Monday, March 16, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 3/16/15 ♥ #168 ♥

Capitulo 168: Where There's Smoke...

Margarita's Apartment: León kissed Fanny and she left in annoyance. He didn't let this bother him, congratulating himself on having finally kissed her.

Street (outside Jennifer and Ana's House): Dorofeo sat in the back of his car trading newspaper sections with his driver as they watch for Johnny.
Jennifer came back home and saw the car from behind. She recognized the bald guy as “Nelson.”

What a buffoon,” said Apollo, with a laugh. “I'd love to turn him into an ape.”

Why don't you?” asked Artemis.

He'd have too much fun swinging in the trees.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego was telling the kids stories about his adventures in the Alps. Sebastian asked about exploding mountain tops until Nando corrected him by telling him he was thinking of volcanoes and where those are located.
Diego was serving pancakes to the kids while Fanny mixed batter and made the pancakes on the stove. She stopped long enough to daydream about kissing León only to have one burn. Diego teased her about what she was dreaming about.

Margarita's Apartment: León told his family about what happened. Regina asked about Lenin and Mauricio asked if his dad was going to keep fighting.
He told her he was making one last try.

Really, León, isn't that rather melodramatic?” asked Eros.

It definitely is,” said Aphrodite. “I'd expect to hear that from Angel, but both of them should really know better by now.”

Jennifer and Ana's House: Jenny told Johnny about spotting Dorofeo's car just a few steps away from their door. He told her not to worry because he would protect her.

Street (elsewhere): Nelson and the driver loaded some full gasoline containers into the trunk and took off while gloating in advance about destroying the pole dance school.

Hotel Suite: Ana talked on the phone with Fanny while having her morning coffee. Fanny told her all about what had happened the night before During the conversation Fanny got an e-mail from León and she and Ana ended the call. Fernando entered the room in his bathrobe and they went out on the terrace to look out at the gorgeous view.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny laid down reading León's e-mail on her laptop. Nothing new in his message.
He asked for a last chance. He asked her to meet him that night at 8. If she didn't come he would assume she was no longer interested in him.

Downstairs Soledad opened the door to Isabruja, who breezed in asking about Bruno. Soledad told her that it was his day off. Isabruja asked why it was so quiet but interrupted herself to comment that it was because Ana and Fernando were on their honeymoon. She took little Diego Nicolás from Soledad, who commented that she normally gets the heebie-jeebies around her, but would be back when Isa got bored holding the baby. She then excused herself and left her alone.
Hissabela made a sarcastic remark of distaste, indicating she it was easier than anyone thought.
Under the watchful eye of Estefania's portrait, Hissabela put the baby in the portable bassinet and brought him out to her car.
As she strapped him into the car seat and started up, she gloated over how taking him was going to ruin “la nanaca”'s happiness.

This sounds a little too much like Medea for my taste,” said Estefania. “Can't someone stop her?”

She's not going far,” said Athena. “She's going to wait until they come hightailing it after her so she can gloat like a bratty child.  No te preocupes, Estefania. She won't kill a goose that lays golden eggs. That's what he means to her.”

Inside, Fanny came down the stairs thinking about the night before when she thought that León had used his son to trick her into coming to his mother's apartment. She also thought about the night León proposed to her, how she had to tell him she wasn't ready, and his bad reaction to that.. She asked her mother's portrait what she should do, then went into the kitchen.
She remembered León's words about meeting him that night and how her failure to meet him would mean they were finished forever.

León's Apartment: Mauricio asked his dad what an ultimatum was. León explained a little beyond his son's understanding, but the child is aware of what happened the night before when Fanny came inside.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny remembered some moments in the past, including León's confession about Tamara. She made herself some tea as Soledad entered.
Soledad explained about Hissabela's arrival, leaving the baby with her, and discovering that they were gone. Fanny asked if she looked in the garden and they went outside.
The car was gone, so Fanny took out her cell and made a call.

Hotel: Ana and Fernando came out to have lunch by the dock. Love talk y besos and the inevitable ring of Fernando's cell phone.
He answered when he saw Fanny's name and she told him the distressing news.

Jennifer & Ana's House: Johnny showed off the pink walls and their decorations to Jenny. She was happy. She was even happier when Johnny talked about buying Ana's share of the house.

