Tuesday, January 13, 2015

La Malquerida #99, 1/13/2015

Mexico Episodes 110 and 111

All- Univision is doing their best to make a hash of the final episodes of La Malquerida, but I know Diana will do her best to give us a delicious recap. See her recap in the comments. I'm sure there will be lots to talk about!


La Malquerida

Episode 99

Menace, Mayhem and Murder

Part 1

The policeman who has been involved in all the recent nefarious events (thievery, shootings, escapes, fraud and now murder) arrives to arrest Uli. Andres’ attempt to calm Carmen is futile. Uli is told not to resist and is handcuffed as Carmen is devastated. Andres is helpless to do anything but view the unjust proceedings sadly.

Cris is beside herself, trying unsuccessfully to garner a scintilla of sympathy from Esteban. Esteban, trying to cover up his duplicity, is on the defense, slandering Uli as Cris protests. Esteban is ranting, trying to turn things around on Uli but Cris wants none of it and leaves to go to her daughter.

Hunky Hector (thanks Gloria) visits Uli where they discuss evidence (and lack of it) and Uli again asserts his belief Danilo is responsible.

Norberto apologizes to Luisa as she stares at him stoically. My only son he cries as she starts to soften. My child, my blood, a Palacios. I am unsure here exactly what Norberto is asking (to give the baby the Palacios name? To take and rear the child?) Arturo listens and then makes his presence known, leaving no doubt he is in full support of Luisa. Luisa sobs and hugs Arturo.

In the next split second, we see Danilo in Ale’s room brandishing a machete! Ale awakens and screams at this all too real nightmare as German rushes in. German, unsure if there has been yet another security breech, checks the room. Ale is hysterical as German holds and comforts her. A romantic kiss ensues. He apologizes but she says not to. He shares his heartbreak about Manuel and is so thankful for her support. In spite of what has just transpired, Ale now seems calmer and we suspect a smile might appear momentarily.

Rubio is hacking blades of grass with the one remaining machete as he talks with Danilo on the phone. As Rubio relates Manuel is dead, Dan seems surprised, but happy. Assessing the situation quickly and accurately, Esteban did it says Dan to himself.

Acacia visits Ulises in her black cold shoulder top. In spite of being incarcerated for something (else) he did not do, he disregards his situation to comfort Acacia and relates what happened that night, running into Manuel at the hacienda. Acacia knows he is innocent.

Luisa cries to Cris, recounting her conversation with Norberto. Cris tries to calm her and tells her not to worry.

Este runs into Acacia at the house and demands to know where she has been. Acacia slaps him and he grabs her with furious force and starts berating her about Ulises. His violence escalates as he grabs her by the throat. You are crazy - you are a monster she screams as she pushes past him. He threatens her and she collapses against the wall.

As Luisa sobs over Manuel’s picture, Juli invades Luisa’s privacy and dignity, entering her room unannounced and uninvited. To the unaware observer, Juli’s tears seem real as she attempts to insinuate herself with Luisa, supposedly to make amends. I don’t want to disturb you she slyly states. I believe she tells Luisa that she has Arturo and can have other children but her child, her Manuel, is gone. Her intent becomes hideously transparent as she pulls out her checkbook. Luisa throws the check aside. Art picks this opportune time to arrive and Juli seizes on him, telling him his brother murdered her son. No he says, he is innocent. Juli fumes and leaves. Luisa rushes into his arms.


Part 2

Este barges into Cris’ office, starting in again as Acacia comes in and pushes him out of the way. Esteban killed my husband. Cris struggles to digest this news. Why she asks? Acacia, who dares not reveal the truth, sobs and shakes. Yes, Esteban taunts, why? Of course, Acacia has no retort. Juli, who never misses a chance to fuel the fire, rushes in, asking angrily why Acacia is supporting Uli? He is innocent Acacia shouts. Juli is incredulous that she would support him. He is not an assassin Acacia pleads. Well then, who did kill him Juli asks. Juan Carlos? Acacia goes after Este again. He tries to pick her up and she screams. Cris tells Juli to leave. Aca is sobbing uncontrollably. Calm down Cris says. Acacia is practically hyperventilating – what will she do. She is in utter torment.

Do you think I am an assassin Este asks Cris? Cris reiterates how upset Acacia is, reasserting that the most important thing is her daughter.

