Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #132 2/23/15

Who Lets the Cat Out of the Bag?

Short answer: Who doesn't?
From Friday:
Armando tells Paco that Irma was faking her paralysis. He asks Paco not to allow Irma to take Nandito. Paco agrees and Armando goes back to work.
Pato tells Greta that he's happy she kicked Lupe' out of the factory. But the excitement of putting Lupe' in her place has taken its toll. Greta has an episode and slumps onto the couch. She needs to go home.
Outside the factory, Dani apologizes to Lupe' for Greta's behavior. After Lupe' leaves, Rosa shows up and asks Dani about Marisol.
Sofia and Ollie wait to see the bank officer with a new proposal for payments.

New Episode:
Lupe' mutters out loud about the Parade of Men in Greta's past. Paco asks what she's talking about. Lupe' yells, "You're suffering because of her! You weren't the only one Greta cheated on. She cheated on you with Octavio, and she cheated on Octavio with Cipriano Fuentes! Who knows how many others there have been!" Paco stares at her in disbelief. "No. No. That can't be true." Lupe' is so angry she blurts out, "Cipriano Fuentes is Sofia's father. Sofia told me herself. Greta thinks she is so educated and high faluting. She's not worth your tears!" Lupe' finally realizes she's said too much and walks away with her empty cart. Paco grabs the doorframe to steady himself.
At the bank, the receptionist shows Sofia and Oliver to the office for their appointment. They meet Oliver's father coming out. Oliver introduces Sofia to his dad. They exchange pleasantries and talk about Oliver working for Sofia. Sofia is impressed that Peralta seems to love his son so much. Oliver reminds Sofia about the appointment. Sofia says, "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Peralta."  
He smiles at her, "If you don't mind, please, call me, Jeronimo". She smiles back and extends her hand, "Very well, Jeronimo."
Chava and Marisol arrive home from the clinic. Marisol worries about how they are going to tell Lupe' about Javier's illness.
Armando runs into Matias in the hall. Matias fills him in on the fight between Lupe' and Greta in the cafeteria. Lupe' was pretty calm until Greta started badmouthing Chava, then Lupe's claws came out. Armie can totally see that happening! Irais runs up with one of Lupe's rolls and offers it to Armie, but he's got work to do. Matias is more than happy to take the roll. He asks Irais, "Should I bring anything for the dinner at your house tonight?"
Irais looks puzzled, "Dinner? At my house?"
"Yovet invited me. Am I having dinner at your house tonight or not? We can put it off if you'd like."
Irais assures Matias that the dinner is on.
Matias goes back to work and Irais calls Yovet, "You invited Matias to dinner?" Yovet is jumping around her bed in a nightie. I don't know if she's dancing or exercising or just has some kind of unscratchable feminine itch... Yovet assures her that the dinner is part of the plan to make Matias fall for Irais. Yovet brags, "I knows what I'm doing, just leave everything to me. And by the way, I need money. It's going to cost money to put Matias at your feet."
In the lobby of the factory, Dani tells Rosa that Marisol is nowhere to be found. Apparently she didn't come in to work today. Dani suggests that Rosa leave Marisol a note, but Rosa says it's personal. She'd rather talk to Marisol face to face. Dani is walking Rosa out of the lobby when they run into Lucas in the hallway. Lucas is his miserable self and snarls, "You came to look for me at work?" Rosa gets embarrassed, "I told you I don't want an affair with a young man."
"You know my girlfriend is jealous. Why don't you leave me alone once and for all!" Lucas storms away. Dani asks, "Why did he say that to you?" Rosa starts to cry.
Alexa tells Paolo that she missed rehearsal yesterday because she had to go to the police station to testify after being accused of an assault. Their conversation is interrupted when Armie calls with the news that he is leaving the house for good. Alexa asks about Nandito but before Armie can answer the director calls her and Paolo for a run through. She'll call Armie back later.
Mr. Urratia tells Sofia that she has given him an excellent proposal. Unfortunately, the bank council is already considering foreclosure. Sofia pleads her case. She is sure that Ripoll Chocolates can work its way out of debt once the current crisis is past. She asks Mr. Urratia to present the payment proposal to the bank council. The company just needs a little more time to recover. "Please. Ripoll Chocolates is my life." He agrees to take Sofia's proposal to the council.
Back in his office, Peralta daydreams about Sofia. He tells his lackey that it may sound corny but today he met the woman of his dreams.
Oh Noes! This can't happen!
Sofia would be Oliver's Stepmother AND his Sister-in-Law!
Sofia is very worried to hear that the bank council wanted to seize the company. Oliver assures her that they gave the bank a good payment proposal and he thinks the council will accept it. Sofia calls Chava to ask about Javier. Chava tells her the news is bad. Javier has cirrhosis and needs a liver transplant.
Dani gives Rosa a glass of water and tries to comfort her. "I don't understand, why is Marisol jealous?"
"I was working at Cuco's and I just wanted to help the band. I created a flier and had some copies made. Marisol got mad. It's not what she thinks. I'm not a bad person."
"No, you're not a bad person. But what is it you're looking for?"
Rosa confesses that she just wants a chance to be close to Lucas and get his forgiveness, after all these years. Dani's face goes from uncertainty to awareness to recognition. "You're Lucas' mother!"
He wouldn't even forgive me for lying about being rich.
Lady, you don't stand a chance.
Paco sits outside his store mulling over Lupe's words about Greta. "You're suffering because of her! You weren't the only one Greta cheated on. She cheated on you with Octavio, and she cheated on Octavio with Cipriano Fuentes! Who knows how many others there have been!"
Paco counts on his fingers: Me, Octavio, Cipriano Fuentes...
Crap. Lupe' may be right.
