Friday, September 11, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #13 Thu 9/10/15 (Mex 16-17)

This is going to be the fastest recap ever. And it’s not a recap. It’s a rundown of highlights...out of order...from memory...and missing the end since my DVR cut out. (It was Open House last night and the NFL opener. I woke up early and watched and did this.)

Pedro takes Gianna to the servants’ quarters and hysteria ensues. Lots of screaming for the doctor. Lots of hand wringing.

Unaware of the chaos, Anibal decides to take Julieta out for a romantic dinner (at La Dolce Vita.)

Pedro calls for Gael. Who knew? The dude studied medicine in Europe.

Adela and Ray have some lines. I think they were worried about Vito finding out they’ve all been lying.

Gael proves worthless. OOOPS. Looks like he was lying to them all. He either wasn't studying at all, or he didn't finish his studies. At least he had the decency to act ashamed.

During Anibal and Julieta’s romantic dinner we learn that she hates Italians. We also learn that Anibal is a stickler for personal hygiene. While he is in the bathroom washing his hands, his phone goes off. It’s a text from a lady thanking him for the divine time last week. Too bad it was Julieta that saw it and not Anibal. Busted.

Dante thinks Frederica overplayed her hand with Gianna’s medicine. If the girl dies there will be an investigation. Frederica assures Dante she knows what she’s doing.

Gianna’s health crisis is resolved. Fiorella leaves the room to avoid hearing the Dr’s Prognosis of Certain Doom Without Treatment. Pedro and Elosia seem very concerned. Gianna seems unconscious, but she’s heard it all.

Pedro catches Fiorella crying and planting something (?) He apologizes for not trusting Fi. He’s sorry he thought she was lying about her sister’s health. He asks why she left before hearing the Dr and Pedro realizes that Fi is very aware of how serious her sister’s health is. She cries. They almost kiss. Simoneta interrupts to tell Fi that Gi is awake.

Vito makes his way to Dos Rios. I’m pretty sure he never makes it there. Later in the episode he shows back up at the restaurant with his arm in a sling. I’m not surprised. The whole time he was “driving” in the car talking to Zacarias he didn’t even bother to touch the steering wheel.

Simoneta is washing a pair of Gael’s shoes and kvetching about getting the paint off. Fi gets angry. Gael was the one that spilled paint everywhere!

Benito shows up at Rancho Los Angeles. They’re looking for a chauffeur. I guess he’s applying. Rox is returning from her night on the town dressed as a slutty maid? She’s drunk. Benito tries to pick her up. “OOO. I’ll love working here if all the employees are so pretty.” Dante sends Rox away. It takes a minute, but Dante remembers Benito’s name.

Fi has entered the living room and begins accusing Gael of the paint spillage. The Vultures are quite annoyed. “Who the hell does she think she is accusing us?” Rox decides to make her entrance. While Dante helps drag her away, Gianna’s medicine falls out of her bag. Fi sees this and starts up her accusations anew.

Pedro admits to Fidel that he’s falling in love with Fi.

Eloisa wants a great-grandchild. If Pedro can’t find a wife, Eloisa will find one for her. Osvaldo tells Sonia that if they could have a child, Eloisa will look at them differently.

Benito has gotten the chauffeur job. Pedro is surprised to see him there. Benito is surprised, but pleased to learn that Fi is working at Rancho Los Angeles. Fi seems less pleased.

Rox attacks Gianna (verbally and physically.) Rox is sure that Gianna planted the medicine on purpose. Pedro comes along and drags Rox off Gianna. He comforts Gianna and gives her an iPod-like device. Fi is listening at the door. When Pedro turns and sees her, she mouths “gracias.”

Later Rox tells Gael that the Italians are purposely setting them up. She wants his help in getting back at them.

Eloisa has called for Fi. Fi apologizes for the scandal. Eloisa actually approves of her spunk, but there are rules that need to be followed.

