamond Lore? I bet Telemundo used the same place to shoot the scenes of Emperatrice's "bookstore."

I'm still working on Thursday's episodes, too and just saw the scene in the bookstore/library where Navier chats up Emperatrice and gets her to reveal that FELS is her adopted brother.


I now know where Juanjo bought the groceries he brought to Susana's house for the romantic dinner that was thwarted by the voice of her supposed novio from the other room.

Today I came out of the expensive, catering-to-gourmets grocery store not that far from my house to find a pea green Kia Soul parked next to my car!

Thanks so much, Anita!

How attentive to detail you are. I didn't notice the library tags on the books. But knowing that the books are used wouldn't deter me. In fact, I would be a sucker for the Librería Emperatriz and would probably end up with far more books than I could fit in my suitcase.

I just love the idea that Emperatriz was a specialist in crime novels, that her boyfriend Julius Caesar White is a secret agent and a successful writer of novelas negras, and that he is not very good at keeping fiction and reality separate. His books and his criminal behavior merge. Has he always been like this or has he just flipped out?

Of the 179 names on the secret agent list, number 69, Julio César Blanco, seems the one who most deserves outing. What a happy coincidence that Victor (or should we say Izzy?) chose him as the first victim of his evil scheme. Let's hope he never gets to a second victim.

I also love the way the novela negra theme resonates with the name Agatha chosen by the death-obsessed Dra. Moto. We have these novela-negra obsessed characters within the spoof of the novela negra that this whole story represents.

Too funny, Novelera!

Ok so I just finished watching Thursday's uncut episodes, reading Mauricio's recap and NovelaMaven's addition of cut scenes.

So Cobra has:
1. Threatened to kill Victor if he doesn't give her the red diamonds, which she already has 3 of.

1a. When Victor can't produce the diamonds, she changes the threat to killing him unless he gives her a baby. [this was very weird - why would super efficient killer Cobra want a baby?].

2. Cobra tells Connie that she will kill her if she harms Christián; and

3. Cobra tells Izzy that she will kill Connie if Izzy tells Vic that she has the red diamonds.


NovelaMaven --- thank you for the threecap. Well done! and I loved the snark, oh-so-subtly tossed in. My personal favs are:
---“(Fortunately for Juanjo, she is wearing clinic-issued soft tennies, not those lethal spikes she wore for the first 100 episodes.)” and
--- ”(He is such a beautiful child that those of us who speculated, however briefly, that he might end up as spare parts are deeply ashamed.)”

Tijeracide and cramming 3-in-1 (yes, like the oil) really is a lot for a viewer to process. The one scene that Telemundo truly could have cut was the manicomio doctor undressing Susana, feeling her up, and trying to rape her. Come ON, Telemundo! That one jumped the shark for me.

So many wackos, sickos and pervs, and now we find out FPGELS and his adopted sister had an affair. Puh-leeze. We could have lived without that knowledge, really. Telemundo could have cut that out, and left more relevant stuff in.

And Stefy kills another guy with her legs(!!!) again, like that woman in the James Bond movie.

All this makes the Rocky Horror Show look tame.

Okay. Rant over. It could have all been more tolerable had it been spread out over three episodes.

I haven’t even had time to watch Thursday’s episode, so I am going to thank Mauricio here and now for his recap. Otherwise, I would have had no idea what happened. Millones de gracias!

Another product placement was snuck (sneaked? esneaked? esnuck?) in during the first segment of Friday’s broadcast, with Juanjo drinking a Bud Light when at the hotel with Susana, followed up with a Bud Light commercial at the top of the first commercial break.

I wonder what Moto’s freak-out/pain spell is about, during the wedding. Bodus interruptus?

Well I think that the Cobra, like so many telenovela characters, is fueled by a thirst for revenge and a need to turn the tables on her original tormentor.

We know that Victor seduced and abandoned her when she was a young girl. At that time, she was a weak victim.

She returns to threaten Victor, she sets him an impossible task, she flaunts her strength and seeming invulnerability.

Who knows why she wants a baby? Maybe because Estefi got the best of Victor's swimmers 20 years ago? Is she in competition with the Queen of Diamonds? (She has, as you said, 3 of the 4 diamonds PLUS the crown).

