Friday, January 16, 2015

La Gata #98 Hot Diggety! ¡Últimas Semanas!

Lower your expectations. I've watched it twice already (and even took notes the second time!) and I still don't know how to force it all into some sort of coherent recap.

I've gone back and looked at my notes and I must have been drunk at the time, which can't be good because it was 8 in the morning. goes nothing.

My notes start with Meche's trip to Rita's Jacal to get a card reading. I wrote the word mitotera when Rita said everyone calls her that but they always end up wanting the cards read. BTW-it means metiche, nosy, all up in people's business, argumentative.

Augie badmouths Esme. Apparently, the only thing I felt was worth  noting: casquivana (floozy, tart, wench, flibbertigibbet.)

Esme lurves her babies.

Rita at her cards. Punishment of the wicked will be to live with themselves (which I assume means the anvils will be crap.) She points out the cards representing the evil: Lo and Gi. Meche argues that Lo is a changed person. Rita doesn't buy it. She identifies the card of the bad guy causing the trouble. She notes that everyone knows him, but they won't be successful in identifying him. Then she pulls the card that represents Augustin Martinez Negrete who is the worst!

Esme stuck on "Pablo doesn't trust me." Pablo shows up and Esme never wants to see him.

Pablo heads home so Lo can plant more seeds of doubt. Gi shows up to visit Augie and Lo remarks that Gi is the only one Augie seems to like seeing. Pablo reminds Gi that they have nothing to talk about and the only thing they had in common was the now void contract. Pabs leaves and Gi growls that it's not over 'til it's over.

Pablo stands at window and says he will make Esme listen. He breaks into Esme's bedroom and heads downstairs just in time to hear Doc Javier propose. (I have no idea why he snuck in through Esme's window. He thought bubbled about Esme usually being on the terrace and now just when he wants to talk to her she's not there. I still don't see why that means he had to sneak into the house.)

Edgar "The Hat" Suarez (Ricardo Franco...who really should stick to suits and pilot uniforms) has called Mariano. They have a mutual friend who recommended he speak with the lawyer. Suarez is just back from Europe and needs a "talented and famous" painter to evaluate his sister's work and help her with her art. Edgar is a powerful guy and painters before didn't seem to want to tell the truth in regards to the sister's art (It sucks BTW.) Ed needs someone honest. He's in Valle del Bravo and could the artist get there ASAP? Mariano has just the guy. Mariano hangs up and thinks getting away from Esme would be good for Pablo.

Pablo pitches a big fit after hearing the proposal. He demands to know if Esme is going to marry Doc Javier or not. Esme screams it's none of his business. Fer comes running. Esme and Javier go to Javier's study to continue their discussion. Pablo says something vaguely rude to Fer who takes offense and tells Pablo will respect Esme. I just don't have the heart to recap 3/4 of what gets said on this show because it's filler and it gets said all the time.

So Javier asks Esme. Will you accept my protection? Will you marry me?

Esme eventually tells Javier she will think about it. Later she and Fer have a conversation about the proposal. Fer thinks if she weren't so hung up on Pabs, Javier would be a great prospect. Esme wouldn't feel right marrying Javier and still being in love with Pabs.

Mariano tells Pablo about the job.

Carlos and Virginia in wedding mode. He's reading the cards that came with the gifts. She pouts that no one bought them anything for the babies. WTF, Ginny? I couldn't believe she was all pouty and "Oh pooh! No one gave us gifts for the babies we don't have

Carlos of course says nothing about this genetic disorder that Virginia has. He just tries to convince her they should adopt. Twitter feed says "Ok what disease can a woman have that's is activated by conception?"

Hot PT and Javier have an argument about Javier's Gata addiction.

Pablo goes to see Esme a third time and she throws him out again. He goes home and tells Mariano that he's pretty sure Esme is serious this time. He thinks maybe he should go to Valle del Bravo. He wants to leave immediately, but Mariano reminds him about the accident he had the last time he was late night driving. Pablo decides to leave early the next day.

Principe! Oh, Esme strings beads and tells Jarocha she's going to meet with the PI to see if he's learned anything about Juan Garza. Both Esme and Jarocha say that JG seems so familar, but they just can't seem to place him.

