Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Que Te Perdone Dios #45 3/25/15 -Sympathy for the Devil
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Please God,I am really Innocent I plunder for boredom Kill for pleasure Hell is below me But i do no harm! I await your sympathy and the anvils with glee P.S Faustie Claus Part 2 |
(Merged scenes)
Abi is pleading at the River of Misfortunes to not lose Mat cause she wouldn't support him since he's like a boiling ugly frog . Speaking of frogs, Door-Mat jumps in and it turns out they both couldn't sleep and Mat couldn't get rid of Abi from his mind but he informs her that he will move Di to the City of Valle cause its for the best! Abi is strongly against it because she can cover for everything until he is here. Mat ain't wanna leave either cause he cant support to not touch & spew his love. After a short convincing he gives in , he's staying! They are later interrupted by Meliton who informs them that Max "s tits got a heavy bashing! Ab's wants to go too since he is her "friend".
Marc comes to visit the sleeping Max who is accompanied by the observant Teodora and Marc wonders how is he feeling and what" s she doing here &where is his Daddy? Teo replies that she is here cause she once worked at Max's so she couldn't just leave him alone. (She also wants to wait for Max's friends) ,as for the Daddy Dearest I though that he had already left town! Marc promises to be very watchful of Max. He later comes out of the hospital and greets his henchmen handing them a photo of Luc & He wants Black Hand to do what he was told at the moment he encounters the man on the photo, you understood?
Simona was at the station about to read her Death Sentence aka the testimony but Barry is quickly informed by a fellow officer that Max was found beaten in an alley so Sim signs the testimony without even reading because she trusts Barry completely cause his honesty is very known and he shall surely keep the nastiness from coming out ! She wants to go alongside him to the hospital.
Later Motor and Tony are at work &Tony is blabbing that the case of Mia is tough cause the Men in Blue shall not stop drilling but Mot wonders what's the problem then since Sim is innocent? Tony thinks that she's hiding something but he's right, let's talk about something better, how are you and Edi (Glasses Sis) doing?
Mot informs him that they haven't seen each-other since ever Efi and Cussy Pissy Julian started meddling , I don't even trust the guy. Tony agrees that there is something fishy about the stink and wants to find more about him since he is surely using the Cougar Sisters for his own, parasitical ends!
Juanita rushes to inform them that Max got beaten up last night, he has literally been crying for you guys!
Since we mentioned the Cougars they are right now giving Julian a free consolation therapy, they are here to set him free of all this emotional pain he is feeling at the moment(As if he has emotions) . He is looking all sad and briny but when Edi mentions that the Death Deal has been signed and confined he is free to do handle their company (Not to mention they unknowingly became his property ) and commit to improvements aka new ways to toss us out on the streets from this day on while we beg for your mercy!
Efi wonders about the honorary and he simply screw it, lets talk about this at a time more "better"! He promises them a fairy tale for good nights sleep that he will drive the business to the highest levels of prosperity to the point that even the maestros shall be rolling in their graves!
The jig is up
Max wakes up to find Teo besides him. He yawns about his Daddy and wonders why Teo decided to come, she brought him here right? Teo informs him that his dad cannot be found and she came cause even if you appear like a Bad Boy to me its not your fault that you are Luc" s blood! He compliments her generosity and her pretty face and I think Teo compliments his eyes . Later Tony and Moto join the fray and Tony ridicules him but Moto is her for answers, who left ya in this crappy state? Max replies that he saw two men beating him up. Teo is about to go but Max ain't wanna let her but Teo excuses herself that she needs to go working. The Snarky Duo notices his new found inflammation for Teo, she drives ya crazy right? Moto offers some back support for the poor slacker.
Sim and Barry later appear & Barry wants to know who beaten Max up and Sim quickly responds to him with "Who Else but the people pithed that Moto and Max are in LUV!". Max later quickly tosses Moto's hands out in shockness!
Back at the hospital Pat is drilling Di for not giving Mat his freedom and making him suffer but Di reminds him that she doesn't want to lose her poor husband! Pat points out that Mat is not acting very lovingly towards her but Di replies that he does love her, he's just a little confused. She warns him that if anyone attempts to separate them ,she will KILL herself cause I will not miss the other time and I doubt that Mat & Abi would love to have me on their conscience!
Mat finally came to check on Max and its all fine, he suffered no severe injuries but Barry wants to interrogate him &He could tell him to shut it on the Moto-Max rumors. Max wonders where Sim got these garbage rumors from but he could tell him that Max Payne is in love terribly in someone and thats Abi !(It would be so sweet if he was actually talking about Teo, oh well!) while growling from pain cause Mat actually hit him by accident??
