Friday, January 02, 2015

La Malquerida #91, 1/1/2015: Acacia Can’t Come Clean; Cris Is Blinded By Love; Hector Bows Out

Mexico Episode #97

After Acacia tells the grandparents and Cris about the police going to the Association to question Esteban, Cris goes into the home office to speak to him and finds him writing a check from her/the hacienda’s checkbook. She takes the check from him, sees it’s a large amount, and asks what the deal is. He says it’s for his hotel bill (true). And that he needed to use the hacienda checkbook because his checkbook and credit cards were stolen (lie). He says he likely lost them in the restaurant where they reconciled, but he was so caught up with her that he didn’t notice. Cris buys it. Cris asks about the police and he tells her someone is trying to defame Dan, but glosses over giving her the details. Cris decides to continue with their 100% honesty policy and tells Este she called up Hector to meet with him to tell him about the reconciliation, and to create some distance between her and Hector. Esteban gives his permission for Cris to continue her friendship with Hector and to even do her art show with him. Cris thanks him, but she insists that she should work with someone else on her photo show. Este thanks her for being so considerate of his feelings. Smooches, happy smiles from Cris, and creepy behind the back looks from Esteban.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the grandparents don’t approve of Acacia badmouthing Esteban, if she’s not going to back it up with some real reasons and evidence. She of course does not do this, since it would implicate her backstabbing self. Elena asks if Acacia doesn’t want to see her mother happy? She has no answer for that. Later, Cris and Este tell her the real reason the police spoke to Este. Acacia clearly doesn’t care. She’s just looking for any reason to drive a wedge between Este and Cris, and it’s not working. She leaves in a huff. Cris is worried and perplexed.

Danilo brings Ale home from the notary, after putting his properties in her name. He’s ready to lock her up again, but before that they argue. He’s keeping her under double lock and key for her disobedience. He also says he will be delayed in becoming the legitimate businessman she desires, because of this drug bust. Ale doesn’t understand why he needed to get German mixed up in all this by accusing him. She points out that German has moved on and is marrying Lizzy. This makes Dan happy, but so does making German’s life hell, so he suggests they send them a wedding present and even show up at the wedding. Ale is not amused and doesn’t get what it will take for him to leave German alone. Dan’s answer—for Ale to love HIM like she loves German. (In other words, when Hell freezes over.) Perla comes up and starts kissing all over Dan, demonstrating the kind of love, affection, and devotion Dan wants from Ale. He allows Ale to go see Estrella for a while before being locked up. Dan and Perla knock back tequila shots in his office as he makes plans to hire some new henchmen—guys like Memo who would do anything for money. Perla nearly slips up by saying Memo IS one of a kind, and has to quickly correct herself and use the past tense. Dan admits that he no longer thinks Ale was the one who tipped off the cops, but he still doesn’t trust her and wants to keep the pressure on her, just to keep her in line. Upstairs, Estrella looks at a torn photo of her family, and quickly hugs Ale when she comes into the room. Ale cries and tells Estrella of her love who is getting married and is lost to her forever.

The police come looking for German at Benavente and question him about the false accusations against Dan. German has NO idea what they are talking about and makes clear he wants nothing to do with Dan or Ale. Ulises calls him right after the police leave, and he goes to meet Uli in his office to talk about it. Once there, Uli decides it’s time to tell German about Ale and why she married Danilo. German refuses to listen. He doesn’t want to know anything more about Ale, AND he’s marrying Lizzy. Uli is shocked to hear this, but respects German’s decision, even though he shakes his head at the ironic turn of events.

Rubio visits Luisa and brings her a much appreciated chocolate bar. He tells her that Esteban did not take away his position or lower his salary. Luisa is glad for him, although she’s always thought he was pretty lazy with his work. But she acknowledges that he’s done pretty well by staying on the straight and narrow path, unlike his brother and cousin. Rubio wants to know, if he continues to be an honorable man and make more money, if she will marry him. Luisa laughs it off and asks him not to complicate her life more than it already is. He wonders what she means, and she says she’s just thinking about the stupid decisions she’s made.

Cris meets Hector at the restaurant. He already knows something is wrong—when a woman says “we need to talk”, it’s not good. Cris tells him she’s gotten back together with Esteban. Since she knows that Hector wants more than a friendship with her, she thinks it’s unfair to continue to give him false hopes. And since Este is so jealous of him, it would be best if they put distance between them. Hector bows out and says he will distance himself. But his last advice to Cris is that she dig deeper and find out why Acacia is so against the reconciliation—for the good of her daughter and for her own peace of mind. Cris thanks him for his concern and care for her and her daughter. He kisses Cris’ hand, and looks like he wants to say something else, but changes his mind, before leaving.

