Thursday, October 01, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #7 Wednesday 9/30/15

Well, the story continues at Lichita's house where they are all so happy with her good news. Her father Nacho is saying didn't he tell her that she just had to stick it out at the agency and it would all work out and their dreams would come true? Elsa her mother is so happy she never threw in the towel. Lichita says she learned howw to work hard from both of them. Elsa says that is how the women of their house use are strong, hardworkers, etc. She, Lichita, Magos, and Ximena all cheer.

Lichita is on top of the world when she gets to work thinking how from this day on she would be flying towards her dreams thanks to her effort and patience nobody or nothing would be stopping her. That ecstatic mood is quickly shattered when she opens the door to her office and finds Luciana sitting at the desk. There must be a mistake. No mistake according to Chuchette who has just arrived on the scene with Néstor. This is the office for the person who is going to be in charge of the "Oki Oki Jinsei(Ginseng?)" Cosmetics campaign and that would be Luciana de Toledo y Mondragón Iribarren who just happens to be the niece of don Augusto the owner of Icónika. Luciana informs Lichita that she is her boss. Could she bring her a capuccino? Lichita says that her boss Robeto Duarte gave her the office. They all laugh. Néstor tells her that that is just a "sueño guajiro" (a pipe dream). Lichita insist they go talk to Roberto. On one hand Lichita thinks Roberto will support her but then again might she be slammed by reality?

In Roberto's office, Roberto defends Lichita and her placement and wants to know all about Luciana's background in advertising. Luciana does a lot of double talk about her experience and expertise. Chuchette just thinks it is bad manners to not trust the owner's niece. Roberto asks if Sandra okayed this. Since it is don "mero mero's" (big shot's) niece, Sandra does not have to okay anything according to Chuchette. It is apparent to Roberto that Sandra does not know and so that is where they should have started in the first place: with Sandra the General Director of the company.

Back at Lichita's house her dad Nacho is so happy with how well things are going for her he even feels like eating again which makes his wife Elsa very happy. Then suddenly Nacho gets an idea! Elsa gets worried when Nacho gets ideas.

Roberto, Lichita, Néstor, Chuchette and Luciana have all moved to Sandra's office to sort things out. Sandra loses no time in getting in Luciana's face and informing Luciana that even if her father were the king of Rome, she Sandra has the final say on what goes on. Nobody operates on their own. Samdra asks Néstor who came up with the ide of putting Luciana in charge the the cosmetic account they didn't even have yet, he throws Chuchette under the bus and blames her for the whole mess. Sandra informs Luciana that she does not put up with any kind of nepotism or rewards based on close friendships in the company. Luciana speaks up for herself saying that she being hired has nothing to do with her family but with her great talent. She thinks her uncle Augusto is going to be really angry when he finds out how she has been treated. Roerto supports Sandra in calling in don Augusto to decide the matter. Luciana is not happy.

The whole group has moved on to don Augusto's office where he is not too pleased to see his niece and whispers in her ear that she is just like her father Rafael. He moves down the line to Roberto where he gets in his ear saying he cannot believe he would have promised the account to that girl--whoever Alicia Gutiérrez is. Lichita puts up her hand to identify who she is and don Augusto does not even recognize her. Sandra says Lichita has worked for many years for the company. She was the assistant to Elías. As Luciana starts to plead her case, don Augusto pushes Lichita out of the way and leans on her as if he were leaning on a piece of furniture as he deals with his niece. Luciana begs for a chance saying she is not mediocre like her father. Don August says that at least they agree on one thing: that her father Rafael is a major league don Nadie (Nobody). She talks about how her father squandered his fortune and how don Augusto made this company out of nothing. Don Augusto looks pleased and flattered as he is still leaning on Lichita. Beatriz calls him on the phone.

Since Beatriz interceded on her behalf, don Augusto will give Luciana ONE opportunity. Augusto gives the Japanese makeup account to Roberto. Everyone else there will be working for him. The vacant office will be his. Luciana will be an editor along with Lichita. Don Augusto motions for them all to leave his office.

