Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #155 The parade of those (los que le vieron la cara de imbecil) lining up to speak to Fernando about Ana begins.... and Freeky has claimed another murder victim


Nando argues with Ximena that Ana should have realized the longer she held the lie the worst it would be, esp for his siblings. Maybe it would have been better if we all never met Ana. If she lies about that, what kind of person is she?

Nando visits Fernando, asks how he is… devastated, hurt, as if someone stabbed him, clueless about what to do. Can’t figure out what to tell the kids as a long term reason for Ana leaving. Nando points the kids will want to be with Ana.

Isa comes in and tries to get info on why Fernando is suffering… he gives her the killer stare…

Lo Nuevo:

Ana wakes up, gets startled about the time (10 am), thinks she has to get the kids ready. Angel tells her she is at her house. She does not have chest pain anymore, breathing better. A bit sleepy. Angel recommends more sleep.

At Fernando’s office, Isa comes in and tries to get info on why Fernando is suffering… but he only wants to talk about the finances for the meeting. She digs more, asking why the kids think she is sick. She even offers to lead the meeting but he is not even considering it. Isa thinks to herself that she is killing two birds, not only hurting Ana but the kids too.

Johnny and Jenny say they need to open the business asap so the employees will get their income and La Diva will be able to quit the Chicago. Soledad mentions that it is rotten timing, just as Ana was able to leave the Chicago behind, Fernando learned the truth in the worst way. Angel sticks around for breakfast. Johnny heads out after kissing Jenny. Angel tries to ask what was the ‘big shock’ that Ana had that caused her the condition. Soledad won’t give him details.

Fanny calls Jenny, asks about Ana. Ana is still sleeping. Fanny says has not felt so sad since her mom died.

At the house Manuela is sad, Bruno says they need to give as much support to the kids as they can. Also Fernando. Manuela wishes they could do more. They are her family. Bruno’s too. Bruno says ‘they…. And you too.’

At the college, Edith feels like nagging Fanny for not having talked to her. Fanny is upset, asking her not to talk to her like that. Edith is very bitter. Tells Fanny she never considered her a friend. Fanny insists she is going through real tough time. She mentions about Fernando seeing her as a traitor, Ana leaving the house and also that Leon was stabbed (just as Lenin is approaching them, he gets a miffed look on him).

Angel again is talking to Ana. Jen brings chicken soup. Angel cancelled his appointments for today to be with her. Ana is very thankful but says no need for the pampering. She says ‘I… I won’t be able to get well… the love of my life thinks I betrayed him…’ Jenny and Angel try to console her, but Angel does not know the details of what it is Ana kept from Fernando. He can’t understand what could be so critical that it can’t be forgiven. Ana claims she is not a gold coin… (perfect). She can’t even take her ring off. Angel still doesn’t understand. Then he gives up on the poking. Ana explains she used to dance before being a nanny. At a place called Chicago. And Fernando found out yesterday, cancelled the wedding and told her that he did not want to see her again, or for her to interact with the kids again.

Magda calls Angel. She is a bit sarcastic asking about the enfermita. How nice she got Dr Altamirano to pamper her.

Angel explains to Soledad that Jenny called at a very awkward moment for him and Magda.

At college, Edith apologizes for the nagging, did not know what Fanny is going through. Lenin explains that Fernando discovered Ana’s secret. Fanny says she admitted to her dad that she knew about Ana working at Chicago. And that Fernando said Fanny had betrayed him.

Isa gets a call at the office from Freeky… who announces to her that her OBGYN told him that her baby is not Fer’s. ‘he is mine!’ Isa threatens Freeky that if he tries to get close to the baby she will kill him. Freeky says he does not think Isa cares about the baby so much if the baby lives at Fernando’s. He says soon we will all be together... sends kisses over phone.

