Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #31 Tue 8/25/15: Just A Marriage Investment

Ursula wants to know how Maleny got the money back from her playboy tennis coach.  Mal says matter of factly that she simply threatened him.  Ma says she had a hard time believing it when Arango told her as much.  Mal dismisses that and gripes that Ma didn’t lift a finger to stop her from shooting herself in the head.  Must be that Mama’s always loved her brother more.  Of course Daddy loved Mal more but since he’s been dead all these years…..So, she’s getting Max back now because he’s the closest to a man like Daddy that she knows.

Across town, Max and Maria Dolores end The Kiss.  Didn’t she like it?  Sure, but she’s damaged goods right now.  Ok.  He understands but wants a chance once she’s back in circulation.  MD says fine cuz who wouldn’t feel honored to have a man like Max seriously interested in her.
Daniel’s still with Ivana at the hospital lying to her about their having as many kids as she’d like once she is feeling better and they get hitched.

Back at the barrio, Max is now on the phone with Mal telling her that Honoria and family refuse to accept her “reparations”.  She says sweetly that he’s got to make them understand how badly she feels about the other night and to accept her offer.  He says he’ll try and hangs up.

GRRRsula asks where Mal found the money for such a charitable gesture.  (Charity is expensive donchaknow.)  Courtesy of Teddy Roosevelt school of economics: CHARGE it…..(Sorry.  Old grade-school yuk-yuk.)  Tell your accountant to list the expense under Marriage Investment and to add it to the long list you and my brother have chalked up for that cow!

Mardi ends up back at the hospital to visit Leo or Ivana or both.  She runs into Dan and is pissed.  He races after her and explains with the help of a nurse that he’s there because Ivana lost the baby.  “--Oh, so it’s true that she was pregnant.”  Why did he say otherwise.  He was only there trying to get the truth from Ivana also, he says.  Then this happened.  She was bad off and he brought her to the hospital where he learned La Ivaca had a major infection and she (his money cow) could have died from it.  MD immediately blames him and his hijinks on Ivaca’s losing the baby.  He tells her nope.  It wasn’t enough to plan a fake wedding with Ma and Mal.  Iva aborted it to get even with him. 

Esperanza,  Josefa, Julien and Honoria are discussing (I think) their finally accepting Sra. Maleny’s reparation for the street side taqueria business.  Jose comes up with soon she’s going to be moving to a lot nicer barrio than this one once her daughter gets married.  Honoria and Espy remind her that “Casados = casa de dos,” i.e., three’s a crowd.  Just then Isela walks up to them. 

Meanwhile, Daniel continues the whopper he’s come up with this time:  it was a bad abortion and so she got the infection.  He doesn’t know whether they saved the baby or not; if so, that little piece of him is the only thing that keep him connected to Iva.  (Viewerville pauses here to fight back the irrepressible gags.)  He really loves her, he whispers as he grabs and hugs her…just as Max appears at the entrance to the lounge, getting an eyeful of that hug.

Ise tells the group that she’s not marrying Orlando after all cuz he’d have to get a loan to do it.  He wants to pay off Leo’s expenses even though his father says it wasn’t necessary.  (Ok.  So why hasn’t Max or somebody explained to Orly and the other how major medical works?) So, it’s just gossip, says Ise.
At the hospital Dan makes a big deal out of MD’s letting him hug her. “--Oh, so you came to see if telling Maria Dolores I was her would work?”  “--No, I didn’t know that she’d be coming.  I’m here to see Ivana.”   “--Well she’s not up to having visitors.—I’ll take you (home) Maria Dolores!”  MD sneers back at both of them.  She says she can manage on her own, and then leaves. 

Devilish Danny Boy in a very irritatingly faint tone of voice warns Max not to meddle with him and MarDi again.  Mild Mannered Max finally loses his composure and grabs Dan by the neck.  He pushes him up against the door of the lounge and threatens back.  “__Absolutely I will get involved!  I won’t  let you hurt her anymore!  And you listen for once!  I’m going to fight for her love because she doesn’t deserve an imbecilic dolt like you!!  Did you hear me?  DID you hear me?” Max gets it together again, turns on his heel and exits stage left.

