Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #37 Tue 7/7/15 Baby Emi has a bad bad day

Quick bullet style recap can be found below; my recaps will probably be done in this way until Sombra ends, then I'll have more time for longer, more detailed posts, enjoy!

  • Emiliano makes his way to Veronica's house and quickly makes an ass of himself. Vero looks a little dirty- but that's because she's doing house work, Emiliano won't listen and berates her for living in poverty.
  • Vero explains that she is in her home doing house work, that's why she's a mess, and yes maybe her hands are rough but that's because she has been doing work all work dignifies a person.
  • Emi throws things. Seriously. This jackass breaks furniture in Vero's house because he feels she's not being treated like a princess. I'm not making this up. It really happened. My mouth hit the floor.
  • Vero makes Emi leave.
  • Emi leaves and bumps into Marty, he reads him the riot act for the way Vero is living. Marty tells him that Vero is happy and in love with him, and she's happy with her home.
  • They fight. 
  • Emi pulls a gun and shots a snake that was "just" about to bite Martin-that seemed totally unnecessary to me, poor snake :(
  • Nanci jumps all over Emi like a wild monkey in order to stop him from attacking crazy Marty
  • Manuel bonds with Claudia-who really is a gold digger!
  • Marty gets called back to the mine, there's some work that needs to be done, quickly!
  • Joaquin lays down the law to Cres, his children are no longer grounded, in his home he makes the rules!
  • Ana Perla is still being held captive (in 2015, you guys!)
  • Julio-sweetheart that he is agrees to help AP and Pablo, he tells AP that when she leaves her home to be with someone she should be dressed in white. This guy is a winner.
  • Emi bickers with Claudia, he went to rescue Vero based on her stories about Vero and Marty being unhappy but it turns out that they are happy as can be, he tells Claudia he will never forgive her and then he starts to drink, and drink, and drink some more.
  • Aunt Selma calls Ginny, uncle Jorge managed to get a lot of work done so now they are off to Cancun sooner than expected!
  • Ginny's solution? Run off to Mina Escondida to bring Emi back
  • The workers at the mine are making progress, they got a lot of work done but had to work late into the night, which means Marty had to work late which is bad because..
  • Claudia comes up with an awful plan, she has Doctor Fellgood help her take Emi to Veronica's house.
  • Emi is uber drunk and Vero tries to get him into the guest room but can't.
  • Emi falls on top of Vero and Marty finds them in bed together, I'm guessing madness will ensue, check back in tomorrow to see Marty's reaction!


Thanks for your very entertaining recap Eli. And totally agree with you about baby Emi being a "jackass." What kind of person goes into someone else's home and starts throwing things just because they don't like their host's living conditions?!! What a jerk!

It was funny though how he did an about face after Nancy jumped him. First he's throwing punches at Marty and next thing he's asking to study her and her community. And she's supposed to say "yeah sure!"?

Can't wait for what will go down tonight!


Golly Eli you are so funny. Great and thank you.

"poor snake :("

Ok, so I wanted Emiliano to bust up Veronica and Martin but since he got all grabby with Veronica, forget the broken furniture, I'd be ok with Nanci cutting off his pouty lips with that machete. How stupid for Veronica to want to chat with him while sober, he's still a creep.

Drunk with a handgun and shoot a snake in the head, can't they come up with something better, like a dancing bear or zombie, use their imagination.

Hope Pierre is charging at least gas money to run everybody back and forth between towns.

Oh that clever Claudia, take him to Veronica's house. Hehe


Eli, Thanks for the very good synopsis. I think you covered all we need to know. Your dedication to us does not go unnoticed!

I really giggled as Emi and Marty argued whether or not Marty's house was a pigsty.



Thanks Eli for the rundown---You had me laughing when you wrote that the jackass breaks furniture in Vero's house. Thanks, you cleared that up for me. I saw him in the house ranting and raving but I had looked away just for a short time and when I looked back---the chair was broken. I thought that he sat down and the old chair just gave way and broke.

