Saturday, August 01, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #53-54 Thu 7/30/15-Fri 7/31/15 We Are Stuck In A Rut It Seems

Greetings Everyone! I don't know what happened with Thurs recap but I have added a quick recap of what happened on Thurs as well as my regular Fri recap.


 * Marty watches as Vero sleeps. She wakes up. "Good Morning, mi amor" he tells her. She tells him that she's not his "amor" anymore and she doesn't like it when she watches him sleep. (What would she think if she finds out he was kissing all over her while she was asleep) He tells her that he loves seeing her beautiful face in the morning. He gives her a flower that is her favorite. She doesn't want it. He promises that he'll bring her one every morning until she accepts it. (More on this later..) 

*  Botel is sad over seeing Magda so depressed. Botel blames himself. Dr. Del Rio tells Botel that he has to have patience. Botel hopes Dr. can help her. Dr. understand Botel's desperation. And yes, they do need to find something that makes Magda get out of her depression. 

* A depressed Magda lays in her hotel bed. Cell phone rings. She doesn't answer. 

* Ana Perla and Old Goat talk about Manuel. Old Goat is worried about him. Ana Perla is hurt by what happens to her brother. But she doens't want Old Goat to suffer over Manuel's crap. It pisses Ana Perla off that Manuel didn't change even after he was locked up. Ana Perla reminds the Old Goat that he has to take care of himself. He assures her that he'll be fine. She tells him that even though he seems grumpy he's a good man. She tells him that he worries about Manuel despite how rude he was with him and all the horrible things he said. 

* Manuel mooched off a miner the night before and got a cot to sleep in at the miner's house. He also got some free booze which he drank (without permission it seems). Manuel complains about the cot he was given and not being able to sleep due to the miner's son crying all night. Miner calls him off on him being so ungrateful. Manuel reminds him of the times that he offered him a drink. Miner isn't up to letting Manuel mooch off him. He'll allow him to stay at his home but he'll have to pay rent. Manuel gets pissed and tells him he doesn't need his help. He leaves. 

* Old Goat blames himself for Manuel's behavior. Manuel was affected by his parents death. And Old Goat spoiled Manuel too much.  He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want Manuel to lose himself in the bad path. (A little late for that...) 

* Marty will go fetch Vero's breakfast. But Vero says she'll wait for Blanquita to bring her breakfast. Marty tells her that Blanquita won't come until the afternoon - she's at school helping out. Vero says she'll wait for Daniel then. Marty says that Daniel will come in the afternoon and he told him that it was important that she eat something. He goes to fetch her breakfast. 

* Botel tries to get Magda to at least eat something. Botel is about to tell Magda what's happening in Mina Escondida. But Magda snaps at him. She doesn't want to know anything about Mina Escondida. She's not returning there with him. She yells at him to leave her alone. She tells him that she doesn't desrve to be happy. She kicks him out. Botel snaps at her too and tries to knock some sense into her. Doens't she realize that she's killing him too? She doesn't care about anything aymore. Botel tells her that if she continues to behave like this he'll have to institutionalize her in a psychiatric hospistal. She tells him it'll be better. Wherever she doesn't have to see him and can die in peace so she can be reunited with her daughter. 

* Marty brings Vero breakfast in bed - scrambled eggs and ham along with mango (?) and juice. Vero doesn't want to eat. He feeds her. She claims that he's a bad cook. He tries to feed her the mango. She smiles at him and eats it. He goes to bring her some syrup (for the eggs). Now alone she accepts that the food is good but she won't give him the pleasure of letting him know that. Good one, Vero!

* Emi is off to work. Virginia will go to work later. Jorge thought that Virginia would leave with Emi. But Virignia explains that she wants to give Emi his space. Her way of helping him is being there when he needs her and not pressuring him. 
* Marty brings Vero the syrup but she has finished her scrmabled eggs already. She claims that she didn't want the food to go to "waste" but we know that she loved his cooking. He wipes a piece of food she has on her lip. Vero wants to take a shower. Marty has an idea. 

* Salma wants Jorge to talk with Emi and make up. Jorge will talk with Emi but not in front of Virginia. Jorge leaves. Matilde talks with him with Salma listening in on the convo. Matilde asks if there is news from Vero. Jorge says there isn't. Matilde looks worried and Jorge asks if everything is alright. Matilde claims she was nostalgic. Jorge will let her know if he finds out anything. Matilde thanks him and says that Vero is very important to her. Jorge leaves. Salma enters b*tch mode and forbids Matilde from mentioning Vero. She also tells Matilde that Emi and Virginia are seeing each other and hopes the relationship will become serious. Salma wants Matilde to act as if Vero doesn't exist. She knows it's hard for both of them but it's for Emi's own good. B*tch please.

* Marty "bathes" Vero with cleansing wipes. Vero laughs and asks Marty to let her do it on her own. Pablo arrives. Vero wants to talk alone with Pablo. Marty leaves. Pablo will draw something while they talk. He's going to draw on her cast. 

* Ana Perla and Blanquita teach class. Marty shows up. Ana Perla and Marty talk. Marty has something up his sleeve. (More on this later...) 

*  Matilde gives Emi some advice - she tells him that he doesn't have to be with Virginia only out of gratitude. She tells him that it's not love. In her opinion, Emi is confused because he feels alone which in the end could cause him to suffer more. She tells him there are other woman out there that can make him happy. Virginia overhars the convo and is reallllly pissed off.

* Naci is happy to see Ireri and Uspin as a couple. Ireri asks Nanci how she's doing. Where is she living? Nanci is living in nature. She doesn't need a roof over head. Nanci says that she has her heart hurt but she's happy for Ireri. Nanci leaves. 

* Matilde tells Emi that he'll find someone but now he needs to be alone and start over. Virginia interrupts. Matilde leaves. Emi tells Virginia that Matilde has always given him good advice. Emi leaves. Virginia tells herself that she's tired of Matilde getting in her way. (Uh oh..) 

* Pablo has drawn an exact replica of the fencing match painting on her cast. Daniel shows up and Pablo leaves. Daniel asks her about her headaches. She's still having them. He'll check her wound. 

* Cell phone rings and Magda tosses it as far away as she can. 

* Vero wants to head back home. But Daniel tells him that she could have a blood clot in her head and could die if she travels. 

* Pierre wants to prepare the most beautiful room for Vero. Claudia overhears when Pierre says he wants Vero to feel like she's in paradise. She also overhears when Pierre says that Vero will be coming to stay at the hotel. Claudia confronts Pierre abou this. Didn't Pierre tell her (Claudia) that he was in love with her?

* Vero thinks Daniel may be exaggerating. But Daniel assures her that he isn't. For her to get better she has to rest, he tells her. Vero doesn't want to be close to Marty anymore. Daniel tells Vero that she can tell him anything. He considers her a friend. He tries to convince her to get back together with Marty. But Vero tells him that one has to learn to get far away from those people that harm you. 

