Tuesday, October 06, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #100 Mon 10/5/15 The Murphy's Law Episode – In which anything that can go wrong does go wrong!
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I'm just resting my eyes... |
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Trust me, comandante – it'd be cheap at twice the price! |
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Seriously? I mean, seriously? |
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Sorry, Botel – the monkeys made me do it! |
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Did I remember to 'save' the document? Um.... |
Labels: imperdonable
"sounds like it really was all doom and gloom."
That's true, but on the other hand, Onix was terrific last night! (You settle for what the monkeys give you, right?) And it was fairly satisfying to learn that the Old Goat hadn't written Ana Perla out of the will.
Good question, Carvivlie.
Because she doesn't NEED the money since at the time he drew up the will, she was in a stable marriage with a husband who was providing for her?
Because the Old Goat felt a special obligation to these two motherless children that he raised?
Who knows? But it certainly seems unfair.
A new will, huh? Manny will have to get a move on, then!
Raymunda should be in the will. Blanquita, Ana Perla, Manny & Polo should each get equal inheritances.
Ana Perla is a dummy for going back to Grumps' house alone. Grumps smacked her up when he found out she was pregnant & threatens to beat her with his stick, threw her in a cave cell & locked her up, then forced her to marry Julio. Manny brewed her up some abortion tea & rolled her down a hill but this dummy wants to meet with them alone?
Magdalena is a dummy for at least not standing outside the door to wait for Ana Perla. I hope Veronica & Martin do not trust Magdalena to watch their kids.
Jorge & Emiliano were dummies for believing that Veronica, after all this time, would defraud Prado Castelo and sabotage her own line for greed. Hello, YOU are dependent upon HER gold mine for supplies. Why would she sabotage herself or you, when she literally has the gold?
Pablo is a dummy for not telling Mariana straight up that he is married to Ana Perla & they are expecting a baby. Not being straight with Mariana is what got him in trouble the last time.
Pablo's momma is a dummy for trying to suggest Pablo take Mariana up on her offer.
Manuel was a dummy for not making sure Crescencio had changed his will back to Manny's favor before poisoning him.
The two guys in Martin's office were dummies for not telling Martin/Veronica whatever it was they had to tell them.
If Jorge TRULY thought Veronica was a saboteur he should have her arrested, too.
Hahahaha! Now that you mention it, Carvivlie, so can I.
I saw every minute of the show last and I'm glad that I did. WOW! things are coming down fast now.
In your recap, you wrote---Veronica the Warrior Princess. May I suggest an upgrade to Veronica the Warrior Goddess?
It was so funny last night when Vero made a move towards V-snake and the viper quickly hid behind of Emiliano.
I chuckled when you wrote---Manuel begins to hyperventilate. I guess that half an inheritance just isn't enough for Manuel, he wants it all.
Laughing out loud anon207---The dummy wants to meet with them alone. I'm surprised that you didn't put dummy in capitals.
The thing that gets me is---If you are going to pull off a swindle like that, would you hang around? Oh well, team good is starting to put two and two together. V-snake doesn't have long to go now. Jail for the viper instead of the big office chair?
Must see tv.
the gringo
Well, we have made it to 100 episodes of Lo Imperdonable. It sure has been a fun and entertaining ride despite the silliness and the monkey writers that have taken over the writing department.
Poor Vero and Marty. Jorge and Emi are both fools. The brain activity that we saw from them has vanished.
"[I'm glad Jorge understands, because I don't. If you do, please explain. How is this anything but a disaster for Verónica?]"
Good for Jorge for "understanding" because I also don't get it. Vero had no reason for supposedly doing what she is being accused of.
"10:15: Virginia returns home with Salma.
10:45: Virginia sneaks out alone, carrying a handbag.
12:45: Virginia hurries back. She hides her handbag under a cushion in a carriage and heads toward the house."
Those were some hilarious images of Virginia's movements. Especially the one with her hiding her handbag under the carriage. (Why would a carriage even be doing there by the front door?!)
Oh and AP: What was she thinking by wanting to go off alone to see OG? Doesn't she remember how he locked her in cave?! I knew that we could not really trust Magda and Botel to babysit. They just let her slip away.
Botel accusing Joaquin and Lorenzo: I wanted to scream when he did that but luckily it was cleared up. Now they do have some suspicion that the driver of the truck had something to do with the gold scam.
And speaking about Joaquin, him wanting to leave town (and basically abandon his kids) is so out of character. I blame the monkey writers.
