Friday, October 30, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #49 Fri 10/30/15 (Mex 69) "You're Fired!" or Granny Trumps Petey's Ultimatum!

Ciao a tutti e mille grazie per essere venuti!  Muchisimas gracias a todos y gracias por venir!  Yes, I think at this point we need to thank all of YOU for watching and hanging out on the Patio with us!  Mille grazie to all my Peeps for your kind words and witty observations on Monday!  Well, folks, today's horror/dramedy installment is quite simple and scenes will be combined and not necessarily in order of broadcast.

Granny dresses Fifi down real good but, considering the reviews we've gotten on her uniform and pigtails, this was accomplished weeks ago.  Anyway, Granny rips Fifi another one!  She wants Fifi and Gigi out TONIGHT and Fifi's begging on bended knee does not move her!  She is to get a limited severance check, pack her rags and git!  Back with this later.

In other developments, Sergio is released from the hospital and the jailhouse.  Julieta and Pedro flank him on either side and the Lawyer is there as well assuring them that the investigation into Anibal's henchman's involvement in the arson and the attack on Sergio will continue.  A not so cleverly concealed Anibal, wearing a demon hoodie, stands behind a skinny tree and watches the group leave.  Later, once the group arrive at El Rancho, Julieta and Sergio warmly and sincerely thank Fiorella for all her help.  She graciously accepts their thanks and welcomes Sergio home.  Much later Julieta leads Sergio in some breathing exercises to relax him but the knife attack in the jail comes flooding back in vivid detail.  He shakes as he realizes he could have been killed!  Julieta holds and comforts him.  Pobrecito!

Roxi actually tries to treat Quina like a human being and asks her about the family she mentioned once before.  It's too painful to talk about but Quina is happy at El Rancho and considers her work companions, Simoneta, Fidel, Dante, Fifi and Gigi as her family.  This sends Roxi back into dismissive bitch mode:  she's had enough of Quina's silly sentimentality and tells her to leave.  As usual, Quina is all crushed and leaves Roxi's room in tears.

Diana continues to weave her web of deceit with Vittorio.  Diana's Mom has about had it with her lies, now this latest stupid one of having a twin sister!  It's not a twin, Diana maintains, just a sister that looks a whole lot like her.  We roll our eyes with Mom.  Well, wouldn't you know it, Vitto comes over just then to bring Diana her forgotten cell phone.  He is about to leave when little Beto cries out in protest at being denied and Vitto hears him.  Diana's Mother brings the little sweetheart out and Diana continues her lying:  the sister's at the beach. . .er something.  Vittorio wants to see pictures and yeah, Diana really does show him pictures of herself and he is just gobsmacked at how she and her "sister" are just like dos gotas de agua; like two drops of water: identical!   Oh, my goodness!  Little Beto has an expression like, "the old dude's buying it!  What a whopper, Mom!"  Go back and look, it's the best part of the episode!  Vitto wonders why they don't have any pictures together.  Oh, they have to find them.  As Vitto leaves, he invites the whole happy family to La Dolce Vita for dinner the next night.  Diana is deaf to her Mom's fretting and scolding as she schemes to see who she can get to be her fake sister!

Assvaldo goes to Alina's office and she's ready with a hungry, shameless, open-mouthed kiss, except SHE doesn't get the shame part until he mentions he's going to be a Papa!  Alina snatches away with a look of horror!  He mocks and dismisses her concern:  he didn't come to see her for therapy; she knows why he's there and he knows what she wants.  He wants to celebrate being a father so she should shut up and kiss him!  Alina looks as if she didn't realize Assvaldo was an ass!  Serves you right, silly twit! 

Freddie and Dante carry on:  he thinks her cards are crap, she thinks they are tools for revealing the secrets and inner motivations of others.  One of the cards showed her a two-faced woman, Aitana, who has wormed her way into a position in El Corporativo!  Freddie concludes since Aitana no way needs the money, she's up to no good, in fact, she's dangerous!  

