Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #52 Wed 7/29/15 Just the Facts.

Hi folks,
I'm filling in for LatinaInMd today with a quick and dirty rundown of last night's events.  Latina should be back here next week.  Yay!

The police come to the cantina (the same ones who had previously locked Manny in the Cave Jail) and Ireri tells them Manuel has been up to his old tricks.  Inexplicably, they don't arrest him.  Nor does Ireri want them to.

On the phone, Ginny tells Dr. F that the pregnancy test was negative.  He's sad.  She rolls her eyes.

Dr. F tells Ginny that Vero is awake, had a terrible fight with Marty and wants to go back to Mexico.  Ginny tells him to do whatever it takes to keep her in Mina Escondida – even if what he does ends up killing her.

Despite Marty's vehement protests, Vero accepts Pierre's invitation to convalesce in his hotel.  Unlike Claudia, she insists on paying for the room.  Pierre tells Marty that he is no longer included in the invitation.  Marty acts like a jealous ass.  (How the actors kept from giggling during this scene, I don't know.)

Poor Magdalena is a wreck after her encounter with Clemente.  After hearing that "Veronica died of sadness," she feels she has no right to be happy.

Jorge and Salma argue about the children.  He's surprised that Emi has gone on a date with Ginny.  As always, she advocates for Ginny.  Jorge agrees to give Ginny the benefit of the doubt.  Then he tries to get friendly with Salma.  Tonight, Salma is just too tired.  (Does Salma have a secret?)

Emi and Ginny dine together.  She pretends to be happy with his friendship.  She wants Emi to keep their new relationship secret to avoid pressure from the parents.  

He appreciates her new look.  Easily impressed, his eyes widen when she takes off her headband and fluffs up her hair. (Unlike some gentlemen on whom the headband has the opposite effect).  They tease each other about their childhood – he with his coke-bottle glasses and she the prissy little crybaby.

Vero admits to herself that in spite of everything, she still loves Marty.  

Marty makes another desperate pitch for forgiveness.  He and Vero kiss.  She tells him he can't erase what he's done and she can never be sure he won't do it again.  He has crossed a line and there's no going back.

Teo breaks Raymunda's vase when he kicks Polo's new soccer ball in the house.  He blames Polo.

Manuel gets ugly when Medel refuses to serve him in the cantina.  The Old Goat enters and shouts that Medel is acting on his orders.  

The Old Goat, backed up by Padre Juan, confronts Manuel with what he has heard: Manny knew about the fire before anyone else and he refused to help.  Manny blames Ireri for spreading false rumors, and then he storms out of the cantina.

Blanquita puckers up for Teo and has to tell him why (he thinks she is getting ready to whistle).  

Joaquín catches the two as their lips finally make contact.  He sends Blanca inside and demands an explanation from Teo.  Teo stutters an apology and says it was all his fault.  He runs off like a startled rabbit.

Joaquin tells Blanquita that he knows what it means to stand up to a grouchy suegro for the sake of the woman he loves.  "Let's face it.  Teo is a wuss and he doesn't deserve you."

Joaquín confides his doubts about Teo to Raymunda.  She recalls Teo's father as a bit scatter-brained.  "And without character," adds Joaquín.  He thinks Teo is like that too and he doubts Teo's ability to step up when things get rough.  Raymunda is a little more charitable. 

Ana Perla has two callers at her window.  First, Pablo pays a visit.  He misses her so much!  As soon as he leaves, Julio shows up.  He also misses her.  He doesn't know how to fill his days and nights now that he isn't her watchdog.  Ana Perla is still buying the story of the imaginary girl of Julio's dreams.

Dr. Ríos has visited Magdalena and sedated her.  Botel suggests exhumation of her daughter's body to determine how she really died.  Ríos agrees to help with the red tape, though he warns Botel it is emotionally risky.  They may discover that Clemente was telling the truth.  Or the truth may be even worse.