Rubio sits and swills his liquor as Luisa comes out and tries to talk to him. He drunkenly antagonizes her and he grabs her and she tells him she hates him. Later, she and Arturo visit Uli bringing him food and support. She thinks Rubio killed Manuel.

The policeman and Hector visit Perla and Juli. There is talk about Memo. She is going to help them?

Norberto bursts in and accuses Este. Este rants about Acacia’s emotional instability and asks Norberto if he is crazy. Once again, Esteban worms his way out of valid accusations by talking Norberto down off the cliff, and further, turning the tables, assuming the power position by grabbing Norberto. Norberto looks down, reconsidering and then somewhat apologizes saying he is desperate. Este stares off with the trace of a smile in his eyes.

Luisa comforts Acacia. Hector arrives with flowers as Acacia drifts off to sleep. Hector sits by her bed and calls her name softly and asks how she is. Papa she cries! No child, it is Hector. Hector, she murmurs. She then says something about Esteban which I could not translate. Hector then speaks with Cris, asserting Uli is innocent and of course Esteban is brought up. The policeman arrives.

In the most pivotal scene of the night, Esteban goes into the barn and unearths the missing machete. Este flashes back, allowing us to be privy to exactly what transpired. Este is menacing Manuel, brandishing the machete as Manuel backs away Esteban’s true feelings and obsession are clearly revealed when Esteban savagely states that he had to ensure the wedding was cancelled. As Manuel tries to absorb his rage, Este says he is not Acacia’s father but that Acacia is mine, only mine. Shades of Danilo’s words about Ale reverberate in our heads. We then see Esteban land the first savage blow as Manuel falls in agony. Back in the present, Esteban cleans the machete and digs a grave near a black rock.



German visits Uli and they console and comfort each other. You are a good friend Uli says. German cries.

Immediately thereafter, patsy Rubio is arrested. I believe Este tries to provide an alibi. Este tells him not to worry as Rubio is taken away.

Cris and a calmer Acacia discuss unconditional love and Cris asks Acacia to confide in her.

Danilo calls Rubio but alas Rubio is otherwise occupied. Imbecile he cries and attempts to drown his sorrows.

Uli is released and visits Cris. Juli and Norberto arrive and Norberto goes after Uli. Uli says he is innocent and just as Norberto start to retreat, Juli tries to go after him too. Juli and Cris argue. Something of immense proportion must have been said here as Uli puts out his hand and Norberto takes it as Juli gapes. Pardon me Norberto asks as Juli looks on in horror. If Uli is not the murderer, then who? Rubio. “El Rubio” Norberto utters.

Esteban visits Rubio in jail. Rubio demands to get out, threatening him. Este grabs him through the bars. Rubio fights back - you killed him because of your love for Acacia. Este promises Rubio money and much more to keep quiet.

Uli visits Acacia in her bedroom. You are free she exclaims! Yes, and they hug. She then remembers Este’s threats and pushes him away and tells him to leave. Uli looks crushed to be rejected yet again. I must be alone. Forgive me. He kisses her on the forehead.

German and Lizzy are at Hector’s office getting news about his exposition. It sounds as though there are plans to take it internationally – Spain was mentioned.

Dan calls Perla. The police want her to ask where he is.

Norberto chokes Rubio through the jail bars. The jail definitely needs bigger bars. “Esteban” Norberto mutters, finally gaining some clarity. Rubio glares.

Este stares at Acacia’s picture on his phone. Dan calls Este and asks how he is. Don’t say my name Dan demands. I’m not interested in talking with you Este says. Danilo talks about Aca with a more than implicit threat.

In the final scene of the night, Cris and Hector are discussing Acacia’s statement that Este is an assassin.Cris doesn’t think he is. He gently asks Cris about Este and Acacia’s relationship. Hector then says something I gather is crucial to this scene and plot line. Please fill in as I simply did not grasp what was said.

Preview: Esteban goes after Ulises.



This is my last recap for La Malquerida. I will have much more to say after the last episde on Friday but did want to thank everyone for your kind words, support and encouragement.

These abbreviated scenes were challenging so I tried to recount only what I was fairly sure transpired. Kindly feel free to add what I missed.

This was a very difficult night for Luisa and Acacia.

For the first time, my heart went out to Acacia. What she dis was wrong, but she is now in the clutches of a crazed madman.

Still so much to be resolved.

Looking forward to checking in tomorrow morning.

Sleep well all.


Norberto and Juliana want Luisa to just "hand the baby over" to them when it is born, because, of course, now that they realize this is all that is left of Manuel, they are definitely "entitled" to him/her. Idiots.

