Saturday, May 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #10 Fri 5/29/15 In Which Venom Is Spewed And Veronica and Magdalena Are Codemned



Veronica wraps her arms around Martin's arm and tells her future husband that she has no doubt now that she's in love with him. Martin sees this as a red flag and release his arm from her grasp and gives her this "if looks could kill" face behind her back. He tells her that he doesn't get her - just yesterday she was telling him she needed time and now she tells him she's sooo in love with him and wants to get married. Does she really want it? he asks her. Of course she'd get married to him and if it were up to her it would be right then and there. She realizes that he's become serious and asks him why he has gotten so serious. Is he sure that what she told him about her parents doesn't bother him? Of course he's not bothered by it. She wants him to be honest - if he's not sure about marrying her then she wants him to tell her. She tells him that she'd understand. He tells her that of course he wants to marry her - now more than ever and as soon as possible. 


Emi wants Jorge to tell him what he talked about with Martin. He lets Jorge know that he told Veronica that he wanted nothing to do with her. Jorge thinks Emi is going to the extremes because Veronica rejected him once. "In business like in life you have to have patience" Jorge tells Emi. Jorge lets Emi know he didn't accept Martin's offer because it would mean the family would have a commitment with him and it would things for Emi with Veronica. Emi serves himself a drink and tells Jorge he should accept Martin's offer - at least it would save the company from a crisis. Emi tells Jorge he's no longer interested in Veronica because she's a fake and liar. Jorge snatches the drink from Emi's hand and tells him that he won't allow him to speak like that about Veronica. Emi tells Jorge that now he knows that Veronica and Demetrio slept together at Casa Prado Castelo. Jorge is aghast and can't believe this. Emi tells Jorge that Virginia herself saw Veronica with Demetrio on various occasions. Jorge can't believe this about Veronica who has always respected their home. Jorge is determined to go and speak with Virginia despite Emi telling him its not necessary and that Virginia isn't feeling well. Just then the door opens and Virginia walks into the room. Jorge wants Virginia to tell him all about Demetrio. 


Outside Near The River 

Polo and Pablo meet and the two hit it off. Polo tells Pablo that he can tell him whatever he wants to know about Mina Escondida. Pablo asks him about Ana Perla. Polo tells Pablo that Ana Perla is his cousin and she makes the best sandwiches ever and not only that but she's the prettiest girl in the whole town. 


Pierre's Hotel 

Meanwhile, over at Pierre's hotel, Mariana meets Pierre and the two hit it off. She tells him she came with her fiancee who Pierre will soon hear about a lot. Mariana is glad to have found someone as refined and from the world as Pierre in a town like this. Pierre explains that both Mina Escondida and Pueblo Nuevo both have their own charm - that's why he moved there. Mariana agrees that the town is ummm exotic but she's a city girl and isn't used to all of this.



Jorge asks Virginia what the hell happened between Veronica and Demetrio. Virginia starts the crocodile tears and plays victim. "I did nothing" she wails. Emi tells Virginia that he told his dad about Veronica and Demetrio. Virginia wails "how could you?" "you are going to cause problems for me" "Veronica hates me". Jorge tells Virginia that Veronica doesn't hate her. They're different and that's why they fight. Emi apologizes to Virginia and tells her that Jorge wants to hear her out because he still believes Veronica is the innocent girl who he received in the family. Virginia clutches her heart as if to remind them that she's soooo sick... (oh please..) 


"Something wrong?" Veronica asks Martin. "No, I'm just a little anxious to give the first steps of the long path that awaits us" he replies. She tells him not to say it all so serious. "You don't know how anxious I am for us to be together alone, because since I saw you for the first time I knew it was you" he tells her. She tells him that she knows he's the man for her. She loves him and there is something special that he awakens in her. She swears that she has never felt this. "Never?" he asks her.  They are interrupted by a worker who calls Veronica's name and Martin looks away and tells her that Chucho is looking for her. She tells Martin to wait for her in the house if he wants because they still have a lot to talk about. Veronica tells Martin that she knows that he loves her or else he wouldn't want to get married so soon. But why does he resist? He doesn't get to respond because Chucho interrupts again. Martin goes back inside and Veronica leaves with Chucho.


Jorge tells Virginia that if he asks her it's because he has a right to know what happens inside his home and with the people he cares about the most. Meanwhile, Martin enters the mansion and eavesdrop on the conversation. Jorge isn't worried that Veronica had gone out with whoever she wanted to because after all Veronica is a woman and had every right to be with who she wanted. What Jorge doesn't like are the lies and that his home wasn't respected. Virginia continues to play victim and wails that she doesn't want Veronica to find out. She refuses to talk because Veronica will make her life miserable. Jorge promises that this will remain between the three of them. Emi tells Virginia that all he wants is for Jorge to not be fooled by Veronica like he once was. Emi now knows Veronica is a liar. Virginia tells Emi that if she told him what she knew it was so he wouldn't continue to suffer. Jorge asks her what she knew. Virginia spews her venom and says that Veronica always has to pick up any man she likes. Jorge did think it was strange that Veronica would be interested in Martin when they just met (he has a point there) but to think the worse of Veronica.... Virginia tells Jorge that it's the first time Veronica has been careless and realizes that she picks up someone. Virginia says that Veronica always gets whoever gets close to her and once she has him eating from hand she throws him away. Virginia wails and whines that Jorge never believes her. He loves Veronica and believes her. Virginia says there's no point in her continuing to speak. She gets up to leave but Jorge orders her to sit. He wants Virginia to tell him all she knows especially about Veronica's relationship with Demetrio. Virginia explains that one day she forgot to take her heart pills and went to get a glass of water. When she was returning to her room she heard a noise from Veronica's room. It was like a moan and when she opened the door she saw Demetrio in Veronica's bed. He was naked and on top of Veronica. *flash of lighting* as Martin tries to take all this news in. All he heard has definitely fed his thirst for revenge and has confirmed to him that Veronica's the BAD WOMAN. We see an image of Demetrio and Veronica making love which is probably in Martin's head. Virginia swears what she says is true. She says that Veronica and Demetrio were lovers. 