Claudia shows up for a last hurrah at El Purgatorio.

Ana Perla is troubled by her newly awakened desire for Pablo.

Uspín (the guy with the lancha) declares himself to Ireri.  After a moment of reflection and some calculation and negotiation, she accepts him.  They kiss.  Medel watches and sighs.  He tells Padre Juan that Ireri does deserve a YOUNG man who'll make her happy.

Magdalena sleeps fitfully, calling out for her daughter.  Botel asks her forgiveness for not having been able to save the girl.

Matilde happens to be downstairs when Ginny and Emi return to the house.  She shakes her head in dismay at how friendly they've become.

Ginny's smile fades as soon as she is alone.  She tells the Patio that she didn't have such a bad time, after all.  Then she pulls out her phone and calls Pierre's hotel (getting in a little dig on the motto that no one can ever get right).  Teo hollers for Dr. F. 

Teo remains within earshot, if out of sight, while Dr. F talks to the much-though-deservedly-maligned Ginny.  And so it is that he hears him say that he is concerned about what she asked him to do.  "I can't let Verónica die."  Ginny quite reasonably explains that if Vero dies, all Ginny's problems will vanish.   That way Emi won't be able to see her again.

Dr. F tries again: "Understand once and for all – I'm a doctor!  I battle to save lives!  I can't do what you're asking of me!"

Ginny keeps wheedling.  Their happiness depends on it.  He knows how to solve their problems... she loves him so much... she misses him... she sends him kisses, lots of kisses.

She ends the call and confides to the Patio:

¡Cómo odio a los hombres débiles! ¡Patético!

Marty approaches Vero as she sleeps.  He kisses her and vows to win her back.  Since their theme song is playing, we are to see his behavior as hopelessly romantic rather than aggressive and creepy. 


Better late than never, right? Enjoy!

Thanks NovelaMaven.

Why do these people cover for Manuel and let him get away with everything? He has attacked Ireri at least three times now and yet she refused to tell on him when the cops showed up.

Claudia singing a "forgive me" song dedicated to Pierre. Or wait was it Marty who she was singing too. Who knows.

It was cute how Teo broke the vase then blamed Polo. Then Blanquita seeing Teo behaving like a child is like "I asked for a prince but was sent a principito". Speaking about Teo, that was funny how Blanquita had to explain what she was doing to her lips to him. Joaquin behaved kind of like a jerk last night when he said that Teo was a weakling.

Salma not being in the mood when Jorge was being friendly. I don't but her being tired. Hmmm...

It was creepy watching Marty kissing Vero while she was unconscious.

I loved the idea of the exhumation. I hope it happens.

Shall we get ready for rocks? Magdalena will need a big purse. ;)

Oh yeah, Mauricio. We got snails, we got rocks, we got it all. (And Magdalena already has a very big purse.)

She does? I must have missed it. I'll be sure to look for it the next time we see her.


"Ana Perla is troubled by her newly awakened desire for Pablo."

That was such an awkward scene. Did Marty buy her an erotic novel? Fifty Shades?

The Old Goat would keel over if he saw that book.

Also, interesting how Marty got Blanquita and Polo a movie projector. The Old Goat won't approve of that I think.

Thanks so much, NovelaMaven. Your just the facts were plenty satisfying.

Is it just me, or does it seem like our lead couple hardly gets any screen time each episode? I feel like we see them for a total of 5 minutes and that's it. I really want more movement in their storyline, because they seem to be treading in place right now, and Vero being bed ridden is adding to that feeling. The last two versions of this story, once the heroine found out the secrets the balance was hiding, it kicked everything into high gear. The heroine went searching for the answers the galan was too blind and stubborn to find.

While I admire that Vero has made her feelings clear to Marty, her lack of curiosity about how this all came about, and the real reason he married her, is surprising. So we are stuck in the same conversation. Marty: Please forgive me. I forgave you. Vero: You lied to me and I can't forgive you. Rinse and repeat. Last night, for example, I wished she had been more forceful in saying once again-- I was never in a relationship with Dim. I am NOT lying. Whoever told you this was lying. If you can't accept this basic fact, then you and I have NOTHING else to speak about.

