Lo Nuevo ---
Pato’s Apartment
Outside, Chava gives Armie the good news that he and Sofia
are going to give Love another whirl. They’ve
found they still love each other. He’s
waiting for her now just outside Pato’s depa.
He’s not worried about her being alone with him. She assured him she’ll be okay but he’s
standing by, with his cell phone, just in case.
Chava tells him he’ll share all the deets later but it’s safe to say
he’s the happiest man on earth!
Sylvana eavesdrops as Patricio assures Sofia that he
understands she must be so upset about finding out her dear old dad is
dead. Not to worry, he’s there to take
care of the bidness until she’s ready to come back. “Uh, that’s not what I’m here to tell you,”
says Sofia. She evades his question when
he asks who went with her. She hems and
haws and he finally stops her. “You went
with that infeliz!” She admits it. Not only did he accompany her but she’s back
in love with him. This is music to
Sylvana’s ear. Pato is frustrated and
wonders how she could possibly believe in Chava again after everything Flor and
her parents told her. Nope, Sofia still
believes in him and that’s all that matters to her. Pato’s trying really hard to convince her
that this is just another one of Chava’s manipulative moves. Sylvana rolls her eyes. Sofia urges Pato to just accept that their
relationship is over. She loves Chava
and that’s that. Pato can’t believe she’s
doing this to him after everything he’s gone through for her! Sofia understands but she could never love
Pato again even though he tried to change for her. He’s pissed, calling her relationship with
Chava a frenetic adventure. “Too bad
everyone but you sees this. You’re ready
to throw everything away for an uneducated nobody after all our years
together!” Sofia admits her affection
toward Pato after all their years together, but that isn’t love. “Chava awakened that love in me. As much as I fought to overcome it, I
couldn’t! I couldn’t! There’s no sense
in continuing with a relationship that has no future, and possibly never
did.” Patricio is mad and Sylvana is
smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
Patricio is really angry and, with eyes bulging, he now
grabs Sofia by the shoulders, “And what do you expect me to do now? What?
Congratulate you? Tell me what I should
do with you now?” Sylvana softly whispers,
“Yeah what did you expect, estupida! You keep making him feel like trash. It would be best if this is over once and for
all.” Pato has backed Sofia up against
the wall and pulls the Mom card. What
will she think when she learns of all this?
Sofia isn’t sure, since he’s somehow become the “perfect son-in-law” for
some reason not clear to her, but she doesn’t care. She’s prepared to confront mumsie and all her
prejudices. “What about your social
peers? What will they say when they
learn the Great Executive Sofia has taken up with her chauffeur?” Predictably, Sofia could care less what they
think. Besides, she reminds him, she’s
not really a Ripoll. She’s resigned not
only from Ripoll but from that whole way of life. Pato wonders how she expects to live on
whatever that muerto de hambre can
give her! She defends Chava, saying he’s
no muerto de hambre. Oh yeah?
Pato counters that not only is Chava a muerto de hambre, he also a Don
Nadie who will never be able to offer her anything. Sofia yells back that Chava has given her his
love which is more than enough for her. She’s
ready to confront the whole world for him if necessary. He’s the man she loves and expects Pato to
respect her decision. Pato, frustrated,
manhandles our fair maiden and roughly pulls her to him. “I will also defend what’s mine.” Sofia throws him off screaming that her
mistake was not ending their relationship the same day the wedding was cancelled. She should have told him then and there that
her heart belongs to Chava. Pato screams
at her to shut up but Sofia is on a roll!
She should have never listened to all the lies, especially the ones from
Flor. She mistakenly thought that by
being with Pato, she could forget about all her feelings for Chava. But she was wrong by going against what she
felt in her heart. Now Pato really gets
abusive, yelling at her and saying if she thinks she’s going to leave him for
that idiot she’s got another thing coming.
He finally shoves her to the couch saying, “You will be my wife. At
any cost!”
