Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #95 Tuesday 12/30/14; Princess Sophia is not amused

Swanky Restaurant
Pato tells Sophie that Chava is threatened him in the lobby of the hotel.  Chava warned he’ll tell her a mad story about Pato and Sylvana being lovers if Pato doesn’t end his relationship with Sophie.  Chava’s willing to do anything to break them up.  Pato swears he would never, ever deceive her with another woman.  After everything he’s been through for her.  He flashes his best puppy dog eyes at her. 

Sophie knows he’s been the best of boyfriends.  What she doesn’t understand is how Chava could have come up with such a vile story about Pato and her BFF.  Doesn’t make sense.  Pato keeps laying it on, saying this is the work of a desperate man.  Sophie’s lost her appetite.  Sophie is muy impactada and sheds a tear.  Ever, the doting novio, Pato dries her tears.

Depa de Sylvana
Cristiano is fed up with the way Pato treats Sylvana.  He sees how Pato just uses her and then runs off to his noviecita.  He’s convinced  Pato is playing them both.  Sylvana is still under the delusion that Pato is love with her and is only after Sophia in order to gain control of the company and then destroy it. Then, she says, he’ll come back to her and they’ll live happily ever after.  Cristian wonders how she can be so sure he’s not in love with Sophia.  Sylvana defends Pato.  After all, didn’t he stay by her side when she lost the baby?  Cristian still isn’t convinced.  He thinks Pato is capable of anything and is pretty sure he was involved in Chava’s “accident”.    Pato will not hesitate to rid himself of people who are getting in his way. 

Casa de Irma
Armie is kissing Nandito goodnight, wondering how in the world he’s going to tell him about what happened to Irma.  He gets a call from the clinging Alexa.  Armie tells her he still can’t bring himself to tell Nandito about Irma.  “Oh?  Well, let’s talk about me and how much I want you here with me,” is basically how she responds and reminds him she’ll always be there for him.  After the call, she laughs and hugs her pillow.  What a screwball.

Casa Ripoll
Sophie and Pato return from din-din.  Pato regrets having told her about Chava’s “threat”.  He didn’t mean to upset her.  No, no, no….she assures him he was right in telling her.  He thanks her for believing in him.  He takes comfort in knowing that no matter what’s said, she’ll believe in him.

La Bella Dormiente
Irma, still in her coma, thoughbubbles the events leading to Renzi throwing her off the roof.

Casa Ripoll
Fausto insists Sophie confide in him.  He knows something is bothering her.  She needs to tell Uncle Fausto all about it.  She tells him what Pato said about Chava.  She still can’t believe it!  How could Chava make up this evil story about Pato and her BFF, of all people.  Fausto gasps, then asks, “Well, is it possible?”  He knows Chava and thinks he’s incapable of making up such a story.  Sophie agress but Pato says this is the work of a desperate man.  Chava is such a caring man, willing to do anything for those he loves.  However, when it comes to love he is shameless.  Fausto still doesn’t want to believe this of Chava and wonders if Pato may have misunderstood. 

Chava’s Hotel Room
The gang’s arrived with the party – including chicas.  Chava appreciates it but……duty calls.  He has to work tomorrow and needs his sleep.  Once everyone leaves, he says to himself, “What’s the point when the woman of my dreams waits for me in Mexico City.” 

Casa de Irma
Nandito is up early and struggling to wake Armie, who’s overslept. 

Fabrica Ripoll and the dawn of a new workday
Pato arrives and can’t wait to tell Sylvana how it went last night.  Sophie bought his story.  How could he fail, since he’s the most wonderful novio on Earth? Sylvana thinks he acted too soon.  He’s convinced he needed to act fast before Chava had a chance to speak to her first.  He warns Sylvana she better be very careful about what she says when Sophie talks to her.  If she screws up, he’s through with her. 

Chava looks in on Matias (who’s actually working!.  Matias tells him he hasn’t heard anything and is sure Pato hasn’t confessed about his affair.  He thinks it’s high time Chava man up and tell Sophie himself. 

