Monday, September 14, 2015

Amores con Trampa #120 and #121 Monday and Tuesday 9/14/15 and 9/15/15

Here's a quick run down of events as I remember them (out of order and highly condensed.) I went right to bed after the episode and I was really distracted last night. Needless to say, y'all may need to fill in.
  • The Carmonas continue the screaming from hair-raising fear. And that's that.The next thing you know, they are back at their dining table in the DF. Fac has on a really lovely jacket (the first distraction.) They joke about Concha's scary face cream. Fac claimed he wasn't afraid.
  • Feli admits to Isa that he is falling for Hilda. Isa asks him to take care of himself and to respect the house. In other words, take the lovin' somewhere else.
  • Carmen and Rocio are in full planning mode. Francis comes into the boutique and knocks a rack of clothes over and tramples them.
  • Isa is on her way to the boutique. Santiago is worried since Esteban is on the loose.
  • Esteban is waiting outside disguised as a cabbie with a French accent. He questions why he's talking to himself in a French accent. I question that and the fact that no one finds a lone cab (neither red and gold nor pepto bismol pink) suspicious. He tries to follow Isa out of the complex, but two garbage men get in the way. Are they the same guys that tried to turn Margarito into carnitas? I say run them over. Esteban threatens them and revs the engine a few times. Santiago comes out to investigate the ruckus and discovers Esteban. Esteban makes his escape.
  • A secretary comes on strong to Feli. Hilda comes in and puts the secretary in her place. Feli seems to like that. He's got it bad for Hilda.
  • Isa arrives at the boutique unharmed. She convinced Rocio to continue with the fashion show.
  • The SBeC crew arrive for the show. Hilda seems to have had a makeover.
  • La Pantera de los ojos grises and Florencio have a conversation. I remember him telling her to let go of her vengeance plan.
  • Porfirio is upstaged by a goat. He and Martina are talking about getting married again (and he mentions they are still married.) All I pay attention to is a little goat who keeps rubbing his head on a plant outside. He was having a good time!
  • Everyone arrives for the fashion show. Including the thieving Primos Z. They steal Frederick's wallet. Tons of applause for Maria. Bikinis and shawls. Not a look I can pull off.
  • Perpetua catches the cousins stealing.
  • Santiago seems to be making a turn for the dark side again. He's invested the money Fac gave him and doubled it. He ponders whether to tell Fac or keep it(?) He calls Fac and tells him they need to talk when he gets to the show.
  • Isa is ready for the show, but before she and the family can leave she passes out!!!!


Thank you for your very fine recap, Sara!

I really liked the advice Isabel was handing out last night:

She told Felipe to use birth control and not to use their home for his amorous pursuits. I also liked that she didn't try to dissuade him from Hilda and respected his feelings.

She told Rocío that she had to fight for what she really wanted in life and that she had all of the confidence in the world in her.

Whoever brought up a double wedding/vow renewal at the end just might be right!

The Amarripa brothers were at their best/worst. So glad Perpétua finally threw them out.

I loved Isabel singing the theme song.

Gah. I always forget the cousins' name. The Spanish CCs had a Z in front of the apellido last night. If it I'll try to fix it.

I have never been sure about their real name because I have seen it both ways in the captions. Since I have never heard the "z", I have just gone with Amarripa. ¿Quién sabe?

OT: Freeview Latino on Xfinity Sept. 21-Oct. 4 for Hispanic Heritage Month. Over 300 movies they said! : )

Sara, Sara, omg,the goat, hysterical. I just laughed and laughed. I have no idea what was going on during that scene besides the goat. Thanks for all the crazy details.

The guy in the gray plaid shirt was coming out of the negocio Carmona, not going into the negocio Carmono last night. This is a change from the last couple of episodes. I have a penchant for the estupido.


Sara, I smiled throughout your entire fantastic recap. Thank you for giving us the gift of fun and laughter this morning.

"I question that and the fact that no one finds a lone cab (neither red and gold nor pepto bismol pink) suspicious" and "two garbage men get in the way. Are they the same guys that tried to turn Margarito into carnitas? I say run them over" were incredible and a few of my many favorites.