The True Madness is here
At the house , Ren and Ele are having a friendly chat. They both cannot believe that Di would do something like that and Ren will support her but just for Mat's sake. Ele is sure that Mat is paying his mistake dearly for getting married that pronto but he is fixing that mistake soon cause he confessed to me that he became profoundly in love with Abs and will ask Die Hard for divorce. Ren cautions Ele to not spew the news to Abi because she doesn't want for them to turn into lovers and Ele approves but she is sad that the couple cannot even have a small chance of success!
Faust arrived back at home and its no surprise that he will turn into a nasty fit cause its only the calm before the storm! As he leaves Ben and Lucio appear with Lucio dead ready to screw over Faust"s nice little coche!
Ren later affirms cause she wouldn't like Abs to commit her lifetime old mistake and after Ele's nossy fit she informs her that Ren once met a men and they turned into lovers but that was an impossible love. Ele asks if she repents it and Ren says absolutely not, you may judge me because we are supposed to be virgins before marriage but I wanted to feel the magical force of love but Ele drills out that the fairytale didnt end with that nice church-bell ringing and the flowers shit but with a BANG to the head &a bullet to her heart !. Ele understands and points out that she wasn't a virgin either (As if " A man chided me for showing a lack of interest in his family so I boinked his brother!" ) She learned of Ger"s death on her wedding day! Ren wonders why she never married later , Poor Ele had all the right to set the pieces in her life again . Ele responds that it was impossible since the father of my child was the only man in my world!
Ele also informs her that everyone thought that she didn't marry later because of Ger's greatness but because I expected a child with someone else !
At this moment Faust comes just to hear Ren asking " So who is Mat's real father then? " and is of course thrown into a mad fit with the explosive music playing on loud! He begins strangling her in silence and Ren cant help to notice the fear in Ele" s voice. She informs him that they were just talking about Ger. Faust later puts his nasty hands on her some more and declaring that Ger was a very jealous honcho so he asked Ele to never boink with any other man ever again before his demise! Ele is forced to affirm and she breaks free of his palms &wants to GTFO ASAP but Faust even wants to drive her home. Ele says bye to Ren due to Faust"s sick wishes and drags her away. They go outside and Luc is still meddling with the car and inserts a CD into it
much to Ben's denials. They run away as Faust slaps Ele hard for almost letting the truth out &he demands to never spill again! Ben wants to help and Luc makes for a run , clearly not satisfied.
The leftovers (Merged scenes)
Mat is sitting by a fountain and Abi approaches. He points out that other men are also interested in her but she reminds that the promise was made to him only and she would never be interested in someone else !
Mac later appears and teases Ab's for playing with married men cause she somehow knows men, once the fun times are over they get dumped like trash! Abi declares that Mat ain't like them cause he will plead on his knees for divorce and guess what happened to Di, she cut her veins!
Luc gets back at Mac's place and is disappointed at Ben, they never should have brought him in cause he has too of a big heart! He is also traveling with Max Payne to Pallet Town to secure him. Mac wonders about Diablo's Wrath & Luc replies not to worry, he is now ATM paying full well for Max's beating!
And as for the final scene, Faust is pithed at Elena's loose tongue, he should just cut it out one day! He soon gets retribution very swiftly as Luc's voice suddenly greets him from that CD and he gleefully taunts Faust that now he will see how it feels like to drive with no brakes! Faust drives Fast and Furious but it serves him por nada because it crashes and BAM , the car flips over as the Patio laughs away, wishing that it was to last for eternity !
Labels: que-te
This novela is really deviating from the previous version, AMF, and with such good actors and beautiful scenery, it's a pleasure to watch.
Not to mention , it's really picking up speed and getting so good!! I wish more were on board.
Please keep the delightful recaps coming
is the chief of police related to anyone else?
I don't understand what part the twins play in the story or Porfirio either. For me, they just don't seem to fit in, well not yet anyway.
Does anyone feel sorry for Diana?
I really don't like her but I will have to admit that she got a raw deal with dumbass Mateo. He told her that he loved her and he married her and as soon as they get back to town, he starts running around with Abigail. I know that Abi started it but good grief! you just got married.
Fausto was trying out a strangle hold last night so was I sad when his SUV ran off the road? NO, not at all.
As always, I am anxious to read the recap when it comes up.
the gringo
The twins are Ximena (the evil one) and Daniela (the good one). Porfirio is Ximena's husband and Max's (Lucio's son) uncle. Ximena is also Patricio's (who likes Renata) ex wife. While Ximena was married to Patricio she had her sister pretend to be her. Patricio didn't know Xi was a twin. He even told Mateo that Ximena's personality would change frequently. Daniela fell in love with Pat while she was in her sisters place and wants to find him.
