Monday, February 02, 2015

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Feb. 2, 2015

The weather outside (at least in the East and Midwest) may still be frightful but Telemundo novelas are hot, hot, hot with last week's posts reaching the magic 200 number. Here is your new page for this week. Enjoy!

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Thanks, Jean!

Take care everyone!

Thanks Jean!

It's sooooooo cold here right now.

Can't wait to see whole new week of Dueños. I'm loving every minute of this novela.


Phenom recap for Friday's show, Novelra. Well done.

Was busy this weekend and I finally got a chance to catch it this afternoon.

I dislike Chad's character more and more every episode.

I think the whole coffin thing is kind-of weird, but LQ seems to be really into it possessing it.

Looking forward to tonight's episode and seeing everyone's comments.


I'll do a recap tonight.

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Thanks in advance Novelera!

Thank you Novelera.

Re-reading Steinbeck's The Pearl and was reminded of Arturo when I read the following:
"There is a great deal to be seen in the tilt of a hat on a man."

Though with Arturo it's more like the tilt of the man's head in the hat.

Nice Recap Jean.

Thanks Jean! I'm off to watch LOS MIZ in a few minutes. I hope to post the recap tomorrow by noon.


Thank you for our new page, Jean!

Los Mis
Thank you for doing tonight's recap, LXV! Look forward to commenting on it tomorrow.

I will do tomorrow night's, tuesday. And Anselmo's Ex will do wednesday's.
I'll try for thursday, too.

Hope you didn't get too much storm there! Was far better than the last, here.


Los Mis

Thank you, Anselmo's Ex, about recapping wednesday! Looking forward to it, and commenting on it.



Verónica tells Renato what she overheard in the changing room. She says that “Muriel” dared the man to kill her. Then she heard a blow and that was all. She didn’t overhear any names or places where they might have taken her. She says she’s sorry she can’t remember more and asks what the police said. Significant looks between Conrado, Adán and Renato. She doesn’t know that the LAST thing they want is to call the police.

Gina is packing AGAIN when smarmy Elias knocks on her door, asks her why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and plants a big kiss on her. She manages to get him out of there, but she’s confronted by Irene in the hallway. She tells her the clothes are some that don’t fit and she’s taking them to a friend. She takes the suitcase to a motel and checks in. But Elias has followed her. He asks who she’s running from. She refuses to tell him. He wants her back at the house to help him bring down Anas. [And not to mention he’d like to jump her bones.] He’s surely going to freak when he finds out she’s carrying his hermanito.

At the warehouse we see that Conrado is looking out for #1 and kind of hints that maybe they shouldn’t interfere in Anas’ war with Leandro Quezada. Renato gives him a look like he just scraped him off his shoe. He tells him he knew he was a coward but not how big of a one. Alejo shows up saying he has a contact in real estate who says a Colombian recently rented a house in Coconut Grove.

Anastasia wakes up in a nice comfy bed. The door and windows are locked. Wow! Some guy brings Anas her breakfast on a tray. He smirks when she asks to see LQ. She kicks him and gets his gun away!

Out on the dock behind the house Ignacio Elizondo tells LQ that he has scoped out the guys who work for Anas and their families. He tells him that once they finish off the bitch, they’ll go on to the others. Iggy, of course, offers to “squeeze” the women. He’s always first in line for any rape opportunity. We see why Iggy is working for LQ when LQ instructs the psychopath. He says they have to wait to see what these guys do. She has the contacts. He wants to see what the others do without her.

Renato is cruising toward Coconut Grove with the 2 amigos. They keep grousing that they’ll never find this needle in a haystack. Renato finally has had it and throws them out of the car!

Adán, concerned for his daughter, takes her to school where, of course, Daytona pops up and recognizes him from the pot sale. This gives Lu some status and Daytona thinks she’s friends with a dealer.

Paola is disgusted with the corpse smell and upbraids her father. He makes some comment about preparing los fiambres. This is an interesting word that means cold cuts OR a corpse. So maybe LQ just made a pun. He also says something about seeing how hungry the crocodiles are. Paola shouts from the balcony that Anas has captured Victor Manuel.

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When LQ and Iggy walk into the bedroom, she shoves VM toward them, knocking Iggy off balance. She grabs his gun and now has TWO guns! LQ pretends to be upset she’s insulted his hospitality and asks her what she wants. She wants to speak with him alone. Iggy snarls that that won’t happen. Anas points her gun at his crotch. LQ tells her to be careful. Anas tells him she wants to show LQ that those (Iggy’s balls) aren’t very useful to him. Iggy pipes up he’s not afraid of her. Anas: “Well, you ought to be afraid. Because your boss is right here to learn what a big mouth and liar you are.” To LQ: “Oh, didn’t he tell you? To Iggy: “Tell him that you didn’t kill Nataniel”. To LQ: “He only said that to gain your confidence. I killed him. He’s MY dead guy!”

She tells LQ she doesn’t know where he gets these useless guys. LQ: “Yep, I wonder the same thing.” He tries for the gun. Iggy tries also, but gets kicked in the balls. She runs while shots are fired. She manages to shoot two of the guards. Sadly they do corner her, so the escape I was hoping for (imagining her running into the street where Renato would have the car running) did not happen.

During Renato, Ajejo and Conrado’s “road trip” we get to see an archaeological artifact, a public telephone by the side of the road. Alejo tries over the phone to get the addresses of recent sales to Colombians out of his real estate girlfriend, but apparently he’s persona non grata. Renato has boosted the phone book from the phone booth and tells them to look up the real estate agency.

It turns out Lidia, the real estate agent, is furious with Alejo because he hasn’t left his wife for her. Conrado saunters in and manages to completely charm Lidia and get the address of a house recently rented by a very rich “couple” from Colombia.

We see Érica posing for some sexy photographs while Sergio leers from a chair nearby. After the photo session he gives her the contract and pretends to be insulted when she wants to read it before signing. He goes on to tell her that the film will be called “Sugar Lips” and she’s going to be the protagonist. He also says she’s going to be the new goddess of erotic cinema. Cara de shock de Érica. But she doesn’t have the good sense to leave.

Ignacio swears that he killed Nataniel Cardona and LQ says he believes him. Behind her father’s back Paola doesn’t look convinced.

Ignacio shows up at the grocery store and sees Vero going in with a shopping cart. He leans over and picks up a baby that he addresses as hermanito. Guess this is part of his cover story as innocent new neighbor. I still kind of wonder if he doesn’t have a thing for her besides just scouting her for LQ.

Thanks very much, novelera, for another wonderful recap. I think I must be watching too many narco novelas; when you wrote "Gina is PACKING again," I pictured her in my mind with a gun at her waist. It took me a few seconds before I understood that packing was just packing.

I too was hoping that Anas would manage to escape, especially after she took out two guards. Actually, I was quite surprised that she hit each of them with a first shot. Not bad for a relatively inexperienced, running shooter (in contrast to the people she's shooting at, who aren't running and have presumably been employed in part for their shooting skills).

I was glad that Erica was shocked when Sergio told her that she would become the new queen of porn films. I'd like to think that now she won't sign the contract, but I suspect she will somehow be talked into it. What a dumb bunny!

Los Miserables

Por fin! Alguien le dijo a Fernanda que Liliana es una asesina, ladron, y drugadicta.

-Anselmo's Ex

Many thanks novelera! Even with the Spanish captions the Colombian accents throw me for a loop. You cleared up quite a bit.

He’s surely going to freak when he finds out she’s carrying his hermanito.

Yup. Can't wait to see how that plays out.

I feel like such a horrible person because I hate Gina and Daytona so much and I can't seem to drum up that much disgust for Anas and LQ.

Juanita- "What a dumb bunny!" I can't seem to drum up much pity for Erika either. I feel horrible for Vero and Luciana, though.



Great recap, Novelera, thank you!

Adán is really walking a tightrope, now that Daytona saw him with Lu. If Daytona finds out he's Lu's father, she'll REALLY have something to hold over Lu's head. Lu continues for the moment to try to avoid Chad, but we know that won't last.

Montalban, the police chief, told Sal don't ever humiliate me in front of my men again, after Sal complained of how useless the department was in getting weapons and personnel to fight the drug guys.

I was hoping Anas would just shoot both Iggie and Leandro, but of course that could never happen this early. Just as we know Anas won't get killed yet.

That Iggy, with the baby. He's really got a lot of chutzpah!


thanks so much novelera!

the scenes with Kate (Anas) are fantastic, she is so good at this.

when Adan can't sleep and slips out for a smoke, doesn't he live on the first floor, and here he runs into Erika outside of her second floor place. (what a complex and naive character this is and poor Verónica who is along for the ride)

Lu's strategy to lose her dad at school before anyone sees them gets derailed when Adan keeps coming at her trying to explain.

does Sergio compare Erika to Sylvia Kristel,

"she spoke Dutch, English, French, German and Italian fluently, and several other languages to a lesser extent. Kristel gained international attention in 1974 for playing the title character in the softcore film Emmanuelle, which remains one of the most successful French films ever produced. After the success of Emmanuelle, she often played roles that capitalised on that sexually provocative image,"

seeing Iggy with a baby made me cringe, did he steal it and will he throw it in the dumpster when he is done.


LOS MIZ Capitulo 83, Monday night Feb 3 Part1

At Lucia's bedside, el Señor Juez congratulates the newlyweds and takes his leave. Dan looks positively stricken. His beard needs a trim about now. The antler-bashing begins in earnest, harsh words and raised voices, except of course Elena's who admonishes Dan that he, of all people, has no right to demand explanations. Sor Mili tries to referee. Lucia, weakly, asks to speak to Dan alone.(This mirrors a scene in an earlier episode where Adri asked to speak with Evaristo alone). A defiant sneer from Dan meets a hard glare from Olegario.

"Why did you do it?" "For the kids, "Rafael" is going to take care of them."

Oleg meanwhile out at the nurses' station, completely out of his "Rafa" character is vociferating indignantly. Sor Mili puts him in his place: "Enough already, she chose you, so quit your bellyaching." He buttonholes Doc Gonzalo for a conference in his office.

Out in the corridor, Pablo admits to Elena that it was he who told Dan that Lucy was marrying "Rafael". She lights into him for being the cause of an uproar that might have harmed her sister in her delicate condition. He replies indignantly that he did it for his friend, that Dan loves Lucia. She says, "well he had a fine way of showing it, throwing her in jail and turning life into a living hell. And you're no better than he is." They get into their own blaming issues. He's mad that she went back to Radames. She insists she never let Rad touch her. She finally says go back to your Ivana. He says: you're jealous; she denies. Then he does this thing which I absolutely detest. He snuggles up teasing her about the jealousy as if it's a green light. Elena, to her credit stands her ground, saying: I'm not that pathetic fragile creature you used to know. I don't need a man to feel good about myself.

So he tells her how much he admires the woman she's become and he adores her. She says, love is action, not intention, and your actions have destroyed what we had; goodbye Pablo, go back to your Ivana. Exit Elena, she shoves his bouquet of roses back at him.

In the cafeteria, Nurse Nancy questions Deya about the strange circumstances of the marriage, what happened there?, she was sort of obligated, or something? Deya denies this, saying it was a technical term, "rigor mortis" or something; besides "Rafael" is a total gentleman. The other nurse corrects ditzy Deya about her vocabulary. Neno shows up; they smooch, "see you tonight". The gals tease Deya in a friendly way; Neno, on his way out, bumps into Carlos in the doorway; Carlos overhears Deya's chitchat about tonight's romantic possibilities with Eugenio; Deya casts sideward glances assuring herself of the impact of this convo on sourpuss Charlie.

Genaro, down in the lobby, makes inquiries about the penthouse; Lily, still bound, gagged & blindfolded writhes on the bed; she removes the very loosely-tied bandana & adhesive tape, looks around wondering where she is. "Gotta get outta here."


LOS MIZ part 2
Dan & Lucy still going at it; "why did you marry that guy, to punish me?"
"The last thing in the world I care about is punishment, right now, my life is at risk: I could die!" (did he not know this?)
"You're NOT going to die and I would have taken care of your kids without this "articulo mortis" thing. I ("I" "I" "I") love you and I don't want to see you married to someone you don't love.
"How little you understand me. When one has children, the most important thing them. Me & my feelings don't matter " she explains, selflessly

(Dan looks pretty terrible here; he's not getting any of this; he's just shocked that things have gone so wrong for "him" "him" "him" )

"At what moment did I lose you?" he wonders self-pityingly.

She says she's forgiven him, that she doesn't want to die with any issues. He says you can annul this. She says, yeah maybe but "Rafael" was right, and besides, my lawyer, Camila advised me to and she's never steered me wrong.

Gonzo explains to Oleg (who is now on his best "Rafa" behaviour) how truly dangerous & complicated this surgery for Lucia would be. Oleg says spare no expense. Get the best and get him now!! So that would be a Dr. Maple in Chicago who has a very busy schedule and will cost an arm and a leg. Oleg says, "you don't understand, just do it and now!"

This depressing conversation isn't over yet. "I know you love those kids, but that doesn't preclude your own happiness"
"I've known for a long time that happiness isn't for me. Just a little peace and knowing that my kids grow up safe & sound is enough"
"I know I've done you great harm; but please believe me: "Rafael" & your lawyer have deceived you."
"So even if that's true, how does it change anything?"
And the pathetic suitor, practically busting out of his skin, says "It means we can start over, here put your hand on my heart..." Lucy starts to melt. [ed note: G-a-a-a-h-h-h-!!] She reminds him though that whenever they were together bad things happened. "Oh no they didn't, we had some beautiful moments." She doesn't melt that much and he keeps hammering away that she really still loves him. She says she doesn't have much time left. A tear escapes his eye. Sniffles on both sides. He's in complete denial. He's going to fight for their love, for her! She looks a bit melted to me. He gets up to leave, finally. She sobs quietly.


CASA DURAN (plastered with signs saying CLAUSURADO:
Fernanda, Abel & Chelo discuss who could have done the dastardly rat thing; Abel is shocked by the amount of the legal fees. Vicki says the exterminators cleaned out the last rat. Fernanda moans about all the expenses starting with Ignacio's surgery. What's a family to do? Where're we going to get the money? Chelo brightly remembers the inheritance from Gaston. Abel chimes in, we can change the name of the restaurant, give it a new coat of paint. The younger generation is psyched, what do you think Ma? "Oh, I'm too upset to do anything. And what about Liliana? We don't know anything?" "I thought you said she was in the States?" "Oh, I made that up so Iggy wouldn't get upset. The truth is she's disappeared." "Maybe she's off with some new guy." "Well, I hope he's a nice one, not like those other creeps she used to hang with."

The doc calls Richard Maple; they talk in English. It is pretty hilarious, but Gonzalo does quite well. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow; he'll fly down tonight; "it's going to cost a fortune". Olegario nods approvingly, "my wife's health has no price".

Dan enters accusing Olegario & the lawyer of deceiving Lucia about the adoption of her kids; of taking advantage of her health crisis to coerce her. Doc Gonzalo interrupts to set Dan straight about the severity of said crisis. I think this is the first time Dan realizes it's not really all about him. And furthermore that his rival is bankrolling her only chance at survival. "Yeah, says Oleg, as long as she lives, she'll want for nothing. I love her & respect her." Exit Oleg. Dan frowns as the Doc shrugs saying, "Yup, this is for realz."

Dan tries to call Camila

A neighbor stops by with a tupperware of food, getting no answer, she lets herself in, only to discover both bodies on the rug. She screams for help. It's a crime scene, and Alej is in charge. Dan arrives. "So what happened?" "We thought might be a robbery, but there's nothing valuable here. These are middle class folks; did you know them?" "Yeah, just the daughter, she was the lawyer of Lucia Durian" "¿Que coincidencia, no?"

Radames in his office, Fernanda arrives demanding to know the whereabouts of Liliana. He's fed up with all those Durans, that Elena for starters. She snarls that she's only interested in Liliana. He hollers back that he has no idea where that thief of a murdering drug addict is; she's probably in hell with el diablo. Fernanda, ever the mother tiger, defends Lil, asking do you mean she's dead? He says "Get out" and warns her that those rats were just the first of the 7 plagues of Egypt that would befall her family.

OUTSIDE THE ORFANATO (or juvenile detention center, or whatever)
"Rafa" breaks the good news to Roxi & Memin that he's married their ma and is going to start adoption proceedings. He has to tell them how sick their ma is. They're going to have to sit tight until things get all cleared up; then they'll all be a family together.


La bruja Liliana has managed to get her ankles untied and so she smashes a mirror to get the broken glass and cuts the ropes on her wrists. is lurking around. Anslemo returns with the groceries. He calls for Nuria; instead he gets Lily stabbing him in the shoulder with the shard of broken mirror. She runs into the parking garage and gets into Genaro's getaway car. Anslemo, holding his bloody shoulder tries, unsuccessfully, to stop them.

Genaro & Lily. She's got blood on her blouse. She bi**hes to him that that desgraciado raped her. "Who, Anslemo?" "NO, it was DIABLO" Genaro hears the truth, but he's a bit slow.

Pab & Carlos are having a drink together; "Poor Daniel" they commiserate. Well hablando del rey de Roma and who walks in but... Anyway, he's not into brotherhood at the moment and turns down their offer of a drink. He's upset about Lucha being close to death, that she's endured lies, mistreatment etc. Carlos asks, do you still think she's guilty? Dan says "I think she's been a victim of everything." "You mean victim of a conspiracy?" Carlos agrees, "She's not capable of killing anyone." Well the, who could it be? Dan thinks everything points to El Diablo. Caras de impactadas de todos

Olegario confers with a couple of shady lawyers about expediting the adoption proceedings so his moribund wife can know that her children have been taken care of; like pronto, like this week. Hefty packets of cash change hands.