Out in the hall, Roberto tells his team where he and they will be working. Néstor proclaims himself the account executive. Chuchette takes Luciana for a tour of HER uncle's company as it is her obligation to do.

Roberto calls Gumaro amd brings him up to date on the latest happenings. Gumaro is making himself a gigantor sandwich as they are talking. He tells Gumaro that he defended Lichita and now she is so grateful she will help him do everything he asks. Gumaro thinks he should have gone over to the niece's side. Roberto didn't want to do that because her uncle doesn't support her and she had done something against him already.Roberto says he is going to have to be extra careful so that they don't find out that he knows nothing about advertising.

Luciana and Chuchette are still on the company tour, when Luciana wants to know why they call her "Chuchette". Chuchette says it is in honor of her French grandmother. They talk about Roberto and Luciana is not happy because if it were not for him she would be the creative director of the makeup account. Chuchette says that a woman as divine as she Luciana is could make a man like Roberto fall right at her feet. Luciana tells her she is really not interested in her opinions and wants to know what her real name is because she is not buying the French grandmother story. Luciana grabs Chuchette's name tag just to find out her real name is "Jesusa." She goes off laughing while Jesusa insists her name is Chuchette and Luciana's real name is Luci-fer.

Roberto amd Lichita are chit chatting in the hall. Roberto is sure that Lichita is going to show how much better of a worker she is than Luciana. Lichita is demoralized because Luciana "the owner's niece" was simply given the same position as she has: "editor" after Lichita has worked there so many years. Lichita is even more upset by the fact of how disappointed her family will be when she tells them about her position. Roberto says he understands. She drops a folder, they both go to get it and hit their heads. The scene ends with a "see you tomorrow".

Outside of the office building, Roberto sees Lichita waiting for the bus and decides he will give her a lift home after debating whether he should or not with himself. She of course falls before she gets in the car and has to be reminded to open the door and not just jump over it. They arrive at her house and he tells her she has another advantage over Luciana: she is his assistant director and that among all of the crazy people she is his favorite. Bye bye!

Lichita goes into her  house  to find  surprise party. That was the idea that her father had earlier. The party is in honor of them naming her a director even with her own office. They all cheer and applaud. Neighbors, friends, relatives are there. Lichita tells us that she had a fantasy right at that moment: she hoped the earth would open and swallow her.

Luciana has returned to her aunt and uncle's home and Beatriz is telling her now that she has gotten her the job, the rest depends on her Luciana. Luciana wants to know how she got her the job. Beatriz tells her that all married women know how to convince their husbands especially if the cause is noble. Don Augusto arrives. He needs to talk to both of them.

Back at the party, Lichita is surprised to see Roberto who has just come by to give her a folder she had left in his car. Lichita feels even more uncomfortable as her dad talks about them celebrating her being named "director"to the whole party crowd. They all applaud.

Don Augusto reminds Luciana that the only person she has to be grateful for for the job is his wife Beatriz. If it had been up to just him, she would be back in Patagonia. He tells her that she will have no cars or drivers at her service. Beatriz starts to protest but Luciana says that is okay. By taking public transportation she will learn a lot. Beatriz points out to her husband that she hopes he appreciates that Luciana wants to start from the bottom and rise by her own effort. Luciana is off to her room to study up on her work assignment. She kisses her aunt, turns to kiss her uncle but he waves her off.

At the party Lichita is talking to Roberto about how she does not know how she will tell her family that she did not get the promotion. Her dad calls her and comes with her mother to give her a gift: a new briefcase. The neighbors and cousins helped them with contributing money for the party and her sister Magos organized it. Roberto is off for a beer with Nacho. Elsa tells Lichita now proud they all are of her.

