Monday, March 09, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 3/9/15 ♥ #163 ♥

Capitulo 163: Winners, Losers, and Psychopaths

Bruja Central: Hissabimbo seemed to be going into heat, which will ultimately be bad news for some unfortunate man. She started to blame this on global warming and decided to look that up online.

She saw what looked like a Personals ad for an attractive man, clicked on it, and it looked like she was directed to a gay match-up site, which she couldn't click out of.

Why doesn't she just do 'Cntl/Alt/Delete' to get out of that?” asked Hermes. “It's so easy.”

For someone with a Masters in Finance, her IQ is subnormal,” said Athena.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando decided that Pablo's visit should end and he said so. Alicia tried to convince him to allow Pablo to stay an hour longer, which Pablo negotiated down to 45 minutes. In addition to that, he addressed Fernando as “Suegro,” which caught him off-guard.
He agreed and told Fanny she was in charge. He then retired to the library. Once the doors were closed Alicia told Fanny she didn't need to be so vigilant, especially if she wanted to get busy with Lenin. However, Lenin announced he had to leave and Fanny saw him out.
This gave Pablo a chance to kiss Alicia, and to be caught by Bruno, who didn't hesitate to remind her she was being watched. He asked for Fernando and Alicia directed him to the library. Teen kisses [eyerolls].

Lenin sensed that Fanny had stuff on her mind and she confessed that Jenny's wedding made her think of León's proposal. Lenin wasn't pleased to hear this, but didn't rant. Fanny tried to explain that all young women dream of their wedding day and all it entails. He asked whether she felt guilty but she did not. He finally decided he'd better go home. He said he loved her.
The goodbye kiss and embrace looked uncomfortable for both of them and as Fanny went inside Lenin told himself he was losing her.

Fanny sneaked inside and surprised Alicia and Pablo, who jumped out of the kiss and off the sofa. She laughed and told them she was going upstairs to change clothes and would be back down. They sat back down and kissed briefly.

In the library Fernando was shouting at the security firm over the phone saying “I don't want excuses, I want results!” When he hung up he told Bruno that it's been a month and they're saying things to him like “We were on the point of catching him but – oops! – he got away!” and he is at the end of his patience with them.
He then apologized to Bruno for his outburst and Bruno was asking for his advice on his love life. Fernando was surprised considering his own heart has been destroyed. “As Ana says, from every tree...” and Bruno noted “At least you're quoting her again.”

Upstairs in her room, Ana got sick and ran into the bathroom, leaving little Diego Nicolás on the bed. Fanny entered and sat on the bed, picking up the baby as Ana came out of the bathroom. She commented on Ana's symptoms and asked if she had thought about this. How long since the beach weekend?

Ana realized her period was late. Luz entered at that moment asking “Late?” Before Ana could think of an answer she got nauseous again and ran into the bathroom. Luz asked Fanny about this and Fanny said that the food from the wedding reception probably didn't agree with her. “She's just a little sick to her stomach,” she said, repeating this when Ana came out. When Ana caught her breath, Luz asked what was late. Fanny had a panicked expression behind her little sister's back but then quickly talked about how their father was late to the wedding and they had been worried. Ana then realized that Luz probably had trouble sleeping so she told her she could get in bed with her. She asked Fanny to take the dirty diaper out and it was evident Ana got nauseous at the odor. Fanny obliged her, saying they need to talk about this (making the pregnancy belly gesture) and Ana told her that needed to be in another room.
Luz looked as though she had fallen asleep and Ana asked the baby how his diapers could stink so when he was so adorable.

Angel's Apartment: He poured himself a glass of red wine, telling himself he's lost and he knew it. He mused on Fernando's luck to have a woman like Ana love him.

Lascuráin Mansion: Luz woke up, reached to the nightstand, and knocked the book off. The envelope fell out and she recognized her father's name on it. She picked it up, grabbed her plush turtle, and walked out of the room, yawning.

That's my little girl,” said Estefania, proudly. “She always had a way with her father.”