The galan, not the balance. What the heck, tablet?

NovelaMaven, thanks for the recap. Exactly what we needed on the patio this afternoon.

Vivi, ITA, the main storyline is dragging and with Vero bed ridden it's gonna get slower. This would be a great opportunity to find out some more facts for Marty to find out the truth, but he's too busy taking care of and begging Vero for forgiveness. Yeah, did you all hear that. I think it was yesterday or the day before that Marty said he never begged, but that he was begging Vero to forgive him. Did I hear that right Vivi? Do you remember this, or did I dream it?

Glad Ireri has a boyfriend. I know Medel was a bit jealous. He's a nice man, but I think he's too old for Ireri. Just my opinion.

More to say , but out of time...Back to work.

Thanks again NovelaMaven.

Hasta pronto

Vivi, I have the sense that Vero hasn't quite connected the dots. She doesn't understand that Demetrio is absolutely central to everything. But yes, I wish you had written her lines last night. :)

Mauricio, I didn't much like Joaquín either last night. (When you have to look to Raymunda for the humane response, you know you're in trouble.)

And yes Ana Perla's erotic awakening was an awkward scene. I couldn't read the title of the book but the illustration looked like a famous painting of two lovers kissing (pretty tame stuff). Kind of Chagall-ish, but I couldn't say for sure.

Thanks so much for yesterday. (I wasn't home and didn't get a chance to express my appreciation!)

I agree about Marty and Vero. Their story is dragging. Their scenes in these last three episodes (Mon - Wed) were basically the same. It's getting old.

Thanks NovelaMaven. Lean and neat yet nutritious and satisfying.

"...his eyes widen when she takes off her headband and fluffs up her hair. (Unlike some gentlemen on whom the headband has the opposite effect)."

Well, of course, opinions vary. At least he's beginning to appreciate her stunning beauty.

At this point, I'm liking Martín even less than I liked Jerónimo (CME). At least Jerónimo had a bit of class and style and as I recall, wasn't nearly so creepy. Maybe a little dance in a vat of grapes would help.


Thank You everyone for filling in. With the wall to wall storms here in S Fla I have seen nil.

I hope Pepe Le Pew gives Veronica a room with a FLIPPING LOCK on the door. Sheezo. Marty get lost You've pissed in your whiskey as they say down South

Vsnake is really coming into her own now, with attempted murder and telling Dr. NoBalls to kill Vero if need be. I hope our friends on Mt Olympus are polishing up a B I G shiny anvil for her. Big. Big. Did I mention Big Anvil?

Carlos- Que!? Martin has dropped further than Jero (CME) in your esteem? I have to agree with you. Didn't his creepy kissing of injured Vero while she slept, remind you of creepy villain Agustin (CME) kissing injured Renata while she slept?

I was quite surprised to see Emi falling for Virginia's charms, without the use of alcohol. How did she not know that all it would take is taking the headbands and bows out of her hair, and wearing a shorter dress? Easy peasy!


"Didn't his creepy kissing of injured Vero while she slept, remind you of creepy villain Agustin (CME)...?"

That's exactly what I thought of.

There was an smooth elegance to Jerónimo's wooing and seduction of Renata. Martín is more creepy and klutzy.


NovelaMaven, thanks for a wonderfull recap.
Teo seems to be more ana perla's type and
Blankqita more pablo. Blanka seems more mature. I think the writers missmatched them. Or directors, or whoever. Jaoq and RayRay, They don't think much of his (teo) parentage..
The evil one ( GINNY) has crossed the line. }:-). All bets are off with this chick. She needs to be stopped at all cost, and if she dies or gets permanently mamed, O well. she wants to end someone's life, meaning she doesn't care about any of the pain she causes anybody, she needs to be stopped.
Carlos, thats all she has is looks, her heart is as black as soot. That heffa's got a lot of anvils commin her way. And it's gonna be a while before she gets em so we gotta suffer
Through the sh** that is Vsnake.