Sophie has arrived.  Sylvana is surprised Sophia seems so calm about Chava’s accident.  She’s yammerin’ on about how much Sophie cares for him.  Sophie blurts out Pato’s story of Chava’s “threat”.  Sylvana’s shocked and doesn’t understand why Chava would pick on her.  Why, she’d never!  Sophie doesn’t doubt her in the least.  Sylvana assures Sophie Pato would never do this her---ever!  Why, she’s always been on Chava’s side even when Sophie was involved with him.  Sylvana turns her back to Sophie and voices her deep disappointment in Chava.  When Sophie agrees, Sylvie looks like she’s gonna gag. 

Chava runs into Pato in the hallway and tells him he’s on his way to tell Sophia himself since Pato doesn’t have the tamaños to tell her himself.  Pato snickers as Chava walks away.

Matias and Irais – trust me…..just FF>>>

Chava arrives to speak with Sophie but she’s busy with Sylvana.

Ostras!  Lots of filler about the Karaoke contest:  Alexa and Dani talk about the guitar and how expensive it is……FF>>  Down the hall Lucas and Marisol talk about the same…FF>>  Egads Alexa and Dani arrive in Sylvana’s office with their plan for a Karaoke contest…FF>> Elesa, Danie, Marisol, and Lucas discuss it in the breakroom…FF>> Then discuss Dani and Alexa discuss it w/Sylvana OMG – the writers are just adding more and more filler.  FF>>
Armando runs into Chava and tells him about his concerns about telling Nandito all about Irma’s true condition.

Casa Ripoll
Greta is dazzled with Ikra’s tea.  Ikra  continues to stroke Greta and acts as though he is really interested in art. She speaks about the talents of the Ripoll Girls.  Ikra shows an interest in Dani and Greta  doesn’t look like she likes it too much.

Hospital – Love’s First Kiss?
Renzi arrives and checks in with his goon who tells him La Bella Dormiente is true to her name and is still in her coma.  The goon will act as lookout while Renzi visits our sleeping damsel in distress.

Pedro compliments Aracely on her great work as a divorce attorney, saying how much he’s enjoyed working with her.  Aracely seems reluctant to receive such praise but smiles.  Is she starting to warm up to Pedro?  He thinks it’s wonderful that she continues to visit her cousin.  Aracely can’t help but think Irma knows she’s there.  They go hand in hand to visit with Irma.  ruh-roh!

Meanwhile Renzi’s goon is in the waiting room flipping through images of scantily clad chicas on his iphone and doesn’t see Pedro and Aracely at the nurse’s station. 

Fabrica Ripoll
Chava asks again if he can see Sophie.  He walks into her office unaware of Sophia’s wrath.  He’s irked that she continues to speak to him in the formal Usted.  It pains him to bring this to Sophia but it isn’t fair that she continue with a “tipo” that deceives her.  Sophie plays dumb (not too hard for her, I know).  He continues, breaking it to her that not only is her cheating on her….but with her BFF!!!  He’s surprised she doesn’t react. Then she lowers the boom: “I can’t believe you’d would make up such slander (calumnia)!!!  Chava is impactado!  He repeats how he caught Pato and Sylvana in an R rated position.  She starts screeching, “Basta!  You have no right to insult a man who does know how to respect me!”
C:  Que?
S:  Pato is the opposite of you who goes around with woman all over the place.  He has shown his loyalty and love.
C:  You’re wrong!  That tipo doesn’t love you.  I’m telling you, he’s cheating on you with your BFF!
S:  I repeat, BASTA! 
C:  If you don’t believe me, fine.  But I’m not the only one who’s seen them doing their, er, dirty things!
S: Wait, what?
C: Matias has seen them too!

At this revelation, Sophia gets on the horn and asks for Matias to be brought to her office, pronto!

Ruh-roh!  Prince Charming is there to give Sleeping Beauty love’s first kiss!!  I mean, Renzi’s there and I’m sure he means to plant more than a kiss on the comatose Irma.  But first he’s gotta do his monologue.  “I don’t know if you can hear me, or if you even understand me, maldita buttinski (entrometida), but just in case you might survive, perhaps it’s best I help you die.  bwahaha.  But he doesn’t do anything, except give her his best surly face. 

Fabrica Ripoll
Oh gawwwd, I hate these two.  Matias and Irais are frolicking down the hall.  She’s pestering him about what else, the Karaoke contest.  We’re saved from further discussion by Sophie’s Chica Viernes (girl Friday, get it?)