Dante has given Osvaldo a copy of the video of Sonia and Pedro kissing. I’m not sure if he actually got to see it, because Sonia interrupts him. He tries to make sexy sexy, but Sonia really isn’t that stupid. He hasn’t touched her in months so she knows he’s just trying to make a baby. There’s not attraction or affection about his kissing.

Dante notes to Eloisa that Maximo’s birthday is coming up. The first birthday without Maximo. Dante asks how old he would be. Eloisa tells him not to be stupid because he knows exactly how old Max would be. Dante responds with an “among other things.” Eloisa shuts him down again. They both know things. So they might plan something to remember his birthday. I think there was talk about organizing a hunt, too. It was something Max would organize every year. Eloisa won’t be going, just the nietos.

Julieta cries on Sergio's shoulder. Sergio doesn't understand why she doesn't divorce Anibal. Anibal arrives with flowers. He gets romantic with Julieta. Sergio looks on from afar and says a lind.

After trying to woo his wife, Anibal gets skeevy with Fi. Benito interrupts. He tells Fi he’s her guardian angel. Fi calls him a demon aaaaand the DVR cuts off.

Previous: Episode 12
Next: Episode 14


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Thanks Sara...great recap from memory and under intense pressure from school matters and the NFL.

Wow, they surely are editing. Big chunks of this seem to be missing and scene changes leave one dizzy but who cares? as long as we have some sweet romantic near-kisses and loving "gracias" looks between our romantic couple, well, color me happy. Cut and chop as much as you want, just not those moments.

They're beating us over the head with clues about why Julieta puts up with this punishing and humiliating marriage. Guess Fiorella's biological father must be a love 'em and leave 'em Italian, and Julieta's been flogging herself every since for her pecado.

Ah, we humans do find ways to increase the suffering that Life seems to amply provide us. But at least in telenovelas, we can look forward to some guaranteed happy endings.

Thanks for whipping this out bright and early Sara. Is your beloved a Patriots or a Steelers fan? The fight for TV viewing time begins!

Good morning, Sara, and thank you for this great recap under stressful conditions.

I think Fi was planting an apple tree?

So there is some sort of sordid history in Sonia and Osvaldo's marriage. She said something like, "After what happened between us you can still think of having a child?" And later, expressed disinterest in having a child on a "whim" (?). So, Although Sonia seems to have some nasty tendencies, perhaps she has a reason for reacting the way she does out of reflex self-protection.

Well, I can tell you that I have saved a lot of time over the course of my lifetime by having never watched a football game.

Thanks again, Sara. Loved it.



Grazie tanto, Sara!

Did they cut out Benito's interview with Eloisa? It was funny and despite his lack of experience as a chauffeur she hired him because of his attitude and humor.

Fiorella was planting an apple tree and praying.

Vittorio didn't make it to DR, but the accident wasn't shown.

So Federica is looking to cut out the younger relatives first. Typical in a role from this actress, who was a Medea killer in Mujeres Asesinas.

More later because I need to know where this episode ended to fill in blanks without accidentally providing spoilers.

Thank you JudyB, David and Urban! I'm actually a Vikings fan, but hubs loves keeping up with the NFL and I love hubs, so...

David- special thanks for the extra details. Today will definitely be a group effort recap. I agree with you about Sonia. There is something there that has made her the way she is.

JudyB - I agree with you. I'm not a fan of the editing, but they are leaving is some wonderfully sweet and romantic scenes so I'm still happy. JustJose and Livia have quite a lot of sweet chemistry that I am really loving.

Urban - I think they did show the interview and I just forgot to add it. It was getting late and I still had to get ready for work.


Since we've been given so many hints about the "conservative" character of this family, I'm guessing that Sonia might have been a cabaretera in a sleazy dive when Octavio met her. He married her despite family disapproval because he was young enough for his hormones to rule. I'm guessing that he has since woken up to the fact that she married him for his family's money. I wonder how long ago that was.

I wonder what Eloisa's husband died of.