For at least two weeks, I've been derailed by problems and messes of various sorts, so never get here in time to comment. Thanks to NovelaMaven, Eli, and the other recappers/contributors who kept us on track. We need all the snark that anyone can muster to fight the monotony we're mired in right now.

I hope Claudia scoots her curvy body and smirky smile on home to Mexico, stat! I'm also hoping that Manuel can be confined somehow and Vero can recover enough to keep Martin at bay.

Thanks NovelaMaven for the recap.

I loved the way Martin just slowly turned his head when Vero said she will go to Pierre's hotel. It was so funny seeing Martin so jealous. Lol.

I couldn't understand the conversation between Martin and Pierre in the living room. Can anyone tell me what they were both saying to each other?

Thank you.

Real late but thank you NovelaMaven for jumping in and so appreciate what you have done.

Martin turns my stomach. Poor Veronica confined and cannot escape.

Love this blog... As I am a telenovela lover who can't speak or understand Spanish soo I live by the words in here

Thanks NM. So is Vero going to ask Sickening looney Marteeeen for the check back?
Remember she thought all along that his precious cold mine could not make payroll, so she turned over her money to him. Marty is evil on so many levels. To those holding their breath waiting for his redemption, yeah, Satan is going to come around to the good side too. And he's bringing the tooth fairy.

Indications were that the check was the whole amount of her inheritance/wedding dowry from Jorge. Regardless, she needs to stop payment or ask for it back.

Martin is soooo tough, grabbing Pepe Le Pewe. I'd pay to see Pierre whip his ass in front of the whole town.

Thanks for the nice words, guys.

Duchess, Is this the conversation you were asking about?

Pierre and Martín in the living room of the Botel house:

M: You shouldn't get your hopes up, Pierre. Verónica and I are still married and we're going to solve our problems.

P: I see we're being informal with each other (note: Martín used "tu" with Pierre, apparently for the first time.)... I don't know why Verónica is reacting to you like that, but I assure you that it has nothing to do with me.

Let me remind you that I originally invited both of you to stay in my hotel. Now that things have changed between the two of you, I'm not going to back out of the offer just to please you.

M: It's very true that our argument isn't because of you. But I know you're interested in my wife, so cut out the little gifts (regalitos).

P: It was just a little gift (un detallito) that any friend would give to another who was convalescing.

M: Well I don't want you to bring her more "gifts." I won't let you meddle in our separation.

P: I'm pleased you're speaking frankly, Martín, but what you just said only makes me think that I'm going to have many chances with Verónica.

M: (grabbing Pierre's lapels) Don't dare try it.

P: Are you going to hit me? Is that how you think you'll get me to step aside?

M: Get out of this house right now! Don't even think about showing your face here!

P: If you want to win your wife back, control your words – and also your attitude and your jealousy. It's not attractive.


Welcome! I'm so glad you're enjoying this blog and hope to see your comments here again!

Ah NovelaMaven, once again you have jumped in to save the day. And it's not like you don't have a lot on your plate right now. Of course, I loved the traditional shoutout fo Carlos:

"Unlike some gentlemen on whom the headband has the opposite effect".

So strange that Emiliano, who couldn't abide Viginia when he was chronically drunk, now finds her entrancing once he's stone-cold sober.

And Salma cooling off on husband? I think we see another marriage on the rocks over their difference in how to raise the "kids".

As I understand it, Ireri is afraid to blame Manual because he has threatened her paralyzed? mute? dad. That's his hold over her. Glad to see the hunk stepped up though and decided to get "formal" with his attraction. He can certainly handle Junior.

