Friday, October 16, 2015

Antes Muerta que Lichita #18 Thursday 10/15/15 The Episode Where Lichita Mistakenly Lowers her Guard and Luciana's Nice Girl Makes a Brief Appearance

We leave off with the young couple telling the social worker what they discovered while spying on Roberto. They have no evidence to back up what they are saying. The no nonsense social worker
tells them these are very grave accusations and warn them they could run into problems if they continue to take things into there own hands.

Lichita works on the Oki Oki meeting at home and prays that everything goes well tomorrow. Mom interrupts her thoughts to worry over Magos. Lichita chides her for once again helping Magos by giving her money for the tanda scandal she got herself into. Not wanting to argue Elsa changes the subject to discuss how bold Lichita was the day the police intruded into their homes. Elsa also also wants to know how Roberto is doing. Lichita becomes uncomfortable and say they have nothing but a work relationship. Elsa is confused because she confessed a short while ago to being in luurve. Oh look at the time...time for bed and with that excuse Lichita escapes Elsa's further interrogations about Roberto.

Gummaro and Roberto talk about Lichita and the kiss. Roberto does not have time for woman. Gummaro tries to convince him otherwise. He has been focuses a lot on work these days and he also needs to tend to his heart. Wouldnt it be nice if Mateo has a mom.....

Lichita and Alicia are trying to convince one of the administrators to use the event as a platform for their confirm. She only hedges when Alicia mentions a donation from Iconika may come their way. Later Daphne and Luciana are putting on makeup on the older girls. Daphne is having fun while Luciana is having a hard time functioning with all the noise and chatter. Lichita interjects and wants to make sure that Luciana knows everything she has to say. Confident Luci of course has everything all down. Funny out in such a short amount of time the girls have figured Luciana out and start talking like her.

Magos apparently stayed over a friends house and it seems that they are drinking while they walk around aimlessly. That is until Magos remembers she is supposed to be at Magos dance event today. She douses herself in water as she runs to the school. While Magos
is trying to catch the recital, Ximena is dancing with the prince in a pretty purple outfit. She seems disappointed that Magos is not there but Lichita and her grandparents cheer her on.

Mateo and his buddies say goodbye to one of the kid's getting adopted. He suddenly does not feel well and the director tells him he has a fever. They notify Roberto and he dashes over to the orphanage.The director tells him Mateo had a rough night which is the reason he is in such a deep sleep. He has a viral infection and needs time to bounce back. Roberto does not agree he wants to leave and find a private doctor who can do something more. Just then the social worker comes in and reprimands Roberto for trying to leave. Roberto wants to know why she has it in for him. He tries to prove to her that all he wants is to better himself so that he can get Mateo back. He is even planning on buying the apartment. The lady states that is all fine and dandy but not enough. He also
has to be careful on how he goes about his private life. She asks if there is anyone else in his life and Roberto wants to know where this is coming from. He assumes this about the young couple who is trying to adopt Mateo. Roberto is peeved and states just because there are married does not mean they deserve Mateo more than him. Social worker just reminds him again that BOTH his personal and public personna needs to be impeccable if wants custody of Mateo.

Back at the school the older girls dance to some poppy song...the japanese translator gets into it as well and gets a "who are you" look from the Oki Oki people. Daphne, Lichita and Luciana are also bopping their heads from the sidelines. When the dance routine is done it is time
for Luciana to present their pitch. For the first time in her life she is speechless. The straight, no nonsense, never smiling faces of the Oki Oki folks get to her and runs away telling Lichita to do it. They go back and forth until Lichita makes Luciana promise to get her a job as the
creative director. Luciana swears she will but somehow I do not believe anything that comes out of her mouth. Lichita is extremely nervous as this is her first time presenting her ideas all by herself. She wonders if she can truly leave her invisible life behind or if she will only just make a
fool of herself again. With encouragement from Daphne, Ximena and her parents she is able to forge on. The school girls parade their individual looks from the Oki Oki line as Lichita presents why Oki Oki makeup is awesome. At the end everyone seems pleased. Even the Oki Oki owner changes his facial expression from uncaring to slightly less uncaring to hmmm she may be on to something.

Magos finally catches up to her family as they are leaving the school. She makes up some sorry excuse about being stuck in traffic but none of them are buying it. I believe Ximena states it didnt matter since Lichita was there along with Nacho and Elsa. Magos is stunned and tearful as she realizes she cannot always squirm her way out of problems with her words.

Luciana and Alicia say goodbye to the Oki Oki folks. They like the presentation but they will get back to Sandra if they are interested. They all think they lost the campaign and are downtrodden. Back at Iconika Sandra yells at them for not letting her know their whereabouts and actions. No one told her they were trying to recover the account with Oki Oki. Luciana pulls a Nestor and starts to throw Lichita under the bus. Sandra cuts her off and will forgive them only because they won the account. At this moment Nice Luci is buried and her true mean girl comes out. Luciana immediately takes all the credit. When Sandra asks to converse with Roberto, Lichita tries to cover saying he had a family emergency while Luciana states that he had nothing to do with getting the Oki Oki account.