Dante has obviously worked for this family long enough to have a lot of dirt on all of them. I'm guessing that he's also boinking Federica on the sly (remember this same actor's character in CS 09?).

Gracias, Sara! I'm always amazed at what you can do quickly and from memory!

"At least he had the decency to act ashamed." I now want Gael to dish about what he was doing all that time. I'm intrigued.

"Fiorella leaves the room to avoid hearing the Dr’s Prognosis of Certain Doom Without Treatment." This and her determined denial really bothered me. And seeing Pedro hear the news...Pedro doesn't do "death" well. Looked like he was freaking out a bit. But he still took it better than Fiorella.

"Eloisa actually approves of her spunk, but there are rules that need to be followed." I'm getting no clue at all about what those "rules" actually are, because the only one that gets applied even remotely consistently is "Don't piss off the nonna!"

"aaaaand the DVR cuts off." Mine, too, and I swear I told it to record an extra few minutes. I guess I'll have to check on that.

Thank you again, Sara!

Urban, Sonia is supposed to have had a career as a performer and that's coming from Pedro, when he suggested she resume that career, so it was probably more like "aspiring pop star." That was probably plenty scandalous for Eloisa. Farther from "respectable" than that and she wouldn't have allowed the marriage to take place, pregnancy or no.

David, I agree, Sonia's attitude has a lot to do with self-protection. I just wish she'd self-protectively get the hell out of there!

JudyB, you said it! Just leave us the smoochies!

Crap. I forgot. Gianna acted like she was unconscious, but she heard the prognosis too. She now knows the truth.

Thank you Sara! Can't wait to read this!


Sara, thanks so much for fitting us into your busy schedule. How was open house?

This is Eagles country, but I really do not follow football...except for Michael Strahan on Live! I would like to have lunch with him sometime.

What a bunch this is. Talk about a pit of vipers. Can you imagine living with these people ?

I, too, was amazed that Fi left Gi's room. I wonder how long Gi has . Will there be a miracle operation ?

Well, at least Pedro is acting like a galan in giving his support and protection to both girls.

Good morning Sara, thanks for the quicky
Recap, you hit the interesting points.

Can someome tell me what is the deal with
Benito? Now hes just going interfear with Fi
And pedro. Hes like a sickening pesky fly. I
Wish he'd go away.

sara, yes, that was sad to have her hear that! :(

Susanlynn, the doctor says a few months, with treatment. Or did I mis-hear that?

Nina, thank you for reminding me! Yes! Ugh! Benito! No, dude, you're not "in love" you're obsessed! Go home, Benito!

Thank you Susanlynn and Nina!

Susanlynn-Oh my yes! Pedro is definitely getting a lot of dreamy galan points from me! *swoon* He is feeling more and more like a Principe Azul to me.

Nina-Benito only gets on my nerves when he's around Fi. Otherwise I kind of like him :-)

Thank you for the details, 5ft. I have a vague recollection that it was just a few months, too.

Thank you Sara this helps bunches. I'm still struggling with who these people are.

"At least he had the decency to act ashamed"

I would rather they chop now instead of a two week chop at the end.

So Pedro said his final good bye, for closure, to Tania. Now he can move on to Fifi.

Thank you, tofie! You know, that's an excellent point...cutting little things at the beginning does seem better than a lot of stuff at the end. Well, I mean...I'd rather have no cutting at all, but I guess as long as the swoony stuff and the smoochies are still there I will be less annoyed.

Sara, I agree with you about Benito; he only irritates me when he's around Fi. Otherwise he lends a kind of Mickey Rooney/Michael J. Fox kind of energy and light humor to the story.

As for Sonia marrying for money, she may have, but there is a distinction between marrying FOR money, and marrying INTO money. She would have known that Osvaldo was better off than her, but her motivation could have been that she perceived Osvaldo to be a go getter. If this is true, then her disillusionment could have come when she realized what a pathetic slug Osvaldo is.

