Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fausto gets the shaft, and it was awesome! Que te Perdone dios #10

The recap is up and totally done. I apologize for it being so late but all my recaps will be done like this, it is very hard to recap a show, especially a good one that has a lot of things going on at once, when I was recapping LQLVMR I would on occasion work will three in the morning to get it up on time, currently I don't have internet or cable at home so I'm recapping either before work, or after. You will always get a recap from me, unless I have an emergency, for now they will be posted late but I hope they are worth it!

So I've made up my mind that I really hate Fausto and so for me this episode was extra satisfying, let's get to it!

Fausto is visiting Diana and showing her a watch that he got Abigail for her birthday, she says that the gift is too expensive and far too good for a simple servant, the watch is something a woman like her should be getting. Fausto tells her to keep the watch but to make sure to wear it to the party. He then leaves.

Diana looks at her aunt and asks her what she should do, she is told to go to the party and wear the watch. Ummm, am I the only one bothered by the fact that Fausto and Diana has a mini-makeout session with the creepy aunt in the background? Gross. But even worse, what the hell was the woman wearing. Seriously. WTF. That coat was hideous! A true crime against fashion. do not get me started on her makeup.

At the party Abi is dancing with Mateo when Fausto walks in and makes a scene. Dude is drunk you guys! He makes it a point to welcome everybody to his hacienda *snickes, b*tch please, this all belongs to your wife*, a few minutes later Diego looking good enough to eat walks in with a Mariachi band and serenades Abi with "Las mananitas"- a song my mom used to blast for us every November-my sisters and I are all November babies!

Fausto takes offense to this and starts to bad mouth Diego, he tells him that he is just a servant and that no one invited him, then he tells him to go back with the help, or as he says "muertos de hambre"-literal translation:Those starving to death, or in other words people who are broke as a joke. Diego, bless his heart won't back down and says that if they are starving to death it's because Fausto exploits them. Diego then ends up on the ground, after being pushed by Fausto. Bastard.

Abi tells Fausto to knock it off, he says she is an ungrateful brat, and she says she has nothing to be thankful for if he ruins her party. Diego is back off the ground and his grandmother-who was told by Macaira that he and Fausto were having a scuffle has run out of the kitchen and has placed herself between  the two men. She begs Fausto not to hurt her boy and she tries to take Diego away. Fausto tells her to take Diego back to the kitchen. Jerk. Diego starts to leave and when Fausto says the mariachi is staying Diego looks at him and says "The band was my gift for Abi, I spent all my savings on them, if you want mariachi music go to the city but these guys are coming with me"-and he takes off, the mariachi band following close behind. It was a glorious moment you guys.

Abi tells Fausto to take a chill pill, he's just mad at Diego because he let Mateo use the his horse, the horse which led to Mateo winning Faustos hacienda and Diana. She tells him to learn how to be a good sport, Mateo won the hacienda, and Diana's love. Fausto raises his hand as if to strike Abi but Mateo puts a stop to that right away. Oh, and Fausto is doing this in front off all his guests, so at least people can see what a jerk he is, in fact a woman at the party says that if he were her husband she would have murdered him. Me too lady, me too!

Poor Renata has no idea about how out of hand Fausto has gotten because she can't see and no one will tell her the truth. On the bright side she is hanging out with hunky doctor Patricio Duarte, Mateos friend and an eye doctor who asks her to dance, she says everyone would make fun of him for dancing with a blind woman and declines the offer, he tells her no one would laugh because she is a beautiful and kind woman. She changes the subject and says she would give anything to be able to see Abi, he tells her that if she just puts in a little effort maybe her eyesight could be restored. Renata tells him to stop, she does not want to discuss that topic today.

Off in another town Elena prays to God and asks for strength in dealing with Fausto. If the rumors are true and both he and Mateo are after the same woman nothing but trouble can come of it.

Back at the party things have calmed down and everyone is dancing, a slow song comes on and Mateo ends up kissing Abi- and who should happen to walk in at just that moment? Diana. And she looks pissed. She hugs the birthday girl and whispers in her ear "your reputation will be ruined.", Abi is no pushover and whispers back, "Whatever people may say of me, they will never say that I'm messing around with a married man". Oh burn. Diana tells her aunt to give the "girl" her gift, it's a pretty big box, I just hope it's something good!

