Friday, October 02, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #8 Thursday 10/01/15: The Episode Where Mean Girls Run Rampant in Iconika Spreading Vileness with a Vengeance

The Old:

The Mean girl clan who forgot to leave their high school antics behind when they turned like 20 decided it would be funny to turn Lichita’s face into that of a clown. Of course, Lichita thinks they are doing her a favor so she walks back into the boardroom timidly showing their work of art. One look at her face and Sandra looks not at all pleased, Nestor does the predictable and bursts out laughing and Roberto just smirks.

The New:

Lichita realizes the joke is on her once she looks at the mirror. Mean girl clan are really getting into their high school roles and chanting, “She wants to cry”. Roberto shuts them up (took a little too long IMO but at least someone did). He tells Lichita and Luciana that both of them need to get to work and bring ideas to the table.

Lichita is in Roberto office discussing the account with a rightful chip on her shoulder. Roberto wants to know why she is mad. He doesn’t understand why she lets them do these things to her and she feigns ignorance. Roberto cannot believe how “ingenua” (someone who is easy to fool) she can be at times. She finally states that mayyybee she has a little too much faith in people (just a little huh)…a trait she can’t get rid off. With attitude that should be fueled towards her mean coworkers she storms out the door.

Luciana tells Jesusa “Chuchette” that she is interested in Roberto. Her confidence meter is off the charts at this point (Augusto is wrong they do have one common trait at least), because clearly men always fall for her eventually. She does confess the one thing slowing her down is the lack of a decent set of wheels. Jesusa lets Luciana know that her dear uncle keeps several nice cars on hand with the keys still in them. Luciana zones in towards the car that most fit her personality, which is a yellow fancy sports car. She decides to take it for a spin telling Jesusa it’s their little secret.

Meanwhile back in the Guiterrez household, Nacho is happy because he has just received approval from the doc to drive again. He does a happy dance (ohhh so this dance must run in the family) and makes his way to Lichita ‘s office to spread the news (I sense that this will not end well). And just as I suspect, both just happen to be using the same road and it ends in a 2 car accident. Luciania car gets scraped, while Nacho is less lucky and hits a hydrant (??). Before Luciana speeds away in a panic, he manages write her license plate number.

Lichita calls her father after learning from her mother that he was supposed to drop by. He tells her of the accident and she makes it there in record time. Now we have a crowd looking on somberly with an insurance guy taking notes. Nacho just cannot catch a break, as the guy tells them that the car is probably a goner, which means no work for Nacho. He was just so close to paying the car off too. Lichita is just glad that he escaped the incident with just a bruise but Nacho worries over their increasing debts. To make matters worse the insurance guy asks what operation he had recently. I would have hedged at this but Nacho proceeds with the truth, which bears more bad news from the insurance guy…. you may not get covered for this incident if you were not in condition to drive.

Roberto has a meeting with the social worker to show proof of his job at Iconika. The social worker tells him he needs to wait about 6 months before there is any movement which clearly surprises Roberto (they have to make sure the job is a stable one and that he does not get fired..etc) Not missing this, she reminds him that he is much closer today to getting his son back than he was before so he should be patient. Afterwards he meets with his adorable son (I forgot his name) who want to know when he can go home with his dad. Roberto dejectedly replies that it will take longer than he thought. However, on the bright side with his new job they can at least see each other more often.

Luciana and Jesusa discuss the gravity of the situation. She believes that Luciana’s uncle would not be too pleased but Luciana just wants to keep it between them. Jesusa wants to play the holy card and say she would NEVER lie and is honest when it comes to work (is she crossing her fingers behind her back). Jesusa agrees with one condition.... Luciana has to quit calling her Jesusa!

Nacho returns home and everyone is glad that he is okay. He is really upset about the news from the insurance guy. Magos doesn’t seem too worried; Lichita can help out with her new promotion and all. Later that night, Ximenia tries to help her aunt come up with ideas for the Oki Oki campaign. Ximenia likes the idea of a princess which leads Lichita into an “interesting” dream sequence where there is lots of opera like singing fused with rock and roll from the Iconika crew (not really sure how this will sell make-up but what do I know. I was too distracted by the kimona and dance to actually pay attention to the lyrics so fill in please!).

