Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #82 Wed 9/9/15

Lo Nuevo
When we left AP and Pablo last night she was about to confess that she was pregnant but changes her mind. She begs him to leave and he does. Blanquita comes in and AP tells her that her heart is breaking because she will never see Pablo again. Outside, Pablo says he does not know what AP meant when she said that there was something that would link them together, yet pull them apart. He will investigate and find out the truth.

In Vero's bedroom Emi chooses the day of his wedding to Ginny to tell Vero that he never stopped loving her. That he wants to love and protect her. Seriously dude? Anyway, he asks for an opportunity, but Vero refuses, saying she has been left empty, she can never love again. He keeps insisting.

Outside in the Prado-Castelo garden Ginny runs into Marty and tries to poison him with some more lies. She keeps insisting that Vero was la mala mujer. He gets her in a choke hold and tells her to shut up. He should kill her right there and then for destroying his brothers life and for trying to destroy the love that he and Vero share. Marty won't let her get away with it. He will make her pay. Ginny really looks worried. Meanwhile, inside the house Mati hides the Ginny/Dimi pic she found behind a statue of La Virgincita. Back outside Marty let's Ginny go, but says she's been warned.

Emi is still insisting that Vero give him a chance. He's telling her that he's going to teach her to love again and make her happy. Vero just cries, either because she's sad or because Emi just got blood all over her when he hugged her.

Back outside Ginny kisses her finger as to tell Martin to prepare himself for battle. No words are exchanged, only looks that could kill.

Jorge comes into Vero's room to console her. He wishes he could have protected her more. He asks her for forgiveness and only hopes that she will one day find love again and be happy. Vero says that unfortunately she can only love Marty. Her head tells her to hate him, but her heart tells her to love him.

Outside, Marty tells the security guy at the mansion that he is going to stay there until he talks to Vero, even if he has to sleep at the door.

Emi arrives at the Prado/Castelo mansion with a mariachi serenata for Vero. Seriously dude? Vero looks out her window and sees Emi with roses in hand and a very clean face. Apparently there was a first aid kit wherever Emi went to find this mariachi. At the same time Ginny also hears the music and goes to her window. While Ginny is looking out the window at the serenade, Mati comes into her room with a tray of food and sees the Ginny/Dimi picture on the tablet. A fight unsues between Mati and Ginny for control of the tablet and it escalates quickly. Mati is going to let everyone know what a snake she really is.

AP and Blanquita talk about Pablo. They also talk about how mean Manny is. AP says that Gramps wants to give AP's baby away. Cara de impactada de Blanquita. Downstairs Manny tells his Gramps that he was too soft with AP and suggests they find a doctor that will help them get rid of the baby. Polo has been listening and Manny grabs him. Gramps tells Manny to stop and that he's tired of Manny and his treatment of his sister and cousins. Gramps thinks that it best that they return to Pueblo Nuevo. Manny not so much.

Reymunda goes into AP's room wanting to know if Blanquita knew about the pregnancy. Blanquita confesses that she knew about AP and Pablo having relations, but not the pregnancy. Reymunda thinks it's best that they go back to Pueblo Nuevo.

Back to the PC mansion Vero sees Marty approaching the serenade from her window. She has to stop him before he and Emi start another fight. Security comes out to stop Marty. Jorge comes out and tells Marty to leave. Vero goes to Emi and thanks him for the flowers that he brought. She tells him that maybe she made a mistake and should have fallen for him. It should be noted that she says this knowing that Marty is there listening. You can tell that her heart is not in it.

Back to the struggle between Ginny and Mati. Ginny falls on the bed and this is Mati's opportunity to make a run for it. The fight goes into the hallway and to the top of the stairs. Oh oh! And with a little shove Mati goes down the stairs and the tablet goes flying. Ginny with a satisfied look searches for the tablet before anyone else sees it, then she scurries away like a thief.

Back at the serenade outside Emi gives Vero a dozen compliments and AGAIN begs for a chance as a still bloodied Marty is being held back by security.