Max visits Leo instead and the two discuss how Max has declared himself to MD.  He’ll stay just near enough for her to feel his support but not so close as to upset her while she’s trying to get over what Daniel did to her.

Josefa threatens Ise over agreeing to marry Orly.  If she leaves with Orly, Jose threatens to look under every rock to find the two of them and kill her.  Ise says she already is dead—dead inside—because of this crazy, lifelong obsession with Claudio Bustamonte.

Orly drops by MD’s house looking for Ise.  She takes a minute to discuss Ise with him.  Is it true what Doris and Ari have been saying, that Orly and Ise are getting married?  Yeah, but he’s pissed at Ari for opening his big mouth.  He should have known that Ari can’t keep a secret.  And, they wanted it a secret from Ise’s mama.  MD doesn’t like the idea.  Too bad. 

Across the tracks once more, Gerry is outside Danny Boy’s manse demanding to know where Ivan’s been hidden.  (I guess he took her out of the hospital?)  Dan purposely goads him and says she’s hiding where the press can’t get wind of her.  “--And, BTW, I am the only person who decides what Ivana does now!  You’re just jealous cuz you’re all lonesome, Ger.”  (As in get a life, or get a guy, or what?)  Gerry goes ballistic and chases after Danny who skitters up the stairs and escapes into the house.

Orly now races over to Ari’s to gripe at him over telling everybody about his marrying Ise when he knew it was a secret.  He’s also mad about the money that he lied about using the money that he’d wanted to use to pay for the hospital expenses for something else (yeah, like paying back Mad Mal).  Doris comes out of the bedroom then.  “—You lied to me, Ari.”  Orly gets disgusted and leaves.  Doris gets disgusted also and says she’s tired of always playing the fool and believing Ari’s lies.  
~~End of parte 1~~
Parte 2

MarDi pays a visit to Ise and chats outside about the secret engagement to Orly.  Ise says she’s had sex with him. That’s why she’s getting nauseous all the time?  Not to worry about me getting preggers, says Ise, since she’s taking the morning after pill.  Yeah, but those pills don’t always work, MD reminds her.   Better go to the doctor and find out for sure, MD advises her.  The reason she’s marrying Orly is that it’s one way of getting away from her mother and the beatings.  She wants to control her own life now.  She’s fed up without having a normal life for a woman of her age.  Her mom’s bitter since her sister’s death and has made her life bitter; Mama wants to choose the man Ise marries rather than the one she chooses for herself.  Well, says MarDi, then go but go and live your life—and not necessarily does it need to be with Orly.  “--But if you leave, leave with your head held high.  Don’t go skulking off.  And, make sure if you do get married that you marry for love.”

Meanwhile, Dan tells his mama that he wants to hide Ivaca somewhere, but not for the reasons she might think.  He’s got something in mind and needs her help.   Urrrrrsula is all ears.

In bed once more with Ari, Doris cries that she’s a laughing stock and he’s still afraid to admit they’re dating seriously.  She wants to know what he really did with the money.  He explains Mal threatened to accuse him of harassment if he didn’t give her the money.  She needed it to convince her family (for something?) and then, since she’s moved out of Max’s place she wanted it to move out on her own.  (Not sure about this conversation.) 

Over at Espy’s,  she and her two daughters discuss La Ivaca’s abortion to rid herself of anything reminding her of Dan.  MD mentions that if Iva’s going to try taking things out on her because of Daniel or for whatever reason she simply won’t let the woman get away with it!  Not Ivaca, not anyone!  The next morning Ise assures Orly that she’s told the neighbors that it’s all been gossip so not to worry about Ari.

At the same time, Jose is on the phone accusing Orly with Claudio again.  He wants proof.  Well, it’s obvious to me.  Now he’s also threatening my daughter!  Anyway, says Claud, she’s marrying him.  Claud lets it out that Ise and Orly have gone and registered at the city hall for their license.  Jose is sorely disabused of the notion that it’s all been just gossip.  That’s as good as saying that he didn’t hurt Leo.  “—What a way to mend a bad mistake, right?”  Claudio, thankfully a step ahead of her this time, says, not unless she’s willing to marry her rapist.  Right?  Oops!