The next morning Roberto finds out that they have a meeting to discuss ideas for Oki Oki account. Roberto notes that this is way too soon (perhaps you should actually try to do your job instead of posing). Nestor comments with the only wise words he has spoken this far…when you work in a field such as this, you have to be ready to bring it like yesterday otherwise you are too late.

Meanwhile, the secretaries take their hand at playing mean girls. They are laughing as Lichita and Braulio walk by. Sadly, Lichita is used to this behavior and immediately asks if there is something on her or if her clothing ripped again. Just then a young girl named Daphne in very pink outfit asks to see her father. The secretaries clearly do not believe her. The rest of the mean girls crew (Jesusa, Luciana and Nestor) join in and comments on her body size (unashamed that their object of fun is just a little girl). Laughter stops when the head secretary (I forget her name) to Augusto comes out and confirms that Daphne is the daughter of Augusto albeit she has changed a tad. Daphne thanks Lichita for being the only nice one and walks away leaving the rest without words (if only they can stay that way for the rest of this episode I wouldn't be up this late).

Augusto is NOT happy to see his daughter. Daphne complains that she does not like the school she is attending so she escaped. He tells her it’s her mother’s fault for not choosing some school in Europe. Daphne astutely picks up that her very own father does not want her around, known to the public. Dealing with his daughter is clearly not in his schedule so he dials her mother to handle the situation.

Lichita finds out from the Mean girls crew that they were the one behind the cow pictures that showed up at the Mas board meeting. Why Lichita is surprised and hurt at this I do not know but she looks like she is about to cry, which they do not fail in pointing out.

Back in the office, Daphne watches, as her parents argue about whose to blame. Beatriz is tired of Augusto’s chewing her out all the time but Daphne has had enough..of both of them...who clearly do not want her around. Beatriz consoles her daughter saying that they just want her to receive the best education. Augusto has had enough of discussing private matters at "his" company. He shoos them out so that he can get back to doing more of nothing.

Lichita is staring at a blank screen while Braulio discusses the latest office gossip (Daphne and her change in appearance). Lichita is not amused until he mentions something about inner beauty. This puts her in action and she shoos him out to concentrate on this newfound idea.

To nobody’s surprise Luciana admits to Jesusa that she actually does not have an idea (noooo you don’t say). Jesusa basically hints to Luciana not to completely write off Lichita because she was the one who brought them this far with Oki Oki. Meanwhile, with the help of Lichita’s artsy bff Brisa , Lichita managed to successfully complete the assignment. As they both exit the office to head to cafeteria, Luciana sneaks in and steals Lichita’s work (ugh not this again).

(Bullet points from here on out…. Its getting late and I have wake up muy temprano. Feel free to discuss in comment section anything I left out).

  • Nacho has no luck finding work. Its hard for him to work as taxi driver due to gossip of his accident. Another place rejects him due his age.
  • Fight between Daphne and Beatriz continue at home. Daphne hates summer school and the classes are useless to her. She insists her parents want to keep her hidden due to her weight. Beatriz tries to deny this but then she adds it wouldn’t hurt if she lost some weight. Its for her own good. Later Daphne acts out and throws tantrum by destroying her room while the maid looks on in horror. Beatriz walks in and thinks the Apocalypse has occurred.
  • The Oki Oki meeting commences and Luciana insists she go first as the “neice” of the owner. She presents a horrible idea, which gets shot down by Sandra which of course she passes it off as Lichita’s idea. As Luciana presents her "real" idea, Lichita learns quickly that her project was yet again stolen (word of advice…please invest in encryption software and safe box for future projects. You clearly work with a pack of mean, lying, two-faced, phony, all talk and no substance group of people). Surprisingly, Lichita interjects and accuses Luciana of presenting her idea. But everyone shuts her down, thinking that Luciana stealing an idea from her is ridiculous. Roberto correctly adds 1+1=2 after he notes several emotions passing through her face.
  • While everyone praises Luciana for her brilliant idea, Lichita interjects again saying this is not the first time someone has stolen an idea from her.

Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next! Will they listen to Lichita (doubtful)? Will Roberto call Luciano out on her duplicity (probably not since he did the same thing). Will this be the final straw for Lichita to take vengeance on these mean spirited folk (hopefully)!

Discussion Point: Who gets the crown of being the meanest of them all?? Discuss away....

Previous: Episode 7
Next: Episode 9


CeCe- The whole recap was great, down to your satisfying bullet points.

Well, Daphne certainly knows how to tell her parents what she thinks. Too bad neither of them are listening. Didn't like her tearing up her room, because it's the maid who has to clean it up. I get that she was trying to get Beatriz's attention, though.

In defense of Roberto, he told Alicia he thought she had purposely done the makeup herself. And he was totally right that she shouldn't let them do these things to her and learn to stand up for herself. He also called Luci out in the presentation and asked her to tell the truth in front of everyone (of course, she didn't). But, he never saw Alicia's presentation. He can't swear before everyone that it's hers. Bottom line, it was stupid of her to leave a copy of the presentation AND the flash drive sitting on her desk. She needs to learn, and this was the hard way of doing it.

Now, since Rob has to keep this job for at least six months, he knows he can't do that without Alicia. He's going to have to find a way to keep her happy and creative for half a year. That's not going to happen if Luci is stealing her ideas and humiliating her constantly.

Ximena was adorable trying to help Lichita come up with ideas. Then getting cookies, to help the creative process.

Was it just me, or did Alicia look good in that pants suit? Much better than those schlumpy skirts. And the portfolio bag is a vast improvement over that backpack. Now, if only she'd start wearing her size clothing.

Thank you CeCe!! I can't wait to read this. The title alone is pure awesome sauce! You got one heck of an episode! So much going on.

Vivi-I liked the pants suit better too. It's a step in the right direction...but still a little ill fitting.

I really like Sandra's wardrobe as well. I really hope she turns out to be good or at least redeemable. I like her. But Chantal Andare is usually a villain, isn't she?

*wild applause*

This was so great!! Every episode is just so filled with stuff going on that it's really hard to recap it, but you handled it brilliantly.

Best line for me:
"...word of advice…please invest in encryption software and safe box for future projects. You clearly work with a pack of mean, lying, two-faced, phony, all talk and no substance group of people"

So much WORD on that. I hope this is the last time we have the stolen idea plot. I don't want this to be a common occurrence.

Hmmmm. Who's the meanest? That really is something to think about. I'll wait to hear what others say and change my mind accordingly. :-)

I am very bothered by how Lichita is treated and I hate the kick the puppy attitude of pretty much everyone. I so hope we get some positive things soon. Right now it is pretty heart-breaking.

I was really hoping that Dafne was going to bring a little joy to us and Lichita, but she didn't. I do hope she and Lichita come to be friends. I hate the way her parents deal with her. Did anyone else notice that she called her mother Beatriz?

Thanks again, CeCe! I appreciate your staying up late to do this. I know I really needed a lot of clarification!


Forgot to say that I loved that Lichita used manga inspired images in her presentation.

This is really good CeCe. Your descriptions cut right to the chase.

"Mean girl clan"

"rightful chip on her shoulder"

"Who gets the crown of being the meanest of them all??"

I was screaming for Luchita to stop that frilly wench stealing her idea and tell them all, go ask Brisa who's work it is.

Horrible that Beatriz was shaking her head yes as Daphne stated the obvious, her parents are ashamed of her and want her out of sight.


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Thank you, CeCe, for your excellent recap. . My favorite line that said it all was: "With attitude that should be fueled towards her mean coworkers she storms through the door."

Here is hoping that some time soon Lichita learns there is no virtue in being "willingly gullible". I liked that Roberto called her on her on it.

My faves:

The Japanese musical fantasy.

Dafne in all of her pink wonder. Call me a rebellious kid at heart, but I so vicariously enjoyed her trashing her room. I cannot wait to see more of her and the difficulties she will be causing her image driven unworthy "parents.". I sure would love to see her shipped to Icónika for daycare where maybe some of her "take no prisoners" attitude could rub off on Lichita. Is her character a foreshadowing of where Lichita could be going . . . Just thinking!