In the scene with Ulises and Norberto, Ulises tells him that Manuel was his first friend in town and that the last time he saw Manuel they parted as friends. Then he gives his condolences.

In the last scene, Hector tells Cristina their is something weird about the Esteban/Acacia dynamic and she says, "I agree." Then he says, "Oh, I'm glad you finally noticed." "Noticed what?" she asks. That he sees her not as a daughter, but as a WOMAN! TAN, TAN, TANNNN!!

Thanks, Diana for an excellent recap. I will watch the episode this evening. What a tangled web.

I am trying to see how Este is found out for killing Acacia's Dad. There hasn't been much about it lately.

Thank you Diana. Whew.

"Acacia visits Ulises in her black cold shoulder top"

Though we suspected Esteban, the brutality of the killing took me by surprise. Cold blooded killer.

Acacia is a victim now but I have no sympathy for her still. She should tell Cris. A school girl crush gone awry.

Don't buy Hector is the only one that surmised Esteban sees Acacia as a woman not a stepdaughter, especially since he really has not been around any of them much, however, I do think, he the only one that could tell her that.

Uli looks like a little boy among adults, even with Acacia and I cannot take him serious. Perhaps the other actors have upped their intensity and Mane de la Parra can't keep up or he is supposed to represent the naivete of young love.

Yay! This was excellent final recap, Diana. Thank you so much for stepping in to help Gloria and me after Mads fell ill. I know everyone here thanks you too, because you write beautifully. I hope we see you recapping another tn soon.

Let's see, Anon 4:47 answered most of your questions. Here are a few more things you asked about and a bit more on some of the scenes you described. Yes, Norb offered to pay for Luisa's medical care and then wants Luisa to hand over her baby to him to raise as a Palacios. Dan wanted Rubio to leave a threatening message in Ale's room, but Rubio said too many cops are around because of the murder. Dan first accuses Rubio because of Luisa, but when Rubio denies it he correctly guesses it was Este. Este threatened Acacia that any man who gets close to her will meet the same fate as Manuel. Hence the reason why she pushed Ulises away later. Perla is giving up Johnny to the cops. Acacia mumbles to Hector that Este killed Manuel. Uli told German that he has a brother in him. (Aww!)

Juli scolded Cris about the immorality of letting Manuel's rival (Uli) see Acacia, and Cris threw back that they (Juli and Norb) have no right to speak about morals when they tried to make Luisa abort their grandchild and are now trying to take the child away. Oh, snap! Juli has nothing to say to that.

Katia told German that a university in Spain wants him to paint a series of murals for them. The work will pay well, will take at least a year, will launch him as an international artist, and he needs to leave in 10 days! Lizzy was not happy by how far away and how long the job is.

Ay! Can't wait to see how Hector’s words to Cris about Este seeing Acacia as a woman plays out. Other than the guys interested in Acacia, I still don’t think anyone’s minds would go there about Esteban other than an outsider like Hector.


Cut Scenes, Part 1:
Acacia and Elena. Acacia asks how they can think Uli murdered Manuel. She can’t let them accuse him unjustly. She just wants to sleep. She feels this is all a dream, and each time when she wakes up she remembers. Elena says little by little the pain will lessen. They agree that Manuel had a good heart and wouldn’t have left his child without a father.

Rosa is hurt that Luisa didn’t tell her the truth. Luisa points out how strict she’s always been with her, and she was afraid to prove Rosa right since she did everything she warned her not to do. Rosa thinks perhaps she had to learn it for herself. Rosa wants to know if she and Art are really marrying or is it a lie too. Luisa swears she loves him and wants to be with him. She knows Manuel was the biggest mistake of her life, but the baby is not. Rosa asks for forgiveness for being so hard on her and making Luisa feel like she couldn’t come to her. She just wanted to protect her. They embrace and forgive each other.

Scene of Lizzy trying to support grieving German and get him to eat, which he won’t do. He does not believe Uli did it, but even 100 years in jail for the murderer wouldn’t be enough to cure the pain.

Scene with Luisa, Arturo and Acacia. Art gives his condolences and tells Acacia Uli is in jail. Acacia is shocked.

Luisa tells Cris that Acacia has gone to the jail. Hector calls and calms her fears by letting her know he’s with Acacia. Cris is relieved she has someone with her. Luisa apologizes to Cris for keeping quiet about the baby. Cris calms her and tells her she won’t permit Juli and Norb to treat her the way they did the other evening.