Polo and Gramps have a talk. Upstairs Reymunda is upset that Blanquita kept quiet about AP and Pablo and says that her Gramps will no longer let her study nursing like she wants. Blanquita's all like, wait a minute, aren't you my mother? Don't your children and husband come before Gramps? Aren't parents supposed to want the best for their children? Blanquita sounds more mature than her mother. Reymunda simply says to please understand that he is her father. AP says that she is sorry and wishes she had had a mother when she was growing up. Reymunda promises to talk to Gramps about wanting to take AP's baby away.

Ginny gets into bed and thinks to herself that no one can blame her for Mati's accident. Everyone outside hears Salma's screams from inside the house. She has found Mati on the floor. Everyone, except Marty still being held back by security, goes into the house and finds a bloody Mati passed out. Salma blames Vero and tells her that too many bad things have happened since she came back to the city.Emi argues with Salma and he asks her to leave. Vero just wants Mati to be ok.

Maggie and Botel are at a restaurant and Maggie has a bad feeling that Vero needs her. They decide to leave.

At the mansion, a servant comes outside to tell the mariachi to leave because a tragedy has happened. Marty wants to know what happened and she tells him that Mati is dead. The security drag Marty away. Inside, Vero wants to know what's taking so long with the ambulance. Vero, Emi and Jorge impatiently wait. Salma comes crying into Ginny's room and tells her that Mati is dead. Ginny fakes concern. Salma looks genuinely concerned but at the same time confused. The ambulance finally arrives (it's daylight by now) and Vero insists on going with Mati, while Maggie and Botel, who have just arrived, wonder what has happened.

Pablo and his mother are having breakfast. Pablo was able to see AP the night before, but is confused by what she said. What can unite and part a couple that loves each other? He needs to find out what's going on.

Manny comes into AP's room and warns her again that it Pablo comes near her, he will kill him. He also tells her that because of her Gramps isn't feeling well. He leaves and AP says that she can't let her Gramps die, so she has to give up Pablo. If only that woman (Mariana) hadn't gotten in their way.

Mariana tells her mom that Ginny treated her like crap. So, she sent a letter, via messenger, to Vero telling her that Ginny obligated her to lie. That Ginny was Dimi and  still Danny's lover.

At the hospital Vero begs the doctor to save Mati.  Then out of nowhere a cleaned up Marty comes in to comfort Vero in her time of need. She does not reject him, but embraces him and cries on his much needed shoulder. He tells her that he will be there to catch her if she falls. She doesn't want Mati to die. She is like a mother to her. Marty tells her that Mati is not going to die. By this time Emi, Jorge, Botel and Maggie have also arrived. Maggie is a little hurt that Vero sees Mati as her mother. Vero apologizes to Maggie for calling Mati her mother. Maggie is hurt, but understands. Emi tells Vero that he is suffering as much as she is and they have to be more united than ever as Vero goes to give him a brotherly hug.

In Pueblo Nuevo we find a clean shaven Pierre. He feels so much younger. and is sure Claudia will be impressed. She is as he joins her in the shower.

In Mina Escondida the miners at La Morenita are celebrating because they just found a good amount of gold in the mine. They must inform Marty and Vero. They will celebrate tonight at the bar.

Back at the hospital everyone unites around Vero to comfort her. In Mati's room  the doctors are looking at her xrays and they don't like what they see. She has a hemorrhage and something else I could not understand. But more importantly they say the damage could be irreversible or even deadly.

Jorge receives a phone call from Nicolas informing him that a buyer from Europe is interested in a large quantity of jewelry from one of Vero's designs. The only problem is they don't have enough gold to make the amount they want.

Manny is at an officel trying to convince a nurse to help him find a doctor that will perform an abortion. She will give him the information he wants.

Salma and Ginny arrive at the hospital. Ginny goes on and on about how Mati was too old and should have been retired already. Vero comes at Ginny and tells her to shut up because she never cared about Mati. Dr. Dan is seen walking up the hallway toward the Prado/Castelo's, but he sees everyone and makes a U-turn. Maggie comforts Vero and Marty seems to have seen Dr. Dan and goes after him.

Avances: Marty comfronts Dr. Dan. Mati's life hangs in the balance.