Amiga, of course I totally agree with "Fac has on a really lovely jacket (the first distraction)" - huge, heaving sigh...

Am I wrong but but wasn’t Feli moving in to kiss the secretary before Hilda arrived?? Also, Hilda did not physically pull her away by pummeling her or pulling her hair out by the roots but by calmly staking her claim. Hmmm. Our little hellcat seems to be growing up.

Speaking of growing up - Jarifa, I was shocked Isa didn't chase Hilda out and forbid Feli from seeing her. I have to say,Hilda looked very pretty at the Carmonas. Her redemption seems evident.

“Porfirio is upstaged by a goat”. I loved that scene. Also enjoyed the stealing cousins –several highlights of a night that made me smile and made me happy.

The entire hour flew by too quickly. Thank you for retelling the story in such fine fashion Sara.


Thanks for the recap Sara! OMG that little goat totally stole the scene!!

I too was surprised by how Isa handled the Feli/Hilde fling. Maybe they both have grown. And yes, Hilde definitely looked like she had had a makeover at the fashion show.

Was that Francis' best plan? To hope to come in and stomp on the clothes? Pretty weak coming from her. I'll be surprised if nothing else goes wrong.

I'm excited to see what crazy character Esteban turns into next. Each night he has a new persona!

Oh I do hope Santi doesn't go over to the dark side! I don't think he will though.

Did anyone catch the commercial for EY and FC's new movie Ladrones? I would love to see it if it had captions. My Spanish isn't good enough to get through it without spanish or english captions.

Thanks, Sara. My favorite line: He questions why he's talking to himself in a French accent. I question that and the fact that no one finds a lone cab (neither red and gold nor pepto bismol pink) suspicious. So it was a goat that upstaged Porfirio. I saw the tail and head but couldn’t get a good fix on him.

Nope, I certainly can’t argue with Isa’s advice to Feli or to Rocio, and I think for the first time she planted a totally spontaneous loving kiss on Santi. Seems like she really is back in love with him. Too bad she started smoking a cigarette and passed out. Could Estefany be behind that? I suspect Estefany only because we haven’t see her lately.

Facundo has turned a corner too. There he is smiling and sitting calmly beside his wife watching her fashion show of models in shawls and bikinis strutting their stuff, instead of point an accusing finger at her and stalking out like ages ago. But thank goodness Carmen wasn’t one of the bikini models.

Hilda was a hoot getting the secretary off Feli. She said he already has a dog that can bark.

La Pantera’s plan backfired. Why would she think the Carmonas would stay in a crazy haunted house if they had another place to go?

Carvivlie, I don't know if Ladrones will have English captions, but here's a trailer on youtube with English captions:

Carvivlie, whenever they show Spanish language movies around here (I just saw the cartoon "Un Gallo con muchos huevos") at the theater, there are English subtitles. "Ladrones" Is a sequel to "Ladrón que roba a ladrón" (2007) which also starred Fernendo Colunga and is also a movie that I never saw. Should be good!

Niece, yes, it was amazing how Facundo has changed from the beginning evidenced by him being present and pleasant at the fashion show. Loved it!

Sara- It was so good to dive back into this show with your great recap.

I also could not keep my eyes off the little goat munching on that plant in the background as Porf and Martina spoke about renewing their vows. I wonder how many other plants on set met that same fate? It was made even more funny to me because it came after Santi's crazy dream where he was a campesino businessman, where he said he'd be bringing all his stuff (chivos) to the office, and one of the underlings begged him not to because goats (chivos) would eat all the paperwork in the office.

Yeah, Pantera was pretty stupid to not realize the Carmonas would just go back to their city house if they couldn't stand the haunted/booby trapped country house anymore.

Glad to see: Rocio back; Rocio taking charge of her designs and the fashion show; Rocio and Beto back together; Carmen working; Carmen and Diego working together; Carmen and Diego back together; Felipe and Hilda happy with each other; Isa giving good advice to her kids; Santi and Isa in love and having forgiven each other.

