Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #84 12/15/14 Sofia is Treated to a Great Performance

From last week:
Lucas tells Marisol that he was hiding out at Dani's house.
Alexa argues with Greta to bring Fausto back. Greta remembers telling Fausto that Paco was the great love of her life.
Flor and her fake parents wait in a taxi outside the Ripoll house.

The New:
Flor calls Renzi from the taxi. She just saw Salvador leave the house with the girl from the party. Renzi tells Flor to stay where she is and wait for him to call with instructions. Flor tells her fake parents to keep practicing their lines for their upcoming performance.

Marisol doesn't understand why Lucas needed to go to Dani's to escape Manjarres and the thugs. Marisol thinks Dani just took advantage of the circumstances to try and steal Lucas back! Lucas knows that Oliver is in love with Dani.

Renzi calls Pato to tell him that Sofia and Chava are together.

Sofia and Chava go to a movie theatre to look for Fausto. The ticket seller hasn't seen anyone matching their description. They will have go to another theatre and keep looking. Chava kids around with Sofia that this outing is kind of like a date. Sofia isn't amused. She warns him that this isn't the time or the place, especially after that girl at the party claimed Chava asked her to marry him! Chava tells Sofia that she's the only one for him.

Pato drives up to the mansion. Flor sees him and calls Renzi, "Your friend Marcos just arrived." Renzi gives his instructions, "After he leaves, you go in."

Inside the mansion, Pato goes upstairs to see Greta. She bitches about Fausto's betrayal. Pato asks her to be more flexible. If Sofia hears that Pato convinced Greta to bring Fausto back, Sofia will see that Pato is a good and understanding man. Greta thinks it's a great idea.

Sofia and Chava find Fausto at the next theatre. Sofia sits down next to him and they hug. Sofia tells Fausto it's time to go home. He is sure Greta won't allow him back. Chava tells Fausto that he is welcome to come stay at Chava's house.

Irma tells the therapist that she wants to save her marriage. The therapist asks Armie what he wants. Armie wants to end his relationship with Irma with the least amount of harm to Nandito. Armie will never trust Irma again.

Pato calls Sofia with the news that he was able to talk Greta into letting Fausto come back.

The therapist says that anything can be forgiven with love. Okay, it's obvious that this guy is a quack. Irma informs the therapist that Armie is in love with another woman. She turns to Armie, "Admit it."

Flor watches as Chava, Sofia and Fausto pull up outside the mansion. Chava apologizes to Sofia for the scene at Lupe's party. He swears he would never lie to Sofia. Fausto watches as they kiss. Chava gets out of the car and Fausto drives to the house.

Pato tells Alexa and Dani that he talked Greta into letting Fausto return. Sofia and Fausto walk in the door to cheers and hugs. Sofia is quite surprised that Pato was able to convince Greta to let Fausto come back. "How did you do it?"
"I took advantage of how much Greta likes me." Pato promises that he'll always look out for Sofia and protect her against low-lifes like Salvador Cruz.

The therapy session is over but Irma goads Armie, "If our time with the therapist hadn't run out you would have been forced to admit that you're in love with another woman." Armie admits he loves Alexa, but he broke things off with her to protect her from Irma's craziness. He won't go back to Alexa until he's free. Irma vows he'll never be free. The best thing for all of them is to be together.

Sofia talks with Greta about Fausto's return. Greta won't forgive Fausto easily.

At Paco's store, Nandito tells Araceli that the therapist is going to help his family stay together. Araceli cautions that sometimes families don't stay together but a therapist can still help them learn to be happy apart from each other. A man pops his head in the door and smiles at Araceli, "Hello, my crazy love!" Araceli is surprised, "Pedro! What are you doing here?"

Fausto goes to his room, the Ripoll girls decide they'll go to bed too. Aurora interrupts with news that there is a girl here to see Sofia. Her name is Flor; should she let her in? Sofia decides to go outside to meet her.

Sofia motions for the security guard to let Flor in the gate. Flor is desperate, "Salvador won't keep his promise to me because of you!" She tells Sofia that her parents can vouch for her if Sofia will only hear them out. Flor motions for her parents to join her. They embellish Flor's tale of woe and heartbreak. They thought Salvador was a serious guy, but he tricked them. He promised he would be with their daughter forever. Salvador even came and asked permission to date Flor and then to marry her! Flor sobs, "He promised to be with me to the end of the world!" Sofia remembers back to the day she met Chava and how he told her he'd take her to the end of the world.