Esteban traps Acacia in the office as she’s looking at a pic of the two of them together. Esteban can’t believe she thought he had done something criminal and is looking for money, when she knows his new business will be making him a ton of money soon. She thinks his recent actions show that he neither loves her, nor Cris. He says some blah blah about his feelings for her, and that he only came back because Cris called him and BEGGED him to come back. She was desperate. What could he do? Acacia seems to buy it.

Dan offers Rubio the job as his new #1 Henchman. Rubio will have the three things he loves most—money, power, and tequila. Dan even taunts him with the fact that Este is back as top dog at Benavente. He’s offering him triple his Benavente salary. Rubio turns him down! He doesn’t want to leave Benavente, and above all, he doesn’t want to leave Luisa. Just as Dan can’t live without Ale, he can’t live without Luisa. Disappointed Dan dismisses him.

Cris tells Este how things went with Hector. He’s so happy, he even offers to help her find a new art expo location. Cris wants to speak to Acacia to figure out what’s going on with her. Este discourages her, says he already spoke to Acacia, and that she’s just mad that he left Cris when she was in crisis. Cris wants Acacia to understand that SHE was the one who asked him to leave.

German asks Norb to tell Dan to get off his back—he’s no longer interested in Ale. Norb agrees to do it, and expresses his happiness and pride in German for marrying the woman he loves, and earning his living on his own. He offers the hacienda for the wedding, and says he’ll make sure Juli doesn’t do anything crazy. He tells German he wishes he had raised Manuel the way he raised German (I’m guessing without the child abuse part), because German is a real man.

Hector and Acacia meet. He tells her he’s bowing out. He asks why she’s so opposed to Esteban. Once again she uses the excuse of him leaving when Cris needed him most. Hector asks if there is anything else. Acacia says that Este has changed, but doesn’t go into details. She says Cris is blinded by love. Acacia wishes Cris returned Hector’s feelings, and says Hector has been like a father to her. Hector knows you can’t make someone feel something they don’t. He wishes Cris all the best. Hector and Acacia hug their goodbyes.

Manuel speaks to German about his upcoming nuptials and wants to organize the bachelor party. German puts the kibosh on that. He’s happy to hear that Manuel has actually been putting some effort into his work at the Association. Manuel thinks he will work even harder once his store/business is ready. (Little does he know that Mommy Dearest has stolen his business and the cash associated with it.) Manuel then asks about Luisa and her health—he’s worried it’s complications from the abortion. German tells him he should have thought of that before he sent her to get one. In any case, it’s just exhaustion and she’s doing fine. Manuel still wants him to double check. German is pleased Manuel is showing genuine concern. Manuel jokes that it’s because he’s a good person.

Uli and Art talk about the recent Danilo-Ale-German drama. Art tells Uli he needs some more support and Uli agrees. He thinks it’s time to tell Hector.

Later, Art visits with Luisa. They have a catering gig that weekend, and he’ll have to hire someone to help him. It will mean less profit for them, however. Rosa offers to help Art. Luisa doesn’t want her working harder than she already does, but Rosa says they (she, Luisa, AND Art) are family, and that’s what family does for each other. Rosa is no longer mad at Luisa. She’s excited about her great grandchild and tells Luisa that she loves her. She caresses Luisa’s face and baby bump, and kisses her hand. Art looks on, smiling.

Acacia goes to see Alejandra, and Perla thankfully leaves them alone. Acacia admits that the entire time Esteban was out of the house he courted her, they spent time together, they kissed, he told her he loved her, and they acted like novios. Ale’s mouth is hanging open in shock. Now he’s returned to Cris, and Acacia feels awful and needs to leave that house! Ale wants to know what she feels awful for—the BETRAYAL of her mother or JEALOUSY of her mother? Acacia continues to cry about how bad she feels.
Ale: Acacia, tell me the truth. Do you love (querer) Esteban?
Ac: We both know that that cannot be.
Ale: Yeah, yeah. But that’s not what I asked you. I asked you what you feel.