The big reveal of Rocio being Santi's daughter still doesn't really fit with the clues we have been given earlier. When we first saw Isa's flashback, her sister was begging for her forgiveness for her betrayal, and she mentioned how none of this was baby Felipe's fault.

OK. Now we know that Santi and Maleny had a fling, BEFORE he and Isa were together, and that he didn't know until much later that Maleny was Isa's sister. So, was it really a betrayal? What was there to forgive? It seems like an unfortunate twist of fate to me. Maleny could have been any random (unhappily married) woman whom single Santi slept with and ended up impregnating before he married Isa. And what did baby Felipe have to do with it, when it was his older sister Rocio who was the center of contention between the two sisters?

In addition to instructions for Rocio's inheritance (which grandma stole), did the letter also reveal to Rocio who her bio dad was? That would be the only reason I can see for why Isa was so jittery about eventually having to give Rocio the letter when she turns 21, and wanting to push her away (or institutionalize her) before then.

Can I also say that the theme song from Amor Impossiblex3 is in my head anytime anyone says the word "imposible or posible". It even carried over into Lo Imperdonable everytime someone said those words, which is quite a lot actually.

Good to see you back, Vivi! Hope you had lots of fun!

It was my impression that Isabel and Santiago were already going out (seems somewhat seriously) when he "slipped" and had his fling with Malena not knowing she was the sister. That is the betrayal factor. He cheated on Isabel. The proof of that betrayal was his impregnating Malena.

As far as the rest it goes, it is all up in the air. No answers.

Thanks, Jarifa. But did Maleny know who Santi was when she slept with him? If he didn't know, seems likely she didn't either. If she didn't know, then she didn't betray Isa and didn't need to be begging for forgiveness. The only person she betrayed was her no-good husband.

Do Santi and Isa plan to tell Rocio the truth about her bio-dad? It doesn't really seem to matter that much, since Rocio already considers Santi to be her dad, and Ale to be her sister.

I'm going to choose to believe that Santi plans to tell Fac how he doubled their money and plans to share it with Fac. We're too close to the end for him to go all dark again, right?


I don't think Malena knew Santiago either. Seems like Isabel must not have believed her because she was so angry with her for so long. Then Malena was dying. Maybe Malena just wanted peace.

Vivi, good to "see" you back from Brazil. Do you speak Portuguese? Was your Spanish a big help?

Sounds like maybe Feli was originally intended to be Santi's baby. Otherwise Isa saying baby Feli wasn't to blame for anything makes no sense.

I guess we aren't going to find out why Isa stopped having sex with Santi five monnths before the Carmonas showed up or why Isa wanted to put Rocio in an asylum.

Niecie- I don't speak Portuguese/Eu não falo Português/Yo no hablo Portugues. But Spanish certainly helped, especially with written Portuguese. I got along just fine. But since most people assumed I was Brazilian, and apparently I look approachable, there were quite a few times Brazilians would approach ME asking for directions or information. Then I would have to say the above phase, and they would look at me quizzically. It was only later when I learned the word for parents (pais) that I realized my first cabbie was asking me if my parents were from Brazil, because surely, I was Brazilian someway, somehow.

Diana- I read in the last recap comments of your loss. I'm so sorry my dear, and hope that this blog is bringing you some solace, or at least some distraction.

Thanks so much Vivi.

Enjoying your and all the other comments today immensely.


Thank you for all for the extra details! This is a wonderful patio.

Diana- I thought of you last night and hoped the little goat made you smile.

Carvivlie- I hear the AI3 tune every time they say "imposible" as well. I'm starting to think they use "imposible" as much as they can.

Niecie-I enjoyed seeing a more mature and calm Fac as well.

Vivi-Welcome back! I'm also hoping that Santi is not going to "go bad" and will tell Fac the truth.

Watching Fac's reactions during the fashion show was hilarious! I liked when he put his hat on his face to cover his eyes.