The kids call Ana from the breakfast table. She gets happy to hear them but when they cheer ‘We love you, Ana, we love you!!’ several times, she starts crying again. The kids ask her why she did not stay at the house, even sick. The kids want to go see her. Even Siete barks a greeting and she greets him back. More of the chant ‘we love you Ana!’ after Ana asks the kids to get ok from their dad about going to visit her.

At the house, Bruno tries to tell the kids Fernando is busy. The kids want the driver to take them to Jenny’s to see Ana.

At the office, Betty offers any help but Fernando says she can’t do anything. The kids call him. They say they want to see Ana. The kids say Ana always cares for them when they’re sick so they want to go care for her this time. Fernando says ok but not before you all do the homework. Fernando tells Betty Ana is not sick but … then says ‘Ana is not what she seems’, which confuses Betty more and she notices he freezes remembering when Johnny told him the same thing. Betty asks why he says that about Ana.

At Ana’s, Ana is explaining about the story with the Chicago and Dorofeo and the debt. She explains about the paper crossing at the employment agency and she ended up at Fernando’s and she ended up falling for her boss. Angel concludes that she never told Fernando about the Antro. Ana explains that by the time she wanted to tell him she could not because she had fallen too much in love with all of them. Besides, by then Luz was talking and then she goes on praising each kid for their individual virtues. She also made great friends with La Fanny’s. Angel says ‘so you finally found the family you never had.’ ‘Much more than that, I found there my reason to live’. Both Ana and Angel are crying by now.

Isa has hurried to Dr Saldana’s (OBGYN) office, but she finds the receptionist crying on the phone. She just learned that they found Dr Saldana’s body at an abandoned building. Dr Saldana is dead! (well, that eliminates one possible messenger of the Isa secret). Isa is in shock.

Yomama is at the Senior community center. A bunch of seniors are there. The men are attracted to her (she does indeed look happy and with nice colors outfit). There is a Romulo, a Radames (bad memory), a Rubí(short of hearing)… Romulo is smitten by Yomama so much he gets on his knees. They are all happy to welcome her.

Isa arrives at the house to see the baby. Isa gets instantly offensive when she learns her baby is now sleeping at the room of a maid. Manuela says if you feel it is so bad, you can take the baby home with you.
At homework room, Bruno is helping the kids... the kids want to rush through homework so they can go see Ana. The kids are in such a hurry they won’t let Bruno check their homework. Luz comes downstairs and sees Isa ‘la bruja!’ Isa is nasty with her as usual. The rest of the kids come down. The only one that runs forward to hug Isa is Alicia. The kids tell Isa they are going to see Ana. She is at Jenny’s. She is ill. Bruno comes down. Greets Isa. Isa says she came to see her son and wants him to help her convince Manuela to let her see DN. A while later Manuela brings the baby to her. Isa warns Manuela NOT to take the baby out of the house… Ever! Don’t ask me why!! Just don’t take him out!! (Ximena comes down, asks Manuela what is going on, they can’t figure out why Isa is so anxious… Manuela leaves the baby with Ximena after giving her a little 101 course on how to hold him.)

At college, Lenin is trying to offer any help he can give Fanny. Fanny says need help with the essay for the class. And go with her to see Ana. He gets some more poetry lines in.

Angel tells Ana that the ‘spectacle’ she used to give at work is not on scale with Fernando’s outrage. Ana explains that the big issue is not the actual job she had, but the lie.

Johnny brings the promo poster for the business… he shows Ana and Angel. Says Ana is the best at the pole dancing. Ana tries to deny it. Johnny is happy Ana will be their star instructor. Angel offers to be the first customer. Johnny asks where Jenny is. Seems Jenny told Ana she was going to fix a problem but she was going to be quick.

Jenny has shown up at Fernando’s office. He is not thrilled about her being there but lets her in anyway. He guesses right that she came to vow for Ana. He is a bit sarcastic, saying she ‘is one of those who took him for a fool for so long’. HE asks Jenny who else knew about Ana? Surely his dad. Johnny, too funny Fernando even gave Johnny a job at the house. Dad… Fanny, my daughter… my brother, Diego! (Fernando laughs in mocking tone) ‘I am an IMBECIL, everyone knew it but….. what kind of people are you all??’

