Monday, May 18, 2015

Amores con trampa #36 and #37 5/18/15 and 5/19/15

It's another week with the Carmonas...and it's also finals week for me. I still have some exams to grade, so the recap will be short and sweet. I hope you all don't mind (and don't mind filling in where needed.)

I'm doing lots of scene combining tonight!

Isa threatens to turn Beto in for kidnapping. Facundo grabs her phone and tells Beto to scram! Facundo assures Isa that if Rocio is with Beto, she is well taken care of. Isa takes the opportunity to tell Fac that she loves him. She asks if he didn't feel anything when they kissed each other? He reminds her that SHE kissed HIM and no, he didn't feel anything. When he looks at her, he is afraid. She's a bruja(witch) and evil. She's worse than carne de puerco(pig meat)...and he apologizes to the animals for comparing her to them. After he leaves Isa snivels that she wants to change her cold and calculating heart and that Facundo is the only person that can help her do that.

Santi meets with Estefany at a hotel. He whines about Esteban not only working for Facundo, but having a thing for "Puchis", too! Puchis is innocent of course. She is a saint (so Santi says.) Estefany tries to convince Santi that his "Puchis" is capable of anything...even cheating. Santi repeats his claim that Isa is a saint. Estefany makes a mental note to talk to Esteban. He's complicating things. A man approaches and greets Estefany. He knows her well...she used to be a waitress in Monterrey!! She denies everything.

Back at home, Isa checks to make sure all her jewelry is there. It is. She and Santiago fight about Rocio again. He uses the same words as Facundo to describe Isa: she is worse than "carne de puerco" and that she's good for nothing.

Francis discovers that Diego is the person behind Carmen being chosen for the Guiseppe's Pizzaria ad campaign. She demands that Diego fix it RIGHT NOW! He reminds her that temper tantrums aren't good for a pregnant woman. She continues her fit with her friends and is apoplectic when Feli shows up with a Carmen emblazoned logo on his car.

Maria cannot believe Facundo didn't bring Beto home. During the argument, Carmen lets it slip that Beto wanted to enroll in the University. Maria is upset that she's the last to know. It gets worse. Facundo lets it slip that Isa was at the jewelry drop-off as well. Maria loses it. Abuelo remarks that Isa is quite the ofrecida(loose woman)...and he wants one too! Maria is furious. Why was Isa even there? She is nothing to Beto! Abuelo asks them to stop fighting and it's Fac's turn to lose it. He starts yelling that he's tired of Beto this and Beto that. They have more important things to worry about than Beto. Besides, Maria is the one that raised him, isn't she. OOOO. Facundo. You are dead to me. Dead.

Fac tries to apologize. He asks Maria to forgive him. He tells Maria that he just wants her to understand a little. She just keeps harping on Beto and Isa. He just lost it. At least it started as an apology. Then he just tanked. Carmen tells her father that he went too far this time. Abuelo reminds Fac that a man has to deal with his woman with a firm hand. But that same hand needs to be caring. Abuelo agrees that Fac went to far. Fac asks his father if that's how he treated his wife(Fac's mom)….with caring? Ugh. So now I do feel a little sorry for how Fac's boyhood was like. Abuelo is dumbfounded.

Estefy goes to see Esteban. He is not interested in her "charms." She keeps calling him "darling" Esteban wonders if that means she doesn't remember is name. She tells him that only an idiot would admit to having something for Santi's wife. Estefy tells him to fix things with Santiago. They have to cover all their bases. Esteban will ask Santi to forgive him, and she will take care of Facundo.

Esteban talks to Santi. Santi will forgive him, only if Esteban continues to work for Fac. Santi wants to know Fac's every move.

Susana and Ale make up. Yay! Susana will not rest until Ale gets her guy (Andres.) Oh these things never work out. Bad idea! Bad idea! They all go play soccer. Jacinto uses complicated calculations to make a goal. In the celebration, Ale falls on Andres. I think he breaks his leg...and probably Ale's heart when he said it felt like an elephant fell on him.