Meanwhile, Chava continues to pace outside staring at his
phone wondering why Sofia hasn’t come out. Thankfully, he gives up and heads
toward the building.
Upstairs, the violence has only gotten worse. Pato jerks Sofia up to her feet and holds her
arms behind her. “I will not allow you to
leave me. I am not a man who gives up
easily.” She cries for him to let her
go, he’s hurting her. It’s getting so
bad even Sylvana gets worried when she hears Pato say, “you wanted to hurt me?
Well, I’m gonna show you how to hurt someone.”
Sofia is still crying out and Sylvana silently urges him on from her
hiding place. Bi*ch! Sofia is screaming
loudly now. Our hero Chava is now in the
hallway and hears his princess. He kicks
in the door just in time! Pato’s all
like, “you wanna piece of me? Come on!” Chava rushes in and does him in with one
punch to his glass jaw. Sylvana is
open-mouthed impactada!
Casa Ripoll – Dani’s Room
Alexa tells Dani all about her lipstick ad work. Dani reminds her that her main focus now
should be running Empresa Ripoll. Sofia
is counting on them. Alexa is
disappointed in her attitude. She
thought she could count on Dani’s support.
She was so happy about her news and tells Dani that the director has
even asked her to audition for his movie.
Pato’s Depa – he’s
not down yet
Oh! The fight continues
and Chava punches him again and kicks him for good measure. Pato falls back on the glass coffee table
conveniently draped with a runner. Chava
moves to finish him off but Sofia holds him back, urging him to leave with
her. Chava assures Pato the prize is his
now and he’d best accept it! Pato manages
to get back on his feet and tells Chava he isn’t giving up yet. Chava warns him to stay away from Sofia…..or
else. Sofia and Chava tiptoe over the
rose petals and candles and leave. Pato
is bloodied and in pain as Sylvana slinks out and laughs at his
predicament. She even claps! Love it!
Casa Ripoll – I’m ready
for my close-up Mr. DeMille
Alexa tells Dani she isn’t cut out for the roll of
executive. Her dream is the red carpet
and Oscar – and being with Armie and Nandito although the latter doesn’t look
too good at present. Armie’s place is
with his family now that Irma can’t walk.
She’s not kidding herself though.
She can’t help but be jealous at the thought of Armie sharing a bed with
Irma. She believes Armie is only there
to take care of Irma until she gets back on her feet but knowing Irma, she’ll
try anything and everything to keep him by her side. Aside from Alexa’s frustration at not being
with Armie, she feels guilty and selfish for being resentful of an injured
woman with a small child.
Pato’s Depa
Chava and Sofia are back at his bike. He’s just so happy she’s ok. He can’t believe Pato’s reaction, especially
since he’s playing her with her BFF.
Sofia still doesn’t believe that and plans to confront Sylvana about it
but for now, she just wants to go home and talk with her mums. Chava understands she needs to take charge of
her life but feels strongly that Pato needs to be fired. “That’s not my job anymore,” Sofia reminds
him. Besides, this probably wouldn’t be
the best time. Pato is the only one who
knows how to run the business and Alexa can use all the help she can get. Chava understands and thanks her for
defending their love. Smoochies!
Empresa Renzi
Renzi is finalizing a property sale with two women and
quickly gets rid of them when he gets a call from Primazo. Sylvana, fully dressed now, stands by as Pato
tells him the bad news about the breakup and assumes Flor spilled the
beans. He wants Renzi to check up on our
Florecita de Michoacan.
Renzi calls Flor and accuses her of blabbin. She denies it vehemently. He reminds her that should Chava ask, he and
his friend “Marco” don’t exist! He warns
her not to talk……or else. Renzi calls
Pato to fill him in. Pato wants to know
if Renzi has someone available for a “job”.
He has a need……a need for revenge!
Tan, tan TAN!
Pato’s Depa
Sylvana gloats. A
chofer got the best of him. Pato isn’t
ready to throw in the towel. Sylvana
tells him to get with the program and admit that nothing he’s done has won over
Sofia’s heart. Apparently the chofer has
more to offer. Is it possible he’s more
manly? Pato, channeling his brutish
side, takes offense at this and slaps her!