Maybe he's grown up after all” said Athena. “What do you think, Hera?”

I think he's well-intentioned, at least. That is some improvement. Better than none.”

Bruja Central: Little Diego Nicolás slept in the bassinet as his egg donor tried to sit down to her favorite meal of sushi with red wine.
Of course the little fellow decided to relieve himself at that moment and she cringed at the odor. As she complained in her usual solitary manner her cell rang and she noted that it was Fernando calling.
She gloated at what she knew to be the reason for his call and refused to answer, “taunting” all the way like a bratty child.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry,” said Demeter. “She is certainly not cut out to be a mother.”

Nor a sophisticate gourmet,” said Poseidon. “You don't drink red wine with sushi.”

Hotel Suite: Fernando noted that Hissabela didn't answer. Ana was ready to go back to retrieve the baby, but Fernando restrained her, saying Hissabela was the mother and therefore within her legal rights.
Ana knew that Hissabela's maternal act was all for show and still was ill at ease about this. Fernando finally agreed that they would go back to talk to Hissabela.
Fanny called Ana in the meantime telling her she needed to talk to her. Ana told her they were on their way.

Bruja Central: After changing the baby's diaper Hissabitch got as squeamish as ever complaining to no audience over the odor of the soiled diaper as she reluctantly carried it off to its disposal.

Laughter reigned in Olympus as the gods poured some more nectar.

Lascuráin Mansion: Soledad and Nicolás sat in the parlour talking over brandy. She was telling him that it was her fault that Hissabela was able to take the baby. He reminded her that Hissabela was the baby's mother. Soledad was concerned because Ana trusted her to take care of him. Nick tried to get her to calm down.

Lenin arrived and Fanny let him in. He came to say goodbye before leaving for South Korea.

León's Apartment: He was making a hashtag symbol out of rosebuds and explaining it to Mauricio.

Lascuráin Mansion: Lenin seemed to have accepted that Fanny didn't love him as he wanted her to. He even said that the greatest poets wrote their best material while in pain. He looked like he would cry, but also like he would ultimately get over it. Fanny felt bad for him but also asked herself whether she was making the right decision.

A Little Later

Fernando explained to Alicia, Pablo, and Diego that they came home because Hissabruja had taken baby DN and because of Fanny's problems. He then looked at his watch and told Pablo “It's getting late...” to send him home. Diego swore he kept an eye on the kids and Fernando wasn't quite ready to buy it. Alicia asked him not to become intimidating.
Despite this Pablo made as graceful an exit he could. Diego asked that he talk alone with Fernando, who wanted him to come along with him so he doesn't go to extremes. Diego agreed and excused himself to change clothes.
Fernando went outside for a breath of air while Ana tried to talk to Alicia about Fanny and Lenin.

Street: The thugs were parked near the school when Crazy Mike spotted the car and hid well enough to call Johnny on his cell to warn him that they were going to set fire to the school.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana read the e-mail on Fanny's computer screen. She was taken aback at the ultimatum of the meeting and Fanny got excited and out of breath as she tried to explain how all this is falling on her at once. Ana got her to take a few deep breaths to calm down. She asked her whether she loved León or not.
Fanny asked “Didn't you say that love isn't enough?” Of course, Ana said, but love isn't perfect. People have flaws and love is in spite of those. Without love it can't work.

I'll drink to that,” said Aphrodite. “No man is perfect.”

True, but no woman either,” said Ares. “I never know when you have time for me.”

That's true, but think about how we're so on opposite sides of things half the time.”

Jennifer & Ana's House: Johnny told Jenny that something was up at the school and he had to go over there. She wanted to go with him but he said it wasn't necessary and he wouldn't be long. She still had a bad vibe about it.


León's Apartment: León was dressed in dark clothes and looked like an Alejandro Fernandez impersonator. He did a model's turn in front of his mother, son, and Reina, who all encouraged him.
The little guy even said “Hurry up, dad, and kiss Fanny.”

He must have been hanging out with Alex and Guille when we weren't looking,” said Hermes. “That kid learns fast.”

Maybe I can apprentice him,” said Eros. “He looks like the mortals' idea of a cupid.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny did a catwalk turn in front of Ana, who told her she looked great. She wished her luck as she went out the door, then prayed that all would go well.