Juli cries over photos of Manuel and his clothes in a few scenes. In the first scene Norb comes in and they cry together. Then he tells her how he failed at convincing Luisa to give the baby to them. She is shocked and upset that he didn’t offer Luisa money for the baby. Norb laments that there will be no one to carry on his name, with Manuel dead and German about to change his name any day now. Juli vows that a Palacios will NOT be raised by a servant. She then goes and tries to buy Luisa’s baby. After she returns home, she is going through Manuel’s clothing and finds the envelope of cash they gave to Luisa for the abortion, and realizes that Luisa told her the truth. She shows it to Norb, who realizes what a HUGE f-up they made of the Luisa situation, and says they will apologize to her. Juli, of course, refuses.

Hector goes and gives his condolences to Norb and German. Norb speaks about how the pain of a parent burying their child can’t even be described. After Norb leaves, German says that poor Norb has lost half of himself. Hector points out that German isn’t doing so well either and envelops him in a hug.


Cut Scenes, Part 2:
In hopes of reducing Memo’s sentence, Perla gives up Johnny’s info to Hector and the cops. Later, we see Danny desperately trying to get in touch with Johnny who is supposed to be bringing him cash and guns, and paying for his room and board. Johnny doesn’t answer his calls, and we assume Johnny has been nabbed by the police. Dan is frustrated and so is Johnny’s friend who wants his pay for putting Dan up in his no-tell motel.

After Cris tells Este he may have to go---Este reacts to Cris saying he may need to leave the hacienda for Acacia’s peace of mind by letting the mask slip for a second and yelling that he CAN’T be separated from Acacia! He tries to cover his outburst, and Andres shows up before Cris can really register what happened. Andres sees Acacia, takes her hand in his, and they begin to talk in private. Later, we learn Andres gave her a sedative, and she also told him she believes Este is the murderer. He recommends rest and a psychologist.

Cris watches over Acacia as she sleeps and speaks about her pain after losing Alonso. She thought she couldn’t survive it, but she did, and she knows Acacia will too. She won’t let anything bad happen to her. She kisses and tucks Acacia in with her stuffed horse. Estalker watches from the shadows of the doorway.

The police come for Rubio and Rubio can’t believe that Luisa betrayed him this way. After he’s taken away, Luisa explains to Hector and Cris why she suspects him. Cris tells her she did the right thing. If Rubio is innocent, he’ll be released. Luisa speaks to Cris and Hector about needing protection and legal help to fight off Juli and Norb who are trying to take her baby. She tells them the whole truth and sordid tale, and they are on board to back her up.

Este comes into Acacia’s room and wakes her up. She is terrified and tells him to leave and leave them in peace. He’s all creepy and scary and says he will fight for their love, even if it’s against HER will. He says they all think she’s crazy and will have her thrown into the nuthouse of she keeps making these accusations. Ale comes in, draws Acacia to her protectively, and tells Esteban to leave since he’s upsetting Acacia.

Luisa goes to see Carmen to speak about the baby. Carmen is at first bristly, but Luisa says Carmen is the mother of the man she loves and she cares about her. She apologizes and accepts her responsibility for what happened. Luisa walks away and Carmen has a change of heart and goes after her. She thanks Luisa for helping Uli by speaking up about Rubio, and says that since this child will be Art’s child, she will happily be his grandma and love him.

Norb runs into Juli Jr. in town and cries to her about losing his son. She offers a listening ear, comfort, and a shoulder to cry on. He tells her about Rubio being a suspect and she says she doesn’t believe Rubio capable of such a thing.

Ale meets with Hector and asks for help with two things. 1) Getting a divorce from Dan; and 2) Getting Carlitos dug up from his common grave and having his remains transferred so that she can give him a proper burial. Hector happily agrees to take on both.


Anon, thank you for filling in what I so desperately wanted to understand but didn't, Hector's assertion to Cris that "Este sees her not as a daughter, but as a WOMAN! TAN, TAN, TANNNN!!"

I am sure her little grey cells are pumping now.

Thank you.


tofie, your "Though we suspected Esteban, the brutality of the killing took me by surprise. Cold blooded killer" was on point.

We felt that chill of revulsion, didn't we. Well said.


Susanlynn, I can't wait for you to watch and comment.

Kirby, yes, we are all anxiously awaiting to see if Alonso's murder comes to light. Will the caged canary (Rubio) sing??