Pedro knew Araceli was in Mexico City and just wanted to drop by to see her. Nandito asks why Pedro called Araceli his "crazy love". Araceli sends Nandito off to see Paco. Pedro asks why Araceli hasn't returned to Monterrey. She came to take care of Paco, then decided to stay. Pedro always knew she'd go back to Chava. Araceli was always comparing them and Pedro was her second choice. He asks, "Are you back together with Chava?" She answers grimly, "No."

Flor's fake parents continue their story. Salvador left and didn't come back. They tried every phone number he left and checked every address, but he was nowhere to be found. Flor finally tracked Salvador down by asking around at the race tracks. They would like to kill him! Spit on him! They hate him! Their daughter was pure and innocent and he stole her virtue!

Pedro asks Araceli to go back to Monterrey with him. Araceli shakes her head, "I still love Chava." Pedro asks Araceli if she would be willing to help him with a legal matter. Araceli puts him off. She's got a new job and probably won't have time, but she'll call him sometime.

Flor cries that she gave herself to Chava with no regrets because he promised to marry her. Her fake father tries to pull her away, "Don't humiliate yourself anymore." Flor breaks free and falls on her knees in front of Sofia. She begs Sofia to dump Chava so he'll come back to her. Sofia steps back, "We're just friends. That's all. He just works for me." Flor's parents pull her to her feet. She cries and begs Sofia to let Chava go as they drag her out the gate.

Armie tells Chava about the therapy session and how Irma twisted things. "Forgiving her and getting back together with her are two different things." Armie feels guilty about loving Alexa. He should have held back and not gotten involved. Now they are both suffering. Chava is happy that even though Flor lied about him, Sofia still believes him.

Sofia goes to Fausto's room and cries about Salvador. She isn't sure what is true and what isn't. She feels pain and rage and deception. Fausto can't believe Flor's story. They couldn't find Salvador? It's just... strange. Sofia insists that Flor's parents sounded sincere.

Chava thinks Armie should continue therapy with Irma. Maybe it will help Irma to let Armie go.

Sofia tells Fausto that her heart trusts Chava, but her head says "no". Fausto advises her to look at Salvador's eyes when she talks to him tomorrow. His eyes will tell the truth.

Araceli finds Nandito asleep over his school books. Irma arrives and she's drunk. Irma needed a few drinks and some fun because the therapy session with Armie didn't go so well. She tells Araceli that she has something important she has to do. She'll come back in the morning. Irma staggers out the door and leaves Nandito with Araceli.

Javier tells Chava that he is leaving tomorrow. He's well now and won't push Lupe's hospitality any more. Chava offers to give him money for rent and food. Javier says he can't accept it. Marisol and Chava both offer again. Javier agrees and promises he won't drink anymore. He'll come and visit often, if it's okay with Lupe'. Marisol tells him that he's always welcome in their house.

Isadora tries to sneak a drink but gets caught by Oliver. She claims she was only getting a glass of water! She's not a drunk! She only wanted a drink to relax; those stories she heard at the AA meeting were going to give her nightmares. Oliver wants her to work on getting over her drinking problem. Isadora promises him that she will. But she won't do it at AA. She'll do it privately. Tomorrow.

Lupe' tells Chava he did the right thing with Javier. Chava asks if she has talked to Paco about their relationship. Lupe' isn't sure Paco wants a relationship now that Javier has stayed so long. Chava urges her to talk to Paco. She'll never know if she doesn't ask.

Irma has changed into a very low cut red dress. She approaches a guy at a table outside an apartment building and spies a set of keys on the table as she walks by. The guy stops her, "Where are you going?" She coos, "I just want to surprise someone." Irma drops something. As the guy bends down to pick it up Irma pulls her skirt up higher on her leg, then grabs the keys as he ogles her. After getting a good look he decides he can let her pass. She sashays away.

In her bed, Alexa thinks about Armie and starts to cry.

Irma lets herself in to an apartment. Armie is asleep on the bed. Irma takes off her dress and gets into bed with him. She starts to kiss him. He responds and kisses her back.

End of Episode.


Thanks, xlnt, for a very comprehensive recap. I (mercifully?) missed this last night and just could not get revved up to watching the recording.

At least Fausto was found and I am sure that the girls won't let Greta throw him out again.

Maybe Irma should go to AA with Isadora.

Too bad Pedro could not have convinced Araceli to go home with him.


Xint, thank you for the great recap and thoughtful details. To me, this was a truly depressing episode.

I had to leave the room in the midst of Flor and her "parents" lying to and crushing Sophia's spirit. Flor was nauseatingly effective - it was almost impossible to watch.

Armando responding to Irma was cringe worthy. What on earth is going to take for Arceli to give up as well?? These people are relentless.

