Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #6 Tuesday 9/29

I am recapping on Tuesdays merely to fill in a gap. If you would like to recap on Tuesdays please contact the blogmom or 5ft.

I started condensing and combining toward the end.

Lichita gives us a rundown of Roberto's skulduggery ending with sweet Mateo asking "Papá, ¿Eres tú?" Which leads to Roberto making sounds like a leaky tire. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." Sr. Ontiveros, owner of Supermercados Mas asks the boy if the clown looks like his dad. Poor Mateo! He says he was mistaken and dejectedly walks away.

Sr O loved Roberto as a clown. Roberto hates himself and makes excuses to Lichita. He goes in search of Mateo. Another orphan leads him to his son.

Nacho is convinced that someone hid his keys and if it wasn't Elsa, then it was Magos. Elsa swears she has them, but she's not going to give the back. Nacho said she should have told him earlier instead of giving him the runaround acting like she thought he was crazy como canica en bacinica (like a marble in a chamber pot...how's that for a mental image? Even though I did a rotten job trying to express it.) Elsa ignores him and makes her way to the kitchen so she can stare at her phone and will Magos to communicate with her just by saying her name.

Roberto sits with Mateo on the stairwell. Using the impeccable child logic that cuts through the adult BS, Mateo asks why he and Roberto can't live as a family if Roberto is his dad. This launches us into a flashback with the terribly miscast Domenika Paleta as Baby Mama Sheila [I love her, but not here.] Well Roberto seems to have been an involved father, albeit broke and with little ambition. Sheila is not impressed that he has an interview at a store. The buzzer rings. It's the police and they are there with an arrest warrant for Roberto. He's charged with fraud. Sheila looks completely smug. [Oh, this shrew had to have something to do with it.]

In jail, Roberto is convicted based on his history of robbery while he was in the orphanage. It didn't help that Sheila threw him under the bus. There was evidence against him as well. He's sentenced to 5 years. In a jailhouse conversation we learn that the Sheila and the child disappeared soon after. They only person that comes to visit him is his buddy (I assume Gumaro.) (Assumed to be) Gumaro looked everywhere for Sheila, but the house was empty. All he found was a photo of Roberto with baby Mateo.

Roberto was released and Gumaro was there. I hope nothing important got said before the phone call from Sheila. She tells Roberto that she left Mateo at the Santa Clara orphanage.

The flashback continues. Roberto brings a DNA test to the orphanage, but that is not enough to get the child. He needs to prove his ability to support the child. He needs to submit to a psychological study. He's got a criminal record working against him. He has to convince a judge. The social worker suggests he get a good job, which of course no one will give him because of his criminal record. Heartbreaking scene follows. "Papá" *sniff*

Back to the present and more heartbreak [This kid has got a lock on sadness.] Roberto promises to get him out of the orphanage. Mateo asks him to promise not to leave him "like mom did." Roberto promises that nothing will ever separate them [and I cringe because he uses nunca jamás...nunca triple whammy which almost certainly means something will.]

At the office, Lichita notices Roberto is distracted. He comments about her snapping his fake nose and making the kids laugh. Alicia is not as timid as he thought. She blushes. It's just that if it's to help someone or resolve a problem, she doesn't even think. She just does whatever in order to help. Roberto wants to try and bring out that more impulsive Alicia. Uy, but that Alicia seems to get her in trouble, she responds. He tells her to just let that Alicia out. She confesses that she's liked him ever since she first saw him and she's been holding back the urge to kiss him. Psych!! She just thought it. She didn't say it out loud, even though she keeps asking "Did I say that or think it?" Roberto doesn't know what she's talking about.


Can I just RPC any scenes with Gumaro and Roberto together?? I'm pretty sure this conversation jut boiled down to Roberto can't say a word about Mateo being his son because the truth would come out and everyone would know that Rob isn't even a publicity guy [so why did he decide on this particular job??]

Lichita is excited about the things they are doing to launch the Mas campaign, but she see her mom is preoccupied about something. Magos drags her irresponsible and drunk ass home to watch her telenovela. Her daughter comes in to ask about a monederita rosa(little pink purse/wallet.)

Luciana sucks up to Beatriz. She claims she wants to work. She begs Bea to help her get a job. God is going to reward Bea for all her help.