Street: The thugs arrived at the pole dance school and unloaded the car. Dorofeo pried at the bottom of the door with a crowbar in the spot where the lock was. He was successful and they went inside.

Bruja Central: The doorbell was ringing and Isabruja gloated that this would be Fernando and his “distinguished” wife, making a gesture indicating she was about to upchuck.
She opened the door to find Diego, whom she immediately began flirting with by making a sound that was halfway between a growl and a purr.
Until Fernando appeared saying “Isabela, we need to talk.” He stepped in past Diego, not taking his eyes of his duplicitous ex.
She invited Diego inside, visibly lusting after him as he entered.
Fernando either didn't notice or ignored this as he asked where the baby was.

Sleeping in my room, thank God,” said Hissabela.

Why did you take him?”

You're asking me why? He's my son, Fernando,” she said.

How did it occur to you to take him without my permission?”

You were on your honeymoon and I didn't want to bother you.”

It's very suspicious that you're sorry for not spending more time with our son,” he said.

Diego tried to restrain Fernando, who wouldn't let him.

I doubt very much that you came for our son because you love him,” Fernando said. “You took him out of the house to hurt Ana and to bother me.”

The truth? Yes. Yes. And? And?” She was obviously trying to goad him. “For that I took Diego Nicolás and he will live with me permanently.”

She tried to mock him, but he stood his ground, staring at her.

Lascuráin Mansion / Jennifer & Ana's House: Jenny told Ana about Johnny going out to the school, but she had a bad vibe about all this. Ana said she would get Bruno and go there with her.

Dance School: Johnny and Mike went in the back way and saw Dorofeo and his thugs inside.
Dorofeo commented about how nice the place looked... pity it would go up in flames.
He told his minions to start spreading the gasoline around. Johnny and Mike ran in to stop them.
Mike picked up Nelson, spun him around like someone in the WWF, and dropped him on the floor when he saw Dorofeo holding him at gunpoint.
He and Johnny started reaching for the sky.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana headed for the door just as Bruno arrived. She asked him to give her a lift and she would explain on the way.

Bruja Central: Fernando wasn't letting Hissabela get the upper hand.

Watch this,” said Hermes. “I think the real fun is about to begin.”

You can't do that, Isabela.”

But yes of course I can. Because he's my son.”

Yes, we agree he's your son.”

Yes, so if you love Diego Nicolás you can come here to see him. Here, here, here,” she finished, like a kindergartener arguing with another child.

Don't you talk to me like that,” he said. “I have rights, Isabela. I know that.”

She grinned back. “Yes. For that you can see him here. But one thing: La nanaca can't come here because I won't let her in. She is nothing, nothing to my son.”

I'm taking you to court.”

Ohhh-oooo” she replied in mock fear. “And why?”

I will ask for full custody of Diego Nicolás.”

Oh, go ahead, Fernando. But you have to understand that in most cases full custody goes to the mother.”

Yes. But he is a Lascuráin. I will do what is necessary to get full custody of our son. Because I will demonstrate this baby is of no importance to you and I will succeed. You can be sure of that.”

Oooooo... but I'm not afraid of you.”

Exactly. For the moment tomorrow you will stop by and pick up your severance. You are dismissed. I don't want you near my life, my wife, or my business.”

He turned away and headed for the door. Diego looked a little shocked. He called back to his brother.

I want to talk a minute with Isabela,” he said. “Does that bother you?”

Huh? Do what you want,” said Fernando as he walked out.

Hissabruja didn't see this, but the two brothers looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes. Diego even winked subtly.

Ayyyyy! He fired me!” she almost wailed. “Diego, he fired me! This isn't possible!”

Calm down, calm down, Isabela,” he said, almost embracing her. He encouraged her to sit down on the couch. “Where's the tequila?”

Oh, how could he fire a single mother?” She embraced him, trying to play the Damsel in Distress.
But Diego wasn't falling for it.

Street: Near a public fountain, the meeting place León had identified, he walked along with a red box holding the rosebuds he had done earlier. He took out his ringing cell phone but fumbled and it plunged into the pool at the foot of the fountains.

On another street Fanny was driving, listening to Ana's voice telling her that love isn't all there is to it but it's necessary for forgiveness.
She ran into a traffic cone but it was over a hole and the wheel went in. She stopped, stepped back for a second, and opened the hood over the engine.
Steam came out. She went back into the car and tried to start it.

