Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #18 Wed 6/10/15 A bloody day in Mina Escondida – Rub your arm if you're feeling the stress.

Sorry, folks, but LatinaInMd is under the weather tonight, so this is NovelaMaven pinch-hitting for her.

When we left the happy couple last night, Verónica had just discovered a huge bloodstain under a side table.  Meanwhile, Crazy Marty was crouching over Demetrio's dusty grave and vowing to keep the (crazy) promise he made.

Note: Claudia has the night off so she can get her legs waxed.

You're a guy who appreciates the classics.  Am I wrong?

Pablo is fast-talking his way out of trouble with Crescencio, offering to capture a non-Kodak moment with a painting of his grandchildren.  Despite the scorn of Manny the Hump (or maybe because of it), Crescencio seems to be warming to the idea.  When Pablo proposes setting Crescencio in the middle of the picture as the patriarch of the family, the deal may well be sealed.  Crescencio will meet Pablo in the cantina the next day at noon to discuss it.

The mail will go through, but it might be a little late.

Julio watches as Ana Perla begs M. Dussage to deliver a letter to Pablo, only to learn that he is already in Mina Escondida and anxious to see her.  When M. Dussage points out that Julio is observing them, Ana Perla explains that Julio is not a threat: the abuelo asked him to keep an eye on her.  Besides, he is an old friend.  She smiles at Julio, who smiles back at her.

Beads, Buckets, Bloodstains

In the little house, Verónica is startled by Nanciyaga's noiseless entrance and tap on the shoulder, but she gamely tries to begin again with her problem employee.  She doesn't get very far, though, even if they are both speaking the same language. (Well, sort of the same language.)

A clear plastic box catches Nanciyaga's attention – It's Vero's jewelry-making kit.  She offers to teach Nanci how to make something.  Nanciyaga dismisses the offer, saying she already knows how, but she seems fascinated by the strange tools of the mujer blanca.  "Whatever," says Vero (como tú quieras) "but please bring me a pail and some soap so I can clean this stain."  She indicates the spot on the floor.  "Doesn't it look like blood to you?" 

Sí, sangre de un inocente, answers Nanciyaga solemnly.  The blood of an innocent.  [The music of suspense swells in the background.]  Vero eyes Nanciyaga...

Ciudad de México

Jorge supposes that Marty will send the gold as soon as he gets to his mine, he tells Emiliano.  And once he attends to his emergency, he and Vero will return to Mexico.  Maybe that's why Vero didn't send them the fax she promised – she knew they'd be back very soon.  

Emiliano can't stop thinking about Vero.  Despite Jorge's advice to move on, he is unable to fall out of love overnight [even if it is de rigueur to fall in love overnight around here].  Emi is also thinking about getting back into designing a pre-Hispanic jewelry collection.  Jorge warns him not to use it as an excuse to be with Vero.  If Emi wants to work on the collection, he should do it alone. [Or maybe with an jewelry indigenous maker...]

Did something die here?

Vero bends down to examine the stain.  She asks Nanciyaga what happened there.  Did someone kill an animal?  But when she looks up for an answer, Nanciyaga has vanished.  Vero rubs her upper arm, as she does when she is upset.

Just because I married her doesn't mean I trust her.

The scene shifts to the dusty cemetery and the makeshift cross marking Demetrio's grave.  Martín walks out and meets Botel, who tells him that Magdalena has their meal ready.  Marty has a favor to ask: he doesn't want Botel or Magdalena talking to Vero about Demetrio.  Botel is taken aback.  It makes sense not to tell Vero that Demetrio died in that house, but not to mention Demetrio at all...  Marty wants to be very careful about revealing certain aspects of his life to Vero, he says, especially where money is concerned.  Botel understands, right?

The Doctor is In

At least Ginny waited until the post-nookie period to pick up the Demetrio theme, says the hunky, amoral cardiologist, lying under the covers beside his favorite patient.   Ginny can't stop fretting – what if her history with Demetrio comes to light?  She would just DIE!  The doc says they have to find out what killed Demetrio.  After all, he was young and healthy and his death wasn't likely to be from natural causes.

Mina Escondida – Protect the Güero!

Ana Perla is out of breath.  Someone has to warn Pablo about Manuel!  Blanquita says it's too late.  The abuelo and Manny already talked to him at the school.  Oh no!  The cousins rush off together...

