Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #114 Fri 10/23/15 Virginia's Luck Seems To Be Running Out

At the n-less hospital, the authorities have come to see Botel so he can give them his statement about being shot.

In Mina Escondida, Marty agrees to assist Raymunda and Joaquin so they can take a look at Crescencio's last will and testament. 

At the market, Julio is hard at work. He flashes back (or daydreams) about shopping for baby clothes with Ana Perla. Wait a minute, the two are about to kiss, so this has to be a daydream, riiight? Back in reality, well not really reality, actually it is more like Julio's own little world, anyway back in Julio's own little world, he tells himself that he is sure that he will win Ana Perla's love. He vows to make her the happiest girl ever. Whatever. 

Meanwhile, Ana Perla is already the happiest girl ever, because she visits Pablo and greets him with a sweet kiss on the lips. She explains to Pablo that Julio is not living with her and that she only accepted Julio as a Bro-Friend (boyfriend/friend). She wanted to explain so Pablo does not think the worst of her. She accepts that she tried to test Pablo because she was sick and tired of nutty Mariana wanting to separate them. Pablo assures her that he will teach Mariana a lesson. He tells her that he has to leave for New York for the opening of an exhibition. Yes, he is going with Mariana. When he returns he will be the man that Ana Perla wants. He asks Ana Perla to trust him. Ana Perla tells him that she will trust him. Smoochies. Lucia walks in on them and is all smiles. 

Jorge and Virginia have arrived at Pierre's hotel. Pierre is his usual friendly self as he welcomes them to his hotel. Jorge is off to meet with Marty and Emi at the hotel restaurant. As for Virginia, well she'd like to lay down. She's feeling a tad dizzy after the trip.

Daniel continues to take advantage of Veronica's amnesic state and feeds her more lies. This time he makes her believe that Marty was who induced her to drugs. And that Marty doesn't want to see her rehabilitated and is willing to do anything to keep her from reporting him to the police. He tells her to watch out for Marty and shows her a photo of him. He goes on to feed her more lies telling her that Marty pretends to be a prestigious engineer but that in reality he's an addict who induces pretty people like her into drugs to control them and have them in his hands. He then tells Veronica that Virginia is the one who saved her from Marty. Veronica feels like she owes Virginia a lot. 

Marty and Rebeca have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Rebeca tells him that she feels that they are now starting a beautiful friendship and will get closer and closer. He tells her that it is thanks to her for having supported him through these tough times. They change the subject and she tells him her idea about continuing Veronica's jewelry style and seeking the help from local artisans who can start to design their next collection. Since Rebeca doesn't know any artisans, she will ask Padre Juan for help.  

Veronica doesn't remember who Marty is. The best part is that she doesn't seem at all convinced with the story that Daniel has told her about her life. Ha! 

Yuck. Manny and Virginia kiss. Virginia flirts with him. The two eventually leave to put their evil plan into action. Manny has prepared it all.

Back at the n-less hospital, Botel cries and tells Magda that he is no longer the man that she needs. He doesn't want to condemn her to having to take care of him. He tells her to leave him and go find her happiness by another man's side. Magda tells him that she's not interested in finding someone else. He is her life. Botel tells her that their life together is over. He wants to let himself die so he won't tie her down to him. Magda goes to get a doctor. Botel says that he wants to die and asks Magda to get away from him. In the hallway, instead of getting the doctor, Magda decides to make a phone call. 

Marty, Jorge, Emi, and Joaquin explore Mina Perdida. Marty leaves to make a phone call. 

Outside the mine, Virginia and Manny are about to put their evil plan into action. Manny will finally make Marty eat dust! A lot of dust! Virginia says goodbye to all their problems! They kiss. Manny is about to push down the handle of the TNT plunger. But Virginia wants to do the honors. She bids farewell to her tiito then pushes the handle down. 

Ka-boom! There is a huge explosion inside the mine. Marty has survived. He talks with Magda on the phone. Magda tells him that Botel doesn't want to live. Marty tells her to stop Botel and she asks how. Marty tells her that he can't talk right, there was an explosion at the mine, and Jorge, Emi, and Joaquin are trapped inside. 