Araceli interrupts Paco's thoughts. He recovers and asks her if what Armando told him about Irma is true. Araceli has to admit that yeah, Irma's a big, fat faker. She's been able to walk for a couple of months. Paco is aghast. "Why would she do that?" Araceli explains that Irma thought if Armie had to stick around and take care of her, he'd fall in love with her again. Irma loves Nandito and was desperate to keep the family together.
Paco fumes, "Irma needs help. I told her that a long time ago. I hope you told her you're not her lawyer anymore."
Dani asks Rosa if Miguelina knows that she's back. Rosa tells Dani that she went to visit and Miguelina kicked her out of the house. Rosa asks how close Dani is to Lucas. She just wants to talk to him and have a chance to explain things. She asks for Dani's help. Dani agrees to ask Lucas a few questions about his mother to see how he'll respond. Rosa grabs Dani's hands and tearfully thanks her.
Araceli tells Paco that she's staying on as Irma's lawyer to help Nandito and to try to keep Irma from doing more stupid crap. She tells Paco that Irma pressed charges against Alexa Ripoll for assaulting her. Araceli's pretty sure the injuries Irma sustained are self-inflicted. Paco asks, "When did Irma lose her mind? Explain it to me!" Araceli isn't concerned about the assault. As far as she's concerned the Ripolls are just getting what they deserve. Alexa got involved with Armie while he was still married, Sofia came between Araceli and Chava, even Greta screwed Paco over! The Ripoll's don't care about anyone but themselves! Paco can't stand to hear any more. He tells Araceli to watch the store and do not let Irma take Nandito. Paco needs to go for a walk.
Irma tries to call Armie but gets no answer. She paces back and forth. Where's Nandito? She's going to find him! Irma leaves the house and walks down the street. Renzi's spy watches. He calls Renzi and tells him that Irma can walk. Renzi orders him to follow Irma. Renzi frantically calls Manjarres. "Why didn't you tell me Irma could walk? If she's walking she might have her memory back!" Manjarres claims he never heard anything from the nurse who was keeping track of Irma's progress. Renzi screams, "You're still working for me and you're still taking orders! Find out what's going on!"
Renzi hangs up and thinks out loud, "There are other ways to find out."
Does Renzi use self-tanner or paint from the artwork behind him?
Lupe' comes home full of remorse for blabbing Sofia's secret to Paco. She is surprised to see Chava and Marisol. "Did you come home to eat?" They ask her to sit down on the couch. Marisol tells her about finding Javier very drunk. Lupe' starts to tell them she isn't surprised but Marisol interrupts, "We had to take him to the Red Cross and from there to a clinic." Chava tells Lupe' the rest, "He's got cirrhosis. He needs a liver transplant." Lupe' slumps against Chava and starts to cry.
Paco walks down the street talking to himself, "No. No. Cipriano Fuentes can't be Sofia's father. Something is wrong."
Fausto greets Greta at the door, "How was your day spying on Sofia?" Greta is still furious. She screams, "Salvador's mother was trying to turn the factory into a store!" Fausto is confused and asks her to explain. "That no class peon was in the cafeteria selling bread to the employees! That opportunist Salvador is just like his mother! They better not even think they are taking over!" Iker comes out from behind a pillar where he's been listening. Greta demands that he bring her pills. She can't take it anymore!
If I didn't know she could kick my ass I would have punched her!
Lupe' asks, "Are you sure Javier isn't pretending?" Chava shakes his head, "No, he's pretty messed up."
"I told him a thousand times that he'd pickle his liver if he didn't stop drinking."
Sofia arrives and tells Lupe', "I'm here for you." Lupe' wants to go see Javier. Sofia calls for a company car.
Irma shows up at Paco's. She wants to take Nandito. Araceli refuses, "No. Armando brought him and asked us to watch him. He's staying here." Irma asks to see Nandito but Araceli tells her to go get Nandito's clothes and she can see him when she comes back.
Sure. I told a few lies and now nobody trusts me.
Alexa and Paolo rehearse a scene, then take a break. Paolo tells her that she really channeled her anger into her acting. She tells him about Armie's baggage. "You mean he's married?"
"It was over before I met him. And his son, I adore his son!"
Paolo looks at Alexa, "There are all kinds of single me you could have." He asks her about the flowers. She gets embarrassed and admits that in all the chaos she forgot to thank him for the roses. Paolo tells Alexa, "I've never been in a serious relationship, but I'd like to get serious with you."
Armie calls his lawyer and tells him about Irma faking her paralysis and about her two suicide attempts. There is no way she should get custody of Nandito. The lawyer agrees.
At the hospital, Lupe' convinces a nurse to let her in to see Javier. Chava and Sofia talk in the lobby. Even though Javier was a lazy, womanizing, drunken absent father, Chava doesn't think he deserved to end up with cirrhosis. Chava will do everything he can to help his father.
Fausto opens the door and Paco asks to talk to Greta. Fausto says, "Greta is ill. She had a bad day and went up to her bedroom." Paco demands to see her, "Go get her or I'll go up to her bedroom myself!" Fausto runs up the stairs.
Lupe' stands at Javier's bedside. He cries, "You came. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I made a lot of mistakes. I made people suffer. Now I'm paying for it." Lupe' tries to calm him but he goes on, "I told you that I stopped drinking. I promised you that I'd changed and become a good man. But I never stopped drinking. It was all a lie."
Greta enters the office and asks, "Paco, why are you here?"
"I want you to help me forget you about you forever."
"What are you talking about?"
I thought you only cheated on me with Octavio. But you cheated on me with Cipriano Fuentes! Tell me, is Cipriano Fuentes Sofia's father?" Greta is silent.
Paco thunders, "Answer me, Greta!"
Greta is defiant, "Yes, Sofia is the daughter of Cipriano Fuentes."
Yes, there was you and Octavio and Cipriano.
What of it?
Fausto bursts into the room. "No. No. I can't believe this. For God's sake, this has to stop! Tell the truth! For the sake of this man, for the sake of your family and the secret that is killing you little by little, tell the truth! Tell Don Paco that he is the real father of Sofia! 
End of Episode!


