Friday, June 19, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #24 Thu 6/18/15

Recap will be up tomorrow afternoon.  Discuss away until I can get it up.


Hey, Gloria. I thought it was my turn to recap but this works better for my schedule for the day. Looking forward to reading your entry.

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Gloria, can't wait for the recap. Looking forward to the read.

One comment for now. AnaPerla is a sweet girl, and I really want to like her, but seeing how happy she was after she found out her brother would be "forgiven" rubbed me the wrong way. She got what she wanted, so everything is right in the world for her family. I really want to like her, but I don't like the way she manipulated Pablo.

Manny's out but a few seconds and he's telling off the guard. He's not changing anytime soon.

Wow, the look on Botel's face when he met Claudia. Was he attracted to her or making fun of her? Should be a good epi tomorrow.

Hasta pronto!

Looking forward Gloria. Thanks in advance. Oh what a disappointing episode. Mostly because of Manuel. That turd has not learned ANY lesson and is still the abrasive malcontent as usual. All he wanted was OUT of the CaveJail. Grampa Perv better watch his backside. Hopefully ManuaLabor will come after CrazyMarty after CM is well and get an old fashioned ass whoopin.

I was hoping Vero would learn "The Awful Secret" when in fact she only managed to sweep up enough truth crumbs to put together about half the secret.

What Viewerville needs to know is did Vero know Dimbulb was Vsnake was boinking Dimbulb.

AuntyA: Look on Bottel's face: From his lecture to Claudia about her clothing and shoes it appeared Dr. B saw her as an overdressed skank. Worthless out in the boonies in spiked heels and the latest office fashions.

That whole Cresencio inbred clan could be swept down the river and I would shed no tears. Ana (notsucha) Perl and ManuaLabor especially. Talk about enablers. Try to rape a newlywed and then attempted murder and spend a night or two in jail?

Aw shucks my bro was just tryin to help Mr San Telmo consummate his marriage.

The previews show Pablo field dressing Manual like a freshly shot deer on the river bank. Good for him.

Thanks Gloria. Looking forward to the recap.

I was left confused by the Botel and Claudia scene. The two acted as if they had just met but wasn't Claudia the one who picked him and Magdalena up and took them to the Prado Castelo company when they arrived in Mexico City?

Anyway, that was a funny scene when Botel took one look at Claudia and told her she should go wear something more comfortable for the trip.

So now Manuel leaves the miners in the brink of death because of his irresponsibility (in not changing the water filter). I say lock him back up and throw away the keys.

Looking forward to the recap Gloria,

Veronica has one lament and moment of clarity mentioning she has never bowed down to anyone, yet she runs out and gets kissy face with Martin after he slut shames her about Demetrio. Is this what love is? Is this fighting for love? Allow someone to mistreat you and see how much you'll take as proof, the more abuse you take the more you love.

I am forcing myself to keep watching because I want to stop and return when Vero grows a brain and stopped being a doormat. Uff. Virgin=not plan is a bad one as she realized because Claudia may cause Vero's marriage to go kaput then what? Young Emi is a lush besides obsessed with Vero. Does Naciyaga wear the same outfit every day or they are all the same?

Re: Nanciyaga.. Ive wondered the same about the white outfit. But then with rummaging around looking for herbs and eucalyptus leaves she always looks fresh as a daisy. She must launder it daily with her skinnydip.

Since my fantasy with Nanciyaga doesn't require a lot of language, her third person silliness doesn't really bother me. But with that enormous slit up her skirt I wonder, don't the tribal girls pretty much go camo?
:-) kj

I'm looking forward to seeing the recap!

Kirby: Big question is how far will Virginia Peralta up the ante of her deep-seeded hatred of Veronica by launching sadistic plots ?

I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think Martin's brother killed himself...just saying!

Don't like Ana Perla. She's just as spoiled as her brother, but severely controlled. As a result, she's a manipulator and delusional. Pablo is a coward and user. The whole storyline is boring.

Looking forward to your recap Gloria.

Who cares about what Nanciyaga is wearing we are given Ana Brenda in blue jeans?

So the people are sick because of dirty water. Wow! Someone should pay for that.

Claudia will be changing her clothes soon. Hi heals in a small boat and in the jungle?

I thought it was funny when Crescencio was making Manuel bow his head in the church.

the gringo

When we are given Ana Brenda in blue jeans.
the gringo

Mr. B. Ironically, little miss Vsnake is one of the few truly sane ones in this whole cartoon. Selfish and evil, yes, but no illusions about herself and others and life.. I am curios like you to see how much havoc she can create. About the only power Vsnake has is gossiping and lies. IE: she isnt going to have somebody shot or something. I am looking forward to when Claudia Leggs figures Vsnake out. Should be a catfight to see.

WOW it is interesting that there might be even a re-mote possibility that Dimbulb didn't commit suicide.

Aerosol jeans I might add.

Anon 1:49, I don't like Ana Perla either, nor Pablo.

So, the last person to see Demetrio was Botel. We really might have a who dunnit which is reason enough to watch. I'm already past caring about anything Martin has to do with the story and just wondering what vile thing he says or does to Veronica will finally drive her off. Concerning was his comment he wasn't going to let her leave. Guess he'll hobble his catch and torture it instead of killing it.

Tofie: Indeed by now she could have flippin WALKED back to Mexici DF.

OMG what I would give for Veronica to fight back a little this last time when CrazyMarty started slut-shaming on her when she began figuring out the Dimbulb puzzle.

“ Oh you want to know about Demetrio? “Let me tell you”

"A.That was a looong time before you came into the picture. NOYB
B.Yeah, if you want to know, I was forking his wheels off.
C.There was a lot more action in his pants than in yours, Dickless.
D.And finally I am sooo out of here, have a great life."

Steve I had that same thought the first week of this show. Someone can murder a person and make it look just like suicide. Make's ya wonder if dr.feelgood made a trip to green hell in the past. You see how jealous he is. Emi better watch out, he may get drunk one day and take a ( push), I mean a tumble.

Gloria I've never read your recaps before, but I'm looking forward to some juicy and sweet interpretations. Read you later girl:-)

Nina - Take a tumble down the stairs? :)

Emi does need to put down the booze. Now that Virginia is determined to enable the drinking so it'll be easier to dominate him, Emi really needs to control himself.


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