Monday, October 05, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #10 Monday 10/5/15: an episode gruesomely devoted to Luciana's successful machinations. Except for a swimming lesson.

At the police station: "You're the father of that loser? Your daughter's just an assistant, a maid to the whole agency." Luciana blackmails Nacho into retracting his complaint [that she knocked him off the road in the sporty little yellow company car], otherwise she'll make sure Lichita never advances at any ad agency. Nachos sadly complies and tells the desk sergeant he was mistaken and Luciana leaves exultant.

Robert says Alicia's supermarket campaign is more than perfect. Alicia thinks things are going well at the police station but we know she's wrong...

Roberto takes Alicia with him to meet the clients at the Mas supermarket. He's gracious to Elsa. Here come O and his henchpeople. O remembers Alicia but not as a competent member of the advertising team. Rather, as - a cow. All laugh at her, Roberto included.

Roberto is horrified to see Gumaro is also at the grocery store, flirting with some bimbo and very clearly not in a wheelchair. He has to exert himself to keep Alicia from seeing.

Luciana overheard the social worker, "Venus," [heh] sarcastically asking Roberto "When was it, exactly, that you acquired skills and experience in publicity?" Senses an opening, she snags a copy of his resume, checks it out, and finds it massively false.

Roberto takes Alicia to the pool and teaches her to swim, a very cozy scene. He takes her home and she gloats to him about Luciana going to jail. "Though who knows, people who go to jail come out worse than they were before." Roberto objects.

Roberto yells at Gumaro for having been at Mas supermarket. Gumaro says, you're always saying it's good to shop there, publicity works, oh and by the way, somebody's been calling to check out your resume.

And just then that "somebody" calls: Luciana tells Roberto he needs to come see her. When he shows up, she mocks his lying resume. He says everybody puts some "makeup" on the little details... "I've found out some little mysteries and will find more." "Don't threaten me, why don't we get to know each other better?" "I'll do what I can to make sure my uncle doesn't find out your lies - depending on how you treat me," she purrs, and her face is truly frightening (as it is throughout this episode).

Alicia tells her mom Elsa: "I'm madly in love with my boss." Ximena and Elsa make fun of her for being so head-in-the-clouds in love. Magos is jealous that Ximena enjoys Lichita's company so much. Elsa thinks it's a hopeful sign that Magos even cares! "Enter the competition!" she advises grouchy Magos.

Roberto agonizes to Gumaro about the bind Luciana has put him in. Soon she'll figure out he was in jail, and figure out who "Venus" was, and then his work to recuperate his son will have been in vain. Gumaro suggests he give in the the Argentine (even though she'll eat him alive). "How can I do that? Alicia hates her, and I still need Alicia for the campaign. Think, Gumaro!" He pretends he doesn't care a bit for Alicia. "There's no room in my life for women now, all that matters is my son. I'll put Alicia at a distance."

Next morning, Lichita dresses up special, in an outfit that's worse than ever, with a plastic flower in her hair, because she is in lurvve. Before breakfast Nachos is quiet and sad; he brushes her off when she asks how it went at the police station.

Luciana is putting on the last half-cup of makeup when her cousin Daphne appears at the door, Gothed-up, making Luciana scream "I thought you were La Llorona." Daphne asks lots of questions: why did you leave Argentina, how are your parents (who my parents never talk to), etc. "Well, I was in the jet-set, but then the crisis came and one thing led to another..." "Crisis, hmm, you mean you were poor?" "That doesn't matter, now I'm here to alleviate the solitude of your poor mother." They trade insults for a while.

And now we come to the anvil that's been waiting for a few days to drop: the fact that Alicia never got her promotion. She hasn't told her family, they all think she's important now and that her salary has increased. So when Ximena's teacher says the whole class is going to the place of work of one of the kids' relatives, Ximena volunteers her very important aunt Alicia...

... who has arrived at work and is being ostentatiously ignored by Roberto in his new campaign of Keeping His Distance. Deflated by his callous behavior, she slinks off and is attacked by Luciana, who hints that things did not go as expected at the police station "but you'll have to ask your father for details, I don't want to spoil that special father-daughter moment."

Roberto drags Luciana away to remind her to get cracking on the Japanese account and then snarls playfully in her face and says "Let's talk of the important things in life, that is, about YOU and ME." Revolting flirting follows.

At the supermarket some agency types tell Elsa and her co-workers there will be commercials getting filmed soon. They overhear Elsa saying she's the mom of someone who works at the agency and come back and ask how long she's worked there. "25 years." She gets hauled into the office. "Due to new changes in company policies, we are liquidating most employees who've been here more than 20 years."

It's a bad day getting worse. The bank calls Lichita and nags about the money the family owes and can't pay. And after Ximena nags her mom to take the class to Lichita's office, they all arrive, way underdressed for Take Your Daughter To Work Day, and demand to see the VIP Alicia Guttierez. The evil receptionists want to send them away but Luciana scoops them up in service of her campaign to humiliate Lichita to death.