As a test to see how low Sonia is really willing to go, it would be interesting to see her reaction if some male she throws herself at actually takes her up on it.


BINGO! Yes, David! Thank you for finally putting your finger on what I liked about Bentit. Mickey Rooney/Michael J. Fox vibe is exactly right.

I also like your insightful comment about Sonia. It will be interesting to see how her character develops. I like the actress a lot and almost hope she ends up being someone I can root for.

Sara! Thank you girl. No apologies needed, child, this summary rocks and hit everything that matters. I truly admire your ability to do this! Does anyone ever talk to these ADULTS when they are sick and tell them the truth about what's going on with their own bodies! Jeezopete! Fifi's been keeping the truth from Gigi for her own good and now she has to hear it like this! Maybe if she'd known how serious her condition was she wouldn't have gone gallivanting off on a horse and checked her purse again before she took off! Okay. Now she knows. I hope it doesn't squelch her spunk and joy of living. I hope rather she is careful but goes all in to enjoy life to the last drop (no pun intended).

Oooo! Pedro is in lo-ove, Pedro is in lo-ove, Pedro is in lo-ove!!! Yes, love me some love and agree, Pedro and Fifi gots some chemistry bay-bay! YAH! Simoneta! Next time you see them two together you need to slow your roll and let them have their moment!


"for her own good" I meant to say. I don't want to imply that I agree with that!


Thanks, Lila! (Looks like we are both being sneaky at work *shifty eyes*)

"Maybe if she'd known how serious her condition was she wouldn't have gone gallivanting off on a horse and checked her purse again before she took off!"

Okay. Now she knows. I hope it doesn't squelch her spunk and joy of living. I hope rather she is careful but goes all in to enjoy life to the last drop (no pun intended)."

Me too! I hope Gianna is around for the duration. I really like her.


Given the tone of this series I think Gianna will have a miracle operation at some point. Maybe Benito will grow up and court her.

Thanks for the reminder, Urban!

There's a scene with Benito and Gianna. It's not super important, but it shows that Gianna clearly likes Benito and is a little upset that he seems to like Fi more.

I don't care who she likes, I want Gianna with Gael.

Gael is one of those kids who is sweet but has no work ethic or focus...i am looking at you, half the guys in my reading class. #justcorrectedfirsttest

I suspect that Eloisa's husband made most of the fortune before Sergio came of age. Maximo and Eloisa probably became overly conservative on the surface to be accepted among people with older money. That's what could make them so scandal-phobic.

Makes me wonder what made Pedro become so industrious while the rest of them are so lazy and entitled.

Susanlynn- Blech. There are a lot of people out there like that. (((hugs))) I know the pain of grading the tests.

Urban- Do you mean Eloisa and Pedro being scandal-phobic? Because the rest of them seem to be scandal magnets and don't care.

Hey, I love the hitting the high points recap Sara. Gives a great chat point and I was watching with one eye on the TV and another on work wrap up, so the bullet reminders were perfect.

Not sure I'm loving Benito now under foot in the household unless the writers start hooking him up with Gianna. I enjoy the actor, but right now the character is like an annoying gnat.

So Julietta hates Italians...but the Italian got the girls. That's a story I'm interested to hear.

Too much Dante....way too much. And I have found that as soon as the actress playing Roxy shows up and starts emoting, the Mute button has become my best friend. then it's quite amusing to just watch her flaying and bug eyed.

I worry if the chopping is already starting, when do they plan then to finish this show. Are we going to be getting the fast condensed version of this show?



Thanks, daisynjay! I'm relieved that my quickie recap has still been helpful to the patio.

Also thanks for the tip about Rox. I'll try watching her on mute for a few laughs.

If they continue to chop episodes in half they still won't finish this before the end of the current calendar year. They'd go over into 2016 for a week or two. It doesn't make any sense.

What would make more sense would be if they did a few weeks of double episodes after Trampa ends.