Hello everyone,
Please let me know if I missed anything and feel free to add it if you want. I did this recap while baking cookies, washing clothes and then my laptop decided to do a reboot. Hope you enjoy it. Have a great day!

Hasta Pronto.

Thanks so much for another terrific recap, AuntyAnn! Your laptop rebooted? You mean you lost what you had written and had to start again? Arrrrrgh! My sympathies. You recovered amazingly though and even ended up with a batch of cookies. What a woman!

"Emi arrives at the Prado/Castelo mansion with a mariachi serenata for Vero. Seriously dude?"

Yes, exactly. The writers had been kind to Emi, but in this episode they took it all back and made him into a jerk again. Sigh.

Poor Mati. Oy oy oy. It was like when they killed Benny (in STUD). Don't leave us, Mati! Not until you spill the beans!

So in the hospital, Vero melts into Crazy Marty's protective embrace... and then into Overanxious Emi's protective embrace. And here we go again.

Magdalena looked upset when she heard Vero's anguished cry that Mati was like a mother to her. I didn't much like Maggie in that moment and was glad Botel was there to help her put things in perspective.

So idiot Manny is going to try to force Ana Perla to abort her pregnancy? Well, the nurse did say it couldn't be done without the patient's consent...

I wonder if Mariana's letter will ever reach Vero. (I wish she had included the fact that Virginia has been faking her illness.)

¡Qué emoción!

Great job, Auntie Ann! Thank you. I don't think you missed anything important.

I just wonder how Martin got to the hospital ahead of everyone else with his face washed and without knowing where the ambulance was going (I know, I know, it went to the ONLY hospital in the big city, DUH!) just in time to catch a collapsing Veronica! And why did it take the ambulance all the way until DAYLIGHT to get there? And where did Martin's leather jacket come from if he didn't move from there all night? One minute he's there all bloody in his blue shirt at night, yelling at the maid to find out what happened and the next he's standing there in a light brown leather jacket in broad daylight watching the ambulance pull out! Beanie, beanie, beanie time! Gaaah!

Manuel ... no words ... UGH!

Had to laugh at Daniel scurrying away like a cockroach when you turn on the light!

AuntyAnn, good morning. Thank you for the recap. Its goooood!!!
And now Im going to rant and yell: who the hell Does creepy ol goat think he is? These people need to come up to 2015. And rayray,
What the hell is her problem, "your grandpa
Wont LET you go to nurseing school', he is not her parent. And that slimmy piece of dog
Droppin manny wants to have AP baby killed.
Where is the backkbone she grew the other
Nite? As soon as that pile of rat dung threatens her she turns to noodles again.
Baby daddy need to investigate in a hurry, that Jackass of a brother wants to kill his baby.
Now The veronica and marty show: What a hot mess marty is in. I still want him and vero together. Emi's ok but not for vero. And
He is being a bit pushy. She loves her hubby
If she didn't she wouldn't be so angry. But
Marteen is going to have to fight for her cause he just crapped all over her and himself.
Emi the mariachi and flowers was a bit much. Plus vero is going to need someone
Crazier than ginny on her side. Marty get the
Crazy Eye and starts to contort, scream, he could kill someone or make em think he will.
I think he can handle the hellion from hell.
Yall its fixin to be a hot mess.
When the time comes that photo mati hid will
Be found. Poor mati I hope she survives. And
I hope someone puts a stop to nasty manny.


Thanks, AuntyAnn, for that excellent recap.

I have trouble watching this show. Manny and Grampy give me the creeps the way they terrorize like AP.

Also, even though Crazy Marty is a good looking guy, I cannot stand his constantly cheerless , grim (bloody or otherwise) face. I thought he looked very awkward holding Vero in the hospital. I would have liked to see a loving, full, wraparound embrace . JMHO

Muchas gracias, AuntyAnn, for a fabulous recap!

Right from the start, I loved your snark, as in "Seriously, dude?" relating to Emi's outpouring of undying love for Vero at a very inopportune moment. And his moonlight serenata was way over the top for me. However much he might be miffed at Virginia, it was really a stupid move as well.