Acacia continues to say she doesn’t know what she feels. All she knows is that she can’t stand seeing them together. Ale’s eyes grow even wider with a knowing look. Ale knows how love is—as much as she tried not to fall in love, she did anyway. Acacia thinks she’s speaking about Danilo, and Ale rolls her eyes. Acacia doesn’t notice. Ale points out that her circumstances are different than Acacia's. She asks Acacia if she thinks Esteban really loves Cris. Acacia doesn’t know, and doesn’t know how she can open Cris’ eyes without telling her the truth. Dan comes into the living room and interrupts the confessional. He lies and says Ale needs to get dressed to accompany him to a business meeting, in order to get rid of Acacia. Acacia asks if the meeting is related to the biz he’s doing with Esteban, and he informs her of his money loses which have delayed his investment. After she leaves, Dan wants the scoop, but Ale gives him nothing. He sends her back to her bedroom-prison, despite Perla vouching that she’s keeping an eye on her in the living room.

Katia tells Ulises that Hector’s gone to Italy to spend time with his son, and to disconnect for a while. He has no fixed return date. He left power of attorney with Katia to make business decisions. That’s not what Uli was concerned about, but he does ask Katia to take care of getting Juli back her money because he wants no more problems with that woman.

Perla babysits stir-crazy Ale in the bedroom-prison, and tells her that Dan doesn’t believe she was the snitch. He’s just trying to control her. Now that the blinders have fallen from her eyes, Perla sees how he operates, and she’s even tired of having to be amorous with him. Ale points out that this is how true love changes your outlook. Perla is all smiles.

Acacia storms into the home office, where Cris and Este are working. She’s just heard from Manuel that Este asked Don Fermin for a loan, AND that his business deal with Dan fell through for lack of funds. Now she knows why he came back to Cris. For money!

Julianita catches Perla hovering over her phone waiting for a call from Memo. She warns Perla to erase the call log so that Dan doesn’t see the recent calls from Memo. Then she mentions how her own phone has been erasing her call log all on its own. Hmmmm….. In any case, she tells Perla the good news from Uli--that she can have the original location she wanted. Yay! “Wait, you didn’t let him see Ale alone, did you?” J-nita is saved from answering when Perla gets a call from Memo.

Esteban tells Acacia that he already told Cris about Dan’s investment falling through, and that the loan he asked Don Fermin for was to cover some credit card debts he had that couldn’t immediately be covered. Este and Acacia start yelling in each other’s faces—she, that she doesn’t believe him; he, that it’s the truth! Cris tries to get them to calm down, and asks Esteban to leave the office so that she can speak to Acacia alone. Once alone with Acacia, Cris demands to know what the heck is really going on.

Norb goes to see Dan to demand that he leave his son alone. Dan agrees. He tells Norb that the police questioning didn’t lead to anything, the brothel is still up and running and J-nita is ready and waiting for him when he wants.

Acacia tells Cris that Este didn’t come back for Cris but because he wanted money. Cris tells her to give her the proof. Acacia says she doesn’t have any proof—she just KNOWS she’s right. Cris says that Esteban already explained to her what happened with the textile business, and she’s decided to invest in the business. Acacia is completely impactada. Cris says she trusts blindly in his business advice. She has no reason to doubt him. Not even one cent went missing when he was administrator of the hacienda.
A: I can’t believe that you have more trust in him than in me!
C: Please, Acacia. You’re not a child anymore. It’s not fair that you make me choose between Esteban and you. If you have something to tell me, do it! Without beating around the bush!
She’s greeted with silence from Acacia.
C: That’s what I thought. And frankly, your attitude hurts me.

Uli is telling Art on the phone that Hector is traveling to Europe and he won’t be able to contact him until tomorrow. But he needs to speak to Alejandra. Perla walks in just in time to hear this last part and wants to know why Uli wants to speak to Ale. He tries to cover and says she’s the one he’s been trying to speak with. He wants to know if she wants her money back, or does she want her store in the original location- A2? Manuel walks in just in time to hear this and is ticked off that Uli is once again defrauding them and selling them the same space. He attacks Uli, and Uli has to quickly explain that his mom sold his space and took the money.

The mother-daughter discussion continues.
C: I am warning you that you can no longer be rude to me or Esteban.
A: I’m trying to open your eyes, Mama.
C: Enough, Acacia! It hurts me that you have changed like this. If you can’t get along with Esteban, that’s your problem. But don’t bring false accusations against him. At least be polite.
A: But, Mama…
C: Enough! It hurts me so much that you don’t understand me. That all my attempts to get you both to get along have failed. I don’t like for people to lie to me, especially you. And if you have something to tell me, tell me already! Tell me the truth!
A: I’m going to demonstrate to you that Esteban doesn’t love you anymore! That he is no longer interested in you as a wife, nor as a woman!
C: (SLAP!) Enough! As long as you don’t have any proof that Esteban is betraying me with another woman, keep your comments to yourself!