Vivi, thank you again amiga for coming to the rescue and providing so many critical details, all with such fire. This especially bears repeating:

"Cris threw back that they (Juli and Norb) have no right to speak about morals when they tried to make Luisa abort their grandchild and are now trying to take the child away. Oh, snap! Juli has nothing to say to that".

Excellent! You go Cris..


Vivi, I wish we had seen Juli and Norberto crying and finding the money. I think carrying on the Palacios name is important to Norberto but I think he does have a heart. "After Norb leaves, German says that poor Norb has lost half of himself". Indeed he has.

I still cannot garner sympathy for Juli. Upset because Norberto did not bribe Luisa for the child? Her callousness astonishes.


Vivi, again, thank you for providing the cut scenes in such splendid detail.

I am so happy that Carmen and Luisa spoke and Carmen has accepted what happened and will support Luisa.

But the best news was that Hector will help free Ale from Dan and finally give Carlitos the resting place he so richly deserves.

Still, with all that happened, there is so much to solve and be revealed.


Diana-ITA. Still much to reveal about Este's true nature, but we are definitely getting there. Now, the words about Este's murderous and lascivious nature have been spoken out loud by Acacia and Hector. The seed has been planted, and now folks can really start thinking and questioning, and hopefully arriving quickly at the truth.

Rubio holds a lot of cards, but he's deciding who would be best to partner with. Seems he may have decided it's too dangerous to keep doing Dan's bidding. So it's between Este who is bribing him to keep his mouth shut, and Norb who is bribing him to spill the frijoles.

Nice to see everything unraveling for Dan and his plan to torment Ale being stalled. It's forced him to reach out to an unlikely ally, Este. I hope they go down in flames together.

The murder was actually more brutal. Uni shortened it, which I don't mind. The original showed many machete chops and Manuel trying to defend himself- mostly shown in shadow on the field. A brutal, fierce murder.

When Este retrieves the machete and bloody shirt from the bodega, he quietly laments that he didn't even need to kill Manuel, now knowing that Manuel was coming to tell Acacia about the baby, which would have ended things between them.

Loved, loved, loved the kiss between Ale and German. More of that, please. :)

Yes Vivi, wasn't the Ale/German kiss amazing?

Sorry Lizzy. You are history!


When Esteban said he didn't need to kill Manuel, it was like a, oh well, oops, shouldn't have tried to take her away.

Did I notice & hear correctly that Dan seemed to admire Esteban and kinda chuckle he had underestimated him?

I wonder if poor sweet little Tin (heart) Lizzy will realize the truth and free German.

I think if German kissed a goat it would be amazing. Whew!

Tofie- Yup. It was a total, "whoops, my bad" moment for Esteban. And yeah, Dan was beaming with admiration for underestimating Este.

tofie, LOL. Ahh German.

The man is hawt.


Perfect, Diana. Simply perfect.


I'd like to see German kiss a monkey.

And Lenny de la Rosa get beat up LOL.

Thank you Diana and Vivi.

First things first: that kiss! It definitely looked like both German and Ale went for it. Neither hesitated nor pulled back. Those two are meant to be together. That's all there is to it.

I just can't believe how brutal Manuel's death was. I hate Esteban. Norbie almost had him but Esteban had to get out of it.

Poor Acacia. I did feel bad for her especially now that Esteban is questioning her sanity. I guess that's the 3rd bird he got with one stone.

I can't believe Norbie and Juli had the nerve to ask Luisa if they could have her baby when it's born. Especially Juli saying Luisa can have other children.

Dan looked horrible. I guess that's what happens when you're on the run with no money. And he doesn't have his accomplice Rubio at the moment either.


Well, I had time to watch this episode while I ate breakfast. I can finally tell you that the spoiler that my student from Guatemala gave me in November was that Este kills Manuel with a machete. Geez. I have been holding this turn of events since then.
Este is completely nuts now. Is somebody going to kill him ?..Norb? Rubio? Ack? He poured tequila on that machete , wiped it with a rag, buried it, and then burned that rag. He seems to feel invincible, and he truly has turned into a monster.
I got a big kick out Juli in her black jogging suit carrying that big purse around as she went into Luisa,s room and then into the living room. When shebstartsnin on a tirade, she narrows her eyes in to little slits. She is a mean-spirited harpy who will be left with Nada.
Has Hector finally nope he's Cris's eyes to what she has refused to see? He was holding her hand , and when he made that statement about Este seeing ack as a woman, Cris dropped it like it was hot. Despierta, Cris.

