Thursday, June 18, 2015

La sombra del pasado #88 6/18/15 This Is Where the Cowboy Rides Away

Title inspired by George Straight. Don't judge.

Wow what a full episode. I had every intention of being all summary and snark….but there didn’t seem to be too many snark-o-tunities. Heavy stuff.

Lets get right to it, shall we? (Some scenes are combined or omitted.)

Flavia gives Adelina and Joaquin the slow clap. But it’s not a good thing. She’s pissed. Joaquin realizes they need to talk and asks Ray to go with Adelina for a little walk. Ray wants to stay with his mother and Flavia is not inclined to let the boy go off with Adelina, either. Joaquin asks if she really wants to do this in front of the child. Flavia sends Ray off with Adelina (thank goodness.) Adelina and Ray will go to the park and get some ice cream.

Aldonza goes to see Renato. Before their pending conversation, she has a huge favor. Em is in jail for public drunkenness and threatening the arresting officers. She wants Renato’s help in getting Em out. Renato just gives her a cold, silent stare. Aldonza says if he's mad then Pato and Silvia can do it. Renato says they aren’t around. Aldonza surmises that Ren and Silvia got into a fight. He confirms it and says Silvia took her things and left. Aldonza encourages him to talk to Silvia and set things right. Renato eventually agrees to help Em. Aldonza makes it clear again that they can only be friends. She doesn’t want to lose his friendship. Did anyone get a petulant child vibe from Renato?

Flavia wants the child with her. Joaquin is not about to let Ray stay with Adriano the asesino. Joaquin tells Flavia about the visit from the ministerio publico. She is dumbfounded. Joaquin tells her not to worry. He didn’t say anything about their run in in San Miguel. She’s sure Joaquin is lying. She tells Joaquin that she’s goin to take Ray and Joaquin will never him again.

Sev yells at a nurse because no one told him Cris had been released. He runs into Val as he leaves. Val is surprised, too. She assumes Cande did it to keep Cris away from Aldonza. Sev doesn’t see how Cris could put such an attractive girl like Val aside. (Oh ick. Vibes! Vibes! I’m getting squick vibes!) Val is all “Reeeeallly??? I’m better than Aldonza?” Sev offers her a ride (Ew! Ew! I grossed myself out. Real ride, not a double entendre ride! Blech.)

Aldonza waits outside the ministerio público while Renato finds out about Em. She pulls out her phone. It’s wrapped up with Cris’ scapular. She calls. No answer. She texts. She’s worried about him and she hasn’t been able to find him.

Cris gets “the feeling”. He reaches for his scapular. He’s not wearing it. He had specifically asked Dominga to bring it to him at the hospital. Cande wonders why it’s so important. Dominga gave it to him. Well, it has to be somewhere.

Renato reports that Em has already been released. No one pressed charges so he just slept it off in jail. Aldonza changes the subject and asks about what needs to be done to exhume her father’s remains. Her mom’s remains are staying at the church. He offers to take care of it. She also asks about the divorce. The first evidentiary hearing(?) could happen at any moment.

Hmmm. New name in the credits.

Joaquin catches up with Adelina in the park. Adelina is worried. Ray wants his mom with him. Joaquin doesn’t know what he’s going to to, but he is not getting back with Flavia. He plans to share his life with Adelina.

Sev and Val arrive at Las Animas. Val goes up. Sev asks why Cande didn’t tell him she pulled Cris out of the hospital. Sev curses Hum for releasing Cris. Cande corrects him. She took him out AMA. I hate to agree with Sev, but I agree with Sev when he says Cris didn’t need to leave. Cande explains she that she can control unwanted visitors better at Las Animas. The accident has changed everything and Cris is determined to be with Aldonza. Even the sibling lie is not stopping him. Sev asks if Cris has said anything. Cande says she knows Cris better than anyone. Whatever. Diva kicks shins. I punch throats.

Irma and Lola in the shop. Paperwork. Talk turns to Em. Irma doesn’t think he’s good enough for Mari OR Lola (I’m inclined to think the opposite. They aren't good enough for him.) Lola doesn’t know how she’ll ever love anyone as much as Em.

Em is at the bar. And by God he DOESN’T take a drink. Not today. He’s tired. He’s really, really tired.

Lulu sees the candy house and wonders how it got there. She explains to Padre that she sold it at the tómbola. She couldn't begin to remember who bought it. They will keep it a few days to see if anyone asks about it. If not they will use it at the next raffle.

Em is at the church praying begging for forgiveness. He is just so tired of everything. God will have to understand, but this ends today.

Cande and Val overhear Cris talking to Silvia. He asks if Renato and Aldonza kissed each other. She doesn’t deny it. They did. But the person to get clarification from is Aldonza. Silvia is tired of the drama. She’s not Renato’s babysitter and she’s tired of waiting around for him to get over Aldonza. If Renato and Aldonza want to get together, fine. Whatevs. (Sigh. I understand Silvia. Believe me, I do. But you’ve just sentenced us all to another 30 episodes of angst and tsuris.) Geez. Cande and Val practically high-five each other outside the door. Bitches.

Aldonza finds Em in the church. She wants to figure out how to clear things up. Em doesn’t see why. No one will believe him. Aldonza believe in him. He asks her to tell Lola. He doesn’t know how to clear his name. It’s Mari’s word against his. Anyway, he’s tired of defending himself against everyone’s attacks. He’s tired of having to justify his mere existence and having to beg forgiveness for just being in the world. He hugs Aldonza and says “forgive me” twice. Everything ends here. He thanks her for believing in him. He walks away. In. Slow. Motion. Awwwwwww hellllll. (F-bomb. F-bomb. F-bomb. QTFH?™Hellashelle )

Padre J walks up and asks what’s wrong. Aldonza has to explain what’s going on with Em. Padre is sure Em isn’t going to do anything crazy (God I want to believe you Padre.) He will talk to Em. Then he asks about the DNA test Cris submitted. They are still waiting for the results. Padre has decided not to do his own separate DNA test. He just can’t forge the signature. (We understand, Padre. Don’t feel bad.) They are sure Cris’s test will be sufficient. Aldonza is worried about the results getting there in time for the upcoming divorce hearing. Padre reminds her there will be a second hearing and she’ll have another chance to cancel the divorce. She’s just ready for all this to be over. She now realizes she loves Cris. Padre is happy to see her so decided.