Mexico City – He's an Artist and he needs his space!

Montserrat asks her daughter Mariana if all is well between her and Pablo.  It is, she says, even if he was a little moody when he left for the wild.  She agrees with her mother that he mustn't feel pressured – that's why she's not bothering his sensitive artistic soul with the DETAILS OF THE WEDDING.

FTD, Eat your heart out

When Ana Perla and Blanquita arrive at the school looking for Pablo (or his remains), Onix trots up with a bunch of daisies in his mouth and a note for Ana Perla:  "Look behind the school." Blanquita urges her cousin to check it out, stepping aside in obedience to the "Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not get in the way" (Onceavo mandamiento: no estorbar).

Ana Perla finds Pablo waiting for her, and she runs into his arms.  They agree to meet at their special place, but first she has to get something...

Do you hear the llamado de la sangre yet?

Magdalena arrives at the little house in the selva and meets Marty's short-suffering wife (and her own long-lost daughter, though neither woman is aware of this).  

"My name is Verónica."

"You have the same name as she does," says Magdalena.  She embraces her so warmly that Vero is puzzled at first, but then she melts into the hug.  She thanks Magda for the welcome and the embrace – she really needed it, she says, rubbing her upper arm.  "What a pretty name," says Magda, "the same name as my... mother."  She finally explains who she is and the two women sit down to chat.

"I suppose you and your husband are also worried about the problem with the mine," says Vero.  "WHAT PROBLEM?" Magdalena asks, puzzled.

Nanciyaga doesn't want to talk about it

Outside, the padre asks Nanciyaga how things are going.  Not that great, apparently.
Nanciyaga tiene agua en los ojos porque los sueños vuelan como mariposas y luego se hacen polvo.
(Nanciyaga has water in her eyes because her dreams fly like butterflies and then turn to dust.) 

Out, damn spot! Out, I say!

Marty returns home before the ladies can clarify the (nonexistent) problem with the mine.  He's becoming a better and better liar, it seems.  He sees Magdalena out with a smooth promise to talk to Botel about the mine issues.  

He notices how tidy the house is.  "No thanks to Nanciyaga," Vero can't resist telling him.  He promises to talk to Nanci, but now it's time to join his associate for comida.  Just before heading off to change, she tells him about the bloodstain that no amount of scrubbing could remove.

Lettuce-eyes is no fool

Polo regales Blanquita with the story of how Pablo outwitted grumpy grandpa and Manny the hump. Mira que listo salió ojitos de lechuga, Blanquita says admiringly. (Look how clever lettuce-eyes turned out to be!)

Another budding romance?  Let's hope it's REQUITED this time.

Teo, the cute guy who works in the French hotel, approaches Blanquita and stammers that he is happy to see her.  Blanquita says that, according to Manuel, he always used to stutter around her because she was so ugly, she scared him.  Teo is quick to contradict her – she wasn't ugly then and she's certainly not ugly now!

The conversation is getting irksome for Polo.  "You too?" he says.  "Are you gonna go around with your head in the clouds like Ana Perla?"  Both Blanquita and Teo deny that they are interested in anything but friendship.  (The Patio, of course, knows better.)  Then Teo dishes a little about the new fuereños – the wife is a cutie pie, but the husband is muy raro (very odd).

Raro ain't the half of it

Crazy Marty examines the bloodstain on the floor and vows that he will make Verónica clean it with her tears.

I... um... I know those people.

Pablo and Ana Perla chat (he is impressed when she mentions Jackson Pollack).  The conversation turns to a "strange" wedding he attended in Mexico and the new people in town.  He confesses that the new kids on the block are precisely the ones whose wedding he attended.  Ana Perla is delighted and wants to know HOW he knows them.  Pablo's face seems to turn a little green (Can we call him cara de lechuga?)

La Sobremesa / The after-dinner conversation

Now that they are all together, Vero wants to know what happened in the mine, as disagreeable as the subject may be.  And she'd very much like to see the place.  Marty, Botel and Magdalena exchange looks that most people (Vero, I'm talking to you!) would pick up on.

Ana Perla is a little more perceptive

She knows Pablo evaded her question.  How does he know Crazy Marty and the missus?  Pablo decides it is time to confess.  "The truth is," he begins, "in Mexico I have a..."