Zeus has the car full of the kids to take them to see Ana. Before he can go Bruno asks him what his intentions are with Manuela. Zeus says the best. Bruno gets a bit lectury, tells Zeus that he will need to respect Manuela. Won’t let you play with Manuela. Zeus asks ‘what if she wants to play with me?’ After this response, Bruno lets them all go.

We go back to Fernando’s office…

J: You have no idea how much Ana loves you.

F: Yeah, but you know? I suspect not much. … I will tell you what I told Ana… you are someone I have become very fond of… you don’t lie to the people you love…

J: Ana loves you. Ana loves your kids. Why can’t you consider the option of forgiving her?

F: This is not about forgiving. I don’t even think I am mad at her. The emotion I feel is not anger. What I feel is pain… a VERY DEEP pain. A dissillussionment that burns me. An infinite sadness… Tell me, what do I do with all this… what do I do with this desperation, with this grief/distress... what do I do? Surely you know since you all are used to lying … Tell me what to do!
(after a while)
J: Thank you for having received me (accepted to see me).

F: I am sorry your trip here was in vain.

J: No I don’t think it was in vain. If Ana could forgive you I think you can forgive her too.

F: Sorry but I never lied to her.

J: You married another woman, took her to your house. That woman humiliated Ana to her heart’s content.

F: Yeah, I am so sorry about…

J: What is worse? Tell me! THAT, or the fact that Ana kept from you the detail about an honest way she earned her living? I know you too have a noble heart… Excuse me… (starts to walk out but turns around halfway) Ah! The most important thing.. I know you love Ana deeply. I know you both love each other. (After Jenny leaves, he punches his desk and stays there in deep thought, teary eyes.)

Back at Ana’s Angel is there helping Ana move around. She is with him at her little dining set. He suggests to her to let her friends give her a hand. He explains that Soledad went to his apartment to change. But will come back in a jiffy. Angel will stay for a while, if she is ok with it. She is ok. He warns Ana to not overdo herself… Ana wants him to tell her about himself instead of talking about her. As he is ready to talk about Magda, Johnny arrives, at the same time the 5 younger kids arrived. She starts kissing all of them. Sebastian requests the Lascurain group hug and besos tronados!! Even Siete is there. Johnny and Angel look at the scene, both moved.

Previews: The kids notice Ana is having another crisis. Fanny visits Fernando at office to try to convince him not to separate the kids from Ana… Suddenly we see Luz come to him crying ‘I don’t want Ana to leave us!’


Gracias, Marta.

Angel is deluding himself if he expects Ana to ever fall in love with him after what she said in this episode. There can be no doubt that Fernando is the love of her life.

And Fernando shouldn't doubt that in view of Ana staying to protect the children from Hisabully after he made the boneheaded mistake of marrying that harpy.

OK, so we're down one person who knows the paternity of DN. I guess we can expect a medical crisis to disclose the truth.

More tomorrow.


Thanks, Marta, for another great recap.


Yolanda with her new friends the three "erres" and she being the "i griega."

The namecalling between Isabela "la bruja" "la tarântula" and the kids "los roedores" "los escuincles" "las larvas."

Bruno all concerned with the intentions Zeus has with Manuela.

Jennifer's conversation with Fernando telling him what he didn't want to hear.


MartaI: your complete, detailed recap was never more welcome than tonight, when I had to leave half way through the episode...and knew I could count on you for a faithful summary. Thanks!

I think there are four weeks left before the finale, is that about right? I think Enrique can wreak a lot of havoc in that time. Wonder who will be the last villain standing?

I predict Isa's punishment will be to end up destitute. Enrique will die somehow. Not sure about Doroteo.

J in Oregon


Thank you for posting a doosy of a recap. This was one of the first times that I read the recap and comments before watching the episode. I'm so fed up with Hulu an TWC On-demand for not having or even trying to keep to a fixed schedule for uploading the episodes. Hulu waits until at least Sunday night, early Monday morning, to upload.