Demetrio enters Virginia's room through her window. She tells him that she loves that he does these things for her - it makes her life more exciting. Demetrio doesn't want to continue hiding their relationship anymore and wants to speak with Jorge. Virginia doesn't want Demetrio to speak with Jorge. She tells him that if Jorge finds out about their relationship he'll think it's because he's interested in her money and not only will he lose his job but Jorge will make doors close everywhere for Demetrio. Demetrio tells Virginia that he's a decent man and a hard worker and that should be enough for Jorge to accept him. Besides Jorge knows he's not interested in money. Well, Virginia is interested but only because she doesn't want to break off with her family (oh please...really? is that the real reason?..) Demetrio insists in speaking with Jorge. He's sure Jorge will understand. Virginia says that Jorge is reasonable but is blind when it comes to Salma. Virginia tells Demetrio that Salma has always wanted her to marry Emi. And despite her telling Salma "No" she continues to insist. If Salma finds out about them then he'll have her against him too. Virginia tells Demetrio that what he has to do is find a way to make a lot of money. End of Flashback. 


Virginia swears on HER life that many nights she saw Demetrio climbing a tree to get inside the second floor of the mansion.


Vero enters the mansion and wants to get something to drink with Martin. Martin excuses himself and tells her something came up at the office and has to leave. He tells her that he'll call her later. Veronica accompanies him to the door. 


Casa De Magdalena 

Magdalena storms in. She is pissed off at Botel because Botel while drunk spilled the beans to Manuel that she and Botel aren't married and that she abandoned her daughter. 


Casa De Cresencio 

Meanwhile, Manuel (A$$ #1) tells Abuelo (A$$ #2) that Botel stole Magdalena from her husband and family. Abuelo is shocked with the news. Manuel tells Abuelo that Magdalena abandoned her husband and her daughter so she could be with Botel. Abuelo asks "What kind of woman is capable of abandoning her own daughter?" 



Jorge can't believe that Veronica would have done such a thing. Why? If it was so easy for her to tell him that she loved Demetrio. "For sure it was so you wouldn't change with her, Veronica told me one day that her advantage over me, was that you wanted for her and Emi to be together" Virginia says. Jorge finds all this hard to believe. Virginia whines that she knew that Jorge wouldn't believer her. Salma enters the study while Virginia swears that Veronica received Demetrio at nights. Virginia says that even she argued with Demetrio. Salma backs up Virginia in what she says. Emi wants them stop talking about Veronica. "How could she disrespect us like this, she had no reason to lie and hide things, I never forbade her anything" Jorge says. In fact right now she is with someone who Jorge doesn't approve of. Emi says that he's so disappointed in Veronica that he doesn't even know if he wants to continue having contact with her. Jorge asks Emi to bring Veronica. Emi doesn't think there is a point - they already know Veronica lied to them (That's right, condemn her without even hearing her side. Idiot) Jorge says if that's case then they'll unmask her and let her know that she can't fool them anymore. Salma doesn't think Veronica should be called - what matters is that both Jorge and Emi know the kind of woman Veronica is. Jorge is still not sure what to believe. Salma asks Jorge what he will do. Will he tell her what he knows? Argue with her? If he does that then he'll have to kick her out. Virginia plays victim and says she didn't want all this to happen. Salma says that she always knew how Veronica was and says that both Jorge and Emi were blinded. Emi says he knows that Veronica is a hypocrite and a liar. Emi angrily tells Salma not to worry - he doesn't plan on marrying Veronica because she prefers someone else. Emi leaves. Salma says that things happen for a reason and for her it's luck that her son be disappointed in someone like Veronica. Salma doesn't think they should hurt Veronica further. "If Martin loves Veronica and she corresponds then it's better to have a wedding than a scandal" Salma says. Virginia says that she sees Veronica interested in Martin and asks Jorge not to argue with her - there is no point of it. Salma thinks they should support Veronica so she gets married. Salma asks Jorge in the name of the family for this subject not to be talked about again. Salma doesn't want Jorge to tell Veronica and Martin about this. Demetrio already disappeared from their lives. Jorge agrees to support Veronica so she get married and distant herself from there. Jorge says that he's truly disappointed in Veronica. Veronica enters the study at that moment and asks if something is wrong.