Em returns Mari’s money to Uriel. He didn’t want to give Mari false hope. He never meant to hurt her. Uriel may not believe it, but Em is a gentleman (Damn, skippy.)

Joaquin asks Ray about his life with Adriano. Ray tells him he yelled at him a lot.

Padre J asks Aldonza about her plan to exhume her father’s remains. He doesn’t like the idea. He always thought he would be buried with his brother. Aldonza asks “And my sister? You haven’t said anything about her.” (Oh and she has a look...who suggested Aldonza knew something was up?) Padre J claims that if he didn’t say anything it was because he didn’t know her sister. (Did Aldonza buy it? Discuss.)

Seriously. Aw. Hell. It’s like Em is saying goodbye and tying up loose ends. He goes to see Cris. Sev doesn’t let him in. He reminds Em that people who steal from him blood. He won’t let Em see Cris. Sev refuses him entry. Cris doesn’t like thieves and they kill horse thieves at La Animas.

Em runs into Hum. Hum asks why he wasn’t at the clinic and Em explains his trip to San Miguel. Does Em have a message for Cris. Em only asks that Hum and Cris not believe what they hear. Em hopes Cris recovers and is very happy with Aldonza. DAMMIT. Em turns back to give Hum a big hug. DAMMIT AGAIN. Hum says “adiós, chamaco.” Hum goes up to see Cris. He says it’s not good that Cris is out of the hospital. Hum throws Sev, Cande and Val out of the room. That was cool. Cris asks why Hum let Cande take him out of the hospital. Didn’t the hospital need Hum’s signature to discharge him. Hum asks him who is going to say no to the wife of Severiano Mendoza.

Mel remembers Cris’ accident. Em arrives. AW HELL!!!! Mel can’t believe Em had the stones to show up. Em notes that Mel is sad. Mel feels like Cris’s accident was his fault. Em says there’s not reason to blame himself. Sometimes things in life happen and we get accustomed to blaming ourselves for stuff we didn’t do. Mel asks why he’s being so philosophical. Just being at Las Animas is bringing back memories. He asks Mel not to remember any gossip he may hear. Mel wants to help. Em promises him that from now on he’ll be fine. Em asks Mel to take care of himself.

Tomas snuck into Pru’s bedroom. Whatever.

Val and Cande do their witch thing. The DNA test will help. Cande knows Cris and Aldonza won’t be together. Whatever.

Hum asks about this gossip he heard about Sev diverting the water. Sev changed his mind. Hum is happy to hear that...since El Santuario belongs to him. Sev reminds Hum that it was Mendoza money that bought the property. Hum reminds him that he saved Cris and Sev said he could have El Santuario. Sev says wah, you can’t have it. Hum fires back with nanny nanny boo boo it’s MY name on the paperwork.

Em leaves a note for Lola with Camilo.

Dear Lola,
I now have no doubt that we are all alone in this world. It’s how I arrived and how I’ll leave. If it’s any consolation, little by little it will hurt you less. For a moment I thought we were one with each other and that I had found my home in you. But it was just an illusion. There wasn’t enough love. That’s why I’m leaving. I hope you find someone who has the love you didn’t find in me.

He rides off on his white horse. I really hope that’s not the last we see of him.

Aldonza calls Cris. He explains about his phone. She notes his pissy tone. He asks if she and Renato kissed each other.

Previous: Episode 87
Next: Episode 89


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OMG.I feel so sorry for Eman. Please, please do not do anything stupid.

Do you suppose we need to special order a double anvil for the brujas? I hope we don't have to make do with singles, they so need to go down together.

What was deal with the red jacket on Sev? Was there symbolism there?

Rosemary Primera

Thank you, Sara for this wonderfully thorough recap. The baddies are just having such a grand ole time and all their traps seem to be working. I know the jig will be up in the end but it's been a frustrating, what, couple of weeks? Eman sure did seem to be saying his goodbyes.

I hope he survives this deep funk he's in and I hope he REFUSES to take Lola back when he learns the truth.

Thanks again, Sara.

*when SHE learns the truth.

Rosemary-¡Con mucho gusto! I want the two witches to be stoned and humiliated in the public square. I can't stand looking at them anymore.

Lila-¡Con mucho gusto! It has been incredibly frustrating lately!!! And I agree, I hope Em refuses to take Lola back. They have been awful to him.

Since they are painting Em as the reflection of his mother, I have to wonder if she was ever a victim of the rumor mill...but didn't get herself out of it as gracefully.

When I watch these things, I always have to remind myself there everything has to be symmetrical in the Hispanic culture. I went back and read the first recap and sure enough Roberta was always envious of Cande and Sev and their station in life, etc. And Cande and Sev were always envious of Roberta and Ray and their ownership of El Santuario. So everyone wanted what the other had. I guess this does not apply to PJ. He just wanted to be buried next to his brother some day.

I am sure Roberta was a victim of the rumor mill and just didn't give a damn especially after Ray died. Why else would she wear those red twirly skirts?

Rosemary Primera


Yes, Rosemary! The symmetry! That white horse that is the opposite of Sev's black Horse. I'm really wondering how Em and Sev will play out when Em learns the truth. I feel like maybe Em will be instrumental in taking him down. That might be a little strong.