Thanks so much Fatima. Your words mean a great deal and are greatly appreciated.

TF, yes. Acacia was indeed the third bird Este felled with one stone. Great observation.


Susanlynn- OMG! You need to get your students in line and warn them at the beginning of the semester, NO SPOILERS for tns still showing in the U.S., or else a half grade deduction. ;-)

Vivi...Can you believe it ? At the time Jorge spilled the beans, I thought that Este was a nice , happily married guy going through a midlife crisis and attracted to a sweet, young hottie. Jorge did not do well in the class, but that was all on him. Maybe I will not share my interest in novelas anymore.

Diana, thanks so much for devoting your precious time to give us recaps. Vivi..thanks for filling in the blanks.

Susanlynn, I am also chomping at the bit to see what Cris will do.

Hector presented the statement clearly enough but there was a lot of room for interpretation. If Cris accepts the statement, will her mind immediately wonder what Este would have done to elicit this and will she ask for the whole sordid truth? If so, does Hector really know what happened and didn't happen between Este and Aca?

This is no doubt leading up to Hector's repeating what Acacia said, that Este killed Manuel. How deftly he handles her questions and supplies information is imperative.

I agree with tofie's statement that out of anyone, Hector was the best person to divulge that grim news.


Susanlynn, that must have been a shock! Your bubble burst much earlier than the rest of us. Thanks for not sharing with us amiga. :)


1000 words of thanks to you Diana and also to Vivi and anonymous. you team of three has really brought last night's episode to light.

Side note---As I have told you all
I have been blasting Univision Corporate every day for the last three or four days about the cuts,
not that it does any good but I will do so again today.

Yesterday, Maggie mentioned the Spanish language press. I KNOW!!
I'll fire off a comment to La Opinion the big Spanish language newspaper in LA. I don't speak Spanish so I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out their website. Even translated by Bing didn't help completely. I found contact, which didn't help. However I found no place to leave a comment. All that I got for my wasted time and effort was a subscription to La Opinion in my email this morning. Now I don't know how to cancel it. Anyway, I tried to help stop this terrible cutting by Univision unfortunately
to no avail. But again, I tried.
the gringo

gringo, your comments are unfailingly thoughtful yet you always manage to make me smile.

On a serious note, thank you for taking so much time to try and relay your (and our) frustration to Univision. While it was obviously too late to stop the shears on this, perhaps all of our e-mails might help the next time they are tempted to cut.


Diana: Is Rubio the only one (except Este) who knows the truth about Alonso? Wonder if VR is up to playing Chris when she finds out she has built her life around her husbands killer. Need to redo that will in secret just in case.

It is interesting to see them trying to rehab Acacia. Sorry not working for me. Because of her a man is dead, there has to be an anvil headed her way for that one.

Am dying to see if Gris picks up on what Hector said. She seemed to but one never knowswith her.

Este has moved up onto the list of really creepy villains. Danilo is a pig but Este has no conscience and is a sociopath.

It would be a real novela twist if the writers have Ack kill Este and go to jail, but I do not think that will happen. Instead, after Este gets squashed by whatever anvil is hanging over his crazy little head , everyone will forgive poor, young, naive Ack, and she and Uli will ride off to a happy ending.

The only good guy who suspects Este has more than a fatherly interest in Ack is Hector. Manuel and Uli thought that Este was overly protective of Ask, but neither seemed to think that he was obsessed with her.

I think that Rubio is going to tattle on Este and while naming him as Manuel's killer , he will add that Este has killed before. However, I do not know what proof the police will find, so I think Este will die or be killed and never make it to jail.

Kirby, I do think Rubio is the only person who knows Esteban killed Alonso. If Rubio doesn't squeal, I doubt the truth will come out. The only caveat will be unless Esteban pronounces it which may not be far off considering the madness now enveloping him.


Decie Girl, you aren't alone. Many of us think Acacia doesn't deserve Uli. I've learned nothing is a certainty here so while it does appear they will end up together, I won't be satisfied until I see FIN on the screen Friday night.

During the Teresa finale, the big reveal came in the last two minutes. I was watching, incredulously as I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Yet, a miracle did occur (don't want to spoil for anyone who may want to watch this in a rerun).


Susanlynn, I think Este's days of good fortune and health are coming to an end. I don't see him surviving. Just a hunch.

