Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #11 Tuesday 10/6/15

I hope someone will be able to fill in the last 3-4 minutes. Univision has taken to running this 5 minutes into the 9/8 slot...which means a DVR conflict for me. So until Univision honors a freaking schedule, I will always miss the last few minutes. I'll try to wheel and deal with Hubs and see if we can forgo recording Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D or iZombie. *grumble grumble*

PS: I'm feeling half-assed and cranky tonight.

Last Night's Tsuris
The bank calls Lichita to ask about her late payments. She worries about where she'll get the money.
Elsa is told that due to "restructuring" all employees who have been with the company more than 20 years will be let go.
Luciana generously offers to take Ximena's classmates and Magos on a tour to see what Lichita does at Iconika.

The New Tsuris
Roberto continues to be aloof. Lichita notices and asks if she's offended him somehow. He plays dumb.

Nestor asks Lichita to make copies...pero ya! Chuchettte asks Lichita to make copies...pero ya! Nestor demands that Lichita make coffee for the Oki Oki Jin-sei meeting (that was suddenly called)...pero ya! It's all part of Lucifer's, digo...Luciana's plan to humiliate Lichita.

It seems that Mas Supermarkets wants to reinvent their image. They want to be youthful and fresh. Oh, you can't have old, competent employees running around when you are trying to corner the youth market. Elsa wonders what choice an employee has if they don't want to accept early retirement. The HR lady says that they plan to make things hard on anyone who doesn't go quietly. The message: Old folks gots to go.

Luciana asks the group of girls if they are ready to see what Alicia Gutiérrez, idea gal extraordinaire, does in the office all day.

Dafne plunders through Luciana's things. Dafne finds Luciana's Argentine passport (horrible picture!) and a ring engraved with "Ducado de Solferino." Which if Wikipedia is to be trusted,is actually a thing.

From a hidden corner, Luciana and the girls watch Lichita make copies. Luciana explains that Lichita is a glorified copy girl. Ximena is confused and wants to ask her Aunt about it, but Luciana stops her. They are only supposed to be observing, right? Luciana suggests they follow Lichita. Lichita scurries to take the copies to the meeting room.

Ugh. Gumaro and Roberto conversation. Roberto reports he is trying to get on Luciana's side. Gumaro encourages this. She's the owner's daughter after all. Sandra interrupts the phone call. The muckity mucks of Oki Oki Jinsei are on their way. Roberto wasn't expecting them. Sandra wants him ready to make his presentation. She's been busy with personal stuff, so she hasn't had a chance to really check up on him. Roberto is sure Luciana has prepared something. Sandra sure hopes so! She tells him to get a move on.

Lichita arrives with coffee. Luciana and the girls look on. Luciana explains that they can see the super executiva Alicia Gutierrez, aka Lichicienta, in action. Luciana decides to give them a show. Ximena wonders about "Lichicienta." Luciana struts in, rudely asks Lichita for the copies, grabs her and demands a coffe. Unfortunately, Lichita spills it on Luciana (I wish it had been hotter and hit her face...) Luciana demands that Lichita apologize....ON HER KNEES (I let out an audible gasp...ok, it as profanity.) Lichita hesitates. Luciana hisses in Lichita's ear that if she doesn't kneel and apologize, Nacho will have to pay for the damages to the company car. Lichita is just about to kneel when Ximena cries out "No tía!" Lichita runs after her.

Lichita finds her niece crying in the hall. Ximena doesn't care if Lichita is just a copy girl. She's upset that her aunt lied to her and that Lichita let people treat her so badly. Roberto interrupts to tell Lichita it's time for the meeting with the japoneses. Magos even sheds a few tear for her sister. Lichita cries.

Luciana whines about the meeting with Oki Oki. Lichita should be working on this idea. She is, right? Lichita is too busy crying. Lichita has worked on a couple of things, but hasn't finished anything. The Japanese arrive. Old bowing joke. That should be banned. It's not funny.