She will have a very special life,” Aphrodite said, reassuringly. “You have done well by your children.”

Bruno had just told Fernando about Manuela dating the chauffeur. “How could he compare himself to me?” was the tenure of his conversation.
Fernando asked “Well, didn't you say you [and Manuela] were too different?” He went on about looking for her and finding her on another planet, and he doesn't want to regret anything. He commented on how Fernando could be regretting losing the woman he loved. Right on cue, Luz came into the library with the envelope.
Fernando picked her up, asking if she was unable to sleep. She told him no, that she came down to give him something. She handed him the envelope, saying she had found it in Ana's room. She then told him that Ana was sick to her stomach and said she was late.
That got his instant and very shocked attention.

Ana was in Fanny's room, explaining that she was never more than a day or two late and now it's been eight and a half days. Fanny got excited, saying that now she should resolve the situation with her dad. Ana stopped her, saying that this is not the reason for it. She will have the baby because she wants a baby and Fanny went on about how this came about because of love and as soon as Ana said the word “embarazada” they heard childish laughter from the other side of the door. “The twins, the twins!” and both got up and ran to the door.
The twins ran from the door just before it opened and ran down the hall. Ana whistled at them, but they didn't stop and Fanny observed “They're going to squeal.”

Bruja Central: Hissabela opened the door to a techie more nerdy than Nando ever could be. He walked in saying “I'm from the Computer Hospital. Where's the patient?” and she showed him to the table. She told him she had landed on that page by accident.
He actually put on rubber gloves as he explained that pages like that often carry viruses and told her not to worry. She was clearly turned off at the sight of him as she left him to do his work.

Lascuráin Mansion: Everyone was in Ana's room as Bruno bounded up the stairs with a white box in hand, which he handed to Fanny. Ana explained to Luz that it was a pregnancy test. Sebastian asked how long this would take and Fanny read off the label “Three minutes.” The twins said “Three minutes?” as though it would be three hours. Alicia asked what she had to do and Soledad said “It's better you don't know.” At “Why?” Nando said it was... scatological.
Fanny handed the box to Ana, who started opening it. Manuela wished her luck, Ana went into the bathroom, and everyone sat or stood around waiting.

Oh, this is too much!” said Hera. “This is a close family, but really!”

I'm a little shocked, too. Poor Ana,” said Estefania. “I never had to deal with this. When I thought I was pregnant I waited until the kids were in school to do the tests.”

Hey, if he got it on the first shot maybe Fernando is one of us after all,” said Hermes.

Fernando is a wonderful man, but he's not perfect,” said Estefania.

I know. But neither are we.”

Alicia asked her dad if he was emotional about this. He replied with all the usual words, emotional, confounded, nervous, everything, all with no hint of negativity.
“How curious life is,” said Fanny. Even Ximena was excited at this. Bruno teased, saying something about the evil eye, but Fernando wasn't listening. He was thinking to himself “A baby... with Ana.” And he looked hopeful.

When the clock had ticked off what was presumably three minutes, Ana came out of the bathroom with the device. Fernando asked her whether she was pregnant and everyone -- even Siete --  looked up, hoping for a “yes.” She looked a bit shocked, saying “I don't know.” Everyone closed in,
Fanny asked whether she had followed the instructions and she said yes. Fanny retrieved the box, finally telling her that it was supposed to turn pink. It had not.

The twins simultaneously expressed their disappointment. In fact, all were disappointed, including Fernando, who hung his head and left the room. Everyone felt bad for Ana, Sebastian commenting that it was her dream to have children. Alicia said it would have made her dad very happy. Ana said that under the circumstances... then shooed them off to bed. All the kids left except Luz, who wanted to stay. Ana told her to get into bed and she went into the bathroom.
She threw the device into the garbage can, it landed with a sound, and she leaned against the sink and thought about the nights at the beach. She started to cry.

Bruja Central: Hissabruja watched as her techie backed up her hard drive and asked about her operating system.