¡Señorita!  Drat! Julio calls out to Ana Perla, cutting off Pablo's confession.  As Julio approaches, we see his brow is bloody.  He explains that Manny the Hump got to him for letting Ana Perla out of his sight.  (Sure, he could fight him, he says, but he needs the job.)  Now the abuelo is looking for her, so she'd better head home.

Oh wait.  She DOES notice something funny going on... 

Vero wants to know why everyone got so serious all of a sudden.  Magda jumps up and starts clearing the table.  Marty says it's better not to talk business over dinner.  As for visiting the mine, it is too dangerous right now.  Vero ends up apologizing for her being "inopportune." (Sigh)

Padre Juan joins the group.  He came to say hello and to invite the newcomers to join his congregation.  At his words, Crazy Marty leaps up from the table and heads for the bathroom (does religion give him gas?)  Since Botel goes into the kitchen to help Magdalena, Vero and Padre Juan have a moment to chat.

"I'm sorry you found the house in such a mess."

"That's not a big deal, Father.  I was surprised by that exotic woman who speaks rather oddly."

Padre Juan assures Vero that Nanciyaga – "that is who you mean, right?" – is a good girl even if she doesn't have the best manners.  He urges Vero to be patient.  He tells her of Nanciyaga's community in the heart of the jungle and their love for nature.  Vero thinks of Emiliano and how he would love to study them. [No!  That will be the end of you, people!  Wait.  Are we foreshadowing an Emiliano-Nanciyaga romance?  Yikes.]

Then the padre asks Vero to come to see him at the church as soon as possible.  There is sometime delicate they need to discuss.  "Why not tell me right now what it's about?" she says.  The padre looks behind him...

There's a girl in Mexico...

Pablo has to get it out of his system.  "I know Martín because his wife is a friend of this girl in Mexico.  She and I..."

Ana Perla's face crumples.  She knows what's coming. "That's why you went to Mexico.  That's what was so hard for you to say, that you have a girlfriend there."


There's something about Martín

The padre is reluctant to talk, but Vero presses him.  Is it about Martín?  She has to know!  The padre speaks:

Hace tiempo que Martín no tiene paz en su corazón.  Tiene un deseo de venganza que lo va a destruir a él mismo si no se detiene a tiempo.
(For some time, Martin's heart has not been at peace.  He has a desire for vengeance that is going to destroy him if he doesn't stop in time.)

Vero is mystified.  What vengeance is he talking about?  Against whom?  The father starts to say it is on her account (por ti), but he doesn't get very far before Crazy Marty comes in and takes over the conversation, trying to put a spin of sanity on what he told the priest – "I told the father that I wouldn't hesitate to get back at anyone who tried to harm the people I love.  The father doesn't approve of my way of thinking, but I say an eye for eye."

Vero agrees with the padre: "If someone does us harm, we can't take justice into our own hands."

The padre is glad to hear it.  He hopes she can persuade Crazy Marty to change his opinion. 

No mint leaves for you!

Now Nanciyaga joins the party.  She has brought mint leaves for the lady – not for HER – for the pretty woman.  She goes into the kitchen looking for Magdalena.   Once again, Padre Juan asks Vero to be patient and explains that she was very attached to... the previous tenant.

Nanciyaga, who apparently, like the fog, comes on little cat feet, overhears Botel and Magdalena arguing about the lies that Crazy Marty has asked them to tell.  Why not talk about Demetrio? Magdalena wants to know.  And is there a problem in the mine that Botel hasn't told her about?  Botel says Marty doesn't want the missus to know about his financial situation.  He fears she is a gold-digger and he is putting her to the test.

Nanciyaga también cree que la mujer blanca es mala mujer.
(Nanciyage also thinks the white woman is a bad woman.)

Botel and Magdalena turn at the sound of her voice  and discover Nanci standing behind them.   Magdalena disagrees and she thinks the fact that Vero accompanied Marty to Mina Escondida is a good sign.  But Nanciyaga doesn't think Vero is going to last very long there. 

Julio is there to pick up the pieces

Ana Perla is devastated by Pablo's deceit.  "I risked everything for you!"  She doesn't want to hear his hollow declaration of love.  She catches up with Julio and walks toward home, leaving Pablo alone with his city-boy angst.