Fernanda's back weeping to Elena about her suspicions that Liliana is dead. Furthermore, she was just at Radames' and she knows now that Lil & Rad were lovers. Elena says, "I already knew that; so are you horrifed? "Yes, I am." Fernanda is the picture of grief as she spells out Radames threat of the 7 plagues. "No mom, I won't allow it," Elena storms off. She runs into Vicki and asks her if she still has that "pistola electrica" (Huh? what is this). Vicki agrees to lend it to her so she can defend her family.

Octavio & the odious Ivana lounging around. They have made her really ugly and frumpy now. Elena marches into (her) house asking for Radames. Ivana challenges her. "Caramba" he turns the corner asking Ivana to leave them alone. What are you doing here?" "I'm here to because of the threats you've made to my family" and she pulls the "pistola electrica" out of her handbag. It's a weird-looking thing, but he backs off. There's a standoff until he manages to disarm her with a swipe of the arm. He goes at her as he has so many times before, but she manages to grab a long sharp poker from the fireplace and hold him at bay. "You've only given me two things, Radames: dinero y asco and I'm not interested in either one of them. Still brandishing the poker, she exits, warning him to lay off her family or she'll be back, in spades

Iggy & Lucy have some quality time. She's conflicted: fearful and yet content about her kids. The specialist from Chicago arrives and speaks accented Spanish rather gracefully & reassuringly. He instills confidence. The operation is on for tomorrow. Out in the hall, Iggy thanks "Rafael" for saving his daughter. "Rafa" waxes emotional about how this is his chance to change his life by doing good. Iggy gives him an extremely puzzled look. "Raf" cover ups with some weird story about his childhood.

Back at the bedside Sor Mili spouts platitudes about god, paz, salvacion. "You reap what you sow" and working at this hospital, you've been the best, after we got over our rocky start. You've been an angel. Let's pray together.


LOS MIZ part 4
Roxi's afraid; Super-Memin reassures her. They pray together. A sweet scene, kneeling by the bedside. (At what social service agency would two pre-teenage children of opposite sex be sleeping in the same bedroom together?).

Anselmo rubs his injured shoulder. Nuria commiserates, saying that Lil nearly sliced his jugular. Where could she have gone off to..and when Diablo finds out she's out, they'll be fregados. Meanwhile back at the...

Genaro & Lil ponder whether Nuria will betray them. Lil says, don't be naive, it's them or us. Diablo won't let them stay alive. Genaro can't understand; he thinks Lil's just confused: he still thinks Diablo is dead. Lil knows otherwise because she had an affair with the guy, and she knows for sure that whoever it was raped her was him. I guess that's indisputable evidence then.

Duran family awaits the news. The operation was a complete success. Dan overhears.

Neno gets his beefcake moment, wearing boxer shorts; Deya bursts in and without the slightest hesitation rushes into his arms with the good news about Lucha. I guess she's used to seeing men in various states of undress. She can't take her eyes off; they lock lips in time for Carlos to barge in and smugly quip, "why don't you just get a room." He turns on his heel and departs in a huff, leaving them in a conspiratorial smirk. I guess our gal's not looking back.

Sor MIlagros finds Dan alone on a pew;
"Lucia's operation was a success."
"Yes, I overheard Doc Gonzalo"
"You love her?, then why did you make her life a living hell?"
"Well, I'm not giving her up."
"But she's married, now."
"It's a marriage based on lies & deceit."
"Say's who," Olegario challenges from the doorway.
A vicious scene takes place between these two in the chapel, with Diablo forbidding Dan to enter Lucia's room. Sor Mili's referee skills aren't up to this challenge. Diablo really starts to show his colors; he hauls off and slugs Danny. They go at it in the chapel. Everybody rushes in to pull them apart. Diablo is fierce & furious. Dan spits out his accusations, about murdering Camila and her mom and finally "the only murderer is YOU, Olegario Marrero, because I know you are El Diablo"


Los Mis

LXV, you make every word count! And you express my prejudices so well.

~~ Doc Maple to the rescue, fee is an arm and an leg and flown in on Oleg's private plane? That Rafa is/was very successful. Worth every centavo, apparently.

~~ I thought that pitchfork-looking fireplace tool WAS the pistola electrica. Thanks for clearing that up.

~~ Pharoah Rad's 7 plagues of Egypt, without weekend discussion, this would have gone right by me.

~~ Sweet Roxi, wanting to sse Lucha in here wedding dress.

~~ Oh, the bruja. Thought Nuria would have to help her escape.


the Miserables

another fabulous rolling recap lxv,
love it!

I was happy to see Lili actually lose the blindfold and gag, since her hands are tied in front, not like the usual characters who aren't able to do that, not that I wanted her to get away though.

"(Dan looks pretty terrible here; he's not getting any of this; he's just shocked that things have gone so wrong for "him" "him" "him" )" wow, you sure summed this up good.

all the while Rafa keeps flashing his gold tooth, wait he doesn't have one.

loved Rafa's chat with the kids, they stopped him cold,
she got married without us,
can we see her in her wedding dress?

I think the "pistola electrica" (maybe a taser) needed new batteries.

wow, best catfight ever in the chapel, wait they are guys.



Thanks, deb, for the interesting info about Sylvia Kristel. I'd never heard of her, and so when Sergio compared Erika to her, I had no idea whether she was even a real person. In spite of her beauty and her language skills, she seems to have led a rather sad life.

Los Miserables

Thanks, LXV! I too kept thinking that Dan was looking a lil rough. Guess we're supposed to get that he's been too busy stressing over Lucia.

Great memory regarding the similaries with the Lucha/Dan/Olegario hospital scene and the Adriana/Evaristo/Abel scene.

I was a little nervous when Diablo (no more Rafa from me) was speaking with Mallorca. Even the good Dr. asked if he was threatening him.

"I think this is the first time Dan realizes it's not really all about him. And furthermore that his rival is bankrolling her only chance at survival." Exactly, Lucia will initially feel indebted to Diablo. Can't wait to see how she learns the truth...that the man she despised is the one she married.

Now that Dan suspects "Diablo" is responsible for the deaths of Lucia's attorney and her mom, I'm guessing that, since we're still not in ultimos semanas, something will keep him from telling Lucia about their deaths ASAP (another coma, etc.).

It’s time the Durans have a family meeting. Radames admitted to sending the vermin and promised more plagues on the family. Plus there's his incriminating conversation that Vicky and Octavio know about. They should all know who they’re dealing with. Of course if anyone innocently mentions it to Diablo, he'll take care of him himself.

Anyone knows who Genaro's police contact is? Don't know why but I’m starting to suspect Alejandro.

How did the kids make it to Lucha’s hospital bed? Were they escorted or did they run away.

Anselmo's Ex, re: "Por fin! Alguien le dijo a Fernanda que Liliana es una asesina, ladron, y drugadicta." ...Estoy de acuerdo totalmente. Yet, I totally missed the ball with the drugadicta, I only remember one occurrence. Has she been doing this for a while?

spanish student


@spanish student: "starting to suspect Alejandro" That's interesting, but you make a good point, since he's the only other cop we know in Mexico City. Remember that run-in he had with Dan at the warehouse explosion when Diablo was supposedly killed? Alejandro marched right in, gave Dan a lot of static, but he pretty much worked that crime scene. Dan was ordered to leave the scene by some higher up who summoned him for a hearing. So if what you say turns out to be true, then evidence may have been tainted. Of course, there's no chance it could be our adorable Evaristo or stalwart Marisela. OMG or even Pablo?


Thanks for the kind words, guys. Hombre, I take notes when I watch in order to move to my computer (which is NOT a laptop and in another room than the TV) to type up the recap. I wrote down "Kill them, for Pete's sake!" when Anas was facing LQ and Iggy and had a pistol in each of her hands.

Thanks Clara & deb for reminding about the kids not getting to see Lucia's wedding dress. Such a sweet moment.

and pistola electrica. I just looked it up Taser indeed! Now why didn't I think of that?


still behind - catching up though
I've been thinking about that hat. The first time I saw it I thought 'OMG! Que the hell did he do to his hat?' but then, about a day later I remembered I had seen people in R/L with hats bent similarly ( I live in the west) though not to that extent, and when you think about it, the way its bent makes sense IMO. He bent down the back to protect his neck, he bent up the sides so they don't cut into his peripheral vision and he bent down the front to shade his eyes so people can't see how much he despises them. Maybe I've spent too much time thinking about this hat thing but it bugs me so much less when I see it now that I think there's a reason for the mutilation and it sort of makes sense.


Thanks for the hat info. I was just wondering about it today.

Los Mis

Thank you for your detailed recap, LXV! Haven't but skimmed, but looking forward.

On my way to watch now, will recap. Doing it the way you say, watching to watch tonight, then watch it with pause-ability tomorrow to recap. Should help! Thank you!

Comments on yours later ...


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Thanks, Novelera. Fine recap. I'm disappointed too that Renata didn't hear the shooting. Anas' white dress didn't get soiled in her flee attempt though.

Too bad Erica is in the 1970s, or she could search for that soft-porn actress on the internet and check out if that's something she really wants to do.

The way Iggy is moving in on Vero, he's got more brains than I thought. First becoming a casual grocery store acquaintance and now my guess is he's going to need help with the baby. Scary.

Leave your comment


Tierra- I too have sort of gotten used to Arturo's weird creased hat.

I like Ulises. He's a bad guy but he's entertaining.

Leonardo is so over the top evil that he is boring.

Ulises is growing on me. He was a little goofy to me at the beginning and I had only seen the actor in comic roles, but now I see it works.

I completely agree that Leo is so one dimensionally Snidely Whiplash that it's kind of dull--unlike his wardrobe. But can he seriously not figure out who the baby daddy is?

I'm not even sure we have a true love-to-hate villain in this. The closest I can think of is Patricia, but I didn't get much satisfaction out of her humiliation at the hands of Ulises, so I guess that doesn't make her a villain. Just a vain and self-centered and childish.

I was glad to see things are starting to thaw between Fernandez and Cayetana.

Los Mis

Anselmo's Ex: "Por fin! Alguien le dijo a Fernanda que Liliana es una asesina, ladron, y drugadicta."

¡Sí, por fin!
¡Y otra vez, esta noche!

More on that in my recap tomorrow.

This is moving fast!!


Los Miserables

LXV, great recap. Thanks

Spanish Student, there have been a number of occasions where someone brought Liliana a lil plastic bag with a white substance in it.

-Anselmo's Ex

Los Mis

Aficionada, gracias. Cant believe i missed those deliveries. Will look for them going forward.

Spanish student

Los mis
What part of Lucias anatomy was operated on?

Variopinta, she had an aneurysm in her thoracic artery caused by the bullet that went through her chest close to the heart. It was most likely repaired with some kind of stent or graft to re-plumb the damaged area. Needless to say, after surgery of this type, she would be hooked up to a vast array of machines, inside of a typically darkened & quiet CCU with limited public circulation and would not be receiving mobs visitors any time soon.

Los mis

Tks Ixv, I'm sure Daniel will be yelling "why are you doing this to ME" soon enough.

The scene in which Iggy is talking to Vero, he says Miami-Dade, was he referring to where he lived?
In the early 90's Dade County became Miami-Dade County 'cause people were more familiar with the Miami name. In the 70's & 80's the city was Miami & the county was Dade. I think that is an oops.

I think that was Pablo Llanes holding the rent a baby, not Iggy.
Iggy anywhere near a baby is muy scary.


not Pablo Llanes but Juan Pablo Llano,
bad memory

Sara and Jean

I'm so glad that you mentioned your feelings about Ulises. I know he's one of the bad guys, but at times
I find him kind of sweet and childlike. When he was
trying to have Samuel killed, NOT SO MUCH.


Thank you for the wonderful recap. So many things were cleared up for me. I somehow missed that Eleana knew
about Lili and Rad's affair for example.

I like "Super-Memin". Adorable kids! I, too, wondered
about them sleeping in the same room.

Fighting in a chapel. Disgraceful! AnonGringa

Los Miserables

Did capitulo 84 air last night? I can't find it anywhere.

Anselmo's Ex

LOS MIZ: Anselmo's X: did you try the telemundo site?


Los Miserables

LXV, Telemundo does not allow streaming to my location. But I was able to watch it eventually. Everything is being revealed. The next episode should be explosive. I'll add more comments after the recap is posted.

Anselmo's Ex


Remind me not to sign up as a pilot of a swampboat in the Everglades.

For once, Adán and Conrado did not go along, and had a nice family meal in a restaurant, while Renato and Alejo went for the rescue of Anas. It was also nice that the crocodile waited until Anas woke up and got her ropes off before going after her.

What a scene with Paola in her nightgown getting off on watching a shirtless Iggy!!

And Silvana had some nerve going right into the cops, accusing Anas of murdering Nat, and saying Gina can back it up. But I doubt Gina will talk to Sal.

Erica DID throw down the contract, after Sergio wouldn't answer her question (but it's porn, right?), gets consoled by Adán, but then Sergio is there sweet talking her again?!

And when Daytona wants to buy $500 of pot from Lu's connection, Lu says she'll think about it. Wonder where that's heading.

Anas sure is tough. Wasn't she underwater for several minutes, with no one to give her mouth to mouth? Loved the scene at the end, with her grasping the coffin as a life preserver!


I plan to do an actual recap tomorrow, of tonight (Wednesday)'s show.

Enjoyed your comments, Hombre, and look forward to your recap of tonight's episode. I have one question about Renato's attempt to rescue Anas. Did LQ et al. toss her overboard before or after they fired the missile that caused Renato and Alejo to jump overboard? I ask because I was surprised that the very devoted Renato didn't seem to look for Anas once he was in the water. He pulled an apparently unconscious Alejo onto land but didn't seem to think about Anas. Was that because she was thrown overboard after Renato and Alejo had jumped?


thanks so much Hombre!

this show didn't really click together for me,

Iggy being a widow with his son, David junior, woos Veronica at the market before dumping off the kid with some junky lady, dropping the baby and a few bills on her.

but our (not as bad as the bad guys) did find Leandro's house where Conrado sweet talks Paola (which I guess is her name and changed to this in the cast list) until Iggy shows up and they beat feet, (Renato not showing that he recognize Iggy), and when Iggy blows up, Paola wants him to drop it and calms him with this will be the FIRST secret between us.

(so is Leandro's rented house on the ocean with a backyard in the glades?)

not sure why Anas was not awake when tied to the dock, but didn't Adan and Conrado, (who begged off the rescue because they have families) have their family night out while all this was happening, (interesting that Conrado notes that the girls are liking the luxuries that their new money has brought them).

and so (the next day?) after Anas escapes the croc, they load her into one boat only to be moved to another boat, her fighting back tooth and nail, engines roaring, and way out in the glades they just happen to run into Renato and after a chase, Alejo shooting a shotgun which may have scared the birds at best if the boats weren't so noisy, Renato's boat driver gets shot and their boat gets blown up with a rocket grenade, Leandro finally throws a tied up Anas in the water along with Nat's coffin that looks like it will float forever.

but Renato makes it to land dragging Alejo and after numerous fist bangs to the chest brings him back to life.

elsewhere Adan seems to be magnetically pulled to Erika when Conrado isn't around, likewise Erika can't seem to resist Sergio, (and it's nada nada for Conrado till he apologizes to Sergio) and I think Lu kind of likes the attention that knowing a big drug dealer has brought her.

but it was all SO exciting!

(and I think we are all caught up with the spoilers in the intro)



interesting Juanita,

let's see, Leandro pulled into a little cove, then Renato's boat driver gets shot, all boats are stopped, Leandro throws Anas overboard, his second boat throws the coffin overboard, then Iggy blows up Renato's boat with them in it.


Thanks for the quick comments/notes on the action.

I am now determined to watch this sans captions and hope that I catch on more to the Colombian and Castellano accents.

I may be on the wrong side, but I love what Varoni is doing with the LQ character.

Deb, thanks for the minicap and for the chronology of events on the water. So I guess my question remains--if Anas is thrown into the water while Renato is still on his boat, why do we not see Renato make any attempt at all to find Anas once he too is in the water? I can think of good reasons not to stay in croc-infested water any longer than one has to, but Renato has always shown himself willing to sacrifice whatever for Anas. Oh well...


That was a fascinating and certainly at times confusing episode.

Hombre, I got a kick out of Remind me not to sign up as the pilot of a swampboat in the Everglades.

Conrado is all about Conrado. Adán was, I think, within his rights as the sole support of a stay at home wife and a teenaged daughter to not go on a dangerous mission. But Conrado piped up that he too was a family man. Renato gave him a look of absolute scorn. And Alejo, who has more of a family than either of the other two (2 children) bravely went along to try to save "the boss". Conrado professes to be interested in Anas, but only when it doesn't risk his neck!

I think the scene with Anas getting free of her restraints and coming to the surface might have been in the very beginning of the first episode. The same thing happened. But I don't remember her having that white dress on.

What I think happened with the boats was that LQ was in one boat with Anas and Iggy and another of his guys brought a separate boat with the coffin on it. So, when he was gloating he said something, I think, about the crocs getting both Nat and Anas. But how were those crocs supposed to get into a coffin presumably lined with whatever keeps out the worms?