So.  What of the firing?  Eloisa softens some and has a talk with Fiorella in the hallway outside Eloisa's room.  She decides to give her a more generous severance and a letter of recommendation.  Granny puts her cards on the table:  She knows Pedro is in love with her and Fifi is not a bad person but this is REAL LIFE, not a novela or a romantic movie:  The Angeles Family has a fortune to look after.  Sergio, Gael, Freddie and Osvaldo are of no use in guarding the family's interest, Pedro is IT and she MUST make sure he marries a woman from a good family and with resources not. . . .Fiorella finishes her thought, not an employee.  Eloisa heaves a sigh of relief that Fiorella finally understands.  She kisses Fiorella on the head and shoos her away to go and settle her severance.  
Pedro, Sergio and Julieta arrive at El Rancho, exchange greetings with Fiorella and then leave.  She tells Pedro about the firing.  Why?  Because of the hot sauna snogging that could've happened but didn't!  How did Eloisa find out?  Pedro thinks it was Aitana, Fifi says no, because Eloisa said so.  He remains skeptical even after Fifi suggests maybe Dante and the security cameras provided the evidence.  Fiorella wants Pedro to calm down.  She had a talk with Eloisa who explained how things were and besides, she's giving her a good severance and letter of recommendation.  She and Gianna have both been ordered to leave that night and they will go to Vittorio's!  Well Petey's not going to have it, he's off to give Granny a piece of his mind!

The aftermath is predictable:  Fiorella tells Gianna and is firm in her decision that they have to go to Vittorio.  Gigi is hurt and cries with Gael.  Roxi, who had earlier threatened to charge Gigi with theft when Gigi entered Gael's room to look for him followers Gigi to Gael's room and watches their tearful consoling of each other and cries her own tears of, what . . .jealousy?  Surely she can't be sad that Gianna is leaving?  What do y'all think?  Sonia informs Freddie and Dante that Fifi is fired and the girls are leaving!  Sonia and Freddie cheer while Dante looks stunned.

Fiorella has a brief encounter with Benito and he tries unsuccessfully to get her to go to his parent's house.  Later we suffer a call to Vitto who coos his welcome to her and Gianna in his smooth and (he hopes) hypnotizing baritone:  Of course she and Gigi are welcome!  Her bed is waiting, it is time for her to be by his side.  Fiorella hangs up and looks as if she needs some Kaopectate.
There is a little scene where Sergio sits with the family prior to his and Julieta's going to his room in the scene described above.  Eloisa, Julieta, Gael, Freddie, Roxi and Aitana are there with Sergio and he is not joking when he comments it took this for him to be shown some affection by his Mom.  Sergio feels he has learned a lot from this unfortunate incident.  All he wants for himself and others is peace.  He just wants to relax.  This is perhaps the least toxic gathering I've ever seen with this group buuuut, in charges Petey:  He wants to talk to Granny and Aitana RIGHT NOW!  He drags Aitana off to the study and confronts her.  Yep.  She convinces him that she DID NOT break her promise not to tell Eloisa about the sauna not-tryst.  She very skillfully throws his impending "fatherhood" in his face and Petey folds like a house of cards even apologizing to her.  She informs him she will now be working at El Corporativo.  As we exit the study and this sickening scene we see Freddie outside with her ear suctioned to the door.

Next, Petey takes Granny on and the impudent scamp raises his voice to her!  No matter, Granny's had it and she doesn't want the girls there any more!   Pedro demands Fiorella keep her job or, or, he'll,  he'll . . . .what, goes Granny. . . .he'll quit and if you don't believe him, just watch!  Granny tries to guilt him into staying, not just for the loving Angeles family but for all the workers that depend on them.  This is not having the intended effect and Granny is probably making her own self want to gag with this fake display of emotion, so they agree to negotiate.  Petey asks for Granny's terms:

She won't fire Fiorella if Petey formalizes his relationship with Aitana and promises to marry her right away.  BAM!

Previous: Episode 48
Next: Episode 50


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Hi, y'all! Thank y'all for the luuuuv on my recap of Monday and your well wishes, which were answered, for my little trip! I had to play a little catch up and, well, here we are!

