Friday, February 13, 2015

Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #126 And This Little Piggy Said Darn Darn Darn All The Way Home!

OK, here's the deal, I watched the show last night, but I dropped my laptop.  I don't know what's up with the scheduled recapper.  I'm putting this up as a discussion page.  I will recap both 126 and 127 on Saturday morning.  In the meanwhile, please discuss the events of last night among yourselves.

I'll start off!  I thought it was hilarious that Igor had to perform CPR on Greta while simultaneously trying to kill her.


Cynderella, yes, Greta was lying there like a big mouth bass - quite the picture. Iker was smiling in triumph until Fausto arrived on the scene, wailing and moaning.

Little Benito and Nandito were reunited to everyone's delight except Irma.

Paco and Lupe are back together and had quite the romantic kiss. I'd say it rivaled anything we have seen thus far from either of the Chavas and Sophia. There was actually some sizzle and passion.

I watched on and off so can't remember much else right now.

Looking forward to your recaps.


Sofia thanked Dani for handling the inspector but did not call Pat on trying to take the credit.

Pat tried to convince Sofia he was all in to help the company but she wasn't buying it.

Sofia got a call from one of the owners/board members and Pat admitted he told them, she hasn't taken the call yet.

Chava has made a long list of parts necessary to get the car back on the track and keeps adding. He just needs somebody to give him a new car.

Big question is whether Cristian gets busted ?


I want to say thank you to Lily, Gobluefan, Tofie, Vivi, Xlnt and Jarifa for helping out yesterday.
You all were so helpful.

Benito is safe, well for now at least. He's not taco meat yet. Don't leave Irma alone with him. The little guy might not be so lucky next time.

Dani needs big points for saving the company from Pato yesterday.
She stepped up big time when needed.

Greta is still alive, I thought that we had seen the last of the bruja.
the gringo
the gringo


Thanks, Cynderella, for watching over the recaps and leaving a discussion page.

Highlights Part 1:

Chava's patron don Manuel gives Chava permission to have Armando work with him nights on La Patotas.

Irma makes light over Benito's absence saying that if he did not turn up Nandito could get a less filthy(cochino) pet like a little turtle or a bird. Loved it when Lupe brought him home.

The director calls Alexa on her "Spanish" accent and telling her to control it. She does know she is in Mexico, right? Maybe due to the fact that Dani has tried to put her mind at peace during a talk on her break that things are going better at the factory, she will be able to better get into her role which was another complaint of the director.

Javier takies any port in a storm and being so pissed that now since Isadora has left him high and dry he has to go running back to Lupe with his tail between his legs. (and he lost the gold bracelet he could have pawned--my comment) Giggolo? Think so.

Patricio and Silvana are so angry that Sofía is making some headway in getting Chocolates Ripoll back on track. Patricio admits Chava is turning into a powerful enemy since he found out he was instrumental in reaching the 2 payment agreement with Silvetti. He still does not think she will be able to make the payments.

Armando and Irma go at it about the divorce and custody. She throws something at him on his way out just like she did at her lawyer who brought her the bad news anout a custody fight to begin with.

Sofía gives Matías the old pep talk that they will get the company successful again by not looking back but ahead and working all together.

Greta overhears Fausto on the phone with Sofía talking about how bad things are at the factory.

Iker and Silvana update each other: Greta's arrhythmias should get worse and little by little her cardiac system should fail without her medicine; Sofía unfortunately has a knack for getting people to do what she wants but Silvana assures Iker that that won't save her.

Greta calls Patricio and he gives her the story on what is happening at Chocolate Ripoll. She collapses and Iker finds her and gives her CPR while Fausto is hysterical. She regains consciousness and Fausto tries to downplay the severity of the problems. She is going to call Sofia.

Javier arrives at Lupe's asking why Paco is there since he doesn't belong there. Lupe tells Javier HE is the one that does not belong and she is back with Paco. Paco tells him to stop blackmailing Lupita with him being the"father of her children" thing. Javier leaves saying she is sending him to the slaughterhouse.

Chava tells Armando it is time to register for the race. Armando asks if they will be ready. Chava is optimistic that they will be.



Highlights Part 2:

Fausto calls Sofía with the news about Greta. Sofía is pissed that Patricio told Greta the truth about the company and she tells hi off. Then a secretarycomes in to let her know that a me ber of the board wants to talk to her. She asks Patricio if he called the board and he says he did. She lets him have it again.

El fin


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