* Claudia chews Pierre off over his jealous snit over Marty when he's basically doing the same thing with Vero. Pierre claims that Vero is just a friend. Yeah riiiighttt. Claudia tells him that what happens with him and Vero is the same thing that happened to her with Marty - he's interested in Vero. Claudia makes it clear to Pierre that Vero and Marty will never separate. She acts hurt that Pierre chases after Vero when what she wants is to get back together with him. Pierre doesn't want to continue talking about this. He doesn't want to talk about their relationship anymore. Claudia tells him that she'll go back home. Pierre is about to go after her but he doesn't. 

* Daniel wants to sedate Vero again because her brain needs to rest. Vero is not up to being sedated yet again. 

* Virginia chews out Matilde for the advice she gave Emi. Matilde stands up to her and tells Virginia that she's worried about Emi. Virginia reminds Matilde that she's a servant there and nothing more. Virginia tells Matilde to quit bothering her or else. Salma hearing the screams shows up and asks what's up. 

* Vero is asleep and Daniel prepares to give her another sedative. He thoughtubbles that he's sorry for Vero but he must follow whatever Virginia orders. Oy vey!

* Virginia acts innocent and cries telling Salmta that Matilde talked crap about her to Emi. Matilde explains that her intentions weren't to hurt Virginia but to advise Emi to not hurry up and find a girlfriend. Virginia says that Matilde thinks that way because for Matilde there is no better woman than Veronica. Salma tells Matilde that she thought it had been clear to her that they weren't supposed to talk about Vero anymore. Virgnia continues her innocent act and how Matilde makes her feel bad. Matilde assures Salma that it wasn't her intention. Salma tells Matilde that she'll have a talk with Jorge because she doesn't want her working in the house anymore. 

* Botel tries to get Magda to eat but she doesn't want to eat. Botel says that she hasn't even wanted to hear what happened with Vero. This catches Magda's attention and she asks what happened. 

* Daniel is about to sedate Vero (and claims that it's better to keep her sedated than to actually kill her like Virginia asked him to do) but Blanquita comes rushing into the room (for no other reason than to make him drop the needle -- LOL). Daniel reprimands her for making him drop the needle. Blanquita says that she just came to see if Vero needed anything. Daniel apologizes for snapping at her and says that he can't use the needle anymore. Daniel is pissed when he sees that he's out of needles. He's even more pissed because things that he needs are not easily accesible. He leaves. 

* Magda has already been informed what happened. She's worried about Vero. Botel tries to make her see that she does have a reason to live. If her affection for Vero makes her feel better then he wants her to cling to it. Besides Vero and Marty are their friends now and they have to help them.

* Matilde says fine. If Salma doens't want her there then she'll quit and get her things. But she at least wants to say goodbye to Jorge and her niñ..err..JOVEN (LOL) Emi. She excsues herself. Virginia acts innocent and says that she didn't want Matilde to leave. All she wanted was for Matilde to treat her with respect. Virginia now defends Matilde and says that if Matilde leaves then Emi will be pissed. Sama says that Jorge will be pissed as well. Virginia says that Matilde doesn't realize how much Vero harms Emi. 

* Claudia whines to Alfredo about being left with no one (meaning none of her "galanes" -- LOL) - she doesn't have Marty, Emi, or Pierre. Alfredo doesn't doubt that she loves Marty but he's sure that her intentions with the other two fools were money related. Claudia denies it. Or perhaps maybe they were a little, she says. Money is important for her. She doesn't want to be poor again. Alfredo doesn't want her to base her reletionships on how much $$$$ her boyfriend's have. Claudia says she won't find a good man there in Mina Escondida. She can't find herself a miner ... (and then she gets an idea) she tells Alfredo that he may not be a miner but he is the owner of a mine. She hangs after telling him that she'll let him know if she'll return home. 

* Salma tells Matilde that Virginia interceded on her behalf so she won't leave. Virginia acts innocent and as if she cares about Matilde. Salma gives Matilde a paid vacation so she can think about things. At least two or three months.

* Virginia tells Salma that she felt terrible when Matilde said she was leaving. Salma thinks Virginia is so noble. Besides she (Salma) doesn't want to have more problems with Jorge and Emi. Salma mentions that she's upset with Jorge. Virigina asks if she can help. Salma tells her not to worry about it and asks her how things went last night with Emi. Virginia says all good. But Emi advised her to change her look. Salma likes how she dresses but if Emi wants her to change her then it's shopping time.

* Pierre starts to think that perhaps Claudia was right and he got into the same jealous snit over Marty that she got over Vero. He says that woman are going to drive him crazy! Marty shows up at the hotel wanting to borrow his phone. Pierre will let him borrow the phone. Whatever helps Vero. But Marty tells him that Vero doesn't need anything. If he's there it's because it is the only place that has a phone. Pierre tells him that he won't deny him the use of the phone. He tells Marty that he's not such a bad guy as Marty thinks. Marty tells Pierre that he'll pay the calls he makes as well as the costs of the hotel room for Vero. Pierre says it's not necessary but Marty insists. When Vero comes Marty wants a room next to her so he can be close if Vero needs anything.

* Nanci bathes nude in the river. 

* Marty talks with Alfredo on the phone over how miserable he is. Alfredo tells Marty that Claudia called him and told him what happened. Marty says if only he had listened to him and to Padre. Alfredo tells him that all that has to be left in the past. What is important is what he does from now on. Marty agrees. Alfredo and Marty talk about Claudia. Aflredo thinks it's sad that a friendship of so many years... Marty interrupts and says that what he and Claudia had was not a friendship because Claudia is still in love with him. And there can't be a friendship when that happens. Marty then wants Alfredo to take note of things he needs for Alfredo to send him over. 

* Manuel shows up and spots Nanci bathing nude in the river. He removes his shirt and is about to take off his pants. But Nanci sees him and threatens him with her macehte. (Aim love, Nanci, aim low...)

* Salma and Virginia shop till they drop. Not litteraly. Drats! Virginia is getting a new hairstyle. She's all up for it. 

* Nanci points the machete at Manuel. He steps back a little but claims he's not afraid. Coward. Manuel pulls out his knife and threatens her with it. But Nanci is not afraid. They fight (fencing style) and in a awkward Uni-esque cut Manuel gets the upperhand and holds his knife to Nanci's neck. He has always wanted to kiss her neck and he says that her lips are his. Nanci looks like she may give in. (More on this later...)

* Montse and Salma chat by the pool about Virginia's new look. Then they talk start to talk about how Monste is working on the preparations for Mariana's wedding. 

* Claudia ponders that perhaps Manuel is a good option since he's the owner of a mine and the rest of town. Plus, he's not ugly. Ok, he's not educated but she can take care of that. She can just imagine the Old Goat's face when he sees that she's Manuel's girlfriend. Claudia wants to head to Mina Escondida. Pablo shows up. He's also going there. Claudia lets him know that she wants to go and see Manuel at the mine. But Pablo tells him that Manuel doesn't work there anymore. Old Goat kicked him out of the mine and the house. Now Manuel is off begging for a drink. Claudia can't believe this. No puede ser! I say: Hahahaha! In your face Claudia!

* Salma thinks Pablo couldn't have found someone better than Mariana. Montse is off to New York. Emi shows up. Montse and Salma leave. Virginia shows up in her teeny weeny black bikini. She walks seductively up to him. Emi loves the view. 