Avances: Acacia lays a HOT kiss on Esteban.


Outstanding recap, Vivi! And extra thanks for the detailed dialog.

Well, we’ve been wondering if Acacia is jealous, or really can’t stand Esteban any more, and now we know.. she doesn’t know!

So many almosts tonight: Ulysses almost told German about Ale, Acacia almost told her mom about Esteban, Perla almost found out about Ulysses plotting with Ale, Ulysses almost was going to get Hector’s help.. etc. etc. Nail-biting stuff!

'Acacia lays a HOT......" May we presume it is to prove to her Mom that Este is either a cheater or is Acacia's.? (Both)

Oh, another Vivi masterpiece

"Dan’s answer—for Ale to love HIM like she loves German. (In other words, when Hell freezes over.)"

Great stuff all

Esteban & truth & lies mixed, work

Norberto defending German to get Danny to back off

Rubio turning down Danny. I just worry about Art when Rubio finds out Luisa is preggers.

Cris breaking it off with Hector. Why didn't she do this before when she knew he wanted more?

I think Acacia wants Esteban (has for a long time) but has always struggled with how to avoid the negative consequences, since he is the man her mother loves. She told Ale she wants the break up to happen without disclosing she is the other woman and her lament is that the love can never be because of it. Cris is her rival.

I give props to German for not listening to Uli out of respect for Lizzy. German, by far, the best guy on the show and while his decisions may not make everyone happy, they are principled.

Manuel believing he is a good person is a joke and so funny his mom sold his space for the cash.

Acacia is right, Esteban did return for the money.


Maggie- Yes, a lot of things were this close to coming out. I was really worried that Perla got enough clues to figure out that Ale DID indeed collude with Uli to inform to the police. She still might when she thinks about it some more.

Kirby- Yeah, Acacia may say to herself that kissing Este next episode is just to prove that he doesn't love Cris anymore, but I think she also wants to prove that he loves her. She's mad that he returned to Cris for money, and played with both her and Cris. But I think she's also jealous and upset that her man is with another woman. I think if she were honest, she would admit that Este's betrayal of her, hurts her more than what he/they are doing to her mom.

Tofie- I think Cris and everyone realized what good Hector did her. She was honest with him from the start, and he with her. Over the last few days, she's felt him becoming more amorous (the hand on hers) and she has had some talks with her parents that have made her really think about how her time with Hector of increased his expectations, and decreased the chances of her getting back with Este. I don't think she made this decision suddenly or lightly. They have shown her really thinking about this.

Vivi, I happen to agree with you about Cris & Hector. Only thing that threw me a little curve was her look at the conclusion of their conversation and his disclosure he was leaving. Just a glimpse of wistful. Perhaps I read too much into it.

I also think you better stated Acacia's feelings than I did. She is more hurt about his return and relationship with another woman than the joint betrayal of her mother. I'm still not certain if Acacia loves Esteban or loves the long standing romantic & sexual fantasy.

This was so outstanding, Vivi in DC; so totally outstanding.

I am glad that I didn't watch. The locking up of Ale upsets me so much. It's almost too much to watch.

I'll say it again: I want Acacia alone at the end.


Tofie- Oh yeah, I saw that wistful look on Cris' face too. I'm hoping that it means that there could be some hope of a romance between them at some later date. But for now, she is certain of her love for Este and that he's the man she wants. The fallout when she learns the truth is going to be massive!

Morning, Fatima. The locking up of Ale this episode wasn't so bad because she had Perla for company. Actually, the fact that Dan now has the jailers keeping an eye on her inside her cell (bedroom) means that Ale has less of a chance to call Uli. It's really making it difficult for her to continue with her plans.

Tofie- You've pinpointed exactly what makes a master liar successful- mixing truth with lies. It's working beautifully for Esteban.

Thanks for the recap!

I believe both Cris and Ack are wrong on this crazy situation. I'll start with Cris first. I didn't get how she says she loves and trusts Este yet the first thing she does is get suspicious about the check. She is making a HUGE mistake getting involved in Este's dealings with Dan. Dan will probably be happy when he finds this out.

Ack is not doing a very good job in convincing everyone that she hates Este. She does need to have proof of something. She always gives in to him anyway.

I liked seeing Norbie defend Germán. Dan really enjoys bothering him and shoving it in Ale's face. Germán is a good guy. I agree that it is good that he has respect for Lizzy.