MD brings Ise a pregnancy test but Ise refuses it.  Espy walks in on the conversation and sees the box.  She thinks MarDi is using this for herself.  MarDi protects Ise by letting her believe it is.  She takes it and it proves negative.  Espy thinks she should go to a lab and take a formal test now.  She’ll back her up if she’s a single mother. 

Doris visits Orly to apologize.  She says they’ve been hiding their affair because she’s fat and homely.  He tells her he thinks she’s very attractive and they both bemoan the fact they’ve got to hide who  and what they really are from other people: his marriage to Ise and her dating Ari.

Gerry’s at the hospital Ivan’s been in and run’s into Max.  Gerry’s hysterical because Iva’s gone and left voluntarily before she was fully recuperated.  Max will try to locate her for him.

Back in the barrio again, Orly complains to Ari about being a jerk with Doris.  He also intimates there’s something more between him and Maleny, i.e., man-whoring.

At the same time, MD gives advice to Doris for getting involved with Ari and his money machinations with Mad Mal.  “--If I were you, I’d find out what the real relationship between Ari and Maleny.” 

The doc is letting Leo go home today.  Mal comes with gifts and greets Alma.  Alma asks how she’s holding up.  Mal feigns with a couple of mousy, feeble okay’s.  (Blech!)  Max walks up on the two of them in the hospital lounge and Mal demures.  He asks if she knows where Dan and Ivaca are.  Mal says innocently that she has no idea. (Think hunting lodge.)

At Honoria’s, Julien is thinking of asking MD to accompany him to see his new office at the Bustamonte law firm.  Fermin asks what you want to take a woman to see four empty walls for?  That’s no way to woo a woman. 

Later on Max has Alma call Grrrsula looking for Ivaca and Dan and mentions Gerry is out of his mind with worry.  Grrrsula tells Alma about the aborted baby and that it was Iva’s idea to leave to get out of the limelight for a while, specifically so the press wouldn’t learn about the loss of her baby.  They’ve got her there at the manse? And Iva will call Gerry as soon as she is able.  Urrrsula hangs up and begins changing out sleeping pills for the penicillin Iva needs.  Dan asks why she’d do that since the woman is trying to convalesce.  Oh, just for a little bit, long enough so she won’t be able to tell the press about this.  Just then the doctor arrives.  He meets Dan and Dan leaves.  Urrrrsula tells the old family friend that she needs a favor, just like he did for her over hubby’s death certificate. 

MD goes to chew on Orly’s ear about Ise and if he really loves her.  Orly finally mentions that somebody raped Isela.  MD is shocked but suddenly Jose arrives, having duly overheard the discussion, to stick her oar in and tell them both that nobody raped her daughter.  Nope.  She simply slept with somebody at work and wasn’t forced to.  Actually, she did it because she really liked the guy.  Cara de upchucks for Orly.  Cara de OMG de Maria Dolores. 


So looking forward to this recap!
First off: GERRY!!!! - Swoon! He loves Ivana so (wish I could say the same). It's delightful. I don't love her, but I love how he loves her.

I totally get why this show was so highly lauded - serious conversation about single mother hood? Coming from the "good girls"? Nice! And I don't even like Maleny, but her confrontation with her mom makes me think she might turn me into a convert! She definitely sold me on that gun play opening her eyes to the fact that her mother doesn't love her. Man, what women will do from a lack of love...And the convo between Doris and Ari also sounded very sincere. I LOVE how this show delves into peoples feelings and motivations (Calling Sombra writers: TAKE NOTE!!)

Max's attack on DAn - whoa! I was not expecting that! My eyebrows shot through the roof. Lord help Dan when Max and MD become official and he tries to pull something!

And another piece to the Santibanez mystery! Looks like Ursula had the good doctor friend sign the death certificate saying it was suicide when it was homicide. Makes sense, they'd need someone on that end to make it official. But now there's another link in the chain that could break someday. WTH with her changing Ivana's antibiotics for sleeping pills?! If she makes her even sicker, I don't even want to know what could happen! And I do not look forward to seeing Ivana find out she's sterile. She bugs me, but I'm rooting for her to turn things around and that's going to be a cold, cold blow. At least the doctor will be able to corroborate Dan's a Lying McLiar face. Though I'm sure he'll just turn it around and say he lied because he didn't want her to hurt herself or he suddenly realized how much he loved her and didn't want to lose her blah, blah, blah. The guy is a slimy, agile cat-weasel.

