Tuesday, January 06, 2015

#99 Tuesday 1/6 Hasta el Fin del Mundo: I Got the Wedding Bell Blues or Pato gets zilch from the 3 Kings

Church---did I say that out loud?
Greta has just admitted in prayer that Octavio Ripoll is not Sofia’s true father…..and Sofia has heard it all!  Mother and daughter exchange anguished tear-stained looks while outside the priest is grumbling that they’ve got to get this boda on track.  Meanwhile, Alexa gets a call from Armie telling her the good news about Irma.  Alexa asks about Chava, who apparently wasn’t able to keep  Sofia from getting to the church on time. 

Inside, Greta tries to deny what she said but Sofia knows what she heard.  She asks Greta straight up, “Is Octavio my father?” Greta: “Now’s not the time, it’s your wedding.”  Sofia insists and asks her to swear by la Virgincita to tell her the truth.  Greta finally admits it and they both cry out.  Waaaaaaah.  Sofia is out of control, screaming NO!!!! 

Later, after they’ve both calmed down, Sofia wants to know why Greta let her believe Octavio was her father all these years.  Greta admits she wanted Octavio to give her his name and a good future.  Alexa and Dani walk in just now to tell them the priest can’t wait any longer.  Alexa tells her she must get going then asks, “unless you’re not sure about this.”  Sofia gathers herself, and her petticoats, ---- the show must go on.  What a trooper.  Greta trails behind, in tears. 

Armando calls Chava who tells him his ruse failed.  He’s on his way to the church now to give the limo back to the chauffeur. 

Aracely admits she can’t help thinking about Chava.  Pedro is getting frustrated, “y vuelve la burra  al trigo” (the donkey returns to the wheat)  Aracely explains today is Sofia’s wedding day.  Pedro suspects with Sofia out of the way Aracely figures this will leave Chava in the clear and channel his love toward Aracely.  “Do you think so?”  Pedro isn’t sure but in the meantime, he knows he’s her consolation prize.  He’s sure of one thing, if Chava were to decide to come looking for Aracely, he (Pedro) would step aside because he wants her to be happy. awwww, what a doofus.

Back At Church
Everyone is finally entering the church and Fausto escorts the bride down the aisle.  She hesitates and Fausto asks if she’s having second thoughts.  Sofia shakes her head no.  Wedding march begins and they head down the aisle.  Renzi gets a call on his cell and steps outside just as Sofia reaches the altar.  Manjarres is calling to let him know Irma has opened her eyes but hasn’t said anything. 

Wedding ceremony begins and Sofia thoughtbubbles about conversations with her parents.  Greta is crying and Alexa doesn’t know why she’s so verklempt.  Greta prays, silently this time, to the Virgincita for forgiveness.

Chava’s house
Marisol and Lucas tell Paco and Lupe about the Boy Band.  The old folks talk about Aracely, Pedro, and Chava.  Lupe laments that with Aracely possibly taking up with Pedro, Chava will be like the Perro con las dos tortas.

The ceremony continues.  “Christ is the rock of love, honesty, faithfulness……”  as we see Sylvana shooting daggers, Patricio looking smug, and Sofia?  What else, she’s thinking of what Chava told her about how he’s never lied to her and that she’s his great love.  She’s thinking…….

Chava’s House
Armando and Nandito are there talking about Irma’s recovery

Sofia, do you accept Patricio as your husband?  Huh? Sofia is too busy with thoughbubbles:

Chava: “I come to you with my heart in my hand,  Patricio doesn’t deserve you!  He’s deceiving you!” 

Alexa: “What, are you crazy?  How can you marry Patricio, a man you don’t love?”

Dani: “You are running away from your feelings.  Tomorrow, when you’re married to Patricio and see
Chava with someone else, I swear you will suffer the most profound pain you could ever imagine.”

Sylvana: “Even if you hate everything that Chava evokes in you, don’t get married!” 