In Luci's office, Lichita and Luciana argue. Luciana is mad that she is trying to cover for Roberto when she should be getting the credit. She needs it to get her position as the creative director. At this point she also tells Lichita to forget her dreams as creative director. She will remain an assistant and
she should get used to it. Lichita realizes how this will play out and said the whole idea was practically hers...she starts to go off to report this whole incident to Roberto. It is at this point that Luciana believes that Lichita likes Roberto. She also tells her to forget that dream because Roberto does not fall for woman like her.

Bullet points for the rest of way:
. Sandra is in a bad mood and Fatima knows this is because Don Augusto has not contacted her.
. Roberto stays with Mateo until he gets better. He gets a call from Fatima suggesting that he come in and see Sandra or else it will not be good news for him.
. Magos tries to get back in Ximena good graces but it does not work. Nacho and her get into fight when he reports the ugly truth. Magos is never there for Ximena. Nacho, Elsa, and Lichita are more of Ximena's parents than she is.
. Luciana has no success getting in touch with Don Augusto. While pressuring Chuchette about her whereabouts this past weekend she learns that her bff gets liposuction.
. Daphne is in a good mood which her mother notices. They bring up the school idea again and Daphne promises to think about changing her mind. She tells her mom how she helped Iconika today which Beatriz just laughs at. Daphne is not amused that her own mom does not believe in her.
. Lichita calls Roberto but he is short with her saying he has a family emergency. She decides to do something to help. She goes to their house and rings the bell. Happy go lucky or maybe not so lucky Gummaro goes to answer the door.

The End

Previous: Episode 17
Next: Episode 19


Sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar errors. Didn't have time to double check. Will check back in after meeting!

Thanks, CeCe. This was perfect!

I was a bit worried that Mateo's fever meant he had the dreaded and ubiquitous telenovela leukemia. But then Gumaro said that Roberto also got these kinds of fevers all the time when they were in the orphanage as kids, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Whew! I don't want that little cutie to be sick.

I was glad that Venus warned the couple off of stalking Rob, but then she took their info and started making all kinds of assumptions about Rob's personal life. Ugh!

Very proud of Lichita for being able to make a public presentation for the first time. But this situation with Luci sucks. She has to think of a new strategy for how to deal with Luci. Sabotaging Luci is equal to sabotaging herself; but helping Luci brings her no benefits either, as Luci takes all the credit and doesn't help Lichita advance.

Gracias, CeCe! What a fun presentation, and an even better idea than the original--it's inexpensive and comes in fun colors, market to teens and tweens. "The Japanese translator gets into it as well and gets a "who are you" look from the Oki Oki people." Right on!

What is exactly would be the problem IF Rob had a foursome in a motel? They were all clearly consenting adults, and he wasn't doing it in his home (where Mateo would eventually live).

I really want Lichita to find out that it isn't a sick brother, but instead his child that Rob is working to provide for. She would totally understand. But the longer his lie continues, the more hurt she will be.

I liked Gumaro getting Rob thinking that being in love (with Lichita) would not be a distraction from his mission to get Mateo back, and that having a potential mother for Mateo would be a good thing.

CeCe, another fantastic recap. Thank you!

"Even the Oki Oki owner changes his facial expression from uncaring to slightly less uncaring to hmmm she may be on to something" was great but "Happy go lucky or maybe not so lucky Gumaro goes to answer the door" was my favorite. While I totally agree with you Vivi that I want this charade to drop, I want Roberto would come clean of his own volition. I don't want her finding out by having Gum open the door (does the man ever stop eating??). She would be devastated.

Bring on the truth Roberto...Alicia can handle it.

I'm afraid to admit this but after Magos missed the performance (yes, I know for absolutely no good reason), and started crying, I felt badly. She's misdirected, mischievous and more, but I know she loves her family and want her to straighten out and up. She needs to cultivate some beneficial interests and get a job and help out.

"no nonsense social worker" is the perfect description. I do think she is trying to be fair (I wasn't sure initially), and it's too bad she has the gossip from the wannabe adoptive mother to dissuade her further.


Hey Sara, we are missing you!!


Diana- I was sad for everyone in that situation. Magos, Elsa, Nacho, but especially Ximena. She might have said that she didn't even notice Magos there, but we know she did, and we know it hurt her deeply. It's for HER that I want Magos to finally straighten up.

Excellent recap CeCe, thank you much.

I also think the social worker is straight down the middle of the road and while it is difficult it's in the best interest of Mateo or any child. Her poking around prompted Roberto to buy the apartment.

So Alicia has saved Luciana's job and with a likely promotion and after seeing happy Alicia hate the sad one again.