Benito is hanging out with Diego and he tells him to be careful, he reminds him of an old friend, and his old friend met a bad end because he set his eyes on the wrong woman. They better not kill Diego. If Diego dies we riot!

Mileton is off near the graveyard looking on as the police work at digging up a dead body, an officer tells him to leave, he has no business being there, Mileton tells the officer that he's gonna stay put and make sure that no one can ever deny that a body was found. That's way smart Mileton, kudos to you for using your brain. A few minutes later a skull is located with a bullet lodged in it, sure enough, a man was murdered!

At the local cantina Lucio nurses his wounds. He is not one of the cool kids and was not invited to Fausto's party. Like we care Lucio. You are a worm and deserve everything you get. Later, he over hears to men talking in the cantina about Pablo's body being found. He takes off real quick!

Amanda, Macaira's mom has returned, everyone is happy to see her-well, everyone but Macaira. Amanda says she has returned because there are some truths that need to be told. Darn straight!

Mileton goes to visit Renata, he tells her that the body belonging to Pablo has been found, someone killed "their" Pablo, not her Pablo, "their"Pablo- there is something very tender and sad about this scene, maybe it's Miletons fierce loyalty to his dead homie, or Renata's tears as she learns that his body has always been so close. She asks Mileton to take her to him and he says that the police have the body, once they are done with the investigation they will return the body to him, and of course they need to give him a proper burial. Renata tells him not to worry, she will assume all the costs. Mileton very wisely tells her that they need to be very careful in how they proceed, Renata agrees and they say their good-byes. Macaira is listening behind the door and is found doing so by her mom who chastises her.

Mac puts on a show about missing her mom but Amanda knows better, Renata tells her to show Mileton out and to make sure he takes some food with him, Amanda is happy to do so.

Now on to the past part of the show:

Diana pretends to want Mateo to stay away from her, for Faustos benefit, she tells him off and stalks away!. Fausto comes up to him and starts talking about everything he has done for Mateo and his mom. Mateo is glad he brought this up and offers Fausto a check saying it is payment for every cent that Fausto spent taking care of both him and his mother. Fausto tells him to keep the money-he prefers to always be able to hold that debt over his head. Then he tells Mateo that he would like to continue to administer the hacienda he just lost. And here it comes...Mateo tells him that he can't do that. Fausto asks why and Mateo tells him the cold hard truth: In order to pay off Fausto he borrowed money, which he paid back by selling Faustos beloved hacienda and further he can't tell him who bought the property because he was sworn to secrecy! . Boom,sucker. That sound you hear is me laughing my but off. Oh butt Fausto's night will get worse, way worse. And I'm over here eating Cheetos and drinking beer and loving every second of this.

Renata finds the police chief and tells him she wants to file a report, years ago a man was murdered and she knows who killed him. The body that was found belonged to Pablo Ramos and he was killed by her husband, the officer tells her that Mileton has the same suspicions and Renata tells him that she does not have have suspicions, that she knows that her husband killed him because during a heated argument he told her what he had done, she was never able to do anything about it because she had no proof but now with the body having been found she wants to file a report. The officer sees Macaira lurking and tells Renata that if she wants to pursue the case to come to his office the next day so they can talk. Renata promises to be there.

Back at the house the guests have come inside because it started to get cold and because apparently the mosquito's staged an all out attack on the guests. Renata is sitting with a large envelope in front of her and asks Mac to come and join her and the other guests at the table. Fausto puts an end to that and tells her to make sure everyone has a drink. Dude, you can't be an ass to the person that could land you behind bars!

The women at the table turn out to be real snobs, all of them making comments about how amazing it is that Abi turned out to be a good person considering she's the daughter of a maid and the "help", Renata corrects Diana-who was the one that referred to Abi as a maid and tells her that Abi is not a member of the staff and Diana returns with "but her mother is". Anyhoo, everyone is in agreement that Abi is a good kid who was raised right, and as Fausto put it "no matter who her real mother is".

Mac goes out and finds Abi who is talking with Mateo (I don't dig him all that much), he's apologizing to her for having kissed her and she tells him it's okay, then it dawns on nubnuts that she wanted him to kiss her and he asks her if she's upset with him. She says "no" and walks away with Mac who tells her that Renata needs her for a few minutes.

