Lupe arrives at Javier's bedside
Paco arrives at Grrrreta's.
Fausto shames Grrreta to tell the
And now for today's episode:
Casa Ripoll – You can’t handle the truth!
Greta tells Fausto to stop with
being absurd and leave the room. Iker is
lurking just outside the room but manages to sneak away before Fausto gets to
the door. Paco asks again, “Is Sofia my
daughter?” Greta responds by telling
him her lips are sealed by an oath she took years ago. Paco guesses at the truth, “Then, it's
true.....Sofia is my daughter.” Greta
grudgingly admits it. Por Fin!
Fausto weeps in the foyer and Iker wants to know why. Fausto explains that beyond loving Greta,
he's come to adore her and now can't stand by and see her consumed by an absurd
promise she made years ago. He can't
continue to keep her secret. Of course,
Iker has to ask, “hmmmm, what secret?”
In response, Fausto can only weep more and says Greta will never forgive
him. He embraces Iker and immediately
apologizes for the indiscretion. Fausto
assumes he'll be fired and asks Iker for one last favor: a cuppa of that marvelous relaxing tea. He sure can use one now.
Back in the den, Paco insists on
an explanation. Why did Greta keep this
a secret? She explains about the
Unbreakable Vow. Paco is understandably
upset, asking if she preferred he thought she had slept with yet another
man. He begged her, implored her to tell
him the truth, and all she did was lie.
She explains about the Unbreakable Vow she made on the day of her
wedding to Octavio. A vow that she would
never, ever tell Paco he was Sofia's father.
She made an Unbreakable Vow before God.
Paco is astonished Octavio married her knowing she was expecting another
man's child. Paco demands to know why
she went through with the marriage even though she was carrying his child. Why?
Paco is very emotional now and accuses her of preferring to tie (atar) herself to Octavio only because
of the financial benefits and luxurious lifestyle that came with it. “I could
have given you a future. I would have
taken responsibility. I loved you
Greta. I loved you with my soul. I would have given everything for you and our
daughter.” Greta responds by saying he
never would have survived her family's ruin.
She explains how her father died the day she and Paco were planning to
elope. She and her mother then realized they were destitute. Her mother couldn't face it and asked Sofia
to make the sacrifice for the family and marry Octavio. That was the only way to avoid the shame and
poverty. For her mother, Octavio was the
answer to their prayers. Greta debated
between love and duty. Paco knows,
obviously, that duty won out even though she was expecting his child. Greta says she expected Octavio to reject
her. Her plan then was to return to Paco
and tell him the truth. Paco can't
believe it. “He agreed to marry you,
knowing you were carrying my child, and then obliged you to keep the truth from
me forever. Of course, no one could guess
that the ever powerful, Proud Octavio would marry someone knowing she was
carrying someone else's child.” Greta
admits this was the price for his support.
She accepted and doesn't regret it.
Paco becomes angry, “and you know why he did it? Because he always hated me. He wanted to take everything from me. He stole the formulas that brought prestige
to his company and that would make him rich.
He stole the woman I loved. He
even stole my daughter!” Greta can only
look down in shame.
Sofia and Chava are speaking with
the Doctor and Sofia tells the doctor to let her know if they need anything,
anything at all. Chava seems to think
Marisol's insurance will cover everything and he can assume anything not
covered by the insurance. Doctor
explains the wait list for a liver donation is long. Considering Javier's age, his chances of
receiving a transplant are dwindling.
The best they can do now is stay calm and trust in the care they are
providing. Marisol is on the phone with
Lucas explaining Javier's condition.
Casa Ripoll
Paco doesn't understand how Greta
was able to allow Octavio to take everything from him. Greta explains she felt powerless. She knew Octavio and Coria conspired to steal
Paco's formulas. Paco can only hope
those two traitors are burning in hell.