Further inside the mine, we see that Emi and Joaquin have survived the explosion. 

At the nursing school, Blanquita is feeling sympathy pains thinking about her dad.

The explosion has knocked Jorge down like Humpty Dumpty. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Emi tries to help him up. Jorge isn't feeling well. 

Outside, Manny and Virginia relish over what they have just done.

Marty walks through the mine. Meanwhile, Joaquin tells Emi and Jorge that Marty for sure is coming to save them. Jorge isn't feeling well at all. 

Rebeca and Claudia meet with Padre Juan. Padre Juan will help Rebeca with the local artisans.

Joaquin tells Emi that it will be hard for them to be found. Emi says that Jorge needs medical attention. But wait a minute, there is no doctor in town. Joaquin tells them that their only hope is outside and that he's sure that Marty won't abandon them.

Meanwhile, Marty has gathered up all the miners to help with the rescue.

Virginia and Manny return to Manny's office. Virginia hopes Emi, Jorge, and Marty died. She tells Manny that Veronica survived her accident. Manny needs Marty dead so he can have his revenge and Virginia needs Emi and Jorge dead so she can get her revenge. 

Back at the mine, Emi is telling Jorge to resist. Jorge doesn't think that he will make it out alive so he tells Emi that he is proud of him. And that he should think about his feelings and decide to start a family. Jorge would have liked to have met his grandkids. Emi assures Jorge that he will meet them. Jorge hopes that Emi will have the blessing of forming a united and loving family. Unlike his that fell apart. The love between him and Salma has ended and now that he has seen her again all he felt was a big pain. A big pain in the neck, perhaps? Jorge clutches his chest ala Old Goat.

Raymunda and Polo are inside the mine. Marty and the other miners arrive. But they don't have a map of the mine. Hmm .. maybe they should sing the Dora The Explorer map song. As luck would have it, a man who used to work at the mine and knows it well, shows up and is willing to help out. The women want to help out with the rescue but the miners won't hear of it because of the old "a woman in the mine brings bad luck" superstition. Raymunda shuts them up, tells them that they can't keep them from helping just because of some silly old superstition, this is an emergency after all. They all agree with her. Now that, that has been settled, they all finally start to get to work. And I can't believe they wasted valuable time discussing such a thing.

Uni cut a love or should I say barf scene of Manny and Virginia. For the first time I agree with the Uni censors. Anyway, Manny is telling Virginia that he wants her as his mujer. Virginia asks if he is proposing. Umm, no Manny wasn't proposing. Awww, shucks, but Virginia was "falling in love with him" and already had hopes to be with him. And, no, she isn't about to be his lover, they either get married or they won't see each other again. 

Back at the mine, the rescue is on. Ramon has resurfaced from out of Pierre's hotel kitchen and has arrived to help out. Romeo has come to help to. Pierre is nowhere to be seen. Must be busy being overly friendly with another hotel guest I guess. Anyway, Rebeca shows up too, and asks Marty what she can do. Marty tells her to pray. So that's what she does. 

Jorge is really not feeling well. Emi is asking him to resist. Joaquin says that if they don't try to remove the rocks, walk, and try to find a way out.. Emi says that Jorge isn't in any condition to walk. Jorge tells them to go ahead. Emi won't hear of it. Besides they wouldn't make it that far without keeling over from dehydration. Joaquin agrees. Jorge feels like his time has come. Jorge says that he lived and can leave in peace knowing that Emi is on the right path. Jorge tells Emi that he is proud of him. Umm, you said that already. Then he keels over. Should we add another body to the body count? 

The rescue continues. They have managed to open a small hole. But can't remove any more rocks or else the rocks could all come down. Marty says they have to get the trapped guys some water but no one fits through the hole. Well, not an adult, but our sassy little Polo fits through. Polo volunteers to deliver the water. Raymunda, isn't all to keen on letting her son take that risk, but Marty convinces her telling her it's their only option to send them some water. 

Manny hops out of bed and I close my eyes. He agrees to marry Virginia so she doesn't leave him. She tells him they'll be soo happy. I open my eyes a little and see them hugging. She thoughtubbles that now she'll be rich. With Emi and Jorge dead she will be the only heir. Of course she'll have to off Mommie Dearest too. Matricide? 