Casa De Magdalena

Botel explains to Magdalena that he was drunk and didn't know what he saying. (you still shouldn't have talked you idiot!) He asks for forgiveness and says he'll speak with Manuel. Magdalena says that he ruined her reputation. She is sure that Manuel has blabbed all around town what he knows about her. Botel says if that's the case then he'll defend her and shut up whoever dares insult her. She asks how he will shut Manuel up if they don't have a marriage certificate because they aren't married. Magdalena didn't mind not being married as long as no one in town found out. She's sure that now everyone will condemn her without knowing their reasons. 


Casa De Cresencio

Abuelo the A$$ has condemned Magdalena already and he forbids Ana Pearla from speaking to her again. 


Casa De Magdalena

Magdalena says that for everyone she will be his mistress. Botel wishes she could be his wife but there was no hope her husband would give her the divorce. Besides, the bastard disappeared the same day that he took her from her home. "And that same night she took my daughter forever" Magdalena says. "That bastard disappeared because he knew that you'd never be happy being far away from your daughter" Botel says. Magdalena admits to Botel that it hurt her that he didn't think of her daughter when he took her from that house and took her far away. She says it would have been better if she had died.



Veronica wants to know what the is going on. Jorge asks her if she realllly wants to know. (Dude, of course she does, that's why she asked) Salma says they were talking about her - they are sooooo intrigued about her relationship with Martin. They can see that Martin is interested in her and Veronica knows that the house has norms she must follow. Jorge says that at this point there is point in talking about norms. Veronica wants to know what is going on. Jorge says that Martin told him that he wants to marry Veronica and from what he knows Veronica wants to marry him too. Veronica says yes she does want to marry him. She doesn't understand why they have the long faces if they are talking about her happiness with Martin. Or were they talking about something else? Jorge says that Veronica made her decision without caring what the family thinks. Salma and Virginia will leave so Veronica and Jorge can talk. Before leaving, Salma reminds Jorge that they'd love to have a wedding at the house soon. Salma tells Veronica that they'll talk later. Salma and Virginia leave. Veronica tells Jorge that she's sorry that he's upset that she loves Martin but she can't help it - she fell in love. "Yes and verryyyy fast" Jorge says. Veronica asks Jorge if he would have preferred that she accepted Emi pretending to feel something she does not. Of course not. Jorge doesn't like lies. Veronica doesn't like them either - that's why she says that she wants to marry Martin. Veronica tells Jorge that now that they know Martin has a gold mine he can't say that Martin wants to be with her because she's a Prado Castelo. And if that were the case, Martin would be disappointed, because the fortune of the family doesn't belong to her. Jorge says that she's mistaken - she will always be a Prado Castelo no matter who she is. 


Casa De Magdalena 

Magdalena recalls her chat with Manuel where he tells her that she's not the saint they all believed she was and where he tells her that she will have her stoned. 


Veronica wants Jorge's support from the heart and not with the anger in which he is talking to her. "As much as I try to understand why..." Jorge begins to say. He then tells her to forget about. Veronica made her decision. "Tell Martin that he can come to talk to me to formalize things when he wants.." Jorge tells Veronica. 



Abuelo and Ana Perla run into Joaquin as they walk home. Abuelo wants to speak with Joaquin and he sends Ana Perla home. Abuelo tells Joaquin that he has to forbid Blanquita from being near Magdalena. Blanquita who has overheard comes over towards Abuelo and her dad and wants to why. 

Casa De Magdalena

Nanciyaga says that Magdalena is crying out of anger. Magdalena says that she's fine - what happened is that Manuel was rude to her. Nanciyaga says that Manuel has a twisted heart and lost his feelings due to alcohol. Magdalena agrees that alcohol can ruin anyone's life and not only to the person that drinks but to the people surrounding the person. Nanciyaga says that she knows that pain runs through Magdalena's blood but one day it will all leave. (probably when we reach the end of this novela) 


Abuelo doesn't want Blanquita's delicate ears to hear what he has to say. Blanquita stands up to Abuelo and tells him that if she is going to be forbidden something she should at least know the reasons. And Joaquin agrees with her (Go Joaquin). Abuelo tells Joaquin that Manuel found out that Magdalena and Botel aren't *Gasp* married. Abuelo says that Magdalena is the mistress of the doctor. Joaquin tells Abuelo that perhaps Manuel was just drunk. Because when gets Manuel gets drunk he doesn't even recognize Blanquita and Polo as his cousins. Abuelo doesn't think Manuel would make up such a thing. Joaquin says that until Botel tells him it's true then he'll just believe it's gossip from the bar. Abuelo tells Joaquin that while he finds out the truth he shouldn't let Blanquita get near Magdalena. Abuelo thinks they should have Magdalena. Bastard.

Casa De Magdalena

Magdalena doesn't want to cry anymore and asks Nanciyaga what she wants in exchange for her mangos. All Nanciyaga wants is a smile. 



Veronica tells Jorge that he loves him and respects him as a father. His approval is important to her. He coldly tells her that she has his approval. She tells him that she wants his approval to be because she sees her happiness in her decision. He tells her that she can be sure that despite everything he wants her to find happiness. "Despite everything..?" Veronica asks. Veronica says that he says it in a reprimanding tone. She tells him she doesn't know what she did. Jorge says that for a long time he thought that she and Emi would get married and it isn't easy for him knowing it won't be the case. He tells Veronica that he'll get over it. Veronica has tears in her eyes. 