With everyone gathered around the table Renata announces the following: Abigail is now the owner of Faustos hacienda. Fausto is not a happy chappy as the Brits would say. But I don't care. I'm happy he's getting smacked back by his wife and in public no less. It was soo satisfying, and a good way to go into the weekend. See ya all on Monday!


Why was Renata wearing a Big Bird outfit?

Thanks Eli. Looking forward to reading the rest.

I hate Fausto too so it was nice seeing him have a very bad day!

Get your own mariachis, Fausto! Haha...that was great.

I loved how Abi stood up to him and how Mateo defended her when Fausto wanted to slap her.

Lucio whining about not being invited to the party was pathetic. Is he 12 years old?

Ooooooh Macaria sure loved hearing that Pablo's remains had been found.

The cliffhanger was the best - I had a feeling Abi would be given the ranch. Take that, Fausto!

Thanks Eli. I love this TN and hope it stays for lack of a better word, rational. They actually connect the dots. Wow! how refreshing. Fausto is just a bully. He is so certain he has all the answers and has total control. Payback time sure is a ....itch. Can't wait for the rest of the recap. Awesome job Eli. Finally a TN worth watching. Take that, La Gata.sorry couldn't help that.


Thanks, Eli.

Mat won an hacienda AND a woman in a horse race...que???? What century is this supposed to be ?

So.then Abi got the hacienda as a birthday gift from Mat. Wow..quite a gift.

I must have missed something huge. Abigail received the hacienda from Mat as a gift?? All I remember is Mat saying he sold his trophy hacienda for a worthy cause. I am so confundida!

Since lying Diana Montero told Matt that Fausto had lent her aunt some money and that was why he used to go to their house, I thought he sold it to use the proceeds to bail out lying Di with the supposed debts left by her dead father. I would like to hear other people's take on what Mateo did with the hacienda/funds.

Novelalover, from what I gather, Mateo was tired of Fausto throwing the fact that he supported both Mateo and his mother for years in his face so he took out a loan to pay back Fausto and repaid the loan back by selling the hacienda to Renata who gifted the property to Abi.

Eli: Great first half. Thanks for the conversational rundowns, especially.

Susanlynn/Novella lover: "Wow..quite a gift" and how! ITA! The guy had no reason to give the rancho over to Abi. All things considered it really is Renata's gift to her daughter, tho' she couldn't be seen doing such a thing in that small town or the jig is up.

Sorry, I just read Eli's recap where she explains besutifully. I went and reread and now I am confused no more. Thanks Eli you addressed that pertinant piece of info very well.

Eli, I'm in awe. You have no internet or cable at home? My heavens, this was excellent. I appreciate your dedication - thank you.

I really enjoyed your comments amidst the facts. "But even worse, what the hell was the woman wearing. Seriously. WTF. That coat was hideous! A true crime against fashion. do not get me started on her makeup". You must have read my mind! Tia is a fashion disaster - ITA.

I did think Abi looked lovely and her slow dance with Mat was rather dreamy and romantic.

Of course I agree with you Eli that this doesn't bode well for Diego who is a sweetheart. I sincerely hope this doesn't follow the presumptive storyline that he wallows in unrequited love for Abi. He deserves someone wonderful.

I never saw Abi getting the ranch coming. And Susanlynn, I'm still in disbelief that Mat won the ranch and a human being in a race. Huh?

OK, bring on Fabian!

Eli, fantastic!


Eli - This was wonderful! Thanks!

This was a great episode. Can't wait until Monday to see what happens next.

Thanks, Eli. It was indeed a glorious episode and your recap nailed all the fun.

Yay, Fausto got smacked from all sides and Renata is now the owner of El Ramada! I know Fausto will have some dirty tricks up his sleeve, but at least the good guys finally got a win.

Wondering if Macaira will help Abigail now that she’s a hacienda owner or will she still, stupidly, keep trying to creep with Fausto.

Great recap, Eli! Lots going on in this episode, with some satisfying stuff for the good guys and some humiliation for Fausto.

The move into the kiss on the dance floor was well done, although I would vote for Diego and his mariachis over Dr. Mateo.