Another Street: Ana, Jenny, and Bruno looked toward the dance school and decided to proceed with caution.

Bruja Central: Diego was plying Hissabela with tequila shots.

At the least you will try to get me to return the baby to Fernando,” she said.

No,” he answered as he put his glass on the table. “In truth, I didn't stay for that, Isabela.”


No. I stayed because I wanted to talk to you.”

About what? I'm all ears.”

First I want to confess something.”

Tell me.”

Something I think you know.”


Well, that you are a very attractive woman,” he began. He took her glass and put it on the table. “I always thought you a very attractive woman.” He took her hands. “Ever since I saw you for the first time. Before you married my brother.”

Yes?” She was obviously enjoying this, just as he intended. He kissed her hand.

You please me, Isabela. You please me very much.” He stared into her eyes. She was definitely falling for this.

And the Olympians watched, highly amused.

Her hubris will be her downfall,” said Aphrodite. “And I'm going to love every second of it.”

Author's Note:  I didn't imagine the resemblance between Juan Pablo Gil and two other important galans:


Thanks, Urban, the recap, screen caps, amd Olympian commentary were outstanding.

My favorite part was poor Pablo never ever being able to catch a break from "suegro" Fernando. That made me laugh.

Sorry that things have gotten so dark again with Johnny being terrorized one more time by Doroteo. I hope that that unfortunate plot is finished very quickly as well as what looks like will be the missed meeting between Fanny and León.



What's killing me is that short of a revelation or her actually committing a crime, Hissabela might actually have Fernando over a barrel from a legal perspective. He has just fired her, she has a baby, and she's his ex. That would make him look very bad in court unless the truth about little DN's DNA comes out ASAP.

UA: true. But I think he's right about his name carrying a lot of weight. Plus, Isa has shown very little interest in her child since his birth and her behavior at the wedding is a strike against her.

A judge could see her taking DN now as spite.

Sorry, I keep posting before my thoughts are finished. Last post--for awhile, anyway. A judge could see Isa taking DN as spite rather than a genuine wish to love and take care of him.

I think Fernando waited way too long to fire Isabruja. Now it just as if he did it out of spite for her taking DN.

So maybe Fanny won't make it in time to meet León and that will be the end of them since he gave her an ultimatum in his still immature way.

Thank you UA for your always outstanding recap! I missed this episode tonight but I knew I could count on you! The whole time I was reading about the Jen Johnny and Doroteo nonsense I kept yelling in my head: "call the police you idiots!" Dorofeo is a wanted man, the cops could take care of it but noooo the 2 clowns have to go themselves. Could care less about Fanny missing her meeting with Leon just needless drama. ITA with you Victoria, leon is still immature and annoying.

So glad Diego came back! Only character with a brain. I'm loving what he's doing to Isabela!

Actually, you're right; Isabruja's very public scene at the wedding will count against her because there were so many witnesses. Yomama would probably testify for Fernando because she wants the baby to be with him and Ana and to have those seven loving siblings.

The one thing that could stop that is that the baby isn't of Fernando's DNA. I'm not sure what a Mexican court would do about that. I would have rather seen Yomama tell Fernando the truth over him finding out in a courtroom or Diego seducing the truth out of Isabimbo (although that would be amusing).

As for the Dorofeo situation, I was thinking exactly the same thing. Do not wait even a second to call the police! They're after him and he needs a jail cell toute suite!

Urban, in terms of "telenovela law" there is a very similar situation in Hasta el Fin del Mundo where there is a separated common law couple with a son. The true paternity of the father was kept a secret by the mother. The biological father is now dead. The current father found out he was not the biological father and went to court to secure his rights during the separation and subsequent divorce. The courts gave the only father the boy had ever known full paternity rights. It will be interesting seeing how it turns out here.


Thank you so much UA.

“Nor a sophisticate gourmet,” said Poseidon. “You don't drink red wine with sushi.”

Only interest I have at this point is the new Diego messing with Isabela storyline. Only thing spoils it for me is she also had the hots for Juan and try as Osorio may, Adrian is not on the same planet as Pablo.

Yep, call the cops and wonder if Isabela will meet her downfall at Juan's pole dance workshop too.