Juliana is in big trouble. I can't wait to see if Manuel confronts her about it and how that goes down. I'm sure he will confront her.

TF- I do think that there is a voice in the back of Cris' mind telling her something is off. She's even voiced it out loud a few times-- the feeling that Este has changed, that he doesn't love her anymore, and that he loves someone else. But she's also the kind of person who believes that you don't accuse someone of something without evidence. Of course she's making a mistake trusting Este (and investing in his biz), but she doesn't know what we know, or even what Acacia knows. Acacia is really the one who should now realize that this man can't be trusted as far as she can throw him. But she still desires him! Not going to say live, because I just don't believe that's what Acacia is feeling.

Not going to say LOVE...

Thanks, Vivi.
When everything hits the fan and all the truths are finally revealed , the Este/Ack thing will be overshadowed by the fact that Esteawful killed Alonso. I cannot wait for that to happen. Since only two people know this..Rubio and Esteass, either Rubio will tell or Este will confess (I doubt that).How will Ack and Cris live with themselves when they find out that they have been sleeping (or almost sleeping ) with the enemy ?

I think that Hector will return when Cris finds out the awful truths about Este , and I think that she will realize his true, selfish love for her , and they will be together in the end.

Ack will suddenly grow up , do the right thing, and be rewarded with Uli...que lastima

I was not surprised to see Norb stand up to Dan for German. Norb knows that his old pal Dan is a pimp , but dies he also know that he is a drug grower and a killer ?

Whoops..not "selfish",,,,"unselfish"

Vivi, what a marvelous title. I loved every word of the recap - crisp, concise yet marvelously detailed. The conversation translations were wonderful and greatly appreciated.

I have missed quite a bit. Thank you Vivi and gloria, for the amazing recaps - I am going to have to go back and read them again.

I underestimated Este - the ultimate master manipulator. There are no bounds to his treachery.

Acacia only seems to want Este when he isn't available - when he isn't "back" with Cris, lying, deceiving and using her. I don't believe Acacia isn't telling Cris the truth because she cares about Cris. Not one iota. It is simply because Acacia is a lying, betraying daughter who doesn't want to admit the truth. Her terrible, awful truth.

Hector is in Europe? Say it isn't so!

tofie, one of my big fears has always been how Rubio will react when he finds out Luisa is pregnant and whether he will believe the child is Arturo's or suspect it is Manuel.

I like what you said Maggie that there appeared to be many "almosts". I am sad Uli didn't tell German the truth.

Danilo is many things but gullible isn't one of them. Does anyone else think Danilo might very well know Memo is alive and his "playing" with Perla is simply to make her think he trusts her?

German and Lizzy are getting married? Oh no.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but nothing seems to be going right. Cris and Hector are apart, German is with the wrong woman (refusing to listen to Uli), Ale is still a prisoner and in great danger. Is there anything to be happy about?

Vivi, thank you so very much!


P.s. German looks great in purple !!! I wonder if Norb will survive this novela or die protecting German from Dan. I also think either Ale or Lizzy wil not survive to clear the path to German for one of them.

Susanlynn-I really hope the Acacia does not get Uli at the end. But agree that the murder reveal will overshadow everything else and will probably unite Acacia and Cris against Este.

Norb has a clue that Dan is involved with drug cultivation, but it's only recently. It was during the conversation where Dan tells him if he does get Benavente, they can discuss "other" biz. Norb didn't ask for details, and looked uncomfortable, but I'm sure he must have guessed. He must also have an inkling that anyone with ties to brothels and drugs, is dangerous, and he's warned German to stay away from Dan in a way that says he knows how dangerous Dan could be.

Vivi, I believe you posted a comment on another episode that nothing is being cut.

Unless they expand these to 2 hours the next two weeks, I shudder to think what will be left on the cutting room floor.

Susanlynn, I am wondering how and when everything will blow up in Este and Aca's faces. I also hope Hector is there to pick up the pieces.


Welcome back, Diana! Yes, quite a few things have happened. Good things: the drug bust, Dan losing money, Este desperate for money, Rosa accepting Luisa's baby and forgiving her. Even though Este and Cris getting back together is bad, it has forced Acacia's hand in a way. This is a pressure cooker situation, and something or someone is bound to blow up soon.

Diana- Nope. Nothing was cut this week. Biting my nails to see what hash Uni makes next week or the last week.

Yes Vivi, reading Rosa has not only forgiven Luisa but seems to be looking forward to the baby is good news indeed.

I'm glad Dan lost money but when he has a setback I always fear it will be Ale who pays the price.