Yes, I think Adán is a tiny bit attracted to Érica, but his larger motive is that he's just a basically nice guy and wants to help her. He kept reassuring her that Conrado would come around.

That was a bit too dark for me when Iggy returned that gorgeous baby to the drug addict.

I can't STAND Silvana and Elias. Although I did like him a bit last night when he lit into his idiot sister for going to the cops. I'm pretty sure Ferrara will either dismiss her as a vindictive troublemaker or, of course, won't find a shred of evidence that Anas killed Nat. Gina told Elias and Silvana, but she's too scared of Anas to say anything to the police.

Los Mis

Working on the recap now. Sorry Anselmo's Ex, got late start! And so much happened that capitulo!




I'm mostly watching for Flavio and Irina. And also a little to see if Arturo ever changes the sour expression on his face or gets the stick out of his...craw. Good grief is he ever self-absorbed. Get over yourself and try to think through what might be going on with Sofia, dude. And also, you don't need to try to be so in charge of your brothers. They are adults. You can live your own lives. Flavio can stick around and you can leave, if you want.

I do enjoy looking at Leo, even if I despise the character. He's like a cross between Diego Olivera and Ferdinando Valencia. I also like looking at Pablo and find him somewhat sympathetic. I cracked up when Arturo got all the credit for saving the horse and Pablo's face was kind of "who was up all night walking the colicky beast around?"

Patricia is a whiny, selfish child, and I have no use for her. Has she even tried to develop her career someplace other than Ulises's club? Her nonchalance about continuing to hang around a guy who tried to have her boyfriend killed, just because she wants to sing and dance, defies belief.

The other reason I watch is to see if los hermanos will ever figure out how to build a house or, indeed, bother trying. For people so proud of their work ethic, they sure spend a lot of on-the-clock hours sitting around.

I remember LQ being in Coconut Grove.
It is part of Miami on Biscayne Bay which leads to the ocean. The Everglades is not far, I'm sure many people disappeared there. We just can't get rid of Nat though, unless a gator can get the casket open.
The boats are air-boats, they are able to maneuver through the tall grass.
The Everglades: River of Grass, book
by Marjory Stoneman Douglas


Thank You so much for the recaps everyone. I watch this show without subtitles on Telemundos website and you guys clear up so much for me.

Loved the scene when Ana's mom put Silvana up against the wall.

The editing in this show is weird.
i.e. - Ana is being tied up and camera shows that a crocodile is close to her (daytime), Next scene - Adan and Cor take their families out for dinner (night time), Following scene - Ana still tied up and that damn crocodile is still right there (daytime)

Los Mis, Tuesday, Capitulo 84
Part One

(Telemundo video is failing me. Keeps crashing, including my computer. I have three parts of five, and hoping the video will restart after reboot. Here, for now, the parts I have. Sorry so late!)


Dan and Oleg being held apart from fighting. Dan: "You are not Rafael Montes, you are Olegario Marrero!" Oleg: "it is unbelievable that justice is in the hands of police as corrupt and inept as you!" Sor Milagros: "I don'tcare about your cops and robbers stories! Leave here!" Dan escorted out. Oleg whines, "You heard him. He is sick with jealousy." Sor Milagros says just doesn't want scandal.

Lucia's Hospital Room

Kids with Lucia. Talk of dreams, sweet dreams of all together. Sor Mili enters, says They all - up there, heaven - heard the prayers, God, Sor Amparo, The Virgin …. "You are beautiful, Sor Milagro." She demurs, shy, says "You need rest." "I want to be with my kids, never separated again."


Lily and Genaro
Gen: "With all the money you saved in the Caimans, we should escape north." Lily: "No. If we do, he wins." Lily Duran doesn't bow down to him or "that bastard, Lucha."
Gen: "Too much risk for this nonsense."
Lily wants to see Lucha dead before going anywhere.
Gen: "She's not dying. "Rafael paid for her surgery."
Lily: "What?!""

Ignacio's Hospital Room

Dr. Mallorca: Lucia is very well from operation, watching for developments. Ignacio wants to see her. Dr: patience. Dr's phone rings, he leaves.


Doctors confer. Donor is deteriorating. "Prepare Ignacio. Advise surgical team we're doing the transplant tomorrow."

Carlos' Office

Carlos to Dan: "You've gone off the edge."
Dan: "You have to believe me. This time i'm sure."
Carlos: "How so sure?"
Dan: "I saw it in his eyes." (Haven't we all been saying someone would! Should!) "When we fought, the same violence, same fury … "
Carlos: "Jealousy is distorting reality."
Dan "I swear I'm not wrong. This type deceived us all at some time, but I am not letting Lucha continue to believe him."


Oleg pacing, ranting to self: "I am Rafael Montes! I am a good man, a lawyer! That wretch [Dan?]is going to pay!" Way out there, Oleg. Lawyer?

Carlos' Office

Carlos: "You are raving, Daniel. Again, this obsession with something that isn't, like when you were certain Lucia was guilty."
Dan: "Hey, no, don't confuse things!" Says that time his obsession was contributed to by Lucha keeping information from him. (kind of true, that.)
Dan: "Understand, Rafael does not exist. Diablo is passing for him."



Los Mis, Tuesday, Capitulo 84
Part Two

I forgot at end of previous scene, Dan with Carlos. Dan: "I swear I'm not wrong. I'll prove it, especially to Lucia."
Carlos tries to warn Dan that Rafael is rich, powerful, that Dan's public character assassination is crazy, that Dan is the only one who is being a fool. Dan tells Carlos it is useless for him to try to convince him, Carlos, so he leaves.

Lucia's Room

Dr. Mallorca: "It is a miracle you are doing so well.
Lucia: "Thanks to you and God."
Dr: Thanks to your husband who brought the best specialist. It's clear he adores you."
Lucia: VERY DEEP sigh.
Dr. tells her he has news. He wants her father to see her, because they are going to operate on him tomorrow.


Genaro coming off phone call: "My informant tells me [Lucha's] operation was a success."

Notes messed up here: Is this where they talk about the way to prove "Rafa" is el Diablo is by doing a deal with him? Anyone?

Ignacio's Room

Dr: "Good news, Your operation is tomorrow. You can see Lucia now."

Lucia's Room

Vicky comes in Lucha's door, "Surprise!" The whole family is there! "Celebrate!" Oleg comes in with bottle of champagne. "I can't drink," Lucia says, "I'm on meds." Oleg again does that creepy thing where he tries to kiss Lucha, she turns away and his mouth chases after her mouth, humiliating himself, infuriating him.

Police HQ

Dan tells Marisela and Evaristo to gather files on Olegario and all info they have on Rafael.
Pablo: "How's Lucha?"
Dan: "Fine. She'll live."
Dan: "He is Olegario. I saw it in him."
Others going through files.
Pablo to Dan: "This is bad, very bad!" Dan's obsession.

Marina's Office

Carlos: "Yes, Dan is obsessed with his belief that Rafael is el Diablo."
Marina: "Yes, all his hate for losing Lucha is focused there. He has serious denial problems …. Lost her forever …. Fantasy her spouse is el Diablo. Absurd accusation …. "
Carlos: "We have to help him. He has gone too far."

Dan about to see what that kind of extreme doubt by one's dearest feels like, ah?



Los Mis, Tuesday, Capitulo 84
Part Three

Lucia's Room

All still there.
"I'm good, papa."
Deyanira suggests a toast to Ignacio's operation going well.
Sor Mili comes in, "Too much noise." Fernanda says she's right, it's time to go.
Deya: "I'll take the kids, then."
Diablo: "I'll take you then. I have to begin my fatherly duties now."

Helena stays behind: "You have a long life ahead with your kids. But your new husband, how is that going to be?" Lucha, another DEEP sigh, "I wish I knew that, myself."


Anselmo and Nuria not looking forward to telling el Diablo that Diabla escaped. Diablo enters, says he has something very serious to tell them.
Nuria: "We have something to tell you, too."
Anselmo: "It can wait, Gata!"
Diablo tells them to pack up fast, they're leaving immediately. "This penthouse is for my new family."
"I have already married Lucha Duran."

Lucia's Room

Helena: "Marriage with someone you love is hard enough. Imagine with someone you don't.
Lucia: "For the kids …" yada "I expect to live in peace with a good man."
Something about maybe falling in love with him?
H: "Daniel … loves you … "
L: "Rafael is un caballero," a gentleman, "he won't force me … "
H: "Not at first, but later, of course he will. No man can take 'no' for an answer."

Police HQ

Dan is saying how impossible it seems, the twins, separated at birth, twin reappears after so many years … like a dream in a telenovela - LOL.
Rodriguez: "Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction."
Dan says to check out Rafael's passport, that it's new from same time Diablo appears, and it doesn't have a single stamp on it. Could it be a false one?

All argue with Dan about whether could be Diablo.

*I am sorry, but This is all I got from the video. I will add bulletpoints from memory, but please do add anyting you can, and please correct anything you can! Thank you!


LOS MIZ: Aficionada, really great so far. How frustrating that you lost the Telemundo feed. I would be sunk without it. Hang in there.

Julia- I love watching Flavio and Irina as well. They are very playful and I like that. I completely agree with you about Patricia.


I did love that dreamy scene with Lucha and the kids. I gotta hand it to Aracely Arambula, she conveys a lot of complexity in these scenes.

then, Elena: "Not at first, but later, of course he will. No man can take 'no' for an answer."—yes, and we see this in action a bit later. Elena knows from experience. Poor Lucha, still convalescing from an incredible ordeal and this maniac puts the moves on her. Oy!

Well, now Dan has to suffer the disbelief of others. They think he's overstepped and out of his mind. Even though I hate to admit it, we know he's right. Alas, it falls on deaf ears. I love the smug assessments of the psychiatric professionals; Carlos is getting on my last nerve and I can't abide Marina. When Marisela shows up with the fingerprints that don't match, Dan's case against Diablo seems futile. But it also makes me wonder which of them is the bad cop, corrupting the evidence.

I love it when Lily finds out that Lucha's not going to die after all. This show is a roller coaster. I just hope "Rafa"s unravelling becomes apparent to all the disbelievers, because he's starting to lose his composure; having to convince himself that he's a lawyer and everything. Talk about delusional (not Danny).

Los Mis, Tuesday, Capitulo 84
Part Four

Police HQ

Lots of arguing about whether can be el Diablo. Dan says murder of Camila and her mother not coincidence. Pablo keeps calling him crazy for thinking like that.


Nuria is furious about Diablo's marriage.
They tell him Diabla escaped.
He is furious. "You're useless!"


Genaro repeats the way to bring out the truth about el Diablo is to make a deal with him. Then, once they prove it, go to the police with that. Lily asks why they would do that. He says think about it, they have a choice, the police or el Diablo, who wants to kill them.
"Jail or death, which do you prefer?"

Echeverría Home

Lily and Genaro with Radames.


Dan romancing the nurse to get Oleg's fingerprints, which she does, though exceedingly nervous - enough that Oleg knows, follows her out and sees her give the glass she got him to drink from to Dan. Funny scene, the nurse so obvious: "Oh, you don't like coffee, then have some water!"

Lucia's Room

lots more happens in Lucia's room that I took no notes on, hoping to get from video - OY! - so please, anyone, fill in! Thank you!

Echeverría Home

Vicky and Octavio overhear Radames, Genaro, Liliana talking.

Please add to this, anyone?

Adriana's Hospital Room

Lucia asks Oleg to be patient, that their marriage is not a real marriage. He is angry, but weakly smiles agreement.
Can not remember more. Help, anyone?

Dr. Mallorca's Office

Abel thanking Dr., starting to confess his feelings. Dr. tells him it is gratitude. He starts to tell Dr. it's not that. Scene cuts as Adriana is seen peeking through the door, seeing this, mouth wide.

Casa Duran

The man - cab driver, name?? - telling his feelings to Chelo, so sweet, she is liking it, it seems, when Vicky and Octo walk in. Urgent, "Mama, Liliana is involved in a conspiracy.
Fernanda enters, "You saw my daughter? Lily is alive?"
"She is a criminal," Vicky says.

Police HQ

Dan and Carlos. Anyone, please add?

Echeverría Home

Radames doesn't believe Lily, and now Genaro, Diablo is alive.

Genaro says his informant told him Daniel is investigating whether Rafael is really el Diablo.

Lucia's Room

when Lucia seems to be asleep, Olegario is talking to her dreamily, "together till the end," calls her Santita. She opens her eyes, turns and very calmly says, "Santita. El Diablo called me 'Santita.' Why did you call me that too?"




Just put last bit up. More after I read what you wrote. Thanks, again!!



Los Mis

LXV: You are Great.
Just ... gratitude.

I will find that balance between trying to get dialog, and summarizing. This time my notes were like a script, all dialog! Summarizing was hard for me to do.

I will get it. I look forward to the day when I can also start to add comments of my own, and some humor the way you do so wonderfully!!

Very good, important point:
"When Marisela shows up with the fingerprints that don't match, Dan's case against Diablo seems futile. But it also makes me wonder which of them is the bad cop, corrupting the evidence."

So, does that eliminate Pablo - did he handle that evidence? Pablo's VIERCE resistance to hearing Dan's points made me suspicious of him for a while there. But if he didn't handle that evidence, and if he was with Dan, arguing, the whole time ... ??

Well, whew! I took till the next capitulo is about to start. More soon!

Have a good watching, all!!



I don't dislike Gina, but boy is she dumb! She should have changed hotels, or at least rooms when Elias found her. Get a move on to, say, Tampa at least. She's in for it now. Spill to the cops and get killed by Anasta, or protect Anas, and go back to work for the woman who wants to take your baby. Makes Tampa look good.

Does anyone else get confused about Colombian relationships when they call each other Papi and Mamacita? I wasn't sure about Paola and Leo until recently (although their cover story marriage and Leo's pervy ways makes me wonder). Paola has some issues to deal with, and Izzy may be the one who gets killed helping her deal with them. She seems to go back and forth between flirty eyes at him, and tattling on him to her dad. Might be a good time for Izzy to declare himself a family man and get out. Hey Izzy! Gina needs someone! How do you feel about Tampa?


Los Miserables

Great recap, Aficionada!

I've been wondering about Genaro's contact. It has to be someone we already know and someone in Daniel's inner circle. Maricela, Evaristo or Pablo. I'm going to go with Maricela. She did play that nasty trick earlier to make Lucia jealous of Daniel's ex-girlfriend. So she does have some evil in her. And she did let the fugitives, Lucia and Nuria, escape.

Anselmo's Ex

Los Mis

LXV: "I did love that dreamy scene with Lucha and the kids. I gotta hand it to Aracely Arambula, she conveys a lot of complexity in these scenes." I loved that scene, and most of their scenes together, too! That threesome, Roxy, Memin and Lucha, has a spark. Those kids are tremendous actors, both of them. And, as you said, Aracely Arambula has deepened into a complex and versatile actress. I have been a bit stunned by her depth sometimes, because I had not seen that from her in the past.

"Poor Lucha, still convalescing from an incredible ordeal and this maniac puts the moves on her. Oy!" Yes!
It looks like that is going to be his undoing, too. She might have held on to the belief he is Rafael, but, as you once wrote, Rafael never crossed that line, no matter what other gray areas might exist. And he was in love with her back then, so why would he be THAT different now? No matter how "smart" he is, as Dan was calling him, Olegario definitely seriously lacks impulse control!

"I love the smug assessments of the psychiatric professionals; Carlos is getting on my last nerve and I can't abide Marina." Me too! I was a little surprised at Carlos, but then, he is doing to Dan exactly what Dan has done, over and over again, to Lucia: having none of the basic faith one ought to have in someone they love and respect.
I have not liked Marina from the start, but that often happens to me with actors who are chosen for their ability to play petulant or whingeing - if they are good at it, and can not shift out of it in scenes with other moods, they are unpleasant to watch in every scene. I am always wanting to shake her and shout, "Did anyone NOT tell you the truth from the start?!"

" ...because [Oleg] he's starting to lose his composure; having to convince himself that he's a lawyer and everything. Talk about delusional (not Danny)." Yes! " ... unravelling," indeed!

"This show is a roller coaster." That is the PERFECT way to put it! Whew!!

Thank you, LXV for that note of encouragement you posted to me when I was still trying to accomplish the recap. I can not describe how much it helped! I WAS sinking, and you got that, and helped a lot. A lot.

I do have great fun doing recaps, and I am finding what will work, just bit by bit. Eventually ....
You know.
The videos usually work much better for me, though I do think it has to do with peak watching times, and I usually watch a lot earlier (or in the middle of the night). Next time I will try to start earlier.

How kind you are.


Los Mis

Thank you, Anselmo's Ex!

Tonight's capitulo showed who it is. I do not know how to describe him, or his name, but he is not one of our favorites.

Are you watching doing a recap? Do you watch it at a different time?

Someone will chime in with better info on who he is.

Thanks, again!


Los Mis

Thanks, Aficionada, for your recap. Just finished watching tonight's show (a good one) and can't wait for tomorrow's. So many things came out that'll move this story forward.

Spanish student

Los Mis

Thank you, Spanish student!

It really is moving fast now, isn't it? I can't wait, either!
Did you happen to see who Genaro's informant is? He showed himself tonight, but I couldn't place him. I'd seen him before, but not featured in a scene that I remember.


Los Miserables

Boy, do I feel like the idiot. Nothing like betting on a match after it is over and everyone already knows who won! Lopez is Genaro's contact.

I'm about to eat breakfast, then I'll start recapping.