NOW do you hear the llamado de la sangre?

Magdalena says that not only has she taken a liking to Vero, she feels a special connection to her.

In the sitting room, Marty tells Vero about his plans to rebuild the church and the school and Vero offers to help the community in any way she can.  Marty mentions his unpleasant encounter with Crescencio.  Botel confirms that Crescencio is a brute, but there's not much to be done about it: he owns La Mina Perla and half the town, and people are afraid of him.

Vero asks if she can cut the cake – a special one from M. Dussage – and laughingly confesses that it make her feel like a little girl celebrating her birthday.  Magdalena looks at her very closely...

A Silver Lining?

Ana Perla dabs at the blood on Julio's face with the filthy cloth from the school crafts table and apologizes for putting him in harm's way.  It won't happen again, she tells him, because she won't try to escape anymore.  Julio comforts her, saying: No hay mal que por bien no venga (There's no bad thing that doesn't bring something good/Every cloud has a silver lining).  He would give his life for her, he says.

Casa Prado Castelo – a home consult

Salma asks the hunky amoral cardiologist if Ginny is healthy enough to have a normal love life and bear children.  She asks because Ginny is madly in love with the niño Emiliano.  Dr. Hunk does a little double take and asks – for purely professional reasons – if Ginny and Emi have a relationship.  Not yet, says Salma, but they will very soon.

Vero obligingly leaves so the others can talk about her.

Magdalena absentmindedly rubs her upper arm and says that she thinks Vero is a good girl.  Crazy Marty assures her it is just a facade, a strategy to get what she wants.  Magdalena is unconvinced.  But if what he says is true, then why did he marry her?  He says it was love at first sight, but he can't trust her.  Magdalena says they won't talk, but other people will and sooner or later, Vero will find out that the Morenita is worth a lot of money.  Marty hopes that things will be resolved by then.

Botel has reviewed the Prado Castelo contract and finds it acceptable.  They agree that he and Magdalena will accompany the first of three shipments of gold to Mexico tomorrow morning, along with several of their most trustworthy workers.  Marty will arrange for a cargo jet to meet them.  His faithful assistant Creepy Claudia will see to all the details.

Now Magdalena tells Marty that she has urgent business in Mexico, so it is his turn to be in charge of the mine, at least until she and Botel return.

You know perfectly well what she's like!

It is obvious to Salma that Dr. Fernández disapproves of what she is saying.  Indeed, he can't believe she would even broach a subject like that, knowing her niece's condition.  Then he seems to reconsider.  He will do more studies – he is sure the results will be favorable.  Salma is delighted at the ray of hope.  After all, Ginny is such a GOOD girl and deserves to live a full life.  (But Salma doesn't see the hard, angry face that Fernández shows to the Patio as he is walking out.)

So what kind of timeframe are we talking about here?

Marty says he'll take his turn overseeing the mine, but wants to know how long Magdalena and Botel will be away.  She decides to level with him: It may be a very long while – she is going to look for her long-lost daughter. [Oh, the irony!]  Marty makes sympathetic noises.

Now it's all set – Marty just has to tell his father-in-law about the gold transfer.  "Your father-in-law is the buyer?" asks Magdalena, surprised.   This is news to her. 

Before Marty leaves, Magdalena gives him some (pretty crappy) advice:  "Maybe Verónica isn't what you expected, but if you love her, and you think you can make her change, don't lose this opportunity – a person does many things for love."

And Marty responds with a threat disguised as a promise:  "Yes, I'm sure that Verónica is going to change – I'll see to it myself."

Grandfather was right about stranger danger (and if I were Pablo, I'd be on that riverboat back to the modern world right now)

Ana Perla tearfully apologizes for escaping from Julio – she was just in such a hurry to get to the school – and she promises it won't happen again.  And he doesn't have worry about her because she's not going to see that stranger he was so afraid she'd get involved with.  He was right when he said that those wolves make fools of people like them.

Crescencio's ears perk right up.  Why is she saying that?  Because that's what he always says, Ana Perla answers.  Anyway, she doesn't want to go out anymore because she just ends up getting other people in trouble.  Crescencio doesn't understand and asks her to explain.