Don Augusto is playing billiards as his wife Beatriz is telling him that he is way too hard on Luciana. He insists she is just like his brother: arrogant, hypocritical, fake . . . Beatriz sees her as just the opposite: very humble and from what she has told her, Luciana does not have a good relationship with her father Rafael. That could be because they are so different. Don Augusto comments about what a lamentable misfortune it would be for Rafael if he ended up losing his daughter due to this distancing between them besides having also lost his fortune. Beatriz doesn't get it; don Augusto doesn't want to explain besides it is time for Beatriz to go to mass. No, she is not going to mass but to the chapel to pray for him. He thanks her.

At the party, Elsa is so happy for Lichita achieving her dreams. Maybe love will be next. Magos appears on the scene to congratulate Lichita. Lichita thanks her for helping out with the party and says she would do the same for her. Quickly the topic of Lichita's salary comes up and Magos' need for a little money. Nacho and Roberto are drinking their beer as Nacho goes on and on about Lichita amd his family supporting each other in the bad times and celebrating in the good times. It seems that Magos wants to start a "tanda" (a kind of informal savings group) in the neighborhood. She wants Lichita to give her some money to get it off the ground. Lichita warns her about how risky "tandas" are. Magos is not worried because the participants would all be people she knows from the neighborhood. She would then be able to pay off her father's fines. (why does this sound shady when Magos is describing it?) Lichita tells her that she needs to make sure that people make their deposits on time. Magos goes on about how she has not been able to find a job. What would it cost Lichita to give her a hand?? As Lichita is in the midst of this painful debate, Ximena appears telling her she is going to tell everyone at school about the party they gave her because of her important job. Ximena asks Magos when she is going to get a job.

Roberto gets a phone call and has to leave ASAP. Roberto tells Lichita that he cannot give her any advice about what to tell her parents but one thing he does know for sure is that whatever happens they will always be there for her. He kisses her on the cheek and is gone. Lichita admits to us that at that moment she was completely in love.

Roberto's phone call was from the valet parking service he is working for. Roberto had the car of some man who wanted his car back sooner rather than later. When the man gets his car from Roberto he tells him that he is lucky he is in a hurry or else he would have sued him. Roberto quits his valet job.

It is morning at Lichita's house and Nacho has still not been cleared to go back driving his cab. He is worried anout all of the bills piling up if he cannot make some money with his taxi. Of course, Magos is there bright and early to remind Lichita about the favor she asked of her and to tell her how energized she is to get the people together for the "tanda".  Lichita agrees to help her out but does not look happy about it. Nacho has Ximena with him.  It is time for her to go to school and Lichita to work with her new briefcase.

At the office, there is a meeting going on with Nëstor talking anout sales numbers in Japan. Everyone looks bored to death. Luciana starts out with how easy it should be to roll out a campaign for a line of cosmetics that has nothing special about it. The "Oki Oki" line is "muy equis" (really dull). Sandra wants to know if Luciana knows how to roll out a campaign for a product that might be very dull in her estimation. Of course she does! She has studied a lot about advertising. She just knows all about fashion and trends!!! Those are her middle names:Luciana "fashion and trends" de Toledo y Mandragón. On the other hand,  Lichita says that is the challenge: find out what makes "Oki Oki" special. Just then Chuchette brings in a box of new/trial makeup products from "Oki Oki". Sandra reminds them that they have not gotten the account yet, but she wants them to work as if it were their account. Lichita would like to form a campaign around "Jinsei" which means "life" in Japanese. Luciana calls her idea tacky and goes on to talk down to everyone.

Out on a neighborhood street, Magos is trying to drum up business for her "tanda". Everyone is releutant because they all know Magos' reputation. They do start joining though when they hear that Lichita is involved.

Back at the meeting, Luciana is saying Lichita has little to offer since she doesn't wear makeup. Chuchette agrees. Thay laugh along with Néstor. Sandra asks what Lichita does know. The answer is she does not use a lot of make up but that has nothing to do with her doing research and putting an ad campaign together. Roberto supports her. Luciana insists it takes someone with years of experience using the products. Roberto tells them that using the cosmetics is not the goal, SELLING cosmetics is the goal. Sandra suggests they start out with employees actually using/sampling the cosmetics. Then, they will move on with any information they get from there. Next, we see a whole line of employees trying the makeup and making comments. They then have the bright idea of them all getting together and putting makeup on Lichita. Lichita finally gives in.