* Botel leaves to get Magda some chicken wings. Magda will try and call Pierre's hotel to see how Vero is. But she can't get through to the hotel. Magda holds the sketch of her daughter and likes to think her daughter sent Vero as a consolation. Knock on door. She thinks it's Botel who forgot his wallet. But when she opens the door she gets the shock of her life. Aaron is at her door. Magda passes out. Aaron holds her and smiles slimy.

* Blanquita, Ana Perla, Pablo, and the kids arrive to see Vero. Marty comes in with a "Get Well Soon" banner the kids made for Vero. Vero finds out the banner was all Marty's idea.

The New Stuff:

Virginia acts embarrassed over Emi seeing her in her teeny weeny black bikini. Emi is loving the eye candy and practically drooling. He tells her she looks beautiful. In fact, he doesn't understand why she ever wore a full piece bathing suit when she's sporting such an attractive body. She thanks him for the compliant. She admits that she was a tad nervous with trying to sport a new look. He tells her that she looks good. She then tells him that she doesn't get why she's so embarrased with him seeing her like this if umm well he knows. He tells her that they aren't in the last century. They both know what happened between them. He's glad that they are getting closer and getting to know each other better. She's glad about that too. She takes off her robe and now clad in just her teeny weeny black bikini she asks hm if he wants to go for a swim. Emi is loving the view. EWW!

Manuel has his knife to Nanci's neck. The knife that he's not supposed have per the agreement he had made with the San Telmo's in exchange for his freedom but that no one bothers to make him follow. Anyway, he slobbers all over her and tells her that he has always wanted to kiss her neck and that her lips belong to him. Nanci is smart and pretends to be giving in to the slimeball but instead she knees him in the groin and then gives him a karate chop. Go Nanci! Manuel is now writhing in pain on the ground. Nanci grabs him by his hair and tells him that for him to kiss her lips he would have to be more of a man and not have such a black heart. She releases him and grabs her machete and points it at him and tells him to get lost if he doesn't want her to kill him. Manuel raises his hand as to surrender and asks permission to pick up his knife. Don't let the slimeball pick it up, Nanci!! Don't let him pick it up!!!

Aaron plops a passed out Magdalena on the hotel bed and caresses her with his slimy hands. He tells her that he has missed her all these years. There is no other woman like her. 

Nanci continues to hold the machete and points it at Manuel. Manuel has picked up his knife. He assures Nanci that they'll see each other again and that she'll be his. Nanci tells him to get lost. Manuel leaves. Nanci drops her machete and adsorbs what just happened. 

The kids chant "beso beso beso" to our lovebirds who end up giving the kids what they want. Marty even covers little Polo's eyes so he doesn't witness the kiss (LOL). Anyway, the kids along with Ana Perla, Blanquita, and Pablo leave. Now alone, Marty asks Vero if she liked the surprise (the banner) and she tells him that she did. But she thinks he cheated by using the kids to get closer to her. He tells her that he didn't cheat because he didn't do it for his benefit but to get a smile out of her. She tells him that he did get a smile out of her. But she'll feel better when she's completely free of him. Marty looks crushed and he leaves the room. Now alone, Vero tells herself that her resentment is getting the worst out of her. 

Aaron takes pictures of a passed out Magdalena with his phone. He says that Magdalena is his and only his. He takes off his suit jacket. 

Blanquita, Ana Perla, Pablo, and Polo talk about what happened the night before with Joaquin and Teo. She's mad at her dad because he won't allow her to see Teo. But she's more mad at Teo because he hasn't even tried to see her. Ana Perla tells her not to exaggerate. Anyone would be afraid to get yelled at by Joaquin. Pablo tells Blanquita to give Teo a chance. He may be easily scared off but he's a good guy. Blanquita brings up how brave Pablo was when he confronted the Old Goat and Manuel. Ana Perla agrees that Pablo was brave. Polo chimes in and says that princes are supposed to be brave and Teo is a scaredy cat. 

Teo is down in the dumps over what happened the night before. Teo asks Pierre for permission to go and talk with Joaquin at night. Pierre likes that Teo is being a brave musketeer. Teo was going to see Blanquita at the Old Goat's home but Joaquin probably told him what happened. Pierre wants Teo to go and see Vero and ask her if she knows when she'll move to the hotel. Teo calls him out on Pierre not being such a "brave musketeer" himself -- LOL.

Pablo says that being a scaredy cat is one thing and being a coward is another. Blanquita is upset that Teo hasn't even come to see her to tell her that he'll fight for their love. She says that she is starting to believe that Teo isn't the prince that she expected. Pablo gives her a reality check and tells her that princes don't exist in real life. In real life, only men with faults exist. Blanquita does want a prince though. (Girl, get over it) Pablo says that Teo may not be a prince but he's like a teddy bear that loves her. Polo chimes in and says that Teo is like a stuffed animal donkey. Haven't they seen his eyebrows? (LOL) Blanquita is upset that she has fallen in love with a scared donkey. (Stop it, Blaqnuita...)

Marty pours his heart out to Padre. Everytime he tries to get near Vero she rejects him. He understands her anger and deserves it but isn't used to this. Padre tells Marty to have patience. Marty tells Padre that he suffers when Vero rejects him. Padre tells him that's the only advice he can give him - to have patience. Marty doesn't really think Padre is the best to give advice about women. (Then why did you go to him in the first place you idiot?) Padre reminds Marty that he wasn't born a priest. He knows about women. But knows more about the soul. Padre's advice: Don't pester Vero. It could be worse. Leave her alone and don't pressure her. For sure she loves his gifts even if she doesn't tell him. Take things slow. Marty thinks Padre could be right. He'll have to start thinking with his head. (About time!) Marty confesses to Padre that he's preparing a surprise. Marty will tell Padre what it is.

Vero has decided to inform her family what is happening. Daniel offers to do it for her but Vero wants to be the one to do it. Daniel says fine but it won't be today. He claims that the inflammation has not gone down and it worries him. He'll have to sedate her again so she can rest. Vero is not up to being sedated again. But Daniel tells her that if she wants to head back to Mexico City he'll have to sedate her for as long as he deems necessary. He asks Vero to trust him. 

Aaron takes selfies of himself laying next to a passed out Magda. For one of the selfies, he puts his lips close enough to her lips to make it look like they are kissing. (I think we all know where this leading too...oh no!)

Pablo has arrived for the first painting session of the Old Goat's family portrait. While alone with Ana Perla, the two smile at each other all lovey dovey. The rest of the family arrive (minus Manuel, Raymunda, and Joaquin) and the Old Goat wants to be painted with his sombrero. The family poses for the portrait. 

Manuel demands one of the miners (the one that allowed him to spend the night at his place) for some money so he can get a bite to eat. The miner refuses because he doesn't have the money and barely can afford to support his own family. Joaquin overhears that Manuel is need of money and offers him a job as a miner at the mine. Manuel laughs it off. Him a miner? Never! He leaves. Joaquin tells himself that even when Manuel sees himself in a tempestad he does not bow down. 