Also, MD giving Max some hope! Theirs is the least interesting romance so far, so I'm excited for it to get off the ground.

Also, what do you guys think of Isela's revelation? It sounds like maybe Josefa wanted Claudio for her other daughter and when it didn't work out she killed herself? And given what she said, does she really love Orlando, or is he just the only guy that's ever made it past her mom, even in secret?

Crackpot theories to follow, NOT spoilers, just my imaginings:

1) I really wonder if when it didn't work out the abusive Josefa went to far and accidentally killed her daughter herself!)
2) Anyone else think that the comment about the railing being loose was a portent to someone ::cough, cough:: Josefa falling off of it one day?

Forgot to cite Doris when I used Crackpot Theory. Sorry Doris!

hellashelle- I might as well copy your whole comment, right down to the speculation about Jo's demise someday. Since Claudio admitted he's never strayed before, I'm not sure Jo tried to get Isela's sister to seduce him, but who knows. Lots of interesting secrets, and now we have the doc from the past who does not look like he wants to be pulled into another of Ursula's schemes.

Not liking Ivana much either, but hate seeing her drugged and basically kidnapped by Dan and Ursula. Go Gerry! Save the woman you love.

Got a kick out of Dan being roughed up by both Max and Gerry this episode.

Loved seeing the kiss again. #bagdrop

Looking forward to the recap!

It's up, y'all. Off to work. Thanks to ViviDC for assisting yesterday--and yes, all 3 parts from yesterday are posted for the recap now.

Thanks so much, Jardinera! You deftly sped through all the machinations and drama of this episode.

One thing about the Ari lie that was exposed. Orly never asked him for any money, either for the wedding or Leo's expenses. In that one scene where Julian, Hon, Espy, Josefa, and then Isela were in the courtyard, a number of secrets and lies were exposed.

Espy lets the secret out of the bag that Isela and Orly are getting married (this is news to Josefa and a big uh oh moment for Isela). Isela has to immediately do damage control and deny that.

Espy also shares to everyone that Orly is borrowing money from Ari for both the wedding and Leo's medical expenses. These are both things she heard from Doris (because she no longer had investment money). Julian is the one to shoot the lie about Leo's medical expenses out of the water by telling everyone that the Bustamantes are paying their son's expenses.

This all gets back to Orly, so he is ticked at Ari for 1) not keeping his mouth shut about the wedding, and 2) lying about him borrowing money from him. Which Doris hears, so she is ticked off that 1) he lied to her, and 2) continues to hide her in secret from his friends.

Doris seemed to accept too easily his excuses for why his tennis client Maleny would turn to him to help her with her cash problem, but seemed more hurt by him continuing to hide their relationship. She says what's the use of her feeling sexy and attractive (because that's the way she sees herself, she does NOT think she's homely) if Ari doesn't feel that way about her. I was glad that MD later told her to take a closer look at what's going on between Ari and Maleny, because his excuses about their relationship just don't jive. Let's hope MD takes her own advice.

Glad that Orly told Doris that he thinks she's pretty, and then called Ari on his behavior. But when he started talking about how HE WANTS to walk proudly, out in public, with the girl he loves on his arm, it made Doris feel bad because that's not the way Ari feels about her.

Ursula and Dan took Ivana to the Cuernavaca house, so Maleny wasn't lying when she said she didn't know where they were. She's out of the loop on their nefarious plans, and has broken away to put her own plans in motion. I wonder if their plans will be at cross purposes at some point, and if Maleny would betray them and tell Max what they're up to if she finds out?

Jardinera thank you much for this recap. So much is going on I just hate not watching. Both my Univision app and Hulu not available to me.

I was able to find a short clip of the kiss. Now that's what I want to see!

Digusting what Usurla and Dan is doing to Ivana

Jardinera – Thanks for an entertaining recap that helps me keep up with all these lies.

Kudos to MD. So glad she didn’t deny feeling something in that kiss and didn’t shut the door to Max sometime in the future.

Dan choked by Max and then later roughed up by Gerry. A good night in Viewerville.