Lo and Gi talk about Pablo's imminent departure. Lo is pleased he will be away from La Gata. Gi gets her hackles up when Lo mentions that Pablo will be helping a young lady with her artistic pursuits.

Vicky (the young female artist) asks her big brother if the artist is cute or Feo with an F like a foco fundido (blown out bulb.) Big bro reminds her that she's looking for a mentor, not a boyfriend.  She pouts about some impossible love and this being the anniversary mind wandered...

Mariano tells Gut that Pabs gave him power of attorney and Pabs won't be at the meeting.

I think Fer, Blanca and Jarocha were talking about Pablo's leaving and it upsetting Esme. Another WTF moment brought to you by Latoodle-doodoo productions. Hasn't Esme been screaming about NOT wanting to be near Pablo?

Pablo looks at Vicky's "art" (it's terrible.) He finds a cute baby picture and they play flirty keep away.

Esme and Juan Garza at the meeting. Juan Garza wants to go to court and take the babies away. La Gata attacks. *YAWN* From the twitterverse: I don't get it? How can a stranger take away someone else's kids

And twitterland's reaction to Ultimas semanas?
La Gata is now into última semanas. f*ck yes!

#UltimasSemanas Thank God for small favors!!!!

Can you feel the stupidity in this story. Omg! WTF! Finally ultima semanas! Si!

Optional Reading:
Indulge me. I'm thinking out loud.

I think a good novela can be compared to an umbrella.

The handle and shaft are the main ingredients. This is the story. The premise of the whole thing. This is what the viewer will hold onto and have the most interest it. They have to be sturdy and able to withstand some wind--the wind being a thinking viewer. A flimsy story and the whole thing will collapse in the face of the simplest question.

Then there is the runner. It's your pacing. You want to make sure this moves smoothly. You don't want it to snag.

The canopy and ribs are all the plots and characters that surround the main story. They may seem separate from the main events, but they are still part of the whole. Most umbrellas have 8 sections. I'm not sure a novela needs that many different stories, but certainly don't go trying to add more and more as the show progresses. Decide how many "ribs" you want before the show begins and stick with them. Introduce them whenever you want, but please make sure they fit with the other sections. Make sure the canopy is high quality material (writing) and don't try to overstretch the canvas! You'll just get a bunch of holes...and pretty patches (guest actors) aren't going to work as well as an undamaged canopy.

The stretchers support all this. Make sure you cast competent actors. Not just pretty ones. Stretchers should also be high quality. Hire good writers.

It all has to come to a point at the end. And the end is more important than you think. You have to know where everything will end up and you have to know  BEFORE you put all the pieces  together. Otherwise you end up with a poor quality item that probably doesn't work. In fact. Start at the end and work from there.

Previous: Episode 97
Next: Episode 99


I've never been so happy to hear the Ultimas Semanas announcement.

Sara, how's Gisela's reign of terror going along?

She's playing nice and is on her meds for now. But I don't think we've seen the last of her evil plans.

I'm doing my ULTIMAS SEMANAS happy dance!

When this ends we should throw a party and e-mail & Tweet Univision so that they know we are happy this crap is ending!

I like that idea Eli!

I wish I felt like Uni gave a hoot. I've emailed them before and gotten no response. Ever.

I'm in 7th Heaven, Diva!

What is replacing this one? Anyone know?


No clue. Uni was real squirrely with this one. Announcing a July premiere and deciding at the last minute to wait until September. I'm expecting the same shenanigans with the replacement.

I'm hoping Yo No Creo En Los Hombres is next.

Could Dr. javier be behind Garza?

And yes they do need to tell Virginia the truth.

Me too, Mauricio.

I don't think Javier is behind the Garza plan. His fingers aren't hairy enough. And does Garabato know Javier?

Good point. I hope we find out next week who is behind the whole thing.

I don't think Garabato knows Javier, but since Marcelo is already dead to me and he can't get any deader, they might as well try to get me to believe that was their plan all along.

Meh, never watching this again. I'll just read the recaps. I can't stand to look at Pablo's brainless mug any more ... reminds me too much of the goofy doofus looks of Oblivio from CI. Oh, wait a minute ..... sighh.

I'm in agreement with YNCELH and ECDLP being played next in primetime (but there will probably be unfortunate editing.)