Virginia's Room

Virginia looks at photo of her with Emi and Veronica. She is sure that Emi will ask her to marry her when Veronica leaves because he'll be sooooo disappointed in Veronica. She says that when that happens she'll miraculously recover from her heart problem (aha! so there is no heart problem) and Salma will know that she (Virginia) is the only Señora of the mansion. Virginia draws a heart around her and Emi with a black sharpie. Virginia hops into bed when she hears someone coming into her room. Salma enters the room and tells Virginia that she wants to know the truth. She did back her up in front of Jorge but wants to know if it's true that Veronica brought Demetrio into her room. 



Pablo walks around town looking something and bumps into Ana Perla. The two of them gaze into each others eyes for what seems like a looooooong time and if this is not indication that they'll be a couple soon enough we are made certain of it because the two soon to be lovebirds have their own theme song. Pablo calls Ana Perla by her name and when starts to leave Pablo follows. But he follows because her shawl has gotten entangled in his man purse. He untangles the shawl and shows her that he has something from her (a piece of string from the shawl) until he sees her again. He tells her his name is Pablo. She tells him "hasta luego" and he wonders until when is that "hasta luego" and she tells him she's not sure. 


Pierre's Hotel

Mariana and Pierre chat over a glass of wine. Mariana is worried about Pablo and there is no signal on her cellphone. Pierre thinks that it a blessing to not be a slave of those cellphones. Mariana hopes Pablo has found something to paint and that he hurries up and paints it. Mariana tells Pierre that he's charming and his hotel is the only thing worthwhile in this place. He understands that a woman like her would want to leave the town. Mariana thinks that things would have been if her friend Virginia came but she's soooo sick and who knows if would have been able to resist the trip.


Virginia's Room

Virginia asks Salma if she is doubting her. Salma noticed that Virginia got nervous when Jorge asked to speak with Veronica. Virginia says that she only wanted for Emi to know the truth so he wouldn't get married with someone who will make her suffer. Can she imagine that married, Veronica could cheat on Emi with someone else? Virginia says she didn't want to cause problems for Veronica. "If Veronica loves Martin, I hope she will be happy, and I say this with all my heart, well my sick heart.." Virginia says. Salma says that a woman who goes from man to man can never be happy because she's never satisfied. Virginia says that if Veronica isn't happy because of her own fault then oh well for her. But she didn't want Veronica to lose the man she loves because of what she said. Salma says that Virginia is always so considerate with Veronica despite how Veronica treats her. Salma thinks Virginia is sooooo noble. Virginia says that's hard to forgive but she prefers to be at peace with God... (and I'm left surprised that lightening didn't strike Virginia after this comment) Salma thinks Virginia will be the perfect wife for Emi. (If she only knew what Virginia has planned....)


Veronica tells Jorge she never wanted to hurt him or Emi. Veronica wipes away her tears and tells Jorge that Martin told her that he didn't give him a response about the business with the gold. She hopes that her relationship with him doesn't have to do with his decision. Jorge says that he wanted to think about it more but there is no point in thinking about it anymore. He will accept Martin as their vendor. Veronica says that they will be able to save the production without going into a crisis. Jorge hopes so because he has never done business with Martin. Jorge tells Veronica that this time Veronica will be out of the business deal. It was a condition that Martin put. Veronica says that Martin mentioned something to her but she didn't think it would be something definitive. Jorge says that Martin put it as a condition and they need the gold so it shall be as Martin asked. 


Martin arrives at the office and Alfredo asks if he's OK. Martin says he's worse than ever - he finally was able to get Veronica to marry him. Martin explains how Veronica at first wanted to give Emi and Jorge time to assimilate things before they got married but once Veronica found out he had a gold mine she wants to get married right away. Alfredo laments it for Veronica and for him. He doesn't even want to imagine what that marriage will be like. 


Living Room

Veronica catches Virginia slithering down the stairs and wants to know what heck Virginia told Jorge about her. What new gossip did she invent? Veronica has walked up the stairs and has joined Virginia. Virginia calls Veronica paranoid and tries to leave but Veronica grabs her by the arm and detains her. Virginia says that they only talked about her wedding with Martin and Emi wasn't too happy about it and Jorge is hurt and upset. Veronica doesn't get why - she never gave Emi any hope. Virginia tells Veronica that she and Salma support her decision to get married. Veronica knows the reasons - so she can be far away from the house. "It upsets you that Tia Salma loves me more, right?" Virginia asks. "Of course not" Veronica replies. Virginia puts words into Veronica's mouth and says that this means that Veronica doesn't love Salma. Veronica says she never said that. Virginia says that Veronica never did anything to win Salma's love. Veronica tells Virginia that she has a bad memory because ever since they were little Virginia did everything to separate her from Salma and always acted like Veronica's victim. Veronica reminds Virginia how Virginia used to bite her and then cry inventing that Veronica had hit her. It was because of all that, that Veronica knew how Virginia really is - Virginia pretends, deceives, and fools to get what she wants. Veronica says that she will leave the mansion soon and offers to start again and try to get along. Virginia says she's not a hypocrite - they'll never be friends because Veronica is jealous of her. Virginia wants nothing of Veronica - not even her friendship. 