Nacho can't find work. Elsa calls to look for Magos. They need a salchicha promoter. Nacho cries about not finding work. He asks how Elsa is doing. She's grateful for her family and for things going well for Lichita.

Except things are not going well. Neither Roberto, Luciana nor Lichita seem to have anything to say at the meeting. Luciana tries to get "Lichicienta" to continue the meeting. Lichita does nothing. Roberto and Luciana snarl at each other. Roberto imitates the spoiled Luciana who is made for a life of luxury...not actually working. Luciana imitates Rob who knows all about doctoring resumes. The Japanese aren't impressed. Sandra grinds out a request for Rob, Luciana or Lichita to save the meeting.

Magos watches a little of Corazon Enamorado. Ximena haz a sad. So does the recapper. Magos talks fast and all naco like. Something about crema, macetas and tacos. Ximena doesn't get it either. It sounds like a pretty defeatist speech. Look at Lichita. She studied and se quemó las pestañas (burning the midnight oil) and it didn't get her squat. What you need is palancas and conectes (the right people/prestige and connections.)

The Japanese finally get frustrated and tell the Iconika people that they've decided to give their business to the Madeleine agency. They walk out. Sandra barely contains her rage. They've just lost a multi-million pesos account...to the competition!

Uy. The neighbors arrive to talk to Magos about the tanda. Long story short-They've heard talk. Magos is playing them. They only agreed to get involved because of Lichita. Either Magos pay them their money or they will get the police involved.

Luciana tries to throw Lichita under the bus. Lichita corrects her. All she was asked to do was gather materials. Besides, Luciana is the Associate Creative Director, no. Sandra throws all the blame on Roberto. Roberto makes excuses. He's been spending a lot of time on the Mas campaign, but he will make up for this loss. Luciana doesn't seen to take this seriously at all. Her idea is for them to go have a little fun. Roberto cannot lose his job. Luciana assures him that it will be Lichicienta who loses. (Just the sound of Luciana's "Aaaayyyy" makes me want to puke...or punch a throat or two.)

Lichita tells us that she realized that Roberto felt nothing for her. She made a huge effort (esmerar) hoping she would go places at Iconika. Instead, she had just served up her dignity on a silver platter. There was only one thing she could do to get it back.

Elsa calls Magos and tells her to get to Mas lo antes posible. Magos balks and Elsa is forced to tell her they need the money. Now get down here and hawk these salchichas!

Lichita turns in her resignation. At least Fátima looked sad to see her go.

Lichita goes to Mas and runs into Magos. Magos tells Lichita about the tanda troubles..and threatens to tell their parents about Lichita's job troubles if she doesn't help her. Some store manager comes up and tells Magos to put on the cow suit and hawk the cheese. Magos draws the line and being the Vaca Feliz. Other "brutas" (stupid heads) may put on the suit, but not Magos. Lichita is cara de indignation.

Roberto and Luciana hang out at Nice Kiss Bar. She promises that as long as he's on her side, he won't lose his job. I think this scene was mainly for the schtick. I'm gonna RPC it. (hee hee, but Arath was funny sipping out of the martini glass when Luciana denies him the hand kiss.) OOPS, more than schtick. Roberto defends Lichita. Everyone deserves a second chance. He asks about Luciana. She's kind of vague about herself.

Magos continues to protest about her bovine assignment. Elsa tells the manager she'll take care of the problem. Elsa has to tell Lichita and Magos about losing her job.

Roberto brings Luciana home. She reiterates that if Rob is on her side, he can get on Don Augusto's side. Rob is not so sure. Don A doesn't act like he likes Luciana very much. Oh, he's just got his character, Luciana insists. Blood is blood. She and Rob make a great team. They have a certain..."charming." For example, no one questioned his resume; they just believed him. Rob also wonders why everyone still hacen la barba (kisses up to) Luciana knowing the boss hates her. That's just how things are. Rob lets her out. Don A watches from his balcony.