In answer, Ana Perla confronts Manuel:  "You don't have to behave like an animal!  Why didn't you take it out on me?  I was the one who ran away, not Julio!  It wasn't his fault!"

Then she storms out, saying she knows she's going to end up locked in her room so she might as well go there.

Crescencio tells Manny the Hump to go get Julio.

The French Hotel and a letter past its use by date

M. Dussage, seeing that Pablo is down, gives him the letter Ana Perla left for him earlier, hoping it will brighten his spirits.  Here is what Pablo reads:

Mi güerito hermoso,
Esta carta no es como las otras que te he escrito.  Esta la hago con el corazón encogido porque mi abuelo y mi hermano no quieren fuereños aquí, y sé que pueden hacerte daño, sobre todo Manuel, que siempre anda armado y es tan violento.  Por favor, cuídate mucho porque no resistiría si algo malo te llegara a pasar.  Que tu ángel te proteja porque yo ya no puedo vivir sin ti, Pablo.

(My beautiful fair-haired boy,
This letter is not like the others that I have written to you.  I am writing this with a sinking heart because my grandfather and my brother don't want strangers here, and I know they may hurt you, especially Manuel, who is always armed and is so violent.  Please take care of yourself because I couldn't bear it if something bad happened to you.  May your guardian angel protect you because I can't live without you, Pablo.) 

Confession as an act of aggression

Marty shows up at the church and tells Padre Juan that he'd like to confess.  This is what he says: 

"Father, I confess that I married the woman who caused my brother's death so I can avenge myself on her."

Avances:  En garde! (And don't impale yourself on the cactus!) 


WOW NovelaMaven. Maggy rubbing her upper arm went right over my head. Thank You. I remember her doing it but it didn't register. The same as Vero was doing earlier in the death house.

How many more clues can these two ignore? She is sitting at Dinner telling her daughter that she is going to Mex City to look for her long lost daughter Veronica.

Maybe Marty will be involved in a cave-in in the mine. He is hateful and dishonest. On top of being mentally messed up.

Great detailed recap NM. Thanks again.

I thought it strange that Marty insisted on going to confession since he is not very religious. But then I realized it was to seal Father Juan's lips because he caught him almost spilling the beans to Veronica. Smartest thing he has done so far.

Kirby: let's hope the Padre can prevent Martin from going into psychotic violence against Veronica.

I also noticed Maggy rubbing her arm just like Veronica was doing, something tells we're going to have Paco 2.0!

Just saying!

Virginia getting her screw tightened? LOL!!!!!

Thank you so much for this NovelaMaven. Double thanks, the lettuce-eyes catch, I missed it.

I love Blanquita

"Dr. Hunk does a little double take and asks – for purely professional reasons – if Ginny and Emi have a relationship"

Don't know what I expected but didn't expect Dr. Hunk would have much of a role, glad he does

Martin makes Virginia look like a girl scout, he believes his fabricated lies and if a terse smile don't do a little menace will

Martin - know why there are no barking dogs in the neighborhood and no rat poison at Ace Hardware

Pablo - no way I'd, break up with the girl that writes the checks, first

Botel - with you bro, keep them women poor and under thumb, first coin in 20 years and Magdalena wants to leave

Ana Perla - no happy ever after except in books and movies

Crescencio - you'll paint me levitating above the minions, ok

Virginia - I sowed them seeds so I get the harvest

Veronica - blood stain gonna be

Padre - the devil can enter a church


novelaMaven...Thank you for that clever recap to read while enjoying my breakfast...a dish of my neighbor's tasty strawberries.Loved your subheadings...teehee.

So...Maggie and Very are both rubbing their arms..a sure sign that they are related...hmm..was that Verymystical itching...or psoriasis? It reminded me of Amor Real in which Manuel and his little son shared the habit of stroking their cheek.

I like Julio better than Pablo (Not)Picasso , but it seems that young and innocent Ana Perla is destined for cityboy.

Uhoh..O.d Joven seems to have made another enemy now that Mom has shared Ginny's longings with Dr. Delicious.

What fun, NovelaMaven. Thanks for another incredible, insightful, and illuminating recap.

So Martín suddenly feels the need to confess. What a surprise. Haven't seen that before.

Padre Juan's resistance cracked me up. He did everything but put his fingers in his ears and go "Lalala... I can't hear you!"