In the board/meeting room Sandra is reminding Roberto that his first priority is the supermarket "Más" campaign. Luciana reappears saying they are ready to give their opinions about the Japanese cosmetics: she says and repeats that they are nothing special: they are boring. In spite of her opinion, Sandra and Néstor agrees that she looks good. Sandra says the hook/slogan could be "Sâcate el mejor partido con 'Oki Oki' " (Make the most of yourself with "Oki Oki") Luciana has other ideas having to do with Halloween and special effects. To illustrate those ideas she brings in a heavily made up Lichita. They all laugh. Sandra is not pleased.

Previous: Episode 6
Next: Episode 8


I cannot wait until Lichita has enough of everyone's nonsense.

Ay Jarifa! What an episode you got! I admit to jealousy because you had lots of Don Augusto. I love how you described him as leaning in Lichita like furniture (but I did not like him doing that.)

You captured everything so well. It was like watching the episode again. I could feel you cringing and gnashing your teeth right along with me.

Any time you use gigantor I giggle. That was certainly a gigantor sammich.

Hubs interrupted right as Magos was explaining the tanda to Lichita so I missed that. So glad I had your recap to confirm what I suspected. This could be bad.

We talked about tandas on the La Vecina thread and the way someone explained it was that everyone puts in an amount and one person in the group gets the money. Then the next week money goes back in the pot and another person gets it. (I think that was it.) Anyway, with Magos in charge there are going to be problems.

I'm waiting for Lichita to finally get fed up too!

Thank you for recapping a frustrating episode!

Sara, thank you for explaining about the "tanda" in more detail. I never have heard about anything like that before but it makes sense if you have a group of trustworthy people who put in their share of money consistently on time each week. If I understand correctly, each person would have a lump sum of cash when their number comes up. The next week everyone puts in their share of money again and another person would have the "lump sum" to spend. If that is it, then I see how this would be very attractive to "do nothing" Magos and how she would be able to pay off the fines. I so agree that anything with money and Magos is going to be big trouble. Once she spends her lump sum, will she be able to contribute on time to keep the tanda going? This could get ugly very quickly if someone does not get their turn with a full share.

Yes, there was cringing and gnashing of the teeth on my end, too. Quite an interesting episode.


ok that makes sense for the 'tanda', sara. 'tanda' in some Spanish countries also means 'turn' so every week its someone's turn to get the money... I agree, with Magos involved, I see trouble up ahead for Lichita...

Thanks for the recap, Jarifa!! I had a meeting at church last night so I missed the whole thing. hopefully will be able to catch up with uvideos tonight, but the recap was great. I am so looking forward to the escalation arguments at Lichita/Luciana's office, then Roberto's, then Sandra's and finally Augusto's... that is certainly MUST SEE TV!!

thanks again for the recap, which keeps me up to date.

So Luciana is acting all entitled already... who would have known?? LOL!!

What a great job Jarifa. Thank you

What a weasel Magos, and a thief. Magos and Luciana are turds.

Roberto, Alicia is sold, you don't have to keep selling her so why are you?

Luciana, not his lack of expertise, is Roberto's largest challenge. Does he stay with Alicia united against Luciana or secretly make a deal with Luciana and both continue to benefit from Alicia's work?

I have worked in small villages and large city tenements in southeast asia and they too have an informal arrangement like "tanda". It is a hedge against "loan sharks". Some of the larger groups charge a small fee that is equally distributed and all have an administrator that is trusted to manage the pot. However, it can quickly become a ponzi scheme. Often times people in a common trade or service like tuk tuk drivers pool their money and here in the US the genesis of Credit Unions.