Tomorrow: Ximena and Lichita cry, and there is a crisis at the meeting with the Japanese cosmetics guys.

Previous: Episode 9
Next: Episode 11


We're only a couple weeks in and I am already SO tired of the junior high behavior of Ikonika employees! They all need a spanking or a few weeks in time-out.

Thank you, Jane, for the excellent recap!

Another good one!

My favorite parts:

Luciana "en llamas" "on fire" for Roberto.

Roberto "flirting" with "his gauchita" Luciana convincing her to play "hard to get" ( boy, was he lucky she bought that). Loved them growling at each other but the best was her growling and smashing her face on the glass as she looked back in on him through the window as she left.

Dafne in her wondrous black dress taking on Luciana at home and refusing to back down.

Magos not liking being called "señora"; better to be called "señorita."

The Gumaro sighting at the supermarket.

My least favorite parts:

Poor Elsa losing her job: Lichita who already is over stressed by having to support her family will even be more stressed.

Poor Nacho having to find out the truth about Lichita's position from Luciana. The fault lies with Lichita on this one. She conveniently lets herself get interrupted anytime she wants to bring up the subject.

The plastic flower in Lichita's hair.

Luciana clearly in control of Roberto's and Lichita's destiny! Oh, no!!!!

Thank you, Jane! I was so happy for you during the swimming scene... And then it all went to pot. A spanking is too good for these people. I punch in the throat is more like it.

I'm inspired by your recap. It's a perfect length with all the pertinent details. I will attempt to emulate you from now on.

Jarifa- perfect list. Luciana's face smearing was hilarious.


Jane- Perfect recounting of last night's events. My dvr cut off, so I did not see Elsa getting fired or the little girls at Ikonica. More bad news for Lichita. Argh!

Jarifa- Agree with your list of faves, but would add the swimming too. Rob knows he has feelings for Lichita, but like he says, Mateo is his number one priority. If he has to kiss Luciana's butt to keep this job, he's going to do it. Argh!

Loved this Jane.

“Luciana is putting on the last half-cup of makeup” and “…who has arrived at work and is being ostentatiously ignored by Roberto in his new campaign of Keeping His Distance” were my favorite lines of many.

“Roberto is horrified to see Gumaro is also at the grocery store, flirting with some bimbo and very clearly not in a wheelchair” made me laugh. Roberto trying to divert Alicia’s attention by manhandling her head was intrusive but effective.
Your succinct and thoughtful comments are excellent. “Nachos sadly complies and tells the desk sergeant he was mistaken and Luciana leaves exultant”.

“He pretends he doesn't care a bit for Alicia”. I’m a bit peeved at him, he is clearly being drawn to her – of course, why wouldn’t he?? She is fabulous.

I am so sad that Luciana is going to humiliate Alicia even further. She is the cow! (still not sure if she is a heffa but she is of the bovine family with all respect to them) :) Sara, I agree. A slap is too lenient for most...

"Dafne in her wondrous black dress taking on Luciana at home and refusing to back down". One of my favorite moments too Jarifa. We need her on team Alicia!


Diana, I would love to see Lichita and Dafne together, too. You have such a way with words: Roberto "manhandling her(Alicia's) head was intrusive but effective." Sure was!

Sara, "a punch in the throat" would be more appropriate. Very funny!

El gringo called it with Luciana blackmailing Nacho. Now will Lichita come clean???


Does anyone have a general idea how old Dafne is supposed to be? Has that been said/discussed? I hope there's a plausible way to have a team Dafne-Lichita. Dafne seems too young to be part of the workings at Iconika.

Wonderful recap!

Best thing was the swimming lesson. Seeing Roberto falling in love with Lichita, bit by bit, keeps me in this thing. ITA about the high school behaviour of the employees. I'm tired of it too.

Love that Daphne is going after Luciana. I hope her mom and dad give her an internship so she can be there all day annoying Lucifer.

Elsa should sue for age discrimination.

Dafne has to be a teenager. Maybe not an advertising job, but I think they could find something for her to do being the daughter of the boss. Maybe she could relieve the receptionists, or help distribute mail, etc. Just her presence would be a hoot because she would call them all on their bs.

I like Dafne a lot too. We know the way can't be smoothed for Roberto and Alicia for a long time (telenovela rules) which means Luciana is going to be winning out for a long time, but maybe Dafne can puncture her from time to time.

Jane this is great, thank you.

"Luciana is putting on the last half-cup of makeup"

This is heart breaking. Roberto distancing himself, the school kids field trip, Magos will get a front row seat to Alicia's take down, and Nacho's disappointment.

Speaking of Nacho, can't tell what bothers him more, his dashed pride in Alicia's success or that he rolled over for Luciana. No matter he can barely look at his daughter.