Isa and Estefany get catty with each other. Isa thinks Estefany wants Santi. Estefany takes delight in telling Isa that it's "Facu" she's after. Me-ow!

Estefany (who Fac still calls Ester Mary...much to my delight) takes some sushi to "Facu." He reminds her that ever since the patito, he doesn't like the nickname "Facu." She bust some moves, but Isa busts in. Facundo throws them both out. In the hallway they exchange insults. I know I caught "turkey in a wig." Estefy suggests they talk honestly. Isa agrees, but not in the office. They insult each others extensions. Estefy tells Isa she knows that Santi doesn't give a hoot about his wife.

Hilda busts moves on Beto. She plants a big kiss on him. Of course Rocio sees.

Isa and Estefy talk about Facundo. Estefy thinks he likes them both. Estefy moves on to the past. She was all ready to marry Santi in her Italian designer gown when Isa took him. Estefy plans to use that dress...with Facu. Isa says she wants Facundo for herself. They decide to fight for him. No rules. They make a bet- 25 thousand dollars (to the loser I presume.)

Maria cries. Carmen tells Maria she needs to stop thinking so much about Beto and worry about Isa. Maria needs to lover herself. Carmen encourages Maria to go shopping and to the gym and the spa. Maria says that's just like the stuff Isa does. Carmen tells her that's exactly the plan. Compete on the same field (I am being very liberal with that translation.) Carmen promises her mother that Facundo will soon be the way he used to be.

Francis goes to see Isa. Isa may have her flaws, but I loved how she called Francis on her BS. Feli even overhears Isa saying Francis is not pregnant. Unfortunately, he doesn't believe Isa. I guess he wouldn't considering how she's been lately, but...darn. He and Francis head to his room.

Yikes! Why do we keep seeing him with his shirt off??? NO. PLEASE. NO MORE. My eyes! My eyes! Now Francis is busting moves on his bare back. Ack!!

Where was I?

Oh, Feli reminds Francis that he will take responsibility for the baby, but they are still splitsville.

Ok, this needs to be a group effort of comprehension. Esteban talks to Facu and reminds him that he only has 40% of the shares. That's not enough to really control the company and make decisions. Fac will need to get more shares from Santi...something Santi is not going to be willing to give up. Santi won't sell to Facundo...but maybe to someone else? Fac tells Esteban he wants to control the company and if Santi doesn't like it, Fac will fire him and leave him in the street. Esteban thought bubbles that Fac shouldn't be confiding these things. Esteban can use this information to his favor.


Here's the list I've been keeping. I didn't really do any updates, so let me know if I need to add anything.

Information we know
Isa stole Santi from Estefy a long time ago. Estefy wants revenge.
Esteban and Isa had a fling. Esteban wants Isa for his own.
Esteban and Estefy are working together to break up Santi and Isa and to take Santi's money.
Santi and Isa worked together to blackmail Facundo.
Santi is scamming Facundo to get his money.
From Carvivilie: I think what Santi meant was that Fac was given a % of the company so if/when it goes down, he'll lose his money. Santi took Fac's money and put it into his new business and gave Fac a % of the doomed one.
Santi was a champion boxer at the university...though he seems susceptible to getting punched.

Maria overheard Isa on the phone. I can't remember exactly what Isa said, something like she doesn't regret anything she's done.

Conchita has also overheard a conversation from Isa:
From a recap: The sobrinos have no idea what happened...most importantly, Rocio doesn't know. Rocio will keep going to the psychologist and with some luck, she will be declared officially crazy. And that awful thing? It happened so long ago that no one will remember it. Only Isa will know about it and she will take it to the grave.

What were the circumstances surrounding Feli and Rocio now living with Santi and Isa?

Rocio's mother is dead. Rocio feels guilty. Why? How did her mother die?
Update: BOTH of Rocio’s parents are dead. But the why and how are still mysteries.