Then she recalls the conversation she just had with her mother about Octavio Ripoll.  There are a lot of conversations rolling around in that little blonde brain.  So much so that the priest asks again, “Do you Sofia Ripoll accept Patricio as your cheating, conniving, lying husband?”  …….. and she says no!  Patricio is impactado.  She pulls the veil from her face and confesses she is not a Ripoll and can’t marry him!  The members of the congregation are stunned!  Greta is mortified!  Sofia gathers her considerable skirts, and her wits, and sprints back up the aisle while Chava has conveniently arrived and is parking the limo.  He gets out of the limo just as she’s running down the steps.  “Chava, please get me outta here!”  She jumps into the passenger seat just as Greta and company exit the church,  “Elaine!  er… I mean, Sofia!”  So exciting.  Greta runs to the middle of the street and starts to hyperventilate.  Alexa looks happy but concerned for her mother.  Sylvana wastes no time in congratulating Patricio, cheering on Chava who has given him his version of la novia fugitiva (runaway bride).  Renzi also rubs it in, “they stole your bride.”  Patricio doesn’t give up that easy and is calling the po-po to report a kidnapping.  Sylvana doesn’t even try to hide her happiness at this turn of events. 

Among the guests, Isadora is commenting to Oliver, “who would’ve imagined!  Sofia, the pride of the family,  abandoning the novio in front of everyone at church!”  Oliver can see she’s gearing up for a gossipfest and tries to reason that they don’t really know the whole story between Sofia and the chauffer.  That’s it!  Isadora puts two and two together and remembers the story about the serenata!  Oliver tries to keep her from going to Greta and warns her that what Greta needs now is her solidarity.  Of course, says Isadora.  She only hopes Dani doesn’t turn out like her sister.  Meow!

Sofia is bereft and crying.  Then Chava starts with his “guerita del alma” shtick.  Never had he thought she would have run from the altar.  This proves to him that she really does love him.  Yeah, it’s all about you Chava.  Basta, she tells him (yeah, like that ever worked in the past).  She tells him this has nothing to do with him.  Chava assumes this means that she finally realized Patricio is having a fling with Sylvana.  Wrong again.  She explains cryptically that she’s learned something that has nothing to do with him or Patricio.  She asks him to please stop asking questions and just take her somewhere far, far away.

Church:  Damage Control
Greta is coming to and her daughters want to take her to the hospital but she refuses.  She just wants to go home, to her pills.   She can’t stand the stares and what everyone must be thinking, not to mention what the press will make of this.  Dulliver comes to console Dani and tell her it shouldn’t matter what others may say.  If Sofia decided she didn’t want to marry, well good for her.  Greta:  “What do we tell the guests, much less Patricio, who doesn’t seem to want to talk to us.” Sylvana assures Greta that Sofia will call her soon.  She adds salt to the wound and wonders who would have thought she would run off with the chauffeur? 

Renzi’s on the phone with a friend with connections on the police force.  He tells them Sofia Ripoll is a kidnap victim and the limo is not to leave the city limits. 

Fausto announces to all gathered that obviously since there is no novia, the reception and festivities are now cancelled.  Toodles!

Renzi assures Patricio they will be found.  “Maldito Cruz,” says Pato, “he’s gonna pay.”  Renzi figures it’s a good thing Peralta hasn’t been informed.  Otherwise, first thing he’d do is skin him (Pato) alive.  Sylvana walks up to them, this time to rub it in Pato’s face that Sofia decided to run off with the love of her life.  When Pato complains, she admits she is enjoying Sofia’s fall from grace even though it means their dastardly plan needs to go back to the drawing board. 

Pato runs to Greta’s car to tell her he’s reported Sofia’s “kidnapping” to the police.  Alexa doesn’t see how, since Sofia clearly went voluntarily.  Pato basically tells her to butt out and Greta asks him to keep her informed.  She’s so ashamed.  As her car drives away, he swipes at a tear he managed to bring up and stands there like a wolf stalking his prey. 