Lascuráin Mansion / León' House: Fanny looked at León's Facebook page and saw the selfies of León and his family. She clicked the “like” button. León got a notification about that and he smiled.

Bruja Central: Techie wrote out his fee on a post-it and handed it to Hissabruja, who was surprised at how low it was. Initially he worried that she thought it too much and was prepared to give her a discount.
She asked if he had a business card, and he took one out while she got her purse and paid him what looked like twice his fee... in cash. He told her to call his cell number because the other was disconnected, thanked her, and left.
She gloated to her imaginary audience how it was always good to have a computer expert on hand because you never know when you might need one.

I don't like this,” said Hermes. “This advancing technology is just one more thing we have to keep up with.”

It's all Prometheus' fault,” said Hera. “He gave them fire.”

Ni modo,” said Aphrodite. “You have to keep an eye on her and that geek. He won't have the vaguest idea of what she's really up to.”

She'll definitely want him to do something horrible that he won't understand. But you and your son have to take the blame for not making him attractive enough so he could learn more easily about females.”

Like I said before, we're not perfect.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando sat down and remembered proposing to Ana on the beach in the presence of his children as he also contemplated having a baby with her. “You are the love of my life, Ana,” he finally said.
He took out the envelope and pulled out her letter.

Fernando, before anything else I have to tell you that I love you. I have no excuse for concealing that I danced at Chicago; it's true. You didn't give me the opportunity to explain this to you up to now while working as the nanny in your home. Nando said he explained but I wanted to tell you myself, looking you in the eye. After all, I wanted to do – in captial letters [mayúsculas] – EVERYTHING to win your pardon. When I arrived at your house I never imagined that my life would change like this. I found a family, Fernando. I found my happiness in the family, in the family I always dreamed of. I fell hopelessly in love with you and theh fear of telling you the truth about my life was because of you feeling deceived about me.
I was afraid of losing you and lacked the courage to tell you that I was working in that place and I'm repenting my cowardice and repenting the lies but the one thing I don't repent is loving you. Fernando, forgive me. I love you like nobody else. I love you.”

He cried.

The Next Day

As the older kids came downstairs Luz asked Ana if she was sad about not being pregnant. Ana told her that there will be another time for that. Luz asked “With my dad?” “If God wants it,” Ana answered her. She then urged the kids to go off to school, getting hugs from them all before they left.
After the kids were out the door, she picked up Siete to hug him and Jenny entered. Ana complimented her outfit and quoted Nando saying she was like a supernova. Jenny asked what that was and she explained that it was an expanding star.
She put Siete on the floor and started escorting Jenny to the kitchen as she asked about the wedding night. “You can't imagine,” said Jenny.

Egad, I guess she never learned anything about privacy in the orphanage,” said Aphrodite.

Probably not,” said Eros. “Usually you don't get any in places like that. And anyway, wouldn't she know something – or everything – about Juan's.... abilities?”

Aphrodite cuffed him gently against the head.

I'm sure she's forgotten all that now that she loves Fernando.”

Estefania smiled. “Fernando wasn't very experienced when I met him, but he made up for it very fast. You both were generous to him.”

La Costeña / University Classroom: León walked into his new office, which looked almost bigger than Fernando's. He was dressed like Fernando, too, in a dark grey suit, white shirt, and red necktie.

He polished the nameplate and sat down at his desk to take a selfie of himself with the nameplate and post it to his FB page.
Fanny saw it and read it to herself on her cell. Just as Lenin entered and caught her.

Lascuráin Mansion: Jenny and Ana sat in the kitchen, where Jenny told her that she and Juan were going to the charity house to adopt baby Aurora. Ana congratulated her, but Jenny asked her what was wrong. Ana said “Nothing,” but Jenny knew that was not the case.

University Classroom: Lenin skirted around the current issue by trying to comment on social media
as the professor entered and noted she had seen Fanny's exam grades. Lenin left and Fanny was obviously thinking about something – or someone – else.