Why did Isa need Rocio out of the house "before a certain date"? And why is it more important that Rocio was turning 19 and not Felipe?

Who is Rocio's dad? Why does Isa consider him a good-for-nothing reprobate?

Why did Santi and Isa stop sleeping together 5 months ago? Possible reason: She had an affair with Esteban.

Santi claims to have been the Golden Gloves champ of Houston. Did he spend time in the states?


Sara, thanks for another wonderful recap even in the midst of grading finals. You are a real trooper!

So many good and funny things on this episode:

Loved your "my eyes" comments, Sara. Very funny!

Yes, Facundo seems to be up to something talking to Esteban about Santiago not be willing to sell more shares to him but maybe to someone else. Hmm. . .a revenge plan could be sweet.

Facundo and Santiago both referring to Isabel as "más mala que la carne de puerco". Facundo also called her a "hiena" (hyena). I liked that!

Francis's mean girl friends referring to Carmen as an "albondiguita con patas" (a little meatball with legs).

The mystery man identifying Estefany as a waitress from "El Cabrito Loco". (The Crazy Little Goat) in Monterrey. What a "goaty" theme is running though this novela!

Grandpappy Porfirio wanting an "ofrecida" all for himself.

Isabel telling Francis there will be a DNA test if there is a baby. Isabel is one smart cookie.

Estefany and Isabel making the bet on who will get Facundo. Estefany telling Isabel that Facundo was "Facu" for his intimate friends.

ITA, that Facundo was a real jerk when he turned it all back on María with if she was the one who was worried about Beto well, she was the one who raised him, etc.; so basically blame herself.

Estefany never giving Isabel the satisfaction of calling her by her name. She always pauses, tries to remember and comes up with "Isadora".

As you can see, I liked this episode a lot. Hope that Beto and Rocío get a nice long vaca with tía Humilde sans Hilda.



What's not to like? I enjoyed it too.

Thanks for the added details, Jarifa.

I would like to see a revenge plan too. What I really want to see is Facundo NOT being a dunderhead in everything he does.

Thanks so much, Sara. You're so right about Facundo being a dunderhead. It's time he put in his "pilas" so his neurons will start firing.


So true, Denise. Everyone says he's so smart. So prove it to us already!

Brilliant, Sara! Thanks for the great recap when you have so much on your plate.

Jarifa- Loved all the things you pointed out. I really enjoyed Isa and Stefi's mean girl conversations. But my goodness, Facu will have his hands full with those two ofrecidas all over him all the time. Maybe he'll learn a firmer and quicker was of saying no and getting rid of them.

Like that Facu is plotting against Santi and studying up on the business. Hate that Esteban is playing for both sides and may betray him.

But Facu really stepped into it with Maria. I like Carmen's advice that Maria needs to start focusing on herself more, but I don't think becoming a frivolous woman of leisure will be her thing. She needs to start her own business, with a minimal makeover.

I hate a lot of things about Isa, but love how she called Francis out. It's hard to bullshit the ultimate bullshitter.

Stefi and Isa better hope neither wins the bet, since neither of them has the money to pay up. That was hilarious when that guy recognized Stefi as a waitress from the Crazy Goat. LOL! She must have really fallen on hard times. Wonder if she was good at it. She was certainly memorable. Maybe the uniforms are akin to Hooters.

I'm glad you mentioned it, Vivi. I liked Carmen's advice that Maria needed to love herself, but I was disappointed that the advice turned more superficial. But I guess a younger person like Carmen would think that way?

A note on the goat theme-I've been watching a Chilean TN and I started noticing that they use "cabro chico" a lot. After consulting my Chilean phrasebook I discovered it can mean "kid"(as in human kid) and that it can be slightly insulting. Do they use "cabro" for kids in Mexico? I wonder if they used "cabro chico a lot in Somos los Carmona." Did the writers decide to take it and make it the joke for Amores?