Sara, agree that Dafne is too young to be an Iconika employee but suspect she may start dropping by occasionally to spice things up.

Jarifa, the thought of Dafne in the mail room presents many fun possibilities. I know it's not nice, but I'm for anything that will wipe that smirk off Luciana's face. If Dafne is around more, I think she will catch on as to who is really the creative force at Iconika and think she would be happy to help Alicia get her due as she was the only one who was nice to her.

Sadly, everyone treats Alicia as a joke and this needs to change.


Sara, Dafne looks as though she could be quite young - even as young as 12?


Thanks, Jane. Terrific recap. I missed watching parts of it but now feel like I saw the entire episode.

Loved Daphne going toe to toe with Luciana. She was away at boarding school so I’m guessing she’s about 15, maybe old enough to become a part-time intern at Icónika. Interesting that her mom hasn’t enrolled her in a local school, but I guess mom is stilling hoping to send her back to boarding school.

I’m wondering if Nacho is thinking Lichita deliberately lied about being a high muckety muck in order to take the pressure off of him because she believes he’s a lousy provider for his family. I hate when the good guys don't share notes. He needs to talk to Lichita -- not doing so leaves her wide open for Luciana abuse.

Roberto trying to play Luciana to keep her at bay – very shrewd.

Nice -- maternal feelings are stirring in Magos.

Niecie- I wish those maternal feelings would stir her to get a job, instead of just complaining about how much Ximena admires Lichita.

I don't think those are maternal stirrings in Magos but flat out jealously that Alicia is admired and respected while she gets bitched at and ignored (deservedly so). She'll do a happy dance with Alicia's humiliation in front of Ximena.


You think, tofie? Unfortunately, you are probably right, but I'm going to hope Magos gets mad and decides to be a better person. I don't think I'm making sense.

What I'm trying to say/what I'm hoping is that Magos will also become a Lichita cheerleader like Roberto; that she'll help her sister be stronger and that Magos will also get off her duff and help the family.

It's one thing for you to use and abuse your sister but it is something else when someone outside the family does it. I'm hoping Magos' familial instincts kick in and she tries to help Licha.

Yes! That's what I was trying to say! Thank you Carvivlie!

No problem Sara. We're on the same page!

Excellent points about Magos but I don't think she has turned the corner yet. If anything Magos cannot spend that non existent raise of Lichita's now.

With Magos, I think she is still going to be playing everyone in the family for her own benefit. It is going to take a major event that inconveniences HER/threatens HER and her "leech like" lifestyle to change that one around, maybe. I don't think seeing Lichita attacked would do it unless Magos were smart enough to realize that her meal ticket (Lichita) is in jeopardy.

That's what I sort of figured. It's going to take something that affects her. Maybe death threats for the fellow tanda members? Lol.

Kind of random, but have I gushed over the Lichita/Rob chemistry yet this week?

So... Rochita or Liberto?

Hmmm, that is a hard choice because they are both so good. I vote for "Rochita".

Maybe the tanda with pikes and pitchforks might do the trick. :)

I like them both too, Sara. I'll give RoChita a vote.

If Rob didn't have this Mateo thing hanging over his head, he would totally be gaga for Lichita. No makeup, extensions, or tight/short clothing needed. He truly likes her, and wants to bring out the best in her. He digs her honesty, and how devoted she is to her family. And he's attracted to her, as she is. BUT, he feels he has to use her (and occasionally throw her under the bus) to get his son-- the most important person in his life. So, bye bye romance.

Thank you Jane---boy this one is really getting nasty. Elsa laid off, Nacho out of a job, and Lichita's credit card is maxed out. Luciana out of control and starting to lead Roberto around like a bull with a ring through his nose--and hitting on him too. Can anything else go wrong?

Jane---I like the line that you wrote---enter the competition she advises Magos.

I read all the comments and the Magos comments stood out to me---The family needs her help. Now if she can only step up to the plate???

Jarifa---Yes I called it. I don't always get them right but Luciana telling Nacho to back off seemed obvious to be.

Luciana has been so much trouble so far, and we're just getting started. I think that we are going to need seat belts on this ride.

Daphne and Lichita could be a team. I don't know how that would come together but I think that there is a future somewhere in there.

must see tv
the gringo


Anyone notice that the little boy playing Mateo was also in the Cheerios commerical during the show? He is adorbs

That's where I recognize him from! Carvivlie to my rescue again! Gracias!

Oooh. Now I need to stop fast forwarding through the commercials. He is a cutie.

There was a great one during La Vecina today.

I wouldn't know, I am in the middle of a "Cuna" marathon today. :0

Thank you, Jane! The swimming scene was so very, very cozy :D And I love a skirted swimsuit.

Gothed-up Daphne is the sweetest little goth ever. This must be some version of goth I'm not familiar with, but I love it! And I love how she stands up to everybody.

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