If MCET ends (quicker due to double houring if nothing new is played for a while) and with LG ending soon, maybe those two will be aired from 4:00-6:00 (7:00-9:00.)

I do NOT see Amores con Trampa (MCET's succesor) being played in the US anytime soon.

I see Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse either being double-houred and daytimed after QA and Teresa or DQTQx2'd and edited the hell out of.

La Sombra del Pasado is fit for a surprise primetime slot (pipe dream) or 10:00 PM after QTPD ends (if it's like Eva Luna, it'll be short.)

If Mejia pulls strings and gets his latest murf into prime-time, I'll scream and give you guys all the help you need.

Univision's facebook page is where I've seen folks comment on the shows. In today's environment most corporations pay no attention, as Gringo can attest, to any complaints on a corporate website. What does get their attention is mass negative social media commentary, twitter yes, but facebook primarily, but it has to be mass.

I kind of keep up with telenovela news coming out of Mexico, but I really need to stop. I read about shows and I want to see them and Uni consistently chooses not to air them or chops them up.

I am very afraid for what's going to happen after La Gata.

1. This has managed to get good numbers. Good enough that there was no editing. If the next show doesn't live up to those ratings we'll get a hack job.

2. I'm just talking out of my ass here, but Uni has moved the 10 show to this slot before (MPV.) If Que te perdone does not do well, I can see it getting moved. It's up against Dueños del paraíso which got the highest rating ever of any premiere on Telemundo. Señora Acero often beat La Malquerida in the ratings.

3. Like you said Corazón, there could be 2 hour chunks of MCET. But I don't think that could last for long. The US isn't that far behind the Mexican episodes.

4. My biggest fear is La muchacha viene. It's not doing well at all in Mexico. Wait. That probably means there's a plot and decent acting. Maybe even dialogue that makes sense...

But thinking about it more. If QTPD has more mature themes they might not move it. The certainly can't edit it!

Yo no creo en los hombres sounds interesting. I hope they aren't going to do doubles for Mi Corazon es Tuyo since I'm recapping that one.

Double eps are murder on recappers. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you cathyx!

I'm superstitiously not saying what my first choice would be. Of course ANYTHING would be better than this.

Livia Brito, I do not like, and she's in La muchacha viene. Unfortunately this time slot is most convenient to watch for me. Well, hope for a good story and writing

That's my problem, too. This is the most convenient time slot for me too.

I can take Livia. I can't stand Jose Ron.

8:00 or later time slots work best for me. I hope the stinkers won't fill those slots up after those end.

I vowed to also not watch another Osorio production again either. That's who produces MCET. It's watchable but quite ridiculous. If it weren't for my 2 most favorite actors in it, I never would have bothered with it.

Every time I catch a bit of MCET it's some ridiculous music act or those annoying kids. Even Jorge can't overcome that kid of Osorio's. After spending all day with teenagers who think they are cute, I can't stand pre-teens who think they are cute.

Watching last night's episode again to do the recap. This stuff is gawd awful. It's sad when I am more entertained by Rita and Chácharas talking about business investments.

"My biggest fear is La muchacha viene. It's not doing well at all in Mexico. Wait. That probably means there's a plot and decent acting. Maybe even dialogue that makes sense..."

Yes. It seems that the ones that are flops in Mexico are the ones that are good and decent. While the novelas that get good ratings are the ones that are bad. Ex: CI, Gata, HQEDNS, FELS, etc

I gave up on MCET after the first five minutes. I could not take the kids and their constant use of the word "hasthtags". NO ONE talks like that.


I've seen many stupid things in TN, but the who's the father storyline has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. They are taking something that could be solved in 5 mins(simple blood test) and they(the writers) are dragging it out with unbelievable, idiotic, mind-numbingly dumb scenarios and decisions. Am I actually suppose to believe that this man could actually take custody of children that are not his? Wouldn't a simple trip to the clinic for the blood test solve this? Am I missing something? This whole situation is so far-fetched that it's really pathetic that they went this route.

I wrote something.

It has nothing to do with last night's action.

I'll get to that eventually.

Thanks for being patient and while you wait feel free to read my little rambling analogy.

PS-Ever since Eli shared some, I've gotten into the habit of reading the #LaGataUS tweets. Hilarious.