I know the Bruno Mars link doesn't make sense but I like that darned song and music video! So, have at it, Peeps!

Hi Lila, welcome back to the patio. Thank you for the recap.
Oh I am amazed at how modern and bitch is Assvaldo. He has exceeded all the limits, oh my gosh. He wanted to celebrate with his lover that he is gonna have a baby with his wife, what the heck? And is me or he bit alinas mouth? Interesting Alinas analyzing of him having an excessive hate for all women that was originated with his mother.

And yuck Fiorella is gonna live in Vittorios house. Cant she just go to a cheap hotel or somewhere else? Oh no Vegestorio is gonna want to eat her, he is a wolf and he is hungry.

Great work, Lila.

Now Vittorio goes from being a vampire to a beast (and not Ron Perlman's version of him). I guess his last name isn't Dragone for no reason.

So Helloisa doesn't care if Pedro is miserable with Cousin Itt. And is she so lacking in confidence in him as a CEO that he needs in-laws with dinero as back-up?

Graze, Marla! Thank you for that bit of analysis of Assvaldo by Alina. He disgusts me so and she so disappointed me, I tend to skip over their scenes.

And yuck Fiorella is gonna live in Vittorios house. Cant she just go to a cheap hotel or somewhere else?

H! That's funny and true! I think Fifi needs to be analyzed: she's some kind of masochist!


Mille grazie, Urban! Yah, you said it, from vampire to beast and Fifi is about to deliver herself to his lair! And you're right, Granny does not trust Petey's executive skills after all these years, she's got to mate him to money to insure the family's success! And nope, she doesn't give a rip about love, or lack thereof, it's all about the money AND, apparently her trying to make Pedro re-live her and Maximo's life!

There were times when I thought Helloisa loved Maximo until he cheated on her. She will hate him post-mortem when she finds out that Joaquina was The Other Woman.

I even wonder whether she loves her son and her grandchildren. Lately I am seeing no evidence of this.

Lila - thank you for the recap! I will comment more after I've had a chance to watch this weekend.

Urban - Hell-oisa practices conditional love on her family.

Grazie, Doris! See you later! You nailed it, Doris: conditional love!

I didn't watch last night, CAVS home opener, and opted for the basketball game. With such a fab batch of details from our wonderful Lila, guess I don't need to see the tripe that went on last night.

So Cousin It has wormed her way into the corporate offices, and Os is about to maybe lose his nooky partner. I see a future setup happenin' here.

Great point UA. Eloisa knows full well she is forcing a marriage for societal and family means on Pedro and doesn't care one iota he can't marry for love. Again, agree that is what happened to her, and she thinks it's perfectly fine because she was Aitanna in that scenario and liked the power it gave her.

And Prince Do Something With That Hair Cut will agree to merge with Cousin It JUST because Fifi needs her job under their roof? Do you LOVE this woman dude? Could you not help her find something that would be a good position somewhere and get her out from under the vipers?? Sure, no one wants her under the clutches of Count Dracula, but there are options. If you're hooked with Fried Hair, are you expecting this woman to be another Joaquina and still love you on the side...because that's no better than Os. What a stupid plot point.

And I don't get Fifi either. She would be better off at Benny's folks. At least she would have privacy. I swear, we have to cave to watching that old fart smarming all over her day after day, I'm going to have to watch in Hulu mode only so I can fast forward. They'll probably leave all that in, and dice out Gia and Gael. THE HORROR!


I don't think Vittorio is capable of respecting Fiorella's privacy or even thinking she is entitled to any. He'd be barging in on her at Adele's place whenever he felt like it. I'm wondering what happened to the apartment Pedro kept for Tania. He must have sold it because otherwise he'd be in a position to suggest that Fiorella and Gianna live there. It had adequate space and would give them theoretical privacy.

Since we're not even at the halfway mark of this tale we will have to endure many more episodes of Fiorella dodging the Wedding of Doom.


Grazie, Daisynjay! amica carita! I'm happy to have saved you from watching!