Thank you Sara. This was a serious and packed episode and you gave us everything and a side too. Thanks for the quoted translation of Eman's note. His wording (I now have no doubt that we are all alone in this world. It’s how I arrived and how I’ll leave. If it’s any consolation, little by little it will hurt you less.) was highly disturbing given the signals of suicide that are going off! The slow mo really freaked me out!

I'm hoping that Lola goes after him. Or Aldonza as someone pointed out yesterday, she might be more appropriate. Or both of them. It would be SO messed up if they let him die. I vote that he tries to drowned himself, but pops up on Simoneta's casket and proceeds to torture Sev having faked his own death.

On another note, I could seriously punch Cande and Val. Did Cande literally rub her hands in malevolent glee after that phone call?! And Silvia, I feel you, but you could've saved us all a lot of time if you just said "He kissed her. She didn't respond. We talked about it and she asked Renato to back all the way off on that front and keep things strictl professional because she only wants you. Seriously. Renato was so pissed he fired me which is why I left."

So Pru's taken the affair in her marriage bed? Wow. Yup, she's toast.

Sara, I hope it is not Em that takes down dear old dad. I don't think he could emotionally take the guilt. He is just a gentle soul. If anyone takes him down I bet it is Cande, she is really beginning to see what a farce their marriage has become. The other is "new" name in the credits. Maybe it will be someone we have not seen. Of course, it could be Val, after seeing the ewwww moment tonight between the two of them. Yuck, as the kids say.

Hopefully, Em will stay gone until after Sev is 6 ft under.

Rosemary Primera


Hellashelle - ¡con mucho gusto! I'm glad I wasn't the only one freaked out by the slow mo.

Thanks for the wondwrful recap sara. Very heart felt. And funny in some spots.
I feel for Em. His whole life has been one big unfair kick in the heart. A heart can just take so much of that. I hope this turns around for him. Maybe he will be better off without lola, she's got her own heart problems to deal with. They should just stay away from each other until the dark fog totally goes away.

Lila- ITA They do seem to be swimming in victory. but just when they think everything is going their way. BOOM!!!!! O Happy Day!!! Not for them tho. Maybe next week will be an upward swing for the good guys. We can only hope.

No, Rosemary, I don't want Em to take out Sev.... But maybe he could be the one to reveal everything publicly? I'm just hung up on the yin and yang horse thing.

I forgot to mention that your coverage of the Sev/Val moment perfectly captured my emotions. Ew! So much ew! Does Val have no self-esteem? One guy wants Aldonza rather than her, so she lights up like a frickin xmas tree when his dad say she's better than Aldie? Get a life Val. Wonder if she's rethinking which Mendoza to swindle into a baby daddy position. Nah, she'd never give Cande a reason to try to crush her.

Nina -¡con mucho gusto! It would be nice to see the villains start their downward spiral now. Unfortunately I bet they still have some evil to spread.

Oh yeah hellashelle! That scene was just... EW.

Sara- You got a significant episode and did it justice. Gracias!

I just hurt for Eman. I was getting REALLY worried there, until I saw the big bag slung across Solitario. Don't need a bag of clothes to commit suicide. Whew!

I also felt bad for poor little Ray. He just wants his mommy, and his papito, and Adelina, and chocolate ice cream. Is that too much to ask? Adriano better hope the police find him before Joaquin does, now that he knows he yelled at Ray.

You know rosamary it might take a gentle soul to take down this monster. I've that sweet gentle people, when they reach a limit, when they're pushed to far, they can do some real damage. Totally unexspected. It may take someone like that to take out these people who feel like they're invincible.

Sev thinks he's a fashion diva, in his mind. His black heart makes him ugly.

Sara, maybe the yin and yang horse thing is good and evil. I think Em wears a white hat and Sev a black one. My husband swears the bad guy always wears a black hat and he is always right.

Rosemary Primera


Vivi - ¡con mucho gusto! Ha! I didn't even notice the bag. Whew! That is a relief! I am really flattered that you said I did the episode justice. I was worried because I'm trying to get back my snarky summary groove. I've been a little too "he said and she said and then this happened" lately.

Rosemary - Oh they are definitely going for good and evil. Only Cris and Em get white horses... Em is just more adamant about his.

I thought it was significant that Eman gave Uriel back Mari's check, which he had never cashed, and said he never intended to cash it. He had just been so happy that Mari had believed in him that much, but didn't want to offend her by rejecting her check. Bet that will give Uriel some pause.

Gracias, Sara! Fabulous recap!'s possible I know all the words to that song by heart....

Oh, heck yeah, Renato Gibb was pouty!

Sev was practically coming on to Val in the hospital, and I swear she was liking it! Gross!

"I understand Silvia. Believe me, I do. But you’ve just sentenced us all to another 30 episodes of angst and tsuris." Right? That was in no way "staying out of it." That was sowing one last bit of discord and then not sticking around to see the aftermath.

I like that little touch of Em telling Uriel that he's a "caballero" with the dual implications of gentleman and horseman. Very appropriate for him.

Ohhhhh...I see what you mean...I think Aldonza looked suspicious about Padre J saying he just never mentioned her "sister" because he didn't know her. I think it might have been me yesterday--the way she was needling Adelina made me think Aldonza knows more than she lets on. Or it's a bad decision on the part of the director to have her give that impression.

Em definitely looked like he was saying goodbye to everyone in preparation for killing himself. I'm glad it was just riding away, heart is sinking like the setting sun....

Speaking of songs...the one that's playing as he's leaving is "Golondrina" which Alex Sirvent (Em) co-wrote with Gabriel Navarro (Jacinto). I hesitated to link a YouTube video, 'cause I didn't feel like vetting the comments for potential spoilers, but it's easy enough to find if you're interested.