Just researched it and it is primos Zamarripa with a Z.

May I overshare?

Sometimes my job is annoying. And it makes me cranky.

I had a migraine last night. That makes me cranky and affects my comprehension.

Both Muchacha italiana and Amores con trampa felt like ordeals. Each hour dragged.on.foreverz. And I don't think I understood a word of anything last night. Even hubs had to repeat stuff...and he was speaking English.

Here's all I got from last night's episode.

Isa missed the fashion show.

Pelancha likes her new steamer.

Lala is the milk brand of choice among aspiring filmmakers.

The animals still talk.

Francis is utterly despicable.

Porfirio and Martini are making plans to renew their vows.

Was Concha flirting with the Primos Z? (Thanks for the research, Jarifa!)

Santi made a heartfelt speech to Rocio.

La Pantera goaded Maria into a public scene. (Oh, and Maria has a bad feeling about La Pantera AND Maria knows she's a Sanchez.)

Florencio and La Pantera made a bet. I think Florencio won. I think that means La Pantera has to lay off Maria?

Frederick is going to make La Pantera a model.

Isa either turned down or accepted Florencio's invite to SBeC.

Esteban likes garden tools.

Feli got bitten by a tarantula.


LOL Sara! You got much of it. :)

Isa accepted Flor's invitation, but then got offended when she realized Flor thought she was coming alone, without Santi. She intends to bring Santi with her. And Conchita was crying on the Zamarripa brothers' shoulders because she's really hurt about Profirio remarrying his wife. They think she's too much of a hottie to be alone.

I don't get why the writers had Isa miss the fashion show. Could she be pregnant? Did I miss her and Santi making love?

I also don't get why everyone feels there is nothing they can do about Francis. What she did by ripping Carmen's clothes off in public was assault, and surely illegal!
And it was caught on camera. Have her arrested! Why is it Carmen who has to be ashamed and have her rep as a model ruined?


Sara, sorry to hear you had one of those days and hope you are feeling better this morning. The recap was great. Thank you.

So, nobody knows what to do about Francis? The solution is not security guards but the POLICE. Sorry but the plot line of the "uncontrollable" Francis is very very very old.

Now what I liked:

Santiago calling Isabel "la desmayada durmiente".

María's reaction to La Pantera and her flirting with Facundo. Too bad Facundo was acting "doltish" again and didn't get it so he could have stopped La Pantera himself by simply walking away.

Pelancha's steamer arriving and her having fun with it.

Conchita telling the Zamarripa guys about how since Porfirio is back with his wife he won't be paying her any attention and she will be all alone. They hardly agree and call her not just a "bombón" but a "bombonzote". Cute scene.

So glad Florencio won the stupid bet but that won't stop La Pantera "the model" who is going to beat María in her own arena.

Isabel is still interested in going to the ranch.

Porfirio is finally going to give up the hard boiled eggs? With a vow renewal on schedule, this being a comedy and only four episodes left, might we say Porfirio has escaped the grim reaper?

I feel terrible about flaking. I apologize again.

Vivi-I've wondered if Isa is pregnant, too. Doesn't fainting always mean either pregnancy or death in a TN?

Jaria-I hope Porfirio makes it to the end. And yes, please can we just make Francis go away???? She completely crossed the line last night.

And where was Diego to support CArmen?????????????????????? Don't turn him into a dolt at the last minute.

Sara, as a teacher, you have one of the most difficult jobs on earth. It is thanks to dedicated individuals such as yourself that children receive superior educations. While I imagine it is incredibly rewarding, I can only imagine how difficult it can be. Hugs that today is a better day for you.

I am wearing an admiring smile as your list did a fabulous job of summing up exactly what happened! For whatever reason, "Esteban likes garden tool" made me laugh. I hope the actor is enjoying his various disguises, I sure am.

I have to start with odious Francis. Some of her hijinx have been annoying, others cruel. But as you noted Vivi, Carmen was assaulted. Publically. Time for charges to be filed. My heart went out to Carmen. She has suffered far too much at the hands of that disturbed young woman. Agree Jarifa, this storyline has more than run its course.