La Costeña: León noted that Fanny had clicked the “Like” button when a former peer came to his desk with a layout for his comments. He told David he didn't have to call him “boss” and said that the layout needed more than a product sell. It needed to express the concept of food shared with family, the love on one's children, and the smiles of loved ones. “You have to tell our customers that our product will give them all of that.”

Spoken like a true ad man,” said Hermes, raising his goblet. “I drink to you, León.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana had looked at the schedule and asked Jenny if she wanted her to begin that morning at the pole workshop. Jenny told her yes and took out the keys so she could get in and told her to lock up when she was done. Jenny's cell rang, she noted that it was Juan, and took her leave. Fernando arrived before she was out the door, but there was no unpleasantness. Ana wished him good morning without looking up and said he looked like he was running late.
He said he would be working in the library that day, so she asked if he wanted coffee. He replied that he did and sat down.

Ana washed her hands and the engagement ring came off. It fell in the sink and she retrieved it.

At last,” she said, picking it up.

What?” he asked.

It came off, she said, holding it out to him. “It's been a month since you found out about Chicago. I believe that during this month I've tried to ask forgiveness in every way I can think of but nothing penetrated Don Piedra's skull. Since during this month you have practically never looked me in the face, and I believe you have called it quits over the lie.”
She tried to hold back her tears. “In truth, I'm very sorry and I was wrong. Last night I wasn't able to sleep and I've been thinking and thinking and thinking and I came to the conclusion that there is no solution.”

Me neither, I couldn't sleep,” he said.

She was crying harder. “Let me finish. I, I.... It hurts to ask your forgiveness but I have to resign myself to the reality that you are my boss, I'm your employee, and that will be it for the rest of our days or at least until the children grow up or don't need me and I will leave.”

He got up. “Ana, Ana...”

She took his hand and put the ring in it. “I won't bother you again. I have to stop and be clear. I can't stop loving you. You are the love of my life and I know this is my punishment for hiding the truth. I love you with my whole heart and I wanted you to return that. I know that my error and the consequences of my actions were such that I can't expect you to forgive me. I understand that our story is over.”

She released his hand and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him in a state of shock.
He closed the small opening in the sliding doors and took the envelope out of his pocket. He stood for a second with the envelope in one hand, the ring in the other, and quietly asked “How could I not forgive you, Ana? How could I not forgive you?”

Fernando, you better forgive her!” said Estefania. “You will regret this the rest of your life if you don't.”

Don't worry,” said Eros. “He will. He has to. We will decree it.”

Charity House: Jennifer and Johnny spoke with the directress, who told them they would be great parents for Aurora.

Street: Ana hailed a cab and got in, unaware that Enrique had been hiding nearby and watching her.
He hailed the next cab and told the driver “Follow that cab.”

Really, shouldn't cab drivers know better?” asked Apollo. “There are too many movies where nothing good comes of this.”

Mortals don't learn easily,” said Hera. “And sometimes that's to our advantage.”

True, but this isn't one of those situations.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Fernando paced briefly in the library, then looked up at the photo of himself and Estefania. He then looked at the ring and said “You told me, Estefania, not to let her get away.”
He thought back at telling Ana she would never be alone, and the other times he told her he loved her. And that she had told him of her love. “Ana, I love you,” he said, and headed for the door.

He went up to Ana's room to find Soledad caring for the baby. When he asked for Ana she said she had gone out to Johnny's workshop. He asked for the address, but she didn't know it. He called her cell and realized she had forgotten it, so he Juan's cell phone.
Johnny picked it up as soon as he saw Fernando's name. When Fernando asked for the address of the workshop and told him he needed to talk to Ana, Johnny asked if there was a problem with the kids. He told him “No, no; it's personal.”
Johnny covered the phone and told Jenny, who was thrilled to pieces. Johnny said he would text the address to him and Fernando ended the call and headed out.