Diva- ¡con mucho gusto! And thanks for the song information. I was wondering what it was. Very pretty.

Aldonza definitely suspects something is up. She even said to Padre something like it seems you and Tia are hiding something.

I love that those guys are multi-talented!

Kat- Thanks for the information about the song. Didn't realize the Jacinto actor was a singer and sings Eman's theme (which Alex Sirvent wrote). Just makes it all that more special.

Ah, and Gabriel/Jacinto also sings the lovely Eman-Lola theme "Si no me vas a querer"-- love his voice.

Rosemary, I miss spelled your name.

I spelled it ros-a-mary instead of rosemary.
I hate it when people misspell my name let alone miss pronounce it. I'm sorry. Rose-mary. :-)

Yep, Vivi...his voice is...very nice....

SARA, this was a dark episode, you recapped it with all the sensitivity and gravity it deserved. But no worries, you also gave us plenty of "snark-o-tunities"! Agree that the Sev/Val moment was "Ewwww"-worthy!

Yes, I had that sinking feeling that Eman was tying up loose ends (with a brief moment of distraction, thinking "ooh, he has broad shoulders", does that make me awful?) His goodbye hug to Doc was heartbreaking. Eman's whole "long goodbye" has me really bummed out. It was just too sad.

Well, no surprise that Sev reneged on his promise to give El Santuario to Doc if he operated on Chris. Hum should start planning some twisted revenge scheme--he could spill plenty of secrets if he wanted to.

J in Oregon


Anon- In the scene Al apologizes to Ren for the way she so harshly cut off their friendship. She basically acknowledged that she had been too extreme (which is the way she operates generally). That's when she said that she does want to maintain their friendship, but with him understanding that anything else is not going to happen.

Awww, Sara. I read through this luscious recap you gave us and gee, seems I have some sort of issue with my eyes this morning. Have to keep grabbing for a kleenex.

That was a heart-aching episode last night watching E-man say his farewells. I have said he would be better off leaving and starting over, but his verbalization of being alone, being tired of how he's been treated, that was wrenching to hear. All these people should have been ashamed, HUM especially, because it didn't have to be that way for him. Lord when Cris hears this. And Lola...stop with the saggy face. You pushed him away over and over. When he wrote there wasn't enough love, I was like BINGO!

Allie is another one. She realizes she still loves Cris?? I'm not getting this up and down with these girls in town. I'll give it to the guys, whether they are the winners or losers, they are the ones who are all in.

I actually don't blame Renato looking a bit put out. Wasn't it just the day before Allie tells him she can't even be friends? One day later, she doesn't want to lose his friendship. Yo-yo's.

Sev-Val, creepy vibe. Cande...always a creepy vibe. Flavia needs to go sit in jail for, like 25 years.

So my wish is E-man to be well, to find peace and success and we get that smiling, gorgeous face back in the ultimates riding back into town. Please please please.


Hey, Sara, this was so eventful, and you really delivered with the details and huffy snark. Just great.

"Flavia gives Adelina and Joachim the slow clap." For an instant - considering who Flavia has been sleeping with - I wondered if "the slow clap" was a new strain of gonorrhea.

I never thought that Eman was preparing to commit suicide. I think he will go elsewhere, out of the negative influence of SL, and become successful at something, perhaps horse racing. (This isn't a spoiler; I am not good enough with computers to know how to look that stuff up.)

I got a kick out of Eman telling Hum that he hopes Cris will be happy with Aldonza.

Cande: "I know my son. Sooner or later he's going to get tired of all of this." Yes he will, but not in the way you are hoping.

I loved Hum telling Sev that the property was his y punto. Sev trying to weasel on his promise is characteristic of this self important toad.

So, since Sev has decided not to divert the water, what are his horses drinking?

Thanks again, Sara. I loved this episode, and I loved how you handled it.



J in Oregon - we will have to be awful together because I find myself thinking about that broad back, too. I'm also not surprised Sev wanted to go back on his word. Why did Hum think Sev would actually follow through?

Daisynjay - Hum may have taken Em in,but he's deluding himself if he thinks he was a good father. He never protected Em or made him feel loved.

David-¡Con mucho gusto! Sorry is "slow clap" was confusing. Lol. I would also love for Em to become successful.


Nina, believe me it is not a problem calling me Rosamary. My favorite aunt is the only one that ever called me that, so it brings smile and fond memories of her.

Rosemary Primera

David-"Flavia gives Adelina and Joachim the slow clap." For an instant - considering who Flavia has been sleeping with - I wondered if "the slow clap" was a new strain of gonorrhea. LOLOL! Dagnabit David! I spewed my coffee!

Also, I forgot to thank you yesterday? Day before yesterday? I think you answered a question of mine and I never responded. I apologize, that was rude of me. Thank you!

I never thought that Eman was preparing to commit suicide. I think he will go elsewhere, out of the negative influence of SL, and become successful at something, perhaps horse racing. (This isn't a spoiler; I am not good enough with computers to know how to look that stuff up.) Oooh! I love this idea! When they catch him on the tele (no one in SL seems to own one...) or get the news elsewhere, they'll both be kicking themselves. If only Mari or Lola had grown up enough to let him talk. Sigh. Poor Eman.

Cande and her "sooner or later". She said it like 3 times in her convo with Val. Why are they so willing to just wear him down and into complancency? She keeps saying he'll get over his feeling for Al. Hello! Did you get over your feelings for PJ? Ay!

Sara, thank you for the link to a very young George Strait.

Rosemary Primera

Hellashelle - I know right? What the hell is Cande smoking? I still don't understand why she's so eager for Cris to be with Val. Cande can barely stand Pru. Or did we all discuss this before and decide it was because Val was easily manipulated? If Val and Sev end up grossing us out I will laugh at Cande (and then throw up.)