Sylvana suggests that instead of hitting her, he should be taking it out
on Sofia, the woman who never loved him.
Sylvana, on the other hand has always loved him. She tries to leave but he starts to manhandle
her. She shrugs him off and slaps him!
(go, girl!) She leaves Pato fuming.
Casa Ripoll
Alexa breaks it to Dani that Sofia took off with Chava in
search of her daddy. Dani is
pleased. They agree that Sofia has lived
her life trying to please everyone else.
It’s time she lived her life. In unison,
all together now..”OSTRAS”!!!
Casa de Paco
Aracely is still in the dumps and Paco’s not happy to see
her this way. He knows how to cheer her
up and gives her an early birthday gift, a power of attorney. He didn’t know how to show her how much she
means to him so he decided to give her everything he owns. She tells him she and Chava argued. He counsels her to make peace with Chava. He convinces her to go with him to Lupita’s
for dinner.
Casa de Chava
Lupita, Marisol, and Lucas are prepping for dinner. They gossip about Matias, Irais, and
Jobeth. They give her the news that the
Wonder Bread Band has a gig at Don Cuco’s.
Marisol tells her about the mystery woman who seemed a little too
interested in Lucas. Lucas has to leave
just as Paco and Aracely arrive. Aracely
compliments Lupe on her bracelet and wonders where she got it. Lupe nervously evades the question. Aracely gets verklempt when she learns Chava
is nowhere to be seen.
Casa de Ripoll
Chava and Sofia arrive on his bike with squeaky brakes. He’s sad they need to part now and worries
this is all just a dream. She worries
about telling ma everything but knows that by his side, she doesn’t need
anything else. Smoochies.
Some Bar, Somewhere.
Manjarres calls Pato, offering his “services”. Pato instructs him to see Sylvana at the
Empresa Ripoll but not to mention his name, no matter what. He needs him inside Ripoll.
Noisy Restaurant.
Matias, Jobeth, and Irais take a selfie. Irais wants to leave but Jobeth wants to
party on!!! Matias looks at his wallet
and urges Irais to tell her sister to stop ordering such expensive drinks. Jobeth comes back to the table and announces
she’s ordered another round. Woo-hoo.
Casa Ripoll – Sofie’s
Sofia is resting and Fausto comes in to get all the chisme on her search for her
daddy. She tells him all about her
renewed love for Chava. Fausto is
overjoyed. He knew they’d get back together
once they had some time alone. She tells
him Pato was none too happy about the news.
Understatement of the hour.
Pato’s Depa
Pato is drinking heavily as he recalls Sofia’s confession
that she’s back with Chava. He sends his
drink flying and swears Sofia will regret this.
Casa Ripoll
Fausto isn’t surprised at Pato’s reaction. He has always thought Pato had a violent
side. He assumes she’ll return to the
business now that she’s found out about her biological father. Sofia doesn’t want to go back. She has too much to resolve. For one, she needs to speak with Sylvana
about the supposed affair with Pato.
That can wait until tomorrow. For
now, she needs to speak with Ma. Despite
Fausto’s advice to the contrary, she needs to speak to her mums now. She wants to shout it out to the world that
she loves Chava! I love him! I love him!....and
where he goes, I’ll follow, I’ll follow…..
Greta’s room: Greta
scolds her for not letting anyone know her whereabouts all day. She assumes Sofia went in search of “that
man”. Sofia: “That man was my father and he’s dead. He died alone with no family. An alcoholic with no one to watch out for
him.” When Greta coldly comments on his
wasted life, Sofia begins to cry. How
can she be so cold when she supposedly loved this man? Greta rationalizes it was a love from her
youth -- love that never should have been.