In spite of their obnoxiousness, I so enjoyed the pairing of Luciana and Chuchette sealed by the conspiracy to know nothing about the damaged car. Their whispering back and forth was so funny.

I wonder how bad things are going to have to get before Lichita decides "Antes muerta que Lichita". Looking forward to it!

Another good one!

Yes, Sara, I also noticed that Dafne called her mother by her first name. Seems to be a trend in this novela. Now if the characters of Magos and Beatriz are rehabilitated as "mothers", will Ximena and Dafne call them "mother"? I have way too much time on my hands this a.m.

I also was not happy with Augusto's comment that Dafne's upbringing and education were Beatriz's responsibility because she was the woman? her mother? Whatever word he used it was a real sexist comment.

CeCe: Your insights are powerful and descriptive: "With attitude that should be fueled towards her mean coworkers she storms out the door is but one example” and “Nestor comments with the only wise words he has spoken this far…” were but two examples.

I so enjoyed your recap. I detested the episode.

I realize that the "mean girls" are a pivotal plot line here so we must endure their endless harassment of Lichita and her being perpetually on the brink of tears.

But the scene where Daphne first appeared at the reception desk was frankly, unwatchable. It was verbal abuse of a child pure and simple. No wonder Daphne appears to have a hard shell and is lashing out in a destructive manner.

I love to laugh but understand comedies have serious elements. Their treatment of Daphne took any joy away from my enjoyment of this last night.

Your "Discussion Point: Who gets the crown of being the meanest of them all?? Discuss away...." was rhetorical, wasn't it CeCe? Everyone at that desk except for Lichita was equally guilty.

I always try to see the good in things and people but meanness and spite clouded my vision last night. Sorry.


Vivi: I like that Daphne appears to be a tough cookie despite the awfulness of the adults surrounding her. I did not blame her one bit for trashing her room. She has every right to be frustrated with her not so great parents. While he may not be contributing anything significant to his position at this seems that he is there to build Lichita's confidence. I too appreciated that he called her out for being gullible and believing these nasty folks will do no harm to her. And I noticed the pantsuit was more fitted than her usual attire (still bad but its a step up). I hope we continue to see progressive changes in her attitude inward and outward.

Sara: I too noticed that Daphne called her mom Beatriz. Is that the trend these days to call parents on a first name basis...even now I wouldn't dare call my mom by her first name. It would be great for Lichita and Daphne to join forces...I think Lichita could learn from Daphne toughness.

Tofie: Thanks! I was so mad at Luciana for squashing Lichita and convincing everyone that she did not steal the presentation that I forgot about Brisa. Perhaps there is hope for Lichita's case but somehow think that Luciana may have won this round.

Jarifa: Willingly gullible is the perfect description. You have to be blind not to notice the true nature of these people. They do not even try and hide it. Luciana and Chuchette are hilarious when they are not being mean to others. It was funny when they were whispering loudly in an empty garage and also when Luciana confessed she had no real ideas. There frenemy aspect of their relationship is fun to watch.

Diana: ITA...the whole clan just embarrassing a little girl was downright appalling. I was shaking my head the whole time. Unlike Lichita, I am glad Daphne didnt pay them any mind but continued with her demand to see her father.

The Japanese musical was cute and I was just as distracted by the kimonos as you were, Cece!

I'm just sort of rambling...

Jarifa-I guess I have too much time on my hands, too. I know I've said it before, but I spend a lot of my spare time thinking about my telenovelas. Right now Lichita occupies a lot of my time.

There is a lot of meanness in this and normally I would give up. But I so want to see the change in Lichita. I wish I didn't have to watch so many cringeworthy moments.

I'm going to hold out hope for Dafne, because I did like the way she treated Lichita.

"Frenemy" is a perfect description, CeCe. Chuchette and Luciana are very fun to watch...when they aren't being mean and making me want to punch things.

Also, I am developing a HUGE crush on Arath.

Well that makes two of us Sara so if you don't mind sharing an Arath sammich......

