Monday, May 11, 2015

Amores con trampa #31 and #32 5/11/15 and 5/12/15

Tonight was another great episode, though much of it wasn't what I would consider deeply important to the overall plot. I will be glossing over quite bit to focus on the more important things. Please feel free to add your 2 pesos to the conversation. Just because I didn't find it important doesn't mean it isn't and I welcome all the help I can get. This is a group effort.
Right to the new….
Santiago (Santi) and Esteban head for the upstairs office while Estefany(Estefy) makes her way to Facundo's office. Fac needs to be reminded how they met, but he finally remembers...she was there when he gave Santi that moquete (punch in the nose.) She introduces herself again and this time tries to give him a friendly kiss. Fac barely avoids it saying he's there to serve her, but not that much right now since he's busy (it really came off better in Spanish.)

Esteban asks Santi if Fac slept with Isabel(Isa.) Santi thinks the only thing Esteban needs to concern himself with is that the Carmona's invested in the bankrupt business. He asks Esteban to leave. Santi has to prepare for a casting for his new publicity and marketing business.

Meanwile Fac is looking for hidden cameras in his office. Cameras got him into a lot of trouble once, but that is not going to happen again. Estefy turns on the charm. She tells Fac he's got a certain caveman like quality (rupestre...I went with that since I found it funnier) and is tender at the same time. He laughs that they say they use "ternura" when an animal is ready for eating. Oh she'll eat you up all right, Facundo. She invites him for coffee. Fac clearly hasn't learned a thing. Anyway. He tells her he's packing and getting ready to leave the city. Estefy plays him like a violin. She can't believe Fac would let Santi win so easily. She leaves and it looks like Fac is giving some thought to what she said.

Maria and Perpetua show a couple the house...and the animals. After the tour, it's clear there will be no sale. That animal smell will never go away! Maria notes that they've had 4 couples look at the house and no offers.

Porfirio gets himself worked up over the mango next door...and her cooking (I think?)

Crosswalk crossing pig is cute!! (Who mentioned him?)

Isa blathers on during her massage. The psychologist thinks interested in Fac. blah blah.

Rocio goes to see Beto. She asks if his dad couldn't buy another house but still in the DF. Beto explains it's the city that's doing them harm. They kiss. Beto can't stop thinking that the hotel is nearby. And he knows his father would never hurt his mother. Even Rocio agrees with that. Beto also finds the photos a little odd. His dad looks unkempt and almost knocked out. He claims his dad can hold his liquor and rarely gets hungover (did I catch that right?) Rocio thinks her aunt and uncle are hiding something. They decide to ask around the hotel and see if anyone noticed Fac or saw anything.

Alejandra and Susana are sad about having to say goodbye to each other. Jacinto interrupts looking for scissors. He and Perpetua run into each other as he leaves. He asks about why the family has to move and Perpetua tries to explain that city is not good for them. She cites his bedwetting. Poor Jacinto takes this to mean it is his fault they have to move. Poor Jacinto!

Esteban goes to the spa to see Isa. He heard about Isa and Fac and wants to know- Did Santi make her sleep with the ranchero, or did she fall in love with him? Isa cannot believe Esteban is causing a jealous scene. Even Santi doesn't do that! Esteban starts to talk about when Isa broke up with him, but she cuts him off...much to my dismay. She says something about people finding out and Esteban counters with "you worry people will find out that the first time you cheated on your husband was with me?."

Estefy arrives at her apartment. She's taken with Fac and wants to read her horoscope. According to that, she met the man (or woman) of her vida today. Santi arrives to pour some drinks and make some woo. Estefy doesn't look to interested in Santi's woo.

Esteban continues his conversation with Isa outside the spa. According to Isa, their affair ended a long time ago (hace MUCHO tiempo.) Esteban reminds her that she broke it off to concentrate on her marriage and now she's in love with that ranchero. Esteban is still hurting over the break up. He thinks about it every day. Isa calls the affair a desliz (an indiscretion), something of no importance. Esteban disagrees. There is something much more than a simple affair. Isa tells him if he ever repeats that, she will destroy his life.

The Carmonas dine. Jacinto doesn't want to drink anything. Not even the pear juice they made for him. Fac informs the family that the couple that wanted to buy the house before the Carmona's got it are still interested (ouch what an awkward sentence.) Maria says if they make a good offer, Fac should take it. He agrees. Then she says if they make a crappy offer, he should take it. He agrees again. Beto gets a text. Maria tells him to put his phone away at the table.

