Monday, September 28, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #5 Monday 9/28: in which ad execs moo, Lichita flies, Luciana languishes, and Roberto tries to hide from Fate

Roberto callously tells Gumaro "I have Lichita wrapped around my little finger and it will be she who pays for the broken plates" As I had thought, when Gumaro comes to pick up Roberto we hear that on special occasions, when he needs to impress somebody, Roberto "borrows" a nice car from some unsuspecting yuppie. Now, Gumaro points out, like Cinderella Roberto must ride the pumpkin/moto home.

At the Don Augusto mansion, Luciana pouts in the living room. She covers a vitrine full of saints and Pieta knockoffs - "they're judging me." Beatriz enters and Luciana quickly whips the scarf off the vitrine and dives for the divan - remember, she supposedly hurt her ankle.

She faints and languishes while telling Beatriz "I wish I could be out doing good works." "Your ankle will heal." "Ah, but then my cruel uncle will throw me out on the street where I must needs cower for shelter in a cardboard box." She asks after her cousins. The daughter is at summer camp and the son is in America and hasn't been seen for ages. "Oh, it's sad they are absent, but you have ME now. Oh, why oh why does Uncle hate me? Can you get him to change his mind?" Beatriz alludes to the problem between the two brothers, calling them Cain and Abel.

At the agency Roberto explains to us: "Alicia will do all the work but I'll have her so dazed she won't notice." The meeting starts, the room is packed. Less competent than I'd expected, Roberto temporizes in front of the expectant co-workers - and O. the supermarket czar - because he's waiting for Alicia, the only one who knows anything.

She scuttles in, head down and arms full of reports, and starts a slide show, but turns out the second slide is of her in her cow costume. Who put that there? These supposed adults moo and cow-call. She leaves the room and, since Roberto can't manage without her, he follows. She thinks he put that slide in - "after all, you've deceived and robbed and blackmailed me" - word! But he asks "what would I gain from having inserted the cow slide? You have to learn to trust me." He drags her off...

... to ride a little plastic airplane. It was a beautiful ride, mmm scenery, she is terrified but by the end is ecstatic.

Mags is watching tv, it appears to be a promotion for some other novela. Nachos has his bandages off. He wants to go back to driving the taxi but his wife says he can't, doctor's orders. "You are still the man of the house even if you're not earning!" There is no food in the house, or at least nothing Nachos wants to eat. Magos asks if she can drive the taxi, he firmly says no. My favorite line of the episode is Nacho's self-definition: "Soy medio menso pero no bruto."

To make a long story short Mags takes the keys and goes joyriding with her skanky friends and a bottle of tequila, somebody gets a picture of them in the taxi, and at the end of the episode uh oh, here come the cops up behind this full taxi of drunk teenagers. Stay tuned...

Sandra is massaging her lover Augusto and asking why he hates his niece so much. He rants about his half-brother, and something about an inheritance which I hope somebody caught, and says he's sending Luciana back to Patagonia forthwith. Luciana, eavesdropping, vows: "over my dead body I go back." We find out Sandra has been shagging Augusto for ten years.

After a foreshadowy conversation in which Alicia tenderly supposes that Roberto is big-hearted and will be great to his kids some day (NO KIDS he says), and that growing up in an orphanage was no garden of roses, we find ourselves at an orphanage...

Where an EXTREMELY cute (thank God, in the past we have had kid actors so awful we only wanted to have them murdered post-haste) 6-year-old kid, Mateo, runs up to a handsome young couple evidently out orphan-shopping on a sunny afternoon. He tells them sweetly about all the orphans and their endearing traits.

Exchanging significant looks over Mateo's head they then tell him: "We've made up our minds, it's you we want to adopt," but he gets huffy and says "I have a dad and he's coming back for me" and runs off. We all know, thanks to the previews, who this father is.

The meeting with O. is raucous, a kindergarten classroom is far better behaved. The question he has: where to launch the new Mas campaign? Luchette says the customers are low-class, so launch in some marginal area.