Oh no. Polo running away again? We've see that before. Onix did look cute with the matching sack.
And what can I say about Marianne's outfit? True...black pants are better than the famous gold pants of the hospital scenes, but the wardrobe department is making sure we have no sympathy for the little lady...not us gals anyway. (Opinions may differ...Gringo? Carlos?)
Got a big kick out of "effusive faux-Frenchi fashion" Lots of fluffy little "f's" in that one. Pierre does a horrible French accent but you have to love the way he plays it anyway.
Another nice image was "clings like a creeper"
Two favorite español sayings: genio y figure hasta la sepultura, and Con qué ojos... I'm wondering con que ojos I'm going to pay my credit card bill this month!
Still, sweetest moment of the episode, heralded by your heading: Je ne regrette rien...well, there's one little thing...
Great to see Manual's expression. And I assume Grandpa Goat will live because he hasn't repented yet. Pretty funny to see him still fulminating and insulting his friends and family. Whadda guy. Plus, no last rites. The pussyfooting Padre is off to the church rather than hanging around the deathbed. Hmmm
Just a great recap, with fab screen caps of another Manic Monkey episode. All it lacked was Nanciyaga arriving with some miraculous curative herbs. If she can sweeten up his temperament while she's at it, I'd be deeply grateful. Maybe tomorrow?
Magdalena could've stayed outside by the door. She didn't have to go inside. Ana Perla better recognize how lucky she is that Manny threw her out instead of locking her up again.
I think Virginia will have a real life Redd Foxx moment. (go look up how Redd Foxx died back in 1991).
For me, the most impressive performance last night was by Onyx. He's a dog for goodness sake and what dog can resist bounding off in pursuit of a soccer ball kicked just beneath his nose? And yet, wonder of wonders, this amazing pooch (whom I admit to labeling ADHD) held steady. Good job... good boy.
My favorite line from this gem of a recap:
"Nah, nobody's worse than Virginia!"
However, I'm still not convinced that she's carefully thought this whole plan out.
As for Mariana's outfit, I though that the top was great but the pants were not very flattering.
Anon207is right, wouldn't you think after his previous experience that the first thing he would have mentioned to Mariana is that HE'S MARRIED!?
Jorge is soooo stupid, the man can't seem to think for himself, now watch when the truth
Comes out he'll want forgiveness, and so will
Emi. But will they get it? Yeah, happy endings mean all is forgiven by some.
What was so cute, something I haven't seen in years, a stick with a tied up bundle at the
End if it. Sweet little polo, sad but cute. Onyx
Will be absent again, 'don't cry mauricio':-(
Didn't redd foxx have a heart attack on the set of his show? Thats what I remember the
News report saying.
Agree that Pablo should have told Mariana that he is married and about to be a father. Not even Lucia said anything (who not only lost her job but her brain as well).
I too think that Old Goat will live a bit longer. Nothing to go on but a hunch but I see him changing his attitude toward Ana Perla and Pablo at the end. At the final big party that there always is, will he be smiling at Ana Perla and his grandson or granddaughter all the while waving his stick in the air to all the assembled people?
the gringo
This was a sad episode for me with all the accusation against Vero and Martin. It isn't looking good.
Thanks so much!
"Lucia ... (who not only lost her job but her brain as well)."
Yes! The monkey writers are having a lot of trouble remembering what any of the characters are like from one day to the next, but they are particularly forgetful when it comes to poor Lucía.
"And ... Joaquin... wanting to leave town (and basically abandon his kids) is so out of character. I blame the monkey writers."
Yes, exactly!
"Those were some hilarious images of Virginia's movements."
Definitely! They filmed it like a silent comedy with all the movements so exaggerated that you couldn't miss the fact that she was up to no good. And the carriage – no idea!
Oh yes, I'm looking forward to seeing what Virginia does now that she knows Salma's secret.
So you are in the Old Goat lives another day camp? I have to say that your arguments are compelling. I had allowed myself to be persuaded by his numerous "spells," the poisonous herbs he is imbibing and his choleric nature that we'd be going to another velorio very soon, but now I'm reconsidering.
"Pierre does a horrible French accent but you have to love the way he plays it anyway."
Agreed. Pierre manages to be a stock comic character while still slipping in and out of the main drama. He always makes me smile (though I miss his earlier protegé Teo).