Santi tries to make some woo with Isa. Isa isn't interested in his woo, either. She really looks disgusted by the thought of sleeping with him!

Carmen has a nightmare about fighting with Francisca/Pancha. They are slinging literal and figurative mud. Carmen awakes with a start and realizes that despite her problems with Pancha, she wants to stay in the city!

Beto sneaks out of the bedroom, but Carmen catches him in the hallway. He explains that he's got to do something with Rocio and Feli. Carmen thinks they are going to a party and he explains that they have a plan to find out the truth about the photos. Carmen wants to come along. Either they both go, or neither goes!

The Scooby Gang (Carmen, Rocio, Feli and Beto) arrive at the hotel. The plan: get the surveillance tapes. Carmen refuses to wait in the car.

Fac asks Maria to stop being mad. He's done everything she's asked. She's still having a hard time forgiving him. Jacinto and Susana burst in to inform them that Beto and Carmen are nowhere to be found!

They are at the hotel at the moment. Rocio and Beto try to distract the desk clerk by getting a room. Carmen (with Feli) has a better idea. She faceplants in the lobby and starts to howl about her leg, drawing the attention of security, the bellhop and the desk clerk. Beto and Rocio run into the security office.

Santi talks on the phone. Conchita eavesdrops and hears him explain he can't leave. At this hours he can't come up with a plausible excuse. But he would love to be enjoying himself like earlier...maybe even more "my dear licenciadO Godinez." Conchita is scandalized and scurries away…

Rocio and Beto grab a bunch of discs from security.

Poor Conchita is privy to another private conversation...this time Isa's. The sobrinos have no idea what happened...most importantly, Rocio doesn't know. Rocio will keep going to the psychologist and with some luck, she will be declared officially crazy. And that awful thing? It happened so long ago that no one will remember it. Only Isa will know about it and she will take it to the grave. Conchita is terribly upset. The mister with his LicenciadO Godinez and Isa is who knows what. This is a nut house! Conchita walks away and Isa tells her mystery caller that she will fulfill her plan.

Carmen continues to feign the leg injury until Feli gets the all clear. Then the Scooby Gang scoots.

Beto and Carmen make it home. Everyone is waiting for them. Maria swears that this kind of thing would never happen in the country. Carmen distracts Abuelo with chocolate. Beto and Carmen make their exit.

Isa finally gets some earplugs and sleeps undisturbed by the rooster.

Maria also slept late, but Fac and Perpetua got everyone off to school. The real estate agent called. Fac is going to go sign the paperwork for the sale today. Maria seems pleased.

Feli and Rocio spent the night watching the surveillance tapes. Suddenly they see something!

They bang on the Carmona's door. They want to see Fac. He's already left. They have great news. There is no reason for the Carmona's to leave the city! Fac did nothing wrong! Maria tells them Fac is at the real estate office. He's about to sign the papers for the sale of the house.

At the office, Fac is ready to sign the papers. He warns the new buyers about the awful neighbors. They don't seem too worried.

Beto is annoyed by the traffic. If they had taken his horse, they could get around all of it. They run through a red light. He seemed to enjoy that. Rocio hopes the house hasn't been sold yet.

About to sign the contract schtick. The kids interrupt. Too late!! The paper has been signed! The paper comically passes from hand to hand. Rocio finally grabs it, crumples it up...AND EATS IT!!

Maria, Feli, Carmen and Perpetua are waiting at the house. They tell Fac to watch the video. He doesn't really want to, but he sees that Isa put sleeping drops in his drinks! Isa drugged him!!!

I'm already waiting for tomorrow's episode!


Before I get to the recap-Here is the updated (as of this weekend) info and mysteries list. I will update it again after this week.

Information we know
Isa stole Santi from Estefy a long time ago. Estefy wants revenge.
Esteban and Isa had a fling. Esteban wants Isa for his own.
Esteban and Estefy are working together to break up Santi and Isa and to take Santi's money.
Santi and Isa worked together to blackmail Facundo.
Santi is scamming Facundo to get his money.
Santi was a champion boxer at the university...though he seems susceptible to getting punched.

Maria overheard Isa on the phone. I can't remember exactly what Isa said, something like she doesn't regret anything she's done.

What were the circumstances surrounding Feli and Rocio now living with Santi and Isa?