Fernando seems as much a butthurt baby as Isabela by firing her now. I agree she should have been fired long ago. Isabela has not mistreated DN.

Gosh, Nic and Soledad just chatting away, we gonna get them paired together too? Well, they do have something in common, both dispensers of horrible advise.


Isabela had been competent at her work until this point. It was not in her interest to mess with the company. However, her very public scene at the wedding makes her not only a personal but a professional embarrassment. This was the only reason to fire her that would pass inspection.

If asked anything about this in court, Fernando would have to reveal all the myriad things Hissabruja has done to his children, to Ana, and to himself to deliver the message that her crashing the wedding and attempting to interfere with it was the final straw.

She has not mistreated the baby only because her contact with him has been so limited.

You're probably right about Nick and Soledad. That would be more appropriate than him with Jenny.

Thanks Urban. I"m finding it hard to sit through and concentrate right now with the plots, so great recaps are my saving grace. You're the best!

And why have we not had Diego all this time? Lord, he just lights up the screen. Love the way he's playing Isa, but I agree with everyone's assessments that in the real world, this would not be so cut and dry a case. But knowing Osorio and the fact we have little time left in the story, it will be tied up much more easily.

Honestly, we were supposed to watch that montage from Fanny, see her reading an ultimatum!.. and still think this is a good relationship. Frankly, I think the writers are using Mau as the chief means to make us root for Leon and get him with Fanny. Because by himself, he's coming off as an a**. At least to me. Gees, I really liked this guy at the start.

I get the whole "nobody's perfect" thing, but as a dear, wise man once said to me " You may love that person, but you may not be able to live with them."

Yes on calling the police. Perfect opportunity to get these thugs in jail. Stupid, stupid writing.


Didn't understand what the letter said. Is it really an ultimatum, or is Leon giving it one more try before admitting defeat and moving on? If Fanny doesn't show then he knows it's over?

That was it. It's one last try.

I can't believe I only have one more article for this series.

"Ultimatum"? I didn't like that, even if it does come from Latin. So basically Leon is putting Fannie on the spot: "Either you're with me or against me. Decide Now!". This really grossed me out! If there was any sympathy for this couple, it went out the window wth yesterday's episode.

As Fannie jumped up and down all excited to go fetch her True Love the only thing that went through my mind was "Ok, so what is gong to happen to keep her from seeing him?". Not to mention that hr excitement just made her look ... uh, how shall I put it... desperate.

Why the drama over Isa taking her baby? Ok, I've seen hyenas be better mothers, still she is the baby's mother and there is no legal precedent to classify this as a kidnapping.

Note to Isa: Sis, I've got news for you... everyone's poop smells like that! Did you think yours comes out smelling like roses?

Diego going deeep undercover: That sounds like a plan, as long as he doesn't go deeep under the covers! :-)


Wonderful recap!

First, I'd take Diego any day of the week!

Second, I think its odd that whenever Fanny or Nando drop a boy or girl, that person must leave town. Gus went to CA, so did Xime when he told her he couldn't handle her issues, Edith left town and now Lenin has left the country.

Definitely not a Leon fan but I see no problem with asking if he has a shot or not. To me that is one of first mature things he's asked. If she doesn't show, he moves on and not in a holding pattern like Lenin was. Far preferable to how Angel handled Ana, she point blank telling him he hasn't a prayer in hell, yet he pushed on.

Yes, Diego is a hot number. He's even hotter in person.....

I don't think he will have to boink Isabruja to get the goods on her. He's too smart.

tofie: To me Leon hasn't been in a holding pattern by Fanny. They broke up. He was free to see who he wanted. He put himself in a holding pattern because he loves her. But to say this is our last shot and then I'm over you, has more to do with him than Fanny. Again, him putting his needs above hers.

Fanny and Nando's exes HAVE to leave town because they (Fanny and Nando)are so weak-minded and wishy-washy that they would remain confused for the rest of their lives if their exes were anywhere within 'hollering' distance.

Isa is not a good (not even close) mother, but Ana has some nerve referring to DN as "mi bebe!" Even bad moms have rights, too.

Looks like Nicolas has been visiting Tan Mom's salon. His bright orange, leathery skin looks painful.