Is there an undercurrent of TN sexism in the fact that everyone seems to be deferring to Martín's curious demands for deception and lies?


Carlos. See my guess above about the confession.

NovelaMaven, thanks for that lovely loaded recap!

The sub-headings were great little caution signs. I especially liked the one for Crazy Marty=raro ain't the half of it.

Well, now that we know Magda and Vero both do that stress-rub arm thingy, it's obvious they're closely related. Too bad we have a detour to DF in the way of finding da truth.

Nanci...the fog...little cat I still have trouble seeing Mar Contreras as the exotic tribal girl. She needs to be a little more scruffy, her clothing not so perfect. She looks like a model doing a jungle photo shoot, IMO.

There is sexism but it's blatant. Martin, a man no one in town knows brings his bride of a few days and he makes derogatory declarations and swears everyone to secrecy so he can experiment on her and see if she passes. Yet, not one asked the fool why he married her if she so rotten. What's it gonna take, him beat her in the street? Oh, forgot, she deserved it, cause Martin says, and he's the man so he has his rights to treat his property anyway he chooses. One half the town ruled by one mine owner, Crescencio, a misogynist and the other half the misogynist mine owner, Martin. Were is the stoning pit?

Loved the recap. I'm feeling the stress and rubbing the arm.

I can't really get used to this (seems to me common) trajectory of the TNs. Guy is an a$$ but we're to root for him because they are meant to be together. Blechh.

Also find it annoying that Vero is taking so much of his crap. Someone suggested that she has that thing that makes her want to "fix" people. That might explain it. I liked seeing her kicking back (fencing back?) in the avances.

So here is my question: in the promo that they run every show they show Magdelena sobbing over.... Veronica's grave?! Is it a spoiler question to ask if they ever do that? Kill off the protaganista? I'm not sure I could hang on through Marty's BSC behavior if that is a possibility.

(and Tofie I love your list)

I posted something earlier but it vanished into the ether. So does the 'good' Doctor now realize he is sleeping with the devil? I didn't miss L'eggs in this episode.

LatinaInMD- Hope you feel better soon!

NovelaMaven- You are spectacular for stepping in last minute and delivering a high quality, witty recap. Thank you.

Ditto everything you all are saying about the misogyny in this tn. Also, I get very uncomfortable with them portraying a "native" woman as someone who seems to be slow on the uptake. "Me Tonto."

Wow. That was a true punk and villainous move, Marty using the confessional on purpose to shut Padre up.

Rebecca- My guess about the opening credits is that Magdalena's evil, alcoholic husband faked Veronica's death before he abandoned her, in order to throw Magdalena off the scent and to punish her for daring to leave him.

Susanlynn- "mystical itching...or psoriasis?" LOL!

Thanks so much NovelaMaven for such a fantastic recap.

Vero should have questioned Martin more about the blood stain. Instead all she does is just casually mentions that there is a blood stain over there.

I definitely felt the llamado de sangre during the Vero and Magdalena scene. It is a shame that she's leaving town when her long lost daughter has just arrived.

Did anyone else notice the fake scenery during the scene with Nanciyaga and Padre Juan when Nanciyaga was crying over her dreams being crushed? The two of them looked as if they had been Photoshopped in the scene.

Dr. Fernandez was sure surprised when he found out Virginia loved Emiliano. Him wanting Virginia to come to his medical office for "studies" can't be good.

I hadn't thought of it like but you are right Kirby that Martin made that confession to Padre in confessional so Padre won't be able to spill the beans. I have to admit that was a smart move.

Pablo was a little too late with his confession.

I just have one question: Is Dr. Hottie gonna be shirtless and in bed every time we see him? Because if that's so, I don't mind one bit. Seems like someone is jellus that Ginny has her eyes set on El Niño Emiliano.

TF...We can only hope that Dr. Hot keeps taking his shirt off and Old Joven keeps his on.

Well, we found out that Very does not mind blood, spiders, warm hugs, or carting her own baggage...and she can make jewelry. It looks like she will be teaching the native folks how to string beads.