OMG. Magos sucks. She uses her child as an excuse to not talk to Elsa and answer her questions. Like Magos really gives a rip that it's Ximena's bedtime. Whatevs. After Magos leaves, Elsa confesses to Lichita that Magos took the cab. It's just a good thing Nacho doesn't know. Lichita hopes nothing happened (or maybe she says it's a good thing nothing did.) Like me, Elsa can't understand why Magos is still acting like this. She's a mother. [I gotta agree.]

The Supermercados Mas campaign is going so well, that they are going to put Robert in charge of trying to land the next big account with a Japanese cosmetic company-Oki Oki. Iconika will be competing with the Madeleine. Sandra asks Rob's opinion. BS alert. He says something akin to "This challenge is going to be a challenging challenge that will challenge us all to challenge challenge."

Back in Rob's office he convinces Lichita to help him by promising to make her the idea person for a principal account at Icónika. He uses the term creativa titular(creativo=idea man). Lichita is thrilled. They celebrate. Finally! All her sacrifices will be rewarded!

Why does Roberto have to talk to Gumaro so much? Sheesh. Did Gumaro ask Roberto to get him a job at Icónika? [I almost hope so!!] For now, Roberto is content with Lichita. More lines until Roberto says that he needs to prove he has a stable job. [Dear show, I really do like you for the most part, but this whole scam to impress the social worker? Meh. Maybe I need a new beanie.]

Bea is going to get Luciana a job at Icónika.

Lichita researches the Oki Oki corporation. Chuchette is mortified to hear that Roberto is bringing Lichta to the meeting. She's a terrible image for Iconika. Roberto stands firm. Lichita is going. Chuchette wants to know what Lichita knows about Japan. Lichita was a fan of anime and manga. Lichita mentions Señorita Cometa [I wasted a lot of time checking those videos out. Google it.] Cuchette is not convinced. Chuchette is also an idiot. I really can't stand her. Chucette wants to take the Japanese businessmen to a fabulous Mexican restaurant. Lichita thinks a Japanese restaurant might be better. Roberto sides with Chuchette.

And the business meeting cum meal is a huge flop. Lichita thinks they should have gone to a Karaoke bar. Chuchette won't shut up. Lichita tries to engage the men in conversation about Japan. She starts to ramble too. Mainly about manga and anime [I'm with you on the manga, Lichita!]. Chio Chio Pow Pow seemed to illicit a response from the Japanese men. Lichita and Chuchette keep trying to push the Mexican food on them. It's too spicy. Lichita makes the older man sad talking about how much he must miss Japan. The guys from the competing agency show up. Roberto and Lichita wonder how they knew where they were. The competition invites the Oki Oki guys to come with them to a karaoke bar. Chuchette uses her boobs as leverage to keep the Japanese there. One of the competitors pulls out some red underwear. Chuchette left them at his house. Well, now we know how they found out! While Roberto yells at her, the clients leave. Roberto rallies the troops. We'll turn the tables and *we'll* be the ones to drop in "by coincidence."

Back at the house, Elsa gives Magos hell about taking Nacho's taxi. He overhears, but they cover for themselves. Magos thanks her mother for covering for her. I'm distracted by Elsa's soup. It looks a lot like my abuelo's caldo gallego. mmmm. Ximena runs in with her little pink purse and Nacho finds something inside. It's a ticket. Argument ensues. Magos says she'll pay it. Then gets mad at her father for thinking she's a conchuda(freeloader; moocher) [um. She is.] Nacho adds some other adjectives to the list as well. When Ximena comes in they all make nice, but she's not stupid. They were arguing.

Karaoke bar and a hideous rendition of Cielito Lindo.

Aaaand...they decide they are going to try and have Magos play on our heartstrings. It was bound to happen with Sherlyn in the role. Magos is sad because Nacho said such horrible things. Ximena feels bad when Magos is sad.

The jerks from the Madeleine agency gloat and ask if Chuchette plans to sing. She's a little hoarse, but if she could she's entertain them with Rata de dos patas. They egg Lichita on next. She puts on her fight face and gets on the stage. She dedicates the Senorita Cometa theme song to Mr Matsumoto. Robeto gives her a little hat. [Look up Senorita Cometa, it makes sense.] I couldn't find any videos of the Senorita Cometa theme song that sounded anything like what I heard tonight (but I'm tone deaf I think.) The basic plot of the show though, is this little space girl gets sent to earth because she misbehaves so much. So Lichita's speech about missing family and friends resonates with Mr. Matsumoto. They get a chance to present their idea for the cosmetic company and Roberto has something for her!