-Anselmo's Ex

Los Mis,

Aficionada, as Anselmo's Ex said, Lopez is the contact. I've either been calling him Alejandro or I'm confusing him with someone else by that name. Isn't he the homicide detective? Either way, as it turns out he's Genaro's nephew and Genaro helped him get the job. He gave him the lead on Anselmo's whereabouts so he could take credit for it.

I'll let Anselmo's Ex fill in the rest.

spanish student.

Los Miz,
Spanish student, Aficionado, et al. I've also been confusing Lopez with Alejandro for several scenes now. Alej is a different cop. This Lopez started showing up fairly recently, but I never learned his name until last night, but I think I remember him handing paperwork to our guys in a prev. epi. Interesting what was revealed last night,nepotism & everything. Looking fwd to AX's recap.

Aficionda, I just wanted to thank you for duty above & beyond esp. since your internet failed you at the critical moment. Lots of critical moments now, like the uncloseting of Abel "Adriana is seen peeking through the door, seeing this, mouth wide." Did she really not suspect (not about Doc Mallorca in particular, but about Abel "batting for the other team"). If so, she's really more naive than I expected.

"Dan romancing the nurse to get Oleg's fingerprints" I wonder what's up with that, bcs. Oleg saw the exchange and then, the fingerprints turned out negative (due to Lopez, I guess? who is working for Genaro)

Thanks for emphasizing the plot point about Genaro trying to get Lily on board to "out" Diablo for their own survival. That kept going over my head.

Thanks for keeping on with the recap even though your resources failed.It was a success and a pleasure to read.


Los Mis

Thanks so much for producing a great recap in tough circumstances, Aficionada! So true your comment that Dan is getting to experience "extreme doubt" for a change. Arrrghh, those smug psuedo-psychiatrists.

Was suspicious of Pablo too, since was so fiercely indignant. At least some clarity there with Genaro's sobrino Lopez.

Awaiting your recap, Anselmo's ex. Thanks in advance -- lots of ground to cover! It's getting hot in here.



Los Miserables, Capítulo 85, Part 1

Lucia's hospital room
At the end of the previous episode, El Diablo, struggling to maintain the Rafael persona, slipped up and called Lucia “mi santita”. Lucia told him to never call her that. He then asks if she hated Olegario that much. Then he sort of tried to say that Olegario wasn't that bad a person and really loved her. Lucia insists that she is nobody's santa. Olegario realizes that Lucia will never love him.

Daniel's office
Daniel, Pablo and Maricela are reviewing the fingerprints. They confirm that Rafael is Rafael. Pablo tell Daniel to let it go and go home and sleep.

Radames's home
Liliana & Genaro are convincing Radames that El Diablo is alive, and that he must repay what he owed to him. They are trying to find a way to align themselves with El Diablo once again. Radames is not interested.

La Casa Duran
Octavio admits that his abuelo and Liliana are involved in something bad. Fernanda, knowing full well that Liliana is a criminal, jumps to Liliana's defense. Victoria tells Fernanda it is time she gets to know her family well.

Dr. Mallorca's office
Gonzalo grinning like a school girl, because he finally got a kiss from Abel. I assume it was a kiss, as it was not shown. Crying outside, the perpetually clueless Adriana finally knows why her husband can't have sex with her. Nondescript nurse takes her back to her room. Abel thinks it is finally time to shout it to the world, but Mallorca doesn't think it is the right time, because Ignacio is about to have a heart transplant. Abel is the kind of guy who needs to hear the words “I love you”.

Daniel's home
Daniel is having flashbacks of previous meetings with El Diablo. The time at the beach house. El Diablo called Lucia his santa. At the hospital when “Rafael” prohibited him from going near his wife. Marina comes to see Daniel, at the urging of Carlos. Daniel is sure that Rafael is Olegario Marrero.

Lucia's hospital room
Lucia knows that the man sitting next to her bed is not Rafael, but this can not be because El Diablo is dead. Olegario can't believe he slipped up in calling her santa.

Daniel's home
Daniel and Marina continue to talk. Daniel admits he does not have any proof, but can see it in his eyes and attitude. He also begins to see the way Olegario died as strange, including the gasoline. Marina suggests that he's making this all up so that Lucia will leave Rafael for him. He says Lucia will never come back to him.

Lucia's hospital room
El Diablo wakes up and Lucia is gone. He is in a panic.

Carlos' office
Carlos and Marina is having coffee and homemade pastry. Marina says that Daniel didn't convince her but was able to make her doubt that El Diablo is dead.

Hospital hallway
Fernanda, Helena, Consuelo & Abel meet Ignacio as they are wheeling him to surgery. Blah blah blah. He asks about Liliana. Fernanda continues to lie about Liliana being away on a trip. After they wheel him away, Fernanda once again defends Liliana against Vicky's lies.

Liliana & Genaro's hideout
They are going ahead with some evil plan.

Adriana's hospital room
Vicky is going on and on about how happy she is being back with Octavio. Adriana is in her own world of misery. Abel comes in. Adriana says to Vicky, while looking directly at Abel, that she is happy she and Octavio are a real couple. Vicky says that she has something very important to tell them, but of course she is interrupted. Abel tells her to wait until he returns. Adriana tells Vicky that is she wants to know why her tio can't make love to her, she should follow him.

Dr. Mallorca's office
Vicky follows Abel to Mallorca's office. Listening through the door, she hears all the mushy “I can't stop thinking about you” talk.

-Anselmo's Ex


Los Miserables, Capítulo 85, part 2

Dr. Mallorca's office
Listening thru the door, Vicky hears Mallorca call Abel amor. The light bulb finally goes on. Tio Abel is gay.

Lucia's hospital room
Lucia, who is quite active for someone who very recently underwent a major surgery, has returned. She went to take a bath. Olegario says she should at least let him know where she is. Lucia lets him know she doesn't like this version of Rafael. It is too much like Olegario. She feels he is too controlling.

Carlos's office
Carlos and Marina's discussion shifts to the possibility of Daniel and Marina having a future.

Police department
Daniel, correctly obsessing about El Diablo's death demands all the information about the case. Everyone is weary, but complies. Lopez asks Pablo for an hour off. Pablo says he can leave this office of crazy people.

Adriana's hospital room
Adriana doesn't know how Abel could do this to her. Vicky says he must have had his reasons, and besides Dr Mallorca is a great person. Abel enters and Vicky pretends that she does not know.

Operating room
Ignacio counts down from 100.

Lucia's hospital room
Olegario does not want to be compared to himself. Lucia says what do you expect if you act just like him. Lucia lets him know that she plans to continue working. He is dumbstruck. Why would she want to work when he can provide her with everything. Sor Milagro comes to whisk Lucia away to the chapel to pray with her family.

Some outdoor cafe
Genaro is meeting with his contact, Lopez. Lopez is his nephew. They have a choice, either show that Daniel is crazy or prove that El Diablo is alive.

-Anselmo's Ex


Los Miserables, Capítulo 85, part 3

Some outdoor cafe
Lopez is indebted to Genaro for his job, but he is afraid of putting his job at risk. He is close to being promoted to lieutenant. Genaro assures him that playing both sides is the best.

Hospital reception
Deyanira laments that at the hospital is about the Durans. She takes Lucia to the chapel.

Some outdoor cafe
Lopez tells Genaro about Daniel's obsession. Genaro tells him that if he goes to Olegario's old apartment he will get a surprise.

Adriana's hospital room
Adriana desperately wants to see Evaristo. Vicky tells her not to play the victim, because she too cheated on Abel.

Hospital chapel
Lucia joins her sisters and Fernanda. Sor Milagro leads in prayer. Deyanira is also there.

Outside El Diablo's old apartment
Genaro and Lopez witness Nuria and Anselmo entering the building. Genaro urges him to call it in. This will get him promoted.

Daniel's office.
Pablo and Daniel review the files. El Diablo had gasoline poured on him. For Daniel, this is proof that Olegario is alive. Maricela announces that Lopez saw Anselmo and Nuria at Olegario's old apartment. The team goes out to catch them.

-Anselmo's Ex

Los Miserables, Capítulo 85, part 4

El Diablo's old apartment
The team assembles outside and covers all exits from the building. It is to be a clean operation with no dead.

Hotel Faraon
Olegario complains about the slow wifi. The receptionist says it has already been fixed and returns his bill to him, complements of the owner of the hotel.

El Diablo's old apartment
The team bursts in and catches Anselmo. But they do not check the rest of the apartment, so Nuria gets away.

Radames' office
“Rafael” meets with Radames to find out why his bill was paid. Radames tells him what a fine person and close friend Olegario was. He paid the bill in memory of Olegario.

Interrogation room
Daniel offers Anselmo a deal if he helps him catch Olegario. Anselmo insists that El Diablo is dead and buried in Monterey. Daniel abuses Anselmo the way he usually does anyone in interogation. Leon thinks Daniel's hunch may be right. Pablo thinks it is just and obsession that will cost him dearly.

Police department
Vicky interrupts Everisto and Maricela to tell him that Adriana wants to see him.

Rafael's apartment
A happy Olegario enters. Liliana pulls a gun and tells him to take his clothes off.

-Anselmo's Ex


Los Miserables, Capítulo 85, part 5

Rafael's apartment
Olegario tries to once again play the scared but confident Rafael with a gun in his face. He is concerned that Liliana does not understand what a restraining order is. Liliana know that he is just barely containing himself. Genaro proposes and agreement. Olegario says he does not do business with criminals. He slips up and says something about their betrayal, but covers it by saying he heard about it while he was sequestrado.

Lucia's hospital room
Deyanira is talking about how worried she was that Lucia would not survive. She asks if Lucia will love Rafael, not that she is not dead. She responds that she doesn't know and asks Deyanira about her love life. Deyanira tells her she has a new man, when Daniel enters to tell her that she married a murder.

Rafael's apartment
Olegario is working really hard a maintaining the facade as the evidence mounts that Liliana and Genaro know the truth. Liliana is impressed with his conversion into such a refined person. Nuria bursts into the room to tell him that Anselmo had been taken. Without looking to see who is there, she called him Diablo. Welcome back to life, Diablo. The gig is up.

The End

-Anselmo's Ex


Los Miserables

So, where are we?
Proof or no proof, Daniel knows El Diablo is alive. The rest of the department and the other “good” people are still clueless. Vicky know, but hasn't had time to think about it. Lucia knows, but does not want to accept it. All the evil people know. The evil people are always 2 steps ahead.

Everyone knows Liliana is one of the evil people. Fernanda continues to defend her. Daniel seems to have forgotten about her.

Abel has finally decided what and who he wants. Adriana knows; Vicky knows; Lucia knows, but hasn't had time to think about it, what with being in jail and nearly murdered again and again. Fernanda knows, but appearances are more important.

What kind of alliance will Liliana, Genaro, El Diablo & Radames form? What will they do with Nuria? Will Anselmo rot in jail? I can't imagine him going free.

-Anselmo's Ex

Los Miz
Wow, Anselmo's X, that was pretty stupendous. A ton of tricky detail. And your summary of the unanswered questions at the end was great.

"Gonzalo grinning like a school girl, because he finally got a kiss from Abel. I assume it was a kiss, as it was not shown." too funny!

"Lucia, who is quite active for someone who very recently underwent a major surgery,..." Indeed. And don't forget our local general practitioner is about to perform a heart transplant. Modern Medicine at its best.

El Diablo is BACK! I wonder if Anselmo will be the staunch soldier that ol' Pepe was, and not give anything up. My hunch is not. I think his head got filled with grandiose ideas and his loyalty will give way to self-interest. I don't see him standing by the end of the show though, (sorry about that).


DUEÑOS, Miércoles

Gina tells Sal she knows her rights, and she won't tell him one thing!

We see that Anas has somehow managed to climb ON TOP of the floating coffin, and it even takes her to some shore where she lies on top of it, either dead or unconscious.

Meanwhile, Renato and Alejo are fairly sure Anas is dead. They're going to try to find the body. Renato calls Conrado with the sad news, and tells Irene, who is destroyed. She's not much happier when Silvana overhears this.

Conrado and Adán aren't sure what to do. Conrado says for now, we'll keep up the business. He gives Adán a suitcase filled with a huge amount of cash. Verónica discovers this in short order, demands whose money is this? Adán says it's ours. Next scene, they're buying all new furniture, including a console TV! (no big screens invented yet).

Conrado and Adán also go to Orietta's, the brothel/nightclub where they sold a bunch of drugs earlier. Orietta is happy to see them, and says have a drink, over Adán's objections. Enter Ronnie Zamora and crew, who are in the mood to rearrange Conrado and Adán's faces, until Orietta gets them outta there.

Renato dispatches Olmedo to get Gina, which he does, sticking his foot in the motel room door, overpowering her. She's coming back to the mansion.

I also found out the two cops' names, Rita Corona and Montsalves, although they didn't do anything in this episode except listen to Sal explain all the duplicate names. Montalban asks Sal if thinks Anas is dead. Sal says no. Why? Intuition.


DUEÑOS, Part 2

Erica arrives at the movie set, and her new wardrobe has her dressed up as an asafata, or stewardess (nowadays called flight attendant). I've never seen any stewardesses dressed like that, with hot pants, heels, and a plunging neckline! Sergio explains what she's to do. You're a shy stewardess, but you want to break out. Walk into the room, caress the chair, and strip. What? She's a bit taken aback, but what's my motivation. Oh, yeah, well, um, says Sergio, you're breaking the rules! You're fighting back against oppression! Erica's impressed, I think she's gonna do it.

After buying all that furniture, the Adán family goes down to the beach, where Adán tells Vero isn't it pretty, better than Mexico. But Vero isn't sure it's as safe. Chad shows up, and Lu and she are going for a walk. Adán is wary of Chad, but Vero says be nice, let's invite him to dinner. Adán does, but then the mean girls show up, and Daytona introduces herself to Adán, even says she's ready for a new shipment, but Adán brusquely tells her it's his day off. Fortunately they were just out of Vero's earshot!

Some guys find Anas's body, she's alive, but they don't want to get involved. They go off on their swampboat. Meanwhile, Renato, Alejo and Olmedo are searching the entire Everglades, looking for clothing, anything, without success. They even run into those guys on the swampboat, show them a picture, but the guys deny seeing anyone, and Renato and Alejo sadly go home.

Leandro isn't convinced. He asks Victor Manuel and Iggy, where's the body? They reply that either she drowned, or the crocs ate her, but Leandro wants proof. He's also ready to kill the rest of the families, such as Conrado's and Adán's, but we get an inkling that Iggy doesn't want to kill Vero.

Adán tells Conrado that he thinks the Quezadas will now come after them! Conrado doesn't thing so.

Another couple finds Anas unconscious, and the woman even gives her some artificial respiration. At the end of the show, they call Renato, saying a lady named Anastasia said to call you. She's in the hospital. They give him the address. Anas is ALIVE!!!!

the Miserables

thanks a bunch -Anselmo's Ex!
loved reading your recap.

so Dr. Mallorca is going to do a heart transplant, but Lucia's aneurysm* was too tough, hmm, Ignacio looked pretty chipper on the way to surgery, don't know why he didn't just walk there.

and no word so far on the adoption.

I think Adriana is partially upset because Abel didn't tell her, she spilled her secret.

was Rafa complaining about the hotel wi-fi, ha! I missed that.

good questions and comments too -Anselmo's Ex,
"The evil people are always 2 steps ahead."

and what will Diablo do now, in the clutches of his best student.

*Aneurysm- a bulging, weak area in the wall of an artery.


Thank you so much Hombre!! I love your compact and complete recaps!!

Just wondering about my comprehension: Did the guys who found Anas first say they were poaching alligators. (And if they weren't, please don't laugh at me...sometimes I make up my own stories.)

I don't like that Chad made up "Abel" for Adan and then Daytona said "like Cain and Abel?" I am I reading too much foreshadowing into this?


thank you so much for the recap Hombre!
love how you weave in your own thoughts.

wow, so the giant waves of the glades ended Anas' world coffin cruise on a grassy beach, hmm, looks like the same place they threw her in the water, (with the road in the background) , don't know why Renato didn't find so much as a shoe (did he say that, she wasn't wearing any) scanning the sea of grass with his binoculars, or for that matter why his and Leandro's searchers didn't see each other.

and why do Conrado and Adan always have this big bag of money but rarely any drugs?

haha, Adan's day off, funny.

ah, the swampboat guys were poaching crocs, (had one in the boat) couldn't risk being caught, but what happened to the coffin?

so the next day a couple gives Anas cpr, good thing Nat wasn't still around or they might have brought him back to life too.

sorry, kind of cynical today, the production crew is really trying to get in the action shots but it's just not tying together too well.

not sure why Renato is living in the warehouse, and kind of strange Irene spending the night.

didn't Renato tell Olmedo to be careful with Gina, so he crashes through the door, jumps on top of her and is that the famous ether rag he has in her face.

Erika, with stars in her eyes, I don't think will ever get it even if WE try to explain it to her, I guess we will have to wait till Conrado sees some of her work, of course the nada, nada thing might drive the smooth Conrado to doing more than a wink.

Adan might never admit to himself that he is a drug dealer.

and our so sweet and innocent Veronica is driving me up the wall, could someone just lock her in a closet, for her own good.

good points Sara!



Thank you everyone for all the recaps this week! I just finished getting caught up with the episodes and with the recaps and all the comments.

Sara - yes they first didn't want to take Anas to the hospital or call the cops because they didn't want to end up in prison for hunting crocodiles

I saw three eps last night so I am not sure when it happened but there was a scene where Irene was talking a woman who assured Irene that Anas would show up because she has been with Alejandro for a long time and he always comes back. Then when Renato and Esparaza returned she was hugging him. Who was that???