I'm flip flopping on Uli/Acacia. I did have a bit of sympathy for her last night but she is going to have to go through a heck of a lot more, including full disclosure to Cris before I will accept her and Uli being together.


Everyone knows that when you corner a rat, it will fight. Rubio is in jail but he didn't kill Manuel. Don't worry says Esteloco, I will pay you well. Oh really? You're going to give me money? I'M IN THE SLAMMER!!! No one wants to spend years in jail, especially the hellhole jails that are in Mexico. My guess is that he will sing just as Perla did. Esteloco, there is no way out for you either in this life or in the next, you're going down.

Esteloco doesn't have many options left as his world is crumbling down around him. I have to give him credit for telling Acacia to keep quiet or she will be sent out for mental evaluation.
It was a good try but it won't work.

So the writers are starting to put Humpty Dumpty back together again--Acacia and Uli. I would have liked to see Ulises with Itzel but this isn't my call.

Will DevilDan come out from hiding
tonight armed and ready to get revenge? Probably yes.

Sabine is going to be in the next novella Que te Perdone Dios. Iran Castillo was in the first novella that I ever saw. She was younger in 2002/2003 and played a young school girl. I haven't seen her since and am anxious to see her again. I am wondering if I will even recognize her. I am easily thrown off track when a woman changes her hair style, hair color etc.

Boy Juliana didn't look like the same person to me last night without her makeup and beautiful hairdo.

Julie will buy Luisa and Manuel's child---it's no big thing, you can have more. WHAT!!!

Now lets see---You hate the low classed servant girl but the father was a Palacios and the baby can carry on the Palacios name, so I will just buy him/her
from you. OMG!!! How low can this woman sink? I'm glad that Luisa told her off. For a small lady you've got spunk. You go girl!
the gringo



I agree about Teresa's finale. Same thing happened with LQLVMR's finale. You literally did have to watch until the last minute/second.

I just can't give Acacia a pass. Thought about it, and can't. If I look only at the relationship between she and Esteban, there were plenty of come hithers, and lustful posturing from her. Had she not reciprocated he would have buried it and he and Cris cruising toward their 11th wedding anniversary and Acacia off to school. Not blaming it on her, like he did saying she created the monster, but it took both of them. That, I don't think will ever come out, so she and Uli can be reunited. My opinion of Uli, high since his escape and return, has been dropping rapidly every time that silly boy band love song plays.

Acacia has now experienced the bloody murder of her BFF/husband and saw his mutilated body. She is tormented mentally, emotionally, and physically by his murderer. No one believes her about the murderer. I am guessing that the writers will not let this end without her facing her mother's and grandparents' anger/disgust/disappointed about how she betrayed her mother with her husband. And I am also going to assume she will learn that this man, the man she betrayed her mother with, is her father's killer. She will live with the guilt of these three things the rest of her life (Manuel's murder; the betrayal of her mother; and her father's murder). I don't think this equals giving her a pass. Even if she and Uli do end up together, it doesn't change the shame and guilt she will carry for the rest of her life. Watching her these last episodes, I feel like I've gotten my pound of flesh. She's living in a hell (of her own making) right now.

Gringo...Iran Castillo was in the first novels I ever watched..Alborada. I have also seen her on dance shows. The last dance show I saw her on was a few months ago, and I did not recognize her. She looks very different, and her hair us much lighter.

I felt a huge weight lift and Hector finally did what no one else in this TN has been able to do: Tell the truth about an incestuous relationship between a stepfather and a stepdaughter. (BTW, incest is not defined in terms of blood relationships but in terms of power relationships.) Cris is horrified, but I'm hoping the writers follow through with this and that an intimate conversation between Ack and her mom will follow at some point.

Ack hallucinates or imagines Hector as her "Papa" because she desperately needed a healthy father figure to be one for her, not a lecherous slime ball like Esteloco.

Ack has been stupid, selfish, and has done some really bad things. Most of us who are beyond her age look back on that time with at least some embarrassment at our behavior. The writers are trying to redeem her as a woman who did dumb, stupid things in youth, but hopefully will learn a huge lesson from her behavior and become a wise, loyal, woman of integrity. I say "Salud" to that.

Dona Gringuita- It was both sad and sweet when Acacia hallucinated that Hector was Alonso and called him papa and hugged him.

The good thing about Ack called Hector "dad" is that he HAS been like a father to her. Whether she is thinking straight or not I think she does consider him to be like a father to her. Unfortunately, no, Esteban was never a father for her. He was more like a friend, secret crush.