So your point-by-point and fantastically translated recap is so very much appreciated.

Supid, douche b*g, goofy Johnny again saying
Ana is the best at the pole dancing. and is thrilled that Ana will be their star instructor.

Please......, here she is going through perhaps the most critical, gut-wrenching crisis of her life due, in part, to her pole dancing (which lead her to lie), and super insensitive, dumb, assh**e, Johnny brings up that very topic. To compound matters he makes it sound like Ana's dreams of, and future with, the love of her life is over, so why not get on with 'Johnny's Workshop'.

Just can't stand the guy, can you tell?

That was grotesquely insensitive of Johnny, but it points to his abject immaturity. Jenny should whack him on the head for that one; maybe that would knock some sense into him.

Fernando is hurting and he is hurting because he loves Ana. He will need that to be pointed out repeatedly before he realizes that he will be miserable without her. Jenny is perhaps the best person to help him understand why Ana didn't tell him.

If she can get that ring off she will return it to him. Despite his statement that it wasn't important that gesture would make him see the real difference between her and Zerobela, whom I predict will next do whatever will most hurt the children.

Thank you Marta, especially the dialog between Jenny and Fernando.

I want to thank Jenny for carrying Ana's water and reminding him, his transgression and her subsequent forgiveness.

I agree Angel is deluding himself, so why is he there, as nursemaid and shoulder to cry on? The two of them together alone as she pours her heart out with detail she never told Fernando makes me mad. That is the conversation she should have had with Fernando not a surrogate suitor she barely knows.

So, Ricky kills again, Isabela knows and leaves DN at Fernando's but won't call the cops. She wants him to harm the family.


Another murder victim? Who got whacked now?

Isabela's gynecologist that knew Fernando was not the baby daddy

Thanks Marta for the review.

I agree, Tofie. Isa not calling the cops and not warning the family was incredibly stupid. She's putting herself before the safety of Fer and his family and even her son.

I also don't know what Angel is thinking. For a smart man, he is acting like a high school kid with a crush. What does he expect to happen?

Edith just keeps on proving my opinion of her is spot on. She had no right to attack Fanny because of what her brother did. It just goes to show that Nando actually did the right thing in getting away from this psycotic woman. They say that you see who someone is when adversity rears its ugly head. When Edith is presented with it, she attacks and lashes out instead of thinking rational and behaving with dignity. Regardless of whether she knew about Fanny's situation or not, it wasn't Fanny's fault and she shouldn't have acted that way to someone who was always there for her. I hope Fanny wises up and walks away from her as well.

What's up with Bruno and Beatriz and Manuela? Did I miss something? Does Bruno want to get back with Manuela? Did Beatriz and Bruno break up? It's not his buisness what Manuela does and i'm glad Zeus didn't back down.

Yes, Johnny was beyond idiotic with his speech about Ana being the best dancer. Really, Johnny? Yep, he's a moron.

Thanks so much Marta!

Seems we are building to some major Eeky moment,but still dealing with Ana and Fer getting all their info out to various interested parties that I guess need to be brought into the loop. Some of it, meh, but I did like Jenny calling Fer out how the whole Isa thing came down back in the day. Of course, he isn't there yet to try and see the correlation, but we can hope the light bulb goes on soon.

As far as Angel being a bit much in the hovering arena, it makes me head shake how much these writers keep wanting to mirror Leon/Fanny with Fer/Ana. Personally hate it. But Angel is Lenin...the sad sap who will do anything for the woman he loves and knows he doesn't have a chance. The look on Lenin's face when he walked in hearing Fanny talk about Leon, I didn't take as being mad, I took as being hit again with the hammer that says "You know, she really is going to wind up with Leon".