Does anyone read Univision's message boards? I can't believe the viewers don't realize that this series is being butchered.

"Butchered" seems a little extreme. I'm enjoying it more in the last week than I did in the beginning.

You can just tell by the odd transitions and the way characters suddenly appear in a whole different place and with different people right after a previous scene. Hate when that little dweeb, whoever he or she is with the scissors, starts hashing at these shows. It's those darn mice. The union is mad they haven't had some good scenes in the dramas lately.


Sara, I have admired your "quickie recaps" since the days of TSTSNBN before I joined the team! I'm still working on emulating you!

The editing reminds me of those Sprint commercials where people cut their old phone bills in half with swords, chainsaws, weed wacker, hack saw, etc. Makes no sense. If it's too long for prime time, why didn't they run it in the afternoon. I don't know what their criteria are but it feels disjoint, it's hard for me to ignore the feeling and even harder not to fuss about it!


I don't think the number of episodes matter with regard to the daypart; it's the Nielsen ratings. The 7PM time slot is difficult. Half the country gets the program at 6PM and if it's not being recorded there it's not being seen. I don't know how many watch on the website vs during the actual broadcast time.

This series aired in late afternoon in Mexico (at 4:15PM) over 8 months with a total of 176 episodes. It followed the one we never mention.

That's interesting UA. That's just about the time I want to sit and put my feet up before starting dinner. Don't imagine there are going to be any smoldering love scenes if that was the time slot in Mexico for this novela. Too bad...I rather like the steamy shower motif so frequent in the 9 pm shows!

Hey guys! Popping onto the patio to say hi. Thanks for the great recap Sara! I didn't think it was too short at all; I"m in awe of people who can distill scenes properly the way you do.

I haven't been out here in a while, but I caught up on the caps and I must say it was work! This groups is awful! Roxana aka Roxi is the new Mari. Where the heck does she get off with her attitude?! She's so barefacedly ungrateful, disrespectful, rude and mean, that she literally makes me skin crawl (I'm seriously, my scalp feels prickly when I think about her).

Fi and Gi are cute, but they get on my last nerve. They both need to rein in their reactions. Can I have some grown ups on this show?

One cliche about Italians is their emotional responses to things. They're too operatic for most other people, especially in cultures taught to downplay emotional responses in public situations.

That means gringos in general and rich people regardless of culture.

Since Fiorella and Gianna are both relatively sheltered girls who grew up working class they might not realize that their emotional manner disturbs other people.

JudyB, is it wrong that when you said "steamy shower" my first thought was how much I'd love to see the actual showers installed in this allegedly-swanky rancho? I mean, they'd have to be pretty impressive, right? Lots of stone...maybe some of those "rain" enclosed....

Sara, thank you for the recap, it covered everything! Like Diva, I'm liking the show a lot more now than when it started, mainly because of Eloisa and Fifi/

SARA, you captured the drama, the suspense, the emotion...I'm talking about your first paragraph ("This is going to be the fastest recap ever. And it’s not a recap...")! Well, the recap was great too! I would never have known that you were working on the fly, under pressure, with a malfunctioning DVR.

Our Pedro is thawing. Not heated up in the microwave but left to thaw slowly, at room temperature... Perfect!

Mr Dante makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and not in a good way.
Agree that maybe Sonia's backstory will give us reason to empathize with her. And Gael, he really is salvageable! Save him for Gianna, please writers.

J in Oregon


Awww, Lila! You are so sweet! I'm jealous of recappers that catch all the details and can write them up with flair (which is pretty much everyone on Caray.)

And I'm laughing about your comparison to the Sprint commercial.

Woohoo! A visit from hellashelle! Rox is like a Mari on steroids. But I kinda like Fi and Gi.

I want a good story y ya. But I think everyone has a different idea of what makes a good story. ;-)

Hi J!! I'm glad I'm not the only one matchmaking Gianna and Gael.