Oh Erica. What are you doing? Get out of there!

How long before Daytona finds out who Adan really is for Lu. Sigh.

I laughed the other night when Lu told Adan "Why couldn't you have gotten yourself a mistress like all the other dads instead of becoming a dealer".



*she was hugging Esparza

Los Mis

Yowza, three fabulous recaps in a row and comments to match! Thanks so much, Agnes, Aficionada and Anselmo's Ex and the Peanut Gallery!

Tiny clarification: The splendid Dr. Mallorca is going to assist the transplant surgeon, not actually perform the surgery. (Our writers do have some limits, even if Lucha is bouncing the hell out of her brand new aneurysm repair.)


Mauricio, the woman was Esparza's wife, played by Colombian actress Andrea López. She's the same person we saw calmly tending to her husband's wounds when he was injured.

Los Mis

Thanks for the recap Anselmo's Ex! Who is going to believe Daniel! Its now becoming a case of the boy who cried wolf after what he did to Lucha.


Anyone watching? The last couple of capitulos were good. It looks like things are heating up!


Hi NovelaMaven.

It looked like a different woman. That's why I was so confused.



Hi Mauricio, I'm not watching this too carefully, so I could be wrong (as I often am). Maybe it was a different woman. :D

I'm watching! I haven't watched Wednesday's episode, but it's true that things are getting good.


Mauricio- I had to do a double take on Analía too, and she looked out of place there at Anas, she is an interesting character, although not in the business, she sure seems a lot better at it then Alejo.

(cracks me up everytime I see her in the intro, walking along, with the bodyguard carrying a knocked out Adan, his arms swinging back and forth)

say can anyone place to Victor Manuel, Leandro sure likes saying his name.

so Adan's bi-fold closet has a key lock on it?


El Señor de los Cielos 3

Telemundo officially announced the production start of the third season,

"led by Rafael Amaya as Aurelio Casillas, the series features Mauricio Ochmann, Carmen Villalobos, Fernanda Castillo, Carmen Aub, Lisa Owen, Sabrina Seara, Gala Montes and Sergio Mur. Joining them are Manuel Balbi, Tommy Vazquez, Alejandro de la Madrid, Tomás Goros, Daniel Rascón, Sahit Sosa, Ari Sebastian Brickman, Edgardo González, Jorge Luis Moreno, Sandra Beltrán, Alejandro López, Jesús More, Sebastian Ferrat, Alejandro Peniche, Leonardo Daniel, Fernando Sarfati, Carlos Torres, Veronica Montes, Mauricio Garza, Arnulfo Reyes, Sebastián Caicedo, Sandra Diaz, Marina de Tavira, Veronica Falcon and Vivana Serna, among others."

"In this new season, Aurelio is being held in a maximum-security marine prison in Mexico... etc., etc., ... shows his willingness to break all limits to rise "higher than the sky" once again."“el-señor-de-los-cielos”?network=33144


Thanks so much, Hombre, for the well-written recap. I do like brief ones as I don't really need everything described or conversations translated. I do sometimes translate them if they're explaining a confusing plot development or using some new vocabulary I don't know.

So, Vero got over her grilling Adán and was mollified by new furniture. That must have been quite a project for the set designers to come up with a box that had a picture of a 70's era console TV.

Something is brewing with Paola about Iggy, for sure. She had a real flash of jealousy about him spending so much time tailing Vero.

Yes, the woman with Irene was Analia, Alejo's wife. Andrea López is gorgeous. She often plays a villain. I saw her in El Clon, Victoria, and Zorro.

The guy who called Renato said that they'd taken (or had an ambulance take) Anastasia to the hospital. He also said the police had been notified. Wonder if Renato will beat Ferrara to the hospital?


I'll do a recap tonight.

Los Mis

Wow, Anselmo's ex. Thanks so much! Concise details and excellent points/questions in your end summary. Now I get the gasoline part of Dan's Diablo analysis.
Can't keep track of the bad guy machinations, but clever of Rad to "honor" Oleg by taking care of Rafa's bill.

Novela Maven, thanks for transplant surgeon clarification. Doc Gonzalo told Abel that he hardly got a wink of sleep the night before the operation because of dreamy thoughts about Abel. Perhaps not the best timing for the declaration, Abel? Thinking maybe about time for Doc Maple to return. No spoiler, but I have a bad feeling here, what with the count down from 100 and all.



Los Miserables

Great recap and summary, Anselmo's Ex. I had the exact same questions after I watched the episode.

Lucia may initially deny the truth but she knows. Diablo has been breaking out of his cover every scene so I'm pretty sure most people suspect something. Diablo's a bully and being nice and compliant doesn't work for him. The expression he has reminds me of the Incredible Hulk before he explodes.

Radames, on the other hand, was hilarious trying to get on Diablo's good side.

I'm somewhat confused about the Diablo/Genaro/Lopez connection. I figured Diablo had one of his connections switch fingerprints. Did Lopez and Genaro have anything to do with this?

Nuria will have plenty attitude if Diablo hooks up with Diabla again, not to mention Lili has been wanting to get rid of this traidora for a long time. I hope Daniel catches her cuz she’ll tell everything to avoid jail.

Daniel's memory of the gasoline incident helped him win over at least 2 people (Maricela and Marina). Afterall, there were only police officers and Diablo's folk in the warehouse, so why would Diablo burn to death without any of his goons trying to save him.

I know Adriana was crushed but once she snaps out of it she should feel relieved. Now she's free to be with Evaristo.

I must admit I am finally starting to come around to Daniel and Lucia reconciling in the end. Not completely just yet, but by taking on Diablo, he’s risking his life in order to protect Lucia and her family/kids.

Spanish student


Los Miserables

Clara, I've been thinking the same thing about Ignacio and the transplant. Since Lucha made it through 2 surgeries I'm thinking this one might be a little difficult. Yet I still hope he survives in the end.

spanish student


Deb, your comments cracked me up. I LIKE it when you're cynical! And good points about some of the unexplained questions (like the coffin, a locking bi-fold closet, etc.

And thank you to those who don't mind my short recaps!

As for Victor Manuel, well, there was a famous Italian leader in the 1800's named Victor Emmanuel, who helped unify the country. Some people have pointed out that Guiseppe Verdi (the opera composer)'s last name could spell Victor Emmanuel Re di Italia (king of Italy).

Or it could just be Leandro being his usual flamboyant self!


Things are definitely heating up! Adriana and Samuel are the last pair of the three main dominoes to fall...even if the others still have some issues. Pablo and Veronica are getting some action. Leo and Cayetana are even starting to get their flirt on.

I think the editing is a little weird. Like, WHY, exactly, did Samuel cave and wash Adriana's car with his shirt? They're always jumping into scenes such that I feel I missed the turning point.

Normally I love Aaron Diaz, but I am failing to see any appeal whatsoever in the character of Arturo. He seems to have absolutely no sense of humor or fun. No hobbies that are just for pleasure. He is utterly joyless. Even when he's smooching on Sofia it looks like a chore. I know he's grieving and tormented because Sofia is still married to that thug but come on, man! You can still experience a range of moods! I think he needs antidepressants.

When Sofia and Irina left the house with such big suitcases I was hoping they were planning to go far away and never come back, for their own sake.


Muchas gracias, Hombre, for another fine recap. Is Veronica really as hopelessly clueless as she seems? She knows that her husband is somehow doing work for Anas, she knows that Anas has been kidnapped by killers, she sees a small suitcase stuffed with money, and she doesn't question Adan when he simply tells her (with a very guilty look on his face) that the money is theirs???

Of course, she's not alone in her stupidity. Gina doesn't have enough sense to move to a different motel, and Conrado doesn't have enough sense to know that Adan's fears for their safety are well-founded. They make Erika seem like a bloody genius for at least briefly recognizing that Sergio's play is simply porn.

Los Miserables

I had a strange, far out, ridiculous thought. What if no one messed with the fingerprints? What if Rafael really is Rafael, but he envied the excitement of El Diablo's life? Would be hard to pull that off, but he is supposed to be a brilliant man. Who was really watching whom? It was his house with the secret camera. There could have been more around the house. Maybe he did learn about Liliana's betrayal in this way. Have they shown Olegario having any flashbacks since the burning? If they have, never mind me. I'm just raving!
-Anselmo's Ex


Nice job on the recap, Hombre.
Veronica in her bathing suite ... Aye Carumba!!!

Can't wait to see the results of Adan's family spending the money. I'm sure they're going to have to replace some of it.

Deb- I thought the same thing about the tides and the coffin floating up on shore. HAHAHA!!

I would have liked to have seen the conversation of the director convincing Erica to do the film ... We know it happened because he stopped over at her house in the previous episode due to her being pissed about the movie being a porno, but how did he convince her to do it? She seemed awful angry storming off the set the day before.

Los Mis

Just in, skimmed, want to say, Wow, great recap Anselmo's Ex, thank you! Great comments! Gaps filled, delightful!

And thank you, so many!

To continue after I actually read them.

Unless anyone is planning to do a full recap tonight, I will try a bullet-point recap. I am determined to learn how to summarize and prioritize ***as the show is shown***! lol

If someone does a recap, I will happily comment instead.


Los Mis

Anselmo's Ex, I'm guessing that he's Diablo for 2 reasons, 1) he was in Diablo's attire when he clobbered Rafael and pretended to be him, and 2) one time when speaking to himself he said he wanted to be with Lucia but it was too hard being a good guy. It makes for an interesting story thought, and perhaps another case where the student outsmarted the teacher (Diabla).

OMG, has anyone had to select a food pic in order to prove you're not a robot. Just asked me to select all pizza images. lol

spanish student


Ben - Sergio convinced Erica by asking her to trust him and telling her that he'd take care of her.

It doesn't make sense how that convinced her though. I still would have been like "umm no".

Conrado won't like this at all.


Thanks, Hombre. I always look forward to the recaps.

Wondering what the time span was between Vero finding the cash and her shopping spree. How foolish of Conrado to give Adán the cash to store. Between Vero’s household and Erica’s, Vero was the one most likely to catch something out of place.

I have more respect for Alejo now. But I think he enjoys the action way too much.

Gina is not interested in Nat's son, yet she leaves her robe open wearing only a slip when he's in her motel room. She might as well get dragged back to Anas' mansion.

I have to say that of all the TNs I'm watching right now, I enjoy this one the most (Dueños is a super close second.)

I just finished watching Wednesday's episode an I am just floored. That the housekeeper and personal assistant are poisoning Nena was a surprise to me. I hope the brothers start working for her AND I hope they catch on to these two greedy jerks.

For the most part I find Andrea rather unlikable and for now I'm not convinced that Sam and she will have the same sort of chemistry that Arturo/Sofia and Flavio/Irina(Flavina) have. OH, and Veronica and Pablo are darling together as well!

Fashion note: I love the dress Cayetana wore to dinner with Valverde.

Julia- I see Arturo as like a big brother on steroids. He seems to have a massive feeling of responsibility and I agree that he needs to relax and lighten up some.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Vero purchased the furniture before she found the bag full of cash in the closet. In that scene at the start, she tells Adan "Finally the furniture will be delievered". It was silly that Vero didn't question Adan more after he told her that the money in the bag was theirs.

This comment has been removed by the author.

I'm having trouble with the Vero character because she seems to willing to accept whatever excuse/story Adan gives her. I have to remind myself that I'm the viewer and I have a different point of view and a lot more information. I keep reminding myself that she's a woman from a small town in Mexico married to her high school sweetheart. She's moved to Miami after a lifetime in Mexico and I am willing to bet she doesn't speak much English and she has to believe her husband is doing what's best. And at this point (1977), has the drug trade really exploded yet?

Am I trying too hard to defend her? LOL

And of course, Geraldine Galvan just looks so elegant and smart to me (and a bit like Alejo's wife) so it's double hard for me to accept her naivete.

Los Mis

Anselmo's Ex, that was a fantastic recap! Love the style, and the great sum-up you added! Thank you!!

And thank you, Anselmo's Ex and spanish student for revealing the informant: "Lopez is Genaro's contact." " … he's Genaro's nephew and Genaro helped him get the job."

And Anselmo's Ex: "Nothing like betting on a match after it is over and everyone already knows who won!" LOL!

Thank you, lxv, kind, kind, encouraging!! And: "I wonder what's up with that, bcs. Oleg saw the exchange and then, the fingerprints turned out negative (due to Lopez, I guess? who is working for Genaro)" I am trying to figure that out too. Genaro against el Diablo, so why would HIS informant switch Diablo's fingerprints?

As Spanish student said, too: "I'm somewhat confused about the Diablo/Genaro/Lopez connection. I figured Diablo had one of his connections switch fingerprints. Did Lopez and Genaro have anything to do with this?"

Anselmo's Ex: "The evil people are always 2 steps ahead." Perfect!

But, then again, as Anselmo's Ex said: "What if no one messed with the fingerprints? What if Rafael really is Rafael, but he envied the excitement of El Diablo's life?"
"Have they shown Olegario having any flashbacks since the burning?"
LOL, now wouldn't THAT be a twist that could explain the show having longer to go?

But then, spanish student: "Anselmo's Ex, I'm guessing that he's Diablo for 2 reasons, 1) he was in Diablo's attire when he clobbered Rafael and pretended to be him, and 2) one time when speaking to himself he said he wanted to be with Lucia but it was too hard being a good guy." Thank you for that!

Thank you, Clara, kind! And: "Arrrghh, those smug psuedo-psychiatrists." My sentiments, exactly! "Arrghh"!!

spanish student: "OMG, has anyone had to select a food pic in order to prove you're not a robot. Just asked me to select all pizza images. lol"
I have had those, flunked the first one and now always hit the "gimme a new challege" loop for plain ol' numbers. Makes one APPRECIATE the numbers, ah? Conditioning!

Thank you, everyone for filling in all the gaps!! This story is wild!


Los Mis

spanish student, I too hope Ignacio survives. Something about this transplant story line has me befuddled. Here we thought it was to bring Doc Gonzalo and Abel closer together, now that seems done, could it be to drive them apart?

OMG anselmo's ex, your mind must be in overdrive after recap duty! Not sure it holds together, but very intriguing theory!

No pizza here, just boring numbers.



Sara, the drug trade was in full bloom in 1977

Thanks Vario! Obviously I didn't pay close attention when I watched. Thanks for the reminder.


I don't know why I always write Adriana when I know her name is Andrea. For some reason I keep thinking of Sofia as "Camila" too even though I know that isn't right.

I'm only kinda sorta watching so I skip through some of the side stories, but the banker lady's staff definitely has a shady vibe. They're poisoning her?! Good think Samuel was still there!

I think Pablo might be the real galan of the show. Fresh lip injury = absolutely no impediment to kissing.

Yeah. Right now Nena's staff are the heirs to her fortune. Hence the poisoning, but Nena thinks she's sick. They are adjusting her meds to kill her faster.

I mean, Nena may be really sick. I'm not real clear on that. But they are definitely messing with her meds in the hopes of killing her. They also fear that if Nena ends up married, the husband will become the heir.

I'm glad I haven't seen PdG or enough of Fels to make comparisons.

For me it's a tie between Pablo and Flavio.

And in some twisted way Uli. The guy is really growing on me. Lol.

Los Mis, Thusday, Capitulo 86
Part One

Again, please add anything possible, and correct anything you can, thank you!

"Rafael"'s Apartment

Liliana and Olegario hold guns on each other. "You are alive," Lily says, the jig up after Nuria called him Diablo. They both lower their guns at the same time.

Lucia's Hospital Room

Deyanira with Lucha, Dan comes in, Deya leaves.
"Rafael is el Diablo," he tells Lucha. "He killed [someone, did anyone hear him say Fernanda? If so, why?] your lawyer and her mother." Shocking Lucha.

Police HQ

Pablo and Anselmo. Anselmo says Dan is seeing ghosts. Still insisting el Diablo is dead.

"Rafa"'s Apartment

Lily tells Oleg that Dan knows he is Diablo.
Genaro tells him Anselmo's been caught."
Oleg says something like "now you two are with us."

Lucia's Room

For a moment she believes Dan. "Rafael is dead?"
Then she decides - DECIDES - not to believe it, says they will be spouses forever making a family her children.


Genaro says something like "we're not WITH you, You betrayed us and can't be trusted."

Lucia's Room

Dan fighting her about staying married to "Rafael," she says she was dying, her kids were endangered … yada …. That she couldn't count on him, Dan.
Dan says, "I was a fool … you're right, I have no right" - to tell her what to do now.

Adriana's Room

Adriana asks Vicky to make sure she and Evaristo are not interrupted. Vicky agrees, leave.
Evaristo: "How are you?"

Vicky in hallway meets Chelo and Abel headed for Adri's room, Chelo with an ice cream cone for Adri. She tells them not to go into room, that Adri is sleeping. They all walk off.

Adriana tells Evaristo that Abel is her dear friend, was her first love, but they have no passion. Tells him baby is his, Evaristo's. "The baby is mine? Then, why did you marry Abel?"
She replies some things - anyone?? - and says, "Abel is gay." Clearly startles Evaristo.
Evaristo says how they could be a real family. Adri kind of weepily tells him that everyone believes the baby is Abel's.



Los Mis, Thusday, Capitulo 86
Part Two

Hospital Waiting Area

Chelo, Vicky, Abel waiting on word of Ignacio's operation.
Dan walks up, wishes Ignacio well to them. Chelo bristles, "Don't bother … " understandably hostile to Dan.