When Alicia thinks O. is asking her opinion she says "our primary customers are mothers with kids so we should launch at an orphanage and profit by their empathy." All say this is dumb until O. says he likes it, whereupon they all say it's great. Roberto intimates this was his idea. I think O. has a foundation and gives old food (as per Elsa's suggestion) to the San Cipriano orphanage, so they will go there. Roberto sighs.

Nacho and his wife Elsa are moaning about what a baby Magos is. He points out that lots of other young single moms get it together. He also (incidental plot point) says "she is not the first in this family to whom this happened." Actually he says "que se comio la torta antes del recreo" or something like that heh heh.

Augusto calls his brother, who is painting (somewhere in Argentina), and calls him an imbecile and asks why he sent his daughter up to Mexico. The brother is so surprised he fumbles his brush.

So the creative team plus O. arrive at an orphanage. Plans have changed, they've come to Santa Clara rather than the previously proposed orphanage because a celebration was already planned. Roberto refuses to get out of the car and we all know (thanks to the previews) why. He explains incompletely to Alicia, "It's where I grew up and I have bad memories."

A clown car pulls up and the entertainers get out and run into the orphanage.

Inside, O. keeps nagging Alicia, why isn't her boss here yet? Also, in the dining hall cute little Mateo and his comrades are debriefing. The comrades think Mateo should have gone with the nice couple.

OK, so unlike real children, these orphans are enjoying the clowns and their lame tricks. Roberto sneaks in, disguised as a clown. This wins the hearts of both O. and Alicia, she gushes to us, "A man of action, a prince, and - a clown!" "He's full of surprises, I like him," says O.

Back at the show apartment, Gumaro is not succeeding in repairing some random object. I guess that is part of the gig, because when a babe comes to the door to see the apartment, he tells her how great he is at fixing things, gives her a tour, and then chases her away by alluding to mice and cockroaches and picking a plastic cockroach out of his weird cravat.

At the very same time that Mags and her drunk friends are about to get busted by the cops, at the orphanage, though night has fallen (unless the orphanage is in a different time zone), the clowns are still, incredibly, entertaining the children and the children, incredibly, are still enjoying it. For one last trick, they reward the best-groomed and most-quietly-sitting child, predictably Mateo, by inviting him up for the last trick, which is to have a PVC pipes frame covered with a tablecloth and then whipping off the tablecloth after some alcazam and magic passes... and out comes a clown...

..."PAPA! IT'S YOU!" enthuses Mateo. All are astounded.

Tomorrow: Roberto hugs Mateo and Alicia gets some sort of promotion.

Previous: Episode 4
Next: Episode 6


My first recap in ? Two years? Three?

Jane, I am not sure how long it's been since you've recapped, but your golden touch is very much intact.

I thought your recap was fantastic. "OK, so unlike real children, these orphans are enjoying the clowns and their lame tricks" had me laughing out loud.

You cautioned us early on about Roberto and you were so right. "Roberto callously tells Gumaro "I have Lichita wrapped around my little finger..." and "At the agency Roberto explains to us: "Alicia will do all the work but I'll have her so dazed she won't notice" were sad revelations that Roberto is still plotting and planning to use and abuse Lichita for his own personal gain. Ack.

"She covers a vitrine full of saints and Pieta knockoffs - "they're judging me." Luciana made me smile here. There’s nothing like a guilty conscience to make folks do such foolish things, is there?

I'm very curious to hear more on the backstory of "Cain and Abel". I also liked the couple who were interested in adopting Mateo, I hope we see more of them.

Magos? Trouble with a capital "T". Grow up girl.

Your recap helped me fill in many of the missing blanks I had. Thanks so much Jane!


Thanks Diana. I had forgotten how much I craved getting a comment right after posting a recap. I appreciate you!

Fun episode and a fun recap! Thank you, Jane. That was really fast I liked your comment about these children ". . . So unlike real children, these orphans are enjoying the clowns and their lame tricks." So true!

Well, because there was a clown car means that there was a lot to like in this episode---yes, just for that!