Luciana blows smoke and tells Bea that she was praying to God and the saints that her uncle would let her work at Iconika. It turns out that it was Bea's family money (los Casablanca) that launched the company. So Luciana will have that job. Maybe not a big position. She'll need to work hard. Luciana swears she will work hard to get a great position.

Roberto gives Lichita her own office and the title of "creativa titular". It was thanks to Lichita that they have this chance! The account is almost theirs! PS: But he's still in charge. That hasn't changed. She's still excited though. I loved her celebration dance. Finally! She has her own office and recognition!

Wait. Is this too good to be true?

Previous: Episode 5
Next: Episode 7


I'll try to make it shorter and more coherent next week. I'll also try to get it done faster.

Roberto gets into publicity because at that very point he thinks "world of publicity is the ideal one to sell and appear what you're not" (el mundo de la publicidad es el ideal para vender y aparentar ser lo que no eres). And he is forced to lie to get work because no one has given him a second opportunity, after th prison. (cap.2, talking with Gumaro).

Thank you ljane for taking the time to read the recap and answering my questions about Roberto.

Fabulous job, Sara! Oh, that Sheila totally set Roberto up for that fraud accusation. I'm guessing she will pop up again. What a heartless beyotch abandoning her kid like that.

Not only did Magos steal her dad's cab for a joyride, she stole her daughter's wallet as well! Wow. Sorry, her little pout later didn't make me feel bad for her. If she wants her father's respect, she should earn it. I noticed last night that her daughter doesn't call her mom, but instead calls her by her first name. That says a lot.

Alicia and Roberto would have had better luck earlier on with the Japanese clients had Chuchette had been left out of the mix from the beginning. She's horrible. And also can't seem to keep her knickers on or her mouth shut with the competition.

Vivi, I had also noticed that Ximena calls her mother by her first name. I try not to let that bother me, but it really does. It puts distance between them that shouldn't be there.

The whole scene with Magos crying just annoyed me. So far there are very few characters I find redeemable. Luckily Roberto is one of them. He's still not on my like list, but I've tentatively put him on my I'll give him a chance list. That bit with Sheila made me feel a little pity for him. He sure as hell hasn't abandoned his child. (We've got two bad mothers in this. QTH?)

*sigh* Chuchette. She doesn't even stop to think what she says. How has she gotten this far? Oh. Never mind.

The Chinese/Japanese jokes(?) got old and I didn't find them funny. If I missed something please explícame.

I have an overwhelming urge to read Manga today. I'm going to see if Candy Candy is available on Kindle.

Sara- Cultural sensitivity in Mexican comedies always remind me of US comedies from the 50s. *sigh* I'll say no more on that right now.

Ok, so I'm not missing something. It really is culturally insensitive. Thanks for confirming, Vivi.

Hunh. Candy Candy was a Manga from the mid 70s based on a prose novel. It was then made into an anime. I assume that Lichita was referring to the anime. Candy was also an orphan who grew up in an orphanage.

Not that this has anything to do with the show. Just one of my "felt the need to share" comments.

Thanks for that info, Sara. Lichita's knowledge of anime certainly turned out to be helpful. I love learning new stuff.

thanks for the recap, Sara! Tuesday and Wednesday nights I am not home so I depend on the recaps to keep up to date.. too bad I missed the anime references and the karaoke...
your translation "This challenge is going to be a challenging challenge that will challenge us all to challenge challenge." had me almost spitting out my coffee...
and I totally agree ... we have two irresponsible mothers, one that HAS her kid but does not behave like a mother, and one that left her kid at an orphanage... and one dad who would probably give an arm if he could be with his son without having to lie and fake what he is not... sigh! it does make me give Roberto the 'benefit of the doubt' even more now...

thanks! that kid has 'sadness' down packed! I remember him from other novelas too.


ok, even without watching last night's ep, I have a couple predictions... both Luciana and Gumaro will end up also working at Iconika... and Luciana will end up stealing the account(s) or even the new promotion (title) from Lichita... and Roberto won't be able to do anything about it since Bea/Augusto will put the foot down.
And I even predict that there will be something (relationship, villainous teaming, etc) between Gumaro and Luciana.
Sara, I too hate Chuchette... but don't we all know there is at least several Chuchette's in every workplace?
Magos... don't get me started on her... stealing her own daughter's savings? #%)@(*%)!!!