I'm pretty sure the visual representation of this show as an umbrella would look like something that no one would trust to keep the rain off. Ribs sticking out where the canopy has detached, rust eating the shaft almost entirely away, extra crap stuck to it all over that looks kinda gross so you're afraid to poke it see if it's actually part of the whole thing or just stuck on.

Yeah, I can dig that analogy.

"It all has to come to a point at the end. And the end is more important than you think. You have to know where everything will end up and you have to know BEFORE you put all the pieces together. Otherwise you end up with a poor quality item that probably doesn't work. In fact. Start at the end and work from there."

Great post, Sara. I read this recently, about writing novels, and cannot remember where I read it. It makes so much sense.

Diva - La Gata-brella is completely non-functional.

Doris- I've been reading about writing and I tend to apply it to novelas. And no I'm not a writer (as my recaps can attest) and I don't really want to be. Honestly I hate writing. Lol

Great analogy Sara. And can I add that when you collapse the umbrella, it needs to be able to fold together in a nice uniform way or you won't be able to, or want to, open it again.

All I know is the first gust of wind turned this umbrella inside out.

And what's crazy is that Mejia has another TN in production. This after Corazon Indomable and La Gata.

Wonder if Ines is showing yet? Garabato should show her his new look and tell her he and her daddy are tight.

Well done, Sara! Love your analogy. It's absolutely a study in what this show is NOT. Thank you!

Who is the cowboy? I couldn't keep up with the dialogue. Good to see a nice crowd on the patio.

Cowboy guy is a friend of a friend of Mariano's. He's been looking for a famous artist to be a mentor to his little sister, to assess her artwork, and the mutual friend recommended he call Mariano. Presumably because he knows Mariano's brother is a "famous artist."

That's just going to keep getting funnier and funnier every time I think about it.

Most frustrating for me has been the lack of real commitment--and thus, real storyline tension--between Esme and Pablo. They're on...they're off...they're on...they're off. And it all hinge on ridiculous "misunderstandings" that are quickly forgiven, then replaced by other misunderstandings.

I'm chained to the earlier time slots, so pretty much watch what is on at 7 and 8. Thank you all Patio Peeps for hanging out and making this a fun experience!

J in Oregon

Sara - Great post. I completely agree. I do think that most novela writers make up the story as they go along.

Do we really need a new love interest for Pablo?

How the heck did Pablo get inside Sil's mansion without going in through the door? Did he climb up onto the terrace?

I took a look at #LaGataUS and one of the comments said "Watching La Gata is like being trapped in a bad marriage you stay because of your HIJOS" LOL

Lol, Mauricio! No me van a quitar MIS HIJOS.

"Do we really need a new love interest for Pablo? " Yes. Somebody has to make us remember why anyone would want to be with him in the first place so we don't complain as much when he gets back together with Esme.

Am I being serious or sarcastic? Even I don't know at this point.

Ok. I've finally got something up. Meh. I hate this show and I hate recapping it.


OH! We should come up with our own # for this. #CarayhatesLaGata or something.

J, they have the level of commitment of school kids...going steady before school, breaking up at lunchtime, back together again after school. Never mind that they're supposed to be responsible adults with two children in common! I can't take any of the break-ups or make-ups seriously. When they make their vows in the church, finally, I MIGHT start to believe they mean it.

@JasonTorres_20: Mariano's nickname should be Mr. GQ. He's got that sharp suit going every episode!! ja ja ja #LaGataUS

@TheRealEllie16: #LaGataUS is just so freaking stupid! Can all the characters just die already? They are too stupid to live!

@Midnight12Rockr: This is what I hear iabout tomorrows episode BLAH BLAH BLAH MANANA #LaGataUS

@Melos_Wifex7: I Take Back What I Said Of Wantin Ah Relationship Like Pablo & Esme , I Don't Want That Shyt Lol #LaGataUS

@EdithRi94: #LaGataUS why does esmeralda even bother to take care of Agustin. He treats her like shit. She should take care of her kids instead 😑

@FrantasticShisa: There's 3 lawyers there and none of them can come up with the simple solution of a DNA test. #LaGataUS

Diva, I guess we will have to *wait* to see if they actually get married--Oh the suspense of it all!