Marty keeps his promise (the first one he keeps in this marriage -- really Marty?) and brings her another one of her favorite flowers along with some juice. Vero doesn't want the flower. She asks Marty to pass her one of the books that Pierre brought her. Marty hands her "Gone With The Wind". He tells her that the protagonist reminds him of her because both were capricious who had the wonderful ability to confront problems and wanted to live. Vero asks to be alone while she reads. Marty says "fine" in his sad puppy dog tone. Before he leaves, he tells her that Pierre informed Virginia about what happened to her.

Ick Factor Alert : Emi and Virginia frolic in the pool. Salma shows up and they invite her for a swim. But Salma has things to do. She leaves. Now the frolicking gets even more ickier. Emi and Virginia share a kiss. 

Chucho (one of the workers at the Prado Castelo mansion) tries to cheer up Matilde who is down in the dumps. Matilde is down in dumps because if she leaves then she won't be able to know if Vero calls. Chucho offers to let her know if that happens. He'll just need her number. 

Salma shows Jorge the scene of Emi and Virginia frolicking in the pool. Salma points out how Emi is sooo happy and Jorge starts to think that perhaps she's right and the two are meant for one another. Salma is sure that Virginia will make Emi happy. 

Vero is pissed that Pierre took it upon himself to tell Virginia what happened. She freaks out because she thinks that her family must be sooo worried about her. And Virginia is capable of making up a big fat lie. Marty calms her down. He'll go ask Daniel if she can be moved to the hotel so she can talk to her family. Marty leaves. Vero tells herself that she can't continue to cry in front of Marty. 

Pablo and Ana Perla are alone in the living room. Ana Perla tries to wipe off a paint spot on Pablo's cheek which doesn't come off. Pablo sweetly tells her that now that she touched it he won't want to wipe it off. Ana Perla tells him that she's so thankful to San Lorenzo. Because it's a miracle that Pablo is there in her home with the Old Goat's permission painting a family portrait. Pablo also thinks that San Lorenzo is taking care of them. He tells her that the painting of San Lorenzo is done. He wants to take it to San Lorenzo with her and then they can go to their hiding spot where he can start her portrait. Old Goat shows up and sends Pablo off. 

Pierre is down in the dumps and tells Teo that his life is a mess. Teo tells him how Claudia was singing a lot of love songs dedicated to him (Pierre). This gets a smile out of Pierre. Pierre wants to talk with Claudia. But Teo tells him that Claudia went back to Mexico City. Pierre is sad to hear this. 

Ireri is all smiles and tells Medel that she and Uspin are a couple. Medel tells Ireri that she's happy for her although we can see that he is clearly hurt that Ireri has a boyfriend. Since her dad is sick and can barely speak, Ireri would like Medel to give her some boyfriend advice. She has always seen Medel as a father figure. Medel walks off to one of the tables. Ireri asks Medel if it bothers him that she talks to him about these things. Medel replies that it doesn't. He tells her that she can be sure that he'll give her good advice. He just doesn't want her to suffer and for anyone to harm her. She tells him that she didn't know that he cared about her so much. He has always taken care of her but she has never talked to her so beautifully. He tells her that he always has her present. 

Old Goat, Blanquita, Polo, & Ana Perla talk about the family portrait. Blanquita mentions how she read err heard that in the past only royalty was able to afford to have a family portrait painted. Ana Perla says that Pablo is very talented and is painting them for fun. He's not even going to charge them. Old Goat does plan to pay Pablo whether he likes it or not. Ana Perla tells Old Goat that Pablo is thankful that he allowed him to come to the house. She is sure that the family portrait will become a great family memory. 

Ireri tells Medel that she has never had a real boyfriend. Since Medel was once married he could tell her how a boyfriend should act. Medel says that if he were her boyrfriend - the first thing he'd offer her is respect. Then he'd be his friend. Without friendship and respect their is no relationship that is worth it. He'd then give her gifts of affection and protect her. Ireri tells Medel that he talks so beautifully. She's sure that her wife (may she rest in peace) must have been happy with him.

Magdalena comes to and is shocked to find Aaron next to her. He puts his hand over her mouth and tells her that he'll let her go if she swears that she won't scream. If she does scream then he'll shut her up with a beating. Magdalena is shocked at seeing Aaron. He tells her that he's not a ghost. He's still alive. But she saw his death certificate and even his grave! He tells her that his brother passed him off as dead. She asks him what he did to her daughter. How did she die? He tells her that he told her many times that he'd get revenge if she didn't leave her lover. She yells at him that Botel was never her lover. Botel was their doctor. He yells at her that how can she deny it if after many years she is still with Botel. She tells him that she got together with Botel later on. Botel helped her look for her daughter and gave her the support in the desperation that Aaron himself created. That united Botel and her. He yells that Magdalena already had something with Botel even before. She tells him that she had was just him (Botel) curing her wounds from the beatings that he (Aaron) would give her. She tells him that he didn't have to get back at her using her daughter. He tells her that he was going to get revenge and he got it. She tells him that he killed her daughter. He tells her that they have more to talk about. He'll come to see her tomorrow to show her something about her daughter that will interest her a lot. 

Marty tells Daniel that he wants to take Vero to the hotel and then to Mexico City. Daniel informs Marty that Vero can't travel because she could die due a possible blood clot in the head. Marty is shocked to hear the news. 

Aaron threatens to kill Botel if Magdalena tells Botel that he's alive or attempts to escape with him. He leaves. Magdalena is left terrified. 

Marty freaks out with the news and wants to bring medical equipment. Daniel assures him that everything she needs is there. He assures her that what Vero needs to recover is to rest. Marty apologizes for freaking out. Daniel tells him that they have to have patience for now. They can't do more. Marty says that he can do more. He says that he has to stop overwhelming her asking her for forgiveness and make her want to leave thus putting her health in risk. Daniel tells him that him doing that will help. He asks Marty to trust him. Marty wants to call Jorge to let him know what's going on. But Daniel tells him that he'll do it. He had to call Virginia anyway to see how she's doing in her new heart treatment. 

Pierre talks with Mariana on the phone. Pablo arrives. Pierre tells Pablo that Mariana wants to talk with her. Pablo signals Pierre to tell her that he's not in. But Pierre tells him that she has important news about his exhibition. Pablo accepts to take the call. Pierre leaves. Mariana is in New York. Mariana tells Pablo that she has good news. She met with the people from the museum and they want him to make his exhibition in a month. Pablo needs more time. But Mariana thinks he has enough paintings already. Mariana tells him that they'd have to meet with the people before for antoher meeting. When she closes the deal she'll call him to let him know when he has to come. Mariana thought that Pablo would be more excited with the news. Pablo says that he is but he tells her that a lot of things have happened there. But they'll talk about in person. He'll send her some new paintings that he has. She asks him how he is and how the paintings are. He tells him fine but he wants for her to see the paintins herself. He tells her that he'll wait for her call and thanks her for everything and hangs up. We see that Mariana has bought her wedding dress along with other things. She is sure that everything will change between herself and Pablo in New York. She hums the wedding tune.

Pierre asks Pablo if everything is alright. Pablo tells Pierre that his exhibition will be in month. He's happy about it but to think that he'll have to confront umm and he doesn't want to leave Ana Perla there. Pierre gives him some advice (even though he accepts that he's also a man who doesn't know what he wants) - woman are first in the life of a man but we shouldn't stop having a personal life and leave behind jobs and opportunities that only come once a lifetime.