Pierre's Hotel 

Pablo returns to the hotel and Marina whines that she wants to go home. Pablo wants to go and have lunch. Mariana asks Pablo if he met someone interesting. (oh if she only knew...) Pablo recalls his recent meeting with Ana Perla and stares off into space. Mariana waves her hand in his face and asks him again if he met someone.

Ana Perla's Room

Ana Perla tells Blanquita she's all smiles because she was able to speak with the foreigner. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of that she has ever seen....

Pierre's Hotel 

Mariana wants to know what Pablo saw. Pablo says he saw nothing special - just people and more people. Although he did see a beautiful shawl that you want to tangled up in.


Living Room

Veronica and Virgina walk downstairs. Veronica hopes that one day Virginia falls in love. Hopefully, love will make Virginia a good person. Why does she say that? Because if Virginia found love then she'd stop crawling like a worm trying to get attention and she'd stop being jealous of other people's happiness. Virginia says that she's the one that feels sorry for Veronica because Veronica is noting but the daughter of a perv and a whore. Veronica warns Virginia to not bring her parents into this argument. Virginia says that it's the truth - Veronica's father was with woman from the streets and how could he not if the first slut he got involved with was Veronica's mother. Veronica can't take it anymore and she punches Virginia hard right across the face and tells her not to talk about her mother again. Veronica is about to strike again when Jorge grabs her arm and asks her if she's gone mad. 

AVANCES: Jorge and Salma take Virginia's side; Martin blames Veronica for his brother's death and doesn't want to see her until they get married; Veronica shows up at the construction company.


Jorge is an IDIOT for buying Virginia's BS!

Martin is also an idiot for blaming his brother's suicide on Veronica!


Yes, while Jorge did have his doubts at first he ended up accepting and believing that Veronica is bad and without even hearing HER side of the story. Sigh...

I LOVED the ending and the punch Veronica gives Virginia. Darn you Jorge for stopping a second and possibly third punch.


Thank you, Mauricio!
This has been a great read and all the details help me understand the story better.
I CANNOT believe that Jorge won't even talk to Veronica about this!!! He raised her, he loves her as a daughter, yet he chooses to believe in Virginia??
All this plotting behind Veronica's back is getting exasperating to watch. And when she gets the chance to talk, she's so vague about everything. No wonder Martin believes she's guilty, she seems so willing to marry him fast now that he has a gold mine.


Wow Wow WOw Mauricio. I didn't catch last night's episode and honestly, you covered in spades so not sure I need to. Amazing.

So the old everyone suddenly believes the person they lived with for years and years, admired, worked closely with is suddenly a ho and no worth their time. And won't even give them two secs to speak for themselves? Ok, then. We all need to put on our beanies, take a long sip of our margaritas and just take all this nonsense as the pure setup for the rest of the story.

And frankly, if I was Martin, who does NOT have the personally history with Vero, I'd be a bit perplexed as well with her at how sure and willing she is to just sign on the marriage certificate dotted line.



Thank you for this terrific recap! I haven't seen the episode yet, but you wrote in such detail that I feel like I've seen it by reading the recap. And I love this line: "Veronica catches Virginia slithering down the stairs". Nice touch!

Like everyone, I can't believe that Jorge won't give Veronica the benefit of the doubt and talk to her first before jumping to conclusions.

I'm so tired of Virginia already; I don't know if I can take 100 more episodes of her whiny manipulations.

Thanks for this thorough clearly written recap, Mauricio. I especially enjoy your parenthetical remarks.

Well, the unpleasantness surrounding Martín just continues to mount. In addition to being a disgraceful ungentlemanly lout, we see that he is also a creepy sneaky skulker. I did however admire that sportcoat that he was wearing.

I was surprised to see Jorge and Emiliano going along with trying and convicting poor Victoria in absentia. Ginny could barely contain her glee at how effortlessly she is able to manipulate these two dolts.

"Salma enters the room and tells Virginia that she wants to know the truth."

Well, at least Salma doesn't seem to be completely in thrall of Ginny's wiles but for now they seem to suit her purposes.

"Virginia draws a heart around her and Emi with a black sharpie."

And also retouched Veronica's image in the same photo by adding a moustache and goatee... what a little scamp!


I also like the love theme for Ana Perla and Pablo very much.

Joaquín proves that it's not only women who look great in headbands.


thanks, Mauricio, for that detailed recap. I was at a concert last night and missed the show.

I must comment on the Thursday episode. I was delighted to see Osvaldo ( Big Sexy the sweet baboo of LM) last night. Uhoh, he does not look like a sweet baboo in this tn though. Yikes.Ginny is doing the bunny hop with a hot doc or a hot dude pretending to be a doctor. Hmmm,..He makes house calls, so I am suspicious. Carlos, Do any real doctors make house calls these days ?

Carlos I can only imagine your joy at watching the deliciously evil Ginny playing her evil games. So..she needs young (cough..sputter..meh) Emilinino for the cash , but Doctor Love is providing the cardio therapy.