He asks why she didn't do anything if she knew about this. (Really,
Paco, do you have to ask?) Greta
claims to have vehemently opposed their plan but Octavio threatened her with
Paco's life if she intervened. She had
no choice but to remain quiet, for her daughter's sake, and for Paco's
sake. Paco is incredulous that Octavio
threatened his life. Still, he would
have preferred death to the hell she put him through. She allowed Octavio to get away with it. Just one word, one word, and it would
have changed everything. She swears she
couldn't say anything. Not even when
Sofia learned she wasn't Octavio's daughter.
She preferred to have Sofia think the worst of her: that she had cheated
on Octavio, that he was unaware she was expecting another man's child. And she didn't, couldn't, say anything
because of that Unbreakable Vow she made before God. She realizes that in Paco's eyes, Octavio was
evil (malvado). But she has to be honest and admit that he
tried to be a good husband and above all, a good father. Even though Sofia wasn't his daughter, he
made her into the successful, brave woman she is today. Despite everything he did to Paco, she will
always be grateful for the love he gave to Sofia. Ooooooh, Paco is glaring now.
Chava is crying to Sofia. He's beating himself up, saying they shoulda,
coulda done something for the old man.
She reminds him Javier left them for many years. Chava feels guilty, wondering if he could
have helped him if only he'd forgiven him and accepted him earlier. She reminds him he helped Javier by giving
him a place to live, paying his bills.
He's not to blame for Javier's drunkenness. Chava believed Javier had stopped drinking
because he'd promised Lupe. She tells
him not to blame himself. He needs to
remember that despite the mistakes Javier made, Chava is there now to help
Casa Ripoll
Paco says the love given to Sofia
was his to give, not Octavio's. Octavio even stole that from him. Now Paco hates him and despises him more than
ever. Why, when Sofia finds out all
this......Greta stops him and begs him not to tell Sofia. She insists Sofia continue to think Cipriano
Fuentes is her father and is surprised to see that Paco doesn't agree. What a
Javier confesses to Lupe that he
led her to believe he was a changed man in order to steal her away from Paco
and take advantage of her. He cries that
he's a miserable soul and asks her to forgive him. He didn't know how good he had it. She was the love of his life. He regrets not realizing this sooner so they
could grow old together. He admits his
mistakes and cries again that he doesn't want to die alone here like a
dog. Lupe promises him they won't leave
him. They're all here to care for
him. He kisses her hand and is grateful
to learn she won't leave.
Casa Ripoll
Greta explains Sofia threatened
to leave the company and not return unless Greta revealed the name of her
father. She repeats she couldn't break
her Unbreakable Vow even if it meant giving Sofia false information. She claims she did this in order to ensure
Sofia would return to the company and put this miserable chapter behind
them. She admits she knew tal Cipriano
was dead when she gave Sofia his name.
Paco is incredulous that Greta would send Sofia looking for a
ghost. Greta tells him how Sofia cried
over Cipriano and even forgave him and it allowed her to resume her life. Greta admits her behavior was deleznable
(contemptible). It was awful seeing her
daughter cry over someone unrelated to her and all because she wanted to heal
that wound. Paco still can't believe it
and tells her he never would have expected this of her. He's convinced Octavio knew perfectly well
what he was doing when he made her take that Unbreakable Vow of silence. Greta has the gall to say the past isn't
important (!!!) What's important now is
that her daughter has had closure and can now go on with her life. Paco, verging on a busting a gut, “Do you
think you can cover a lie with another lie?
Do you really think you have the right to keep me from telling Sofia
that I'm her father?” Greta thinks she's
paid a high price for her lies. Her
daughters hate her, thinking she deceived their father by keeping her pregnancy
a secret from him. She thinks she's
suffered enough. She begs Paco to leave
things as they are.
P: “After everything you've done, you have no
right to ask anything of me.”
G: “I've accepted my punishment.”
P: “And why was I punished? You don't think I've suffered enough? Kept from the truth all this time, being kept
from my daughter?”
