Street near Miguelina's home
Dani drives up just as Miguelina
returns with the bread. Miguelina fills
her in on Lucas and Rosa talking about his father. Blah, blah, the end, Dani invites
Miguelina out for coffee to allow mother and son more time to talk.
Rosa tells Lucas about his
father's dream to become an Olympic boxer, how she fell in love with him, and
about his first boxing match. Lucas is
Over coffee, Dani tells Miguelina
about her woes with her mom. Miguelina
figures Grrreta won't want her back as the cook. Dani knows her sisters will support Miguelina
and she will definitely stay! Neta!
Meanwhile, Rosa and Lucas
continue discussing his father's boxing exploits. Lucas still carries one of his father's
medals. She finally leaves. Lucas doesn't call her mom but he seems happy
about learning so much about his dad.
Rosa meets Miguelina and Dani
outside. Miguelina tells her how Dani dumped Oliver for Lucas because they're
still so much in lurve. Yada yada yada
Inside, Dani hugs Lucas and tells
him she's so happy he's learning so much about his dad. Lucas says he was a little uncomfortable at
first talking to Rosa but it did get easier.
He gets upset when Dani asks if he feels maybe a little something for
Rosa. Well, he doesn't, and the less
said about that the better. He ends up
giving her back his father's medal as an amulet to protect her and bring her
good luck. Etc, etc, smoochies.
Casa de Ripoll
Our Tortolitos return. They share a kiss and exchange sweet nothings
about how wonderful their love is and how they'll never forget this trip, etc,
Casa de La Loca y La Drama Queen
Irma returns home to find Aracely
sulking on Armie's recliner. Aracely
tells her the visit with her dad was a huge mistake. She describes how she found him separating
family photos so he could give some to Sofia when he never bothered to give her
any! Serpienta Irma starts spewing her
poison, “How may times have I told you that damn blonde has usurped you?” “I hate her more with each day that passes,”
says Aracely. Irma knows only too well
Aracely has the means to get even but noooooo, she's too scrupulous.
Casa Ripoll
Sofia tells Fausto all about her
wonderful, romantic weekend that she'll never, ever forget. Fausto hates to break it to her but
everything here at the homestead hasn't been so idyllic. “First, Alexa and
Greta broke the tenuous truce (tregua)
they had and it resulted in a battle royale!
Greta just can't accept that Alexa's future is in acting. She's sure Alexa will fail. But that's not the worst of it. Dani got it in her head to dump Oliver and
renew her relationship with Lucas! To
make matters worse, she brought Lucas with her when she told Greta!” Sofia's all bug-eyed. She can't believe it!
Casa de Chava
Lupe greets her son warmly upon
his return. She's so happy to see him.
He notices the house seems unusually quiet. “Well,” Irma begins, “your sister is in her
room crying and crying, refusing to eat anything. I don't know what to do! I know!
I'm going to share my secret recipe for my panecitos. That'll bring her around. I'm going to show her she doesn't need to
rely on anyone else. I want her to
forget about Lucas once and for all and set her goals on building a little
business. I bet she'll go for it because
Pan de Lupe is Pan de Lupe.” Doofus
Chava thinks it's a great idea but doesn't ask why Marisol should forget about
Lucas. Never mind, he's gonna go talk to
his sister, who's sitting in her bed crying her little eyes out. Waaaaaaah.
Chava runs to console her. “That lagartona (my translator says this means bitch) took Lucas away from
meeeeeeeee. Waaaaaaah! She hooked up with him, Chava. She stole my dreams!” She sobs on his shoulder. Aw, young heartbreak. It's so painful.
Casa de Ripoll
Meanwhile, on the other side of
the tracks, Fausto continues with the story, “And then Marisol, Lucas' ex,
showed up like an enraged whirlwind (torbellino
enfurecido) and jumped on Daniela, without even noticing Oliver was present
who, by way, found out through Marisol in the cruelest way about Dani's unfaithfulness
(cornamenta). Poor Oliver, he was always
so nice to Dani.” In response to Sofia's
question, he doesn't know why Dani decided to take this most unfortunate step. What he does know is that because of this
avalanche of revelations and unfortunate events, Greta became so ill that the
doctor was called in. He was able to
control her arrhythmia with an injection.
Dani comes bouncing in, asking Sofia about her romantic escapade. Sofia would rather know about Dani's romantic escape (fuga).
Dani doesn't mince words and good for her. She explains she cut off Oliver because she's
still in love with Lucas. Sofia points
out that, according to Fausto, it was Marisol and not Dani who blurted it out
to Oliver. Dani explains it didn't turn
out quite the way she and Lucas had planned.