She does seem to want her mom to be with Hector, BUT that's partly so her mom won't suspect what's going on with her and Esteban.

One more thing: Can Germán be my boyfriend?

Thank you thank you one and all for the splendid recap and the missing scenes, as well as all of the wonderful comments.

Gringo – you GO! Good for you for trying to get hold of La Opinion and give them your opinion.

Vivi – I’m also thinking that we may get to the end of this without Chris ever finding out about Acacia’s participation in Esteban’s obsession.

Were those black satin jammies German was wearing when he went to Ale's room ?Nice.

Diana, thanks for the splendid recap.

Vivi, thank you for giving us the deleted scenes.

Anon, thanks for adding some insight to the recap.

Brutal murder scene. Este has lost it. And I pray he gets caught soon.

Juli is a lost cause. I don't think she will ever change. Still not sure about Norb.

Love the scene between Ale and German. They NEED to end up together. Don't mess this up writers!

More to say, but too much work.

Can't wait til tonight.

TF, Really?? I took it for granted that you had called dibs on German some time ago!

The man embodies everything that is good and kind. The fact that he is drop dead gorgeous doesn't hurt. ;) Susanlynn, those pj's were awesome!

Maggie, I'm thinking that in order for Acacia to move on with her life, she will have to tell Cris the truth.


I think that Norb will be a good abuelo to that Bebe, and German will treat him like a dad now that he seems to have changed and become a better person. Juli , however, is still Juli...selfish, vain, elitist, egotistical.

Dona Gringuita, it was sad that Acacia called Hector her father but she really does have great affection for him, which he clearly reciprocates. Now, he is the kind of stepfather she should have. Hmmmm. I'm not giving up hope for that although with the end near, will Cris be able to recover from whatever occurs and love again?


Diana..''and the truth shall set you free.''

Vivi, I've had some time to think about your "Even if she and Uli do end up together, it doesn't change the shame and guilt she will carry for the rest of her life. Watching her these last episodes, I feel like I've gotten my pound of flesh. She's living in a hell (of her own making) right now".

You may well be right. And still, Cris and her grandparents haven't even learned the truth yet.

And Uli. Doesn't he deserve to know? That might be a hard hurdle to leap, but he is so kind and loving he may well do so.


AuntyAnn, although Acacia took center stage last night (and rightfully so), thank you for bringing us back to who really matter, Ale and German.

We might speculate, debate and discuss the merits of Acacia and Uli, but it is Ale and German whom we almost all agree are the couple who have won our hearts.

I take no comfort in the fact Dan is still incarcerated. Things change on a dime here and I'm very afraid he might escape somehow and end up trying to carry out his threat against Ale in the 11th hour. I suspect we will be biting our nails until the closing credits Friday night.


Susanlynn, ITA Norberto will be an excellent abuelo. The baby will have much love and affection from many families, the lucky tyke!


Haha Diana! Well he's my fictional boyfriend. I don't even have a real boyfriend lol. He's a great character; a good guy.

Oh and I forgot to say I love your title for this episode, Diana.

I think that ACk is going to spin this whole Este thing. I do not think that she will take any responsibility for what happened between the two and will paint herself as the victim. I feel so sorry for Cris who has been unknowingly sleeping with the enemy all these years. If she finds out Este killed her beloved Alonso, his obsession to her daughter might lose some of its bite.

Wow,,,there are a lot of loose threads to wrap up in the few hours that remain.

Diana, thanks so very much for your great recap and Vivi, too, for the not shown scenes. I'm sorry to be so late, but had a very busy day and just got to the recap and comments now.

I have nothing to comment on that hasn't been said by you all and far better than I can ever do.

Thanks again.

Now on to tonite's episode.



Ann, glad you are here - we are all anxiously waiting for tonight. I think the pressure is going to be on Rubio to talk and on Uli to stay away from Acacia. I suspect Este will not be gentle in his persuasion.


Muchísimas gracias, Diana. Excellent recap. Hope you’ve had as much fun crafting LM recaps as we have poring over them.

Thanks Niecie. I appreciate your kind comments and your always wry, wonderful comments.

I am really looking forward to Vivi's recap of tonight's episode.


WOW. L M kicked on the afterburners tonight. Running out of time I guess. Great episode.

"I just couldn't help myself...she's YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL".
Nothing more needs to be said. Such a sad truth.

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