Irais and Matias talk on the steps of the church.  Blah, blah, blah……..since they’re dressed, they’ll go celebrate anyway.  Has Matias always had that nose ring?

Somewhere far, far away
Sofia gets out of the limo and Chava asks her to go ahead and vent.  He asks why she ran out of the church.  She again asks him to stop with the questions.  He tells her to take her time and he’ll wait in the car only it’s hard for him to see her suffer so and not be able to do anything about it. She walks away from him and leaves him standing there.

Casa Ripoll
The mujeres Ripoll  and Fausto arrive with everyone in agreement that Greta should go to the hospital but she refuses.  Alexa explains to The Help about Sofia running off.  Greta objects to giving The Help all the morbid details.  Iker is there to help Greta up the stairs.  Once The Help is dismissed, Alexa and Fausto have a little chit chat.  Fausto admits Sofia hadn’t told him of her plans but would have rather seen her make her exit before and not cause such a scene in front of everyone at the church. Even Patricio doesn’t deserve that.  Alexa: Ostras!  He deserves that and much more.  The wedding couldn’t have turned out better. Y Olé! She tells him the good news about Irma.

Somewhere far, far away….Into the Woods
Sofia continues to weep in the woods.  She thoughtbubbles her “father” saying “You’re just like me, Sofia.  You don’t believe in fantasies.”  She considers either her father knew the truth…..or her mother deceived him.   uh, yeah!  She continues to cry as Chava looks on and wonders what is going on?  If it wasn’t him or Patricio, why did she cancel the wedding? 

Patricio’s Depa
Renzi is trying, unsuccessfully, to calm down his Primazo del Primor.  But Primazo is very angry at how Sofia made him look ridiculous.  Renzi gets a text from his friend that the police have put out an APB in the event those turtledoves (tórtolas) try to leave the city.  Where, oh where can my little bride be!  Maldito Chófer!

Sylvana’s Depa
Alone, Sylvie is toasting Sofia for giving Patricio his well deserved comeuppance.  She gets a call from Cristian regarding the cancelled wedding.  She fills him in on the deets.  Cristian tells her about the goings on at Casa Ripoll.

Casa Ripoll
Speaking of which…..Greta is in her room, frantic because she can’t find her pills. Fausto assures her Iker is fixing her tea and will bring her meds.  He again suggests she call the doctor.  Greta can’t take it anymore and knows she shouldn’t tell him but she tells him The Big Secret and explains how Sofia overheard her praying.  Fausto is shocked to learn Sofia isn’t…….isn’t a Ripoll!  (funny, I thought he already knew)

Casa de Chava
Nandito is praying that his mamita opens her eyes again.  Armando joins him in prayer.

Somewhere far, far away
Sofia emerges from the woods and asks Chava to take her home.  She refuses to tell him what is causing her such anguish.  He urges her to share with him as a friend and together they can work it out.  She refuses and pleads with him to take her home.  (Note, he has to shut door twice – did her petticoat get stuck?)  He drives away in silence.

Casa Ripoll
Greta continues to vent to Fausto.  Fausto suddenly realizes that if Greta was already preggers when she married Octavio then that could only mean that Sofia is……….Paco’s daughter!  Tan, tan, TAN!

Taco Stand Somewhere Far, Far, away….
Police are taking a taco break when The Limo passes by.  Hey, wait!  Isn’t that the Limo in the APB?  The chase is on.  Sirens blaring, they pull Chava over.  “outta the car!”  Gun drawn, an officer pulls Sofia from the car and she attempts to tell them she has not been kidnapped.  Never mind, off to the station they go.

Pato’s Depa
Pato is extremely agitated that he doesn’t know what’s going on and that “estupida” doesn’t have her cell phone on.  Just then Renzi gets the call that they’ve been found and are on the way to the station.