And that nightstand! I am not clear why Ale still has the tapes - why doesn't she give them to Uli?? This has me more worried than anything else.


So, I guess that Hector only suspects that Este has been lusting after Ack because if he felt more certain , surely he would have to say something to Cris. The only ones who know about the Este/Ack connection are Rubio, Dan, and Ale, right ? Uli and Manuel have both noticed that Este's feelings toward Ack do not seem very fatherly. I guess that Cris, JC, and Elenita would have to catch Este actually pawing and kissing Ack to get a clue. When something does not seem often isn't. Have discovered this in my own life. Trust your instincts.

Susanlynn- Hector looked like he wanted to say something, but he really has no shred of proof and Cris would probably think he was a twisted perv for suggesting something like that.

Uli and Manuel have seen more proof, and even they can't bring themselves to voice the suspicions in the back of their minds.

Diana- I think Ale not giving the dvds to Uli is all about lack of opportunity at this point. Hopefully, she'll be able to hand them over soon. It makes me nervous that they are taped to the nightstand too, although the duct tape stood up to Dan's last tantrum and nothing fell out.

VIvi..I guess Cris will have to wander into the cow barn and actually catch Este groping and kissing Ack . Seeing is believing. I would love to hear Este trying to explain THAT away. You are so right about Este being an expert liar because he shakes up a little truth into his cocktail of lies . Finding out that someone you love has lied to you or withheld the truth is so hurtful. I cannot wait to see this house of cards fall, but On the other hand, I hate to have this Novela end. I hope that we have another good one coming next.

Vivi I agree that Ack doesn't love Este. I guess I don't understand why she's focusing on her desire for Este rather than her love for Ulises. What is Este giving her that Uli isn't? Este did turn her against Uli but there must be a logical reason why she desires Este so. She is immature and naive, but I don't think that fully explains it. I feel there is something more.

Susanlynn, I agree Germán looks good in purple. He also looked good in pink many episodes ago.

I hope that Uli can get ahold of Hector soon. Hector is another good ally for Ale.

I like that JC, Elena, and Cris have not simply said that it's not possible for Este to be a cheating golddigger. They have simply asked for proof, and pointed to Este's 10 plus year clean record. They have asked Acacia for evidence/proof and she has failed to provide anything.

Now, you may say that JC, Elena, and Cris should just take Acacia's negative attitude as a sign, but this is the same girl who a few weeks ago was 100% on Este's side, even going against her depressed mama and giving her grief about letting the man go. And just a few weeks before that she hated him when he left her mom. She's so changeable and volatile that there is no way they can trust her judgement or the things she says.

I think that Tofie said it best---
Another Vivi masterpiece.

Vivi your recap was a delight to read, so complete, so accurate and laced with some snark to boot.

Rubio would have the three things he loves most---money, power and tequila.

Mommy dearest---Juli

So Art now wants to talk to hector
That is a very good sign. With Hector and his law firm on the case, Dan will be going down into the deep abyss where he belongs.

Tofie---My guess is that Acacia loves the long standing romantic and sexual fantasy.

The long standing romantic and sexual fantasy coupled with a smoking hot kiss tonight leads us to must see tv for sure. I wonder if Este will push Acacia away out of fear of getting caught all the while leaving Acacia steaming hot and angry?

Tofie--- you worry about Arturo when Rubio finds out that Luisa is pregnant. I don't know how the truth will come out but I think that someway somehow it will be found out that it was Manuel and not Art that did the deed. Again, I don't know but we have to remember that Rubio would not hesitate to use his machete.

Norbie took it to Dan over German last night. Norbie doesn't know about the dvd's. When is Dan going to start looking for them?

The tension mixed with excitement just doesn't stop---and wait until Manuel asks his mother about selling the store that he was looking forward to. Can't wait for that.

I loved the Luisa, Rosa, Arturo trio last night--it was sweet.
the gringo


TF......Yes, Uli is on the right track, but he needs Hector's power ,mconnections, and wisdom to really figure out what is going on with Dan . Now that Este has unwisely cast his fate with Dan, he is going to go down with him. Serves him right.

TF- Does desire and lust follow logic and reason? We've all also discussed Acacia's lingering childhood crush and lingering resentment of Cris for marrying her crush, betraying her dead daddy, and choosing Este over her. That's a potent cocktail of frustrated desires and festering resentment.

gringo..Yes, it was sweet seeing Rosa accept Art as part of the family. Whenever we go to our favorite B & B at the shore, we always get into conversations with people we meet at breakfast or teatime. This time, I had a conversation about families taking care of each other with a woman who took care of her ailing mother and father, Families should stick together to help each other. I have high hopes for Rosa, Art, and Luisa raising that little baby together as they work together in the catering business.