Magda is freaked out and prays that Aaron doesn't harm Botel. She doesn't care what happens to her. She prefers to die so she could be with her daughter. But she wants Botel to be ok. Botel has arrived and he has brought her some chicken wings. She tells herself that she has to control herself for Botel. Magda doesn't want to eat. Botel tells her that he spoke to Dr. Del Rio and he told him that he was willing to spend some time in Mina Escondida so she can continue her treatment there. Botel wants to return home so Magda can be close to Vero like she wanted. He has everything ready to leave tomororw. Magda thinks back to Aaron's threat about him killing Botel if Magda and Botel leave together. Magda tells Botel that she doesn't want to return home anymore. Botel is confused - how come all of a sudden she doesn't want to return? Magda claims that she can't return with the reamins of her daughter being there. She needs more time. He understands that she wants to be with her daughter - but she's already resting. He tells her that Vero needs her. Magda says that she has to stay and asks him not to insist. Botel can't believe that not even the afffection she has for Vero wants to make her return home with him. She does love Vero but she knows that Vero is well taken care of. She says that she'll call Vero later. She asks him to understand - she needs to stay to resolve things. Resolve what? Botel asks. Everything she replies. What she wants and what she feels. She says that she wants to continue her therapy. Botel asks her if she really wants to continue her thereapy. 

Aaron shows Clemente the pictures he took of Magdalena. The creep tells Clemente that he has Magdalena in his hands. It was as easy of threatening to kill Botel if she talked. Now it's his turn to make Magda suffer the same way she made him suffer when she abandoned him. He plans to have her as a "dog chasing a bone" by feeding her information of her daughter little by little. Clemente thinks that's not that big of punishment. He'd never be able to forgive a woman that left him for someone else. Aaron says that if he kills Magda then it'd be more of a punishment for himself than for her. All Aaron wants is for Magda to suffer a little. He may even show her a picture of her daughter a little grown up. Clemente asks if she'll tell Magda the truth. Aaron says he will. He'll do whatever possible to make Magda happy by his side. The delusional creep (Aaron) claims that Magda only left him because Botel took her from him.

Magda tells Botel that she thought about and she thinks he's right. She can't die and especially can't be to blame for his death. My death? What? Botel asks. Well, he did say that he'd die of sadness if anything happened to her and she believes him because she sees how much she makes him suffer with all this. She says that she can't live like that knowing that she harms him. He tells her that he can't live without her. He doesn't want her to be sad. He knows that when she says that she wants to die it's not true. What she is looking for is to not suffer anymore. He tells her that she has already suffered a lot. Magda feels like this nightmare will ever end. Botel assures her that it will end. He's sure that she'll be able to confront her problems. Besides she's not alone. She has him and he'll always be there for her. He loves her. She tells him that she loves him too and wants him to be ok. He tells her that he's ok when she's ok. If she wants to stay to continue with the therapy then it'll be like that. The two kiss. 

Jorge talks with Emi. He doesn't want for him and Emi to be mad at each other and also doesn't want for Emi to feel uncomfortable working together with him. Emi thinks the same - but Jorge sometimes continues to see him as a child - and he's NOT a child (yeah we know, Emi, we know). It makes him mad because it makes him feel that he will never meet his expectations and it scares him to think that he's not the man that his dad wants him to be. He's his dad and what he thinks matters to him a lot. Jorge knows that his mistrust of him wasn't good. He aplogizes for not trusting him. Emi thanks him. The two hug and make up.

Vero knocks over something from her nightstand and Marty rushes to her side. He asks her if she's ok. She tells him that she is. He asks her if she needs anything. She replies that she doesn't. He tells her that he'll be in the living room if she needs anything. Vero is disappointed that he's leaving. He tells her that he is because she doesn't need him. She is glad that he understood that she doens't want him near. He tells her that he'll be there as her nurse. He promises that he won't do anything to bother her. He won't insist in asking for forgiveness. She tells him if that's what he wants then go ahead. He tells her that when she's better he'll take her home to his family.


Hate to say it, but we are stuck in a rut it seems. The show is dragging. I hope it picks up next week.

I was worried there for Matilde for a while especially now that we know that Virginia is capable of murder. Good thing all she got was a paid vacation. Still, she better watch out.

I knew that Magda passing out when seeing Aaron couldn't lead to anything good. At least he didn't kidnap her but still those pictures he took can't lead to anything good. I think we all know where this going. Also about Magda, I know she's afraid but I really wish she would tell Botel what's going on. Her silence can only make things worse for her.

I loved Nanci pretending to give in to Manuel and then attacking him. Good for her. With him around, everyone should be carrying around a machete with them.

Emi and Virginia by the pool -- ewww. It's just icky that these two would even think of starting something together when they grew up together. I say the same about Emi's love for Vero - it's weird. They were raised practically as siblings.

Mariana is back and she has bought her wedding dress. Pablo is sure in for a surprise when he makes it to New York. He really should have been more clear with her.

Getting tired of a bedridden Vero.

Thank you so much so taking on two full episodes, Mauricio. You did an amazing job with both.

I agree that overall, this is getting tedious. All the subplots are getting attention but the main theme is languishing along with Vero.

Two icky and disturbing sexual assaults (Manny/Nanciyaga and Aaron/Magdalena). Blech. Yet what troubled me most was seeing oblivious Marty bringing a roomful of spirited kids and their sweetly loud voices into the room of a woman with TERRIBLE HEADACHES. Say what???

And Vero showing her dimples, clearly starting to soften in the face of Marty's campaign to win her back...

And the Old Goat worrying ("too late for that") that maybe he spoiled Manuel...

And Ginny getting closer to snaring Emi in a quasi-incestuous web. Ewww is right!

Thanks again, Mauricio. You are a real champion.

Oh and what's with all the Teo-bashing? Poor guy. A couple of nights ago, even Pierre was ragging on him, making fun of his eyebrows ("They could use some plucking! They look like bushes – I wouldn't be surprised to find a squirrel running around in them!")

Ironic that Pablo tries to explain that it real life, there are no principes azules – a lesson that Ana Perla is going to learn the hard way when, sooner or later, delusional but entitled Mariana reappears in Pueblo Nuevo.

Wow Mauricio this was sure a fine read and you really worked yourself out. Even recapping one episode can be tough much less two. While I have not seen the episodes yet ( Because I am busy with other shows) things sure look annoying. Araon and his brother sound like two damn creeps, Virginia is still getting her claws at Emi, Claudia is still a money hungry hoe and Marty is trying to win Vero back by charms Lol.

I kind of feel bad of Pierre, he is such a fine man and has never let anyone get away with pestering him. He is always offering a second hand to everyone but still Marty has never ever said a bloody thank you grrrr. Manuel is such a butthole creep, I shudder how he has gotten away all these years without getting lynched by the residers. He should be blasted off to SATURN by a space rocket and NEVER EVER return.

Wow, thank you Mauricio for double duty.

I've grown bored with this thing too and find my mind wandering. At least Aaron ain't dead, and I get to see GG Cantu.

Speaking of Cantu, though it should creep me out more when Aaron lay with Magdalena it doesn't come near the revulsion when Ivan hovers over AB. I cannot explain in words, sick.