Thanks, xlnt, for the very entertaining recap! "unscratchable feminine itch" had me laughing this a.m.

So, Greta really got around in her younger days. That was funny. Loved Fausto just blurting out the truth.

Bad omen: Salvador saying he'd do anything to help Javier because in spite of him being a real SOB (my words not his) he is still his father. When will the world learn that blood relationships mean nothing when one party is a real SOB? I still smell a liver transplant with Salvador being the donor.

Lupe made a bad decision going to see Javier. She just should have sent a card or flowers. She owes him NOTHING as do his children.

My favorite part was Fausto,asking if Greta had brought home any of Lupe's pan when he first heard she was selling it at the factory.

Could be interesting if the banks were to seize Chocolates Ripoll. Guess we will have to wait a while to see if that comes to pass.


Thanks, Xlnt! Loved the recap and the fun pics and captions.

I actually enjoyed this episode. Truths were told. Finally. Now we can get some movement on some of these plot points.

I like the twist of Peralta falling for Sofia. Eager to see what this means for the orders he now gives Pato and his plans for destroying Ripoll. I would love to see Pato' s face when Peralta orders him to step aside and starts romancing Sofia. Ha!

Armando better be worried about Paolo sleeping with Alexa!


This is response to a question Cynderella asked me yesterday. This is the most concise answer and the link to it:

Livers are donated by living and nonliving donors. Living donors donate a part of their livers. The donated part and the remaining part of the donor’s liver grow to the size the body needs in weeks. Most donated livers come from people who recently died and had no liver injury, according to American Liver Foundation."

BTW Thanks to all for the marvelous, snarky, and most literary recaps. I love them all!!!!

A big thank you Xlnt---Boy, this is getting interesting.

When is that car race? isn't the money from the win going to save the chocolate company?

If Chava is the one for the liver transplant, he won't be racing for sometime.