Este is a narcissistic sociopath , so he thinks that he is invincible and can have and do whatever he wants without anyone discovering. He is wrong. Here comes karma.

Gringo- Ooh! Good point. Norb confronting Dan about German, just might make Dan look for that blackmail dvd he has of Norb with J-nita. That would mean trouble for Ale if Dan finds it's missing. Yipes!

Yes, it was a really sweet scene with Art, Rosa, and Luisa. They would make an awesome family, and an unbeatable catering team!

Susanlynn- LOL! Looks like we have the same hopes for Art, Luisa, and Rosa.

Okay Vivi. I understand it now. That makes sense then that Ack feels the way that she does. Honestly I think the only way Cris can open her eyes if she actually catches Ack and Este in the act OR if somehow she discovers that Este killed Alonso or both. Both of those secrets will have to eventually come to light.

I mentioned a while back how I read on Twitter what other people say about this TN and I specifically mentioned how those people express their dislike for Lizzy and I am not intending to fuel the fire here but those people have a very interesting nickname for Lizzy. It's not as bad as I thought it would be but they refer to her as "cold noodles". If you all remember the episode when she made Germán dinner at the store but they didn't end up eating it because Lizzy wanted to do the deed with Germán but he couldn't do it. So obviously the food she made got cold so that's where they got that from.

Cold noodles. I can see it. Kind of bland and clingy like the spaghetti noodles that cooled off while German failed to launch. :) But really, there's no reason to hate on her. She's done nothing wrong and she makes German happy.

I agree Vivi. As much as I am rooting for German and Ale to end up together Lizzy is not a bad person. She's not a crazy woman trying to trap German with a pregnancy or something like that (like we see in other TNs) she knows that German still loves Ale and she respects that. I don't think she will try to hurt Ale by shoving in her face that she (Lizzy) got the man.

Let's think this over---Arturo is a super wonderful guy whereas Manuel just thinks that he's a nice guy. We all know that Rubio is not good but he loves Luisa. When Luisa's pregnancy is revealed
Do you guys think that Art will go down? I don't think so, it will be the not so good guy Manuel
that will fall. Rubio will go to jail but his moment of rage will get the better of him. Not a spoiler, it is just my guess.

Another guess and only a guess but I said it last time---I just don't think that German will leave Lizzy drowning in tears to run back to Ale. Deep down German
still loves Ale but he has proposed to Lizzy. I just don't see him telling Lizzy--ops, Ale is finally free, so I'm going back to her.
the gringo

Gringo- Agreed. German is too much of a man of honor to dump Lizzy just because Ale becomes free. But he will definitely feel torn once he learns the reasons why Ale dumped him and married Dan.

And I have to add that I think Ale is too much of a woman of honor to allow German to dump Lizzy for her too.

So...that means that the writers might have something happen to Lizzie to open the way for a reunion of Ale and German, or perhaps Lizzie will be ultra honorable when she finds out what Ale has been through and step aside to leave German free to return to his onetruelove. What do you think ?

I agree Vivi and Gringo.

It'll be hard for German especially if Ale returns to La Benavente. He's obviously living there and staying in Ale's old room. I have no doubt Cris will want Ale to return to the hacienda. It is basically Ale's home.

Susanlynn- Or they could have something happen to Ale. That is still a possibility.


I actually do think it's more likely Lizzy will step aside. She definitely doesn't deserve death.

Yes Susanlynn you have a point in that Lizzy might step aside on her own. That's a real possibility
but let's not forget the big smile on Lizzy's father's face when he looked out the window and saw his daughter and German in a sweet looking kiss. A break up now after his daughter's engagement might kill him.


Rubio seems to have undergone a slight change of character now that he thinks that his primo Memo died while working for Dan. He turned down the job with Dan which would pay more than he is now earning because he wants to be close to Luisa. He seems to really be in love with her. It was kind of sweet when he brought her the chocolate bar. He is not acting as smarmy and cocky as he did in the past. Are the writers getting ready to have him do something selfless to redeem himself ?

Gringo- I moved your La Gata comment.


Although yes it would be horrible if Lizzy's father literally dies of anger and disappointment if Lizzy does step aside to let German be happy with Ale (it's already been revealed that Lizzy's mother is dying from an illness), ultimately it will be her choice and her father will have to respect it. He will have to understand Lizzy doesn't agree with his way of thinking. It's perfectly okay if he's a little old fashioned because the generation he grew up in but even in real life the times are changing.