Marta, yes, Luciana is so "sweet" in front of her tíos and is blossoming into her true obnoxious self everywhere else.

Tofie, thanks for the additional info on the "tanda". Very interesting.

Jarifa- Brilliant recap, as always!

I was so glad that Roberto and Sandra bumped the conflict up to Agusto, instead of just going on the assumption that he'd support his niece. I wish he had been even more openly nasty to her in front of the group, though.

Luciana is a fun house mirror image of Roberto. Her circular talk about her experience is the same thing he does. And it looks like she will do what he has done-- steal Alicia's ideas and pass them on as her own. The difference is that she's doing it just for her personal gain, and not for a greater cause like Rob. But in the end, does it really matter, if the result is the same-- Alicia getting hurt? I think Rob will eventually have to ask himself this question.

Jamaicans do the same thing like the tanda. My aunt is part of a group in Maryland. I agree, that Magos is not going to play by the rules, and this will be more trouble for Alicia.

Vivi, thanks for more info on the "tanda" across cultures. That is one of the things I love about this blog: I learn so much! Another is the great company on the patio, of course!

"I was so glad that Roberto and Sandra bumped the conflict up to Agusto..."

Ditto. As awful as some of Roberto's actions have been, he seems to be very diplomatic.

And oh I swoon when he and Lichita are together!

Me swoon too. Even bumping heads my little heart went pitter pat.

Jarifa, our comments crossed. I was thinking the same thing this morning! Caray and the patios are so fun and every show touches on something that opens up interesting conversations!

Caray is the bomb!

Right tofie?? Lichita and Rob are so cute together.

I giggle every time Beatriz makes a heart emoji with her hands each time she thinks Agusto has said something loving or nice.

Thanks for the wonderful recap!

I was surprised when Sandra spoke up for Lichita. And she seemed to give her opinion weight in the meeting, which is a first.

Whereas Roberto was stealing Lichita's ideas, now she gives them willingly. Now Luciana will probably steal her ideas. With Roberto only caring about keeping his job, he may throw Lichita under the bus if he thinks Luciana's ideas are better.

ooo! Thanks for reminding me, Carvivlie...

I kind of felt like Sandra might end up being one of the "good guys". Am I the only one feeling that way? Or am I just wishful thinking because we have plenty of bad guys?

I think Sandra did it because she was not consulted about Luciana's placement and more about a potential challenger to her position but also couldn't remember if she knew Agusto's niece was not well thought of by him? Did they have that conversation?

Jarifa, excellent!

Thank you for posing the million dollar question: "On one hand Lichita thinks Roberto will support her but then again might she be slammed by reality?" sigh.

This was great fun and as always, very informative and well written. I had never heard of "tanda" and learned a lot today. Thanks to you and everyone who contributed on the subject.

"don Augusto pushes Lichita out of the way and leans on her as if he were leaning on a piece of furniture as he deals with his niece" was perfect (as Sara noted). His dismissive gestures are so contemptuous and his arrogance so apparent, he continually fuels my feeling of incredulity. I cannot fathom how he ever got Beatriz to marry him (I do like the hearts she makes with her fingers. She is fab).

Carvivlie, I was totally shocked that Sandra stood up for Lichita. She seems so harsh and cold. Could there be a thaw beginning?

What a lovely party. My heart went out to Lichita. She so deserved the promotion but as much, the respect of her colleagues. When I saw the briefcase, my eyes filled with tears. My mother had gifted me with one many years ago when I received a promotion and it brought back very special memories.

The events are fast and furious so sincere thanks to you Jarifa and to the other recappers and commenters who flesh out all the details so expertly!


I don't remember if Sandra knows how Don A feels about Luciana, but you are probably right about the other stuff.

Drat. I was hoping for at least one more person at Iconika being in Lichita's corner.

Diana-What a lovely story about your promotion and your mother's gift. Tears are welling in my eyes thinking about how the show reminded you of something so special.

Thanks Sara.