Are we going to see the two monster women pitted against one another? Since Estefi has top billing, she's the one most likely to survive such an encounter.

Thanks, Doris!

See, I don't even notice these Bud LIght promos -- they just sail right past me. [Uh oh. Maybe that's why the show is in trouble -- not appealing to the target demographic.]

I just had a thought. I have only watched the first episode of the Friday trio so I haven't seen the wedding yet BUT earlier when Victor was musing over Dra Moto's entry in the list of agents, he noted that on one mission, she got married. Then she tells Laz about the cries of tortured people and something else that caused her stop doing missions. What if this trauma was connected to getting married and now that she is marrying Laz, it's all coming back?

thanks so much NovelaMaven for your wonderful recap!

btw, according to Más Qué Telenovelas the gran final was this past Friday, and I think it was 140.


gran final in Mexico,

and according to, on Wednesday we go to 2 fer 1, which would bring us to Thanksgiving, more or less.


Hi deb!
I'm glad you liked the recap. Thanks so much for the scheduling update.

Jean, that's an interesting theory about Moto. There's also her terrible marriage to FELS to think about. When that one imploded, she suffered a psychotic depression and was hospitalized for, what, four months?


when I read your recaps/comments, I just want to do that eastern thing, put my hands together and bow my head, so rico, but that doesn't text so well,
so I just say, thank you.


NovelaMaven - the only reason I noticed the beer bottle in JuanJo's hand is because I did not have the ClosedCaptions on. I miss a lot when I'm reading those. Which explains why I noticed JuanJo's star-spangled undies (!) in a scene where he is in bed.

deb, I always feel as if my recaps aren't quite worthy of your comments. :D

Doris, yes, you definitely notice more visual details without the distraction of the captions. I do like to use the captions when I recap, though. They keep me from making too many gaffes when my ears play tricks on me. (Of course, sometimes the captions play tricks on me too -- it's a game to outsmart them!)

I guess I really notice the visual details best when I'm not recapping. Every time I glance down at my notebook, I miss something on the screen.

So now I'm tempted to go back and look for the star-spangled undies...must not give in, must not give in, must not give in...

I think Jaunjo's socks matched his undies. Tehe.....


Sheesh, Penny. Now you're just TAUNTING me!

NovelaMaven- No praise is great enough to thank you for this extraordinary recap of three episodes. Mil gracias, amiga!

I was amused that they left the Garnier and beer placements in when so much important stuff was cut. But I was appalled by the long rape porn scenes with Susana and the doc. Was it really necessary to leave that in? And was it really necessary for the writers to have the character who was brutally raped previously go through this again? Unless this will finally provide her with some kind of breakthrough, then it was just gross and gratuitous.

Loved Juanjo's boxer briefs. :)

Scratching my head over the introduction of both Cobra (who wants Vic's baby???) and Blanco this late in the game. We've got the Pedro Ortiz mystery to wrap up. Quit wasting time, writers.

Thanks so much, Vivi!

"Gross and gratuitous" -- yup.

As for the new characters and intrigues (the Cobra in Las Vegas and the crazy crime writer cum spy in Madrid, plus the mysterious and unfortunate Emperatriz), I tend to cut the writers some slack. They planned a longer course and then had to shorten the trajectory by, what, 20 or so episodes? And then we get the special squished version?

As others have pointed out, all this would be a lot more palatable if it were served in reasonable nightly portions.

Important Update!!!

Jean very kindly shared a shot of Juanjo wearing the above mentioned undies. You can find it in the body of the recap...if, you know, that's the kind of thing that interests you.


And another thing (aside from undies and socks), NM, I agree about the writers' dilemma. Even though they had a certain trajectory and had to arc even higher, I think it's sliding into confusion with too many characters.

For me personally, they have gotten very far afield of what, to me, and maybe most of us, was the crux of the whole telenovela--What Did Rocky Find Out That Was So Unbelievable. Are we ever going to know? Why were some victims mouths sewen shut (although it's obvious now they had secrets they shouldn't tell).