Polo is helped through the hole. He's able to make it to where Joaquin, Emi, and Jorge are. Emi gives Jorge some water to drink. Joaquin says this is a miracle. 

The rescue continues. More rocks are removed making the hole big enough for Marty to go through. Marty is able to make it to where Emi, Jorge, Joaquin, and Polo are and leads them all to safety. Rebeca hugs Marty. Everyone is happy with the successful rescue. 

Virginia and Manny find out that Marty saved Jorge, Emi, and Joaquin. Virginia fumes. Then realizes she has to go back to the hotel so Jorge doesn't find out that she's not there. She leaves. 

Marty thanks everyone and promises them a gratification. Applause all around. They all leave except for Ramon. Ramon introduces himself to Marty. Insert his usual rambling. In the end, Marty gives Ramon his job back at the mine.

Ramon serves a purpose for the first time ever when he tells Jorge that Virginia left the hotel almost immediately after Jorge and Emi left. The wheels seem to be turning in Jorge's brain. Has the explosion made him see the light?

Raymunda has prepared Joaquin and Polo a yummy dinner made with lots of looove. She is so proud of Polo for his bravery. And says that thanks to Polo and Marty she feels like the happiest woman in all of Pueblo Nuevo.

Oh, she's going down. The wheels on Jorge's brian have gone round and round and he questions Virginia about her whereabouts during the day. He tells her that she was seen leaving the hotel. And he's all roughed up because someone tried to kill them. Virginia acts surprised with the news. She lets out the crocodile tears, tells him that he talks to her as if she were behind something so horrible, does he really think she would be capable of such a thing? That's what Jorge wants to know. Was she behind it all? Did she try to kill them? Virginia cries and denies. Jorge finds her disappearance in midst of the explosion suspicious when everyone in town knew about the explosion. He tells her that he will find out where she was. He will get to the bottom of this. He leaves. 

Veronica dreams of walking through a foggy forest. Marty is there but he runs before she can get close to him. They meet again and she's about to hold his hand when she wakes up. 

Rebeca comes to see Marty with wine in hand. Rebeca tells Marty a little about herself. There was a time when her dad had financial problems and she had to leave school so she can work to help him out. It was an experience that marked her. They had to start all over again and that is when she understood that you get nowhere crying and getting depressed. No, you had to move on, so she and her parents united as a family and working they were able to move forward. When they recovered financially she decided to combine work with helping those in need. That is how she discovered the magic of love. Not only loving your partner but loving others and contributing to the world. When you do good it always comes back to you. They toast. Marty says that behind a face you never know what surprise you will find. 

Pablo packs for New York. He tells Lucia he'll only be gone a few days. Mariana says no one goes to New York for a few days, there is so much to do, well unless you have to return to be with that little villager aka Ana Perla? Pablo tells Mariana that she and Ana Perla have broken up forever. Mariana is all smiles and says that finally Pablo opened his eyes. Then Mariana suggest that the baby Ana Perla is going to have could be Julio's. Lucia tells her off for making such a comment. Mariana continues with the insults against villagers and claims to have honor. Pablo shuts her up by telling her they should leave. They leave. Lucia hopes Pablo will take care of himself from that snake that accompanies him.

Meanwhile, Ana Perla thinks about Pablo as she looks at the photo she and the others took in Xochimilco and recalls her recent smooches with him. She says that she and Pablo will finally be happy. And that she promised that she'd trust him. She wonders what he'll do to Mariana.

Virginia fumes. Things aren't going her way. She says that she has to be more astute than Jorge. She calls up Daniel and orders him to kill Veronica because she doesn't want to risk herself since Jorge is determined to investigate her. Daniel wants to continue with his plan on controlling Veronica. Virginia mentions Aaron and says that they are exposing themselves. She'll see how to stop Jorge. But he'll have to kill Veronica. Daniel says fine, don't worry, trust me. He gets out an injection and heads to Veronica's room determined to kill her, but when he makes it to the room, he realizes that Veronica is not there. He tells Virginia that Veronica is not in the room and Virginia looks like she's about to keel over right then and there.