Johnny's Workshop: Ana arrived and unlocked the door. As she went inside she did not notice that another cab had stopped at the curb and Enrique got out of it.
As Enrique got out he looked around to make sure he was unobserved while he thought about the time Ana protected Fanny from him. She had told him he would not touch Fanny or he would have her to deal with. She told him off and whisked Fanny out of his reach and he had said to himself she had no idea whom she was dealing with.
He walked toward the door, again looking around to make sure he was unseen and slipped inside, taking a weapon out of his pocket.

Ana turned on the lights and placed elastic training bands on two poles. As she buffed them she did not hear or see Enrique enter the room.
Nor did she hear the sound of the switchblade being opened.
He quickly grabbed her from behind, held the knife to her throat, and made sure she saw his face.


Only had time to read part of the recap but as always can't thank you enough Urban I'm from Computer Hospital, where's the patient?



What can I say? Another spectacular recap! Thanks, Urban. Sure agree with the "commentary" that the whole preggers test with the family in attendance was s bit much. Too funny.

Well, don Hielo is clearly on defrost amd I think we all know where this is heading as Fernando heads over to the workshop space.

Should be a good one mañana.


I for one think that we got a close-up of the garbage can for a reason. It's now the next day and I think someone will look at that tester and see pink.

If this were a US-made program there would be manufacturer's recall and a new test kit would show a positive.

great recap, as always...
a couple details...
when the twins were hearing on the outside of Ana's door, they got to hear Fanny say Ana was preggers so they ran out yelling Ana is pregnant!!
thus the next scene with the whole family AND THEN SOME in Ana's room...

and translation 'a buen arbol te arrimas' (look which tree you are getting close to... another way to say look who you are choosing to take example from) remember he said this after Bruno had asked him for advice on love and Fernando said his heart was broken to pieces right about now.
LOVED the Mt Olympus commentary...
yes, Jarifa, tomorrow should be great.

I want you to know that I cried too when Mr. Ice cried and when Ana gave back the ring. My throat hurt so bad and I choked. Anne

UA, Thanks so much for the great recap! The screen shots were perfect. There was alot of fun and some silliness and then at the end---AAACK!

The whole family pregnancy test was so ludicrous I actually enjoyed it. Love it when they do a pregnancy test and then pass the "stick" around for everyone to look at. Do they know where that thing has been?

So looks like baby DN is off the hook for a kidnapping sub-plot; there's too much else going on to squeeze it in...I hope.

J in Oregon


UA, your recap is amazing.
Bruno told Fernando,"Donde pones el ojo, pones la bala." That is "You're a sure shot," or stte.
Yeah, I think that stick is going to turn pink.


Agree that Ana is pregnant.

Thought it was funny that Johnny called Fer Don Piedra when he was talking to Jen.


This way Fer gets to make up with Ana without her wondering if he only did it because she was pregnant.

Thank you UA, especially for the letter content.

"“For someone with a Masters in Finance, her IQ is subnormal"

What a clever way for Ana to be preggers without that being the reason for a reconciliation, I too believe the test will be positive.

Wait a minute, didn't Fanny tell Lenin just a few days ago she loved him.

It was cute Luz and the twin and their pieces of information

I was so sad when the ring came off


I was scratching my head at the idea of Alicia not knowing how one uses a pregnancy test. Shouldn't she know that already from friends or even her own mother?

A month has gone by since the beach weekend. Baby DN has been in the mansion all this time, so Hissabela can't suddenly play the motherhood card with anyone.

At some point somebody is going to ask themselves why Enfrique kidnapped Hissabela and why he was going after Ana. Eventually someone will wonder why he was holding little DN in Ana's room that night.

Marta, from ayer: televisión de paga would be pay tv: cable, satellite, internet. The program that won -Está Cañón - turns out to be a talk show.


I was surprised that Bruno returned with a pregnancy testing kit so fast. Why would they keep one around the house? Was it Fanny's?

And do they have all-night pharmacies in DF?

I've seen tonight's episode and just be prepared for some difficult listening in a few places. I'm glad I got this one instead.

Thank you, Urban. Just splendid in every way. I will miss the goddesses when this is over. Just love the conversation about Fernando!