Other than Fausto being "found", the only other bright spot was Pedro/Rocky whom I have been crazy about since Guapos.

Thank you Xint.


Oh My Gosh IRMA !

Is she that determined to open her damn legs ?

She's using every dirty trick to keep Armando.

Araceli still is up to NO GOOD either. Pedro will be around for awhile in this TN.

Ugh, Irma is just creepy and disgusting.

Now, I have a weird question. In that scene with Armando, did it look to you like Irma has a big dent in her breast on the left side? Maybe it was the lighting, but it almost looked as if maybe she had some kind of breast implants that were on top of rather than underneath the muscle. It was kinda strange.

Don't know if her boob had a dent but if she bumped into a bus the bus would.

Thank you bunches xInt for the recap.

Gotta hand it to the three actors, Flor and the parents. Well done and loved every minute. How in the world can Sofie dismiss that?

Pedro appearing, I sure didn't take into account Araceli was always in love with Salvador when she was in Monterrey.

Someone else mentioned it before but Patricio sure is spending a lot of time trying to bury Salvador and he and Renzi are not moving the needle much. How much longer do they get, not very good bad guys.

Anita, my mom said the same thing, I thought her boob did look kind of weird and lopsided, this actress seems to always show off her boobs in every TN she's in lol

Great recap for a not-so-great episode.

Kathy- I didn't see this episode, but could really picture everything thanks to your great recap.

It sounds like it will take every ounce of effort Chava has to convince Sofia that what she saw and heard was just a show.

Tofie- Yea. Pato and Renzi are wasting a lot of time dealing with Sofia's love life. Their boss must have a lot of other projects keeping him and his goons busy, because these two should have been on the receiving end of quite a few beatings by now for their lack of results.

So, who is playing Araceli's old flame?

I'm a bit bored with this tn at the moment, so not making the time to watch it. But I appreciate the fun recaps and great comments!

Vivi, here's my thoughts:

1.) Patrick & Renzi will never be stopped anytime soon. Expect them to reach epic chaos similar to Feo & Gonzo of PSMA.

2.) Irma & Araceli: female version of Peyton Manning & Tom Brady: both clinging to the past, need to be put out to pasture.

3.) Alexa will find out Irma & Armando slept together...just watch.

4.) Sophia: still a hard head.

Thanks the recap. I think it was a middle great episode, we have already seen worse. For me, who watch this story big jumps, there are some new infos, again thanks.

The best part was when Fausto did not know what to do, because the birds were kissing in the car. Fausto was adorable with his grimaces. :)

So, who is playing Araceli's old flame? --> He is playing by Ricardo Margaleff. He played in Al diablo con los guapos (the chofeur, Rocky), or in the Porque el amor Manda.


Interesting to see if Pedro will stick around for the duration of the TN.

Thanks, Xlnt.

Sofia is getting on my nerves. Does she really believe Chava would hook up with a woman so lame she brings her parents along to beg for her? Wouldn't this tip off Sofia that the woman is psycho?

Never seen Araceli's old boyfriend before, but he was a welcome sight.

No way can Armando say he thought it was Alexa. Surely he'll wake up in time to save himself. If half-naked Irma doesn't bring in more male viewers for Hasta, I don't know what will.

Irma bring in more male......YUK. She is fat and disgusting. Maybe good if you need a bodygard but the only way she is getting any action is with a sleepboinker.

I think Irma is not a bad girl for appearance, even...
BUT for me her implants are already too big, but I think these ara preferred by many male viewers.

Thanks for another excellent recap, Xint.

I'm late (as usual) but I just wanted to put in a word or two in support of Irma (not so much the character but the actress portraying her).

As for the character, Irma, she may not have made the best choices in her life... however, she has been trying to do the best she can for the two people she loves most, Nandito and Armando. Armando is still not being honest. He loves Alexa... period. He should simply admit that the decisions he is making are primarily because of that. The fact that Irma was unfaithful all those years ago and has deceived him all these years makes it convenient for him to do the things he is doing.

As for the actress, Aleida Núñez, she has to ability to make the characters she plays uniquely unlikeable, especially for the female viewers. I first noticed this phenomenon during MEPS. I defended her here and was assaulted verbally by a few (mostly anonymous) commenters. I've seen her in several other TNs, including DA and CME, and have been impressed both by her acting skills s well as her incredible physical beauty. Once again she is managing to attract unfair and unseemly attacks and for some reason these attacks manage to focus on her physical appearance...

I guess that she is succeeding with her acting skills... NEXT!


This will be controversial, but I'm going to be looking forward to seeing Irma get knocked off.

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