Looks like Irma might be on her way out.

Every thing is starting to come together.

Will Lucas ever drop his attitude?

Does Peralta have any control over the bank or the banks board?

No pig last night, I missed him.
the gringo

Thanks Xint, I always look forward to and enjoy your amusing recaps complete with photos and clever captions.

I was surprised that Greta was willing to allow Paco to think that she was a slut rather than discover that Sofía is his daughter. Difficult to believe since it doesn't really make sense.

I'm still a fan of Irma. Not only is she in great danger (don't forget Renzi's threat) but no one seems to have any real concern for her at all. I think that she is truly a victim here. I look forward to the truth about what was done to her coming out.

As adorable as Benito may be right now, I'm certain that his appeal will dwindle as he grows up. I hope that Alexa gets the opportunity to look after him and clean up after him at some point.

If Javier would quit drinking for real, he'd be a good candidate for a liver transplant.


Gringo- I didn't watch the last episode, but I thought that the reason Peralta was seeing the bank manager was precisely to get them to not help Sofia. I was surprised the bank manager said he would take her proposal to the board because I thought Peralta had talked to him about rejecting it outright.

In any case, now that Peralta is in love/lust with Sofia, how will that change his plans for destroying her?

Xint, stellar. Reading your marvelous recap, viewing your excellent screen shots and sensational snarky captions has just made my day.

"I don't know if she's dancing or exercising or just has some kind of unscratchable feminine itch...", "he wouldn't even forgive me for lying about being rich Lady, you don't stand a chance" and "Even though Javier was a lazy, womanizing, drunken absent father, Chava doesn't think he deserved to end up with cirrhosis" were all outstanding.

Is that your cat? So sweet!

First things first. gringo, I missed Benito as well! I like his happy squeals...

Now that Perlata is smitten (I agree Vivi, nice touch), it looks like we will be treated to another storyline which will be most welcome after the rather humdrum episodes of late.

I love Fausto! So happy he cut to the chase and told Paco the truth. From the preview, it does not appear Paco will be at all forgiving toward Greta for her deceit.

I'm happy Rosa told Dani that Lucas is her son. I wanted to smack Lucas for his rudeness and unkindness toward her. Grumpy, morose Marisol will feel ashamed when she finds out - as well she should.

Carlos, I am very impressed with your support of Irma. I must confess any sympathy I had evaporated every time she struck her head on the wall the other day. No one suspects she is in danger because she never told the truth. In fairness, she was in a no win situation, as if she had spoken up, she would probably not be here now!

I suspect Perlata will ensure Sophia gets her loan...and that Javier will get his transplant. Undeserved but nevertheless.


Carlos, why does it not surprise me that you would like Irma? You always like the bad crazy girls! Guess someone has to like them.


this is awesome xInt.

" Paco counts on his fingers: Me, Octavio, Cipriano Fuentes...
Crap. Lupe' may be right"

Can't help but laugh at the fat eunuch when he gets his boxers in a bunch over Greta.

Thank goodness for Fausto.

Oh yes please, Jeronimo courting Sofia, love it, they make a great couple.

Lucas who? What happened to the band?

Thanks, Xlnt. Fabulous recap. Love the kitty in the bag.

Kudos to Fausto for ending Greta's nonsense. I hope they replay this scene tonight.

I'm not an Irma supporter -- sorry, Carlos -- but I am sympathetic to her reasons for lying. If Irma wasn't so mean to Benito, maybe I could get behind her.

Well, I like Irma too. Thought it low down she tricked Armando about the paternity but she did what was best for her child and it worked. Armando is running around with twit Alexa, that crossed all kinds of boundaries buying the pig, and Armando shoved it down Irma's throat. She is in the greatest peril and one tough girl to live and function after a murder attempt. (notice our galan Salvador just had a damaged car and couple near misses but no hospital time). Her silence and feigned paralysis was also to protect her son, Renzi made that clear when she was in hospital. She accepts Armando is running around telling the world she attempted to take her life twice while baddies lurk behind corners ready to finish Renzi's job.

Peralta will have a difficult time getting near Sophia because her Mimbo marks his territory on a daily basis!

Right Tofie---Bring back the Wonder Bread Band back.

Am I missing something? Sophia and Peralta? There's no match there.
the gringo

I'm happy to see some understanding and a measure of sympathy for Irma here.


"...Alexa... crossed all kinds of boundaries buying the pig, and Armando shoved it down Irma's throat."


Honestly, would anyone here welcome a pig (or even a kitten or puppy or bird) into her home under these circumstances?


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