I have not seen Somos los carmona, so maybe they didn't use it that much. I'm kind of rambling. LOL

I'd love to find out what Estefany has been doing to support herself all these years. Has she been waitressing? Has she been grifting her way across Mexico?


If she has, I wonder if there will be more run ins with former clients or victims.

Another point: Facundo is awfully "hands on" with Isabel even when he is telling her he is not interested or not to mess with his kid Beto. A few episodes back he removes a strand of hair from her face and in the standoff in the country after her jewelry was returned he has his hand on the back if her head as he is yelling at her. Just seems to me he would be careful not to touch her at all if he were really not interested. Just seems way too familiar to me.


Sara, you are a doll to give us a recap amidst the end of school crunch. Loved reading every word.

Carmen's advice is a hell of a lot better than Perpetua's. Maybe Maria pampering herself will be the start of her exploring her possibilities. She doesn't seem to miss the shawl business but was frustrated one day when all the family was eating but she was back in the kitchen sweating over making tortillas or something by hand.

Boo, Facundo not only yelled at Maria but hurt Porfirio's feelings too. I take it Porf wasn't a model husband, but Facundo came off as a bully to me.

I have to give kudos to the actress playing Francis. She always makes me laugh. Isabel calling her out on her fake pregnancy was my favorite scene.

Why did Felipe take his shirt off in front of Francis if his smooch life with her is over? Very annoying. One more reason for me to want Diego to have a chance, to at least take his shirt off.

I kept thinking how dumb of Facundo to trust Esteban, but I see everybody thinks Facundo is bringing on his hidden inner fox. I sure hope so.

My take is that Facundo, to paraphrase Jimmy Carter, has lust in his heart for Isa. All her lying and conniving hasn't turned him off. He feels nothing for Estefany, but something is there with Isa.

Niecie- Carmen is definitely giving better advice than Perpetua!

My question is why anyone thinks we even WANT to see Feli with his shirt off?

Jarifa- For a married man, Facundo is very, very handsy. Not cool. He is not coming off as villainous as Isa. She is just mean and hateful. But what he's doing is just as hurtful.

Niecie, "lust in his heart" is a perfect description.


Facundo is definitely lusting in his heart for Isa. And unfortunately his way of dealing the the guilt he feels about that is to be a jerk to his family-- primarily Maria and Beto who have been challenging him a lot lately. But Porfirio got a taste too. I get that Porfirio might not have been the best husband, but that was another time and another marriage. Facundo needs to be focusing on the here and now, and his own damned marriage, which he is working hard to ruin.

Vivi busting out with profanity (damned.) Facundo's really made you mad. :)

LOL! Yes, he did!

Back after a week in Hasta land. Boy a lot has happened. My only comment: I had to yell at the TV for Frances to SHUT UP!! Man, she's shrill.


Flaco's family says "chiva loca". He said it's normally directed to girls.

Question: did Santi tell Isa that she was a bad mother, wife and lover?

Thanks for the wonderful recap!

I missed this episode so glad I missed a shirtless Feli. Poor kid. Now I feel guilty for saying it.

Isa calling Francis out, awesome!

Isa being called a bad wife, mother and lover by Santi... awesome!

Fac turning his guilt on Maria...Not awesome.

Maria seeming to only nag and worry all the the time...Not awesome.

Fac still placing trust in anyone not his family (Esteban)...Not awesome.

But Fac finally trying to get smart about the business....Awesome!

You are correct, Nanette. Santi did say that Isa was a bad wife, lover and mother. She is buena para nada.

Carvivlie- The "Awesome! Not awesome." list is so funny. Even visually it is funny.

Awesome! :-D

Not awesome. -_-

Did you guys see the Lego Movie?

I didn't. Why?

The theme song is "Everything is Awesome", which gets played over and over again in the movie. It's a running gag.

No, I didn't see it. I heard it was really good though.

Awesome!!! (hee hee)

I do need to see that movie.

Sara- You would enjoy it. :)

Awesome Vivi! ;)

It's on my DVR to record on HBO.