I'm still kind of pissed Cande took Cris out of the hospital. Don't you know that if he had gotten an infection and something horrible happened, she would blame Aldonza.

Rosemary, I love your comment about the symmetry of the Hispanic culture. One of the first things I learned when trying to learn Spanish was: "o" is masculine, strong, vigorous commanding. "a" is feminine, soft, deep and sustaining. I always thought that was so beautiful which, for me, adds to the romance of the

Thank you Sara for a great recap. Have not been to the patio lately, but keep up with all that is going on in SL. See you all tonight!

You're welcome, Rosemary! I guess I dated myself, too. ;-)

Emeraldrose - ¡con mucho gusto! I was just thinking of you this morning while I drank coffee, read recaps and played my morning game.

Sara, I thought it was meant especially for the cougar table. LOL

Rosemary Primera

Maybe subconsciously? Lol. I had forgotten how pretty that sing was. It's been decades since I listened to country music regularly, but I loved George Straight. (Still do.)

Song not sing.

Sara, I too am a fan of George. It is amazing how many of his songs could be used for this TN. Of course I didn't think of it myself, your link jarred my memory - he has made some great CW music. I wonder if he could sing some of them in Spanish.

Rosemary Primera


Thank you Sara! Excellent recap of a sad episode.

Eman riding off in slow eyes are leaking.

Cande crush! Good one Hellashelle!


You give me too much credit; I didn't evenmake the connection.

When it comes to having a crush, she's the champion, but in terms of crushing her enemies? Weak.

So, what do you guys think, is it Aldie's time to pine away for Cris? I'm inclined to believe that Cris will give her the chance to explain what happened and Val is correct in that he will mostly suck it up because he thinks he slept with Val.

I really want the results to come back "we couldn't answer you because you cut the hair instead of pulling it out. And also -no judgement- but is your sister/wife also prematurely gray with very short hair?"

PBN - ¡con mucho gusto! Eman's departure was very sad, but I was relieved considering how suicide-y it was all feeling.

I love your imaginary DNA test results, hellashelle.

So. Cris might keep Aldonza pining, but we've still got the pregnant Val. So even of he forgives her we're probably still going to be gnashing our teeth.

Good morning,all, and thanks, Sara, for another excellent retelling. I missed last night's episode. I am glad that I missed the sadness and angst and yuck but sad that I missed the broad shoulders. I have always been a fan of broad shoulders. Well, I really must get some work done.

Susanlynn - ¡con mucho gusto¡ It was a sad episode.

Thank you Sara, I hope Emanuel is just planning on leaving and not offing himself. I always thought he needed to move to another town and start over, back when Lola first decided to hate him.

I will be surprised if the DNA test comes back in any way that doesn't suit Cande. The bad guys always win until the last episode.

Wow, Pru without makeup. That was worth catching, even if her antics weren't.

Simply awesome Sara. Thank you very big.

Long ago one of my best gf's was the president of the George Straight Fan Club


"Diva kicks shins. I punch throats"

I didn't want to but I thought Emanuel was considering ending it all and felt his despair throughout.

Silvia - look Cris, even toilet tissue can get tired of wiping arses

Aldonza - you know, friends with benefits. Benefits me

Lola - coulda tried a little tenderness

Val - again big daddy, whose the fairest of them all?

Emanuel - The Misfit

Pru - at least lock the door

Cande - I ordered a playpen for Cris for when he starts crawling

Sev - 'promises and pie-crust are made to be broken"


Hella, “I really want the results to come back "we couldn't answer you because you cut the hair instead of pulling it out. And also -no judgement- but is your sister/wife also prematurely gray with very short hair?" ......and has the evil killer xyy chromosome?

Sara, great recap, adding George Strait to anything is a winning idea.

I hope the DNA results mimic reality and point out the relationship, not are they related. Current technology will if the right test is requested.

So Eman left without registering the horse, but Sev didn't press charges, so can Eman just ride now? No papers? Is proof of ownership required? Because what if you just magically tamed a wild horse and then became a world championship rider?

Sandy, cathyx and tofie- stopping by to say con mucho gusto before I head out for sushi lunch.

OMG tofie--you're comments today should have come with a warning!! Don't eat, don't drink and put anything sharp down. They were HYSTERICAL!! You made my day, and the Silvia line...the best!

Everyone wondering why Cande is so into Val-- One fairly good reason considering Cande: I think because she found that she can manipulate Val and thinks Val would let her still be the Momma in charge. Let's just admit, Cande is not a great judge of character, since Val would kick her to the end of the line as soon as she married the chosen one.

The second reason is more me thinking this, but It's always been a tad creepy to me that she even started to support the Val thing considering they are all related, right? Like Cande wants to make sure some sub-par genetics don't tarnish the family gene pool. And that's just weird to me, but it's the vibe I get from her desperation to only allow these two together.

Hellashelle, I don't think we're supposed to know that papers would be needed for the horse in competitions. Those are the type of details it seems writers just don't bother with hoping everyone just goes with it. With Alex's real life voice, maybe he'll become the Singing Caballero. The Cougar Table still is sad and is hoping for a safe return. (I'll throttle the writers if they do anything negative with him.)



Tofie...thanks for the giggles. You just keep those incredible lists coming...amazing and clever.

Regarding Eman being allowed to ride the horse in competition without documentation,it depends on how structured Mexico has become. I was talking to someone who told me that she had to have a check of her criminal record to become a greeter at her church, and I just had to get fingerprinted to teach in a college. I wonder if life is changing in Mexico as it is here regarding background checks and documentation.