Sara/Tofie: I dont mind Arath either. I never watched his previous novelas (I dont care for comedies usually) but I like the way he is playing the character. Like the way he was peeling Luciana off of him when he found out the Oki Oki meeting was that very morning. Or when he was being silly in that dream sequence. I just wish Roberto can spend his energy taking his job seriously. The amount of energy he wastes trying to remain in Lichita good graces he could perhaps be worth 1/10 of what he gets paid. I want to see Lichita and Roberto working as a team.

Thanks, Cece. Great title and recap. Your “stay tuned” is hilarious. My favorite line: Augusto has had enough of discussing private matters at "his" company. He shoos them out so that he can get back to doing more of nothing.

I do like that Roberto privately chastised Lichita for letting them make her up. He wants her to stand up for herself – nobody gets to take advantage of her but him!

Both Augusto and Beatriz are horrible parents, but I’ll admit I’m holding Beatriz to a higher standard. She’s a woman and should know about the body image problems a teen girl can have. Augusto is an elitist and knows he’s no good - no surprise that he's a lousy parent. Beatriz thinks of herself as a nice person, but the contrast between how she welcomed Luciana to how she treated her own daughter made me cringe.

Daphne seems like a smart girl. She was very controlled in the way she tore up the bedroom. Maybe she’ll size up cousin Luciana’s phoniness.

I liked the Japanese pop dance sequence too. Lichita looked pretty good in a kimono.

Honestly, I was surprised by the Bea/Dafne dynamic. Bea was the one who reminded Don A to mention his daughter at the anniversary party. She and Dafne looked close in the framed picture that I saw in a scene. I was surprised to see Dafne so angry with her mother and Bea so insensitive.

I can share Arath. Should we create a sharing schedule?

No, seriously. He's darling.

Thanks for the recap, Cece!

Anyone else having trouble watching this show because of the bullying? It's hard for me to sit through many of the scenes. Loved Daphne trashing her room though! That poor kid.

J: I'm not watching this one because of the bullying. I'm reading the recaps and comments and if there's an ep that I feel I can't pass up, I'll watch it. Otherwise, it's hard enough reading about it, let alone watching it.

Which reminds me. CeCe thanks so much for your recap. I love bullet points!

Glad I'm not the only one, Nanette. Most of the characters are way too mean for what's supposed to be a light-hearted comedy. It's still too much like Ugly Betty for my taste too, and I have seen so many versions of Ugly Betty that I'm bored with this one already.

The bullying was bad but with Luciana added last night it was taken to a new level and isn't funny. They made the point these are nasty people.

I'm going to do what I do with Days of Our Lives--read the recap, then watch the scenes that interest me. There are a few in this ep, so I'll check it out--but FF through the bullying (shouldn't take to long to get through the ep, then).

J, yes, as I noted in my comment, I am with you and Nanette (and I imagine everyone else) and don't like the continual bullying.



tofie, agreed! 100%


I admit it, I have a hard time watching the bullying too. I hope it will be worth the suffering during the early episodes and that a strong Lichita emerges.

Thank you CeCe---The whole recap was great. Yes, the bullet points too.

Very short today---I hate the way that the mean girls (and the men that go along with them) treat Lichita. Maybe I dislike it so much because it's Maite but even if it's Lichita, no one should have to endure that kind of harassment. Lichita never harmed any of them that would cause them to want to get back at her---they're just not nice, disgusting people.

Roberto is in a difficult position. He needs to keep his job so he can't push against Luciana too hard and yet he knows that he would be toast without Lichita. He will be walking a thin line for awhile.

must see tv---not the mean girls but I can't block them out.
the gringo

I, for one, would love a pure comedy, but unfortunately it seems that these "comedy" novelas are always "dramedies". As far as the bullying, for me, it is only one part of a very entertaining story. Everyone/ every culture has different tastes especially when it comes to comedy. What I have a problem with are the rapes, murders, illnesses, kidnapping, coercion and torture, many of the dramatic novelas. (That is why I have become a big fan of the dramedies eventhough I do confess I loved LQLVMR in all of its twisted glory and Montserrat's wondrous wardrobe.) For me, bullying is rather light weight in comparison. I am now interested in what incident is going to be the catalyst that will make Lichita fight back and become her own woman. Will it be one event? A series of smaller ones? Will it involve something that happens to her alone? Someone else in the workplace? A family member?