Glad that Nacho can see now. He was funny with the "torta" comment and also with his response to his wife's comment that she just doesn't know how to help Magos: he knows how to help Magos but she wouldn't like it. Magis is just obnoxious. I know I have said that before.

Loved Luciana's "Cleopatraish" necklace and glomming on to her aunt Beatriz.

Augusto had some weird blue socks on. Sandra just went back to work after massaging his feet? It would have been nice to see her use a wipe on her hands first. Yuk!

Can't wait to see how Roberto handles his son's recognition of him.

Thank you, Jane! You didn't miss a thing,for which I am very grateful. Yet another night of super fast dialog.

My favorite line was the one about a kindergarten class behaving better than the adults. Those people at Iconika are heinous.

Got a kick out of you "thanks to the previews" quips. On Sombra the previews were either straight up spoilers or red herrings. I was really hoping that the "hi dad" scene was a red herring, but judging from yesterday's previews it's not. And that makes me even angrier at our supposed galan. Though I guess life at the orphanage is more stable.

Magos is dead to me and I really don't like her. I guess she's redeemable since she's being played by Sherlyn.

Someone please clarify, but I heard Augusto say that Luciana's dad was his half brother and that he squandered away his inheritance.

Thank you again, Blog Mom. Your recap was such a nice way to start my Tuesday. I'm looking forward to more.

Derp. There it is in the recap. Sorry I missed that. I zeroed in on the 10 years part since that's where I needed a comprehension check.

Reading skillz. I haz them.


Disculpe. Bomba de comentario.

I did not like Roberto making fun of Lichita by saying that Gumaro's helmet resembled her hairstyle. (However true the remark might have been.)

Welcome back to recapping, Jane! You're not rusty at all.

Ok, this is my guess at why Rob's son is in an orphanage. Rob mentioned being in jail for five years and recently getting out. It makes sense that the state would have taken the baby and put him in an orphanage why his father was in jail. Then Rob has mentioned that he HAS to find a steady and good paying job to prove something to some government entity. I thought it was just for parole purposes, and couldn't figure out why the job had to be so fancy and high paying. Now it makes sense. He has to prove to child services that he can give his kid a good life in order get him back.

I actually have more sympathy for Rob now that I know getting his child back is his motivation for conning his way into Iconika. I wish he had just shared this with Alicia instead of making up the sick brother. Let's see how he gets out of this sticky situation.

It's ironic that while Rob is trying to manipulate Alicia and steal her ideas, he's also building her confidence and trust in herself. The fact that he calls her Alicia, allows her to share and develop her ideas, and pushes her out of her comfort zone (like with the plane), will allow her to gain greater confidence. It will make her into a force to be reckoned with when she learns the truth about how Rob deceived her.