Thanks Sara for the clarification.

Thanks Carvivlie for the "Awesome, Not Awesome" list.

It's tempting to do a whole recap in the Carvivlie style.

One line summary of an event-Awesome!

One line summary of event-not awesome.

There should be sound effects. Cheers for awesome and that "wanh wanh" effect for not awesome.

#37 Tuesday 5/19/15

Today it's gonna be really short, sweet and inspired by Carvivlie.

Rocio and Hilda Mercedes get into a mud fight. Tia Humilde praises Rocio for fighting for her man. Awesome! (In this recapper's opinion, Tia Humilde and the country are good for Rocio.)

Hilda Mercedes sneaks into Rocio's room through the open window. She takes Rocio's cell phone, calls Isa and rats out Rocio.Not awesome.

Isa and Santi and Facundo and Maria invade Tia Humilde's house and drag the kids back to the DF. Beto is devastated Not awesome.

Facundo tells Beto he has to choose: Rocio or Family Not awesome. (Even Maria thinks he's being harsh.

Maria and Facundo continue to fight. She still wants to move back to the country. He's determined to get back and Santi. She thinks Fac is being just like Santi. Not awesome.

Feli asks Santi for a job. Santi loves the idea. He makes Feli his personal assistant. Feli will also keep his pizzaria job. I say Awesome! Feli is a responsible guy, except...

He's still mooning over Carmen, but can't seem to extract himself from Francis. Yesterday he tells her no more smoochies and today he doesn't seem to be fighting the smoochies very hard. Not awesome.

Facundo has a plan to get more shares of Santiago's company. Via Esteban and Estefy, he hires an actor to play a German investor who will buy 15% of the shares.Awesome? or Not Awesome?

Santi thinks he will still maintain the majority of the shares: Fac=40%, German Investor=15%, Santi=45% Not Awesome....because

During the business deal, Santi thought bubbles that he's already taken most of his money out of the Construction business and put it in the new Marketing business. Fac and the German investor will be left with a bankrupt business.Definitely not awesome. (And there is probably room to correct me. Not sure if I understood all the business stuff correctly.)

The hired actor makes it clear he had a thing for Estefy and probably wouldn't mind having it back. Awesome!

Esteban tells Estefy it's pretty clear to him that Fac doesn't give a hoot about her. Awesome!
Maria and Carmen have put their plan into motion. Maria unveils her new look for the gym. Fac looked pretty interested to me. She tells him that she's been getting fat since coming to the city. She and Carmen are going to work out. Awesome? or Not Awesome?

Isa confesses to Federick that Fac has stirred up some feelings in her. Not awesome

Fac catches Beto trying to call Rocio and yells at him. Not awesome.

Definitely feel free to add and fill in, patio peeps. It's my last week of school. Next week I can do more detailed work.

Awesome, Sara!

I just love Tia Humilde so much. She is so good for Rocio. I thought it was so sweet how she was brushing Rocio's hair, while praising her, and how she lovingly insisted that she come eat at the dining table-- nopales tacos (guess she learned the Rocio doesn't eat meat). I'm so mad at all the other adults for not understanding how hard they are being on the young lovers.

I laughed at Facu's efforts to keep "Esther Mary" away, and also at how he covered up Maria's blobs with her hair when she was in her workout gear. I did not laugh at his other antics. Well, I did have a mean laugh when it turned out that submissive Maria lovingly bringing him freshly ironed shirts turned out to be a fantasy. Ha!

Even though Santi has further dirty tricks up his sleeve, the fake buyer was a clever plan. With majority control, Facu might actually be able to catch out Santi's plan to fleece the company. Unfortunately, Esteban and Stefi are free agents who will take whatever side gives them more benefits and money.

I love Tia Humilde, too. I really hope that is not the last we see of her.

It was heartbreaking when Rocio told Santi and Isa that in two days with Humilde she got more caring and tenderness than in her lifetime with Isa and Santi. I'm tearing up just thinking about it again.