Meanwhile, back at Sleeping Beauty’s bedside…….
Renzi is fiddling with the IV, then checks out the oxygen hose, walks to the other side of the bed and checks the medical equipment.  If he had a mustache, he’d twirl it.  The suspense builds……he walks back to the other side and picks up a pillow and is about to act when, poof, a nurse arrives asking if he’s a family member.  She’s never seen him before.  Finally, a hospital staff member doing her job!  So sorry, but since he’s not family, he needs to leave.  Curses!  Foiled again!  He apologizes and leaves.  Irma is saved.  Renzi is such a loser.  It’s a wonder anyone trusts him to do their dirty work. 

Back at Fabrica Ripoll
Chava continues trying to convince Sophie that Pato has been deceiving him for who knows how long.  All his charm and gallantry is nothing but lies.  Matias comes in.  Chava explains Sophia doesn’t believe him.  He tells he’s known about Pato and Syvlana for some time, having come upon them on the night of   the “baileton” (shindig/dance/pachanga).  Matias recounts what happened, “It was a late night at the Fabrica.  They apparently thought they were alone.  I passed by her office on my way to get a cup of coffee…..and that’s when I saw them.  It was like a punch in the gut to see them because I never thought of Syvlana like that.  She swore me to secrecy, saying it was a moment of weakness and didn’t want to lose her job.  She promised me it would never happen again.  She would stay away from Pato and kill her love for him.  As you can see, it was all lies.”  Chava chimes in that Sylvana told him the same thing.  He says he urged Syvlie to come clean and tell Sophia everything.  Sophie: “Lies!”  wait, what?  “it’s clear that you two buddies are in cahoots to defame two respected executives!”  Sophie’s so worked up she’s panting and Chava tiene cara de impactado.

Matias assures her he’s not making it up.  He would never do such a thing.  Sophie thinks he has a motive since Sylvana has always rejected him.  Matias says that despite everything Sylvana has done, and continues to do, he still cares for her.  He’s even brought her nutritious meals to help her with her anemia.  His only mistake was not putting a stop to the affair before now.  Sophia sits quietly then jumps up from her chair, repeating they put this story together just to hurt Pato and Sylvana.  Chava continues to try and convince her that this is not the case.  Sophia finds it curious that Matias should admit to this just now.  Now Matias gets all hot and bothered and raises his voice, saying Pato and Sylvana are deceiving her.  Pato is a desgraciado and Sylvana is hopelessly in lurve with him.  Sophia: “Shut up! I should fire both of you for saying such things about two irreproachable (intachable) people.”  Chava calmly asks her to open her eyes and believe  him.  She asks Matias to leave and Chava continues to try and reason with her.  Pato is deceiving her .  She tells him the only one who’s deceived her is Chava and he’s  despicable for going to such lengths to discredit Pato.  He never should have returned to the business then fires him on the spot.  Chava is speechless.  He tries to say something but she shuts him up, saying he’ll be paid his salary and then she doesn’t want to see him again and threatens to call security when he continues to try to explain.  “Scram!”  Chava finally gives in and leaves.  Sophia collapses in a puddle of tears.  waaaaah!!! 

Renzi calmly walks to the elevator and gets in just as ARacely and Pedro get off.  Aracely checks in at the nursing station and is told about Irma’s visitor who was asked to leave.   Paco has arrived and both he and Aracely visit Irma.  Paco wonders if Armando will consider trying to save the relationship if Irma ever regains consciousness.  Aracely doesn’t think so, “when it’s over, it’s over.”  Speaking of which, Paco wonders if she and Pedro are picking up again.  She denies this and reminds him Pedro only came to ask for her help with a divorce case.  Paco’s not too sure.  He thinks Pedro is definitely still interested.  What’s happened to Irma should remind them all that it’s important to live life to the fullest.  Aracely deserves a man who truly loves her. 

Fabrica Ripoll
Matias literally runs into Irais and knocks her over, almost undoing her Maleficent Coif.    He apologizes and says he never sees her (those writers think they’re sooooo clever).  He explains Sophie called him to tell her something he should have a long time ago.  He finally opened his big mouth and told her the truth and he only comes off looking like a liar. 

A dejected Chava sees Armie in the hallway and tells him Sophia never wishes to see him again.