Hellashelle, we can't be over-thinking any of this. Not about the horse, and not about the DNA test results, not about the lack of internet usage, not about the age of the actress playing Mari...

I don't believe that Hum/Pru are related to Sev/Cande. Val calls Sev Tio and Cris calls Pru Tia because they are each other's godparents. But I don't believe that are blood related.

Humberto and Cande are cousins. If they are first cousins, then Valeria and Cristobal are second cousins.

Sorry guys, I keep forgetting to wear my beanie to the patio. I suppose I should get this - my ignorance about horse competitions and the medical field etc is just what the writers are counting on. And they're writers, not experts in those fields, so it makes sense that these details are vague. Somehow this didn't bother me at all when I first started watching TNs; I never questioned it. Now I just wonder if they can't ask consultants or unpaid research interns.

Eh, what do I know; I don't live in Mexico.

Ok - got it. That at least makes it "better". Thanks cathyx.

She wanted a perfect grandchild, she should have hogtied Sylvia when she showed up that one day. I picture an offspring of Val coming up screaming and harrassing people, with wild, unruly hair and holding a glass of whiskey. Val is her mother's child.


It feels sloppy, though, and goes beyond just not being an expert. A lot of the things we question it's easy enough to do a Google search and find out information. If, even when we're not experts, we're thinking "Huh...that doesn't sound right" that, to me, is lazy writing.

Didn't Sever say as he was shooing Eman out that the only reason he hasn't set the law after Eman was because he's been too preoccupied with Cris? And then he warned him, since Eman's words sounded like he was leaving town, that no matter where he went, he'd have the law after him. Doesn't sound like Eman will just be able to get away with this.

Early on, when Cande started pushing Val on Cris, Sever warned her that Val wasn't as meek and innocent as she pretended to be. Cande blew him off, because, as we know, she's always right. One of the big draws for her was that Cris marrying Val (who's already in the family) would keep him close to home. In fact, in the very SAME home. She definitely thinks she can use Val to continue to control Cris's life.

I want to imagine that there's this tiny bit of pride that Em would have the guts to steal a horse from him.

At the very least, I don't think it's going to be Sev's top priority as long has he has something else he can call more important as an excuse. Other than five minutes after it happened, it doesn't seem like he's really cared all that much. Ever since then he's been ignoring it in favor of other things. I get that he's had Cris to worry about, but he still found time to commit a murder and hide it. Priorities.

Well, he saw Simoneta herself as a bigger priority. That was actually the first thing that distracted him from going after Eman-- his pregnant mistress moving back into town and upsetting his applecart. Then Cris's accident happened. Then a little murder. But now that Cris is imprisoned at home again, and Sim is having a nice, long dip in Santuario, Sever's going to have time to go after Eman again.

I think it's a reasonable assumption, I just can't picture it. Maybe it's a miscalculation on the show's part...they put all these vague obstacles in the way and Sev accepted them too easily.

I wonder how involved Cande would be if Cris had 1) never shown an interest in Aldonza and/or 2) never moved back home. It seems like she wasn't very involved in Cris's life when he was out of the country (though, who knows, maybe they spoke every day).

It's almost funny to me that she wants Cris with Val since she is forever telling Val to calm down and bottle things up, which is really not Val's style. She wants Cris to marry her clone, but she almost doesn't have any other options. It's only weird to me because they could portray Sev and Cande as having lots of acquaintances (ex. all those people who came to the engagement party), but instead it's almost like they're surrounded by strangers who know them and Val is just the only other girl Cris's age that Cande knows more than just by name/in passing.

I think if Cris had ever mentioned another girl, maybe someone he met in Spain who had ties to "royalty" or a bigger estate than Las Animas, Cande would have dropped Val in a heartbeat! But they've always portrayed Cris as an introvert. I can imagine him back in Spain hanging out in his room reading all the time and being perfectly happy to do it with no Cande around to nag him about needing to rub elbows with "suitable" people. I'm less amazed that he never met anyone else than that he didn't end up with his own version of a "Renato" who pined for him from afar. Maybe we'll get lucky and one will show up...there's still time for that, right?

A BIG thank you Sara. Wow! you did a great job on this one. A sad episode but three
f-bombs? Well anyway most everyone is unhappy about the current events. But---there is still more bad news to come. No spoiler but my guess is that just when the divorce proceedings are dropped and Cris and Aldonza get back together, Vile will play her ace pregnant card. She has been waiting for just the right time to cause the most damage to Aldonza.

The Flavia--Joaquin mess could get ugly.

The phone conversation that the advances showed us had Cande and Vile nearly besides themselves with joy. There wasn't a door that had been left open as is usually the case in most novelas--Cande opened it but Cris failed to hear it being opened. The overheard conversation has Cande and Vile filled with joy. Sara, you nailed that scene---it was almost a high five moment.

And Sara again---nanny nanny boo boo. Sara, you're on snark fire today.

Sev says---They kill horse thieves in Los Animas. I guess that the horse was never paid for. Did the writers leave that one hanging?

So where is Eman going? Money? Horse feed costs a lot.

Everyone was sad to see Eman's slow ride off into the sunset. Not me. Why??? Because he will be back. Lola and Eman are destined to be together. The writers wouldn't do that to us.

Pru and Thomas---Where is that going. Will they be in the bible study meeting tonight?

David---Right. What ever happened to the ranchers lack of water?
How's your back? Backs can be troublesome.

The advances look good. Sara, are you counting the hours? 9 1/2 to go.
the gringo


Val is Renato, but instead of afar she's all up close and personal. Too close and too personal. She's like the parallel universe version of Ren, actually. Female, obsessed, not the person bringing money to the relationship, and she has no real skills or friends.

The one time Cris tried to branch out with that actress, Val put the stop to it immediately. I can't remember: was the acting job abroad a coincidence or did Val have a hand in it?