Lucia's Room

Deyanira back. "He killed Camila and her mother." "Who?" Deya asks. "Rafael. Daniel says he is el Diablo."
"You don't believe him?" Deya asks.

Police HQ

Pablo outside door, hears something - crying?? Goes into the bathroom, where Marisela is crying. Pablo is sweet this time. Marisela says she didn't get to be with Dan, Rodriguez is gone now, too, "I'm alone."


She asks Oleg something like "Could Lucha take the truth" about him being Diablo.
Then they talk business.

Lucia's Room

Lucha is rethinking what Dan told her. "No, I can't believe it. Daniel is wrong."


Oleg says something about how he can't trust Lily not to expose him to Lucia. She replies, "Don't worry. My only interest is money." Says they aren't enemies, the only enemy they all have is Daniel.
They toast. Lily: "¡Salud socio!" Oleg: "¡Salud Socia!" Partners!

Lily shakes Oleg's hand, "Let's go," but Nuria does a little show of how El Diablo is HER Diablo. He pulls her to him.
Lily leaves.
Oleg says he is hungry. Sends Nuria out??
Then Oleg makes a phone call. We do not get to know who he calls. Anyone remember if he said something on the phone?
Who could it be? Lopez?

Adriana's Room

Adri asks Evaristo to give her time to get things figured out and to tell the truth to the family. "Please say nothing to them. Promise me." He looks reluctant, but agrees.

Police HQ

Dan and Pablo. "Ghosts."
Is all my notes say. Anyone??

Hospital Waiting Area

Lucha joins family. Helena asks her about Dan's visit?? "The only thing that matters right now is my father," Lucha tells her.
Abel sees Evaristo, obviously coming from Adri's room. Follows him away from family. My notes say: "I don't want to fight."
Anyone?? Some important things said, but I didn't get them. Did Evaristo tell him he knows Abel is gay??



Los Mis, Thusday, Capitulo 86
Part Three

Hospital Cantina

Carlos walks up to Eugenio, starts talking to him.

Adriana's Room

Abel enters, to confront her after Evaristo exchange. She says to him, "We need to talk."
She lets him know she knows he is gay.
"How do you know? When did you?" Abel asks her.
"Forgive me," he says.
??Which one says "You were the love of my life"?
"I didn't know until recently," Abel explains. (Until attracted to Doctor??)
She asks why he didn't say anything to her about any of it. He says, "I don't know."
Important things said, so if anyone can add that conversation, please do.

Hospital Cantina

Carlos and Eugnia. I only got Carlos saying how Deya is a good woman, so on. He is clearly lecturing Eugenio. "Honesty"??

Police HQ

Pablo tells Dan Marisela has a broken heart.

Adriana's Room

Abel thanks her. ??
Asks her to please give him time until Ignacio has recovered to tell the truth.

Radames' Office?

Radames and Genaro meet. ??

Hospital Waiting Room

Dr. Mallorca greets them. The operation went well, Ignacio is strong.
Dr. gives Abel a significant look.

Daniel's Home

Dan walks in finds Octavio there, putting out pizza. "I have several things to tell you," Octo says.
"Good things or bad things?"
"Good … and bad."
"Tell me the good first. I cold use to hear something good."
"I am back together with Victoria."
"That's great! The bad?"
"I saw Liliana with Genaro."
Dan, alert, "Where?"
"At my grandfather's house."
Dan jumps up, "Why didn't you tell me immediately?!"
Octavio grimaces, "Liliana is Vicky's aunt and Radames is my grandfather."

Police HQ

Lopez the informant is on the phone when Pablo comes in, turns away, off phone. Just then, Ivanna rushes in and aggresses upon Pablo, who is pushing her away when the lights go out!

Lucia's Room

Lucha is talking to Vicky. Important talk, so if anyone has this conversation, please add! She asks Vicky to look after her kids. Apparently mystifying Vicky. Says she is cold?? Looks weak. ?? "Protect them forever." Is Lucia dying??

Police HQ

Ivanna still at Pablo, lights come back on. Ivanna leaves.
Lopez comes back in, looks … shifty??
"What happened to the electricity" Pablo asks.

Radames' Office

Olegario and Radames arguing. Rad ranting about his head injury, memory loss. Clearly scared of an angry el Diablo.
Does Oleg tell him to make certain he is loyal to him, and not to Liliana??

Police HQ

Dan arrives, Pablo tells him lights had gone out. Back on now.
Lopez comes into room, says, "Anselmo is dead."
All rush to cell area. Anselmo slumped, dead - hanged??

"Murder!" Dan scowls.


[LXV, or Anselmo's Ex, I hope one of you is doing a recap tomorrow night. It's going to require an expert! Avance, wow.]


Aficionada, I hope I'm not posting in the middle of your recap, but I need to get this up and go to bed.

DUEÑOS DEL PARAÍSO – Jueves – Epi #18 – Parte 1

We start off with a scene of Anastasia in surgery. What? They’re operating right through the white dress saturated with swamp germs?

How did Ferrara find out Anastasia was in the hospital? Anyway, he’s outside telling his guys that now they can mount a vigil over her 24-7.

The 3 amigos are in the waiting room. Alejo says the new shipment is arriving tomorrow and they have to take care of this at all cost.

Renato is trying to reassure Irene when Ferrara and 3 other cops march into the waiting room. Irene gets in his face asking why he’s coming to the hospital when the rats who kidnapped her daughter are running loose. Ferrara threatens Renato. He tells him the real names of Nataniel and Anastasia Cardona. He also says their line of work is importing cocaine. Irene and Adán tell Ferrara to come up with some proof or get lost.

We get to see some of Érica’s “Sugar Lips” movie. She comes into, I guess, the cockpit of the plane looking for the captain. Right away Sergio tells her what’s her motivation and that she’s to undress. This guy makes my skin crawl.

I’m going to write most of Irene’s scene in Anastasia’s room, while Anastasia is not conscious, because it’s a good one.

Irene: “When you recover, we’re going to be together. It’s important that you forgive me for this to happen. I know I was a very bad mother. But no one taught me to be a mother. I had to support you, and eventually the men didn’t want me anymore. But you were so pretty, and then you were an adolescent. For me, it happened when I was 10, after they killed my mother and I was left alone.”

“I know that everything that happened to you is my fault. You weren’t like me. [Sobbing] I sold you! It’s the truth. They offered me a lot of money, and I accepted. It was so we could live well, hija.”

Gina wakes up from the chloroform and is bleeding. She calls out for Modesta. [This is not the first time someone’s called out for Modesta. But the last time we saw her she was shot in the face by LQ’s guys. Were her scenes cut? This is very odd.]

Irene goes on: “When you were 14 what happened, happened. You were different from me.” We see a flashback of some ugly fat guy refusing to pay Irene because she “didn’t move”. She says he has to pay her for her time anyway. Anstasia is shown arriving home in a downpour calling for her mother to let her in. The disgusting guy opens the door, leers at her, and lets her in. Irene: “Forgive me.” Renato looks through the glass with a sad expression.

Olmeda comes in to check on Gina. Maybe they cut a scene? Anyway, a doctor has come and Gina’s baby has been saved. Elias comes into the room and overhears something about a hemorrhage. But Gina blows him off, saying nothing.

Luciana offers to water Érica’s plants for her, snoops, and finds a big bag of marijuana.

DUEÑOS DEL PARAÍSO – Jueves – Epi #18 – Parte 2

The doctor comes to tell Irene and Renato that Anastasia is in one of the cliché telenovela comas.

Renato convinces Irene to come home to rest. She’s hitting the tequila hard, gets maudlin, and then tries to get Renato to come to bed with her. He handles it well, not humiliating her. On her way out she tells him in a slurred voice that it’s his loss! Tony Dalton has the most expressive face!!

We have another conversation at Panorama Villas in which Conrado appears blind to the danger that Adán sees clearly. He thinks because they haven’t been arrested that they’re fine. Adán reminds him they’re surely being watched. They both say this is the last time they’re doing this. [I doubt that!]

Ferrara is grandstanding to the other cops about the two drug antagonists. He says he doesn’t know LQ’s alias or who his accomplices are. On the other hand, he knows everyone who works with “Miss Mexico”. Saúl Benavides has come back to work.

Gina goes to the warehouse and tells the 3 amigos that they have to wait for the new shipment from Colombia and then take it to the warehouse of a guy named Serrano. Conrado, as usual, misses the point. “Why do they have to move it?” Gina says that Renato feels they don’t have enough security at their warehouse. When they continue to resist, she tells them they can refuse if they want, but watch out for the consequences. Outside the warehouse we see a big sign “Fragrances” with some perfume bottles on the sign as well.

Once more Alejo is the most levelheaded. He basically says ni modo. We gotta do it. When the drugs arrive in the same yellow pickup, Alejo says to load it into the trunk of his car.

We see Irene bring a rosary to Anas’ room and begin to pray a Hail Mary. Then we see Ferrara and his crew storm José Serrano’s warehouse. They seize the cocaine and arrest him and his crew.

The doctor tells Irene that there’s no predicting how long the coma could last. He then tells her that Anastasia is pregnant! Irene didn’t know, but pretends she did.

At the high school, Chad is laying on the flowers and teddy bears for Luciana. [He kissed her the night before after he had dinner with she and Vero.] Daytona shows up, looks shocked, then covers this with a smile, asking if Lu has what she asked her for. In the bathroom Lu gives her Conrado’s marijuana and takes $500, telling her it’s one time only. That looks like a lot of pot for $500. Either this is because it’s 1977 or Lu sold thousands of dollars worth for $500.

Irene tells Renato about the pregnancy. He says that Nat told him Anas had lost babies before. Irene finds out from Anas’ doctor in Mexico that she’d lost 5 babies due to ectopic pregnancies.

The 3 amigos arrive at Serrano’s warehouse and spy Ferrara frog marching Serrano and his crew out to the police cars. Ferrara looks their way, but we don’t know if he’s seen them or not.

Novelera, thank you for the thought! It was done.

Rest well!


Los Mis

Well, I still can't figure out how you recappers do it, watch, listen and write at the same time, but I felt a lot less frenzied knowing if I got as good an outline as possible up, others would help fill in the gaps, much thanks in advance!

Some thoughts I want to add. I am convinced the mystery call el Diablo made was to Lopez, telling him to kill Anselmo. So, is Lopez working not just for the police AND Genaro, but for Olegario, too? That would explain his tampering with the fingerprint evidence on behalf of Oleg. Not playing BOTH sides, but playing ALL sides.

And if it was that, did Oleg want Anselmo killed because he would eventually tell that el Diablo is alive?

Was Ivanna there as a diversion? Sent by?

What about the plan of Liliana's to get into a deal with Oleg just to get proof he IS el Diablo, then turn him in to the police?
Genaro having Lopez lead the police to Anselmo is connected.


Ah well, all will come known.

One thing really irking me: Will that/those vile social workers ever pay for their child abuse?! Their corruption? How I want that most vicious one, the woman who ripped Roxanita out of her home when she was traumatized and terrified, to pay!!

¡Buenas noches a todos!


Los Miserables

Estoy inconsolable. Mataron a mi Anselmo, el amor de mi vida. No tengo ánimo de seguir vivir.

But anyway... nice job Aficionada. And very quick too.

It was Liliana and Genaro that had Lopez kill Anselmo before El Diablo could free him. Without Anselmo, Olegario is forced to work with Liliana. The call Olegario made was to a socio, probably to plan Anselmo's escape.

Lopez will pay for this. I will see to it, even if it is the last thing I do!

-Anselmo's viudo

Thank you so much for staying up to give us this recap, novelera! Saturated with swamp germs indeed!

I also find it hard to watch Sergio the creep. *shudder*

I'm so worried about Lu. What is she doing? I'm afraid she's going to get herself or her dad or Conrado killed...but I did like her spunk when she told those girls to wait outside and she was the boss. Go Lu!

Don't tell my husband, but I'm in love with Tony Dalton.

Thanks again novelera and Hombre for so skillfully keeping us in the loop!

Los Miz

Wow, thanks Aficionado. What a treat to read first thing in the morning. Fast moving!

And FYI, I plan to recap tonight's (Friday) and have it up some time midday Saturday. Looking forward. We all need seatbelt & crash helmets about now.

In the scene at Diablo's where they toast.
Lily: "¡Salud socio!" Oleg: "¡Salud Socia!"
Partners!—I could have sworn Oleg pronounced his toast as "Sucia" which could be interpreted as "filthy whore". She didn't bat an eye, however.

Abel/Adri conversation—I think I got that he had once had a childhood experience (not molested, but just a crush) with a teacher that left him feeling "different" That he always suspected something was strange about himself, it made him miserable to the point of wanting to die. And a fat glycerine tear rolled down to his cleft chin.

La viuda de Anslemo: Siento la pérdida de su ex-querido.


"and he bent down the front to shade his eyes so people can't see how much he despises them" - LOL!
Sneaky two shoes, that was a perfect description of the hat. Aaron Diaz has great hair, I wonder how he likes having to wear that thing all day long.

Sara, I don't mind Ullyses, either. So, yeah, he tried to kill Samuel a couple of times, but it's not like Sammy wasn't asking for it, right? (lol). Patricia actually haveing feelings fpr him was something that I didn't see coming, let's see if Candela is right about it.

Julia, ITA about your take on Arturo and how he demands total obedience from his grown brothers. When he and Sofia are happy - let's fulfill our commitment and finish the house, we are honorable men; when they're fighting - let's get out of here, it's not like we even know what we're doing.
I get that he raised them and he feels responsible, but they never object to any of his outbursts, either.

I think Andrea and Samuel will be fine, chemistry wise, once she lets her guard down and he actually gets a clue. But the writers should really slow down with her bitchiness, she's becoming unlikable.
What Sofia saw in Arturo? Can't be his personality. Before they started their thing I don't think he said a single nice thing to her - he's just hot and she responded to it because she was frustrated. The fact that we have to take this for a great love is another story.

I do wonder when they have the time to actually work, too. Flavio is busy chasing Irina around the house, Samuel is always late and then he spends his working hours "hating" on Andrea and Arturo is saving horses, fixing his hat every other scene ... when would he have the time to actually work?

I don't remember the Nena story in the other two tns, so this part is fresh for me, too.

Also, Fernandez and his deputy mentioned something the other day and it's something that went through my head a few times, too. What of Veronica and Alma are actually twins? Maybe Soledad never knew that she had two babies and Veronica's adoptive mother only needed one child, so she somehow tracked down the father? I know it's a long shot, since Soledad never told anyone the truth, but stranger things have happened.

Los Miserables

Ixv, no soy la viuda. Soy hombre, hecho y derecho! As Adriana would say, I'm not any less of a man. lol

I didn't fully catch the conversation between Abel and Adriana. I couldn't tell if he was saying if he had a crush on someone or if he had an experience with someone when he was a child.
I have to watch it again with the spanish subtitles. But I don't like when child molestation is the reason given for why someone is gay.
While I know of some gay people who were molested as children, that was never my experience.

-Anselmo's viudo

This comment has been removed by the author.

Los Miz:
¡Ay ay ay! Anselmo's viudo perdoname! It went right past me. It's amazing to me how this couple is so naive, in this day & age. But they are very sweet with each other. I'm hoping now that Abel is "out" he will loosen up a bit. The actor has done a terrific job so far showing us a very stiff guarded character who is obviously not comfortable in his own skin.


Thanks, Novelera, masterful job, especially the scene with Irene. I can't imagine what it must be like for her, her mother dying when she was 10, going into prostitution, then allowing the men to molest Anas.

Gina's baby is okay, but she's not going to be able to hide this from Elias forever.

Given this is a novela, THIS time Anas probably WON'T lost the baby, but who knows. I just hope when she wakes up, she doesn't have ..... amnesia.

My (foggy) memory is that one could buy a kilo of pot in 1970 for about $250, so in 1977 for $500 may be correct. Of course it cost much more by the ounce.

Erica was exhausted after that movie shoot. Did she have to do more than undress?! And Conrado is suspicious, I think he sort of knows.

I think the coke in Serrano's warehouse was for other clients. Since our guys' coke was in the trunk of Alejo's car (a really cool Mercury Cougar), maybe they'll get away! (can't believe I'm rooting for drug dealers).

I missed it that Anas was pregnant, I guess the papa is Nat, correct? That being the case, my guess is she will miscarry again & then She will take Ginas baby, but that is so Televisa, so maybe not.


Variopinta, the baby could be Iggy's!

Great recap, novelera! I loved your remarks about the swamp germs and the clichéd telenovela coma. And I very much appreciated your detailed rendering of the scene between Irene and Anas in the hospital. I was happy to see that I caught most of it, but there were, as always, bits that I missed. Thanks, too, for wondering about Gina's hemorrhage. I was quite confused--one minute she was bleeding heavily, and the next all was well. You may be right about a scene being cut (what? surely Telemundo wouldn't do that :-) )

The final scene also puzzled me a bit. I think one of the guys in the car sees the cops arresting the folks at Serrano's warehouse and says "It's a trap!" But the car continues to drive up closer to the warehouse, rather than making an abrupt U-turn and racing out of there. ???

I'm actually enjoying Alberto Mateo's portrayal of the sleazeball Sergio. I guess all those Allstate commercials as La Mala Suerte prepared him well.