I think Rubio is one disappointment away from going postal. Crisis averted when Esteban ok'd him retaining the position and salary. One of the main reasons for declining Dannys offer was Luisa. He has plans and when he finds out she is pregnant Rubio may kill the guy he thinks responsible. Only people that would tell Manuel is the father is Norberto, Juli, Manuel himself, Art, Luisa or Uli. Unless Manuel gets religion and is ok with screwing up any chance with Acacia, I don't see him telling. He's the kind of skunk, if confronted by Rubio would say Art knocked her up.

I don't think Lizzy should step aside. German sought her out and told her he loved her, she forced nothing. Now if German decides he cannot live without Ale, if everything is revealed, I'd expect German to man up and tell Lizzy.

I cannot wait to hear the next desperate rant from Acacia. Girl is pissed.

I think German would be perfectly content being with Lizzy the rest of his life, and thinking of Ale. Content. Not happy. Could he live without Ale? Yes. Could he make a nice life with Lizzy? Yes. Would he do that, despite Ale being free and single? Yes. But if I were Lizzy, I wouldn't want to be second best with him or any man.

tofie "I think Rubio is one disappointment away from going postal". Exactly.

TF and Susanlynn, I think Lizzy will step aside. I agree Vivi though that if I were Lizzy, I would want to be first in my husband's heart. Not second.

Vivi, I could not bear the thought of anything (else) happening to Ale. She and German are the heart and soul of this TN. While I would be disappointed if Cris and Hector don't end up together and/or Luisa and Arturo not being together, I would be devastated if there is no happy ending for Ale and German. Together.


gringo, I keep going back and forth as to what Rubio will do. I believe he will seek vengeance. But, with whom is the question. It seems likely now he will be told it is Arturo but he has a deep seeded hatred for Manuel and his family. Will he be able to discern the truth before he flies off the handle???

He has been fondling and brandishing that machete far too much for my taste lately.


I agree Diana. I only, really watch for German and Ale's storyline so I will be sad if they don't end up together. They do really deserve a happy ending.

Susanlynn, I love the idea of Rosa, Arturo and Luisa raising the child together.

TF, I have no real feelings about Lizzy one way or the other except that in my mind, she is an impediment to German and Ale being together. As this is the couple most seem to be rooting for, I can see people are not thrilled with her, especially as they are now engaged. I wish her well. But not with German.


I just wrote a long comment , but I could not post it.

I hope that the writers reveal the fact that Este murdered Alonso. I will be very upset if this fact never comes to light. I want to see Marcelo Córdoba floating above the hacienda bathed in heavenly light as we watch the shadows we saw in Ghost pull Este down to the underworld. Since I am sure that Este will never confess, that leaves Rubio to spill the beans, Will something happen that makes him tell because he wants revenge against Este ? Will Rubio team up with Memo to go agsinst Dan ? What is happening to Rubio since he thinks Memo is dead ?

tofie..yes, Rubio is becoming a loose cannon. He seems to be getting tired of being Este's punching bag, and he seems to be trying to move away from Dan since he got the news that Memo died. He has become more serious. Gone are the smarmy smirk and confident swagger. What is going on in that mind ? Has Memo's "death" started Rubio thinking about his own life ?


I agree. Lizzy deserves someone who truly loves her. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure Lizzy's dad doesn't know that Lizzy's fiancé is really in love with someone else.

Rubio knows all the bad guys' secrets ....Dan, Este, Norb. He is in the catbird seat but also in a very dangerous position if one of those guys decides he should disappear,...well, we know that two of those guys have killed before and woud kill again to protect their interests.

Susanlynn, Rubio has been greatly affected by Memo's "passing". In spite of his many faults, he seems to want to be there to protect Rosa and Luisa. He has always had a genuine and real affection for them. Memo was his only relative and now that he thinks Memo is gone, he seems to want to try and hang onto those he considers as family.

I'm not excusing what he has done but I don't see him as nefarious as Este or certainly as Danilo. I could forgive him most things but not his treachery in spying on Ale for Danilo.

At times he seems a buffoon, and at others an obsequious accessory. I'm not certain if he has had a lot of luck or is smarter and more savvy than I've given him credit for.

I doubt he will be the last villain standing, but I could live with him going to jail. That is only if no harm comes to Arturo.


gringo, thank you. I just e-mailed Uni corporate.


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