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Welcome back to recapping, Jane! I will second that you have not lost your gift for it.
a couple more things I do remember.
The Luciana and the saints in the curio cabinet was hilarious... her saying 'they are judging me' and then she gives her 'aunt' all that bs and when she leaves the aunt says 'oh my saints!'...
When Elsa and Nacho got home he immediately wanted to go work in the taxi but she took the taxi keys and hid them... but Magos saw where she put them so she took the taxi and left a note in Elsa's purse (to let her know she had taken the car)... and that bottle was pure tequila so the young ones in the car are in trouble for sure now... they mentioned something about Magos ignoring the speed signs or some other traffic rule 'because' they never get stopped before (so it seems she has done it quite often before)[of course, Magos, there is always a first time...]
Yes, I heard Augusto tell his brother that he had squandered/splurged their inheritance (so I am assuming Augusto is a self-made entrepreneur).
Loved loved Roberto taking Lichita on the glider ride... (he told her it was so that she would finally begin to trust him) how she was so freaked out scared that she kept putting her open hands and even her feet on his helmet, blocking his view... and he kept his cool and kept telling her to just let go and enjoy it. She finally started smiling and relaxing.
Did NOT like him immnediately calling Gumaro to tell him he had her eating out of his hand now... that not good.
Gumaro spooking away that potential client with the rubber cockroach at the model apartment was a hoot!...
I did not like it either when Roberto kept telling Gumaro that he was just 'using' Lichita... the only good part of that is that if he is NOT lying about the boy being his son, it is for a good purpose... but I agree he should have been truthful to her from the get go. I do agree with Vivi that while he is manipulating her, he is actually helping her by building her self-confidence... which might come back to bite him later. (very much like Armando/Fernando in BLF/LFMB, he has an 'agenda' but ends up helping her and falling in love with her eventually)
Enjoyed the scene at the board room... Don Mas was demanding to get the presentation and Sandra just gave the floor to Chuchette... (who had the worst idea in ages but the other guy supported her... that is... until Don Mas said he hated it... and suddenly the guy pushed Chuchette under the bus saying it was the worst idea he had heard...)... then Don Mas asked Lichita (whom he did NOT recognize as the daughter of his employee) what she thought... and he loved her idea... in comes Roberto to back her up since he is the 'face' of the campaign... Lichita said he would make sense to start at an orphanage since it would call the attention of young mothers who are the main customer group at the store...
Yes, the photo inserted of her in the cow costume ruined Lichita's emotional state and Roberto did not know how to keep the meeting going so he ran after Lichita... (two folded objective: he had no clue how to run the meeting AND he had to make sure he had not lost her help in the long run)... Chuchette and the other guy milked the 'joke' to the max saying things like they were wondering how long the mooooeing would last and that they would use the cow joke on Lichita as long as they could...
I think Roberto sighed when he learned they were going to one orphanage, but when they arrived at the one his son (??) is at, he got panicked... I wonder if his freaking out at the clown in the trunk of the car had anything to do with his past...
Chantal is soooooo thin now... wow! and yes those blue socks were interesting.


"Luciana's "Cleopatraish" necklace" - Jarifa, that was priceless...


Diana, I want that necklace for ME! Telenovela style!

Hey Jane, first recap of yours I've ever read and it is gold, me likey.

"Less competent than I'd expected, Roberto temporizes in front of the expectant co-workers - and O. the supermarket czar"

"handsome young couple evidently out orphan-shopping on a sunny afternoon"

Loved the whole ultralight flight, when she had her feet and legs up trying to hold on I lost it.

Vivi great observation, the irony, while tearing her down he builds her back up stronger. He underestimates Alicia


Mateo is adorable. The father half of the "handsome young couple evidently out orphan-shopping on a sunny afternoon" was the actor who played Arturo in La Malquerida. Nice to see him again. Hope the couple clicks with another of the kids at the orphanage and adopts them.

I loved your recap Jane. I looked but couldn't find even a small speck of rust.

He's got her wrapped around his finger---he's in or will be in for a very big surprise.

Alicia will do all the work but I will have her so busy she won't notice. Yes, your in for a really big surprise for sure Roberto and I will be laughing when Lichita turns the tables on you. You're not as smart as you think you are.

The saint statues are judging me. That was a lough out loud line which brings up Sara's Magos comment.

Sara---Magos is ten times better than Luciana.

Vivi---ITA with your 7:54 comment.

Lichita gets some kind of a promotion---I can't wait---it's must see tv.
the gringo

Gringo, I like seeing your 'must see tv"!

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Thank you for the recap, Jane! You had me rolling with the observations about the kids and the clowns...I admit I wasn't that fond of them as a child, either.

Mateo is indeed a cutie. Gumaro, not so much.

Jane, great title and recap. Thanks for a fun read.

Augusto has been having an affair with Sandra for 10 years? Incredible.

Vivi, I like your theory on Roberto and Mateo. Roberto said something earlier about not trusting, or having problems with, women. Maybe the mother put Mateo in an orphanage while Roberto was locked up. The kid knows his father, so clearly Roberto has been visiting and plans to get him out.

Magos is not likeable, and worse, not funny. She’s lucky to have supportive parents and a sister helping her to raise her daughter. That joy ride was simply stupid and thoughtless.

Behind a bit. Did watch a little of last night's ep. Thanks, Jane, for the funny recap. Loved it.