My words cannot express the disgust I feel whenever I see Manny, Old Goat, and Reymunda. Finally, OG let Manny have it regarding Polo and AP, but it wasn't enough.

Nina, s for Marty, I too like his craziness when it comes to Ginny, and if anyone can do crazy well, it's Iván Sánchez, remembering his scary performance as Hernan in La Tempestad. I would love for it to be him who takes her down, and I too think Martín and Verónica belong together.

Loved your reference to an out-of-nowhere cleaned up Marty, Aunty Ann!


Aunty Ann, thank you for a fabulous recap of the events that transpired last night.

I don't know what Matilde was thinking. She should have taken that tablet and ran for her life when Virginia was NOT looking. Why did she have to warn her about what she was about to do with the tablet? It was a foolish thing to do. Now her life is in a danger. I'm hoping someone finds the photo that she hid behind La Virgencita.

I couldn't believe it took the ambulance until it was daylight to arrive. And yes, where did Marty's leather jacket come from? Beanie time indeed.

The mariachi serenade was way too soon. Oh Emiliano... you were about to get married a few hours earlier and you do this the same day of your non-wedding. Him groveling Vero to give him an opportunity to was just UGH. He's just looking to get hurt again.

Polo was the voice of reason asking Gramps "if what AP did was soo bad?" and then asking Gramps if he wanted to lose AP too (like Gramps lost his daughter).

No words on Manuel. Just UGH.

Mauricio -

I agree with you regarding Polo. He's like the Zen master of that household....or maybe the Dalai Lama.


My words cannot express the disgust I feel whenever I see Manny, Old Goat, and Reymunda. Finally, OG let Manny have it regarding Polo and AP, but it wasn't enough.

I couldn't agree more. I always know I'm going to be disgusted when I see them opening their mouths. Gramps did do something good in defending Polo but I still can't get over how he slapped AP twice then shoved/tossed Polo aside.

I'm glad that Polo has a good role model in Joaquin. Joaquin thankfully is not stuck in the past century and has raised Polo right.

Mauricio -

I too can't get over OG's physical aggressiveness towards Polo and AP. It's really, really bad.

Yes, thankfully Joaquin is a part of this century and is raising Polo to be the great boy that he is!

Wonderful, Aunty Ann, love me a woman who's a multi-tasker (and what woman isn't?) who can sling out laundry, fry up a batch of bacon in the pan, deal with a cranky computer...I'M A WOMAN, W.O.M.A.N., sing it girl! and turn out a fabulous recap as well. You didn't miss a thing.

The Mariachi serenade, 5 minutes after Veronica breaks up with Martin was ridiculous. Plus, as much as I loathe Virginia, rather tactless to be serenading another woman on a botched wedding day, right under her nose. Tacky.

And yes, Mauricio, Magdalena looked out of place and "de trop" in the midst of all the sturm und drang over Matilde. Alas I'm sure the latter will pass on before speaking of the photos, and we'll spend months waiting for someone to find the remaining photo behind the Virgincita.

Hooray for Polo. Always a bright spot. And Susanlynn, I agree...Martin seemed practically bent over backwards hugging Veronica. His back was really arched. Not healthy dude. I give good massages though, and stand willing and able to help. Julio who?

Thanks again, Aunty Ann. Now go put your feet up!

Thanks so much Aunty Ann for the fantastic recap!!

So Vero said "She made a mistake and should have fallen for him."? Wow! She is so hurt. Emi professing his love for her was too soon. He should have given her some space. I am glad that Martin came to the hospital and I loved the hug he gave Vero and she also let him as well. I loved that scene. I am surprised Vero didn't tell Martin to leave.

I was so laughing out loud when Daniel went back when he saw all of them. I rewinded it about 3 times just to see it. Hahaha. It was so funny.

Thanks for the recap.



"So Vero said "She made a mistake and should have fallen for him."?"

Yes. That's what she told him. I didn't really like her telling Emi that. It sort of gives him some kind of hope, no?

I too was surprised that Vero let Marty hug her at the hospital.