Doris is a gorgeous big gal and she carries herself with confidence. I’m not sure Ari hides their relationship because she’s plus size or if he’s doing it simply because he’s a player who’s not going to commit to any woman.

Sad for Ivana losing the baby. But what a fool she is for not telling Gerry where she is. Gay or straight, Gerry is the best thing that ever happened to her. Does she not have a cellphone?

Thank you for the recap, Jardinera! I didn't make it past the first 15 minutes and I was snoozing. Your details are appreciated. I did get to see Max choke Dan. That was awesome.

Niecie- I'm afraid Dan and Ursula got to her too soon for her to call Gerry. They pretty much started working on her as soon as she woke up from anesthesia, and then whisked her away and are keeping her sleepy and loopy. ITA, Gerry is the best thing in her life, and she better not mess that up-- whether he is just a friend or a potential love interest.

Question: If Gerry were Ivana's bodyguard, instead of her designer, would we still be having doubts about his sexuality? Based solely on how we have seen him behave towards her and interact with her.

Thanks for the recap, Jardinera! I love "Mild Mannered Max." In a couple of weeks, will be juet be Mad Max?

Claudio, thankfully a step ahead of her this time, says, not unless she’s willing to marry her rapist. Right? Oops! Thank goodness for logic!

Quick note: I think Claudio told Orlando over the phone that Leo's insurance would cover it.

How is it MD is so careful with Irsela and Doris, yet she didn't get a test for herself when Dan's lies came to light or take Clara's excellent point (why would Ivana abort if she knew the baby was keeping Dan with her?) seriously? Sigh.

PS: Vivi, I take your comment as high praise!

PPS: GERRY'S NOT GAY, EVERYONE!!!! least I don't think he is. I am the one who made that erroneous supposition when I was recapping because I mistranslated one of his lines and made assumptions about how TNs stereotype male fashion designers when I was in fact the one putting the stereotype on the character. I can't tell if it's just my recap that made everyone think this, or if other people made the same mistake I did, but I just want to try clear that up again.

I am crushing on Gerry. Granted I missed the first episodes, but it bugs me that Ivana never asks Gerry how he is doing. There are some professions like women's fashion designer that have been stereotyped, but kudos to the writers and the actor for not falling into that. But what has me on the fence about Gerry straight or gay is that he's around stunningly beautiful women in his line of work but hasn't shown an attraction to any of them. But that could simply mean he's very professional!

Thank you for the recap jardinera.
And the lies they keepa comin. I wonder how these prople get to sleep at nite? Very easy, they have no concence, nobody should like be That, but make believe people.
Anyways good to know MD isn't pregnant yet, that she knows of.
These lies are exhausting. And tonite they go on.
And why is there even a question about gerry's sexuality? If he wasn't a desginer would there be a ? Well maybe before the show is over the subject will come up and we'll get an answer. It is good the way he loves her.
And now they're going to dope up Ivana. That can't be good.

Thank you Jardinera, I guess every other week you get to do 2 in a row.

I'm glad that the previews were misleading about MD's pregnancy. Phew!

Claudio and Josefa are still plotting together to get Orlando out of Isela's life and in jail. I hate them both.

One thing to make clear. The word miscarriage and abortion are the same word in spanish. But in the case of this story, Isela had a miscarriage, but Dan started to spread the lie that she aborted the baby. Dan told MD that Isela aborted the baby because she wanted to hurt Dan. I think MD is the only one who thinks that so far. Everyone else knows she miscarried. But I think that MD told her mother and Clara that she had an abortion.

Cathyx- Yeah, I was not happy that both Claudio and Josefa seem to be fishing for something they can use to throw Orlando in jail. The only thing saving him is that I don't think Isela would let either of them get away with doing it. She highly suspects that it was Josefa that tried to kill Leo, and she knows for a fact that it was Claudio who took her virginity, not Orlando (and she and Claudio know it wasn't rape).

I have a dumb question about Leo's accident. Why would Josefa do that? What was her reasoning? (I apologize if it's been discussed.)

Sara- Josefa feels that Max and Leo being in the hood and being close enough to get the real truth about stuff, messes up their plans for Bustamante. Any lies Isela tells (that Josefa) feeds her, can quickly and easily get disproved by Leo or Max, who communicate regularly between the rich folks (including their dad) and the folks in the hood.