Sara, what a fun read this a.m.! The recap was just perfect as it was and yes awesome!

Parts I enjoyed:

The muddy fight. At first the girls looked like two kids on the playground twirling themselves around.

Hilda snaking her way through the same little window Beto used to gain access to Rocío's room. She is like a "countryfied" version of Francis. They want who they want y punto!

The piano music they play in the sneaky plotting parts

Isabel warning Santiago about the German who just appeared out of nowhere.

María telling Facundo that she, too, is going to start thinking more about herself. He did not look pleased. What is good for the goose. . .

Facundo's María fantasy..

Estefany smiling and all over a "hot" and uncomfortable Facundo. She was like a snake looking at her prey just waiting and enjoying the wait.

The German investor --Hans Franz Burger (the name alone was funny) with the Yucatan accent. Santiago is the first to notice the accent but still signs anyway. When Esteban asks him how it went, the actor says Santiago was stupid; that they must have dropped him when he was born. Then the funniest: he says he would never betray their confidence and tell because of Estefany after all they had been through together. Estefany shuts him up real fast.

Isabel spraying DDT at her patio table with Federico.


Sara, thanking you in advance for the header for tonight. I am ready to roll with this capítulo de "desafíos" as they described it.


LOL Sara AWESOME recap!

I was out last night so missed this episode. (btw if anyone is in NYC and wants to see a show I highly recommend the play "Curious Incident of the Dog")

I worry what is going to happen to Rocio now that she is back at home. She is an adult so they can't legally lock her in, and yet she has no money for anything.

Who is Frederick?

So Esteban didn't tell Santi that the German was just a ruse from Fac? How does that help Esteban and Estefy?

Maria getting fat? Impossible.

I'm going to try to watch this epi before tonight's.

Jarifa, thank you for your added details and comments each episode. I love reading them. I got a laugh out of Hans Franz Burger, but all the Yucatan comments went over my head. I didn't realize that was a Yucatan accent and therefore missed the joke.

And now that you mention it, Hilda Meche *is* the country counterpart to Francis.

The header will go up at its usually scheduled time.

Carvivlie-Glad you liked it! Federick is that designer friend of Isa's. The one that did the show with Maria's shawls.

I think Maria was just using the fat thing as an excuse. I wish I was as "fat" as she it!

I'm also worried about Rocio. They've given Beto a little direction and it looks like he's headed for the university. I hope they give Rocio a little direction, too. I'm so tired of seeing her suffer.

I'm actually surprised Santi would give Feli a job at the office. After all, Feli did choose telling the truth to the Carmonas over his tios. Now Feli will be in a position to possibly see Santi's dirty business dealings with Fac and his two companies.

Man, if she wasn't using her powers for evil, Isa would be an amazing person to have watching your back. She knows Francis is lying about the baby. She sensed this German buyer thing was trouble.

Feli must be pretty desperate, too. He even mentioned Santi's questionable business dealings. It would be nice to see Feli maybe teaming up with Fac.

Meant to say that I don't understand how the German Investor plan will benefit Esteban and Estefy either.

Yes, Vivi. Isa really is very astute and has a great sixth sense. I wish they could make her a little more likable. I wish the shawl business storyline hadn't been dropped.

I see Isa's "con" intuition as actually a character defect (even though I loved when she called out Francis). I don't think she trusts anyone. She seems suspicious of all people, paranoid. Which begs, what has she done and what is she hiding to make her this way?

Interesting Carvivlie. Like it takes one to know one.

Great Sara, thanks !!!

So, am I understanding the business part of this? Fac just bought 20% of the shares of the losing company (construction) thru the actor from Santi so he now has 60% and Santi had 40%. What part did the actor play? Couldn't Fac go directly to Santi and offer to buy the 20%. Part 2: Santi used other money he swindled from Fac to start a new co. (marketing,)but Fac doesn't know about that co. Maybe we're really not supposed to figure any of this out, but I sure am confused.