Ana Perla is being held captive. (in 2015 you guys) Yes Eli, the old goat is one hundred years behind time. I would laugh but it isn't funny.

Right take drunk Emi over to Vero's, not to Emi's hotel room. Claudia will be jumping for joy tonight after the trouble she has caused to happen.

Right Eli it's a fool proof guess that madness will ensue tonight.

Must see tv.
the gringo


Thank you for the recap. This was an entertaining episode and you captured all of the insanity!
The slug fest between Emi and Marty was great. The icing on the cake was NanC jumping on Emi's back and watching him swing her around and hit Marty with her feet. Hilarious! Emi isn't the only one who brought a gun to the show. Did you see Julio's guns!?! Nice! Apparently AP is blind as well as stupid:)

Thanks Eli. The wild monkey was about right.

Thanks so much, Eli. Watching Emi last night was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Gosh! How much damage can this one fool do in a few short hours? He and Manuel should start a club.

If Jorge and Salma are making the short flight to Cancun tomorrow, how does Virginia plan to go to the middle of nowhere jungle, retrieve Emi, and be back in Cancun before Jorge and Salman know what's happened?

@Vivi - I'm sure Virginia plans to teleport, as is the norm in many novelas. Ha!!!

@Eli - your bullet points are excellent. They covered every detail nicely. Thanks for doing this while also immersed in your LSDP recapping work.

I posted this reply yesterday in the comments to recap #36, but since it was the last comment, I'm reposting it to make sure Duchess and other curious readers get their answer to the question about the ratings:

@Duchess - about the ratings - Lo Imperdonable is currently #1 in both the USA and Mexico. But the media in Mexico are portraying it as a ratings failure.

Alas, because it is in the primest of prime time (the 9:30pm timeslot) in Mexico, Televisa's executives expected it to get better numbers in Mexico, never mind that it's entire lineup of novelas is way down in viewership. It premiered at a respectable 21 points, but they were hoping it would go up to high 20s/low 30s. Instead, it has hovered in the 18 to 19 point range, and at one point it dipped to 15 - but so did the rest of Televisa's programming because it's soccer season.

Here in the USA, it's doing better. Univision reports its ratings in total viewer numbers. Initially this novela and Amores Con Trampa were practically tied for #1, both hovering at 2.2 million viewers. However, last week Lo Imperdonable jumped ahead by almost 20%, rising to more than 2.6 million viewers, as reported by Univision itself.

Eli - Thanks so much for such a great recap.

I really enjoyed this episode.

"Emi throws things. Seriously. This jackass breaks furniture in Vero's house because he feels she's not being treated like a princess. I'm not making this up. It really happened. My mouth hit the floor."
I had the same reaction. Good for Vero for kicking him out and refusing to speak to him until he respected her home and marriage.

"Emi pulls a gun and shots a snake that was "just" about to bite Martin-that seemed totally unnecessary to me, poor snake :("
Yes, the poor snake. I suppose it was done for dramatic effect -- have him shoot then go to a commercial and leave us wondering if Marty had been shot.

"Manuel bonds with Claudia-who really is a gold digger!"
Yes, she is sure is a golddigger. I have this scary thought of her seducing Crescencio when she finds out how much $$ he really has.

"Ana Perla is still being held captive (in 2015, you guys!)"

"Emi falls on top of Vero and Marty finds them in bed together, I'm guessing madness will ensue, check back in tomorrow to see Marty's reaction!"
That was soo funnny! It was comical how Vero tried to get a drunk Emi into the guest room. Of course it was foolish of her to have put Emi in the marital room in the first place then tell Daniel (who offered to stay and help) that he could leave. I loved Marty's reaction when he found Vero and Emi. It does look like a compromising situation but it does have a explanation. Hopefully, Marty will listen to it and trust in Vero. But this is a telenovela after all... Can't wait to see what happens tonight.

gringo -- Emi did sit down and the chair broke and he almost fell. It made Vero chuckle and it made me laugh out loud. It was a very funny scene! Unfortunately, Emi didn't find it so funny. He has no sense of humor I guess.


