Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #82 I Didn't Watch! Somebody Tell Us All What Happened!

I don't know what happened to CorazonSalvaje;)!  If you watched last night, please share!

We still need recappers for Thursday nights, if you are interested.  Also, if you are interested in being a backup recapper on Wednesdays, we would love to have you.  Please contact me at


Wish I could help out recapping but am too busy. If someone could post a header, we still could just post comments for those days when there are no recappers. Just a suggestion.


Wednesday I couldn't recap but I can make up for it by recapping this Thursday night.

I will say, Wednesdays are usually my most busy day(s) of the week. I could move to Thursdays or Tuesdays since I originally wanted Tues. like during my PSMA days.

Here's what I remember:

Flor confronts Chava outside the factory. He tells her she got the wrong idea about their relationship. Flor goes to Lupe's dance class and tries to get sympathy for her plight. Lupe' almost gets sucked in by her.

Dani drives to the factory and parks outside. After Alexa leaves, Lucas sees Majarres and 2 other thugs waiting for him in the car in front of Dani. Lucas jumps into the back seat of Dani's car. She takes him back to the Ripoll house where she feigns a headache and is almost busted by Fausto. Lucas is hiding under the bed.

Araceli asks Javier and Lupe' if they'd agree to a quickie divorce. Javier won't agree to it, but does agree to a regular divorce.

Miguelina is at the market when Marisol calls asking about Lucas. He hasn't come to work. Miggie calls Lucas but gets no answer. She gets a call from Manjarres who threatens to put Lucas six feet under. Miguelina talks to Marisol in a panic, gets dizzy and collapses. Marisol, Sofia and Chava rush to the market to rescue Miguelina. They take her to the hospital, then home.

Marisol tells Chava and Sofia about Lucas being involved in fixed boxing matches. Chava goes to the gym and offers to pay off the bad bets on the condition that Manjarres and The Boss leave Lucas alone from then on.

Armie tells Alexa that the therapy is to help him and Irma get through the separation, not to help them get back together. This gives Alexa some hope. Alexa introduces Irais to Armando. Alexa tells Irais that Matias is smitten with Silvana, but Silvana treats him like dirt. Alexa tells Irais to go for it with Matias.


Patricio once hearing Flor struck out with Lupe has a second round that will include faux parents of Flor

I loved the maid at the Ripoll mansion getting creeped out when she hears a noise on the stairs but does not see Dani and Lucas sneaking up to her room. She thinks it is Octavio's ghost and hurries out. Very funny moment in an otherwise blah episode.


Jarifa, the maid scene was my favorite of the night too. Nice touch

Thanks Xint!

I loved the scene with Alexa and Irais. Irais was beside herself when introduced to Armando (who can blame her??). Alexa needs a good girl friend and Irais fits the bill. Matias needs a good girl friend and guess what? She fits there too!

Cynderella, I am helping out on LM and really not able to recap any other shows.


When Lucas was first introduced I had extremely negative vibes toward him and considered him to be a selfish, self-centered, disrespectful, thieving little thug. His recent rebellion against his criminal master has caused me to reconsider my opinion of him.

After getting to know him better, I'm still not very fond of him. I think that it may have been more personal pride rather than any real understanding of right and wrong that kept him from throwing the fight... that plus the fact that he was responsible for risking Matias' and Marisol's money.

I wonder if it even crossed his mind since this happened that perhaps his first fight might have been fixed in a similar manner... hmmm.

I still wouldn't want him near my daughter.

By the way, where in the world does Chava think that he can come up with the funds to cover the gangster's losses caused by Lucas' noncompliance?

Does anyone else find it amusing that the actress playing Chava's fake novia was almost like a mother-figure for him in AdP as the family servant? (OK... maybe older sisterish)

Diana, I'm glad you enjoyed a little walk down memory lane last night. Would that another Gancho would come along.


Greta doesn't like Lucas either & I don't blame her for getting Oliver & Dani together.

Carlos, wouldn't that be grand? :)


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