I think Virginia looks great in a bikini and didn't need all the nasty tricks to bag Emiliano. They seem a couple to me.

Thanks Mauricio! I was startinng to go into TN withdrawl! My husband and I watch this show together and do the best we can to figure out what is going on (mostly through body language, facial expressions [Ginny's eye rolls. for example] and a little bit of Spanish). We really rely on you recappers to help us figure out all that we miss. You must have worked for hours on these 2 recaps - They were thorough and satisfying!
After seeing Ginny in her bikini, I now know why Carlos didn't mind some of her baggy pants...he knew what was lying beneath! I am going to start doing situps immediately!
The knee to the balls followed by the karate chop was fantastic!
Anyone think Chucho and Matilde might get together? heehee

Thanks so much Mauricio for the two recaps. Very good recaps!

I liked that small moment with Pablo and Vero. I smiled throughout with that scene.

I agree that it is dragging too. Vero still hasnt found out about necklace and revenge. She will righly give Martin a very very hard time when that is revealed! I would have preffered more screen time of Vero and Martin. When this novela started, I thought there would be more scenes involving Emi, Vero, Martin, but that hasnt been the case. Maybe later it might be explored. Speaking of Emi,I really wish he finds someone that loves him.

One thing I like about Martin is that he was firm and blunt with Claudia that he doesnt want anything to do with her now that he is wish Vero. I liked that. Some galans arent straight forward with cutting off other ladies that fancy them.

Thanks again Mauricio. Really appreciated.

Thanks so much Mauricio for the two detailed recaps.

I gotta say ole Nanci Gaga fooled me too when Manual had the knife to her throat.
Her little, "So help me I'll rape you...So rape me I'll help you..." look completely fooled me, right before she crushed the family jewels with her knee. You go jungle girl.

Muaricio, good two-night recap. You know this situation between marty and vero would be romanticallyy fun it it weren't so sad. He does love her, but he got in his own way, and no trust. No trust murders a relationship quicker than the death of one of the spouses.
Matilda should go to vero and take care of her, since selma is giving her paid vacation time. Anything to keep crazy ginny from pushing the old lady down the stairs.
Go nanci go, go nanci, go nanci hahahaha!!!
Stupid got his jewels crushed, (jackass). I think he thinks he's God's gift to women. He now knows better, thank you miss nanci.
Mariana is living lala land, and she wants pablo to move there with her. Poor pablo, poor, poor pablo. Poor all of these prople in this tn.

Magda's ex is slime, he should die or change, him and his slimmy brother, but he'll do alot of damage before he does. Die or change that is. (Sigh) He'll prpbably die. Him and his slimmy bro.

Thanks, Mauricio, for a great double recap. I especially liked all your comments and advice to our characters.

I dozed off and missed this one, so thanks to the recap I could follow the action! The only thing I'm really sorry to miss was Nanci's takedown of Manuel. Would love to think he learned something from this, but I doubt it. Reasoning is not his strong suit.

I would love to see Matilda visit Vero and help her recovery. She could probably whip the entire community into shape.

Thanks Mauricio for 2 amazing recaps in one presentation. Very well done and chock full of information and details. Excellent.

How scary is Aarón? I thought I recognized him as the former Fernando Escandón (FELS) in one of the early glimpses that we got of him during one of those flashbacks in a previous episode. It sure looks like he is going to be a very significant character in the episodes to come.

Since we are fairly sure that Salma is Ginny's real mom, is it much of a stretch to speculate that perhaps her real father is Aarón thus making her and Verónica actual sisters (well half sisters)? Wouldn't that be fun? Who'd be most disturbed by that?

I think that Ginny and Emiliano make a handsome couple. The most disgusting thing for me was Martín's shameful exploitation of the children and his creepy smug smile as he held up that poster.


Maurico, thank you so much for taking this on, two recaps in one day is a killer!

I'm having a hard time with this novela, I can't get on board with all the attitudes we've seen towards women, I'll stick it out because I agreed to recap but it brings me zero joy and as much as I like Ivan Sanchez and Ana Brenda I would not be sad if they cut the novela short.

Thank you so much Mauricio, very, very much appreciated.

Everyone says that the way Martin drools over Vero when asleep or unconscious is disgusting (I agree), but what about Salma and the way she is always clinging and stroking Virginia all the time. I find myself shouting out, "let go of her she isn't your pet cat".

How gross when Mag's ex was taking those photos. I hope she doesn't go along with whatever slimy things he wants her to do, and she tells Botel that her ex is alive.

I think Manuel needs a woman to have sex with, he obviously has zero personality and charm and thinks he can get sex by pouncing on women and then he will get his way. I actually think he may be a virgin himself and can't stand anyone else being paired off and happy, but he still can't get lucky.


Absolutely top-notch Mauricio. And two for the price of one.

After a promising start, we seem to be in middle-age doldrums on this telenovela. The most interesting part for me was wondering whether Ireri would end up with the old codger or the broad-shouldered boat hunk. The actress cracks me up because she puts so much juice into every scene. Figure she's hoping to get a bigger role next time if she can just SHINE LIKE CRAZY in this one. I wish her well.

Mauricio, you were a prince to pound this out...detail, humor,wry wisdom and two cracker-jack resumens. Chapeau my friend.

Dear Mauricio!! You are awesome! Be lost without you:) Thanks immensely.

I, too, find myself wondering when the story will progress. I, too, wish the focus would stay on the two leads, as it should. The subplot is just too boring. My eyes glaze over when AP, Pablo and the Old Goat appear. Now if Julio were in Pablo's place it would be much more exciting. The Emi/Virginia thing is probably not meant to be. I think once that Emi finds out about Vero he'll be on the first boat back to Mina Escondida, leaving Ginny to gnash her teeth, buy more poison and follow him. At least that is how it seems. I had thought that Martin had told Alfredo to fire Claudia???? She is just so impossible and Mariana is right behind. Egad!! They are so out of touch with reality, would you say dysfunctionally delusional??? I hope that Vero keeps to her plan and returns to D.F. Wonder who will thwart Dr.'s death deed. Matilde may just be on the next boat down, along with Magdalena. I just don't get that whole storyline with is so distracting, i.e. Magdalena has no life - she is so obsessed and of course, she should be upset about not finding her daughter, but it's been many years since she disappeared!!! She should have been doing this search way back when it happened. Egad!! These women are just all too much, but they are certainly variations on a theme!! Certainly not dull, just really really messed up.
Then there is Nanciyaga - the jungle woman. Hope we get some positive action next week!!


Yeah, Magdalena is way too mopy and when she had to don the red dress to meet in a bar and hand over cash for information just kinda stupid. All to insert Aaron back into her life. Could have been done way better.

I want to see less of Martin. It is so obvious what the rat is doing by parading his good works in front of a captive Veronica makes me sick. At least she called him on it and of course he lied. Cannot accept she gets all these people crammed into her room and kids bouncing on the bed but cannot take a short boat ride to Pierre's hotel. So typical an abuser, goes too far, then begs, brings gifts, private and public displays of his goodness all while she is held captive. We'll see the monster rear its head when she tries to escape again.

Thank you everyone for all the great comments.