I did think I saw Diego sitting in the audience, but I was obviously wrong.

Another touching Rocio/Santi scene. EL can be so sweet.

Is Martini going to be content living down on the farm? Amazing how she sauntered back having all forgiven - no recriminations. No harsh words. Wouldn't it be great if real life were that way??

Sara, you give every recap your all. How fortunate we are!


Thanks, Sara. You are a living doll. So sorry you had a rough day, but you certainly are funny describing it. Hope you get some rest. Your recaps are always fun.

I wondered about pregnancy too, but I don’t see how Isa could be because at best she and Santi just had sex the night before. But this is a comedy, so I guess anything's possible. But maybe the writers didn’t want Isa to run into La Pantera con Ojos Grises for some reason?

Yep, it’s amazing that Francis was able to just walk out of the building. Where was Susanna? She should’ve taken care of business for her big sister. I can only think there’s a BIG ANVIL waiting for Francis at the very end. Those shadow girls deserve anvils too because they are stupid enough to still be following her.

I don’t get Frederick saying Carmen was ruined as a model. He was such a brown noser with La Pantera. It was clear to all that Carmen was sabotaged, plus she looked fabulous stripped down to her underwear. No way is her career over.

La Pantera was very clever. To Facundo, the noise level was high at the fashion show, so La Pantera was talking directly in his ear about the property fixes she was making -- he couldn’t see her face while she was talking. To Maria, who can see La Pantera’s face from across the room, the RAWR! beyotch was giving Facundo come-hither looks.

Yay, Facundo the horse had lines last night!

Niecie, you are right! Where WAS Susana? I say she takes Francis in the first round.

And yes, Carmen looked fabulous in her undergarments. She has nothing to be ashamed of. She should have stood and strutted her stuff.


You are all too kind. *sniff* I think I'm gonna cry. I don't think I tell you guys enough how much I appreciate you. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings *sniff*

I agree that Carmen did look fabulous in her skivvies, but knowing her family and how she is she must have been mortified to have been exposed in front of all those people. I felt so bad for her.

Right now I want a bigger anvil for Francis than for Esteban!

Where is Estefany? Will we see her again? Is she up to no good?

Jarifa, thanks for asking the question. Sometimes things go too quickly for me. I didn't think we saw her last night but wasn't positive.

I think there were seeds of "good" in Estef, and am a little disappointed she wasn't redeemed and given a happy ending. But, it ain't over til it's over, is it?

Sara, ITA. Francis does deserve a huge anvil. But why do I have an inner voice saying those baby blue eyes and Patty/Cathy Duke flip will worm her way out. Again. Sigh.


Thanks for the recap!

How does Francis keep getting by security? And into areas that should be teeming with people? Her whole plot device was spent long ago and she is just tiring now.

I was surprised Fac didn't go off on Florencio for being at the fashion show. Seriously, why was he there?

I too am wondering if Isa is pregnant. After seeing her and Santi snuggle I assume they are back doing the deed but shouldn't it be too soon for her to be fainting from pregnancy?

I'm wondering once the paternity of Rocio comes out if Felipe will feel left out? Rocio and Alejandra will both be Velascos.


I was thinking about the Santi is the father reveal as well, Carvivlie. I didn't really consider Feli. I was thinking it would be pretty tough on Rocio. With only 4 episodes, I suspect it will not be given much attention.

And now that you mention it Jarifa...where *is* Estefy????

I would like Esteban's anvil to somehow include him being under Estefany's control. They sure deserve each other even though I do still like Estefany in spite of her grifter ways.

I like Estefy too, Jarifa.

Question: Who is in control of Grupo Carmona if Esteban is on the lam for committing fraud? Does Fac still own the company then?

I would love to see Fac sell the company back to Santi and get his original money back. I don't want any last minute villain behavior.

It would seem that Facundo is the owner. They talked about filing charges against Esteban. In the real world they would be in court, wouldn't they? : ) So glad we are spared all that.

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