Casa Ripoll – Greta’s Tragic Story
Greta continues her story which we already know but it bears repeating, I guess.  She really loved Paco but her parents didn’t and wanted her to marry Octavio.  She had planned to run off with Paco and had plans to meet him at the bus station.  Unfortunately, her father died the same day they were to meet.  His death left her and her mother virtually penniless.  That’s where Octavio and his money comes in.    She didn’t have a chance to tell Paco.  She can just imagine him standing there waiting for her and not knowing what was going on with many unanswered questions.  She knew he would hate her for the rest of his life.  She didn’t know she was pregnant until just a few days before her wedding.  She hadn’t slept with Octavio so she knew Paco was the fater.  She told Octavio about the baby with the hope that he would reject.  But he insisted on marrying her anyway just to get back at Paco.  Despite all his money, Octavio always envied Paco and couldn’t get over the fact that she preferred Paco.  This is why he made her swear at the altar that she would never, ever, ever tell Paco about the baby.  This promise is sacred to her and that’s why this must stay between them.  She swears Fausto to secrecy, telling him not to ever, ever tell Sofia that Paco is her biological father. 

Renzi arrives while Manjarres continues to look at naughty pics on his phone. Nothing  to report.  Renzi heads over to Irma’s room.  (Why does this always happen on my watch?)  Once again he whispers to Irma and warns her that if she recovers she’d better keep her mouth shut or Nandito gets it.

Police Station
Chava and Sofia stand before the captain and she is swearing that she was not kidnapped.  She left the church of her own accord.  Pato arrives just then and he and Chava begin with the fisticuffs.  Chava gets one in just as our episode ends. 


Nice recsp snd FAST. Thanks.
YUP I think Chava 2.0 will beat patricio like a rented mule. P tried a sucker punch which C blocked and answered with a knockdown. I wanted it to go on for long enough to hospitalize P at least.

......tan tan TANNNNNNNNNN!!!!

Hee hee!

Chava wises up to Pat the Rat's suckerpunch. Too bad we didn't get to see him win another "First Blood" match.

Thanks, Paquita, for the fab recap!

Great episode for once! I love the fact that Sofía would have married Patricio except for the fact about Octavio not being her father and that Chava knows that the reason she bolted had nothing to do with him. Sure adds some needed complexity to Sofía's stupid character and relationship with Chava.

I also got a kick out of Silvana's reaction and throwing it in Patricio's face.

Fausto was priceless as usual. Greta still stupid feeling she has to honor a promise to an evil dead man: Octavio. Nothing new there.

Finally, who doesn't like a good fist fight? Too bad it looks like it is over before it got going.



Paquita- Excellent recap!

Yes, some things finally happened. I also thought it was hilarious how confused Chava was that something could be happening in Sofia's life that had nothing to do with him or Pato. Ha!

But did anyone else find it over the top that Sofia had to go open-mouthed bawling in the woods like a 3 year old who bumped her head and needed her mommy/daddy? I mean, when an adult finds out a parent wasn't their bio parent it stirs up sadness I agree. But wouldn't there also be equal parts anger, indignation, confusion, and mostly questioning? I don't know. It just seemed too much to me. Plus, if she had told Chava what happened, he would have been able to tell her who her bio-daddy is (but of course she doesn't know that).

Vivi I agree about open mouth bawl....I expected any rational daughter to demand to know once and for all with no monkey business who in the H E double ell her father was. That has not filtered into her pea sized brain yet it appears. How long Sofia until the light bulb blinks on? Who's my Daddy?

Vivi, Sophia is still stupid with the whining!

Renzi threatening to kill Nandito: not surprising at all.

Chava getting arrested by law enforcement: they're in Peralta's back-pocket.


Paquita, that is the best title for a recap!!! I love it!!!

Vivi in DC, TOTALLY agree that it was fun to see a man wondering why all the fuss wasn't about HIM. I got a good chuckle out of it.


Thanks Paquitadelbarrio this is great.

"There are a lot of conversations rolling around in that little blonde brain"

It was so funny when Sofia told Salvador to zip it and it wasn't about him. He had nothing but to resort to leg humping. What a wimp.

Can't these two boys stop with their testosterone laden fisticuffs until after hours and off school property? Is this supposed to be hot?