DOes every telenovela use the love at first sight ploy? Ivan the Terrible is a hunk of burning love..especially when he is standing next to The Nino , but ..wait...what ???..Very wants to get married muy pronto ? QTH ? I am getting a little tired of this plotline.

P.s. Maybe we should keep an eye on the buttons on The Nino's shirt...that open neckline seems to be deepening. Hub glanced at the TV as he was passing through the room , saw The Nino, and muttered.his nickname for Sergio..."Lounge Lizard."

Thank you Mauricio, very well done.

"(Dude, of course she does, that's why she asked)"

Susanlynn, "Lounge Lizard" if perfect for Sergio, hehe

Wonder how many women Abuelo has destroyed, sick xxuk, and got him a willing protege.

I marvel at Virgina's craft and had everyone chasing their tails with ease. The genius of her play is knowing what doubt exist, planting a seed and allowing the blanks to be filled by the unwitting parties. She's better than ever in a group as rabble rouser.

So, Martin believes his brother was in love and killed himself over Veronica and she gave herself repeatedly to him, believes Demetrio still lives, yet Martin wants to marry and bed her. He is the most perverse nut job in this story, revenge my arse. No one even comes close so far.

While sympathetic to Magdalena, a little, she leaves one drunk for another and expects a different outcome and stays. Since she is concerned what the people think of her (or that the stoning threat real) why not take the first boat out of town? I'm not gonna be able to take her sniveling.

Someone needs to drop a rock on Botel's head and put him out of his misery. Worthless drunk and why would anyone speak to Manuel anyway if the didn't have to?


Ivan the Terrible and El Nino!! LOL, Susanlynn, you crack me up.

Daisy, I, too, get why Martin would be suspicious of Vero's sudden "let's get married fast because you have a gold mine". What is this girl thinking? Of course now that everyone in her family, her beloved uncle included, is giving her the cold shoulder, she will want to marry Martin ASAP, but an accomplished woman like her should just move out, date Martin for a couple of years and THEN see if she wants to marry the guy.
Geez, that won't make much of a story, right?

Tofie, great point about Magdalena! She did leave one drunk for another one and she expects a better outcome? I don't understand why she couldn't go back for her daughter at a later time. Child abandonment stories in tn are the norm, but they rarely work because the excuses they give are just so weak.

Carlos, I agree that Martin is not the best of teh galans right now, but for some reason I can't feel much simpathy for Veronica, either. The way she talks about being independent and then proves the exact opposite with her actions is just wrong. It is a scrip issue, something to move the story along, but I still don't like it.

So, yeah, I don't like her for being such a love sick idiot and I don't like him for wanting revenge for such a stupid reason, BUT Ivan Sanchez is a hotty, therefor Martin will probably get a pass from me for most of his bad deeds.

At least Amaya on QA wasn't arrogant with murderous thoughts when she met Max!

Nope she (Vsnake) doe not even like the Studmuffin Doctor either. She thought-bubbled that when she becomes rich she will no longer have to tolerate the bastard doctor. So he is just another chess piece to her .

I thought I hated Grrrreta. This one, I wouldn't allow Onix to mount.

Yup just needs a polyester double knit leisure suit. With the contrasting color stitching.

Tofie: I think Martin knows Dim is dead as a Mackeral He us fripping P S Y C H O. The dog is the only regular who should not be Baker Acted or in protective custody.

Hi Susanlynn,

I was initially somewhat worried that Ginny might be a bit too lukewarm and sickly to vex Verónica effectively but she seemed sufficiently frisky and cold blooded in last evening's episode to live up to my high expectations.

By the way, I've also been watching Outlander... Yikes!


"... I can't feel much sympathy for Veronica..."

Nor can I. It's a good thing that she hasn't chosen to be a professional poker player.



Thanks for your recap! I loved your recaps in La Tempestad and I love them now!

As long as we are talking about miscasting, am I the only one who thinks Demetrio was a bit long in the tooth to be climbing trees to sneak into his girlfriends room?! That's a high school move not the administrator of a jewelry company!?

But the character who is cast PERFECTLY. For Em-Olds(thanks DaisynJay) BFF is Nicolas. He looks like he's ready to jump in a mini van with his family to go to Disney: the same stage Em-Old should be at. Actually that's too young for Em-Old. I see him visiting his first grandchild if he were really playing his age!

The actor who plays Pablo (Gretel's real life ex) would be perfect as a tree clinbing novio, or as just-home-from-studies-in-Spain Emiliano. OK my rant is over!:)

Thanks again, Mauricio!


Wonderful recap!

I must admit I'm having a hard time with this show. Martin and Vero are moving just too fast. I understand it from his view, wanting vengeance, but Vero is smart so why is she rushing? They've know each other like 3 to 4 days. If we knew she just wanted to get out of the house, like Virginia, then I would understand but all this talk of love is too much. I'm not feeling it.

Ana Perla has that hunky guy working in her house and all she sees is Pablo?! Damn I'd choose RF in a heartbeat!!

OT....Carlos...Today was The Outlander marathon of this past season's shows. I watched the first two shows of this season which I missed...Wow and Yikes, indeed.Shades of Highlander, no ? Don't forget that tonight is the season finale . I had to turn off the last episode..too graphically horrible.OMG about a vile villain...yikes. I am hoping that he gets his tonight.