We see that Veronica has escaped and is running through the streets. She tells herself that she has to get away from that man. 

Virginia tells Daniel to go and look for Veronica. Daniel goes to look.

Padre Juan visits Manny and practically reserves his spot on the body count by telling Manny that he knows that Manny was behind the explosion at the mine. He threatens to expose Manny as a murderer. Manny threatens with making him the next person on the body count. But Padre is not afraid. If he has to die to stop evil, then so be it. A priest has to do what a priest has to do I guess.

Daniel calls Virginia and tells her Veronica has escaped. Virginia says that now they are in trouble and orders him to go and look for Veronica who must not be far. 

The next morning, Joaquin, Raymunda, and Polo come to visit Ana Perla and Blanquita. 

Marty comes to see Virginia and she cowers down at the sight of him. He asks her what she has to do with Veronica's death. Virginia denies having anything to do with that. He tells her that the night Veronica died she had a meeting with someone that was going to tell her that Virginia was Mati's murderer. Virginia tells him that Veronica was nuts. Her cellphone rings. Aaron is calling. Virginia doesn't answer telling Marty it's not important. But Marty notices that Virginia is nervous. He orders her to answer the phone. But then decides to answer the phone himself and picks up the phone. He sees that it's Aaron. He asks if it's the same Aaron who is Veronica's dad. 

Arturo accidentally runs over Veronica with his bike.


Wow, what an episode!

Finally, Jorge seems to have completely opened his eyes about Virginia.

Padre needs to watch out. It's never good to tell the bad guy what you are about to do.

I loved how little Polo saved the day along with Marty.

Virginia and Manny getting married?! Well, they are a perfect match.

Btw, I didn't mention it on the recap, but Manny's burn is really creeping me out.

Thank you Mauricio! This was an eventful episode! I loved your comments on delusional Julio being in his own little world. I always liked him then he got crazy but now I do feel bad for him. Who's he going to get matched up with?

I was so relived that everyone made it out alive. Virginia and Manny are turning into wild e coyote tnt and all!

I did not catch that scene between Manny and Padre so thank you for that. I'm worried about him, I really hope rat faced Manny doesn't get to him.

Ugh, Rebecca. Talk about clingy and desperate! The low cut blouse and bottle of wine? Claudia is looking classier that she is right now. I'm looking forward to seeing her face fall when she finds out Vero is alive.

Thanks again for the fantastic recap Mauricio!


Thank you, Mauricio, for a stellar recap of an exciting episode!

Loved your reference to "our sassy little Pablo." He is all that and saved the day along with Martín. Hats off finally to Raymunda for standing up to those miners. The death of OG seems to have done wonders for her.

Congratulations, AP, for finally trusting in the man you say you love.

Glad Padre Juan paid a visit to Manny after the explosion. As you said, Mauricio, he practically reserves his spot on the body count, but it was a good scene. I guess Padre thought he could perhaps stop any more destruction at Manny's hands if he told Manny he's got his number.

Finally Virginia's world is closing in on her. Jorge's brain appears to be swinging back into action, and Martín's visit definitely rendered her impactada. What will be her explanation of the Aarón phone call?

And why on earth is Virginia wanting to marry Manny right now? Is she planning on doing away with Dr. Dan pronto?

Thanks again, Mauricio!


Wonderful recap of a jam packed episode!

Hurray for Veros amnesia filled gut telling her to get away!

Super glad Jorge didn't die. I don't want anymore people to be hurt. With LQLVMR people were still dying on the last episode.

I was just going to say that i missed Polo and he shows up to save the day.

Funny that Ginny thinks marrying Manny will make her rich when we know the gold has run out in his mine.

Virginia wants to marry Manny because she thinks he's rich. She will do away with Manny, Emi & Jorge and have it all.

Marty will end up spotting Vero & tell everyone, who will think he's crazy...until he is backed up by Blanquita & 'em

What will Pablo do to Mariana in New York?

Thank you Lily, Mari, Carvivlie, and Anon207 for the great comments.

This was an action packed episode. I really enjoyed watching and writing about it.

I was so relieved that no one was killed in the explosion. For once, Virginia and Manny do not get what they want. I was glad that they were all rescued quickly.