Now that said, I wish Fanny would make up her mind or do some self-realization like Nando did. We may not like his choice, but heck he made one. Fanny taking Lenin up on help sort of bugs me. She calls him from the hospital before anyone else, she leans on him whenever she's upset, I mean, give the guy a break and let him down already. It's bordering on cruel to keep stringing him along.

Yeah, Johny just stayed true to form. Idiot. And just put Manuela and Bruno back together and get rid of the dorky driver.

With the Docs death, I guess we know Osorio isn't afraid to go there. So would he off any major players do we think?


Thank you, Marta. This was another good episode.

I loved the way that Manuela dealt with Isabela -- got to the heart of it. Why so worried when you won't take the baby yourself? However, given how many times Isabela repeated her warning, I am guess that we have been telegraphed Reeky's next step, to grab the baby. Then she has to call on Fernando and the truth comes out. Just a guess.

Jenny was great with Fernando. She never lost her cool, was empathetic, and told him an essential truth.

I was surprised that Fernando let the kids see Ana. And he received Jenny and heard her out. I am thinking now that maybe Ana and Fernando will be reunited around danger to someone and that it won't take as long as some of us have feared.

I had to laugh when Bruno came down the stairs to find Isabela in the living room. He response, something like "oh, no" was perfect.


Vivi, the words Fernando keeps on using is 'viendome la cara (de imbecil)'... not quite burlar. but yes, the real implication would mean intention behind it, which Ana never had.

At least Fanny knows Lenin, Ana barely knows Angel and I kept thinking he was gonna insist he bathe her too and she'd let him. Why don't the guy either have her stay with him or get his stuff and move in after surgically removing the engagement ring.

Edith acted like an ass.

I not really surprised Fernando ok'd the kids seeing Ana. He's not a monster, he doesn't hate Ana, said he isn't even angry, knows she never mistreated his children and they love her. I think that is a large part of his sadness and disappointment.

Mati, I too noticed Bruno's reaction to Isa being there. LOL!

tofie--I almost felt like we were again getting a new version of Edith so there's acceptance from viewerville on accepting Nando's decision of Ximena. Ever since we saw Edith be rude to Fer after the fight with Ximena, I got a little suspicious why they were making her so snotty. It's like they flipped the Ximena/Edith characteristics.

I take the whole "I can't get the ring off" as a symbol by the creators that Ana and Fer are meant to be.


I gave it some thought last night and realized that Jezebela's insistence to Manuela isn't necessarily going to lead to her disclosing DN's paternity; Enfrique would target the baby as Fernando's even if he didn't know the truth.

How many guards are posted now and why haven't the police gotten any closer to catching this psycho?

Daisynjay, that thought about the ring also occurred to me.


You may well be right about Isabela NOT disclosing to Fernando the baby's true father if the baby is in danger. She sure doesn't want to give up that meal ticket.

I do think that the baby is in big danger now and that this will one way or another lead both to Fernando learning the truth and more steps back to Ana.

But clues are being dropped all over the place so this could take another turn tonight! I sure prefer this action to the filler, though I hate to see Fernando's, Ana's and Fanny's pain.

True, but there is no novela without the pain.

Just had another inspiration for a novela last night when watching the Stratford Festival's HD film of King Lear. If this is playing in your area, go!

Will look for the Lear film in my new cold Great Lakes setting. Chicago and points east have a lot going on.

I saw the BAM Lear with Frank Langella last year at this time. Beautifully done and both soul-wrenching and transcendant. You will have to share with us how the novela idea moves along.

Thanks for this excellent recap Marta.

Jen's little lecture for Fernando was gently and respectfully delivered without mincing words. I was duly impressed. He should pay better attention.

I've never been a huge fan of Fernando, but realize he would have to do something downright outrageous for his fans here to criticize him. I think that he is a self-righteous prig who is currently wallowing in self-pity nursing his wounded ego. He certainly isn't handling this with maturity one would expect of a man his age.

As for Edith, she has been both psychologically and physically damaged and desperately seeking some degree of emotional security and once again is feeling betrayed and abandoned. Insecure? Certainly. Psychotic? Please... Enrique is psychotic.