They had wanted to break off the relationships with Marisol and Oliver,
wait a respectable time and then tell them she and Lucas had reconciled. Neta.
Sofia scolds her, “Well, unfortunately your impulsiveness ended up
hurting two people.”
Casa de Chava
Chava is a good big brother,
“Love sometimes fails, Marisol. But it's
best to know where you stand instead of living for something that really isn't
there. Lucas is not the man for
you. He disrespected you and didn't love
you as you deserved to be loved.”
Marisol is so heartbroken, “My heart is broken in pieces (cachitos) Chava.” He tries to console her, telling her these
wounds will heal and in time she may not even feel them. But in the meantime, she has to move
forward. Marisol doesn't see how. How can she heal her wounds when she'll have
to see them every day at the plant? What if his mere presence causes her to
think about all the time they made a fool of her? Chava thinks maybe this is a good time for a
change. She can finish her studies and
pursue a career. As for the money she
borrowed, Chava thinks it would just be a question of returning it. “It's not that easy, Chava. My health insurance is helping with Dad's
medical bills.” She won't consider
letting Chava taking on all the responsibilities as he always has. She doesn't think it would be fair. Chava just wants her to make the right
decision and to realize someone will come into her life who will know her value
and treat her right.
Casa Ripoll
Sofia understands that when one
falls in love, one doesn't notice race, religion, or economic situation. What bothers her is that Dani doesn't
consider the consequences and puts their mother at risk. Fausto hates to interrupt but why should
today be any different? He suggests Dani
tell Sofia about the, ahem, alleged watch theft. Sofia wonders what other surprises Dani has
in store for her. Dani reluctantly tells
her about the alleged watch theft and how Geronimo accused Lucas when Miguelina
still worked for the Peraltas. Why do I
get the feeling I've typed these words before?
Never mind........ Sofia can't
believe this. Dani doesn't believe it
either because Lucas told her Geronimo probably made up the whole story to
break up the Ollie/Lucas bromance. Sofia
finds it difficult to believe Geronimo would stoop so low. He seems like such a gentleman. Dani repeats that Gerry didn't like the
friendship between his son and the lowlife Lucas. Greta has no idea about the time Lucas was
arrested for snatching Sofia's purse. Sofia
figures Greta would only hate him more if she found out. Dani begs her not to tell Greta. Lucas has changed. Sofia agrees Lucas has a
pristine record as an employee of Ripoll.
Sofia agrees to support Dani's relationship with Lucas even though she doesn't
like how everything came about.
Jinkies! Dani's overjoyed.
Casa de Chava
Chava rejoins his mother after
leaving Marisol's room. He explains
she's still reeling over the breakup.
Lupe knows how much Marisol adored Lucas. She's gonna give that ungrateful boy a piece
of her mind. Chava tells her to stay
there with Marisol and see if she can get her to eat anything. Lupe pointedly asks where he's going. He tells her he's gonna take care of
something that can't wait. Lupe looks
mighty worried.
Casa Ripoll – Greta’s Boudoir, enter at your
own risk!
Sofia walks in and Greta
sarcastically welcomes her back from her adventure. Sofia asks how she feels. “As well as one disillusion after another can
leave you,” Greta responds. Sofia
understands from speaking to Fausto and Dani that Greta had a bad day
yesterday. Greta doesn't find that
surprising, considering all her daughters provoke her with their
craziness. Sofia tries to reason with
her, “Alexa has the right to pursue the career of her choosing, and Dani to be
with the man she chooses.” Greta states
Lucas is a thief. Well, Sofia's not
going to argue with her. She just wants
Greta to respect their decisions. If she
doesn't, she could end up alone.
Casa de Miguelina
Lucas answers the door only to
see Chava storm in. “You've disappointed
me! Why did you cheat on my
sister?” Lucas understands Chava's
anger, “Neta. I betrayed Marisol's trust
and that of your family.” “I trusted
you!” fumes Chava. “I asked you to take care of her. I even asked you if you were sure you were
over your feelings for Dani!” “I was, or
at least I thought I was,” says Lucas, “I tried to stop loving Dani, I really
did, but I couldn't.” Chava fumes,
“Well, why didn't you at least tell Marisol before you broke her heart?” “I can't even face you,” responds Lucas,
“You've been a good friend. You helped
me when I needed it. Marisol was really
good to me. She was the best novia. But me, I'm a dirty ingrate.” Chava tells him in no uncertain terms their
friendship is over. All the esteem (aprecio) he felt for Lucas is in the
trash. He'd better not think about
showing his face at Casa Chava, and he'd better not even think of seeing
Marisol. Neta
Miguelina heard everything from
her room and comes out after Chava leaves.