Thanks so much! And speaking of Onix, you had to be impressed when he cried on cue at Joaquín's departure. It was definitely a stellar performance on his part. Hmmm... you don't think they've given us a ringer, an Onix 2.0? If you can disguise tungsten as gold...
Thanks, Nina! I don't remember how Redd Foxx died, but I've always expected Virginia's flawed heart to get her in the end.
You're welcome, Duchess! It looks bad for Marty at the moment, but don't worry: he's our hero and we know he's going to land on his feet. The good thing about últimas semanas is that we can look forward to rapid resolution of just about any goofy complication that gets tossed our way.
I missed most of Friday's episode so this sad episode and recap brought me up to speed at least.
I would toss AP back in the cavejail for the crime of mere stupidity. WHY do you want the forgiveness or caring of the two people on this earth that have hurt you the most? Namely Manny and OG? I wouldn't wish my grandfather ill however I would not want to be near the deathbed of someone who mistreated me so. What's there left to say or do?
Uncle Jorge and Emi are another family I wouldn't want to belong to. Talk about fickle! First they love you then they hate you then love you again. There is no in between with these guys. Boy are they gonna feel stupid (again) by then end of this thing.
Mariana's outfit was kooky but did anyone notice Ginny's track pants/bellbottom looking ensemble with the weird stripe down the side? Very Sporty Spice. I dug the Little Red Riding cape that Ginny was sporting 2-3 episodes ago. Ironic since she would be a danger to the Wolf and not the other way around.
I read up on Redd Foxx. Word! It would be so ironic that Ginny's having an Evil Moment(TM) holding someone at gun point or about to toss them down a well (no spoiler just my Xmas Wishlist) then *croak* right there on the carpet!! What an end to such a great Villana!
"So can Pablo miraculously paint again now?"
I don't think so, though he's experimenting with different techniques and trying to use his left hand. I believe he has a collection of work completed before his hand was injured and that's what Mariana wants to show in New York.
Hi Jacki V! Glad you enjoyed the recap. It's too bad you missed Friday. That one was the upper, to vaccine you needed to get through the downer of last night's show. There was partying and dancing – lots of fun (check out the comments from that day and take a look at the links).
"I would toss AP back in the cavejail for the crime of mere stupidity."
Hee Hee.
As usual your recap is "the bomb". I am getting very spoiled with all of your fabulous recap. Thank You!
So much happened last night I don't know where to start. I guess what got me the most was Jorge and Emi. Their lack of brain cells amazes me. They are so gullible. I could probably convince them to buy some ocean front property in Arizona. I'm just trying to figure out how the monkey writers are going to solve the fake gold mystery. Also, I guess Ginny will have to have contact with Manny in order to negotiate buying gold from La Perla. Will this negotiation involve business and pleasure? After all Manny did say he would like to marry someone like Ginny.
SO much more to say, but I have to go back to work.
Thanks again NovelaMaven!
Hasta Pronto
Ginny and Manny together? That's almost punishment enough for both of them. ("Almost" is the operative word.) :-)
"I guess what got me the most was Jorge and Emi. Their lack of brain cells amazes me."
In the case of Emi, you can almost understand it because he's still so jealous. But with Jorge, it's hard to see beyond the stoopid.
I think this may have been my favorite moment: "Little Polo writes a goodbye note to his mother, picks up his bindle and leaves with Onix (who is wearing a little matching sack tied to his collar)." Polo had to work with the note to get it to stay in place on the pillow. I loved seeing him and Onix wearing matching getaway gear. Polo also kept bumping his stick into the lamp. I doubt they'll get too far.
Also liked "Virginia clings like a creeper to Jorge's shoulder." for its double meaning. She's a clinging vine, but also a creeper as in "people they deem sinister, indecorous, uncouth, or otherwise unpleasant".
Everyone drives me nuts in this telenovela. How can Jorge and Emi be so stupid as to believe Virginia's lies is beyond me, did they develop selective memory amnesia or what. Ana Perla going back to that poisonous family makes me wonder if she has a heart of gold or plain naive for going back to a place she almost lost her child.Ginny might use the fact that she knows her mother is Salma to manipulate the situation more.
Really enjoyed all the wonderful comments. In fact, right now I'm enjoying the recaps and comments much more than the show. The stupidity is rampant and pretty disconcerting.
I hate what's happening with Martín. I keep telling myself that now he knows what it feels like to be accused of something he didn't do, but it's not working...lol.
Hasta mañana.
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