"Our Pedro is thawing. Not heated up in the microwave but left to thaw slowly, at room temperature... Perfect!"

Isn't he??? I'm enjoying watching the change in him.

AAARGH!!!! Eli....mi amiga! How did I miss your comment! Thank you! I really like this more and more with every episode :-)

Diva, Diva,, not wrong st all. These fancy new bathrooms are so splendiferous now, who needs love-making? Just hop in the shower and swoon with the thrill of it all. Still, I'm sure companionship in the shower would still be lovely. A pleasure shared is a pleasure twice over, no?

Ah, matchmaking...but doesn't Gianna want our annoying little Benito? That's the message I'm getting. And they'd be cute together. And his mama would make a great mother-in-law.

I believe shower shenanigans qualify as "good clean fun!" ;)

Gianna wants Benito, Benito wants Fiorella, Fiorella wants Pedro, Pedro wants Fiorella...if Gael is for Gianna, then that leaves who for Benito...R-- no, no, I can't even say it!

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the lightness of this TN and I have high hopes for character development and maturity. Exmaple, Pedro's been an ass, but he's definitely developing his galan elements well. Fi and Gi are regressing a little in my opinion. While Roxi totally deserved a good drenching and Dante's a wart on a hairy troll's toe, Gi's deliberately pissing off the people that can get her and her sister kicked out and fired isn't very considerate. I mean, she's got serious health issues and Fi had to blackmail someone just to get a maid's job. If they did get kicked out, they'd be leaning on the sympathy of Benito's parents, who aren't rollign in dough themselves. I just don't get the sense that she cares a flying fig about any cosequences and in their circumstances, that's a little selfish. It makes her seem much younger than her already young 18 years, while in the first few episodes I thought she was refreshingly mature.

PS: I thought it would be Benito and Gianna, but not I think it's Roxi and Benito, Gael and Gianna, which is a much better pairing.

Anyway, all of my above comment was meant to say I like the girls, but I really look forward to seeing them mature and develop.

Except for Roxi. She can go eat rocks right now for all I care cuz she's the worst.

Wow...lots of conversation while I was eating dinner.

"shower shenanigans".. Oh, You girls. Anibal seems to prefer bubble baths.

I think that Benito is going to end up with Mari...I mean Roxy..Toxic Roxy . They are both immature. I think that they are both detention hall regulars. At least Roxy does not have a ponytail and is playing her actual age. She will be reformed by the end.

" Our Pedro is thawing.". Ermegerd. He is the main reason that I am watching this show because almost everyone else is getting on my nerves. I need Fi and Gi to dial it back a smidge.

Da te played a very similar part in Corazon Salvaje..a dark , dangerous hulk.

You know who I really feel sorry for in this telenovela...the horse Dante rides. Lordy he looked like he was staggering under that noxious, malicious hulk of a man.

Ah. OK, hellashelle. I do see your point.

Susanlynn - your ermegerd is cracking me up! As is the quip about Anibal preferring bubble baths.

Rox gets on my last nerve so it will have to be a major redemption for me to support her. Not a last minute turn around like we had with Mari.


OK, after Benito's reaction to Roxy last night ( which made me think the boy a slap up the head), I sort of would rather have a Gianna/Gael pairing too. He seems more calm and not such a playboy. Benito is beginning to worry me a bit in that regard.


Woot! More folks for the Gael/Gianna table.

Random observation - Anibal wore a shiny suit last night. He said capisce a couple times. Is he a mob guy? He seemed to know Italy? Does he know Vito? He knows his restaurant.

Hellashelle, I agree about Gi, not responsible at all. She's like a puppy that will wet the rug every time you leave the room.

Admittedly I'm no fan of Livia Brito, though she cries pretty good, so she's got an uphill battle for me to warm to Fifi. I cannot wait till she has to explain to Pedro she is betrothed to Vittorio.

Wow..there's a lopsided triangle for you Vito--Fi--Pedro . What is the age difference supposed to be between Fi and Vi ?..half a century ?