Thank you for the wonderful recap, Mauricio, complete with clever asides. Just excellent.

So two weeks into the story and we are already like Olympian gods looking down from The Patio and amusing ourselves at the expense of the poor mortals. We are damn near omniscient. We get to yell at the tv at the Stupid Human Tricks (Don't marry her! Don't believe that minx in a headband! Don't go with him – he's nuts! Why would you say that!?)

Okay. It's true that even when you take their limited information into account, everyone is making TERRIBLE decisions. Maybe we'll need to stock up on the nerf mangazos.

Mauricio-good detailed recap.
All the nastiness has arrived. These people believe lies way to easily. Everything she acused ronnie of she did it. They are stupido to believe the lies. The same with the towns people. They don't know the whole story of magdalena (I think thats her name) leaving her abusive husband. How did her daughter get left behind? Anybody know?

Marty is as dumb as they are. He hasn't even done a decent investigation. stupid is what stupid does.


Mauricio thank you muchas.

Veronica: Finish your drink and fasten your seatbelt, radar shows a smidgen of turbulence ahead.

As a matter if fact, if you can get the emergency door off just jump out, it would still beat the ride down.

Kirby: let's see if Virginia & Salma pull a Peralta to up their nastiness because I've got a feeling that the body count might increase!


Yeah Steve. Virginia is a nasty little beacuh isnt she? And she doesn't have hired helpers to go around killing people.. I have not really seen Salma's angle yet. I"ll guaranteeeee you it is not simply a Mother's love.

I am not sure why Jorge and Salma insist in their marriage plots, dont they have a reputation to keep? Cousin weddings are kind of screwed in the head for me and if Veronica got officially declared as a Prado Castelo it makes things worse. Just imagine seeing the exciting news in the newspapers: Veronica Prado Castelo became Veronica Prado Castelo like WTH. I am aware that Ver & Emiliano dont share the same blood but in order to lessen the scandal they would have to reveal the truth of Ver's origins which would bring up even MORE Scandal.

I am not convinced by the thought of Pablo & Ana Perla , I'm getting the feeling that we are being shoveled down with this plot. I will try my best to accept them but their crappy love song wouldnt help much.Why dont they reuse some songs from previous telenovelas instead of making new crappy ones.

I am getting angsted by Emi's ranting, how long will it take till he turns into an intelligent man made for cold buisness? Isnt that what the family expects from him?

Thinking about doctors, are either Botel or "Dr. Fernandez" real doctors? They don't behave like they are. And, in the case of Botel, he doesn't look like you would expect of a physician. Perhaps we will be getting more details about their backstory in future episodes.


I'm convinced that both are physicians. Lack of ethics or otherwise bad behavior seems to be pretty much the norm for male TN physicians, so their moral lapses are not reliably indicative of lack of credentials. Manuel pointed out to grandpa that Botel had healed or at least treated("ha curado") a good many citizens of the town plus we've seen him in what appears to be an authentic medical office. We've also seen Virginia privately refer to Dr. Fernandez as "that bastard doctor".


Damn Virginia is super cutthroat!

Calling Dr. Feel-good "That Bastard Doctor" WOW!


Ya Steve she (Vbad) thought bubbled something to the effect that she was anticipating the day she would be rich and not have to put up with that bastard Doctor. So it is just a you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours with Vbad and the (undercover) Doctor.

I am really surprised that Vbad and anyone can have a romp in the bed with the door not locked and not get caught, as it appears to be the norm in the PC Casa to walk into anyone's room unannounced. Sneak-around sex IS a lot of fun.

It will be fun to watch and see just how much HAVOC this one lying little ho can create with what resources she has available. She dam sure did Not want to see the heart Dr. Salma had chosen, as he/she would have given her a clean medical bill of health. Virginia Peralta :-)

@Kirby - if you rewatch that "house call" scene, you will see that when Dr. Feelgood closes the door the camera zeros in on his hand and he does lock the door.

Virginia Peralta obviously fits her too!

If Veronica is pregnant, let's hope Virginia doesn't cause her to lose her baby!

Mauricio, thanks for such an excellent recap. I shouldn't be surprised that V snake doesn't have an actual heart problem. I'm sure she does have a massive headache, however, from trying to keep all her lying stories straight. Sounds like she's been developing her "talents" from an early age.

Vero is not doing herself any favors here. I feel like the writers are just throwing a bunch of stuff up on the wall to see what sticks, and we're left with a mess to figure out.

I'm not sure Martin really knows what he's up to, either. His obsession with vengeance keeps popping up, hiding anything else in his life. Guess I'll hold on until they get to the jungle and try to break each other down.

The whole abuelo, Ana Perla, Manuel story line isn't catching my attention, even with Pablo thrown into the mix. The bad guys are one dimensional and stupid. Pablo could find more jungle mystique with Nanci than Ana Perla.

Ohhh thanks Latina. I missed that.