G: “Our sin was falling in love and now we're
paying a high price. I know I don't
deserve your forgiveness and that you don't agree with all the decisions I
made. But right or wrong, I did it all
for the good of our daughter. I beg you;
I implore you to remain silent. Promise
P: “NO! No! I
can't promise you anything. Nothing!”
They're both in tears by the time
this convo is over and Paco storms out.
He meets Fausto in the foyer. He
can't believe Greta would keep a promise to a man who ruined their lives. He doesn't understand how she allowed this
promise to condemn her and condemn him.
Fausto tries to defend Greta, saying she's suffered so much. He understands how this can be
incomprehensible, but Paco needs to forgive her. Paco can't see how. For now, he doesn't know if he'll tell Sofia
the truth. He'll let his heart guide
him. Iker is skulking at the top of the
stairs and has heard all.
Lupe meets with her children and
Sofia after seeing Javier. She tells
them he feels Death calling to him.
Sofia tries to comfort her by telling her to stay positive and she'll
see that her husband will get better.
Lupe thanks her but explains he's no longer her husband. The divorce proceedings are in the works,
awaiting the final decree. Marisol
thinks this would be in poor taste, considering Javier needs her now. Lupe explains she has no intention of
abandoning him in his time of need.
Chava chimes in, saying they'll all be there for him. Chava and Sofia agree it would be best for
Lupe to go home and get some rest. Lupe
tells Chava that Javier confessed he faked sobriety to take her away from
Paco. She and Chava pray for Javier. Yup, he’s
gonna need it
Empresa Ripoll
Lucas advises Sylvana that
Marisol wasn't at work because of her dad's illness. He blurts out that Sofia is at the hospital
with them. He meets Dani on his way out
of Sylvana's office and tells her all about Marisol's dad and how she forgave
him all his sins. Dani uses this opportunity
to ask how he would feel if his mother reappeared. Heck no!
She forgot all about him. No
card, no call, nothing.
Lugar de Cuco
Rosa tells Cuco about her visit
with Dani and he fills her in that Dani used to be Lucas' girlfriend. He's shocked to hear that Dani is going to
help her out and that she told Dani she's Lucas' mom.
Meanwhile, Sofia checks in with
Dani who fails to tell her Grrrrreta chased Lupe out of the building.
Lugar de Cuco
Rosa explains to Cuco about the
why and how she told Dani about Lucas.
Casa Ripoll
Greta is still crying in the
den. Fausto comes in, suitcase and
all. He's assuming he's fired and is
there to resign and tells her he doesn't regret his actions. He still feels that absurd promise has been a
burden for her. He can't continue to see
her suffer like this. If he spoke, it
was only to free her. And so, he leaves
with a clean conscience. He thanks her
for all their years together and for making him feel like one of the
family. They're both weeping when she
tells him she doesn't want him to leave.
Elsewhere, Iker is on the phone
with Sylvana and tells him what happened earlier and how Fausto spilled the
frijoles. Sylvana is pithed! Stupid Fausto, now Paco will tell Sofia and
Pato won't have anything to hang over Greta's head! Curses!
Foiled again! Iker sarcastically
says at least she'll have Pato back in her arms as she's always wanted. On the contrary, Pato will be furious because
then, he will have failed his boss and then........she stops herself from
saying more. Suffice it to say, the last
thing on Pato's mind would be marriage.
So, until they're married, Pato is never to know Greta told Paco the
Casa de Ripoll
Even though this wasn't the best
way to reveal the truth and that she never planned on breaking her Unbreakable
Vow, Greta has to admit Fausto was right.
That secret was like a cancer, killing her. Fausto tells her he would risk his job or
worse to ensure her health and happiness.
She's very grateful and despite breaking her Unbreakable Vow, she feels
liberated. She tells a weeping Fausto,
“All these years, you've been my confidante, my conscience, my best
friend. You've shown an immense love to
my daughters and to me. You are part
of our family.” Fausto: “You know I adore you all and you are my
life. Hopefully, now that the truth has
come out, the light will return to your life.”