Lichita wants to go straight to the manager to protest. Magos does too. Elsa worries that if they complain, things will go badly for Lichita at Iconika. Lichita lets it slip that she doesn't work with Iconika any more.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Gumaro and Roberto convos? All I manage to catch (being as I'm half-assing it) is that Roberto feels like he's just causing more problems for Lichita, she's his only support and he'll have to go it alone(?) Yeah...feel free to fill in.

Lichita and Magos confront the manager. Magos gets all "give my mom back her job or we'll sue." OOOps. Elsa hired her daughter. That's nepotism. That's against the rules. Bye bye early retirement compensation.

Gumaro, Roberto. I (ironically) picked up "verborrea" (verbal diarrhea.)

Things are going downhill at the supermercado. Elsa begs for forgiveness. Lichita tries to pull rank, claiming she knows Sr. Ontiveros. The manager doesn't believe it. Magos starts poking the manager...and Magos gets arrested for assault.

Lichita and Elsa try to talk to the MP to get Magos out. Elsa cries. Magos was just defending me..her mother...who lost her job today. The MP coldly explains that everyone tries to tell a sob story. He ain't falling for it. Then a trashy looking woman comes up and needs to get her loved one out of jail. But she knows the name of someone important and the MP lets her relative go. Oh, pardon me...she's not a trashy woman. She's a "lady". Once more we are reminded that con palancas todo se puede. Justicia es para unos cuantos pero no para todos. Some oily guy offers to help them.

Nope. Can't figure out what the hell Gumaro and Rob are talking about know. An address? Used books about publicity. Oh, and the "I need to see the apartment" joke again. Gumaro convinces the prospective customer that the apartment isn't for him. Gumaro is not going to sell it.

aaand...the DVR cuts out.

Previous: Episode 10
Next: Episode 12


Great job, Sara! My dvr cut off too, so I can't help, other than it looked like Lichita and Elsa were seriously considering paying the SUPER shady looking guy to get Magos out. DON'T DO IT!!!!

WORST DAY EVER for the Gonzalez family. They are all now jobless and in debt. Things can only get better from now on, right? :-{

You got the gist of the Rob-Gumaro conversations. Rob wants to get up to speed on advertising so that he doesn't have to use Lichita anymore, and he needs to get free of Luciana somehow. He was fishing for info he could use against her, but she's vague and tight-lipped about herself and her life.

Thanks Vivi. I'm glad I at least got a skeletal understanding of the GumRob conversations. I confess I didn't try very hard.

If I'm remembering correctly, there was a final scene with Luciana, Dafne, Augusto, and Beatriz. Dafne was being obnoxious to a smarmy Luciana, with Beatriz trying to prod her daughter to politeness. Made me happy that Luciana has an enemy.

I'm liking Maite's performance more than I usually do, but I'm depressed at how difficult life is for her and all her family. Hard to laugh when I feel such desperation for them.

Sara, forgot to thank you for the recap--well done, much more than halfway (H.A.)!


Thanks, La Paloma!

"Made me happy that Luciana has an enemy."

Hahaha! Me too.

This doesn't feel very much like a comedy. Very true. But I love Lichita. I won't give up on her. :)


I just got back from a long day in South Carolina and am glad to read your recap because now I won't have to watch this painful episode. It's worse than the one I got last night! Sorry you had to watch it!

Thanks, Sara. Great recap.

Soooo. At least in "Betty, la fea" Betty got to have some cool successes now and then. The constant, unrelenting humiliation of Alicia needs a reprieve.

Thanks Sara, great job!

The very last scene, after the one involving Augusto, Beatriz, Luciana y Daphne (by La Paloma): Alicia is at an ATM (bank) to get money to get Magos out, lefting only 200.00 pesos on the account. It's almost night and she's very upset for all the problems, while she's making a mobile call two thieves on a bike steal her portfolio (whit money inside), one of them hit her and she falls down. Alicia is on the ground, unconciuos and nose bleeding.

Feel very sad for Alicia, but I think Maite is doing a terrific job (it's my first Maite's novela).

Oh wow. So things DID continue to get worse for Lichita and her family in the last few minutes. Thanks for the info ljane. Ok, we have got to be close to the moment with Lichita decides that as God as her witness, she's not going to go hungry, er...let anyone step on her anymore!