These new characters (Cobra, Emperatriz & Agent #69) would have had nothing to do with Rocky investigating in Las Vegas--except maybe Agent #69, the kooky writer who was also an Ah-gente.

Well, maybe Rocky discovered Big Dead O was a fake, and Original Recipe Big O has been quietly painting Sara Smeeth's visage in a manicomio. Boy, is Smeeth going to be surprised when she finds out she fell in love with Geronimo, ORBO's stand in.

We were all given the impression at the time Rocky had found out something to do with Reina and all the attempts on Reina's life. Wouldn't it be a TWIST if it turns out Reina HAS been behind all of this. (Nah, Smeeth and FELS have been following her life closely since she married Victor.)

But whatever it was Rocky found out, it has to have a lot of shock value, or it won't have been worth the awful thing that was done to him.


I can only echo what others have already said: you're amazing, and so is your tre-cap. Muchísimas gracias otra vez.

Anita, many thanks for reminding us of what seemed to be the Most Important Question back when we thought the novela made sense: What Did Rocky Find Out That Was So Unbelievable. In the midst of all the ensuing chaos, I'd almost forgotten about that. I just hope Telemundo hasn't.

Thanks for the Juanjo pic. :)

Thanks again for your great recap, NovelaMaven!! I am now back from my trip and up to date.

My DVR confirms that we only have two more days of 3-fers - Monday and Tuesday. Then it's 2-fers until the end of the week. So a slight improvement.

Is Andres' house where Estefi and Original Recipe Big O ended up in Las Vegas? If so, they drove 2500 miles. Estefi did score some money from the desk of the head doctor at the clinic. I guess the police didn't put an APB out on the car.

So as far as we know now, Julius Caesar Blanco (JCB) killed Emperatriz because she might restart her relationship with FELS who is her adoptive brother but no blood relation. And JCB is also a secret agent. I hope there is more to it than that.

Thanks for the pic of JuanJo, our star-spangled patriotic guy! LOL


Hi Juanita! So glad you liked the recap!

Anita, thanks for reminding us of the mysterious circumstances of Rocky's death. I have a hunch we'll be revisiting all that.

Doris and Vivi, we need to thank Jean for the Juanjo pic!


Just to clarify about the house, here's a little info that I didn't include in the ThreeCap...

Estefi tells ORBO that the house was Artemio's. He always kept a key under the mat -- he wasn't very imaginative.

I got the impression that the house was in the Miami area, just one of perhaps several that Artemio owned and Estefi inherited when he died.

It was weird that ORBO worried about Andrés coming home and finding them there. How does ORBO even know about Artemio's son?

NM and Jean--
The house is in the Miami area (there was one of those white superimposed signs out front to make sure we knew where they were).

I thought I heard Stefi tell ORBO when they first entered the house that it belonged to her difunto husband's son, Andres. ORBO worried that Andres might return and she told him he would NOT be returning. I'm not sure she actually told ORBO he was dead.

What I couldn't get over is that after all those years (according to Stefi) that it wasn't used, it was so shiny clean and well appointed. Even the lights were on.

Anita, Thanks for clearing that up. That makes sense. (I was also impressed by the condition of the house -- but I suppose if you are super-rich, you can have caretakers for all your homes so they are always kept ready for your use.)

Thanks, for the clarification, NovelaMaven, that the house is in Florida. That makes more sense.

Estefi did tell ORBO that the house belonged to her husband's son, Andres. I don't think ORBO knew Andres; he just wondered if the owner might return and Estefi did tell him that Andres was dead.

Yes, Andres' house was nice and clean, the lights were on and there was a laptop and wireless internet. Very handy.

What if what Rocky found so unbelievable was that Estefi was FELS' sister?

It seems like about half the novela characters are in Spain: (Navier, Reina, Asunción, Esmeeth, FELS and Clara) and a lot of the rest of the characters are in or are heading to Florida: (Estefi, ORBO, Juanjo, Susana, Victor, Cobra and Dra Montoya, if she can survive her wedding. So that basically leaves Laz, Izzy, Connie and Christián in Las Vegas.

Hey guys,

Can someone recap for me tonight? I am 2 episodes behind and I won't be able to watch all in time. I can switch with someone.


I can do it, Caroline.

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