I hope this coming week will be better. We need more action. Last week was so good with the fire, half the truth coming out, finding out that Salma was robbed of the chance of being a mother, etc.

This week the only interesting things were learning that Virginia is capable of murder and the return of Aaron from the dead.

The subplots are getting too much screen time. A little more focus on the main story would be better.

Yeah Mauricio, I agree about the subplots. I don't like them that much. The story could go on a little without Pablo and AP and focus more on the main story with Emi, Virginia and Jorge. In La Malquerida the subplots were as griping as the main plot . And I don't like Mariana and her mother at all. They are one of the most boring characters in the show. But nothing is as boring as Pablo and AP, I always begin to yawn when they show up on the screen.

THANK YOU for doing double duty!!!

The thing that is bothering me most about Martin and Vero is that I think we are be set up for another round of reunited and then breaking up again before what I assume from my limited TN experience (maybe this is number 6 or 7) will be a final "reunited and it feels so good" fin. I wish that Martin would say to Vero, "I'm gonna get out of your life as soon as you're able (even if I'm going to continue to try to win you back-- because that goes without saying), but first, you really need to know EVERYTHING." If he doesn't spill the whole truth we are in for more of the same. As someone said a while back, it would be loverly if instead of fighting about trust, they were uncovering the story of Demetrio together. Which brings me to this question: isn't there some possibility that we discover that Demetrio is still alive?! My understanding of TN's is, if you haven't seen the body....

The Magdalena story is really bugging me as well. She had that inkling much earlier on that Vero was her daughter, wouldn't she ask a few basic quesitons: how old are you? When is your birthday? Come on....

Many thanks again Mauricio!

Wow! Thanks Mauricio, for the fantastic double duty.

I missed Friday's episode, but doesn't sound like I missed much, other than Nanci kneeing Manny in the huevos.

You didn't mention Virginia's new hair style, in addition to her new lack of clothing. Emi sure is getting more action than any other character in this tn. I don't feel so bad for him anymore if he does fall victim to the baby ploy, because he's obviously enjoying Virginia's charms.

I know it's unfair, but this tn is suffering in my eyes because it comes too close after the last version of this story, Cuando Me Enamoro, which moved so much more briskly through this part of the storyline. Perhaps had there been a few more years in between I wouldn't be so critical.

Rebecca- ITA that much of the problem with the writers setting up Vero to go back to Martin before he's revealed/she's investigated the WHOLE truth, is that it's just setting us up for a rinse and repeat make up and break up situation. It would be more satisfying if the breakup, apology, and wooing that's happening now we're coming from a place of complete transparency and truth.

One more thing... the only thing I'm enjoying about Emi and Ginny is my assumption (again, ASSUMPTION not spoiler as I've never seen this or any of the TN's it was based on) that the writers have already foreshadowed Emi and Nanci for the long game. Have you noticed that they even play Nanci's theme when Emi and Ginny are doing their thing? I'm looking foward to Ginny losing out to Nanci, who I would like SO much more if she had spilled the beans to Martin. Oh, I also might have liked her a bit more if she had taken Manuel out of the picture when she had the chance!

I just don't see anything romantic or sexy about torturing a woman till she cannot take anymore then unilaterally walking over glass in an effort to have her give him another shot, and she does, only for it to happen again.

I'm actually firmly Team Marty and think people here are way too rough on him given that he believes the same things about Vero that her own family does because of Virginia who is manipulating everyone. I think he's as much a victim as all the people Virginia is fooling.

That being said, I agree that the set up for Vero going back to Marty before the whole truth comes out is dumb. I didn't watch CME but I saw La Mentira and they revealed the lie and revelation that Virginia was the lie mastermind out of the way by cap 47, and still went on and told a good story of how Virginia continues to manipulate people yet gets her anvil for another 53 chapters. This is how you know Mejia is an exec producer versus Carla Estrada or Zarratini because they give you a well-crafted story that is logical.

Instead, the writers are going to have to waylay us with the other characters' less-than-compelling lives until they figure out how to get Vero and Marty back together without it looking like Stockholm Syndrome.

If it were just Marty being a jerk because he thought Vero messed with his brother and drove him to suicide, I'd be more forgiving. It's stupid, but it's driven by pain and grief. What I can't abide is that his knickers are also in a twist because he thinks Vero has been with MANY men and is a slut at heart. It's just so damn chauvinistic. What business is it of his if Vero has slept with one or one-hundred men before him? To me, this attitude of his puts him in the same category as Cresencio.

The way it is going is when Vero knows the whole truth, she will leave Martin and then become much closer to Emi. During the credits, it shows Vero crying to Emi and Martin trying to come between them at the background. It looks like that is where it is heading. If it keeps up with this slow pace, the TN might be more than 130 episodes (not that I mind, I like watching Ivan). I am enjoying it so much, but I want to see more of Martin and Vero together.


So if and when Martín discovers that Virginia is actually the evil woman whose manipulations drove Dimitrio to kill himself, and if what he is currently doing to Verónica is acceptable because of his bitter grief and thirst for vengeance, wouldn't it only be right and proper that he drop his quest to punish Verónica, drop her, and focus his interest and efforts on Virginia?


If he is hell bent on vengeance he should but Martin won't. Virginia would not fall for his manipulation and she has some self respect which Veronica lacks. Veronica made it easy. Virginia would have stabbed him as he slept the first night in that shack.

Vengeance or not Martin gets wicked jealous and is a hard shove away from killing someone.

I'm guilty of being an idiot, believing something different would be served up from a Mejia production.


"Virginia would not fall for his manipulation and she has some self respect... Virginia would have stabbed him as he slept the first night..."

Just a few of the reasons I so like Ginny.


Venganza plots are telenovela staples and no one is arguing that vengeance is good even if you're right. So, no it wouldn't be right if Marty turned on Virginia just as he is doing to Vero. And the novela has always made that argument. Alfred and the priest told Marty he was stupid and wrong and he was going to end up hurting himself and someone he loves.

One of the reason I like novelas is that the storyline gives the imperfect protas chances to grow up, and this is Marty's chance to grow up. He has to work on forgiveness, trust and jealousl

I don't think Virginia has self-respect that Vero lacks. Virginia is a leech who's lying and manipulating people and can't be her authentic self because she's too busy trying to use them. She's also lazy. Vero was working in the Prado-Castelo business while Virginia was doing nothing but trying to create sympathy. You have to be heartless and pyscho to perpetuate you have a fatal sickness for a decade when you're cured. She's also racist, classist, and falls for her marks, as well. She genuinely loved Dem and is falling for Emi. Despite the fact that she'd see through Marty, I have nothing but disdain for her. She's abusing her family's charity and wants them all dead if need be so as not share the Prado-Castelo inheritance when she was going to get a third of it anyway, and has done nothing to earn it.

Marty is completely redeemable and Virgie is not.

I agree with Carlos. Ginny takes shit from no one and she most certainly would have left straight away if her companion was as agressive, possesive, jerky as Martin. Vero sort of lasted with Martin because she did grow up with a dysfunctional person ( Her father) and she wanted to make up to her failure by changing Martin into a better person despite him having the almost same traits as Araon but Martin is supposed to be better because uhm he is the hero after all.