I think Martin is hawt, but last night he was just annoying. Slinking around like a whipped dog with Veronica, more like a junkyard dog with Pierre, and then not letting the poor girl sleep. What was with those egregious kisses? If he wants to be forgiven, I advise first: a shower and a change of clothes. Then, the endless groveling might give better results.

But...opinions may vary.
Great Emergency Recap, though, without a doubt. You're the best lady.

Thanks for the recap. As a native French speaker, I find it funny that not even Pierre can pronounce the hotel's name correctly, lol. Why didn't they teach the actor how to say it to sound French? "Less Olivie-ce, lol. Martin is really creepy wowza and Doc Dan is as soulless as Ginny. Poor Vero.

Mi querida JudyB,

Tienes la boca llena de razón – I had forgotten that Manny was pressuring Ireri with his threats to her father (though all the more reason why she should want him in cave jail). Thanks for reminding us.

And thanks too for your unfailing kindness. YOU are the best!

I have to confess that I'm sitting quite far from Marty's table right now. In fact, at this point Onix is the only character who has never let me down. Well, okay, Onix and Matilde.


I do really feel bad for Vero. There is no one around her looking out for her best interests.

Marty just wants her at his side- her feelings be damned.
Her doctor is working for her enemy, and only stops just short of agreeing to kill her.
The priest and all the good people in town (AP, Blanca, etc.) want to make her believe in love fairytales and stop being so mean to poor Martin.
Her friend Pierre just wants to get into her pants.

I'm not even sure if her two biggest advocates/supporters/defenders, Magdalena and Matilde, would support her in her plans to leave and divorce Marty. They seem to have also fallen for this b.s. that everything is fine as long as Marty loves her.

Jorge and Emi certainly wouldn't hesitate to rip Marty a new one, and get Vero out of Mina Escondida. But they would also not hesitate to say I told you so, and throw in a bit of slut shaming just for kicks.

Vero needs a no nonsense, BFF girlfriend who will have her back, and fight for her.


Well said, Vivi.

I'm not sure I'd lump Matilde with Magdalena, though. She seemed pretty skeptical about Marty, even after he tried to charm her on his last visit. I think Matilde is firmly on Vero's side. (And when Magdalena knows the whole truth, I suspect she will be too.)

Wow Wow thank YOU SO MUCH NovelaMaven. Yes that is what I was referring to. Thanks soo much for going into so much detail! Thats was so helpful. I liked that exchange with Pierre and Martin. It was so good seeing Martin jealous. I hope Vero gives him a hard time.

I am so glad I found this blog!

Great job NovelaMaven and thank you all the bloggers.

You're very welcome, Duchess. I'm happy it was the right scene.

I enjoyed seeing the way Pierre stood up to Marty.

You are welcome! (from yesterday)

You had be laughing and agreeing with you on your summation of Marty. Great description when you said he was acting like a "junkyard dog" with Pierre. LOL!!!
I do admit the kisses while Vero was asleep didn't totally bother me. What does bother me is that we now know that Vero is sleeping a lot because Dr. F is over-doing it in the drug department. Damn that V-Snake! Maybe if Vero was awake longer, the story could move along faster.

Claudia really showed her true colors last night. She is a desperate gold-digger. I can't believe she was actually willing to go after Manny, but then changed her mind once she found out that his grandfather kicked him to the curb. The rough life of a gold-digger. Sigh...

Hasta pronto

Vero definitely needs to wake up, Aunty Ann. The story is dragging right now. As for our lovely Claudia, if Carlos were to defend her like he does Virginia, maybe he would say she's simply taking a long-term view as a financial planner...for Claudia. But strategic thinking isn't a crime. The gal's just a realist. Got to use what gifts she has...while she still has 'em.

Very true statement about strategic thinking JudyB. Claudia can weigh her options, (Pierre, Emi or Manny, hmmm) or use what gifts she has all she wants, and while she still has them. I just don't want to hear her sing again. Technology can be a great thing. I can FF or mute all I want through those Claudia scenes.

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