Friday, January 09, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #101 20150108 Chava Gets a Happy Ending and He Ain't Thrilled About It

I only caught the last 20 minutes of the show and witnessed Araceli's violation of Chava.  If someone would like to tell us what happened, please share.



Silvana is not happy to hear that Patricio is going head on with his plan to marry Sofía no matter how stupid he looks.

Looks like Iker is ready to put the moves on Dani.

Paco calls to find out how Greta is. The maid says she is just fine. He says she does not have to tell her he called. She tells her and it is flashback time for her and him.

Matías tells Irais that ahe is not his type after she "attacks" him. She is not a happy camper.

Iker spying as Fausto warns Dani about spreading the dirty little family secret around. Faust suggests she look for something with Oliver.

Fausto shuts up Alexa and keeps her from spreading the dirty family secret to Armando on the phone. Her only reaction is "¡Ostras!"

Irma is officially out of her coma. She is awake for a bit and greets Armando and Nandito but has no idea how she got there and falls back asleep.

Chava sits at Cuco's drinking tequila after tequila reminiscing about his times with Sofía.

Fausto gets Daniela, Greta, and Alexa together for Sofía to make an announcement. She is resigning as general director of Ripoll Chocolate. The job belongs to Alexa who is Octavio's first born. They all say "No!" but Sofía does not back down.

Greta makes up with Fausto who has always been her best of friends.

Cuco calls Paco's house to tell him to come get Chava. Araceli answers the phone. She goes down to Cuco's, takes his drunk self home with her, puts him in her bed, and has her way with him because he is too drunk to know the difference. He is not happy the next morning and reiterates one more time that he is is love with Sofía and her.

That's all I can get from my notes.



Araceli ... desperate much?? Disgusting.

Correction last line: " . . . He is in love with Sofía and NOT her."


Thanks, Jarifa. I missed it last night.

Glad to hear Irma woke up. Right now I'm sick of all the Ripoll women, so I'm looking forward to Irma stirring things up.

Thanks Jarifa for jumping in and you got everything.

I thought it funny Araceli took Salvador to the same seedy hotel (same room I bet) where she and Pedro went at it. Salvador responding like he thought it Sofia, what a crock.

I want Iker to seduce Dani, let's liven this thing up.

I'm confused. In Monday's episode, Iker as much as told Fausto that he was gay. Now Iker wants to seduce Dani? QTH, writers?

Whether he realizes it or not, Pato's plan failing actually works to his advantage. Alexa hasn't got a clue about how to run the company. If she puts Pato and Silvana in charge while she "learns the business" the factory will go bankrupt sooner than later.


C'mon. Araceli saw an opportunity & got it.

Heck, I'd sleep with Araceli too!


I think Iker is messing with Fausto in order to get in good with him. He fantasized about Dani.

What would your wife think about that Steve? *Chuckle*

Araceli is a rapist

Aw man, now the 10-min. retirement gone into permanent mode. "Thank-you-for-"be-in"(other way around, giggety) a "frieeeeennnnd" Araceleech.

I knew where this situation was heading, like everyone else did. Well, successful watercooler talk, I guess. Wish it didn't happen but "what'cha gonna do", right?

At least Bitter Ol' Buzzard(BOBbie) got that stick out her carcass and made up with Friend Fausto.


"Araceli is a rapist"

I don't think anything's gonna come out of this other than a "stern lecture" from this episode.

Anon 9:17 -

Keep in mind there's a perfectly viable but rodeo clown-esque suitor other than Chava for Araceli who has a right mind and knows when to quit unlike some.

I totally agree! i cannot stand araceli & her donna reed hairstyle...

My wife wouldn't be thrilled. She'd retaliate by sleeping with the Pope.

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