There are times when threads or events touch something very special in our hearts and this was one for me. Happy, teary remembrances.


You get me, Diana! ((HUGS))

(I feel so goofy when I think about how much participation at Caray touches my heart.)


This comment has been removed by the author.

Only caught a few minutes of the show. I have caught up with the recap/comments. An extra special thank you to all the recappers and commenters who are keeping me up-to-date while I decide whether I want to invest in this TN. So far, the answer would be "no". I don't see very many sympathetic characters and I can't stand how Lichita is treated by everyone, except her family (minus Maggot). These kinds of plots/characters frustrate me too much. However, Lichita is such a darling. . . .


*notes "Maggot" for future recapping use*

So far, taking everything at face value, there are a lot of awful characters. There's no doubt about it. I'm like you, Nanette. Lichita is so endearing and I want to keep watching and I want to see her succeed. The people bullying her are over-the-top stereotypes, but I like that so far we are seeing a slow transformation in Lichita. And I like that it is not just a physical transformation. I like that Rob is addressing her attitudes and behaviors and NOT saying something like "a pretty dress will make you more confident."

That's pretty sexy to me.

good point, Sara. Rob is getting to know the real LIchita without criticizing her or trying to change her like suggesting new outfits or makeup or the like...

Thanks Jarifa. Your usual excellent recap.

I'm loving Arath de la Torre! There's some chemistry developing between Roberto and Alicia, right? {Even though the whole "drop some papers and bump heads" trope is more that a little clichéd.}

FYI: For some reason, when I switched to my new phone it screwed up my Blogger login info (among other problems). Please use if you need to contact me.

Google sucks. Do you know they don't have a tech support contact number or e-mail address, for that matter? At least none that I can find. If anyone has that info, I'd greatly appreciate getting it.

Nanette (formerly Robey)

Trying for the third time to post this:

FYI: Switching over to my new phone has, for some reason, screwed up my Blogger login info (among other things). If you need to contact me, please continue to use

Google sucks. Do you know they don't have a tech support contact number or e-mail address, for that matter? At least none that I can find. If anyone has that info, I'd greatly appreciate getting it.

Nanette (formerly Robey)

Trying for the fourth time to post this. It posts, but when I go back into the page to check comments, it disappears.

FYI: Switching over to my new phone has, for some reason, screwed up my Blogger login info (among other things). If you need to contact me, please continue to use

Google sucks. Do you know they don't have a tech support contact number or e-mail address, for that matter? At least none that I can find. If anyone has that info, I'd greatly appreciate getting it.

Nanette (formerly Robey)

I have to remember that there will be about 140 episodes of this so the story may develop a little more slowly than AcT, which I think originally was planned to have only 100 episodes...and ultimately had only 120ish.

I wonder if we will have an overnight makeover or if Lichita will make little changes to her dress and makeup over time.

Denise, yeah, the drop and bump was pretty cliched...but I didn't care. Major chem lab explosion between them in my opinion.

Not that it adds anything, but I got a giggle out of Lichita trying to jump into Rob's car last night. Maite did a great job with that.



I found this

But I don't there is a number or email address. Are you needing help specifically with Blogger?

Blogger has switched my primary e-mail address from my Yahoo account to Gmail. I need to switch it back.

I really don't care if Lichita gets a make over or not (roaring lioness is ok though) and if she does hope it's not as barbie and she is still endearingly clumsy.

It, obviously, also changed my nickname and lost my profile pic.

Carvivlie, I, too, am trying to think what has caused the week change in Sandra's attitude towards Lichita. I wonder if it will keep up.

Diana,these telenovelas are always coming up with something different. This week it was the "tandas". Who knows what next week will bring?

Denise, I am enjoying Arath de la Torre much more than I thought I would. he definitely has possibilities.

Nanette, apart from Magos, this has an almost cartoonish vibe to me so the "meanies" aren't bothering me too much. I figure they will get theirs.

Sara, I, too, wonder about how Lichita's transformation will take place. 140 episodes would be a nice length for this one.

Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments.

Thanks, Jarifa. My favorite line: She of course falls before she gets in the car and has to be reminded to open the door and not just jump over it. Perfect description of Luchita.

Roberto and Luchita’s awkwardness together at her house among her friends and family seemed very natural.

For some reason although she’s been cheating with Augusto for 10 years, I like Sandra. So I’m glad she didn’t kowtow to Luciana.

Augusto leaning on Lichita like she’s a piece of furniture, so wrong – but funny cause he was putting down Luciana while he was doing it.

Ugh, Magos is so irresponsible. I guess she expects Lichita and the rest of the family to cover her when she mismanages the tanda.

Diana, such a sweet moment between you and your mother. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Niecie, I think Augusto leaning on Lichita like the piece of furniture was my favorite visual from last night closely followed by Lichita wanting to jump over the car door.

test comment to see if I fixed everything.

Looks good, Nanette. Sometimes there is just no rhyme or reason to computer "stuff".

Finally got my Yahoo e-mail address back. Now everything is back to normal.

Thanks guys for letting me clutter up the comments with this stuff.

Thank you Jarifa for a nice morning read.

I don't care if Lichita gets a makeover or not---I will live her either way.

Will Roberto play one against the other? Luciana against Lichita and Lichita against Luciana while advancing himself at their expense? I hope that he doesn't do that to Lichita.

Magos running a money pool? Now how could that go wrong? Why am I thinking that she will consider herself lucky having Lichita as her sister? There can be nothing good ahead for this deal.

Does anyone think that Lichita's clothes seem to be 1-2 sizes to large?

WOW! the colors at Iconika. I'm still not used to all that color and I always thought that I liked color.

must see tv
the gringo


"this has an almost cartoonish vibe to me so the "meanies" aren't bothering me too much"

Hunh. I hadn't thought about it much, but that make sense. I'm bothered by the meanies, but not as much as the mean girl characters on the dramas. Thanks for the epiphany, Jarifa :-)

Like tofie and gringo, I would also be fine with no makeover. Lichita is a great person. That's all that matters to me. Her clothes don't bother me as much as her shoes do. I swear those are the same shoes Adelina wore in Sombra.

Gringo, great observation about Lichita's clothes. They are way too big and are so bland compared to the Iconika color scheme.

"I swear those are the same shoes Adelina wore in Sombra"

By-golly believe you be right Sara

Ah, the orthopedic, nun's shoes.

Ok. So I'm not imagining things!

Add "boxy" to the adjectives describing Lichita's clothes.

OK, now I fervently hope we get a close up of those shoes! LOL...

gringo, yes, Lichita's clothes are all several sizes too large. I like her just the way she is so I kind of hope there's no physical changes...

"Magos running a money pool? Now how could that go wrong?" Still chuckling,


Ya'll when I see her it reminds me of a Talking Heads concert, way back when and David Byrne wore this big over sized jacket and trousers

It should make Magos ashamed to have her 8 year old kid calling her out, by her first name no less, and asking her when she's going to get off her lazy duff and get a job.

Gracias tanto, Jarifa! I share your suspicions about Magos and the tanda. I'm definitely rooting for Alicia. And maybe feeling a little more positive about Roberto and Sandra after this episode. Luciana's a horrible addition to the rest of the snobby officemates. I wish they'd tear each other apart and leave Alicia alone!

Diva, it is so nice to have this bit of "fluff" to enjoy.

Yes I'm behind, too much work...very familiar with a tanda, common in Mexican communities, unfortunately I have been involved in 2, both of which were a huge fail, basically the top dawgs get the loot and run, lol, by the time it gets around to me people have stopped paying, sigh...basic pyramid scheme!

And I second Nanette, still not convinced about this novela, I still have on in the background as I get ready for bed/work so I get the gist of it until something else comes along. Seriously considering Pasion y Poder for sum much needed eye candy.

OT, why is Augusto's neck so large? lol, sheesh!

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