Lily and Mari, the scene with the Padre and Manny was good, but I'm also worried about him. I don't want Manny to do any harm to him.

Carvivlie, good point that Virginia doesn't know yet that Manny's mine is out of gold. What will she do when she finds out? She will be fuming for sure.

Anon207, I'm also wondering about what Pablo is planning on doing with Mariana. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid and fall into one of her traps.

I loved the cliffhanger with Arturo running over and finding Veronica. Although he doesn't know who she is we know that she is one step closer to those that do know her.

I loved the cliffhanger too with Arturo and Verónica, but I'm worried that when she eventually sees Martín she'll run...that's if she believes Dr. Dumb's version of Marty being responsible for her being a drug addict!

No idea what Pablo will do with Mariana, but I hope it's entertaining and successful.

Am I wrong in remembering that Virginia asked Manny for money to bail her out with Aarón and he told her he didn't have any to give her?

Mauricio---You're so good for a Saturday morning. Not only do you give us great recaps but Humpty Dumpty laughs as well.

Yes Mauricio Manny's burn looks either like satan or the head of a demon. It's freaky.

LilY---Yes Rebecca is going to have some look isn't she. When she sees Veronica alive, her look will equal the price of two admissions.

The question as to why V-snake is planning on marrying Manuel is because after she kills off Jorge and Emi, she will be the only remaining heir of the Prado Castelo estate and she will along with Manny, own a gold mine too. She doesn't know however that the mines gold has or is running out.

V-snake is on a downward spiral with which she won't escape.

Dr. Dan? What's going to happen to him? Don't know but I don't think that he is in the viper's plans.

More later.
the gringo


Thanks Mauricio for the great recap.

Glad that Jorge and Emi were saved from the blast.

Great cliffhanger at the end with Vero and Arturo! Things are moving on swiftly. Good that Vero didn't get caught by Daniel.

I am glad that Martin is doing things for others even though he is grieving. He is trying his best. It isn't easy.

Oh wow, what a great episode – and what a fabulous recap! Thanks so much, Mauricio!

Yay! Vero breaks free! Jorge gets a brain! Pablo's reverse psychology works on our little dummy! Ginny is driven further and further into a corner!

You have so many wonderful lines, but among my favorites:

"The love between him and Salma has ended and now that he has seen her again all he felt was a big pain. A big pain in the neck, perhaps? Jorge clutches his chest ala Old Goat."

hahahaha! (I might have located the pain further south.)

"Ramon serves a purpose for the first time ever..."

Very true. Nice to see he has landed on his feet after the fire.

So Raymunda goes all Norma Rae on us all of a sudden?

And you gotta love Ginny's morals. She may be a murderer, but you can't expect her to be an adulteress!

Note to Televisa: The next time you choose a site for TOMCIMC (The Only Medical Center in Mexico City), make sure the place has its N. While the scenes there may seem endless, they don't have to be N-less too.

Maybe Vero will regain her memory. You know a blow to the head makes you forget then the next blow all comes back, remember? Or Arturo takes her where Chelo sees her or Aaron. I hope the amnesia angle gets resolved soon.

Yaaaaah Mauricio, good recap, thank you
You know rebeca isn't a bad person, but she
Should stop being pushy with ronnys hubby.
Ronny can't speak for herself so I'll do it for
Her. Beca you're a nice person but you're
Gettin your hope into a relationship that wont
Be. You fixin to get a broken heart girl. She
Should just stop. I really hope she finds a
Good man, just not marteeen.
And botel stop whinning you"ll walk again as
Soon as the swelling goes down. We hope.
Iam so done with ginny, manny,danny, and aaron. Sounds like a sitcom.
Good thing she didn't swallow all of that BS
Dr. Dan was tellin her.

I hope Veros memory comes back next episode. I want her to be the main person that brings Ginny and Dr.D down.

So do I, do I, and I want to see Marty take down Manny and Aarón.

Carvivlie and Mari, Me three! But to add to the wish list, I'd like to see Marty and Vero back together as a team and fighting the baddies side by side. It's one of the small rewards for the viewers who have put up with months of crazy obstacles to their happily ever after ending.