Jane- I hope all is well with those you know in South Carolina.

Thanks Jane! I would definitely skip this one. I had a knot in my stomach the whole time.

Thanks for the additional information ljane. I'm glad there were DVR conflicts.

Thank you Denise! I know this is (supposedly) not a remake of BLF, LFMB and Ugly Betty...but it's the same idea. Anyhoodle, I was just wondering last night if in those productions the prota had so much abuse and so many hardships dumped on her. I wish we could have at least ONE good thing happen to Lichita!

Great job as always, Sara! Thank you. See you are still wanting to "punch a throat or two." Nice way to start the day with a good laugh!

Too bad it had to be Ximena's reaction to Lichita going to kneel that finally got Luchita to her senses. Lichita is in such a dilemma with being the sole support of the family she is not thinking clearly: just like using some of her last pesos to bail out Magos. They all enable Magos. Magos had enough energy to try and blackmail Lichita and to run her mouth at the store management but not enough energy to put on a cow suit and help her mother? Maybe now that Lichita is unconscious and the money is stolen, she will be stuck behind bars for a little while at least. Looks like the tanda has come back to bite her, too, sooner rather than later.

My laughs from last night:
Dafne rummaging through Luciana's things. I had never heard of "El Ducado de Solferino". Always something to learn from telenovelalandia! I definitely want to see more Dafne.

The rather delicate, very slow and very funny dance between Roberto and Luciana.

Another good one!

clarification: I'm glad there were dvr conflicts because it meant I missed all that awful stuff at the end.

Sara, in my opinion, what Leti suffered in LFMB was much worse. That character was so much more vulnerable due to her past.

As was mentioned, Luciana is being a little vague and tight-lipped about her life. What's she hiding?

Do I recall correctly that her father seemed surprised that she was in Mexico?

Egads, Jarifa!! WORSE??!!! Oh my! I feel so awful for Lichita. I may have to think harder about watching LFMB.

Yes, worse, but LFMB is still my all time favorite. It has plenty of top rate comedy, too, besides heart wrenching drama.

Sara, thank you for giving us flowers from an episode that was fertilizer.

Your "The message: Old folks gots to go", "Ximena haz a sad. So does the recapper" and "Luciana demands that Lichita apologize....ON HER KNEES (I let out an audible gasp...ok, it as profanity") were among my many favorites.

Last night was a free fall into total disaster! It was so sad, I kept thinking if one more bad thing happens, I am just not going to watch. Yet I persevered until the last bitter sequence, where Alicia was robbed.

Other than Danilo in La Malquerida (who was a murderer, rapist, abuser and more), I can't think of another character I've loathed as much as Luciana. She is a monster. My heart ached for Lichita...

LaPaloma, enjoyed your "Dafne was being obnoxious to a smarmy Luciana, with Beatriz trying to prod her daughter to politeness. Made me happy that Luciana has an enemy". I'm really thinking Dafne will have a significant role in Luciana's fall. May it be monumental when it occurs!

Even Roberto is losing his charm...

Magos is drowning but she hasn't sunk. After her tears at her sister's plight at the office, I still have hope for her.

I'm going to end this on some positive notes. First, Sara - you are incredible and every recap is a delight. Second, Maite who has been a revelation here and who makes me care about her and want to protect her.

I hope everyone is happy and well today.


Diana- I'm cutting Rob slack because he has more important things than Lichita to worry about. Your kid always comes first. And he acknowledges that he has to become competent enough so that he doesn't have to use Lichita. His Luciana problem also has bigger consequences than Lichita's Luciana problem. Sure, Luc humiliated Alicia and could have cost her her job (if she hadn't quit first), but Alicia doesn't have to take it. She LETS these people walk all over her. Even at the end of the day, if Lichita and her family are jobless, they still have each other. Luciana could actually cost Rob custody of his child, who he would never be able to get back.

Vivi, while I understand Roberto's son will and of course should come first, he doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact he is guilty of lying to Lichita and frankly, using her.