I LOLED at the fashion disaster,it is so true. I cannot place myself to like Tia yet,she is like a useful slave. But she is much prettier than Meliton!'

I enjoyed seeing Fausto having a bad day ,but he is not a good guy to piss off. His comeback will be around 10x worse,especially after he finds out about the newly found body . I wonder what Mac would do now, will she help Abi or try clinging to Faucet? Little Lucy will most likely screw things up this time and Mac will probably too,.

Eli, fyi "cheetos & beer" sure sound good! Great idea!
Especially to have, while Fausto is getting put in his place. Oh-oh, what secret could Vicenta be holding about Diego's momma? Sounds like she's dead, but what happened? Is Fabio his father???? Cant wait to find out next week.

""Cheetos and beer''...hey, , I'm sitting at your table, Eli. I am also with you in preferring sweet, lovesick Diego over Dr. Mat.

Didn't Mat hand a check to Faust in an earlier episode, and Faust tore it up ?

I'm expecting Fausto to retaliate HARD!

Yay, "fofito" always so sweet and romantic with the woman who holds his heart. My mom and and I were swooning when he appeared with his white mariachi suit. Dr. Mat is good person, although it appears the only toes he is curling is Abigal's. I think Diana likes what he can provide financially and respectability.

Eli, Thanks for the recap, i had a great laugh over your asides! And thanks to all the recappers, I sure appreciate the effort, humor and comments. Hope this TN probes to be one to stick with!

I love reading your funny recaps!

Eli- How wonderful to see you recapping here too! You make this episode sound not to be missed. I might have to search for it on demand to see Fausto get the shaft with the hacienda gift reveal.

I'm hoping Diego and Mateo will remain as galant as they are now and won't suffer through Eau de Protagonista. It would be nice that for once the female lead gets a great guy no matter who she chooses between the 2 options she has.

Ferdinando certainly is a treat when he's a good cookie (Tormenta en el Paraiso is a good example of this) and wretched when playing total scum (MPV and LFDD). Interesting Rosy Ocampo had him playing a gay-lan in PESE and Mark playing scum in QPTR.

A BIG thanks Eli---Yes it was a good way to start the weekend.

Thanks for the info relating to how Abi ended up as the owner of Fausto's hacienda. It would have been impossible to figure that out.

If anything happens to Diego---we
riot. Right! I want to see Abigail
together with Diego living happy--
happy in the hacienda when this one ends---however something bad must be close at hand. Fousto is one person not to mess with. It's going to get ugly I'm afraid. At least we had one very good episode Friday.
the gringo

Fausto's plotting his revenge, trust me!

He got humiliated in front of everyone: bruised EGO!

Zuria was also on QPTR too!

OK. Just watched the episode, and it was definitely an episode worth watching to see things not go Fausto's way.

Loved Abi telling Fausto off and telling Diana off too. Loved Diego confronting Fausto and taking his mariachi band with him. And of course, loved Fausto's look of indigestion when he first learned that Mateo sold the hacienda and then learned Abi was the new owner, thanks to Renata.

I'm worried about Macaria knowing that Renata plans to speak to the police. Sure, she would love to stick it to Fausto, but she has also betrayed Renata multiple times. Hard to know which way the wind will blow with her. I'm also worried about Diego's life expectancy if he keeps antagonizing Fausto and Lucio.

The kiss was lovely, and a pretty damn good first kiss ever for Abi. But Mateo is a bit of a dope when it comes to women. I have a feeling that won't change.

Nice to see Rebecca Jones and Rene S. together again. They made a great couple in Para Volver a Amar.

I like middle aged Renata much more than her timid, bulging eyed younger version. I'm glad that Abi also seems feisty.

Funny how Abi (and others) keep pointing out how she looks nothing like Mac. But Mac doesn't look anything like her mother Amanda. They should have picked a fair, light eyed older actress to play Amanda to drive home the point some more that Abi doesn't look like her family.

I have a feeling Diego will end up being the new foreman at Abi's ranch.

"am I the only one bothered by the fact that Fausto and Diana has a mini-makeout session with the creepy aunt in the background? Gross"

Nope! My thoughts exactly! It's as if she was a madame of the whorehouse and Fausto the customer/wealthy catch.

Ha...maybe she was !!! She looks the part.

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