Anon- Santi would not have sold to Facundo. He thought he was selling 15% to someone else, Facu would have his 40, and Santi would have 45-- the controlling shares. Now Santi has 45, and Facu has 55-- the controlling shares.

Missed last night's eps, so greatly appreciate the recap so I know what to expect when I watch it tonight. Thanks Sara.

Here's to Fac turning that business around while the less than stellar businessman Santi tanks his new venture.


YES Nanette to Fac making a success of it!


It would be kind of neat to see Maria have some sort of successful business too. And to accomplish it before Fac...but Fac would probably pitch a fit.

Agree Sara but at the same time I want it for her if she wants it for herself. Not for Fac. She seemed happy taking care of the family back on the farm. Maybe she had more to do there and it gave her more of a sense of purpose. IDK. I do want to see her being happy again.

Vivi, I understand the %'s but I can't see what Santi has to gain by keeping controlling interest other than being able to funnel money to his new business. Santi mentioned that if it went down, Fac would be the one to go to prison. How that would happen when Santi has the controlling interest confuses me. Do you know?

I think a big part of it is pride. He wants to be the boss, the captain of the ship, even though it's sinking and he plans on blaming the first mate for it. And yes, it also makes it easy for him to continue to fleece the company when he's in charge.

Yes, Carvivlie. I only want Maria to do what makes her happy. You put it perfectly-back in San Bartolo she felt like she had a purpose. I feel like she and Jacinto have had the hardest time adjusting.

Vivi- amen! Santi has an ego. He likes to be in charge, but he's really bad at it.

OT:.Sara, what is the story behind your watermelon with the stylish animal print scarf? There has to be a story.
It is too unique.


Sara, awesome highlights! I too am torn about Feli working for Santi, but I'm glad to hear he's also not giving up pizza delivery. I didn't catch that last night.

Most adorable moment: the black hog in the background stopped eating to watch Rocio and Hilda slop in the mud. The white hog kept eating but then started to join Rocio and Hilda in the mud when the fight stopped.

Yay, Maria threw Facundo a curve. Nice to see her trying something new.

Maria wants to go back to the country, but I can't blame Facundo for wanting to get even with Santi. Sure hope Esteban doesn't double-cross Facundo.

Jarifa, thanks for pointing out "Hans Franz Burger" - lol. I missed that.

So the "German" had a thing with Estefany. I wonder if there'll be a running joke throughout the TN with men who pop up along the way that have had a thing with Estefany.

Niecie: "I wonder if there'll be a running joke throughout the TN with men who pop up along the way that have had a thing with Estefany."

That would be a hoot!!

Niecie- I am so sad! I didn't even notice the piggies during the fight! I will go back and watch! Thanks for sharing that.

Jarifa- the melon is an homage to a character in LA Sombra del Pasado. She had a melon farm (yup. Melon farm) which was burned to a crisp. I was tickled by the idea of a melon farm. So for a while I had just the melon as my profile pic.

The character was also a woman of loose morals. We knew this because she wore a leopard print belt. When she passed away I felt like I needed to honor her in some way. Caray-mate 5ft Latina (aka The Diva of the Desierto) was kind enough to use her photoshop skills to give my melon a leopard print belt.

So now the melon is a melon on loose morals. A melon ho.

Sara, I love the melon ho story!Thanks for sharing the fun.


Niecie, I do not blame Facundo either for wanting to get even with Santiago. I would. With Facundo it is a matter of pride, too.


Sara: "melon ho". Love it!!!

Niecie- I just went back and watched the mud fight. Thank you again for mentioning the pigs. They were darling! I loved the black pig just watching the crazy humans and yes, that little white pig looking like he wanted to join in was precious!

Nanette-I'm really attached to my melon ho. The character that inspired it has been gone for a while and I just can't let it go.

Jarifa - I'm rooting for Fac to come out on top... But I'm getting impatient. Lol.

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