Yes, they kind of tried to fake us out showing Serrano's guys putting bricks of coke into little slots that reminded me of sorting mail. But then they showed the 3 amigos on their way to the warehouse. I suspect Ferrara didn't see them and they'll get away. Because, if he stops them and finds the drugs, they're in jail and out of the TN!

Hombre, funny line about Anas waking up and then having...amnesia! That would surely put the cherry on the sundae!

In the scene with Irene talking to her daughter in the hospital, you could certainly see why Adriana Barraza has been so lauded for her acting - from Wikipedia:

She has been nominated for a Golden Globe, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, a Broadcast Film Critics Association and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.


thanks so much novelera,
your recaps are so professional, and sprinkled with lots of juicy details,
extra thanks for giving us Irene's conversation.

didn't you mention earlier that the people who found Anas had notified the police?

I guess some of those bullets coming at Anas when she was in the water connected, (of course there could be complications from the fact that she was technically dead when they found her)

so it look's like Gina's baby is ok, but it's not like anyone cares.

a bit of tension in the room when Saul returns to work.

interesting scene where Gina reminds the boys as to the consequences of not doing what they are told.

maybe this show should be called "the Adan's family" (like Ben calls them, ha!), since it revolves around their family life, that must have been Lu's first real kiss, Chad can seem so nice but hey, but who is this guy?

Lu stealing the marijuana, it's not like no one would notice, is this to get her dad out off the hook? and Veronica seems to be dressing a lot nicer, more in tune with their new wealth and furniture. (did she bring up that they should get a gun or did I imagine that)

wasn't Serrano's warehouse the same place where Anas first met Nat when she brought in his coke, and the place our amigo's picked up their first coke to sell, strange that there was all that other coke already there.

Conrado is hard to read, when Veronica told him Erika was too tired from 'work' to have dinner with them, did he do a double take, and then in his place, he sees the script for "Sugar Lips" that Erika fell asleep reading, but so far he doesn't look upset, just disappointed, he loves her.


the Miserables

thanks so much Aficionada and all who commented,
there are lots of little details flying around.

lxv- yes lili said socio, and Oleg said sucia, she noticed, but she let it slide,
after all isn't Lili lying through her teeth!


Yes. Vero did think they should get a gun.

Thank you so much, Anselmo's viudo, lxv and deb!

Mi más sentido pésame, Anselmo's viudo.

lxv: ""We all need seatbelt & crash helmets about now."
Looking forward to your recap! Any time!

"Sucia"! Thank you! flew right by me! Perfect Diablo thing, ah?
Thank you for confirming that, too, deb!

" ... after all isn't Lili lying through her teeth!"
Too true.


In a rush ... THANK YOU all for adding details!!

Hoping to re-watch overnight, so I will pay especial attention to the talk Adriana and Abel had, post more on that.

Can't wait for tonight's capitulo! Eek! Seatbelt and crash helmet on hand!



While looking up some info about Adriana Barraza, I found this:

USA Cable Channel’s adaptation of best-selling novel La Reina Del Sur (aka The Queen of the South) has enlisted Babel supporting actress Oscar nominee Adriana Barraza, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The drama tells the story of Teresa Mendoza (Brazilian actress Alice Braga, Elysium), who after her drug-dealing boyfriend is unexpectedly murdered in Mexico, is forced to go on the run and seek refuge in America. There, she teams with an unlikely figure from her past to bring down the leader of the same drug trafficking ring that has her on the run. In the process, she learns the tools of the trade and strategically positions herself to become the next leader of the cartel.

Barraza will co-star as Camilla, the lioness ex-wife of a powerful drug lord who is now establishing her own empire in America. She quickly becomes a mother figure to Teresa, but their relationship escalates into a deadly battle of wills.

This article was dated 1-13-15, so presumably this is still in the works. Assume everyone will be speaking English!


thanks for your comments Adriana Noel,

there is quite a bit in this story I'm not getting, like Beatriz's illness (thanks Sara for pointing out her servants are doing her in) and like this place of the boys that Cayetana now owns and is offering to sell to Valverde.

with Arturo and Sofia what I remember most, is the patience that Arturo showed walking her out of the darkness of her earlier rape, and allowing her to experience love, there is no way she is letting go of this guy.

I'm really enjoying Kimberly Dos Ramos (Irina) she is so much more animated in Tierra than she was in "Marido" with her loser college boyfriend and psycho mom.

I think when Andrea and Samuel finally touch, they are going to burst into flames (there is a lot of passion under this cork).


General Chisme

thanks novelera for all of the interesting stuff on Adriana Barraza!

what I also found interesting about her was, from wiki, (which was probably before Duenos)

"She currently works for Telemundo as an acting instructor to smooth out the accents of actors and actresses from all over Latin America, giving them a more Mexican lilt and sound"


El Jardinero

looks like María Elisa Camargo is teaming up with Gabriel Porras in this one.



From what I understand and remember, the Gallardo home had been unjustly taken taken from Gallardo Sr. (maybe by the Del Junco's?)Ignacio bought it back for Alma as a gift, but he and she died before the paperwork was filed/became official/whatever and Leonardo pointed that out to Cayetana. It is this property she is now offering to Valverde.

El Jardinero
I want to see this one. Thanks for that info, deb.

Los Miserables

I just re-watched the episode with the Spanish subtitles.

El Diablo did call Liliana "sucia".

El Diablo called someone, presumably in Nuevo Leon, to come to df because Anselmo is locked up.

It was Genaro on the phone with Lopez telling him to kill Anselmo.

Abel had a crush on a substitute teacher. Feeling that he was different terrified him, made him hide under the bed, wanting to kill himself.

I still think it is possible that Rafael is Rafael. Unless El Diablo has a man in the department, no one messed with the fingerprints.

-Hombre, hecho y derecho (formerly known as Anselmo's bf, Anselmo's Ex, Anselmo's viudo)

Hey everyone work has be completely overwhelmed. I haven't logged in for a few days but I have been watching, Duenos, Tierra and Loz Miz. I like Diablo(oh the shame!) but only because I think he loves Lucia. Well, I wish he wasn't a violent psycho but I have a thing for him.
Duenos: Really? Operating in that dress, smh. How sloppy of the producers. Gina annoys the hell out of me I want her gone(oh the shame!) Adan should have locked that cabinet before Vero saw the $, lol. Erica is a naive twit but I like her. I want to slap Daytona( was she conceived in Daytona?)

@Romy: it's alright, I have a thing for Diablo too. Charismatic actor + a weakness for bad boys + Daniel being such a douchenozzle= me getting a littke swoony everytime he's on screen.

Re: El Jardinero: Wait. Wikipedia has it listed as premiering in March,l (so I assume we're heading into ultimas semanas very soon) and they just NOW cast the leads? Is that normal for telenovelas,or does that say worrying things about the script?


El Jardinero
This is exciting

Loved him in Mentir Para Vivir.

DUEÑOS - Friday

I didn't understand everything, so corrections are welcome.

As the amigos drive past Serrano's warehouse, they see the cops. Adán says lets not speed out of here and call attention, which is wise. Only one cop notices them, Saúl, recently back from his suspension. Saúl doesn't see their faces, but recognizes the car is suspicious, and takes down the license plate of this snazzy Buick Electra which just happens to be riding past the warehouse.

Back at the station, Ferrara reminds him he's "off the case", so Saúl decides to gather info on his own. He calls a friend at the license bureau, and tracks the plates to a Mr. Mercedes. This is a fake name, but the address is Alejo's, and Saúl goes there and starts taking pictures, gradually, unobtrusively, building his case, unknown to his superiors.

Sal interrogates Serrano by clearing out the other cops from the room, punching Serrano in the jaw, then showing him pictures of his little daughters, saying talk or else! This is allowed by the cops?

The guys gather at the warehouse, Gina says the next shipment is coming in tomorrow, Adán and Conrado want out again, finally agree to "just this last time." Right. Elias and Silvano arrive univited, Elias questions Gina, why are you mixed up in this? She says you don't know me.

That night, he comes to her room, turns on the charm, and it works, she melts into his arms, and they make love. Next morning, though, Irene sees what went down, and wastes no time in telling Elias that he just slept with the girl who was Nat's lover for 5 years, and is carrying Nat's child, who could be Elias's brother! Elias is shocked, seeks out Gina, roughly accusing her of being a tramp (but I think he still likes her).

Iggy purposesly runs into Vero in the supermarket again, cries that she's happy, but he's sad, it's his dead wife's birthday or something like that. And by the way, can we go out for dinner, or coffee, glass of wine? Sorry, replies Vero, I'm a married woman, and I don't even know you. After she leaves, he smiles and thinks to himself, you'll know me soon enough!

Leandro still wants a body, and dispatches Victor Manuel to check the hospitals. He's looking for a Muriel, and he finds her!

DUEÑOS, Part 2

The doctor tells Irene that Anas has woken up from her coma. We see Anas dreaming, reliving some of the swamp scenes, also reliving earlier times when she and Nat had just met, and she was in love, and introduced to Renato, Nat's number one guard. She wakes up, rips off all the wires, but collapses onto the floor. A nurse puts her back in the bed, reattaches wires. The doctor tells Irene that although Anas woke up, it will take TWO YEARS for her rehab to be complete, for her to be back to normal! I didn't totally understand this part.

Conrado asks Erica how's her film going, what's up with the title, Sugar Lips. She brushes him off, says it's going okay, and she hates that name, too, they're probably going to change it.

I don't think Silvana is too happy with Elias's relationship with Gina, and Silvie also doesn't see why Gina is so much into running the business, when Silvie thought Gina was just a secretary.

Vero thinks Adán is tense, he's been like this since they arrived, she is very supportive of him, though, reminds him they're a team, and he tries to reassure her that things will settle down, get back to normal. We'll see about that.

The doctor tells Irene that Anas has made gigantic steps forward, and is now out of intensive care. She (and Renato) can now visit Anas. They head over to the room. Meanwhile, Victor Manuel has found out what room she's in. He outwits the police guard outside the room and KILLS him, shooting with a silencer. He enters the room, rips off Anas' wires, points the gun at her, and tells her it's time for her to DIE!!!!!


Thank you so much Hombre! I look forward to watching the episode and with this recap it will help my comprehension.

I don't know why, but Victor Manuel seems like such a hilariously elegant name for a henchman.

LOS MIZ Capitulo 87 Friday night Feb 7

Alejandro (the actual one, not Lopez), Dan & Pablo discover the body of Anselmo, hanged, or garrotted with a wire around his neck. One of his enemies, but how did they get in; the place has a card entry system, yeah, but we had a power failure a while ago. Or, somebody made it fail. Could it be an inside job? Who would want him dead? enemies in the cartel, but weird that they killed him here.

Vicki shows up in the evening offering to babysit; Deya hooks up with you know who for a movie date. Vicki's brought her laptop to do homework; the kids are adorable, they rub her baby belly affectionately.

Marisela, Dan, Pablo and Lopez gather around to discuss the murder. They all think it's strange...should we check the security cameras? Nah, says Pab. Whoever did this knew what he was doing, the cameras wouldn't have been working during the power outage. Lopez, who should keep his mouth shut at all times, wonders aloud, "who could've killed this guy?" Dan stares at him, he shrugs uneasily. (this guy is nervous as a fish out of water, I bet he gives himself away)

"Rafael" enters, wearing a very nice dark suit. "Hi sweetie, How do you feel?" "At last you're here; did you know about Camila?" "Yeah, too bad about that." She's incensed, "why didn't you tell me?" "My love, I didn't want to disturb your delicate condition." "But she was a good friend." "I'm s-o-o-o sorry, Who told you." And at this moment the door opens and the bad penny rolls in ( I think it's getting time to send that leather jacket to the dry cleaners.)

Dan shows Oleg a photo of Anselmo Benitez and interrogates him. The eyebrows arch significantly as Diablo denies, in a slightly choked voice. Well, funny thing about that says Dan this guy was one of your brother's lieutenants and we just found him dead. Oleg swears he doesn't know the guy; maybe he was around when we were sequestered; Lucia remembers somebody called José. Dan's trying to trip him up and Oleg cleverly turns everything around on him. Smoooth operator. Dan says his job is to catch criminals even if they hide or disguise themselves. Lucia tells Dan to cool it. "Rafa" stays cool, taking the offensive and threatening to denounce Dan if he keeps harassing him. But Dan still won't leave; he presses the point that he's here to love & protect Lucia from you, El Diablo. Lucia blasts him with how wrong he was about the murder of Cesar Mondragon and how wrong he is about Olegario Marrero. So get lost, and leave us alone! Dan storms out of the hospital not even acknowledging the greeting of Sor Milagros.

Diablo sweet talks Lucha about the future of their relationship; he leaves; she ponders the mess she's in.



Vicki's horsing around with the esquincles; tossing the peluche back & forth. It lands at her feet, Vicki goes to pick it up and, wait for it... she spies the flash drive. "What's this?" Memin launches into his "super-secret formula that can destroy the entire planet" (and also bring this telenovela to its conclusion). She plugs it into her laptop and sends them while she watches. Her adorable pouty little jaw drops at what she sees. She shuts it off promptly. The kids then ask what was the super secret world-destroying info to which she replies "Have you kids actually seen this video?" No, they haven't. Whew! So she fibs, saying it's just like a math exam, a whole lot of complicated numbers they wouldn't understand. She sends them to the other room so she can do her homework.

Later, they're all playing a board game. Vicki can't concentrate for worry about the flash drive. She stares at the peluche sitting on the couch.

Adriana is holding a conference with her baby belly when Doc Mallorca enters; He doesn't know that she "knows", She says she's fed up and he thinks it has to do with her confinement and he tells her that she's free to go home. She sets him straight. "With my husband? why don't you stop faking? I know about you and Abel. All I want to know is how long has this been going on." He's taken aback, but is honest as always, trying to find the best way to explain this tricky situation. Meanwhile, Chelo, at the doorway, for a friendly visit is getting an earful. She does not like what she hears. The doctor says, it's true, it's been a little while that he realized, and that Abel is who he is and if weren't him, then he would have fallen for somebody else. Adri fires Gonzalo, refusing any recommendations from him. He says "Fair enough, I'll get your charts ready to send to whoever you choose."

Lili's hitting the whiskey; she and Genaro sit down together; the cellphone rings, it's Diablo. They grin conspiratorially at each other while refusing to answer it. She flirts and calls him her watchdog. They end up toasting their solidarity against Diablo.

Diablo, still roaming the halls after his visit with Lucy & Dan; trying in vain to raise Lil, leaves a message wondering who the hell murdered Anselmo.

Mari, Pab & Ev discuss Anselmo's enemies in the cartel de norte; it's gotta be somebody who's infiltrated us right here in our own department. Kudos to Marisela for having the brains to figure this out.. Pablo gives her props. Exit Mari. Pablo spells it out that Mari feels abandoned by Ev. The dudes then talk about breaking the hearts of the women who love them. Ev nods wryly.

Sor Mili enters, congratulating Lucha on getting out and going home. Lucha wants to get right back to work. Sor Mili, talks her down. "Hey you've just had heart surgery, it's not just a case of the flu. What's your hurry?" she tells of seeing Dan rush off without even a word. Lucy says: yeah, he thinks my husband is el Diablo. Mili replies, that's what jealousy will do, creating fantasies, pobre hombre. Lucha confesses that if he keeps it up the accusations, her husband is going to press charges. Lucha, whose new makeup is a big improvement, ponders her fate with a wistful half smile. Her eyes reveal all however. She love Dan above all and forever. "How are you going to manage your marriage with this man you don't love." She feels condemned for the rest of her life; she's going to have to love him from a distance.


LOS MIZ Part 3

Radames is having a drink with an important soon-to-be-retired senator. They are old buddies. They commiserate about the tragedy of Cesar Mondragon. The senator spouts honorable political sentiments. Rad offers to host his retirement send-off party. Diablo is sitting a few tables away watching this whole exchange. The senator leaves and Diablo approaches, saying "my what fancy people you hang around with". Rad brags about the senator being a model of rectitude and good manners," he leans forward, collegially, "but just between you and me and the lampost, that fellow has gotten his hands dirty a time or two." "Que barbaro" smiles Diablo. "Pretty cool that you know the weak spots of such important folks." They clink glasses.

Fernanda is with Don Nacho when he awakens; she's the picture of compassion and sweetness. He's happy to be breathing. You'd think a nurse would be there to monitor him when he woke up. Iggy's a bit repentant of his past failings. He's asking pardon all around.

He's busy typing, no doubt getting Adri's chart in order. Abel walks in (does anybody knock?). Gonzo doesn't look up. "You seem bothered," says Abel, "¿pasa algo?" Adri knows, and she's fired me from her case. Abel runs off, Gonzo stops him. Ab it's his business, besides, she slept with somebody else (as if that has anything to do with the price of fish; he's deflecting blame all around). Ever the professional, Gonzalo talks him down explaining how difficult this is for her and to give her time and understanding. Smile of affection from Abel.

(I'll be glad when all these people get out of their beds & go home.)
Chelo bursts in saying, I've gotta tell you the worst news! (now, is that any way to treat a cardiac patient?). In a nutshell, Lucha already knows, and hopes the best for Abel. (Chelo doesn't stop looking dyspeptic throughout this entire episode as she runs around with the terrible news that everybody else either already heard, or has figured out a long time ago. Poor dear!) Lucia has to counsel Consuelo that "pobre" Abel is no niño, but rather a consenting adult. this is all too much for poor Chelo. What we have to do is accept him and love him. But who's gonna tell his poor parents? Lucia, always the fount of wisdom, says Abel has to do that, nobody else. Enter Dr. Mallorca. Chelo swallows hard and leaves. Gonzo asks is something wrong with Chelo? Lucia tells him. He says, wrily, "Seems like it's the news of the day." They have a reassuring talk, good friends. He gives her a nice kiss on the forehead saying she's getting out tomorrow! Yay!!