Surely there was some editing here to get from the eavesdropping twins at the door, Luz' telling Fernando about a "retraso" and Bruno rushing into the crowd with the pregnancy test. Too crazy. The kids' are sweet to value another little sibling so much, even while the adults' love lives are in flux, to put it mildly.

Tonight sure looks good. I feel like it is moving along fast now to get all of the issues resolved without much thought. Looks like Angel is already toast and that's just fine, but his role in the story was pretty peripheral in the end.

Thank you Urban, for another great recap. I'm going to miss this show and your recaps with the Mount Olympus viewpoints so much. "How Can I Miss You When You're Not Already Gone" ... that could be a country music song.

I can't wait to see what happens tonight. I wonder how if the poles and exercise bands are going to somehow come into play. Maybe Anna will shinny up a pole, swing around, and hit Enrique's head with her foot. Or maybe Mike will come to work early and save the day. Let's hope Johnny is not going to be our hero. Please let it be Fernando.

Speaking of Mike, who is he? Is he somebody well known? Or well known in Mexico? His gringo accent is like nails on a chalkboard. And I probably sound like that too when I'm speaking Spanish.

I'd like to see Beatriz end up with Angel. She's been through enough.

The other possibility of her ending up with Bruno looks like it won't happen. It would have been interesting if she had ended up as Bruno's wife and Ana's social secretary and living in the mansion with them, but that might have felt a little weird to her.

Don't worry about our divine friends; I will bring them back in a future series if the right one comes along. After this I think I will take a short break until something else comes. The one that replaces this doesn't sound like it will work for me at the moment.

What is going to replace Hasta el fin del mundo?

I actually wonder about whether there are such kids who would so readily welcome another sibling. Granted, they're rich and don't want for anything material or much that's experiential, but having to share their parents' attention with so many others must not be easy.

Check out the photo of Luz being held by Fernando in the library. Can't you see this little girl someday playing the daughter of Angelique Boyer?

Thanks Urban for the recap.

I'm in agreement with everyone, Ana is pregnant and someone will pick up the test and confirm it. Why not use the 1 line, 2 line test? Wouldn't that have been easier to read? What if someone is color-blind?

Glad Fer came to his senses. It took a little longer than I would've liked but he did and it was for the right reasons. Wish he had stopped her in the kitchen before she left and told her but then we would've had the Enrique assaulting Ana situation with Fer to the rescue.

I feel bad for Lenin. Through no fault of his own he's in a losing battle.

Hissabela looked good in this episode(as usual) and I couldn't believe she was doing something nice(tipping) but alas it's with alterior motives. Oh well.

Urban, they had all night pharmacies in DF years before I had any here.

Aleta, Mike is played by American actor Mark Jindrak who also appeared in PEAM as a bad guy. He always is going to make someone into "picadillo" . That was his line from PEAM, too.


Thanks, Jarifa. I see that the actor who plays Mike is also a famous wrestler in Mexico and goes by the name Marco Corleone.


Finally had the opportunity to catch up with the recap and comments till now. Your dialogue between the G & G is not only funny but timed to perfection. I will miss them and your recaps tremendously when this novela is over. I hope you pick up another novela soon to recap and bring back the G & G when another appropriate novela comes along. I'm not watching ACT either, even though I love EY, but not with that silly mustache. Give him long locks in a ponytail like he had in CS '08, I'll faint all over again.

I hope someone will post the next, upcoming, interesting novela on the LSDP recap, which I'm trying to keep up with.

I won't miss Johnny or AU when this one is over, but I'll certainly miss everyone else, Luz the most. Thereason should bE a Premio Award for young children like the twins and Luz. What marvelous characters they gave us.


UA, are you referring to when they use whispering voices or are you not fond of a particular conversation in tonight's episode? i am thinking you are referring to when Silvia whispers but i am curious.

Jarifa, thanks for the explanation about the 'tv de paga'. So it is like if we got a show produced in USA, BRAVO or MTV instead of Televisa or another national network. got it.

LOL on 'Don Hielo is clearly melting'... what could we say in the same context about a Don Piedra? crumbling?