I am sure Lichita will find her courage, but there doesn't seem to be a wizard hiding in the corner behind a curtain :). While her family loves her, they are far too dependent on her and are more of an albatross than an asset at this point. I can't imagine having everyone you love being so dependent on you and everyone in your work environment being so cruel.


I agree Diana. Just like Lichita has to learn to stand up for herself, Rob has to learn that the law of the streets where he grew up, that only the strong survive, is not always right. They both have growing to do, but I think they will help each other.

I love cranky Sara and the rest of her too. Thanks

"Old folks gots to go"

So, leaving aside the discrimination issue for a second, I remember a time I went in to clean up a big ole mess at a good sized regional bank that had hired a big time ad agency to refresh the brand and attract younger customers. They spent millions to create an online social presence, hired young customer facing staff, forced early retirements or regulated older experienced staff to dungeons. With razzledazel marketing they did attract younger customers but didn't consider two very important things and it nearly put them in receivership. 1) Though hard working and well meaning the younger employees didn't know half of what the expert older employees did and 2) Young customers didn't have as much money as older customers and those profitable older customer left because the staff was inexperienced. Idiots

Yes, Magos teared up a little over the humiliation of Alicia and yes she defended her mother at the supermarket but she did a little gloating to Ximena at the house over Alicia's fall from grace.

Alicia started the day not touching the ground after the prior afternoon with Roberto. He was a huge part of tearing her down and I don't give him a pass. He may have a job but the guy is still a liar and thief.


Love your story tofie. I'm sorry the company went under but there is a valuable lesson.

When will people understand that experience is invaluable and gained mostly as we go through our lives.

Age discrimination is alive and well unfortunately. I'm still an unabashed proud member of the "old folks" club and continue to live my life as exuberantly as when I was young.


Great recap!

Agree Diana that it was a difficult episode to watch and tomorrow's advances don't look much better!

I would give Rob more slack (and I do bec of his son) if during this time he was trying to learn the advertising biz.but he wasn't. He was fine floating off of all of Licha's hard work. Only now is he starting to think he needs to learn and stop skimming off of of her. Luciana obviously was thinking that she would skim off of Licha too. Neither Rob or Luc could come up with one thing to keep the Jap investors. Sandra should have been smart enough to see through the whole act of Luc blaming Lichita.

If Roberto thought he could continue to ride on Alicia's back he would do nothing. Luciana's threat to expose him and his alliance with her made him realize it will be next to impossible to have Alicia cover for them both especially with Luciana's constant attacks on her. The nobility of his reason doesn't excuse being an otherwise horrible person.

"I can't think of another character I've loathed as much as Luciana."

Ugh. Neither can I. No redemption. Nope. Nada. I hope Dafne gives Luciana hell.

I'm nodding away at your comment! I was just as bothered by Elsa getting phased out as I was by Luciana.

I'm being wishy washy today and can't decide about Rob. I hate that he's not sticking up more for Lichita, but I completely understand his not wanting to jeopardize getting his son back.

As awful and painful as things have been, I find myself looking forward to watching every night. I feel just like Jarifa and I want to stop by on every recap and say "It's almost time!"

For the record, I was nodding away at tofie's comment.

I had such high hope for Roberto, he's so charming I fell for him, but a stable environment for his son will take more discipline than studying a bit about marketing. He obviously targeted Iconika why didn't he prepare prior to walking in instead of flying by the seat of his pants. He got lucky a naive nerd appeared but learned nothing. Had Alicia been sitting on a Oki Oki follow up idea and bailed both he and Luciana out he wouldn't crack a book.


I finally figured out something about our galan: he is a dyed in the wool con man, it's how he's lived his life. Having a son started to crack him, but his instincts are always to dissemble to survive. He has to be reformed before he can be a proper worthy hero.