I'm glad you found the recap useful and that I could make you laugh, Marta.

"... a dad that would give his arm if he could... "

We'll said and like you it's made me willing to give Rob a chance.

We must be in sync, Marta. I thought about a Gumaro/Luciana pairing last night too. I would rather see a mismatched romance story though. Not a villainous pairing.

I hope you figure it out, MartaMarta! I'm anxious to see Señorita Cometa :)

Just lost my comments! Here we go again!

Sara, thanks for the fabulous recap. I was busy cooking and never hit record on the vcr so I really needed it. Also, thank you for researching Señorita Cometa. I have no knowlege of manga or anime so I learned something. Neveretheless my favorite was your reference to "nunca jamás" as the "triple whammy nunca" which it is!!! I also liked your direct translation of "like a marble in a chamber pot" because I could see it and hear it.

After this comment I am going to try to put Mago off to the side on a shelf, so to speak, so she does not pollute this otherwise very enjoyable story. Elsa is truly an enabler in reference to Mago (as might be Nacho) by never letiing her feel the full weight of the consequences of her irresponsible behavior. It irked me when Elsa tried to protect her from Nacho's reaction. Mago's croc tears did nothing for me. I do not care care about or want to hear her backstory. There, I am done!

What I did like: Lichita's karaoke performance, Roberto's backstory and Luciana wheedling a job out her "dear aunt".

Vivi, your comparison of Mexican humor with the fifties' humor here is right on. Nothing politically correct about it.

That is all for now

Now, don't get me wrong. Humor doesn't have to be politically correct. Biting humor can be offensive, but gets to the heart of a real truth, and can be funny as all heck. G. Carlin, E. Murphey, R. Pryor all come to mind. But humor based on ignorance (interchanging Chinese people for Japanese people) is just stupid.

ok here we go. pix should be srta cometa.

Thanks for the wonderful recap! This show is so crazy and fast it cannot be easy!

I was excited to think the Maite was going to sing at the karaoke bar but did anyone else think her song was prerecorded? It didn't sound live, like the other guy's did. That made me a bit disappointed.

That little Mateo had my heart breaking! I feel a bit better about Roberto now after finding out his backstory.

Magos continues to be worthless and I won't feel bad for her until she starts trying, anything, to help her daughter and family. She needs a big kick in the booty.

The only singer/actor I have ever heard perform live and not to a pre-recorded track in a tn is Pedro Fernandez, so I wasn't surprised that Maite lip-synced to her recorded song.

I take that back, Alex Sirvent also sings live and some other less well known tn actors. I should say none of the big stars, other than Pedro, do it live.

Jarifa- I was also unmoved by Magos's tears. Maybe we will get some more scenes that win me over to her side, but right now I am not her fan.

Vivi: I agree about all those funny guys! I love their biting satire.

Marta!!: I LOVE IT!!!! I love Señorita Cometa! I don't know why, but Lichita's love of anime really delighted me.

Carvivlie: Thank you. I confess I find this much harder to recap. But I think I do it to myself. I start getting anxious before the episode starts! Like you, I am feeling a little better about Rob.

About the karaoke-I did like that she was still "Lichita" throughout. Part of me sort of expected her to suddenly come out or her shell and be more "Maite", but when all was said and done I was glad that she stayed somewhat timid.

One more note for Vivi- I think it was yesterday...maybe Friday...you mentioned that while Rob was kind of playing Litchita, he was also building her confidence and helping her stand up for herself more. I can't remember, did you say you thought it was on purpose? Or is it an accidental consequence of his scam?

Awesome Sara, I'm frequently distracted by your soup, mmmm.

"This challenge is going to be a challenging challenge that will challenge us all to challenge challenge."

Jarifa thanks for putting into words my thoughts exactly about Magos and her parents.

Not to delve too deeply (I got plenty of examples) it didn't bother me last night, it was clumsy and juvenile, but it really showed people have assumptions born of ignorance (Chuchette) while there are others (Alicia) that know they don't know and make a sincere attempt. Golly, if I had a penny for every ping pow, or ah so and worse. Oh, years ago I worked for a law firm that represented Japanese firms that visited our US offices often in a major US city and recall one gentleman always want a good hamburger.