Even though Leon called it an ultimatum, it really wasn't. He simply wants to know if, after his efforts to better himself and his life, does he still stand a chance with Fanny. If not, he'll simply move on. Come to think of it, it actually WAS an ultimatum ... but to HIMSELF.

I took it that it was not an "I'm over you" but an "I give up, have a nice life with Lenin".

Again, I don't like Leon and bet first time they argue he'll get grabby, so she should stay home. I don't think it selfish wanting to know if he should pursue forgiveness and a relationship or give up since it's futile.

Does Leon know she broke up with Lenin? Did I miss that somewhere? Because if he doesn't, then he shouldn't be pursuing her anyway.

I like Leon but I think he is immature when it comes to relationships with women. But at that age it's not a surprise. Fanny is immature too.

Both could use a break from seeing anyone and discover their true selves, especially Fanny.


I took it that it was not an "I'm over you" but a 'please give me a sign that i still have a chance with you or let me go'
he is letting her choose. but he is not willing to stay in 'holding' mode if she does not show any interest in him.
remember, he truly believes she is with Lenin and they are steady.

That's what I don't get. He DOESN'T know she broke up with Lenin. If she hadn't and she was truly committed to Lenin (which Leon doesn't know IS NOT the case), at what point does "fighting for the love of your life" cross over into stalking territory?

Thanks for the recap, UA. Stellar, as always. Seriously, I hope you'll let us know if you publish.

They definitely should have called the police, but since I don’t really care about this part, I don’t mind how Osario scripts it.

Was Fer in on it with Diego? I missed that. I thought Fer looked peeved. Maybe that was for show. When Diego finds out the truth, as I’m sure he will, if something happened to Isa, do you think he would keep it from Fer and Ana?

I can understand why everyone would be nervous about Isa taking DN. She’s never taken care of him. Ana HAS been that child’s mother. I understand her calling him her baby.

Instead of watching the next TN at 8:00 and since I don’t know when Hasta is finishing and what’s replacing it, I thought I might try and find a Jorge Salinas TN online to watch. I started LQNPA when it first aired. Not sure I want to watch that one. Any other recommendations?


OMG I just realized I am going to be out of town for the very last 3 episodes! I'll dvr but won't be able to join in the fun of dissecting the finale until much later. Oh well! TV should not control my life LOL

Nanette, here are some (from most to least recent):

Que Bonito Amor (the other novela w/PM)
Fuego en la Sangre (also w/PM as his brother, w/EY as their older bro)
Mariana de la Noche (w/some great soundtrack music and CE as the villain)

I am taking a hiatus from the novelas in evening too. my daughter needs help with math to try to graduate and i have to focus on that for a few months. If anything i will try to watch one that starts with Emanuel Esparza (Alejo from La Pola) on Unimas the week after MCET ends. but if it turns out to be too 'narco' stuff like the one of Kate del Castillo, i might give up on that one too.

I might watch the Laguardia/Yanez one but not really nightly or paying much attention.. looks too silly.

yes, Que bonito amor was good... out of his recent ones i would say that one.

if you saw La hija del Mariachi, that is the story of Que bonito amor.
if you saw Pasion de Gavilanes, that is the story of Fels... just fyi.

they both deviate a bit from their predecesor for the last 1/3 or so.

Anon 11:04,
If you care for a baby as much and as well as Ana has, you will definitely be calling the child "mi bebé." That bonding is pretty much inevitable.


Nanette, LQNPA is JS's masterpiece. He just inhabited that role. I've also seen him in MCET, QBA, and the movie Labios Rojos. None come close to his performance in LQNPA. If you're a JS fan, you need to see it!

ok just the facts, no spoilers...

Diego did tell Fernando as they were leaving the house that was going with Fernando because he needed to talk to him about something.

And as Fernando was leaving Hissa's apt, he and Diego did lock eyes for a few seconds and then Diego blinked the one eye... but it is not clear who he was blinking his eye to... whether Fernando or Hissa.

two eps ago, Diego did also tell DN that whatever the mystery about him(DN) was, the one that knew for sure was Hissa and they needed to figure out how to get it outa her.