Vivi, in that phone conversation between Claudio and Josefa, Claudio was playing dumb when Josefa said that Orlando raped her, he knows very well he was her first sexual encounter and that she loved Orlando. He just gets slimier by the day.

Sara, Josefa would do that because she wants Leo out of the neighborhood. He keeps telling the Bustamonte's and Max in particular, the truth of what is happening in the barrio , and Josefa doesn't want them to have any inside info.

Cathyx- Oh, I know Claudio knows, and is just playing dumb. He and Josefa are playing games during their conversations, but they are also both hoping the other can provide them something they can REALLY use to sink Orlando.

Fabolous recap, Hellashelle.

I am finally understanding why this show is lauded as well, especially now that everyone seems to be growing some stones, one way or another.

One thing I love about this show is that everyone knows each other, no matter how minuscule the connection so a lie that Ari tells Doris who tells Orlando who tells Isela who tells MD who tells her Esperanza and during a simple courtyard talk many, many secrets and half truths shoot out of the water. It's amazing how easy it all flows.

One thing I loved about the Claudio and Josefa conversation is how they went toe to toe without exposing their hand. Personal favorite was Claudio stating that it's really strange that Isela would want to marry her rapist. That tidbit shut Josefa's mouth real fast.

Thanks Jardinera for your recap!

Ari has always been an idiot, but hated how tried to throw Doris under a bus to Orly. "She came over all sad & threw herself at me. What was I suppose to do man?" Just go & sit in a corner please.

Superalfie, Yep so true about how information flows in this tn. Love how it keeps this tn moving along nicely.


So so sorry, Jardinera. Inread hellashelle for some reason. Thank you for your efforts

Woot!! Finally Caught up and what a time to be caught up - oh that kiss! (swoon) (bagdrop)

Thanks Jardinera for the recap and all the others you've done that I've been reading but way way behind time and so haven't let you know how I appreciate them

Also the other recappers !Thanks!

I know that a lot of ya'll here have written off Isela and are hoping Orlando and Doris will end up together
Sorry guys but I disagree, Isela is my favorite character in this tn and I'm hanging on to hope that she will ignore MD's advice and marry him asap

Doris also deserves someone for whom she isn't a second choice Orlando loves Isela too much to be a good choice for her

But really I just like Isela, I have a soft spot for the plotters and, well, sneaky characters. I know she's confused right now - mostly because of her crazy mom- but I believe she really loves Orlando and if they could get away together they have a chance ( can you just tell how hard I've got my fingers crossed for them?)


Gracias Vivi and cathyx!

Gracias Jardinera for the recap and Vivi for explaining the confusing stuff. This novela certainly can be very confusing at times, at times I am like WTH is happening or how the heck do they know ?. I suppose Claudio and Josefa do plan do sink Orlando down but Claudio doesnt really trust anyone one bit in the town opposite to Max and Leo. He has everyone on a tough watch.

The good characters certainly pack a punch together. The secrets never end up secrets be because the damn barrio cant afford ducktapes. Sometimes that is a good thing!

Ursula doing the fake death certificate was quite surprising. It seems that it was truly a murder rather than a suicide. Whatever Dan and Ursula are doing to Ivana disturbs me. They might end killing her before getting their prize money.


I'm one night behind (damn ) Hulu, but I'll try to keep a list of Crackpot Theories like we did for LQLVMR; Julia I think got it started (sorry if it was someone else.)

We could also do a vote on who is redeemed and who gets the biggest anvil.

That is if Viewerville wishes and is interested.


I'm one night behind (damn ) Hulu, but I'll try to keep a list of Crackpot Theories like we did for LQLVMR; Julia I think got it started (sorry if it was someone else.)

We could also do a vote on who is redeemed and who gets the biggest anvil.

That is if Viewerville wishes and is interested.


I'm one night behind (damn ) Hulu, but I'll try to keep a list of Crackpot Theories like we did for LQLVMR; Julia I think got it started (sorry if it was someone else.)

We could also do a vote on who is redeemed and who gets the biggest anvil.

That is if Viewerville wishes and is interested.

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