I personally don't feel sorry for Diana. I don't see how she thinks she can convince Padre T and even Pat to help her convince Mat not to divorce her. She is set on manipulating Mat.
If one or both twins makes her presence known to Pat and sticks around eventually he may discover the truth.
Porfirio / Ximena / Daniela / Max / Patricio / Lucio
Patricio is Ximena's 2nd husband. Daniela is Ximena's twin that nobody knows about (who is locked up in the manicomio). When Ximena gets tired of living her life, she drags out Daniela to impersonate her. Max is Lucio's biological son. Max's Mom married Porfirio's brother, who gave Max his name.
Renata / Pablo / Macaria / Amanda / Constanza / Diego / Vicenta /Abigail / Barragan / Bruno
Renata & Pablo are Abigail's bio parents. Bruno forced Macaria to pose as Abigail's mother. Amanda is Macaria's mom and Abi's "grandmother"; Constanza is Abi's bio grandmother. Bruno tipped around back in the day and is the bio father of Diego, who's mom ran away or died or something. Vicenta is Diego's grandmother. Barragan's wife was Pablo's mother so he is Pablo's stepfather.
Diego is Abigail's uncle.
Gerardo / Helena / Fausto / Mateo:
Helena was engaged to Gerardo but cheating on him with his brother Fausto; Fausto is Mateo's bio dad but he thinks Gerardo is his dad & Fausto is his uncle.
Julio/Julian / Tono / Mia / Diana / Simona
Julian is Mia's son Julio who is posing as her nephew and Diana's brother. Julio had a child with a woman who died in childbirth; Mia took the child & gave it to Simona to raise. Years later Mia blackmails Simona and got shanked to death by Lucio.
Julio/Julian is Tono's bio dad.
Ximena is also Patricio's (who likes Renata) ex wife. While Ximena was married to Patricio she had her sister pretend to be her. Patricio didn't know Xi was a twin. He even told Mateo that Ximena's personality would change frequently. Daniela fell in love with Pat while she was in her sisters place and wants to find him.
isn't this UTTERLY similar to the story of "La Usurpadora"?? yikes!!
There are 3, possibly 4, men who have the hots for Abi: Mateo, Diego, Max, and Fausto. Although I don't count what Fausto feels for Abi as "love". It's more like obsession.
I just wanted to clear some things up with you all, just in the interests of clarity for everybody...
Laisha Wilkins' twin characters of 'Ximena' and 'Daniela' are the modern day versions of 'Damiana' (evil), and 'Juliana' (crazy), played so memorably in AMF by Helena Rojo (who subsequently won the Best First Actress award that year). Likewise, in AMF, Damiana was the ex-wife of the doctor character who was aiding the Renata character (just like in QTPD), and was likewise married to a crippled, yet well-meaning rich guy (also named 'Porfirio')
What's more is, thus far, the storyline involving the twins is following quite closely the same as in AMF and, if I can say something without revealing too much, I hope it continues as such, as their storyline was one I enjoyed quite a bit in AMF, and was one that I didn't feel like it flew too far off the rails like some of the other AMF storylines (if there's a demonic possession and exorcism here, I'm leaving...)
Best wishes to all!! :-)
Teo has a bigger heart than I do, caring for the jerk son of her rapist. Max seems to be shifting some of his affection towards her.
Hilarious that Simona thinks Max's beating was a hate crime because he's supposedly gay. When will Motor tell her the truth?
Simona was hysterical in that scene at the Medical Center with Max and Motor, LOL, so funny. I laughed so hard, what a delightful scene in the middle of such darkness.
Having the storyline of the twins in QTPD follow AMF is about the only thing I hope they follow. I know you prefer dark novelas and storylines; but I, personally, can gladly do without the Fausto/Abigail storyline.
For me, I like that the storylines of Mac, Lucio, Helena, and Benito and the addition of Max are different enough from AMF to make this version worth watching, to this point that is. I definitely pray that it doesn't follow the stupid and ridiculous satanic, demonic exorcism crap in AMF. That had to have been in the top 5 of ridiculous stupid telenovela storylines of ALL times.
Not to mention the Diana suicide attempt.
And not seeing the annoying Victoria Ruffo is a grand pleasure...Rebecca Jones is so much better.
Mil gracias for all the time you dedicate to this novela and writing recaps. I'm so glad I started watching because now it's picking up speed and getting really GOOD.
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