I was so laughing out loud when Daniel went back when he saw all of them. I rewinded it about 3 times just to see it. Hahaha. It was so funny.

Me too. I rewinded the scene as well. It was very funny!

By the way, a small detail, but did anyone else notice that the missing "n" on the Hospital Center sign has finally been replaced with a brand new "n"?

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Pierre looked good clean shaven. Ah, the things people do in the name of love. I did, however, cringe when I saw Pierre joining Claudia in the shower. Thank goodness either Uni or Mejia didn't show us what happened next.

Mauricio, on Tuesday, the n was present; on Wednesday, it was missing again.

And weren't we lucky to see Pierre shave not once but twice!


Really? I missed it last night but saw it on Tuesday night. That's very funny! Where oh where could that "n" have gone.


Mauricio you are right she was kind of giving Emi hope. My spanish is basic, but I think I heard Jorge telling Vero to give Emi a chance when they were by the window. If that's what I heard, then Jorge isn't helping matters as well.

What makes the Daniel part even funnier, is that he was smiling as he was coming into the waiting area. Lol.

NovelaMaven, Anon10:40, Nina, Susanlynn, Mari, Mauricio, JudyB & Duchess:
Thanks so much for reading the recap! Hopefully it made sense. I just went back and made some corrections. My spelling was pretty bad last night. I also added a few details, but not too much.

To answer your question NM, yes I had to start again, thankfully I had not written much, but still I had to wait for the laptop to reboot. It was frustrating, but it gave me time to put another batch of cookies in the oven.

I think Marty showed up at the hospital all washed up because he had time to go home and shower since the ambulance took sooooooo long to get to the house. However it was that he got there I sure did enjoy watching that hug.

I will check in later. I have a busy day.

Hasta Pronto.

p.s. JudyB, I wish I could put my feet up, but I have too much to do. Thanks anyways.

Thanks so much for this excellent and informative recap AuntyAnn. It was very entertaining as well as helpful for me since the CCs were not very good last night. By the way, Matilde's other problem was a depressed skull fracture. I didn't think she hit her head hard enough for those injuries, but there you go.

Wow, didn't Emiliano have a busy day? My head is still spinning. Think what you will about him, he certainly managed to squeeze the most out of a single day.

Susanlynn and Judy,

I agree with you two, what an awkward bizarre hug that Martín gave Verónica at the hospital. I was also shocked and disappointed that she willingly participated.

Finally, of all the guys who needed to shave, Pierre wasn't one of them... he looks, well, naked without his beard.


Thank you, AuntyAnn.

Ana Perla keeps crying about "if only Pablo hadn't betrayed me. Why, oh why, did he have to lie to me?" HUH?? How did he do that? At the very beginning he did have a fiance, but he decided to break it off once he realized his feelings for Ana Perla. She found out about it before he could break up with Mariana and that's when she broke up with him the first time. He came back from his pathetic attempt at breaking up with her (Mariana) and fought tooth and nail to win back Ana Perla, even to the point of gaining the old goat's confidence and approval with an "official" pedida de mano y toda la cosa, complete with his mother there. Then his world blew apart with the arrival of won't-take-no-for-an-answer imbecil de Mariana. He then suffers a career-threatening injury on his painting hand at the hands of APs brute of a brother and now what? Countless attempts to explain later, she finally listens to him at the hospital and SAYS SHE BELIEVES HIM about Mariana!!! Where is his betrayal? Where are the lies? I can see that she's terrified that Manuel might kill him, but she gets on my nerves with that whining about his lies, betrayal, yada yada yada! She should stand up to her family and fight for him the way he's fighting for her. Manuel is a bully, but he's also a coward. She should tell him that she told Pablo about his threats and that Pablo went to the police to report them. That's what I would do. The cobarde would hightail it back to the pueblo tuit suite, I bet.

Emiliano has the nasty habit (shades of another tn) of shushing Veronica on the mouth mid-sentence. He did it earlier and he did it twice in this episode, once with his dirty, stubby fingers and again awkwardly with a rose. BLECH!!

That's so funny about the missing "n". One minute it's there the next it's not. Mejia is messing with our heads!