Liked: how Luciana slithered around the corner after eavesdropping. Laugh out loud moment for me. I saw this actress play a "good guy" in a drama novela one time, but can't think what it was.

Liked: the Napoleon painting behind Augusto. Too funny.

Am livid about Magos. This woman has a child who she takes absolutely no responsibility for (unless she's done so in the few eps I've yet to watch). Disgusting.


Nanette, that Napoleon painting was a hoot, with a framed Augusto painting within the Napoleon painting. Now that's a man with an outsized ego.

Ok---Maybe Magos isn't ten times better but just wait until Luciana gets going full steam ahead.

The joy ride was terrible. Good thing that there wasn't an accident and nobody got hurt. Not an excuse but what teenager hasn't done that?

the gringo


Gringo, great to be watching a TN with you again. Magos got pregnant at 15, so she's in her early 20s now -- too old for this adolescent stunt. I think the girl is depressed, as she hasn't seemed to evolve since she got pregnant.

Considering that Magos had her daughter at 15, and her daughter is at least 8-9, Magos is NOT a teenager any more. She is a WOMAN and mother in her early 20s. And when she was in her early 20s, Lichita was already done with college and working to help support her family (including her sister's kid). NO EXCUSES!

Niecie- OMG. Yes! The painting with Agusto in the painting behind Napoleon! I was rolling when I saw that. The implication being that Napoleon would admire Agusto enough to have a framed painting of him on his wall. *shaking my head*

Niecie- I was typing when you wrote your comment. We're tracking on Magos.

What Magos did could cost her father his taxi-- the family's main livelihood. It's inexcusable.

Well lets see if Magos improves any as the novela progresses. Hope so anyway.
the gringo

Vivi, I'm hoping for the best since I've never seen Sherlyn is this kind of role, but Magos is no fun.

I'm generally finding this novela quite boring! I so miss ACT!!! I think partly because there is no handsome leading man, and I tend to pick my novelas based on this criteria, lol. But besides that it took me 3 tries to finish the 2nd ep! I kept dozing off towards the end! IDK about this one...and I actually like Maite!

Gimme more Roberto and Alicia.

I kinda glazed over with the where's my keys and the joy ride (well it was funny when Magos asked for a chiclet and someone handed her gum that had been chewed). I suspect it will be a mess Alicia will have to clean up. Nacho was funny and endearing with the bandage on he seems kinda dumb without.

Still love this show though

I meant to say the 3rd ep, the first 2 were action packed!

Moi: I was just about to ask how people like this one compared to ACT. I haven't seen every ep of Licitia but, so far, I'm not that into it. I was kind of hoping for a quick Alicia physical transformation.

I haven't gotten to hang out much today, but I've enjoyed the comments.

Vivi-Thanks for giving me something to chew on IRT Roberto. Very thought provoking.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is uncomfortable with Magos's behavior. I understand she is young (20ish), but she doesn't seem to have any connection with her child at all. Not to mention she stole her father's taxi....his livelihood! I was just really bothered.

Luciana's behavior is comically self-centered. Magos's character is dangerously so.

One more vote for the hilarious Napoleon/Don Augusto painting.

Lichita is certainly different from AcT. The biggest difference is that there aren't as many likable characters. And even the likable ones haven't quite gotten into my heart the way the Carmonas and Velascos did. I still miss them, but I am still enjoying Lichita.


Thanks for the recap!!

I'm not quite into this one yet as most of the characters are unlikable and caricatures. I do have high hopes I'll become more invested in some of the other characters.

Roberto is a career criminal so I don't see Lichita making quick inroads into his moral conscience anytime soon.

Roberto is problematic for me. He hasn't shown me anything that makes me feel an iota of compassion for him. Santi from AcT had something lovable in him. I'm not seeing that with Rob.... yet. *crosses fingers*

Jarifa- you've got me noticing jewelry. A character on Muchacha italiana is wearing some gorgeous Cleopatra-esque earrings. Thinking of you!

I'm giving thru end of week to grow on me, not at all like ACT! And at least in LFMB we hand Don Fernando, tan divino!

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