Rocio's mother is dead. Rocio feels guilty. Why? How did her mother die?
Update: BOTH of Rocio’s parents are dead. But the why and how are still mysteries.

Why did Isa need Rocio out of the house "before a certain date"? And why is it more important that Rocio was turning 19 and not Felipe?

Who is Rocio's dad? Why does Isa consider him a good-for-nothing reprobate?

Why did Santi and Isa stop sleeping together 5 months ago? Possible reason: She had an affair with Esteban.

Santi claims to have been the Golden Gloves champ of Houston. Did he spend time in the states?



Sara, thanks for the great recap. You got it all! Also thanks for your wonderful lists. They will surely help to not forget anything as time goes on.

What a mystery! Who was Isabel talking to? A wild guess out of left field. What if it is Rocío's and Felipe's father? What if he is really not dead? What if he was just one more man in Isabel's bed? Maybe I am watching too many mysteries . . . Or maybe not . . .

The bad:

Why did Granny Perpétua have to bring up Jacinto's bedwetting one more time and this time in front of an outsider? : Alejandra of all people. Too little privacy/ not enough boundaries in the Carmona family.

The good:

Carmen overhearing more than she really wants to know

The whole hotel caper.

Rocío eating the sale agreement for the house.

I agree about already waiting for tomorrow's capítulo.


Perfect, Sara! Loved the security tape caper, especially Carmen's fake face plant. Well done, kids!

Now, I think Maria still has plenty to be mad at Facundo for (like what was he doing meeting Is a late at night in a hotel for drinks?), but I'm glad that it looks like she's completely taking his side now that she knows he was drugged.

But if Fac falls for the same trick with Stefi, he's hopeless.

The plot thickens with Isa. She's hiding a lot of secrets.

Love how they distracted and pleased Porfirio with the random piece of candy Carmen found in the depths of her purse. :)

OMG! Rocio swallowing that contract was hilarious.

And maybe I'm overthinking, but considering Maria calls her CABRA loca the paper eating is even funnier.


That DOES make it funnier. :)

Love the "cabra connection", too.


Thank you Sara for the recap AND lists. I think Isa and Santi are despicable .. Isa wanting Rocio declared insane. Nasty woman, no redemption for her especially. A question: is Santi's construction business still bankrupt and he's using the Carmona's money to start a new business? I don't think you could get away with that in the real world. Loved Rocio eating the contract, oh but, poor Jacinto. Again, love that things happen in this tn.

Great recap!

Isa is losing me. I know she has done some bad things but I was rooting for her to get back on track. But if she is sacrificing Rocio to save herself? ...well that is too much. Maybe Rocio has an inheritance coming and Isa will get it if Rocio is declared crazy.

Hotel caper was fun and finally Fac is getting a clue. I hope Maria lays off Rocio now after all she has done to help their family.

Isa is definitely becoming more despicable. She is actively trying to get Rocio institutionalized, has had an affair, is cotemplating another and wants nothing to do with Santi.

Anon10:56-It does appear that Santi has bankrupted one company and is starting another with Facundo's money. And things definitely happen!!

At the very beginning Santi though bubbled something about Facundo being the one to go down if anything went wrong with the business. Does anyone remember that? Can anyone clarify?

Carvivilie-Rocio went out of her way to exonerate Fac. Maria better cut her some slack.

Will Maria still want to move now that she knows Fac is innocent?

And I'm sorry--Carvivlie. I was typing too fast.

Nothing to apologize for Sara!

I think what Santi meant was that Fac was given a % of the company so if/when it goes down, he'll lose his money. Santi took Fac's money and put it into his new business and gave Fac a % of the doomed one.

Thank you, Carvivlie!!! Now I understand a little better.

One more stupid question: Is Santi just using the Lic. Godines name as a front for Estefy?

Sara, thanks for a rollicking fun recap and the vocab bonus.

Yay, I love a good Scooby Gang. At first I really did think that Carmen slipped and fell. Carmen, you go girl! And Rocio swallowing up the contract was good going too. Must’ve been thin paper because she gulped it down so fast.

Why did Granny Perpétua have to bring up Jacinto's bedwetting one more time and this time in front of an outsider?

Jarifa, ITA. I can’t laugh at this as I’ve known kids who’ve had sudden bedwetting problems and it devastates them even when everyone around them is understanding. So sad when Jacinto didn’t want to drink his pear juice.

Now, I think Maria still has plenty to be mad at Facundo for (like what was he doing meeting Isa late at night in a hotel for drinks?)