HahaHa, some of the comments are really funny. Thanks NovelaMaven, awesome recap. LatinainMd, feel better soon. Carlos, We are sexist. Sorry, but Martin has a legitimate reason for his actions, doesn't excuse it but a reason non the less. Virginia has no reason (if you can call jealousy a reason) and no excuse to be so horrid. Veronica is out of sight and the ---tch is still plotting. What i find amazing is nobody in the PC household picked up on this. Poor Veronica been tortured over the years. Emiliano and Matilda maybe did but said nothing? Martin's revenge will be a double edged sword. He is desperately in love with his wife and avenging his brother will kill him as well. How do you hurt the person you love the most. Vero is still getting to know her husband and so she is excused. She was smart enough to pick up on the vibe at the dinner table, i am giving her a break. She better no disappoint me. Genetics is funny, Martin, if he was thinking could have connected the dots because Vero told him about her past. He is too busy plotting revenge. I would love to hate him but I can't. He is too manly.


@NovelaMaven - thank you for taking the bat up for me, and so last minute. But you didn't just pinch-hit.....that was a bases-loaded home-run of a recap!!!! (I spent last night alternating hot/cold compresses and taking prescription strength ibuprofen and muscle relaxants. All that finally helped me to sit up late this morning, after being bedridden since late afternoon yesterday, but I am STILL wiped out. I expect to be ready to step up to the plate again next Wednesday, though. Thanks again.)

@Vivi - thanks for the well-wishes.

@Rebecca - if you freeze the image of Malena at the graveside in the opening scenes, you will see the dates on the headstone indicate that the dead child was about 6 years old.

@Mauricio - about the fake scenery in the NanC and priest scene - yeah, there have been a few "green screened" scenes, though thankfully kept to a minimum. I've noticed all such fake scenes are complete filler scenes, so I'm guessing the producer decided to shoot those filler scenes when they were back in studio in order to complete the number of minutes of content required per episode.

@Susanlynn - great list of things Vero can handle. I'll add that we also learned that she can handle cold showers and doesn't mind using toilets without seats.

@Hanna - thanks for wishing me well. I'm on the bend now, though it still hurts when I laugh. And your last line killed me. May I steal it from you? It perfectly states how I feel about Martin:

"I would love to hate him but I can't. He is too manly."

This is the perfect slogan for the Martin-table on the Patio!!! And Vero clearly presides at that least for now. Too funny.


She better get used to cold showers. She is married to Mr. Dead Down There.

BTW....In case anyone is curious. Although Ana Brenda (Veronica) and Marisela (Nancyaga) both have a last name Contreras they are not related.
the stalker

NovelaMaven great recap, perfect detail.

Now, martin is a jackass, marty is a jackass, martin is a jackass, marty is a jackass. No matter what you call him it comes out the same.
Not only does he have a butkickin coming from his wife, he's got one coming from his mother-in-law. I don't know how far down the line this is coming, but it's coming. Not before he rips her heart out tho.
Did Demitrio kill himself or did someone make it look like he did. Cause I remember reading something farther up about what the doctor said, "the doc says they have to find out what killed Demetrio. after all he was young and healthy and his death wasn't likely to be from natural causes".
Was he murdered and then shot? because they are out there in the wilderness and there's probably all kinds of poisonous plants or fish or whatever to make someone to appear to have died one way and they really died another way.

Haha! I agree, Susanlynn!


"I get very uncomfortable with them portraying a "native" woman as someone who seems to be slow on the uptake."

I've not missed an episode (though I've been known to doze) and nothing I've seen of Nanciyaga suggests that she is slow on the uptake. She is portrayed as naive and somewhat narrow-minded when it comes to white girls. Clearly Spanish is not her mother tongue, hence the awkward third person form of referring to herself, but, if you'll notice, otherwise her grammar is perfect. I think as time goes by we'll likely come to view her as cunning and possibly even scheming. I even thought that she viewed Vero's offer to teach her bead stringing as patronizing and condescending.


"I would love to hate him but I can't. He is too manly."

I understand your fondness and support for Martín, (quite often I've been known to admire the naughty girls) but I question your choice of adjective... manly. I can see absolutely nothing in him that is remotely manly. Maybe pretty and testosterony but not manly.

By the way, does anyone recall a galán resorting to the secrecy of the confessional to hide a deception or is this a new low?


I agree Virginia is one nasty heffer but she tells Veronica to her face she hates her and despite what she has done to this point, Veronica has excelled in business and admired by all but Selma.