Arath is cute but not my type, so ladies, you do not have to worry about sharing him with me. : )

OT: Sara, a funny! Last night I was on the phone during "Lichita" and when "No creo . . " came on I could not believe who I was seeing. It was Alejandro Camacho of "Cuna . . " in another creepy disturbing role. Here he had his hands all over a poor young thing telling her how she was going to repay him for something. Such an effective villain over the decades!

I think I got spoiled by Amores con trampa because it seemed pretty close to pure comedy. It never got too dark. I'm having to adjust with Lichita. I am more disturbed when the dramatic intrudes on the comedy. Does that make any sense?

I am watdhing a snail's pace because I find it so disturbing that I can't take more than an episode or two a week. Yet, at the same time I watch Senora Acero and barely bat an eye. Weird, isn't it?


Jarifa: ITA with the statement about comedies being different depending on the culture. I have a hard time with comedies in general whether it's american tv, british shows, korean shows, telenovelas and even nollywood movies. I rarely find them funny but I still give them a try every now and then. Guess my sense of humor is off :/

I never finished LQLVMR (on my growing lists of novelas to finish) but I wished I owned even half of what was in Montserrat's closet. Her mother on the other hand....


Yes, it does make sense re. drama intruding on the comedy. As for the other, we are pretty complicated we human beings, aren't we? I may not like most Mexican dramas, but my non-Spanish viewing is not all comedies by any means.

From what I saw of YNCELH last night, I know it is not for me. I will give "PyP" a chance just because of Colunga and Salinas. I wish they offered more "dramedies". Seems like the ratio is always three dramas to one dramedy in the four hour prime time slot. Must be due to $$$.


I cannot rip myself away from Yo No but agree it is really a downer, however it is brilliantly written, complex and the actors incredible and though there has been intermittent standard TN fare situations the actors sell it and doesn't feel contrived. Doesn't feel like I'm even watching a TN but Masterpiece Theater.

I need Lichita to counter what I know is coming at 10. Last night with the viscous playground bullying that never stopped by adults playing for keeps it was too much. We went from happy dance Wednesday to kicked with a jackboot Thursday.

Thanks, CeCe for an excellent recap! Glad to see I'm not the only one frustrated/depressed by the cruelty of so many on the staff. I really want to see Lichita fight back, possibly with Daphne as an associate.

I did enjoy the anime-influenced dream sequence and Daphne trashing her room. (Yes, it's not right for the maid to have to clean it up, but her parents aren't listening to her words.)

Also hoping for Luciana to be held responsible for wrecking Nacho's taxi and taking the sports car without permission. She and Chuchette have their funny moments.

Jarifa- Don't worry. Alejandro Camacho's character is being seduced and duped by that sweet young thing. The fact that you weren't able to tell that speaks to how complex and subtle the acting and writing is in Yo No...

So glad to hear that someone has the creeper's number! All I saw was him pawing her in that scene and the look on her face. Disturbing..

I didn't even watch LQLVMR and I noticed Montserrat's wardrobe!

Lichita has to fight back. The promos showed her getting mad! Just don't make me wait forever! I mean... She already had a slight wardrobe change, right?

They always show her halo with little devil horns at the start of every show. Guess it hasn't gotten bad enough yet to push her into action. Can't wait!


I can't wait either!

Great recap, Cece!! I remember they made a point that it was Luciana herself calling Daphne 'Gordis' or something to that effect. I bet Daphne will remember that, esp since Lichita was so nice to her and Luciana will take it on Lichita...
Looks like tonight's ep will be interesting... at least Lichita will realize it was Luciana who crashed with her dad... even if we know something will prevent her from being able to accuse Luciana.
I am in line with you ladies about Roberto/Arath... he is such a good character and eye candy. But I also have to agree that the bullying of LIchita and last night Daphne was a turn-off.


Gracias, CeCe! Great title :D I love your advice to Alicia about protecting her work.

I agree that bullying is getting to be a bit much! And Arrath/Roberto does nothing for me, I'm more of a William Levy type of gal :>

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