Sylvana finds Sophia at her desk in tears.  Sophie explains she’s just fired Chava – boohoohoo.  She relays the whole terrible story to Sylvana.  How Chava even involved Matias in a crazy story and how Matias told her that he found Sylvie and Pato in a compromising position late one night.  How could Matias say that about her?  Sylvana is outraged!  She thought Matias liked her!  Sophie explains Matias was most likely just taking out this frustration with Sylvana’s repeated rejections.  Sylvana acts as though she’s so upset at this she turns to leave the room. She asks Sophie to speak up if she doubts her.  Sophie knows there are no lies between them.  She know that Syvlana would have told her long ago if she were interested in Pato.  Sylvana says she’s really hurt at this attack on her integrity.  She assumes Sophia will also fire Matias.  Sophia can’t even though he’s Chava’s friend and roomie.  Besides he’s the best chocolatier since the Maestro Coria.  Well, Sylvana will find it difficult to carry on a civil relationship with him after everything that’s been said.  Sophie understands but hopes Sylvana appreciates the situation she’s in.  She asks Sylvana to get Chava’s paperwork in order to make sure he’s paid every centavo owed him.  She never wants to see him again.   Sylvie leaves, Sophie’s still crying.

Chava explains to Armie that Sophie refused to believe him, even after Matias gave her his eyewitness account.  Armie feels Chava jumped in without thinking it through.  He wishes Chava had come to him so they could have worked out a better way to convince Sophie.  Chava thought love and the truth would overcome everything.  But Sophia no longer believes in him.  What will he do now? Armie tells him to calm down and give Sophie some time to calm down as well. 


Paquitadelbarrio, thank you for such an excellent recap of such a tedious episode.

Silvana is going to feel stupid when she realizes that Christian is right about Patricio.

How stupid tge screaming banshee Sofía is going to feel when she realizes Chava and Matías called it about Patricio and Silvana.

Alexa, unnfortunately, will never feel stupid (as she should) because she got her "que te lo digo yo" in early this episode. I wonder if the writers are having fun with fitting that one expression in her dialogue some where each episode. They have to be aware if what they are doing. If I had to write this script, I'd be looking for some comic relief.

I love whenever Chava calls Patricio "licenciadillo" (little licenciado).

If Sofía woukd just listen to ever wise Fausto.



Omgosh I hate Irais and Matias too!

Cynderella & Jarifa: Sophia needs a BIG-A** ANVIL HARD! Like mother, like daughter: their buji uppityism is pissing me off to no end!

Chava: MOVE ON from Sophia because she obviously doesn't want you at Ripoli ever again. Focus on your racing career!

Alexa: My Gosh! She's addicted to Armando so bad, it's bad. Where's Dr. Phil to stage an intervention ?

Cristian will be spot on about Patrick using Silvana because she's too stupid enough. I mean Patrick did kill Silvana's unborn baby after all.

Paquitadelbarrio great with lots of detail.

"What a screwball." Heehee

I was screaming at the TV for Salvador to shut up and get out of Sofia's office. What a wimp, he never should have returned to the factory, should have talked to his friend Armando, but this little doggie just cannot stay away from Sofia's leg. Leg humper.

The most interesting conversation and pair for me is Silvana & Christian.


I'm pulling for Silvana & Cristian & Co., to destroy Ripoli !


Paquita - Terrific recap of an infuriating episode. Thanks so much for taking time from your holiday celebrations for us. My favorite snark: Armie tells her [Alexa] he still can’t bring himself to tell Nandito about Irma. “Oh? Well, let’s talk about me and how much I want you here with me”

I too like that Cristian is warning Silvana about Patricio. Will it take ultimas semanas for her to find out Patricio gave her an unwanted abortion?

Sofia started out wearing only gray and a tight hair bun. Now because of Chava's luv, she's letting her hair hang down and wearing fuschia and halters, but she's become dumb as a post. I'm starting to prefer the uptight gray version.

Niecie, I disagree. Don't insult the post. She's dumber.

P.S. Waaaaaayyyyyy dumber.

Cynderella, she's the female version of Art from PSMA: screams, yells & sides with people, who don't have her interest.

On Silvana: I don't see her finding out about how her unborn kid died until Gran Final.

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