I think the acting job was a coincidence. You're right. Val is his Renato. Without any of the things that we actually like about Renato.

Glad you brought up the phone call shenanigans again, gringo, since this episode is clearly where the discussion belonged.

¡Con mucho gusto, gringo!

I'll catch up with comments in a bit.. More errands to run.

A big con mucho gusto to susanlynn too!! I missed you up there, amiga. I'm on my phone today so small screen, old eyes.... Sorry. I didn't mean to skip you.

Difference with Renato and Aldonza, she does have feelings for the guy. I don't believe Cris has any feels for Val at all and barely tolerates her. I believe in Spain, she was just there. Doubt had she run off, Cris would have followed and he can live without Val in his life. Aldonza cannot go a day without running to Renato. Cris and Renato are the same, they get 1/2 an Aldonza. The only thing that Cris has over Renato is Cris got tongue.

Yes! Genug with the phone stuff! I can't even decide what's a cliche anymore because most of the givens create the situations where there's drama. Listening in on phone convos is a tried and true TN trope, but I don't think I'd find it half as annoying if it weren't almost always used to the advantage of the villain(s).

tofie, I'm always glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read one of your comments. The keyboards I would have ruined....

I really dislike the way Cris does put up with Val, in the name of...guilt?...being "nice"?...he agreed with Emmanuel that he didn't believe he asked to be taken to her house and he knows he woke up naked in bed with her and was too drunk to remember what happened. That's not somebody to keep being "friends" with, IMO. That's somebody you refuse to be alone with, ever.

Tofie - I'm acutally unclear about what Val feels for Cris, which is a departure from a lot of TN villain(s) who, when alone, make it clear that they only want the protag for money or power or to drive someone else nuts etc. I feel like Cris was with Val out of habit, but also knows how to have a relationship. When they were friends in Spain and he insulted her by (rightly) assuming she had followed him with the intent of dating him, she flounced off, "offended". He sought her out afterwards (with minimal prodding from Cande), to apologize and invite her to dinner. If they fought as a couple, I feel like he would attempt a reconciliation, but mostly for the sake of the time put into the relationship.

I'm not even sure Val knows what she feels for Cris. I feel like she's been pursuing him for so long, and thinking of them as married, that she has to perspective on her options or how happy the relationship makes her. Given the two main relationships that have been her guides, I'm not sure she gets that she can look for someone she actually wants to be around, rather than just someone with money that gets along with her parents and/or of whom they approve.

HellaShelle, I think Cris is like a habit for her. If someone else showed up who had a lot of money, maybe even more money than Cris, and showed an interest in her, I think it would be only stubbornness that would keep her from shifting her focus. That and the same angle she's been pushing on Mari..."I don't care if I don't get him, but I'm not letting him end up with HER!"

I have to wonder what her take is with guys. She was so imnmediately flattered by Sev's compliment, which I thought he just threw out there and didn't latch onto until she practically put her lip on the hook. I was surprised, because it's not like she hasn't had guys be interested in her (Cris, Lardo, random guy in Spain), and her dad is not super involved/interested in her life, but he's present and semi aware. What do you guys think? Maybe she defines her realtionship less on the guys themselves and more on whether or not she's being chosen over someone else? Like, it's more about the win than the prize for her?

Reading that back now, I guess that's what you're saying, Diva? She wants men to say she's better than their SOs and if they don't then she wants them to destroy that relationship.

I don't think she cares about random guys. I don't think she'd want to break up another couple, just because. But I do think she would absolutely get off on other guys showing an interest. It's power, to her. Maybe she's not actively thinking of Sev as a conquest, but there was a glint of "Oh, I could totally have him...IF I wanted to."

I hate that they've taken something that's not a bad trait--being sexual--and turned it into this negative-looking thing because of the way Val does it.

"I hate that they've taken something that's not a bad trait--being sexual--and turned it into this negative-looking thing because of the way Val does it."

Well nice girls don't have needs. Lol.

Though I like Cris it's only a lukewarm like but he's a lukewarm guy. I appreciate he doesn't pop off and jump to conclusions and I guess his dogged determination in his pursuit of Aldonza but he's just not passionate about anything. Even when he's mad at momma I get why Cande just blows it off. I am against harming anything but if a gnat or mosquito keeps it up they're gonna die or at least I'll get away from them. Cris won't even flee.

Val doesn't love anything, not even Val but believes, as her mother does, cash can buy you respectability and a nice wardrobe. I do think if some other guy were to show interest in her, like a Renato or an older gent like Severiano, and she thought she'd carry a black american express as reward, Cris would be history. Abelardo had a stinker reputation and daddy had no money so he would never be marriage material.


tofie, though rich dudes are in short supply, I heartily wish one shows up and puts Val out of my misery. She's beyond tiresome.

I don't like Val at all and wished someone would slap that smirk off her face, permanent like.

Hehe, rich guys are in short supply. Without disclosing too much on the off chance (I doubt it) she sees, but I have a friend in Europe, recently divorced, has a very high standard (like a closet full of Hermes bags) of living and thought she'd met the most wonderful man. Oh, he was a pretty one, highly educated and socially spot on but she skyped me and they broke up cause he started asking her for money.

Highly educated, but lacking in common sense. Did he really think she'd be cool with that? She's not an ATM!

Val is clearly living in a world where that's exactly the point of a husband. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

And this a guy in his mid 50's

To the three witches, it's all about the appearance of status, and with that means you can control and demean all those you feel are your inferior. Now if we put out the moral compass on Pru, Val and Cande in comparison to the very people they snub and stick their noses up to, they lose in every contest.