Vivi, I am so ready for Maria to “independisize” herself. Facundo is running around having drinks and before that having lunch with Isa and before that picking flowers for Isa on their private walk, but Maria can’t even pursue a shawl business. Note to Maria: Learn how to drive a car, and take a ride without Facundo. But I’m so glad it looks like Maria and Facundo are back together, and I wouldn’t mind Maria giving Isa another slamdown.

I hope Maria lays off Rocio now after all she has done to help their family.

Carvivlie, got my fingers crossed that Maria will see the real Rocio. Twice this girl has challenged her tíos to do what’s best for the Carmonas (of course Rocio will do anything to keep Beto in town).

Isa wanting Rocio declared insane. Nasty woman, no redemption for her especially.

Anon @ 10:56, the opening credits keep reminding us that Isa is the “protagonista,” but she sure seems like a villain right now. I guess Estefany’s purpose is to make Isa look better because at least Isa feels bad about some of the bad things she’s done.

Isa seems to trust that person she talks to in secret on the phone. Like Jarifa, I’m wondering if a “dead” family member really is not dead.

Sara, way way back Santiago thought to himself that if things went south with the businesses it would be Facundo who would take the fall and go to jail. Wish we could see the fine print in that contract Facundo signed.


Thank you, Jarifa! The "go to jail part" is suspicious. Does Santi have something underhanded PLANNED or is he just thinking IF there is a fall out?

For Alejandra's sake, I hope Isa and Santi can be redeemed by the end. Otherwise, I hope the Carmonas adopt her. I actually think Alejandra and Susana look alike and could pass for sisters.

I know *I* would love that. They do look very much like sisters.

Alejandra (Jocelin) and Susana (Ceci):

Another Joss and Ceci photo. Really, these two should play sisters:

Sara, as far as I know, Licenciado Godinez is only Estefany's alias on the phone. I haven't heard the name except in that context.


The "go to jail part" piqued my interest. That was the only reason I remembered the scene at all.


The "go to jail" part I think comes from the fact that Santi's business is construction and obviously he has a contract to build something, because the employees weren't getting paid and were going to walk off. If he doesn't fulfill the contract, I'm sure the company will be sued and he must have made Fac the scapegoat in the contract.

Vivi-Thank you so much for sharing those DARLING pictures!! Those two actresses deserve to go far in this business!

Many, many thanks to Jarifa and Carvivlie for the business comments. It's really helping my understanding!

Off topic, but I got a kick out of this.

It's Univision's mini-trailer for Rosy Ocampo's upcoming "Antes Muerta Que Lichita" highlighting the novela within the novela that is then revealed is being watched by the title character of the actual novela.

Thanks for sharing that, RG! I am really looking forward to AMQL! I'm glad Uni has officially announced it in the upfronts.

Sara, a thanks in advance for putting up the header tonight. :)


No problem, Jarifa!!! I'll schedule it as usual and you can recap to your heart's content. Needless to say, I'm already looking forward to tonight's episode.

About to work on my recaplet right now.

Tuesday 5/12/15 Parte 1

Since it's from memory, it will be out of order (the middle parts are hard for me to remember in order.)

While Fac finds out the truth about "the accident" (as it's been called), Santi confronts Isa. He wants to know if she has feelings for Facundo. Isa confesses that she does.

Maria is happy to find out that Fac did not cheat on her and was the victim of a trap. They smooch. Fac declares they have some business to take care of. He drags Maria over to the Velasco house.

Isa and Santi aren't happy to find out that Facundo knows he was duped. Nor or they happy to find out that the sobrinos (Rocio and Feli) were responsible. Isa throws Santi under the bus and says he forced her to do it. Whatever the reason, Facundo is not happy. Just to show them...HE'S GOING TO STAY!!

The Scooby gang is glad that the truth has come out and they take it for a fact that they will stay. Carmen is glad they are staying. Beto is excited too, especially since he's decided to ...but he catches himself before he lets it slip that he's decided to go to the Uni. He promises to fill Rocio in as soon as he has the results.

Estefy meanwhile gets a stern talk from Esteban. She will NOT go after Facundo. She and Esteban are business partners and there is a plan. Lay off Facundo.

Feli and Rocio talk to Isa. They can't believe what she did to Facundo. Feli doesn't call her Mamá Isabel. He call her tía. Isa throws all the blame on Rocío. Rocío is filling his head with garbage.