JS had mentioned in the 'Hoy' show that in the crying scene he had to go back to the saddest most devastating memory of his to get the tears flowing... at least he can do that. I know many actors who can't cry on the spot like that, they need the help of artif tears... give another PLUS to JS's talents... that crying scene had me in tears the first time i saw it and i replayed it last night at least 6 times... so well done by JS.

if Betty had ended up with Bruno they would live together so either both live in the mansion (which would make Betty and Fernando commute to work together... yeah, weird) or Bruno would not be available at nighttime... (is there any other male help in the house?)

Gracias, Urban and Olympians, for the excellent recap!

I have to admit it; I bailed on this tn a couple of months ago (I have been checking in from time to time on the excellent recaps, though!), but I think I will have to watch this episode. It sounds exciting, even though having the family surround the not-married-to-dad nanny while she urinates on a home pregnancy text is a little creepy.

Thanks UA for a stunning recap complete with pics. I only caught dribs and drabs last night and this got me right up to speed.

Have to say the family descending on the pregnancy test was ludicrous, but in this TN, expected. I think everyone is right in that the test will have turned out to positive after all (they didn't wait long enough is my guess).

But at least we got Fer melting and coming to the conclusion to "forgive" Ana before she is kidnapped be Eeky. I'm guessing since we are running out of time on this show, this will be Eeky's swan song. Then we need to address Doro and Isa. Let's see who got it right on Eeky's anvil!!

Leon was doing his best Fer clone last night. That's what they have been pushing all along, so Fanny will get a man just like her father...for better or for the worse. But I still HATE the way it was shown how she kept Lenin's hopes up. Nothing ever drove me more batty, and I lose girlfriends over this, then when someone strung a guy along just waiting for someone else to get jealous or ask them out. Boy the discard pile from this family is sad to see.

The baby sure grew up in the one month period!! HEHE!


I thought it was natural for girls to seek boys similar to their father (or 180 degrees the opposite); and boys to seek girls like their mother (ditto)

EB, having the family surround the not-married-to-dad nanny while she urinates on a home pregnancy text is a little creepy. that is why when Lichita or one of the kids asked what Ana had to do Soledad jumped and and just said 'you don't wanna know'.


DaisynJay, i think they used different babies before and after the 30 day jump... definitely this one has the blue eyes of Freeky's...

I agree that Fanny sees a lot of Fernando in Leon and that is one of the things that draw her to him.
I also agree that she has been USING Lenin all this time, and that is not fair on Lenin... not a pretty example to give... just like Nando holding on to both girls for an indefinite time before deciding on the 'peinada' over the 'pelos parados'... again, not fair on either girl.
which makes me wonder if Fanny Sr and Fernando kept their relationship hidden from Diego for any time, although we have heard that they did not start that relationship until Diego had been unfaithful to her and she had broken up with Diego... that is just Fernando's side of the story.

They made a point of mentioning the three minutes for the test which makes me also think they didn't wait long enough. Bet Soledad finds it.

I don't think Fanny realizes that she is hurting Lenin. She is no Laura, who uses people to hurt or get the attention of others. I just think she may not have known what she really wants.

Leon has the same sterling qualities that Fernando has, including fidelity. He shows responsibility for his mother and his son and he works hard. He's also handsome. I don't think there's much more to ask for.

Wonderful recap!!

My heart is breaking for Lenin!

Believe like all of you that Ana is preggers but so glad that's not why they get back together. Love the twins!

Freaky can't seem to stay focused on one target which is why he has made so little progress. Fer, Nico, Fanny, Isa, the kids, and now Ana?! Geesh pick one and finish.

UA: also don't believe Fanny is stringing Lenin along on purpose. I think she genually loves him but has confused that with being IN love with him.

Fanny knows Lenin will be hurt at the end of this. She just watched Nando do the same thing to Edith. Well, at least Fanny hasn't slept with Lenin.

Thanks UA. Really appreciate the recap. My recording didn't happen so this was all I had.

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