But Pru married a doctor, always a respected and wealthier member of a community, Cande and Sev own the largest estate and she came from a wealthy family we are led to believe, so especially in a small town, that puts them at the head of the church pews so to speak. Val has been raised to think that's everything, and frankly, if you think about it, Cris is sort of it in that town. Pickings are pretty slim in the 20-something rich boy contest. She'd have to leave SL, and lets face it, she can be a big cheese in a town like SL, but I don't think she would make it out in the big leagues.She isn't the model type like Sylvia, or the buxom beauty with the flowing, perfect hair like Allie that would turn heads anywhere. But she and immature Mari can be big deals in SL -- the high school mean girls I'm sure. So she's going to grab that brass ring if it kills her because honestly, what else has she got ( no training, no job, etc.)?


Tofie - I would say that Cris is passionate about loving Aldonza, but as you said, that's the only think. I think what hurts Cris's appeal because his situation is flipped: Most TN galans are passionate about the girl and something else. For girls, the "something else" is often optional. Here, the reverse is true. In addition, and I actually like this about him, he loves Aldonza y punto. No screaming, no fussing. That's just it and everyone else (including Aldonza) like like it or lump it. He's had his moments (popped Renato, yelled outside Renato's house), but most other galans are throwing punches at rivals and having screaming matches with parents and storming off on everyone. That's not Cris' style.

Wow...that's least a guy in his 20's might have the excuse that he lacks experience.

Oh...well, I guess I ought to cut Val some slack, then...for all she knows, this is just the way the world works. Meh, no, I'm just going to keep disliking her anyway.

Really enjoying these comments. Cris being lukewarm was a great description.

I'm sorta hoping Val and Sev do get together and become each other's anvils.

OK, but...I don't actually have to watch a Val-Sev hookup, right?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought there was something gross about the last few times they've been alone together. Or, at least, if I'm overly suspicious, I'm not overly suspicious alone!

The creep factor on a Sev and Val hook-up would make the meters shake if she bought into it, but I'm sure Alexis would sell the socks off of it. Lord knows, with Sim gone, the man is going to get randy soon, so would he really turn his attentions to Val?

I know Val went for Lardo who was sort of scummy, but he was her age and considered a bad-boy catch I guess in that town, but Sev? Would she really go there if he started the smooth talking, promising, etc. I, I have to think about that. She may be a beyotch and mean girl extraordinaire, and I DO NOT like her at all, but not sure I would wish Sev on her. Or anyone knowing what he truly is.



I really want to think that she wouldn't and he wouldn't, but they both do have a healthy sexual appetite and they keep putting them in close proximity and hinting at it and that makes me sooooo nervous. I don't even think there would have to be any strategic advantage, just a "you're here and I'm here and we both want the same things and neither of us is going to rat the other one out."

Lord, there are images going through my head now I so don't want there. We would need one of those Warning: subject matter may be upsetting to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. "

Think Bod Squad, think Bod Squad, think Bod Squad...


I think a Val-Sev hook up would have to be in the vein of an illicit affair. To be honest, I could see Val (thinking she could) go toe to toe with Cande on this front, but I don't know how that would play out with her parents, so I can't imagine either or them would think the other was a viable end game.

Though, again, I did wonder if Val might start thinking she could pass Lardo Jr off as Sev's kid.

I think this show likes to mess with our head. I was convinced Em was going to kill himself last night. Maybe the Sev-Val hook up is the same?

If it goes the same way, I guess that would mean...a non-sexual alliance? Ugh, I'm not sure which idea is worse!

OMG! You people are putting some awful images in my mind. Blech!

Going back to the reason why Val is so set on having Cris, you guys have all hit on great ones. She also seems to lack a true sense of self-worth. Look how many times now Hum has tried to have a serious talk with her about having dignity and to stop chasing after Cris. She refuses to listen.

wow.lots of comments.

Why is Vile so focused on Cris? Well, let's face it, this girl is not getting a Fulbright scholarship any time soon. Her little buddy Lardo is gone, and she seems to have mislaid her tablet. She seems to have no hobbies or interests except landing Cris and no friends except Mari. So, what's a girl to do. Cande keeps pushing her to pin Cris down , and the guy is the prince of SL. I would kind of like to see what happens if Severed really does make a play for her. He was checking her out after the engagement party , and they are both partner less at the present moment.

Pru & Tomas why not Sev & Val? Actually, Val does need a plan B should Cris and Aldonza not divorce so why not pin the pregnancy on Severiano?

As for Severiano, if you put a dress on a goat and tie it to a post don't leave the area.

Yeah, well Pru=Cynthia and she can make anything she does golden to watch. Plus Tomas may be a 2nd banana lethario in his mind, but there's a humor and even pathetic sweetness to these two wanting to be together.

Sev and Val will just be....well, if Alexis plays Sev true to form, disgusting I think. Seems the only person he ever even approached gently was Cande. Even his own son he throttled and then gently pats his face. yeah...won't be pretty to watch.

Watch, it will be nothing and we will get the same tired let's claim Cris sired the baby. Praise be, if he was smart enough to jump on the DNA idea, let's hope he wants in on an ultrasound and find out how big this child is in reality.


Good point, Cris is smart about DNA. As long as he can keep anyone from messing with the results!

Ha...cracking myself up thinking of a lab tech wondering why baby hair is grey....

This whole recap was GOLD! I'm all in for throat punching, so many of these characters deserve it! My poor E-man :(

Thank you for a wonderful recap!

¡Con mucho gusto Eli! I wish I was more like Diva. Her shin kicks are so ladylike. I'm brash and throat punchy.

Bahahahaha...I just can't punch throats because I'm too damn short :D

I hear gut shots are also effective.

And less of a reach!

That letter Eman left was heartbreaking. And she want find a love like his. She has trust issues. Not quite her fault, much. Things will start to change for these kids, right now everything is dog tired depressing.

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