Carlos, I agree with you about Edith. She is so emotionally damaged one has to wonder why she isn't seeing a shrink.

Although if all the shrinks were as emotionally damaged themselves as Magda seems to be I could understand!

Give Fernando credit for at least one thing: No name-calling, even in the worst of his tirade. That might be about the hour in which this series airs in Mexico but the vicious name-calling we often hear in novela arguments is what I consider to be the least-forgivable action that isn't considered a criminal act.

Thank you Carlos and UA for coming to Edith's defense. I know I shouldn't take Bryan's comments so seriously since we are all just talking about fictional characters in a TN but it's really hard for me since I relate to Edith so much.

I don't want to get too personal here but I went through abuse and Edith's reaction to being rejected by Nando is exactly how I would react. She didn't physically hurt Nando when she pushed him out of her room, I would hardly call that violent. Carlos, you really explained it best, " she has been both psychologically and physically damaged and desperately seeking some degree of emotional security and once again is feeling betrayed and abandoned. Insecure? Certainly. Psychotic? Please... Enrique is psychotic."

I agree she shouldn't have treated Fanny that way but I have made an ass of myself at times too only to realize later how wrong I was. Her behavior is due to being emotionally stunted because of the abuse. Victims can get stuck in an immature emotional state. I really hope the writers aren't trying to switch Edith and Ximena's characters, especially after they made a big deal of her bipolar disorder. Unless they are trying to make a point that you should seek help for mental health issues because I also agree with UA that Edith should be seeing a shrink.

Great recap Marta! Thank you for filling in some details I missed. I also love the title, I wonder who's next in the parade? I would really like to see Nico and Diego come back just to defend Ana.

I hope Diego comes back to help Fernando work through this and talk him down. Nic, nope, he can stay right were he's at.

Muchas gracias otra vez, Marta! Excellent recap, as always.

Urban - " . . . watching the Stratford Festival's HD film of King Lear. If this is playing in your area, go!" - Will do!

Lily - Even though she has emotional issues she needs to confront, I actually like Edith a lot and prefer her for Nandoodle.

Daisynjay - Did Ana try soap or olive oil to remove the ring? If she did and she still cannot remove it, I agree with your conclusion: the TN universe has conspired to bring about the ultimate reunion of Fernanduh and Ana.

BTW, did Bruno and Beatriz break up?


Well, since my comments have bothered some people I feel the need to respond.

First, Lily you're right, this is a TN. It's not real life and I respond to it as such. I'm sorry you went through what you went through but I'm talking about Edith not you. The thing with these TN's is that they ratched up the drama to sometimes absurd heights and they do it to ilicit responses and emotions. They did it with Edith's character and I don't like how they did it. Nando made his decision, I don't like how she responded. Yes, she needs help but how was she going to get emotional security from a 17 year old? That was her mistake. Also she didn't just push him out the door, she slapped him. These are my opinions on a TN character and are not to be taken seriously. I disagree with other's opinion from time to time, but I will always be respectful if I comment on someone else's opinion regardless of what they say because it's just a show. It's not real. In a case like this all I can say we'll agree to disagree.

With Fernando, I came in late to the show after he had already married Isa, so I don't know how he was before but I do feel that his pride took a massive hit. I do think he shouldn't be so hard on Fanny and hopefully he'll straighten that out. With Ana, I think that the way he found out and how he found out crushed him. I believe as a prideful man, when someone lies to you and you don't catch it, it affects your reason and logic. I do believe he will come to his senses and it will take someone using the approach Jenny use and just go back at him when he goes off on a tangent. Maybe Nico can be the one to do it.

I really appreciated your insight into Edith's character. It helped me understand her reaction with Fanny who has always been honest and upfront with her.

Since I'm pulling for Edith over Ximena (who is just to irritating with her Hello Baby line), if we have to make a choice, I thought your take on her character was right on.