Martin has sworn vengeance for what? If he was the big brother and father figure, where was he as Demetrio descended into alcoholism and ostensibly took his own life. What about self flagellation, Martin, for your part or is your torment for loving her your punishment? He takes Veronica away from her family, work and friends, isolates her in the middle of nowhere with the intent to destroy her, fabricates a persona that is in his own head and lies, cajoles or schmoozes people to lie or be complicit while purposefully ignoring anything contrary to what he wants. His preferred end for Veronica, a blood spot beside Demetrios, caused by her own hand, an innocent hand.

I was hopeful the Padre could frustrate the cold calculating predator but he was too conniving and quick, shutting up the only person that refused to deceive Veronica, with the confessional seal. It's inconvenient for someone to question his motive or offer facts and he winces when someone does.


Carlos- Well, I guess Nancy's slow moments are no worse than Vero's, but there is definitely a condescending tone they all use when talking about her that seems to echo what the writers feel. I don't think showing her to be scheming later will improve on this outdated portrayal of a "native." This is straight out of the script from a 50s movie.

Vivi, I lean toward your take on Nanci's portrayal but I expected that in a Mejia production. A caricature.

I don't think nancy is slow are naive at all. I think she's a very smart young lady and I think she knows some stuff. And before it's all over, she's going to reveal some things and surprise people, about what really happened to demitrio.


Attention MASSIVE understatement ahead ''quite often I've been known to admire the nasughty girls.-'. NEXT !

I know it's off topic, but for those who used to watch Pasion de Gavilanes of Telemundo, there's a new TV series in the Philippines called, "Pasion de Amor", which is loosely based on the Telemundo series.

Check it out!

Novela Maven---Thanks for stepping in and doing such a great job for us Lo Indonable watchers.
Claudia has the night off so she can get her legs waxed. Nothing wrong with that, she wants to keep her legs looking good.

Latina MD---Have you tried Salonpas pain reliving patches?

I did notice the Veronica name on the grave marker, just didn't go to slow motion mode to check.---Thanks Latina for clearing this up.

Tofie---Where's the stoning pit? You mean business.

Maybe there is something lost in translation but I didn't see Nanci as slow or ignorant in anyway.

Marty and the confession---Maybe the padre's lips are sealed but the good padre could sure give Martin a good strong lecture on the evils of vengeance.
the gringo



Yes, I'm sure a stern lecture from Padre Juan will set Martín on the straight and narrow.


Martin does not do it for all. Crazy always trumps manly. And besides bring crazy, the guy is cranky. Crazycranky Marty is just a Grumpy Gramps in the making.

So can anyone tell me what Martín's manly traits and qualities are? He certainly has masculine characteristics, but manly? I'm not so sure. I can't get the image of his maniacal, menacing countenance as he held that sword to Verónica's throat out of my mind.

Of course opinions do vary.


Martin really needs to change. they can let him find out that his wife is not the culprit. And they can find out together whose responsible for his brother's broken heart that lead to his death. Cause he is a stupid psycho whose reality has sliped away. frankly and I am sick of watching him, but I suppose he'll change. He seems to be gettin crazier and crazier. I'll be glad when Ronnie finds out if she can kick his a$$.

So she can kick his a $$→→→→→→↑

Dearest Patio Peeps,

Thank you so much for reading and commenting today. As usual, your kind words make me blush and your wisecracks make me giggle.

I'm going to get the last word in this evening with my opinion of Crazy Marty's appeal. I don't think he is particularly 'manly' if that word includes any notion of virtue. Rather, he is an obviously dangerous, sexy, bad boy. And sadly, bad boys often DO get the girls. (Personally, I'd find him a lot more attractive if he had any sense of humor or fun.)

I agree that Nanciyaga is far from stupid, even if she is a stereotype. But since just about every other character is too, she's in good company.

As for villains using the confessional as a weapon to keep priests from revealing what they suspect or are likely to discover, it seems to me that's a trope we've seen before. Just to name one example, didn't Carmina do that in Abismo de Pasión?

LatinaInMD-I hope you feel better real soon. In the meantime, take care of yourself. We'll be here enjoying your comrades recaping their hearts out. You guys are sweethearts♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥:-D

Villains use the confessional as a weapon all the time, but this guy is supposed to be the galan, for creep's sake!

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