Greta's fear is that Paco will reveal the truth and her suffering will
start all over. Fausto explains this is
now out of her hands. Greta will pray
for forgiveness for breaking her Unbreakable Vow and hopes Octavio won't
condemn her.
Paco's Place
Paco arrives and Aracely and
Nandito both notice he's in bad shape.
Paco goes to take a much needed rest.
Armie calls to check in on Nandito and Aracely tells him Irma came by to
see Nandito. He's not happy to hear this
and she reminds him that the house they've shared with Irma has always been
Nandito's home. She thinks it would be
best for his emotional health to return to Irma's house. She explains she's still representing Irma
and plans to enter a motion for Nandito to live at his registered residence,
Irma's house. She recommends that if
Armie wants Nandito to spend time at his apartment, then he needs to register
his address officially. (I hope I got that right). Armie is not amused. He assures her he will fight for Nandito with
everything he's got.
Chava's House
The family returns home from the
hospital along with Sofia. Everyone is
still upset and somber when Lucas arrives.
Sofia wishes she could do more, smoochies. Don Manuel calls to advise a few car
parts have arrived for Patotas. Sofia finally has the time to fill him in on
her meeting at the bank.
Irma's House
La Loca is throwing dishes
around, saying Armie will not get away with this and take away her son. Someone is ringing the doorbell and she
swears that if it's Armie's lawyer, well, she'll break a dish over his
head! Dish in hand, she answers the door
only to see it's Renzi el Tostado calling!
Scary! “Hola Irma”
Empresa Ripoll
Chava calls Armie to tell him
about the parts but Armie thinks it's gonna be tough going right now because of
his battle for Nandito.
Irma's House
Renzi can see she's walking
around despite her accident. It was an
accident right? Irma can't recall the
details but says she was told it was a suicide attempt. He's surprised she would choose his office
building, of all places. He wonders if
maybe she came to see him that day. He
tells her she told him about all her marital troubles. She's surprised to hear this since they were
just co-workers. He tells her they were
much more than co-workers.
Wink-wink. She can't believe
that. She would never cheat on her husband.
He backs off and says he didn't mean it in that way, he meant to say
they told each other everything and that's why he visited her in the
hospital. She doesn't remember. He tells her they miss her at the office,
that their door is always open to her.
She doesn't think she's well enough to work yet. He suggests going for a cup of coffee and
then maybe he can help her with her memory.
Registro Civil
Sylvana is there to arrange for
her wedding. She and her “novio” are
loco in love and can't wait to marry.
Irma's House
Irma doesn't think it would be
seemly just now. She's been having
problems with her husband and it wouldn't look right. Ok, maybe another time. He's glad to see she's doing well and says
he'll keep coming around to check on her.
(yikes) He hopes she'll come back
to work as soon as she's better. Before
he leaves he asks her to give his regards to her son. Bwahaha
Casa Ripoll
Greta is in the attic looking at
her wedding photo. She asks Octavio for
forgiveness for not keeping her promise.
She can only hope this hasn't caused his soul unrest. She weeps and cries out for him to forgive
her. “Perdoname! Por favor
Perdoname!” Of course, Iker is skulking
just outside the door.
Oficina Renzi
Janitor guy reports to Chava that
some important, elegantly dressed dude with three bodyguards came to
visit. Who knows, maybe he's the
owner? Chava puts on his Holmes cap and
thoughtbubbles: “Supposedly Renzi is the
sole owner. Maybe his cousin is behind
him, and that dude, and who knows how many more? We will find out soon enough.” Janitor tells him Renzi left before the dude
did. Chava asks him to give him a call
tomorrow as soon as Renzi leaves the office.
He leaves him some money, enough for a torta and a phone card. Last time, he only gave him enough for a
torta. Things are looking up for the
janitor. Sherlock/Chava thinks,
“You're up to something Renzi. You and
your cousin. But I'm gonna catch
Sylvana tells Pato the date is
Sofia confronts Greta
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@ 12:32 AM

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