NovelaMaven, I really like that scenario! We do deserve it. Marty and Vero side by side taking them down would be increible!


Another great recap, Mauricio! So happy to see Vero escape the clutches of evil Dr. Dan! Now if only Arturo can help her in some way.

So our final week has almost everyone in peril--Vero in peril for her life, Mariana in peril of Pablo's planned shutdown, Marty in peril from Rebeca's attraction to him, the Padre in peril of Manny's revenge, V-snake in peril of being revealed as the villain she is, AP in peril of living happily with Pablo, etc. etc. We need to see what Nanci and the snails have planned...

Earlier, Duchess had asked about the ANVILS we often mention and the meaning.

"Mari said...

Duchess -

To my knowledge, an anvil is technically a blacksmith kind of tool made of iron used to hammer, but in the context of the way it's used here, I believe it means something like a fatal blow, in other words, la muerte."

Some additional details from Wikipedia: Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner are a duo of characters from the Looney Tunes series of cartoons. In the cartoons, Coyote repeatedly attempts to catch the Road Runner but is never successful. Coyote uses absurdly complex contraptions (including dropped anvils) which always comically backfire with Wile getting injured by the slapstick humor.

So we anticipate our evil-doers being squashed by a falling anvil as retribution.

Awwww Mauricio! Thanks for the quick and detailed recap. I was dying to know what Jorge said to Virginia in the restaurant. So glad he had the info about her leaving right after he and the others left. They are closing in on her, so the retribution is coming and what will it be???? She and Manny are wholly satanic. BTW in the ending credits, who is that on APs lap with the bloody knife? Is that Manuel? I just couldn't make it out.

So happy Veronica (BTW isn't her make-up a little dark??) Instead of that she should have singed hair (wig)from the fire) blew the coop and hope Arturo takes her to Blanquita and Aaron doesn't show. How awful that would be. Marty knows Virginia is in contact with Aaron now also, so things should move right along next week. Curious to know what Jorge's investigation reveals to him - better change that Will pronto!!!

Oh the joys!! Virginia finds out Manny's gold mine is kaput, she is no longer Jorge's heiress, Dr. Dan on her heels and probably Manny and Aaron too. Can't wait!!


Yes, indeed, what a great episode - and a great recap as well. Thank you, Mauricio.

I hope the blast meant to kill at Mina Perdida reveals a huge gold vein. Wouldn't that piss off our sweet Ginny?

I hope that somehow the good guys get a hold of that detonator with Manny's and Ginny's fingerprints all over it, and that Ginny's lust to do the honors herself help land her in a prison hellhole for the rest of her life.

I hope we are spared seeing the padre die or be harmed by Manny. He may have been a tad wimpy at times, but he has been a good guy.

How convenient for Vero to 'bump into' Arturo. I hope she is faking the amnesia bit because even monkey writers ought to be embarrassed to resort to that lame story line. If not, I hope she believes her dream about Marteeen and not evil Dr. Dan's lies. I hope she doesn't bump into her dad at the vencidad, but I fear that is exactly what will happen.

I have also had the feeling that Arturo was abused, probably sexually, and maybe even forced into prostitution, and that accounts for his horrible feeling of shame.

Maybe Rebeca isn't a bad person, but her behavior is absolutely deplorable. I can't imagine that anyone in Martin's position - or the people close to him - would allow her anywhere near him at his fresh stage of grief, but strange things go on when you have a new character arrive in the last few weeks of a TN.

Yes, anvils come from Warner Brothers' cartoons:

I have always understood that they could be death or other forms of poetic justice. We don't get to deliver them; we have to trust the monkey writers. Sometime the anvils satisfy, but sometimes they don't. I am seeing Virginia going to prison, (which means hell on earth in Mexico, truly), and also possibly disfigured or maimed. She won't get off easily.

One of my pet peeves about novelas is how much they white wash the prisons in Mexico. But that is another rant for another day. This shows things much more accurately, if you have the stomach for it: (prison scenes start at about 29:30)


I don't see Virginia going to jail, I see her keeling over and dying and nobody believes she's having a heart attack until she's actually dead.