Love me some Silvana, and wished she would really turn on Patricio, that would be great to see.

Fausto dismissing everybody I had to watch 3 times. Classic.

I thought Fausto already knew Paco was the baby daddy but guess it was just conjecture on his part.


Are we ever going to get more of a complete picture of this Octavio Ripoll guy? It's like he's two different people. One is the jerk and evil dude who stole everything from Paco and threatened Greta with murdering the man she loved if she got out of line and told him the truth. The other is the respected businessman, and beloved father that Sofia and Alexa worship. Come on! You mean to tell me he never let the mask slip? Surely, there must have been other people he screwed over over the years, not just Paco. It doesn't make sense. Did he and Greta just have a happy, carefree marriage after he bought her and threatened her? Did he really love Sofia as his own child? Will these questions ever be answered?

Vivi, excellent points all. The girls think he was a saint, Greta remained married to him and respects him enough not to betray a promise to him though he'd never know she broke it. I think, Greta uses a bad version of Octavio to absolve herself of guilt. She wanted the free and easy life and was ok with using Paco's recipes to assist. She nearly screwed up by getting pregnant by Paco but Octavio agreed to marry her anyway and think it not an unreasonable request to keep secret Sofia was not his but the product of a youthful liaison with a poor guy. Actually he sounds like a stand up guy.

Some idle thoughts on the non-wedding:

The 'flowers' in and outside the Church would have cost a fortune if they were real but then I looked closely and of course they were artificial silk (?)but still good if a bit overdone.Everything was festooned including the limo door handles!
Let's face it, no matter which bridal dress Sofia would have chosen, she looked fabulous. I did think the dress was a bit snug in the middle but that's a minor detail.
The groom's jacket looked weird; I thought it was just a suit jacket from the rear.

Let's not forget that Octavio had an affair with Silvana's mother - will those two kids be somehow related to the female Ripoli's? I think the loving Octavio was a figment of Greta's imagination and she kept most of his evilness from the girls. All 3 of them seem to be clueless, so it was not too difficult to do.

Octavio only died 5 years ago. Sofia was 25! She thinks the guy walked on water. She even worked with him, and thinks he was great. She was plenty old enough to see his defects by that point. I just don't think these writers have done a very good job of fleshing out who this guy was-- evil mastermind, or caring boss/father/husband/lover (to Sil's mom)?

Those questions will NEVER NEVER NEVER be answered anytime soon!


Do we really know Octavio had an affair with Silvana's mother? That is what she was told but Octavio could have spurned her advances and she killed herself.

Oh, I think a bedridden Irma without the hair, makeup and balloon boobs hanging out is pretty.

Tofie- True. It all could have been in Sil's mom's head, or in Sil's head. Enough dilly dallying, Writers. Give us some details on these back stories already, instead of wasting time on Chava begging Sofia to be his girl for the millionth time, or Javier and the Lush getting their drink on together.

I have questions about Silvana that have perhaps been answered in episodes I missed.

-How long have she and Sofia been friends? Where did they meet?
-Did Sil start working at the company over 5 years ago when Octavio was there?
-Is she going under a false name like her brother?

Wow, thanks Vivi. I always 4get the details and didn't realize Octavio has only been gone 5 years. Maybe not the other girls, but definitely Sofia should have had a better idea of her father's true personality even if she chose to ignore it.

I don't recall the writers giving us much about Syl's mom other than she had an affair, or whatever with Octavio. Do we know why she hates Greta so much other than she is a Ripoll?

Sil is mad at Greta because Greta told Sil's mom to stay away from her husband. The nerve! :) Learning that her married lover's wife wanted her out of his life, was apparently enough to drive Sil's mom to suicide. For that, Silvan hates Greta and all the Ripoll women.

Sophie once said that Octavio never paid attention to until after she got her degree in business. She said it to Chava when they were at her dad's cabin where she goes to think.

But now the story is he adored her from the start and made her in his image. Did the writers forget?

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