Your middle-school analogy is perfect, that is about the level of emotional maturity. (Except for the amazing Mariano. And of course Principe; those two at least has some integrity.)

J in O

Gracias, Sara! It's that shot of whiskey in the coffee...does it every time!

Too bad Rita's cards didn't just tell her "It's your son!" I can't blame them--they always give enough hints and the hints get ignored anyway.

Maybe we were supposed to find the climbing in through the window charming? In a Romeo-and-Juliet sort of way? No, wait...R&J might have been stupid, but damnit, they were devoted!

I hope the "art" Vicky showed was her childhood art. Pablo almost looked like he was going to ask if she was punking him and just borrowed some sketches from the local kindergarten.

The whole proposal and the fake drama around "will she or won't she" frustrated the hell out of me. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, damnit!

"WTF, Ginny? I couldn't believe she was all pouty and "Oh pooh! No one gave us gifts for the babies we don't have." Word! Quit trying to make her stupid! She's never been stupid before!

Is it me or does Gi maybe know Hat Guy? She seemed surprised and/or offended to learn he had a sister. I'm probably overthinking this.

"Hasn't Esme been screaming about NOT wanting to be near Pablo?" I think Fer, Blanca, and Jarocha haven't been watching the show. Hey, maybe that explains some things. Maybe, like we get frustrated as recappers and don't watch the episodes we don't recap (sometimes) the actors get frustrated and only read their own lines, but have stopped paying attention to what's going on in the scenes they're not in. Because, seriously, she told him to go away, she told him she never wanted to see him again...are they just catering to the fact that she never means what she says anyway?

"La Gata attacks." Comedy gold!!! I AM LA GATA. Um, ok...usually people save those types of declarations for when they're dressed up in superhero costumes, but whatever.

Not one damn thing wrong with it Sara, worth every word.

"Pablo pitches a big fit" All this punk does is pitch hissy fits and shouts, at everybody.

For all Esmeralda's hotness there is only other age appropriate dude in the universe with the guts to ask for her hand. Every time I see Javier it reminds me how big a hissy fit Pablo pitched when she wanted to rehabilitate on her own fearful she'd forget about the big baby. She learned to walk, he still playing with his own poo.

Where have I seen the girl that plays Vicki before?

Sara, forgot to thank you for the recap, we all realize what a pain this is to recap and your tireless work on our behalf is, as always, much appreciated!

Tofie, couldn't agree more...Dr Javier has every right to ask Esme to get married, she is single. Esme has every right to make her choice. Pablo has NO rights in this deal! Back off, Mr Hissypants!!!

J in O

I love "Mr Hissypants"!

Thanks so much Sara! Thanks so much for including the #LaGataUS comments. They are hilarious.

Did they show Pablo climbing up Esme's window?

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, damnit!"

Can I use this at my next dinner party 5ft?

All we saw was Pablo coming in the window in one of the upstairs rooms. Guessing he just leaped up, didn't look disheveled a bit.

Thanks tofie. I was doing other things while watching this ep so I must have missed that part. I just went and rewatched that scene and yes he does indeed come in through the window. When I saw him talking about Esme always being on the terrace and not being there today I thought he was in his old room at the MN mansion. I didn't realize he was in Esme's room.

tofie, I was going to tell you I stole it from Gloria Steinem, but she stole it from Irina Dunn, so I guess it's fair game!

The question is...does a fish need a bicycle more or less than Esme needs Pablo?

So La Sombra del Pasado is rumored to be 260 caps. I have never felt more disgust in my entire life (well I have but it's usually rare. This is one of those moments.)

These producers need to learn that the original novelas they adapt were so good because the secret sauce of shortness. Hell, MCET is to have 176 caps and there was an adaptation of Ana y los 7 which only lasted 35 caps.

I'm hoping ECDLP and YNCELH get primetime because they're relatively short shows and both will last the same length (I crunched the numbers so it turns out YNCELH will have 121 because it ends February 15th. The end date has been confirmed on masquetelenovelas.blogspot.)

It would be smart to do this; when La Gata ends, double-up on MCET so it ends sooner and then 4:00-6:00/7:00-9:00 is free (and if my wishful thinking comes true, I will personally take on recapping each second hour until the end of it. You have my word if this occurs.)