Thank goodness Roberto has a good explanation for his behavior and wish he would let Alicia in on it.


Sara- I think Roberto on one hand knows a confident Alicia is an Alicia who comes up with and shares great ideas-- this is good for his plan. On the other hand, I think he genuinely likes her and respects her, and wants her to be respected by others. He sees how others puts her down and he wants her to stand up for herself. I think the fact that, even without her prompting and telling him how much she hates that the people at work call her Lichita (ok for family and friends, not ok for co-workers), he calls her Alicia, shows there is an innate respect there. Is it going to stop him from taking advantage of her? Nope. Not when what's at stake is getting Mateo back.

ITA, Tofie. If Rob only told Alicia what is really going on, she would totally find a way to help him.

Vivi, I agreed with your comment on the irony yesterday and so too today about Roberto and Alicia.

Main thing clouding Alicia's judgement is she has already fallen for the guy. Bless her heart if/when he becomes attracted to or the object of attraction for another woman. I wonder aloud if that is what Luciana's entry into the workplace if for.

I think Luciana will be like Chuchette, but with actual power and backing (Bea) to get away with making Alicia's life pretty miserable, besides being the antagonist hunting for Roberto (little does Luciana know about his real background).

I know Marta and rats, it's gonna be hard enough for Roberto to see Alicia romantically without a petty tyrant bimbo in the way.

Thank you Sara for your recap! And I'm totally with you on the entrada, I need something to sing along to, and I want to see what kind of intro they come up with for this tn.

Jarifa, it also irked me when Elsa tried to protect Magos from Nacho. Umm hello?? She's not a nina anymore. At this point if I had to hand over the most minuscule chore/responsibility I have more faith that Ximena (the 6 year old) would get it done before Magos. She's the total weak link in that family.

I'm really glad we got to see what Rob's motivation is for working at Iconika. Now I wonder how much further he's willing to go knowing that it's his son on the line. Either way, he's played by Arath so he's good in my book :)

Vivi, thks for pointing out how he calls her Alicia. I like that he does that. Can't wait to see how their relationship evolves.

& yes unfortunately it looks like Luciana is set to make all sorts of trouble at Iconika. Hopefully having her uncle dislike her will reign her in a bit.




Sara- I was wondering what was up with the hat, but now that I've looked up Princess Comet I see it wasn't random. The story line sounds adorable. She has to find her prince on earth & "He will be known by the twinkling in his eyes", all the while trying to do it before Princess Meteor finds him, how cute is that?? Hmm...I do see some magna in my near future.


There has not been another character that I have disliked so much from the start as I do Magos since another Rosy Ocampo production: PESE. There the character was Fernando a middle aged "macho" played by Pablo Valentín (Gumaro). Valentín played him to such perfection at times I didn't want to watch him because he made my skin crawl. "Machismo" was a major theme of that novela. I would like to see Valentín in a more major role some time. He is such a good actor.

Marta, I like your new "cometa" avatar!

tofie said:
“....but it really showed people have assumptions born of ignorance (Chuchette) while there are others (Alicia) that know they don't know and make a sincere attempt….”

So much WORD on this.

Chuchette strikes me as someone who would get very defensive and argumentative, but not stop and think “wow. I didn’t realize….” I think Lichita is so used to people saying hurtful things to her that she wants to be extra sure not to offend someone else. I know I’ve asked stupid questions of my Muslim students and they appreciate that while my question is an ignorant one, it’s coming from a place of a sincere desire to understand. Chuchette really has no desire to understand anything.

And AMEN to Rob telling Lichita!! I think she would be very understanding.

Vivi-I really can’t thank you enough for all your commentary on Rob. It helps me enjoy him a little more and maybe not get so mad at him.

Marta said:
I think Luciana will be like Chuchette, but with actual power and backing (Bea) to get away with making Alicia's life pretty miserable, besides being the antagonist hunting for Roberto (little does Luciana know about his real background).

I really wish I could argue with this...but I can’t. I think that is exactly where we are heading.

jlk: I am really starting to fear that we will NEVER have an entrada. I can’t seem to find even a leaked copy anywhere. This is very dissatisfying. Especially since I like the snippet of song we do get.