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Eli, I like your recap, this is short and to the point. All the other stuff wasn't as interesting as what you recaped on. This is just fine with me. Thank you, good stuff.
That situation thats about to cause chaos in the marty &vero marriage could have been avoided had she shown them where the guest room was.
She knew they were headed for their bed and she did nothing to stop it.
But it was a dirty trick claud did to them, and emi with his drunk ass, is more trouble than he is worth.
I told yall it wasn't gonna last. Martin in all his hategul glory is going to call her every nasty name he can think of to call a cheatin woman (witch she ain't), marty your crazy self.
Right now that snake is better than emi.
They really got that sergio guy(emi) lookin

It was funny how Emi suggested he and Marty have a no rule fencing match to settle their differences. Really Emi??? Really???

I'm not sure what the point of bringing the gun was if Emi wasn't going to use it -- except for killing the snake of course.

That was funny how Nanciyaga jumped on top of Emi. Too bad she didn't pull out her machete.

I get a kick out of Claudia calling Crescencio "Crepancio" LOL.

Hey Eli, thanks for taking the time to do such a great recap!

I was surprised that baby Emi came rushing in ("Fools Rush In.......")like he did without first surveying the situation and giving Veronica reasonable time to explain. It would have been more interesting and less stupid, if some finesse had been engaged in leading up to the confrontation with Marty. It was as if his brain wasn't turned on.

When does Virginia arrive? How many episodes are there in this TN? Does anyone know?


LatinaInMD -- Thanks so much for the ratings info. It's a shame this isn't doing so well in Mexico. I'm not sure why -- this novela is entertaining. I'm glad to hear that this one is doing better here in the USA.

What a fun recap Eli. Thanks. Monkey Girl was too funny. I wonder why Nanci didn't just use that famous machete which I am sure she shaves her legs with and lop off a hand or something. During this she made some comment about being strong or mighty or something to the effect that she was a force to be reckoned with didn't she?

I am so looking forward to Martin finally getting his anvil. Oh, so your brother whacked himself over some bimbo? Well give him the Darwin award and move on. So now you want to destroy the (you think) bimbo and yourself for spite? Go ahead have a nice time, you deserve everything you are earning by being a psycho. No sympathy here. I wished Emi had beat you senseless, but you already are.

Nina I think Vero told Dr. Dan to put him down on her bed because he was to big for the couch while she made up the guest bed. In her place I would have accepted the offer of him waiting to help her move him to the other bed once it was ready. Heck, if not then wait for Marty to arrive and move him himself but then we wouldnt have the about to take place, compromising situation right?! ;-)


I thought that was vero jumpin on Emi to protect her man. And what was that conversation about between Emi & nancy? Anybody know? It wasn't in the recap. Look like they were talking about her jewelry, I don't think so though. In a few minutes I'll see marty make a mess. Or not!

Nina: The conversation between Emi and Nanc turned 180 degrees and he asked about her people. Told her he studies primitive cultures etc. And he mentioned his interest in her handmade jewelry.

Emi and Nanciyaga's conversation: Nanciyaga told Emi that he has resentment in his soul. Emi tells her that what she saw was him settling something with Marty but he does not have bad intentions. He introduces himself and she tells him that she knows that he is Vero's cousin although they don't appear to be of the same blood. That's right says Emi. Then Emi tells her that he loves to study the native Mexican cultures -- studying people like Nanciyaga. He then tells her that he was told about her making jewelery and that he knows about her methods for curing with leaves. He tells her that he would like for her to talk to him about that and perhaps show him something or take him to see her village. She then mumbled something which I couldn't catch (I think she tells him that he sounds strange). Anyway, then she tells him that he has eyes of bad (ojos de mal) but that there is something...something... He asks her what but she doesn't answer and leaves.

Thank you for the recap Eli :)

@LatinaInMD - thanks for that ratings info. It is helpful. I am happyy that it is having good ratings in the US. I am loving it so much!

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