If MCET gets two hours, then the Gata recappers who want to continue get screwed over.

Does anyone else fund themselves distracted trying to look at all the male hands in a scene? I'm trying to figure out who's bankrolling Don Juan Ferret Garza.

Find not fund.

I'm trying to resist the temptation to go back and look, but I swear, they even changed the hands. Like, the first time I definitely thought "man hands" and the second time I thought "well, I guess those could be a woman's hands, if she were quite tall and didn't have a manicure."

Thank you Sara. Haysoo creesto! New characters? Really? The cowboy is Salvador on QA: he needs to get his boody back over there and take care of Constanza! Criminey! Bless you and thank you Sara!

Mauricio, it is so heartening to read the chorus of people who recognize that this is total crap we're slogging through! Funny! Keep 'em comin'!


I've decided that really Ms. Latoodle-doodoo *wants* to get fired so she churns out crap. Then they're hits because everyone loves to watch and make fun. It's the only explanation I have for her consistently producing these circuses.

That would be rather hilarious..."Drat! Foiled again! Why won't those people stop watching?!"

I have just read all of the la Gata comments---Question. Are we out of booze on the patio? You guys all sound like you need a double and there's not a drop left
the gringo

We need a bartender! I nominate Mariano. I'm afraid if we put Augie behind the bar, he'll just hog it all for himself.

I watched on Friday with a bottle of cider by my side. Every time I wanted to scream or heave a big sigh, I took a swig. It didn't last the episode.

LOL Diva, You're right, we can't let Augie in.
the gringo

I know it was daytimed but what did you guys think the LaToodle Doo-Doo novela Rafaela?

Jorge Poza was the galan in that one, Scarlet Ortiz (wonderful actriz) was the protagonista and it lasted as long as La Gata does but it was double-houred. I think it stands out the most out of her shows because it' s never mentioned and Scarlet Ortiz isn't a Televisa actriz.

Waving feebly at the Gata patio peeps, mouthing a "thank you" to Sara and the clever commenters. Too weak with disgust to pile on with analysis of our non-action.

Couldn't believe the art of rich-guy's little sister, needed to see it again. Example of the rich indulging themselves.

Loved the Gata tweets. Reinforcement for our Caray comments.

Definitely keep Augie away from the booze.

Hey La Paloma! I don't feel weak with disgust. Just angry. I would say "I'm mad as he'll and I'm not going to take this anymore", but there I am almost every day watching the crap.

I was kvetching the other day and hubs said "what did you expect from a show that takes place in a dump."

Off topic- I told hubs about Mr 5ft and Mr LN and he wants me to change my blogger name to Awesome so he can be Mr Awesome.

Also- we all need to be careful with drinking games and "every time x I take a swig."

We could end up with alcohol poisoning.

Hi, everyone.

Sara, thanks for the very nice recap, even though you had to hold your nose to get it done.

Will Rogers came up with the original theorem for telenovelas:

"Women and money are the most sought after and least known about of any two things we have."

Will's thoughts on Nathalie Latrilleux:

Americans are very generous and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity."

He also said that Pablo should say something like;

"If stupidity got me into this mess, then why can't it get me out?"

I asked Will what he thought about the overall quality of La Gata, and he said:

"When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds."


David, those are fabulous quotes!

Just wait, though...Pablo will probably end up having his stupidity get him out of the mess he's in. I mean, really, it's his only asset, so if that doesn't work then I don't know what will!

I think you're right, 5ft. All Pablo can do is draw pictures of Esme, draw pictures of cats, and act stupid.

By the way, Will also said, "I never met a man I didn't like." But, of course, he never met Augie, and Lorenza and Gisela aren't men.


David- I love all the thought you put into your comments!

I think the quip about when ignorance gets started is GOLD.

Augie has his charms. He's pretty good at causing chaos and mayhem. Though lately, with Lo's fake-nice campaign, she's giving him a run for his money.

I see we all want the same replacements for 'La Gata' (YNCELH or preferably ECDLP! But bad news guys, Univision is airing "La sombra del pasado" starting Feb. 16th at 7/6C. I think we could all convince Univision to air "Yo no creo en los hombres" AND "El color de la pasion" at night if we all asked them at the same time, especially by twitter or Facebook. They should eventually answer!

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