Santi and Isa are alone in the bedroom. Santi can't believe his sobrinos...his hijos sold him out. Isa blames Rocío again. They fight about Facundo. Santi will not let another man come between them, much less Facundo.

Back at home, Maria is not pleased. Facundo promised her they would move back to the country and now that's not happening. Facundo explains he wants to take over Santi's business and leave him destitute and in the streets. Maria is not on board. She takes sheets and pillows and tells him she's sleeping in the girls room. Facundo lied to her. He didn't tell her what had happened with Isa.

Tuesday 5/12/15 Part 2

OOOPS!! Forgot something important for Part 1!!

After getting back from the Velascos, Fac asks Feli and Rocio to leave. He doesn't think they are bad kids....but they are related to Santi and Isa. The seem devastated. And Maria looks like the sympathetic one now!!

Jacinto leaves a note and an origami on Ale's desk. Unfortunately, she thinks it's from Andrés. Then Andrés asks if he can come see her at her house. Poor Ale thinks Andres is going to declare himself! Poor Jacinto thinks Ale knows the note was from him! Poor Susana recognizes her brother's handwriting!

Santi goes to see Estefany. She asks him to hire some help for the apartment. They make out. Estefy imagines she's kissing Facundo.

Isa catches Rocio looking at pictures of her mom. Rocio asks Isa if her mother left her anything. Isa takes this to mean money and explains that she had nothing. Rocio doesn't care about the money. She just wants some reminder of her mother. Geez, Isa doesn't even have a small necklace or anything?? I find that odd. Isa later does more of the "no one can ever know my secret" thought bubbling.

Susana tells Jacinto he doesn't have a chance with Ale. Jacinto says that statistics show he does have a small chance.

Carmen is worried that her parents are going to separate. Maria assures her that marriage is forever and that she's not going to leave Facundo. It's just hard for her to trust him right now. It's going to take some time.

Fac goes to see Santi. He lets Santi know that you do NOT mess with the Carmonas! Fac is going to take over Santi's. Santi doesn't think he can do it. Santi is the businessman, not Carmona. Fac says he's going to put Santi and Isa in jail(?)

Carmen tries to avoid Feli at the Uni. He catches up with her and they almost kiss. Francis sees it and faints. Her followers start to scream and Feli comes to Francis's aid. Francis thought bubbles that at least she kept him from kissing her for now.

Andres goes to Ale's house and confesses he likes...Susana. Since she and Ale are besties, could Ale help him out?

Estefy goes to see Fac in his office. She wants to call him Facu and he would prefer she not. (Some story about a duck getting run over by a tractor and now Facundo has nightmares? Huh? Way too fast for my comprehension.) Facundo keeps calling her Ester Mary (hee hee!.) She comes on strong. Beto interrupts. Ester Mary...digo...Estefany leaves, but not before putting her number in Facundo's phone. Beto asks Facundo if he likes Isabel.

Isabel and Conchita clean all the black clothes out of Rocio's black clothes. Rocio comes in and a fight starts. In the struggle, Isa falls over the couch. She accuses Rocio of pushing her.

At school, Ale is kind of rude to Susana. Susana is perplexed. Andres asks if she wants to play soccer and she does. Ale seems upset by that. Jacinto tells Ale she was right not to play. According to Fifa, players are 73% more likely to have head injuries(?...something like that.) Ale seems pleased by this and gives Jacinto a hug. Jacinto thought bubbles (with animation..yay!) that there's a 1.3% chance Ale likes him.

Ok. Fac doesn't really answer the "do you like Isa" question. He just says he "can't" like a person like Isa. He swears there is only one name engraved on his heart: Maria. But Beto has seen how nervous his dad gets around Isa. He has noticed the mustache grooming and trembling legs! Fac thinks its the smog making Beto see things.

Isa goes to Santi's office. She has a sling on her arm. She claims Rocio pushed her down the stairs. Santi reminds her they don't have stairs. Santi doesn't pay her much mind. Viewerville knows Isa is setting up to make Rocio look violent.

On her way out, Isa bumps into Facundo. She confesses that he makes her fell alive again. He makes her feel thinks she's never felt before.

I also forgot to mention--at the very beginning Santi tells Isa he saw her psychologist and discovered that the doctor had NEVER suggested that Isa and Santi separate. That's why he asked about Isa's feelings for Facundo.

Please, please, please fill in as needed.