I have to confess i have not see the whole LQNPA but i have seen the beginning few weeks and the final few weeks and can tell you Carolina is right. He owned that role... just that you seldom see him smile in that... he is a very bitter man at first and it takes long for that ice to melt... not just a few eps like here (prior to Fernando marrying Hissa)


I read that Hasta will finish a week earlier than originally programmed because the ratings haven't improved since DZ came on board, and Univision wanted to drop it in favor of its next scheduled novela. Even though I haven't watched Hasta, I wonder if they ever considered that bad writing, and not the actors, might be the problem?

I watched LQNPA, with JS, and really enjoyed it; because he plays a somewhat flawed character, and one gets to see his struggle to love and be loved. A good many of the Caray, Caray community recommended LQNPA for the listing of Recommended Novelas that I put together which is on the Sidebar.

I would also recommend 'Mi Destino Eres Tu' with JS and Lucero. It's a Carla Estrada telenovela so you can't go wrong.

I tried watching JS in 'Mariana de la Noche' but I didn't think I could stomach watching César Évora stalk and list after another young girl after watching him in AMF and 'Amor Bravío'.

JS was great in 'La Esposa Virgen' but that has an unconventional ending that, for me, left a sour taste in my mouth.

I'm also looking for another novela to watch on Youtube or DailyMotion and wondered if anyone has seen SN in Montecristo and whether it is worth watching ?

I just finished 'La Mentira' (GREAT, GREAT, GREAT) and need a break before watching Kate del Castillo in 'Ramona'.


Thanks everyone for the recommendations.

UA: I watched bits and pieces of QBA when it aired and liked what I saw.

Carolina: I might just have to break down and watch LQNPA.

Victoria: I checked your list first :) Thought there might be others that didn't make it on the list so put out the call. I do like the idea of MDET, especially since it's a CE production and she is the standard all others seem to be compared to. Don't believe I've seen anything by her.

Now I have too many to choose from.

LQNPA is on Hulu Plus

Thanks Carvivlie. I don't have Hulu Plus. I don't usually watch "TV" on the computer, but with no interesting prospects on Uni (any on Telemundo--does anyone know?), I decided to do it anyway. I think you have to pay for Hulu Plus. Since I don't plan on making online watching a habit, I'll have to pick one that's a freebie.

Nanette, having Carla Estrada as producer almost guarantees it is worth watching... IMO.

LQNPA is on Youtube. Just type in the search bar: La Que No Podia Amar Playlist

and look for Ashley Acevedo as the person who uploaded the playlist. I've watched a few of her uploaded playlists, and while they don't usually have captions, typically the video quality is not always HD. But maybe someone has uploaded the episodes by now in HD

OT: hey, this is an oldie but a goodie... La hermanita dinamita from 1970. (Hilda Aguirre, Don Jorge Lavat (from Eva Luna), don Fernando Lujan (boss from Labios Rojos), Dona Sara Garcia, etc etc... i remember watching this when i was just a kid... this link shows the whole movie, apparently...


I am in the minority but I liked FELS with gorgeous studs -- Eduardo Yanez, Jorge Salinas, and Pablo Montero. Plus Adele Noriega and Nora Salinas. Love anything EY except the upcoming ACT.

Some say that Pasión de Gavilanes is better than FELS and the pasion drips from the screen, so I'm waiting for the entire novela to be uploaded on DailyMotion since I can't seem to find it on Youtube. It's uploaded in bits and pieces only, with the videos from the playlist deleted for copyright infringement.

Yeah Hulu Plus is pay. I've been able to watch quite a few episodes of Amorcito Corazon on their free service. If you have something like google chromecast then you can stream it on your tv. Hulu is offering a free month of hulu plus so you could try to fit all the episodes into that month!

Thanks again, everyone, for all your great suggestions.

OT: UA: Have you heard of this opera: Maria del Carmen by Enrique Granados?

PdG is better-written, but FELS has better actors and ones who look at least like they might be related. It also has four nasty villains and Rene Casados as the local parish priest.

There is another JS novela you might want to try if you can stomach Aracely Arambula and that's Las Vias del Amor. It's an untraditional story, lots of stuff going on, and good supporting players including Daniela Romo.

I was just looking at LVDA yesterday trying to figure out whether to watch it or not.

Does "untraditional" mean unconventional (non-romantic ending) ??

Isabela has mistreated DN by neglecting him. She only comes to see him when it is convenient for her. Her own child does not even live with her. She is using that baby as a meal ticket.

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