“hoo-boy, that guy was really pithed (encanijado)” “And why not,
Abue? I acted like a jerk with his sister, who is almost like a daughter to
him.” (ooooh, is this a hint? Naaaaah, right?)
Casa Ripoll
Greta complains to Fausto that
Sofia is only defending her sisters because she's guilty of the same type of
madness! Living that absurd adventure
with Chava! Fausto calmly explains Sofia
is only going where her heart leads her.
“And if I were you, I'd follow Sofia's advice before you lose your
daughter and they all leave this
house.” Greta claims she just wants her
daughters to avoid a life of misfortune (desdicha). Fausto says they'll only suffer if she ends
up in the hospital. He counsels her to
listen to Sofia and allow her daughters to live their life as they please.
Armie and Nandito come across
Chava on their way home to Irma. Chava's
surprised to learn Nandito spent the whole weekend with Armie. He's even more surprised Irma was ok with that. A lot can happen over a weekend.
Casa Ripoll
Alexa pleads with Sofia she needs
to pursue her career and will eventually have to defend her relationship with
Armie. Sofia will support her but
counsels she should proceed cautiously due to their mother's health. She's concerned the doctor had to change
Greta's medication yet again. That's why
they need to really think how they can avoid any conflicts with her before
taking any actions. Alexa agrees and
already discussed the same with Dani
Casa de La Loca and La Drama Queen
Armie walks in to deliver Nandito
home. Chava follows them in and barely
acknowledges Aracely's presence. Irma
makes it a point to ask Chava how he enjoyed his trip to the beach. Armie swears he didn't say anything. The men make a hasty retreat. Aracely regrets having mentioned the beach
trip to Irma. Irma apologizes but says
she thought it was assumed everyone knew about it.
Outside, Chava describes the beach trip to Armie. He's happy that Armie was able to spend the
weekend with his son but surprised at Irma's behavior. Armie doesn't know what's up either but
doesn't agree with Chava when he says Irma may be thinking of reconciliation. He'd prefer to look at it as though Irma has
realized that with the separation and custodial fight, she understands there's
no turning back. Dream on, sucker. Chava tells him how Lucas dumped his sister
for Dani and how he told him he's persona non grata at Casa Chava. Armie's glad to hear Chava set him straight. Chava asks how Armie's love life is
going. He knows by Armie's reaction it
must not be going well. Armie tells him
about the photo with Paolo and how he was so jealous he had to call Alexa. He couldn't help himself. Alexa assured him there was nothing between
her and Paolo. Chava tells him that
should be sufficient to calm the Green Eyed Monster. But Armie's very worried their separation
will end up with Alexa falling in love with Paolo, who really has a lot to
offer her.
Centro de los Desterrados
Silvana is enjoying her time with
her bro. Unfortunately he can't stay
longer because this is when he needs to be most “attentive” to Greta's
health. She understands and hopes she
can see him next weekend then. He
mentions he thinks Fausto may be falling in love with him. Silvana sees that as a good thing. Fausto will then continue to be
supportive. They laugh and they kiss
each other on the cheek and exchange compliments. Ruh-roh, Pato has just appeared behind a
plant! EEK! He sees Christian kissing her hand and he is
not happy.
Pato is best served hot and
angry! “So! You've found yourself a
young lover!”
Silvana is so happy to see him
she either didn't hear what he said or she's just ignoring it. “I'm so stupid, a dreamer!” says Pato. “I should have known. You've found a replacement. How long have you been sleeping with
him? Answer me!” That does it, Christian throws down his
napkin and the two men go at it, but it ends up being just a scuffle with
Silvana caught in the middle trying to stop it.
They square off and Pato leaves
but not before wishing Silvana an enjoyable vacation. Silvana chases after him of course. He tells her to leave him alone. “Why do you
call me? Why do you insist on seeing me
if you've already got another man?”
Silvana swears she doesn't have a lover and that's when she confesses
that Iker is her brother! Pato is muy
Casa de Chava
Sofia comes by to talk to Chava
about Dani/Lucas. She certainly hopes
this won't influence Marisol's work at the plant and wants to talk to her.
Sofia apologizes to Marisol on
Dani's behalf. “Why are you
apologizing? It's not your fault your
sister is such treacherous cusca
(flirt/tart/hooker/whore, take your pick).”
Lupe is aghast at Marisol's behavior and Chava asks her to tone it down,
Sofia's come to talk to her in good faith.