I wonder how many are judging Edith by her cover: super Goth look and all ? While I probably would be appalled if she showed up at my front door, I like her spunk. I also have to admire her for not going back to the preppy college girl look that blew Nando away. Although I think she will eventually dump the Goth look once she gets over feeling insecure -- that is if she stays on the show.


Just wondering, do you usually pull for the black sheep / bad guy ? I think you were pro Maria for LQLVMR, which is undeniably brave.



While I can't speak for others, I don't think your comments bother people, just that other opinions are presented in contrast to those you are making, IMO.

I, for one, really enjoy the diverse comments I read on this site. I think most of us put a great deal of thought into what we write, even though we are talking about fictional characters in a telenovela. IMHO we get so wrapped up in watching that we become vested in the character's lives and where the writers/producers want to take us.

I will agree with Carlos. Edith is broken and desperate for support. Not psychotic. She reacted like a young woman in love could... there is the expressive reaction (Edith's) and then there is the passive reaction (Angel, although he knew he was way behind Fernando in the race for Ana's heart from the get go).

ITA that the ring 'stuck' on her finger is a sign of them belonging together.

EB: I don't think Ana would appreciate those helpful suggestions on how to get the ring off.;)

Marta: thanks for the detailed recap. Still playing catch up. Just watched the ep where they got engaged. Hoping to be caught up by Monday--especially since we're in the home stretch.

Just realized we won't be seeing SN for awhile. Besides the usual year off between TNs that the leads seem to take, she'll probably take extra time to be with her baby.

Definitely will follow Jorge Salinas to whatever TN he goes to next.


Jorge Salinas deserves this year's Premios award.

Absolutely, Anon 3:32. By a landslide. He and Mau islas are the best male actors at their 'craft' active out there.

He was nominated along with an impressive list of other actors, and MCET has been nominated for best novela.

Here is the link to see the complete list of nominations. LQLVMR and YNCELH are at the top of the list.

It's scheduled for March 8th


I tend to prefer the bad girls and if they're crazy, well, so much the better.


Note to all:

The Karmageddon Discussion will be up next weekend. I'm sure there will be more stuff to add to the rap sheets before that.

I have an idea for this weekend, but it's a challenging one. If I can complete the lead entry by tonight it will be posted before noon tomorrow. If not, anyone else can post a weekend topic and this will wait until another time.

Well, I wonder what's Angel's problem, He's the guy that turns into some creepy stalker type. He's just sitting there waiting for an opening.

Bryan, please let me clarify, your comments do not bother me. I agree with Victoria that I just don't agree with your opinion about Edith and that's ok, that's what I love about this blog, that we can all voice our thoughts on these characters dealing with the ratched up drama like you said. If I felt the need to defend Edith because she reminds me of myself, that's my own issue. :) So no hard feelings here at all.

Tofie, yeah he's got Magda on one side dying to jump his bones, which he seems glad to oblige, and Ana on the other with a stop sign.

Don't think the writers, actors, director, are doing their jobs if we don't think of the characters as somewhat real. Otherwise, why would we care about any of it?

Great recap, gracias

I like Edith, just want to scrub her face. I believe we saw her w/o all that crap once.

In the 1st place, Nando is too young to make a total commitment to anyone & I think Fanny is also.

I disagree about Ana's big lie, avoiding of the truth, yes, lie no.

UA: you've got my interest piqued.

Just checked out the nominations. SN wasn't nominated. What a shocker! (insert sarcastic voice here).

I looked at the link. Thanks Victoria!
i agree, Silvia was not nominated but Ariadne was for La Malquerida??
Jorge should win other great actors on the list but noone has his facial expression craft... smile, overall appearance... nuff said!

Thanks, Marta. I like Edith. I don't know why.
Now, I don't want to see Rogelio taking back Ana for the kids sake. I want him to forgive her for lying to him and because he can't live without her. If I were Ana, these would be my terms. But this is me. The story will go on against my wish. I'll take it to make the children happy and everyone happy. I love happy endings. Anne


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