Fortunately, she was able to rectify this mistake by marrying
Octavio. Say what she will, Octavio is
her father. Sofia can’t believe how cold
and unfeeling Greta can be after hearing what became of Cipriano. Sofia relates how she cried at his
graveside. Where Greta managed to marry
into wealth, he drowned himself in alcohol.
Greta defends herself by saying she is not to blame for the decisions
that man made and just wants to close the subject. What’s important now is that Sofia knows what
happened to her father and can now resume her obligations. Oh no, says Sofia. She’s firm in her belief that Alexa has more
rights to that position. Sofia wants to
live, live! and what’s more, she wants to deliver herself to love. She’s not going to make the same mistake
Greta made and will fight for what she wants.
Greta fearfully asks what she means by that. (Wait
for it….here it comes!) Sofia
replies she will defend her love for Chava.
ta-TAN!!!! Clutching her chest, Greta asks what she means by this. Sofia insists she will no longer deny her
love for Chava. She’s suffered too much
denying this love and doesn’t care what anyone says. She loves Chava intensely and won’t deny it
any longer. “You couldn’t possibly love
such a man.” replies Greta. “You’re a
Ripoll!” Sofia: “No, I’m not.
That surname has stopped being the burden (lastre) that has kept me from my happiness. If you didn’t have the courage to seek your
happiness, I do!” That did it! Greta clutches her chest, falls over….but
doesn’t pass out! Sofia tries to calm
her. “No! I won’t calm down. I only want for you not to make a mistake
you’ll regret the rest of your life!”
Sofia: “You’re not in a position
to judge me.” Greta: “No, but I can
advise you. I did the right thing. I married who I was supposed to marry!” Sofia:
“But you didn’t marry for love.
You did it to protect the family name.
And for what? Look at you. I think you’ve been unhappy all your life but
as I said, I will not follow in your footsteps, Mama.”
Casa de
Irma looks on as Nando and Armie play video games. Nando asks dad if Alexa can come over some
day – maybe when they’re novios? Armie
reminds him they’re just friends but he’s glad Nando doesn’t hate her
anymore. Nando wins the game and hugs
dad. He’s glad to see dad smile
again. Armie explains he’s happy because
of Chava. They start to wrestle as Irma
continues to look on.
Dani’s Bedroom
Dani and Alexa continue to chat about Sofia when Fausto
walks in and tells them Sofia is in Greta’s room telling her all about her love
for Chava. The sisters are happy but
Fausto is worried about Greta’s health.
Sylvana’s Depa
Sylvana tells Cristian about the battle Royale at Pato’s and
then “he had the nerve to hit me, when he should have gone after Sofia. She’s the one who humiliated him!” She sends her drink crashing. He tries to calm her down and says she should
be happy Sofia sent him packing. He
hates to say “I told you so” but he always knew Pato was no good. Sylvana isn’t really listening to him and
only hopes that after this, Pato will forget about that estupida.
Greta’s Bedroom
Sofia doesn’t expect Greta to accept Chava but only wants
her to respect him. Greta just thinks Sofia is confused and insists Sofia is
only being ridiculous parading around with that Don Nadie. “So be it,” says
Sofia, “but at least I did it my way.” She
feels she went through so much sadness only to learn there’s no need hiding
what she truly feels. Greta begs her to
listen to the voice of experience. It
shatters her soul that Sofie rejects her motherly advice. She is genuinely worried Sofie rejects her
own well being. She begs Sofia not to
choose a path of pain and distress.
Sofia understands Greta’s concern and has always listened but this time
she’s not going to follow her advice. If
she’s making a mistake, she’ll suffer the consequences without blaming
Greta. Greta wonders if Sofia is also
willing to take the consequences with Pato.
What about the engagement? Sofia
tells her she’s already taken care of that.
Pato is aware that she loves Chava and that their engagement is over. That does it…….Greta says Sofia has ended with
everything! Will Greta make it to another day?
Tune it tomorrow for another episode of Nadie…….Chava Nadie
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Permalink posted by Paquitadelbarrio
@ 11:37 PM

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