Thank you Carlos for explaining what Matilde's other problem was. I also didn't understand what the doctors were saying.

Carlos what you said about that head trama,
Didn't the doctors say they saw something
That was there, or could have been before
The fall? Somethimg I read in the recap. They
Said they were worried about it. I hope she
Survives. Or that will be the first murder that
We know of that the snake committed.


My spanish is basic, but I think I heard Jorge telling Vero to give Emi a chance when they were by the window. If that's what I heard, then Jorge isn't helping matters as well.

Yes. He told Veronica to think about giving Emi a chance.

That circut is sometimey in that sign. Now you see N, now you don't.


The Dr. said that besides the epidural hematoma, the thing that worried him more was her pequeño hundimiento de craneo (sinking in of the skull) which I translate as a small depressed skull fracture, not something that was preexisting. I also think that it's more likely that it was a subdural hematoma rather than epidural although he did say epidural..


I think like KoKo (Lord High Executioner) in The Mikado that Ginny has a Little List of folks who won't be missed (at least by her) which includes Matilde (check), Verónica, Martín, Jorge, Salma, Dr. Dan (when she's done with him), Mariana (recently added), Emiliano (see Dr. Dan), and likely others TBA.


Thanks for clarifying the medical mystery. Sorry I wrote hemmorage in the recap, when it should have been hematoma. And the skull fracture was what I could not understand. Thanks for giving us the correct diagnosis.

Thanks for your comment. I totally understand your point of view of AP. It can be really frustrating to watch.

Carlos, I agree with you that Pierre looked better with the beard. There had been a debate over at Muchacha about the galan's beard... some of us are yay, while others are nay.

Thank you for the recap! I had already seen this episode from the Mexican broadcast but my Spanish isn't the best and the closed captioning on my TV was delayed by a few seconds so it was difficult to follow last night's broadcast on Univision.

Pierre without a beard is a bit odd. He should have kept it. I am happy that Univision cut the end of that shower scene though.

- J

Thank you AuntyAnn for your excellent recap of an emotionally exhausting episode. It must have been a disturbing recap for you and is so much appreciated.

Thank you Carlos, for explaining what actually happened to Mathilde in her fall. Will she survive? I hope so for Veronica's sake and hers too. This had to be the most exhaustive night in the world for Vero. She was already emotionally drained from her upset with Marty and without barely a beat, there's Emi rushing her - (more like a stalking). So much for his mature understanding of how she was feeling...nada! Then poor Mathilde is seriously injured and it's off to the hospital with the new "N". Egad!
Vero's next line should have been "Set up the Mojitos, "I vont(want) to be alone." a la Garbo.

It really was satisfying to see Marty getting beaten up and I am so glad that Vero told him to get lost. Now do Vero, Emi and Marty end up in Mina Escondida - with Nanciyaga? With Virginia? Will Jorge and Marty use the gold from the mine to make VEro' jewelry designs? Nanciyaga could be the middle-woman reading her snails along the way to entice buyers!!


Carlos, I love the idea of Virginia having a list of who she wouldn't miss.

I have written my own little list of who I wouldn't miss in this novela.

1. Manny
2. Grandpa Goat
3. Raymunda
4. Eleazar (check; hopefully)
5. Salma

Anyone else have a list?


"Pierre without a beard is a bit odd. He should have kept it. I am happy that Univision cut the end of that shower scene though."

Ah, so there was more to it. Thanks for the info. I'm glad Uni cut it out as well. Whatever it was I know that we didn't need to see it.

Carlos thank you for clearing up that medical diagnosis of Matilda's, thank you very much.
I hope she gets a miracle. Somebody need
Something good to happen in this show, this
Has been an exhausting week just watching these people. All three of these telenovas was like watching a workout. Im gonna enjoy my weekend resting, the rain will help.
3 telenovas: MIVA , LI, YNCELH, exhausting!!!

Thanks for stopping by. ITA, about Pierre and the shower scene. For once I am happy to see the Uni scissors.

Awesome comment. Gracias for reminding us of Nancyaga. Will she come to the city in search of her patron now that Vero kicked him to the curb?

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