I almost felt sorry for Magos too but realized that's her game. She acts with no ones interest but her own yet feels sorry for herself when people have had enough.


Cece, thank you for the excellent recap. It was a fun read!


Vivi, like you, I was expecting something way worse than a viral infection. Let us hope they keep it that way. Too much serious illness in real life for this little gem to be polluted by it.

The only person I felt sad for was Ximena. I was so glad that Nacho finally got out what he had to say to Magos without Elsa being able to shut him up to keep the peace as she usually does. No sympathy for Magos. Tofie, I agree that the tears and partial repentance are part of her game. We are only in the third week so I am sure that Magos will have yet far to fall and an equally long time to become a responsible human being.

Interesting point, Tofie, , that Venus' scrutiny is getting Roberto to do something positive like the purchase of the apartment.

I also likethat Gumaro sees Alicia as a viable partner for Roberto and a mother for Mateo.

Loved Alicia's idea to incorporate the school girls in Oki Oki in her proposal presentation.

Sandra was so sad. She with her desperation really hit rock bottom when she placed a call to find out about Elías but then did hang up before she got any info. Might she jump the Augusto ship is someone equally powerful and rich were to show her some interest or is she stuck in the Augusto rut with just more of the same old same old as described by Fátima in the last episode?

Didn't take Luciana any time at all from shifting the blame to Alicia from what she thought was going to be a condemnation of the Oki Oki proposal to herself when she found out that they had gotten the account. I hope Sandra noticed.

Will Gumaro just open the door or ask who is there first? Telenovela conventions would dictate that he just open it. Will they break with that convention?

So who is "the guy" threatening Magos? The local loan shark? Drug dealer? She seemed genuinely leery of him. Must owe him $$$, too. Sure we will be seeing him again.

I am enjoying this one so much along with the great company on the patio!


I'm not so sure Tofie. I thought that Magos was really sorry for her actions last night. This may have been the wake up that Magos needs. She let her daughter down.

Thank you CeCe---I laughed when you wrote that for the first time in her life Luciana was speechless. Yes, that was indeed a hoot when Luciana went to the microphone and opened her mouth and nothing came out. She ended up taking the credit though. GRRRR!!

Can't wait to find out what Agusto is doing in secret.

Will Gumaro open the door tonight?

must see tv
the gringo


Hi CeCe .. thanks for the humorous details about last night's shenanigans. I'm hoping Daphne pulls the plug on Luci with the Oki Oki campaign. After all, she was there; I think Sandra might believe her, her own mother, no.

Am I imagining things or is Lichita becoming slowly but surely more conscious of her demeanor. I'm waiting for her to drop the slouch and stand tall. And maybe Oki Oki will advise her on those eyebrows.


It is not your imagination, Lola. They are changing Lichita and making her more confident in her demeanor slowly, a bit at a time. I really like it, versus the overnight change we usually see in ugly/awkward duckling tales.

ViVi: And here I thought Mateo was pretending (initially) to either get out of saying goodbye to his buddy or as a means to see his dad again. ITA agreement with Lichita small change. I like how gradual she is changing. I found that she took a few steps back in this episode in some ways (ie believing anything that comes out of Luciana's mouth) and some steps forward (speaking in front of the crowd).

Diana: So torn about Magos. I believed she felt bad but she has done this before. She acts first and doesnt think about the consequences until it is too late. I am also not sure if Lichita would be all too happy that Roberto lied. There will be a huge falling out because its just proof that people will makeup anything to get what they want...or that is how I think she will take it. And no Gumaro is always eating....its like that gag with Brad Pitt in the Ocean's movies.

Tofie: Even though I would be glad to see the social worker crack a small. She is whipping Roberto into shape in with her no nonsense behavior. First taking the job seriously so that he can remain there and then the apartment situation.

Jarifa: I want Sandra to drop Don Augusto like its hot and rekindle her flame with Elias. Its obvious that she still cares for him in some way.


Lola: "And maybe Oki Oki will advise her on those eyebrows." lmao Im glad I wasn't drinking anything.

Gringo: perhaps someone will intervene and it will just be a close call. Don't wanna have bad news for Lichita all at once.


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Thank you, CeCe! I don't have planning period today and this is the first chance I've had to swing by.

I was interrupted multiple times last night. Your recap filled in so many gaps. Your recap is very appreciated.

I'm very happy they got the Oki Oki account.

THank you cece for a mahvelous recap! like most of you i loved when Luciana was speechless... (can we save that freeze frame?) and then was sick to my stomach when she again stabbed Lichita in the back by taking the credit for the campaign...
I too, like gringo, can't wait to see what AUgusto is doing in secret... since Sandra is not with him...
At first i thought the gray hair japanese guy was not liking the exaggerated makeup...
Did I hear right that Chuchette was getting a lipo the night before and she is in the office today? ... is Lipo an outpatient surgery and you can go to work the day after? i have no clue.

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