Speaking of Nanciaya or whatever her name: Is she retarded or just never mastered the Queen's Spanish? She speaks in third person or something. Thanks

Mauricio,, very detailed work! excellent!.
I am so angry now (after La Sombra's horror!) with this new tn. Why has everybody condemned Veronica without any trial? Why didn't they call her and accuse her and hear her defend herself in front of all of them? Oh, those lame excuses! And Tracy H. am with you there, Do we really have to endure 100 episodes+ of the antagonists getting away with all these evilness before we see the light in the tunnel/ Really. And I thought that Virginia's evilness ended in Robo. Anne

Excellent recap Mauricio!

I am not currently watching this but you guys are making me want to watch! Darn! I might have to give up one of my other TN's to squeeze this one in. We'll see. Either way I will continue to read the recaps and comments. Great work so far to the recapping team.

Hasta pronto...

Thanks Mauricio, very much for taking the time to recap this - you do a great job with all of the detail in the conversations and I really do appreciate that:)

ITA with La Paloma's last paragraph about the abuelo, Manuel etc. down in the jungle. Not terribly interesting and very frustrating switching back and forth from the Prado Castelo home to the group in Mina Escondida. I mean the former is the central story so why keep diverting to the one of questionable interest, at least to me. Hopefully, this strategy will abate soon. Does it have something to do with contemporary lack of focus? The main story is interesting and I am very interested in following it, particularly since I've never seen any of the previous interpretations...why can't they stick with that??

Oh well, it's all pretend anyway!! Thank goodness!



Grettell Valdez loves being evil!

Thank you Mauricio for your wonderful recap. It was my weekend treat.

I'm glad to see Virginia has some spunk and is not just whiny and petulant. It was a surprise that she wants to oust Salma. I'm not quite sure how that would work even if she did marry Emi.

Now that Martín thinks he knows that Demetrio and Veronica were lovers, isn't it kind of icky to bed your brother's girlfriend?

And speaking of icky, Abuelo's obsession with Ana Perla's chastity is waaaay beyond overprotective.

Ana Perla's aunt lucked out when she married Joaquín. He was my hero this episode.

Martín certainly is an accomplished eavesdropper.

Adriana Noel, MartÍn's hotness has cut him some slack. We'll see how far it can go.

Gobluefan, Onix is almost certainly a border collie or border collie mix. It follows he's from the most normal family in the show so far.

So far, I'm enjoying the Pablo-Ana Perla interaction. They're very cute.

I really, really hate Manuel.

CountxAlacran, Pablo and Ana-Perla's "new crappy song", as mentioned previously, should really be considered an "old crappy song". The song, though simpleminded, is OK with me though I don't like this singer.


Hi All,

I don't watch LSDP, but I couldn't help but read Lila's Friday recap and the Weekend Discussion. How absolutely disgusting. I could never stomach watching that novela.

All I can say is, please don't quit on this novela prematurely and cut Martin some slack. Give his story with Veronica a chance to unfold. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how tame but interesting their storyline is, especially compared to the disgusting rape/incest, etc., storylines I'm reading about in the recaps of LSDP and QTPD, another novela I refuse to watch.

Thanks for the great recap. I know that the weekend is over but if it makes a difference, I red the recap yesterday---It's been busy for me and I didn't have time to recap. I'll make it short.

This is only episode #10 and I've enough of Virginia already. I can't stand that little viper.
Dr. Carlos---Do you do house calls? No matter, just take her away or keep her occupied and out of our hair. I'm sure that you love her by now or at least are interested. Just take her away please!
the gringo

Read the recap, sorry. Sometimes my one finger that I type with just doesn't get right.
the gringo

I suppose the reason we must be dragged trough the mining town muck is to set up the Mag abandoned daughter/Vero abandoned story.

I could care less what happened in Vero's distant past. Vero is from a very affluent family with loads of resources. If she has been an adult for 8 to 10 years and has not bothered to find/ investigate her Mom, then I share her total lack of concern, especially in light of the fact that her parentage is a sore subject which seems to be thrown in her face daily.

Question of the Day: What are Virginia's parents doing at the moment?
Just dont tell me they're turning in their graves cause that's doing something too!

ITA Barbara about Gramps obsession with Ana Perla's chastity. That was my thought exactly, locking her in her room? Almost brainwashing the poor girl. What are you doing you nasty looking old perv? Saving her for yourself or her brother?

Or is Ana P actually your daughter AND grandaughter?

ANON 12:00 AM- some things are done for effect. to invite her in and listen at all the accusations and then watch her defend herself, that wouldn't have been good storytelling, they have to keep us coming back for more so they do this and then they just drag it on and on and on, and we keep seeing the antagonist you know getting their way and it gets kinda depressing at times but eventually the good guys win, but after a lot of damage has been done. And sometimes this makes the good guys look kind of stupid cuz you're thinking "what were they thinking when they made this move or that move"? this stuff makes you yell at the TV.

Thanks everyone for such great comments!!

Virginia really showed her claws on Friday's episode. I bet she will get worse and worse as the story unfolds.

I'm liking the Ana Perla and Pablo story so far. Let's see how that one goes.

Joaquin was my hero in this episode as well. Too bad Jorge didn't have enough sense as he did.


yeah I thought jorge would have been the wise one,
but he's just as dumb as selma, and Emi and lying ginnie.


Vero: If you are marrying some guy and he has not told you he loves you 47 times THAT DAY, the wedding should be off.

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