Thanks Sara.......enjoyed your recap and comments from the patio. I am missing something, WHO ARE ALL these hangers on? Know some are children, grandchildren, but who is Fredrica? Since Eloisa now controls the purse strings (I assume) why does she allow herself to be disrespected in such a way.

And for cut scenes, did we ever find out what was in Dom's cross body purse in La Sombra?

Diva, I agree, this TN is growing on me, just wish Fi would tone down her hissy fits a little.

I must be the only 12 on the patio, go Hawks!!

See all tonight. Is the Naughty Melon still in business?

Thanks, emeraldrose!

I'm not sure if we are still calling it the Naughty Melon or something different.

perhaps we should turn The Naughty Melon into a trattoria in honor of the Italian theme here.

As to that ever present crossbody bag of Dom's in Sombra, it remains a mystery. I am guessing gum, tissues, a pen, a notebook, and pepper spray for any run ins with Severed. It's anyone's guess.

Fedirica is Eloisa's niece.

Nah, among any other things, Dom always carried a pic of her son in there. She gave it to Lola at the end of the show.

The Naughty Melon forever! Though if we want to open a branch in Little Italy under a new brand name, I'm ok with that. In fact I like it! Ok, I'll start: Fiorella's floral sundresses, Gianna's Keds, A whole range of hats, walking sticks. The head hankerchiefs are a little too 90s for me, but can we get some headbands in honor of Adela's ridiculous hair?

Anibal wore a shiny suit last night. He said capisce a couple times. Is he a mob guy? He seemed to know Italy? Does he know Vito? He knows his restaurant.

Ooooo! I like this, Sara. Let's remember it and watch Anibal. He sure has a slimey (Sev like) "aura" doesn't he?

Thanks Sara. SusanLynn and Hellashelle, your replies answered my questions. Helleshelle, a branch of the Melon sounds like fun and much needed.

He really does! Francisco Gattorno does slimy so well, but he does likeable well too. And he can cut a rug ;-)

Hey, Emeraldorose! Don't know much about football but I learned about the 12th man from my daughter while in Seattle. 12s all over the place!

You want a great restaurant? Great food and waiters in black tie.

Gianna has been sheltered even more than Fiorella has so we can cut her a little slack for immaturity. She does need something more to live for, though.

I've got my eyes on Dante and Federica for future shenanigans of every kind.

Speaking of Naughty Melon, remember the shop the girls ran in Fuego en la Sangre...."Crap From Afar" is what the recappers used to call it. I could be in favor of bringing that one back.

Hi Lila....we are proud 12's here. Most businesses and their employees are decked out in there Seahawks gear today. Even my doctor and his staff were all in hawks tee shirts today. There is even a family in Seattle with the last name of Twelve.

Hope your daughter likes Seattle and you get to visit her often.

Judyb---AH----Crap from Afar. I will never forget it- FELS provided a lot of giggles---beautiful horses, dudes climbing onto balconies, dudes baking, dudes showering and skinny dipping, glowing lilies in caves, lots of tears.

I'm watching "Footloose.'' Hey..that would be an interesting telenovela.

If it stars Kevin Bacon, I think the expanded possibilities for "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" might break the Internet :)

Benito may be for someone but not gianna.
Gael is for gianna, he'll go back to medical school because of her, and granny will aprove. Not roxy so much, she needs a enema. There is so many people in this crew
Thats not quite right.
Fredrica is the creepiest of the bunch. Shes
Got some whoopers about her to be let out of
The bag. Must see TV.

I'm also watching footloose. It gets good when he starts to teach them to dance like
City folk.
Now that would be a pretty interesting tn.
Jose Ron could play kevin bacon's part. He
Looks like he can cut the rug with the best
Of them. And maite whats-her-name, could
Play lori singers part. Someone should write
Univision and give em that idea. That maybe probably wont happen.
Yall enjoy your weekend.

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