Sorry for my english ;-) I'm enjoyng AMQL and this blog is the best place to read good comments :D

I really feel sad for Robert, it's true he's get into Iconika in a bad way, at this point he has this wiew of life: no one gives you a second opportunity if you have a story of jail. And the way he was condemned was really stupid and unjustified, a summary justice, worst than bullying, imprisoned being innocent. And now, with Mateo, social worker, mrs. Venus, is on the same way "been in jail? no job... no job, no Mateo". Really is painful and I feel pity for him. He was a simple man, no ambitions, loving family but had to learn to be smarter. And has no time to prepare himself in a good job, 'cause Mateo in the orphanage means a couple who wants to adopt him, it's not natural but in novelas world it could happen and would be terrible separate a father and a son who love so much each other. It's no kind to Alicia, but now he must think on his son first of all.


Thanks, Sara. Terrific recap of an infuriating episode. My favorite: Oh, you can't have old, competent employees running around when you are trying to corner the youth market.

I was screaming at the end, “Oh no, don’t get robbed!” Poor Lichita. But we know she is like the Unsinkable Molly Brown.

During the meeting with the Japanese firm, I actually thought Lichita was deliberately not coming up with ideas so that Luciana and Roberto would fall flat.

!Yay, Daphne! My favorite and only funny moment: The family facing Luciana, with Augusto seated as if on a throne while everyone else was standing, and Daphne again calling Luciana on her crap.

Tofie, loved your story about the bank. I always get a kick when companies that boot out older workers wind up losing in the end.

I’m liking Magos a bit. She’s still self-centered and lazy, but she does have a heart. She was disturbed seeing her sister humiliated, but later ugh! she tells her daughter that all Lichita’s studying and hardwork amount to nothing. Magos wishes that were true so she can be justified continuing being a slacker.

Agree Niecie that I thought Lichita purposefully held back. I was really happy when she called out Lucifer. I just don't understand how Sandra can think this is Lichita's fault when she is supposedly just the coffee and copy girl. Ugh

"He has to be reformed before he can be a proper worthy hero."

I'm willing to watch a reformed hero. There have been some galans who have behaved terribly and the behavior has been excused. Right now I'm ok with the con man made good premise...as long as we get to see the gradual change. I don't like it when someone in awful for almost the whole run of the show and gets redeemed in the last week or two.

ljane-Your English is fine. You bring up good points (as have others.) Rob just wants his son, but he's not got a great record. Rob is desperate.

"Unsinkable Molly Brown" I love that, Niecie! You are right, but I would like to see a little more spunk in Lichita. I hope she was purposely keeping the ideas to herself. Luciana and Rob deserve to squirm.

I thought the Oki, Oki idea she was hiding was in that file until Alicia mention it was her resignation letter. Doubt she had one now.

I really hope they get Oki Oki back. I loved the idea Lichita had (inner beauty) and I just like hearing them say Oki Oki Jinsei.

Niecie- I also think that Lichita was holding herself back during that meeting, to let Rob and Luci sink. She was DONE by then. If she had wanted to, I bet she could have come up with some great ideas on the spot.

Good job Sara even if your DVR did cut off early. You wanted one good thing to happen to Lichita. Well after she got laid off about a week ago, Roberto got her, Lichita's job back. Not a good thing? well maybe not but she did continue to have a paycheck for a little while longer even though she had to put up with a lot after that.

Wow---so many people either can't watch or may be leaving soon. It's only week two!!
The gringo loves every minute of it. Maite is Fab to the Max. I love the way that she looks into the camera and talks to us on the patio.

The whole family out of work and Magos in trouble with the tanda. Lichita gets robbed near the end last night, nothing more could possibly go wrong so I'm going positive for the next couple of episodes at least.

Thanks Jane---I have been trying to think of what Roberto is and all that I could come up with is shady---con man, that's it.

A very interesting story Tofie about older people and younger people at the company.

Tofie---Are you done with your lists? Revival time?

Ximena should never have had to see that humiliation of Lichita last night. Luciana was so proud of terrible self. I can't wait for Daphne to take her on.

must see tv
the gringo


Thank you, Sara! This was a tough episode to watch. I'm with you on the uttering something profane when Luciana demanded Lichita kneel. Ugh!

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