Favorite part:
Isa telling Santi she was pushed down the stairs and his quickly saying "we don't have stairs."

Thank you, Sara, the recap was excellent. You have a very good memory!

Poor Rocío with Isabel throwing out her clothes and offering her nothing from her mother: if not a physical item a nice story about her mother might have been enough. Guess it is all part of the plan to get her out. Then to set Rocío up as the perpetrator of her fall "down the stairs". Which is greater: Isabel's hatred for Rocío or her own stupidity? How long will we have to wait until we find out the mystery around Rocío's mom and Isabel?

I did not like that Facundo never really answered Beto's question with the word "no" when he asked Facundo if he liked Isabel.

The funniest part for me was the expression on Susana's face when she recognizes Jacinto's handwriting on the note to Alejandra.

It looks like Francis is not going to stop her shenanigans very easily.

I sure liked Facundo's red shirt.


Sara- Excellent recap! And from memory too!

The "we don't have stairs" line cracked me up. Isa is sinking lower every day. Poor Rocio.

I hope Alejandra gets over her anger towards Susana soon. Susana doesn't even know that Andres sees her that way. Loved Jacinto's 1.3% chance with Ale calculation. LOL! He's really set his sights high.

Ay, Facundo. He's going to continue to enrage Maria if he can't draw the line with these women. After learning what Isa did, there is no way he should have even given her the time of day when he bumped into her outside of the office. And he certainly shouldn't have needed to think twice about going to have coffee with her! And this after prohibiting the kids from spending any time with the neighbor kids. Once again, Maria and the kids have to follow one rule, and he gets to break it.

Maria did seem sympathetic towards Rocio and Feli, while Facu was being hard nosed.


First of all I like all of Facundo's wardrobe. Red shirt, blue shirt, black shirt, no shirt.

BUT he does make these rules and then promptly breaks them while enforcing them for everyone else.

Last night he said he didn't like how forward "these city women" are...but he secretly does.

Thanks, Sara. Terrific recap.

So glad Maria has softened up toward Rocio. Also, glad she didn't take lightly Facundo having a drink date with Isabela. If Porfirio were Maria's life coach instead of Facundo's padre, he might say "don't put all your huevos in Facundo's basket."

Beto knows his dad. I agree with him that Facundo does like Isa. I do give him credit for deleting Estefany's number from his phone, but he always gives an opening to Isa.

ITA Santi's "we don't have stairs" was a hoot.

Jacinto calculating his chances with Alejandra - too cute.

Interesting that Maria chose to sleep with her girls, rather than with her mother. Got my fingers crossed that Maria made this choice because she's leaning toward making some changes. Perpetua is a loving mom, but she's raised Maria very old school. IMO Perpetua was too understanding when everybody thought Facundo had slept with Isa.

Red shirt, blue shirt, black shirt, no shirt. Sara, ITA!

Niecie: funny: " don't put all your huevos in Facundo's basket. " Porfirio would say that some how some way.

Sara "Red shirt . . . no shirt." Perfect!


Wonderful recap!

I felt for Santi when he told Isa "Mi Puchis, te amo".

Fac needs to start studying the business, and hire a lawyer, if he plans to take over from Santi.

Maria is so beautiful but she wears her hair the same everyday and the same kind of dress. I wonder if at any point she will get a makeover. I would like to see how Fac responds to that.

Niecie said:
...glad she didn't take lightly Facundo having a drink date with Isabela.


IMO Perpetua was too understanding when everybody thought Facundo had slept with Isa.

Both good points. Facundo did not actually sleep with Isa, but I don't think he would mind it. And Perpetua is a good woman, but she was way too dismissive of Facundo's possible cheating. She just waved it off with an explanation that her husband did it all the time, too.

Carvivlie said:

I felt for Santi when he told Isa "Mi Puchis, te amo".

When Facundo and Maria came into the living room to confront them both, Santi wiped tears from his eyes. SO SAD!!


I wonder if at any point she will get a makeover.

I would like to see Maria in a more chic kind of look, but still with the Rancherita flavor. ;-) I do like the boots with the little dresses. I can't remember who first mentioned the "luke", but I've noticed it ever since.

I do like her in the dresses and cowboy boots but for some reason I really want to see her get glammed up and knock Isa off her pedestal.

Oh I definitely want to see her glammed up! Africa Zavala is gorgeous and I think a glammed up Maria would knock Isa AND Estefy down a peg.

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