Vicki finally gets those kids to bed. She places the blanket over Roxi thinking fondly of how she'll soon be doing the same for her own bebe. Back in the living room, she watches the whole horror show in it's entirety, seeing clearly her Tia Liliana shooting some hapless victim with a gun. Vicki can't believe her aunt is a cold-blooded asesina. "Now what am I going to do?" She's really flipping out about what to do with the flash drive when the happy couple returns from their movie date. She asks Deya if she knows where the stuffed animal came from. Deya's kind of vague. Vicki heads out (on her "moto"! Is this safe in her condition?) She has stuffed the peluche in her bag.

Deya & Carlos now have to resolve the rest of the evening. It's pretty predictable He wants to; she's not so sure. They start to go at it when she flashes on Carlos. NO! stop. He's a bit nonplussed. She asks does he want her to pretend, the way she had to when she was a 'working girl'. That kind of puts the damper on things. Perspective restored, he really does respect her, they button up and call it a night.


LOS MIZ part4

Tio Genaro gleefully congratulates Lopez for his fine work, getting Anselmo killed! Great job kiddo, you're on the way to great fortune. The kiddo isn't so sure. There's this "conscience" thing getting in the way. "Not a problem" says Gen, "the first one's always hard, but little by little, you get good at it." "And if I'm caught?" "You just do what Uncle tells you everything will be hunky dory, ¡Salud, sobrino!" Lopez clinks his beer bottle, but is not a happy camper.

Our Four Musketeers are having a poker party. Pab brings in another round of beers; he starts to explain the recent department events to Carlos. Dan says, hey the evening is too short, no shop talk. They drink to this and Dan says you wanna know something? Lucia is history; I'm over her. They don't believe him. So he calls up Marina and asks for a date for tomorrow. Lots'o support from the brotherhood when Octavio walks in.

Vicki returns to her bedroom. Octavio calls; she says she has something terrible to tell him; but it's so terrible it's going to have to wait 'til the morning. Chelo bursts in and Vicki quickly conceals the flash. That metiche of a Mom wants to know what she's hiding. Vicki says it's just her homework. So Chelo tries to spread the terrible news (muy feo)about Abel and Vicki's so "been there, done that" Chelo can't believe she's been so out of the loop. Vicki warns her not to go gossiping to Ig & Fern. That's Abel's responsibility.

Vick & Abel meet in the middle of the night in the kitchen (this is a gratuitous scene). Vicki talks about something horrible that's keeping her from sleep. Abel, of course thinks it's about him. You'll find out later...

A drunken Lily rings up; Fernanda picks up the phone. "Where are you, hija, what have you done with your life, The police are after you." Lily whines and moans (and sniffles, tellingly. It's not just the booze, as we suspected, white powder is involved). Lil is surprised to hear that Iggy's been asking for her. "After he threw me out of the house?" She's toast.

This is where the episode stops on the webcast. So please feel free to fill in the blanks. I do remember Dan had his date with Marina and that Lily did go visit her dad in the hospital.


Los Miz: In part 3: "Deya & Carlos now have to resolve the rest of the evening." Disculpame. That should read: "Deya & Neno..."

This comment has been removed by the author.

Dueños - Jueves y Viernes

Thanks, Novelera and Hombre. Fabulous recaps. Much appreciated.

I misread Gina. I thought she had no interest in Elías. Hombre, ITA that though Elías is freaked out that he boinked Gina while his little brother is in her oven, he still wants her. What an odd triangle.

I learn something from each comment. Appreciate the info on the why and what behind the warehouse operations.

I am enjoying Quezada way too much. Running away the prostitute who was servicing him because he was too preoccupied with the thought that Anas is alive. I never tire of him calling out for “Victor Manuel.”

Vero is astute when she wants to be. Lots of married women would’ve been willing to share a cup of coffee with hunky Iggy so he could cry on their shoulder about his lost love. I think Vero is clueless when it comes to Adán because in all the 17+ years they've been together her flaco has never done anything remotely close to slinging dope. She gave him a hard time when he lost his job, now she’s trying to be understanding that he’s breaking the rules a bit selling fake perfume. Love is indeed blind.

Adán referring to Renato as “Chuck Norris” - lol.

Thanks goodness the hitman is wasting time giving Anas some parting words before he completes his mission.

Los Mis

First, Hombre h y d, my condolences. I enjoyed Anselmo's slang. QEPD. Lopez may soon pay, Dan shot some really hard looks his way.

LXV, another nuanced recap. Thanks so much! and thanks too, Aficionada, for Thursday's.

Hated the "Four Musketeers" poker party and Marina call. Dan kissed Marina on the lips when they met for their Sunday breakfast. She says, what's up with that greeting? and Dan basically says "I'm ready if you are." Oh yeah.

Is anyone else distracted by the artwork in Lucha's and Ignacio's hospital room? Yellow background, a bunch of 19th century men in black huddled around a patient in an iron bedstead? Such an odd choice, even for a convent [?] hospital.

The flash drive contents reminded me of why I quit watching back then, and why I rely on you guys to keep me caught up.


Los Miserables, Capitulo 87, part 5, the missing half

Olegario's hotel room

Nuria doesn't want to get out of bed. El Diablo wants her to pack his bags because he's moving to a pent house. Nuria gets excited until he tells her he going to live there with Lucia. No need to worry, he will rent an apartment just for Nuria. Nuria doesn't care who he's married to as long as he's taking care of her. He reminds her that he's only keeping her as long as he needs her.

Outdoor cafe

Daniel meets Marina with a kiss.

Ignacio's hospital room

He is wants to get out of this hospital and go home. Liliana comes to visit. Ignacio is happy, Fernanda is stone faced.

Hospital reception area

Vicky meets Lucia, who is up and about and looking radiant. You would never think she was at death's door just 2 days ago. Vicky pulls the very creepy looking peluche out of her bag and asks Lucia where she got it. Vicky makes the connection between the peluche and Cesar's death.


Thanks for the recap Ixv!

In the earlier scene where Radames is talking with the senator, I don't think the senator is about to retire from work. Rather he is poised to become a leader in the party. That's why Radames wants him in his pocket. When the senator said “tengo que retirarme”, I think he meant that he has to retire for the night, or that it is getting late and he has to go. Radames told him not to worry about the bill, and they said their goodbyes until the next time.

I love everyone's reaction to Consuelo's news about Abel and Gonzalo. She thinks she has this big bomb that will just change history. And everyone is like, yeah I know.

-Hombre, hecho y derecho

Los Miz
Gracias Hombre hecho y derecho for filling in the missing scenes and for correcting my misunderstanding about the senator scene. I should really turn on the Spanish titles when I re-watch. I only just discovered they exist!

Since I never saw the first half of this, I'm learning just now learning about Cesar's death. What do you all think, about a month to go? No firm date on Jardinero yet?


thanks so much Hombre!
it is always a treat to read one of your recaps.

this show was cracking me up, it started with the amigos freaking over running into the cops, when one of them started talking about Chuck Norris,
who? I think Alejo asked
you know Renato, he sent us here, he set us up.

and then I started noticing that Adan has a different frown for EVERYTHING that is going on.

and then Irene, wow, in a gentle soft spoken way did she EVER bring the roof down on Elias, that woman is viscous.

but then Iggy showed up, and that was the end of the laughs, this is creepy, is Veronica softening?

and did Veronica tell Adan that she caught Conrado and Erika smoking marijuana, que horror, and why hasn't Conrado noticed his stash is gone, and did Lu keep the money, they didn't show us.

ah, our DEA guy is Salvador Ferrara, I was getting the name Sal confused with Saul.

I didn't like Saul being at the warehouse taking pictures of our guys, Conrado's theory that the cops don't have anything on us, is slowly going out the window.

(is the coke still in Alejo's trunk or are these guys dealing this stuff as fast as it comes in?)

interesting how Analía has dealt herself into the game, she wants to play too.

and a totally disgusted Elias backing Gina around the room with that shard of glass digging into his hand, ready to strike, (is this leading up to an intimate narco moment)

I was confused by the 2 year rehab too, it looked like when Anas got out of bed her legs didn't work, and what we haven't seen is Renato by her side, getting his orders.

ah, Victor Manuel, with that guy next door neighborly look, so he shoots the guard, shoots Anas and is out-of-there, nope, he has to go around and disconnect all of her stuff, and look her in the eye, and threaten her with the gun and...

the Miserables

thanks lxv!
you are very good at this.

"and the bad penny rolls in"
wow, and isn't that a sweet description of Daniel!

I don't suppose someone could make a copy of that flash drive while it's in their laptop.

and thanks -Hombre, hecho y derecho for filling in the end.

ooo Vicky, she is just too smart to be hanging out with the rest of these people.

hmm, the "El Jardinero" wiki page is saying March, so I'm going with that, although it seems they haven't really got this off the ground yet.

say lxv - way back when I used to go over to the library to watch the novelas for the english caps, I noticed that some of the segments were not all there, only to discover later that it was because they didn't load correctly, and I found if I started all over and reload it (and you have to clear the cache so you don't get the same thing again), it was sometimes then all there.


Los Miz: @deb: eres un angel! clear the cache, of course! Now why didn't I think of that! Thanks for all the help everybody.


Thanks so much for the recap, Hombre. You do a terrific job describing the scenes.

No, I don’t think the cops in 1977 were allowed to beat people up in interrogation rooms. That’s why Ferrara wanted to be alone with Serrano. And, in this particular room or cell, whatever it was, there was no two-way glass. I don’t think he exactly threatened to harm Serrano’s twin daughters, but he indicated that, if Serrano didn’t cooperate, he would either not be around or in jail indefinitely and thus not able to look out for them.

So Ferrara, to me, is taking on a role much like the Spanish cop in La Reina del Sur, making us dislike him. He’s completely obsessed with bringing her down and won’t let any legal niceties stand in his way. And I think they’re going with Saúl Benavides getting redemption and maybe being a better cop than Ferrara.

I loved Irene’s scene with Elias. She was outstanding. She didn’t exactly throw it in his face about Gina, rather pretending she cared that he was being deceived. And she subtly played on the “ick” factor of his being so “close” to his baby brother or sister.

And I do think Iggy has a real thing for Vero. It’s definitely not all about doing his job for LQ. He respects her in his twisted way, and her telling him she was married and couldn’t go for coffee or a glass of wine with just any cualquiera made him find her even more attractive. And then, being the good person she is, she said she didn’t mean cualquiera to be insulting. He moves around the corner and says to himself that she’s going to find out he isn’t any cualquiera. I think he’s got a huge enough ego that he thinks he’s going to get her to fall for him. Or it could mean she’ll find out what a villain he is. Not exactly sure which it is.

So…are they going with Renato AGAIN killing some guy who’s pointing a gun at Anastasia? We know she isn’t going to be shot. And we also know that there won’t be much of a fuss at a telenovela hospital about dead bodies littering the corridors and patient rooms!

@Rain, I am glad I am not the only bad boy lover around here

Ahh Sara thanks I was confused about the Gallardo home too
Adriana Noel - I thought I was mis-hearing about the twin speculation it'd be wierd if they were twins and there are some details to be ironed out(like wouldn't the boys notice if they suddenly got a sister but their mom wasn't pregnant) but it would make sense what with Vero's over the top reaction to Leo and the dream and all.

Its good to have other watchers to comment with and clarify things in case I don't pay attn or miss epis

I thought I would like the Flavio+ Irina storyline best but I'm disappointed in Irina; Flavio can't even look @ another woman without her cutting him off, I mean its not like she caught him kissing Vero or anything.
What I am loving and surprised by is the Vero+ Pablo plot I went from hater to being on Vero's team in about a week - big character turn around

You're welcome sneaky two shoes! This is actually my favorite show. I guess I should comment about it more often lol. I guess I should confess that I'm kind of a squealy girl about it. I am hooked in practically every story line. They do need to get Andrea a little help though. I like her less and less.

Your comment got me thinking. Could. Mrs Gallardo have been pregnant and lost the baby at birth and Mr Gallardo taken advantage of the fact that his pregnant mistress had twins?

I love the Uli character more and more. He is laying it on thick with Candela in his efforts to win back Patricia. I laughed when Patricia showed off her ring only to be upstaged moments later.

I am usually a day behind in watching, but if you ever have any questions feel free to post them. I'm more than happy to answer (or admit I'm just as confused too. Hee Hee.)

PS have you watched Friday's episode? I think Flavio may have one Irina over for good. :)

And I just LOVE Pablo and Alma. Julia is right that he is good galan material!


Cayetana said on Friday that the boys has failed to pay the mortgage on the house and Ignacio bought it. So now I'm thinking this all happened while Ignacio and Alma were dating. He told her about buying the house in the first or second episode. Then both of them died.

I speculate that the boys know none of this. They just know the bank foreclosed and tossed them out.


I think Patricia had her ring on her middle finger when she showed it to Candela, who seems to be getting caught up in all of this.

it was different watching Irina running around with nothing up top but her two hands.

didn't Ignacio pay off the Gallardo place as a present to Alma, so there might be some paperwork on that.

who was it (working for Valverde) that poisoned Beatriz's animals?


There are a lot of details I've missed about the house. I guess it's important that Ignacio paid it off. And it's probably my memory playing tricks in me but I swear he put the house in her name. Did Leonardo find that paperwork and give it to Cayetana? Gosh that was so long ago and I didn't even get it all straight back then either.

I've already erased my recording from Friday. Wasn't the guy who poisoned the cattle a completely new guy. I don't recall recognizing the name.

Miranda showed her true colors with Veronica. Deep down I think it's always bothered her that her adopted daughter was not a blue blood. Cold. I was glad Sole stood up to Mirada.


If I heard it right, Vero said the neighbor in 224 (or something) told her Conrado and Erica smoke weed. I was surprised because there hasn't been a nosy neighbor character so far.


Thanks, Hombre. You did a great job with the episode, which I finally got to see tonight. I don't have much to add, but I think Adán & Co. might have been wiser to make a quick exit when they saw the cops arresting the workers at the Serrano warehouse. By driving by the warehouse slowly, they gave Saul a chance to see and copy down the car's license plate number.

I loved Vero's telling Adán in a shocked voice that a neighbor told her that Conrado and Erica smoked marijuana!! Vero is dismayed when Adán doesn't share her astonishment.

Novelera, I too wonder whether Renato is yet again going to come to Anas' rescue. I hope the writers come up with something a bit more interesting.

Los Mis

Great recap, LXV!! I am just going to see that capitulo now, and that will make it all the better.

And thank you for great additions, Hombre, hecho y derecho, Clara, deb, LOL Romy and Rain, about our "violent psycho" "bad boy"!

Thanks, too, Sara, about El Jardinero!



El Jardinero
You're welcome Aficionada! I don't know if you saw Mentir Para Vivir, but Alejandro Speitzer really stood out. At least to me anyway.



Thanks for filling in the gaps of what I forgot, Niecie, Deb, Novelera and others. I see how Sal could be confused with Saúl, I'm just too lazy to type Ferrara each time, and I like to use first names (I'm glad someone suggested Iggy for Ignacio Elizondo!). Novelera, I couldn't remember the word Vero and Iggy used, thanks for reminding me it was cualquiera.

I agree, no way Anas can be killed. But if she's unable to be fully active for two years, they may have to have a time skip. Or maybe she'll just defy all the doctors' predictions, and get well in 2 or 3 episodes!

They are interviewing Miguel Varoni on CNN en español right now.

good to know I'm not alone watching wise or confusion wise-
haven't seen Fri's epi yet - will try to comment when I have but might not be till Mon tarde


Nope, you aren't alone.


El Jardinero

Sara, I did not see Mentir Para Vivir, but I was reading about El Jardinero's cast and saw that Alejandro Speitzer has an impressive list of credits, and he won a Premios award for Mentir Para Vivir. I am looking forward to watching him.

I am excited about El Jardinero. I like it will focus on the life of undocumented immigrants to U.S. - very timely. And, after Los Miserables, La Reina del Sur, and others, I want to watch Gabriel Porras as protagonista again!!

Thank you!

Los Mis

Dare I think it, but I DO NOT LIKE that they have Vicky waiting "hasta mañana" to tell and show Octavio what she found and saw!


Los Mis

LXV y Hombre, hecho y derecho, I will not be able to see the show for a couple of days - until wednesday, at least - so I hope for your outstanding recaps! I will be able to do recap on thursday or friday, though.

Off to dig up more snow, aargh, to get ready for more snow, AAARGH!!!

Stay warm and safe, all in this wave of it!
See you on the new page!


Los Miserables

Aficionada, "I DO NOT LIKE that they have Vicky waiting "hasta mañana" to tell and show Octavio what she found and saw!" Yes, we have seen this before. Say what you have to say on the phone or in a message, because something will happen to you before you get a chance to say it in person!

-Hombre, hecho y derecho

Los Mis

Hombre, hecho y derecho, well said!: "Say what you have to say on the phone or in a message ... "
to save your life!!

Thank you!


LOS MIZ: I'll recap Monday night's show. Stay warm up there Aficionada. N.E. sure got it this winter.

I almost laughed out loud when Vicki said "It's too terrible to tell you tonight, you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow." Yes, the old telenovela ploy. Sure to have dire consequences while Viewerville is champing at the bit waiting for the big reveal.

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