Martin got what he deserved period, there is no forgivance or penance in my sight. He should pull his head together and realize that if the first one wasnt the Hoe than the second one surely is. The way he has acted to a Ver was completely machistic, sadistic, possesive and he still acts like a big entitled dolt towards Pierre in the Present . Yep , no forgivance yet !

WOW!---So many comments. I need to jump in here before it's too late, but first things first. Yes there was no Thursday recap but I need to go way back to Tuesday and Wednesday to say thank you to Aunty Ann, JudyB and LatinaCa?---Latina, I bet that you are feeling just great now that you are here in sunny Ca.

Mauricio---Thank you for you're SUPER 2fer. I wasn't expecting it but it was great.

Ok, now on with the show---stuck in a rut, the show is dragging --- getting tedious
--- grown bored --- middle age doldrums on this telenovela --- wondering when will the story progress ---focus on the two leads --- boring subplots or secondary characters --- I hope this coming week will be better --- we need more action

Am I the only one that is ENJOYING THE SHOW?? From the comments today, it would seem that way. Actually I am enjoying every minute of it. Well not the bad guys so much but you guys know what I mean.

I think that in every novela I have ever seen, these same comments have either been written or copied. Boring secondary characters. Stick to the main leads. REALLY?? Is
this the way life is/works with only two, three or four people involved? If it is/was, now that would be boring.

Eli---You said that you were having a hard time with this one because the attitudes toward women. I guess that you didn't see Que Te Perdone Dios.

Tofie---You almost always have the hardest hitting comments. We'll see the monster rear its head when she tries to escape again. I think that you are right on this one Tofie. Crazy Marty would probably go right back into crazy Marty mode if that were to happen.

Way back when Tuesday, Wednesday? people were saying that Joaquin was too hard on Teo. Everyone agreed. I agree with Joaquin in that I think Teo (and have from the beginning) is to young and immature for Blanquita. Both are good people but are not a good match.

Carlos---Martin's creepy smug smile. REALLY??? Virginia has the worst most disgusting creepy, smug, smirky smile that I have ever seen. Well maybe you missed it because you probably were too busy checking out her teeny weeny black bikini.

Vivi---Emi is getting more action than any other character in this novela. Have you forgotten the Pierre, Claw-dia hotel bedroom romp? It didn't last long but it still would qualify for action.

And speaking of the story's lack of action---Nanciyaga could have carved out a slice of Manuel Friday night.

Anyway on esta Lunes I will be front and center enjoying EVERY MINUTE of must see tv

the gringo


Gringo you aren't the only one enjoying it. I am loving it so much. I just hope the writers don't lose track.

Thank you for stepping in with a double recap, Mauricio. I don't know what happened with Gloria, I hope she is OK.
The debate about how Virginia would have acted in front of bad treatment is very interesting. I don't think she would have given Martin the time to treat her badly - she would have left the moment she heard the mine was not as golden after all. IF she had decided to stay for the money, she would have stayed no matter what. Briefly put - Virginia follows her head, Veronica follows her heart.

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This comment has been removed by the author.

Mauricio, thank you for just jumping in and doing a double recap. They were both so thorough and detailed. Fantastic work.

Gringo, I am also enjoying this novela though truth be told, I am tiring of Vero’s bedridden status as well. I still am enjoying the Ana Perla and Pablo courtship and find it sweet. If Pablo is the cause of Manuel’s demise as we might be shown in the credits, I wonder how that will affect their relationship. I don’t dislike him but I’m not really in the Julio camp. I found his recent teary conversation with Ana Perla at her window annoying.

Are we really supposed to contemplate Ireri and Medel as a couple? I hope he is just looks on her as more of a daughter than girlfriend material since I imagine he is about 40 years older than she (unless his character is really supposed to be like Emi’s—20 or 25 years younger than the actor’s real age). I get that Medel may be lonely. He needs a dog. Or maybe a cat or two.

Despite the Botel bashers out there, I think Botel has done a bang-up job of supporting Malena this week.

Virginia apparel: Pants-thumbs down. Black bikini-2 thumbs up

Plastic surgery for women of a certain age: Salma-thumbs up. Montse-2 thumbs down.

I love the Pierre and Crazy Marty scenes. I hope Pierre always bests Marty.

“Claudia ponders that perhaps Manuel is a good option since he's the owner of a mine and the rest of town…….She can just imagine the Old Goat's face when he sees that she's Manuel's girlfriend.”
I would love to see Old Goat’s reaction too! I’m still waiting for the Nanciyaga and Jorge/Salma introductions.

I’m glad Daniel didn’t use a possibly contaminated needle in Vero’s IV. Right now, still shows he doesn’t want her to get an infection and maybe die.

I wish Vero could have told Marty that Scarlett O’Hara spent 90% of the book thinking she loved someone who was not who she had imagined him to be and was not a good match for her. However, unfortunately, I don’t see any Rhett Butlers in Vero’s future.

ALERT!-SEXIST REMARK: OK, Marty spends his time trying to ingratiate himself with Vero by picking a flower or having huge bunch of kids come in and want your attention BUT as soon as there is broken glass on the floor that needs cleaning up, he decides to step back and give Vero her space.
Typical male.



Mauricio, way to go! Outstanding double recap! We appreciate your hard work.

J desde NYC, ITA with your comment at 2:09. I also watched La Mentira and CME. But I knew this was going to take a detour from the previous versions, so I am not surprised that it's taking so long for the truth to come out.

Gringo, I too am enjoying the show even though this seems to be going a little slow. And just in case anyone was curious, I never did find that scar on Ivan's toned torso in that "just came out of the shower scene". Believe me I looked. And when my husband would ask, "didn't you see this episode already?" I would say (with a straight face), "I am doing research for the caray blog." So there you have it folks, no scar. Caso cerrado!

I think the reason the story has slowed is because they need time for Emi and V-Snake to form their relationship. Also for AP and Pablo to form theirs' with Old Goat's "approval".

More later if I have time.
Thanks a million Mauricio.

Hasta pronto.

I like Pablo and Ana Perla but I am wondering about two things. If the intro is correct and not misleading us---It looks like Manuel gets a taste of his favorite weapon, the knife. Earlier in the show even though Manuel treated Ana Perla so badly, AP didn't go against her brother when she had the chance to. So if Pablo gives bad Manuel a taste of the knife, what then? Will her love for Pablo hold? Also
for those that are clamoring for action, we might get some if Mariana takes a trip down to the jungle to check up on Pablo. That could blow up in a number of ways.

Looks like a rocky road ahead for Magdalena and Botel. Will Botel get killed by Magda's ex slime ball husband. Looks like some action is on the way.

the gringo

Thank You Mauricio. Your double trouble recaps sure pile up the comments.
Woo Hoo, previews last night showed Emi overhearing Vsnake on her Cell and he didn't look too pleased.
If I may quote..."Must See TV"

I"m already gettin board with the aaron/magda story. He is going to cause vero alot of heartache before It's over, and the girl is going through enough with marty, and now shes going to have daddy issues. And they'll probably drag that out. But looks like it maybe interesting tonite from the preview/advance.
Manny is kind of stupid, maybe he shouldn't die just yet, maybe.

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