Thank you for the extra info on Senorita Cometa :-)

I probably shouldn’t say this in public, but I am a sucker for shoujo manga...which is aimed at teenaged females. Lots of swoony romance.


Jarifa: I forgot to give you a "WORD" too (I distracted myself thinking of manga.) I did not see Pablo Valentín PESE, but I did see him in Para volver a amar as the bad guy's kind of slimy henchman (at least, the DVD made him look that way.) He's definitely a great actor.

Only caught the last couple of minutes, and the previews and haven't read the recap or comments, but had to ask: Does Lichita get an office only to lose it to Ditz Girl? I really hate those kick a dog when s/he's down storylines.

That's how it appears in the previews, Nanette.

I hope they aren't kicking Lichita through the whole thing.

Thanks so much Sara---Not too much to say today except that I'm a Sherlyn fan---I really hope that Magos gets better as the novela progresses. Ximena is such a sweetie, It's hard to believe how distant Magos is from her daughter. Redemption please!

I'm glad that we were given a heads up on Roberto's past but he's told a lot of lies
some of them will have to come back to bite him.

Luciana working at Iconika is going to be BAD-BAD news, especially for Lichita. I just can't believe that they will get along or even halfway becoming friends.

not to be missed--must see tv
the gringo

Gringo: know you're a big fan of Maite's and have to say this is my first TN of hers and the little I've seen of it, she's doing a bang up job. She looks like she's having a blast!!

Maite is really inhabiting the role of Lichita. She's doing a great job of not overdoing a character that could easily become a stereotype.

Vivi: So true!! And that takes skill and talent. Comedy may be her forte.

I agree too.

Sara, this was an incredible, detailed and simply sensational recap.

I learned more from what you wrote than by watching the show.

How fortunate we are to have you...

"Elsa ignores him and makes her way to the kitchen so she can stare at her phone and will Magos to communicate with her just by saying her name" made me smile.

All I can say is that I like Lichita's slow climb to success. Dogged determination, grit and spunk, she has it all.

"She's still excited though. I loved her celebration dance. Finally! She has her own office and recognition!"

If it is too good to be true, I'm still going to remember that dance and her happiness.

Sara, you are a master recapper.


I've been watching Maite like a hawk in this one, not being a huge fan, and saw only 3 or 4 brief moments of Maite, rest of the time I forget it's her and she is Alicia. Darn good in my estimation.

Diana-you make me blush. Your comments are works of art. You are a master. Not I.

Nanette---Yes, you are so right. I am a BIG-BIG-BIG Maite fan but I have to admit that I wasn't sure if I would like her in this office worker role. Maite is FAB TO THE MAX---She has won me over since day one. I can't wait until 8:PM each weekday night to see what is going to happen to Lichita and her career. I know that there will be setbacks along the way, but underneath that façade she's one smart cookie.

Roberto thinks that he has her wrapped around his finger---oh yeah? Is he in for a surprise.

must see tv
the gringo

Thanks, Sara. Terrific recap. "Papá" *sniff said it all. Appreciate the translation of como canica en bacinica because I had given up on trying to figure it out.

I’m totally at Roberto’s table -- well, once he stops lying to Luchita. I’m guessing he’s not going to be attracted to Luciana. He’s shown no interest in Chuchette, and after being betrayed by his baby’s mama he should have a good nose for detecting phonies.

That happy dance between Luchita and Roberto was too cute.

I missed Augusto.

Thank you, Niecie!

"I’m guessing he’s not going to be attracted to Luciana."

I really hope you are right AND that Luciana doesn't use Bea's power to screw with him.

Ugh. But I can see him "playing" Luciana...especially if he thinks he can get something out of it. This would upset Lichita.


gringo, I'm happy to be watching something you are once again.

I'm smiling because I think you are right! Roberto is taking Lichita too much for granted. Still don't think he realizes how fierce and intelligent she is.

Look forward to her showing him!


I have a feeling luci will find out his secret and force him to do her will over lichita and alicia will be brokenhearted.

Muchisimas gracias, Sara! So much goes on in this show, and it probably doesn't help that I'm trying to watch it and work on other stuff at the same time, but we do what we gotta do. It's really great to have the recap fill in what I missed.

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