I see Aaron and Manny dying, too.

Dr. Dan will end up in jail.

Mariana might end up in jail too.

Please no Romy---Arturo takes Vero where Chelo or Aaron sees her. Veronica has suffered enough. No more bad times for our sweet goddess.

NovelaMaven---I'm in awe of some of the comments that I read. Raymunda goes all Norma Ray on us. Hahaha I would never have thought of that one but you are so right. Raymunda was right there front and center leading the way Friday night. You go girl!

I enjoyed the anvil commentaries.

I wonder what Pablo has under his sleeve for a total put down of Mariana? How will he be able to get her off of his back forever?

Gail---I'm right with you in the can't wait category.

Must see tv.
the gringo


I'm just now catching up from last week with the episodes, the recaps, and the comments. First a big thank you to AuntyAnn for your generous and excellent recaps for Wed.'s and Thur.'s episodes. You are a wonder.

Now thanks to you, Mauricio for this recap. Once again very well done.

Polo's rescue effort was great but it looks like Onyx was once again left out. I would have liked to have seen him sniff out those who were trapped... a missed opportunity.

Good to see Salma back. Am I the only one who thought that Jorge was unnecessarily harsh and insensitive with his abrupt announcement to her that she needn't worry, "Verónica's dead." Cold. By the way, I'm still holding out hope that Aarón is revealed as Virginia's dad before this is all over.

I'll be disappointed if Rebeca doesn't at least come close to ensnaring Martín. Otherwise, why is she even here?

I hope that pitiful little dove managed to find his way to safety. Birds generally have had an unfortunate history in mines.

Finally, I'm disappointed in Virginia. I was expecting more. Ho hum.


Gringo, I love your comments too – I always look forward to reading your take on the episode!

I'm also fond of the anvil metaphor. Not only is it apt for the fairytale endings, it helps put it all in perspective. [Oh yeah, I can see that Acme Anvil truck barreling down the Mina Escondida/Mexico City highway right now!]

"Am I the only one who thought that Jorge was unnecessarily harsh and insensitive with his abrupt announcement to her that she needn't worry, "Verónica's dead.""

Um, yeah. Maybe.

Carlos, I'd like Aarón to be Virginia's father too. It has the telenovela symmetry I love so much. It certainly fits in with bringing Salma back and throwing Aarón, Virginia and Verónica together. Something must be brewing, right?

Thanks Paloma and Carolina about the anvil explanation.

Carlos - I agree Jorge was unnecessarily harsh in announcing Verónica's "death" to Salma, and I'm glad she's back also. In spite of what she's done in the past, I do feel something for her and hope she will redeem herself. As for being disappointed in Virginia, surely you don't think she's done yet! As for her being Aarón's daughter, that would be very cool.

Gringo - Looking forward to Pablo's plan for Mariana. Hope it's creative...after all, he is an artista. I agree also that Vero's suffered enough. It's time for Vero the warrior to return. So little time left!


Was Jorge a little harsh in announcing Veronica's death to Salma? I'm not so sure about that. Salma wasn't much of a mother towards Veronica for most of Vero's life.
In any given situation, Salma always rose up against Veronica in an effort to support Virginia. If there was ever any love coming Vero's way, it was from Jorge and sometimes Emiliano. So for Jorge to say what he did to Salma didn't seem to be all that out of line to me.

the gringo

You make a good point, Gringo!

I don't think Jorge was all that harsh, salma acted as if she hated Veronica. She treated her horribly, she probably had more to do with sending her away to school than jorge did. But he let It happen. So then jorge don't have no room to talk either, he just kept flip floppin believing the lies That lying virginia would vomet out. Vero Will fine if she can get to somebody who knows her, Im countin on arty to do that. And I Think he may have been sexually abused by Cheles or somebody he pimped him out to,
That would explain the shame. And that
miscreant ( cheles), Is nasty enough to tell blanqiuta.
Evil SOB.

Good afternoon everyone. I wasn't able to comment sooner but wanted to thank everyone for all the great comments and discussion this weekend. I don't have that much to add but just wanted to say that I am looking forward to the last full week of Lo Imperdonable. I'm sure it will be a good one with lots of action.

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