“I appreciate you and your family very much,” begins Sofia, “That's why
I don't want this situation to affect our relationship or your position at the
plant. I imagine it will be difficult
for you to come across Lucas and Dani at work, so I'll ask Dani to keep her
distance. I certainly hope you're not
planning on leaving?” Marisol responds
that she had considered that, yes. Sofia
asks her to reconsider and not let this affect her future. She advises her to think of herself before
thinking of them, DaniLuc. Lupe chimes
in, asking why should she give them the satisfaction of leaving her job? Actually, Lupe thinks Dani and Lucas should
be the ones to leave. Chava reminds her
that Dani is one of the owners. Sofia
figures she also can't fire Lucas because of this. Marisol can see the reason in both Sofia's
and Lupe's opinions. She won't
resign. Smiles all around but Chava
looks worried.
Casa de La Loca y La Drama Queen
Aracely sits alone as she
thoughtbubbles conversations. We hear
snippets of Chava so happy he's back with Sofia; Irma urging her to get even
with that güera; Paco telling her Sofia is her sister;
Chava telling Armie about his romantic weekend with Sofia. The last voice she hears is Irma telling her
to fight for what's rightfully hers.
Aracely talks to herself, saying, “Irma's right. I'd be stupid not to make Sofia pay for
everything she's done to me!”
Casa de Chava
Marisol goes back to her room
after Sofia says she understands and thanks her for staying on at her job. Lupe says Marisol is so depressed (achicopalada). She blames it on her hormones. You know how it is with kids her age, they
feel everything more intensely. Sofia
understands and agrees this situation isn't easy for anyone. Well, Chava is on his way to visit his dad
and Sofia agrees to go with him before he takes her home. He pets her like a well trained cat.
Centro de los Desterrados
Pato is shocked. Silvana had never told him she had a brother. Between the two of them, Christian and Silvana explain they were
separated a long time while he was in rehab for drug addiction and it isn't a
pleasant subject to discuss. Pato had
thought there were no secrets between them.
(another pot/kettle situation)
Silvana and Iker explain he didn't want anyone to know they were related
so as to avoid harming her. She had
recommended him as a nurse to the Ripolls since he had some nursing knowledge
and he needed a job. “Iker” senses Pato
doesn't believe him and offers to show him identification, which causes a
whiplash response from Silvana. Pato
says that won't be necessary. She tells
him Iker knows how much she loves him and how much she misses him and that's
why Iker came to visit her. Iker offers
to leave since Pato is there now and he can really make her happy. Iker assumes Pato won't say anything of this
to the Ripolls. It could cause him his
job. Pato could care less. He has no reason to get involved. After Iker leaves, Pato is still
confused. He doesn't understand how she
never mentioned it to her. Silvana
explains they were orphaned at a young age and she was responsible for her
brother and getting him through rehab.
It's a part of her life she never wanted anyone to know about. What's important now is that he's here and
couldn't resist coming to see her. He
needs her as much as she needs him.
They continue in her room, telling each other how much they've wanted
this. They begin what I imagine will be
a hot, steamy, wallpaper peeling, passionate evening.
Casa Ripoll
Greta has a sit down with
Dani. She realizes that Dani is almost
of age and Greta will no longer have a say in her relationship with the cook's
grandson. But, as part owner, Dani
should at the very least conduct herself with utmost modesty (recato) and decency. Unlike Chava and Sofia, who can often be seen
snogging in the hallways of the plant.
Greta also asks Dani to follow Sofia's example and not bring someone to
the house that she doesn't approve of.
It is plain to see that Dani is holding back and agrees to everything
but says she would not bring Lucas around and expose him to Greta's
Hospital – oh dear
Yup, he's still alive. Chava tells Javier that he's a good candidate
for a liver transplant. He's been put on
the list. Chava plans on checking to see
if he can be a donor. Doc says it can be
risky and they'll need to do a lot of tests first. Javier doesn't want Chava to take the risk
after everything he did to them.
Everyone's crying. Blah, blah,
Penthouse de Perdición
As we see Silvana and Pato making
love, Geronimo is on his rooftop angrily talking to Urrutia (bank guy) about
Sofia's proposal. Bank analysts are
still, well, analyzing. Geronimo wants
Urrutia to make sure everything comes out the way he wants to and it doesn't
matter at what cost.
Back to Silvana and Pato –
Silvana is confident that if they're careful, they can continue to see each
other without anyone finding out. Pato's
not so sure. He doesn't want to get killed. Silvana insists and Pato insists
it's not a good idea.
Hospital – oh dear, oh dear me
Sofia is worried about what could
happen to Chava. She thinks it is a
noble gesture but she's worried. Chava
says, “First things first. Let's find
out if I even qualify as a donor and then we'll go from there. Besides, they're not going to touch my heart.
That will stay intact and keep on loving you.”
Well, that’s it for tonight,
kids. Man, I was hoping to see more of
Dulliver’s makeover.
Aracely finally confronts Sofia
and warns her to get her lawyers ready.
Labels: hasta
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@ 1:15 AM

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