Oh, that Eloisa is odious! There are few things I can think of that I detest more than an old person trying, through conscious or unconscious manipulation, to rob a younger person of their right to live and love and experience all the joys and pains of life for themselves. At the same time I respect "the older generation" of which I have apparently become a part (and proud to be so) and I respect elders and believe with age can come great wisdom. But just because yo' ass been going around the sun for a looooong time, doesn't make you the holder of sage advice and it doesn't render your motivations pure. Granny Eloisa certainly has neither! She IS just an old Aitana and this is one of the main reasons Granny is trying to push her down Petey's throat.

Now. I'm not mad at her for trying to protect the family fortune but it would not be impossible to preserve it if she used some of her vaaaast experience to guide and coach Fiorella and she would find Pedro a more competent and able steward of the family fortune if he were happy with the woman he adores, whom HE chose, instead of beeing blackmailed into marrying a younger version of his granny who had already dumped him once!

And YES! This is soooo a NON-PROBLEM: Could you not help her find something that would be a good position somewhere and get her out from under the vipers??

Daisy, you took the words right out of my mouth:

I swear, we have to cave to watching that old fart smarming all over her day after day. . .

The horror, indeed! Gosh, don't let them do this! I'll save my fussing for if it happens but it will be such an assault on viewerville!

Urban, I had forgotten about Tania's old apartment! Of course, that might freak Fifi out that she's going into permanent kept status but that can't be more horrifying than the prospect of submitting to that zombie's caresses!

Love your recap Lila, thank you very big

"not so cleverly concealed Anibal, wearing a demon hoodie, stands behind a skinny tree"

I cheered when Eloisa told Fio to scram, finally someone makes a decision.

Sergio - the horror, like when the maid laid out mismatched socks and didn't realize till I got to school

Osvaldo - party of one

Eloisa - cause you're a carrot and Petey Rabbit likes carrots

Fio - Plan V

Vitto - is this a booty call?

Gianna - I'll live in the dorm

Petey - now wait a minute grandma that ain't a chess move

Sonia - I didn't fry em, "It's Shake N Bake and I helped"


Dammit! It ate my comment!

Mille grazie for the list Tofie! Especially love Eloisa, Vitto and Sonia's lines! Please don't let these idiots discourage you: we need you to get through the long nights ahead, not just outside but the long nights of darkness that have fallen over Petey and Fifi's brains.


Thanks Lila! Great recap!

I've been away from Caray most of the week, but I'm caught up on MIVAC and can I just How do we stick with this stuff? Are we the real masochists?

As you have all pointed out, this is such a non-problem. The Angeles Family are not the only employers in the world. I doubt their ranch is the only place in "the countryside" either.

I get Fiorella not wanting to go back to Benny's parents' place though. She's already put them through a lot and she's right, she does have to confront her future at some point. But man is the box that she thinks in small! Vittorio or Eloisa, Eloisa or Vittorio. Open your mind, Fi!

I think Pedro did sell the condo when Tania died. But it blows my mind that while he didn't love Tania, he put her up in an apartment and paid all of her expenses, yet somehow can't find a house or cabin or whatever near the ranch for Fi and Gianna so that Gi can get her perscription fresh air. And he's the CEO of a huge corporation with tons of contacts, but can't find a single position for the love of his life? He's even working on a contract with an Italian company and he can't use that to say hire an intern to help out with these business deal?

I applaud him for at last bringing up the possibility of leaving though. At least we know he's remembered that's an option. I don't think he should have said a word to Eloisa. I think he should've taken Fi and Gi to a hotel while he got them an apartment, called his contacts to take a new position before Eloisa could blackball him, broken up with Aitana and then, when everything was in place, peaced out on her bitchy butt. As for the "what about the employees that depend on you?" Answer: "Since you're the only one that knows how to run everyone's else's lives, I'm sure you can handle it."

Also if he's going to swallow this "there are camera everywhere" story, why doesn't he, I don't know, CHECK those cameras?

Diana's going around the bend with this ridiculous lie. Enough already!

PS: After all the back and forth about the paternity of Sonia's baby, how is there "no doubt" about it now? Um, she admitted to getting a false paternity test and you don't even want to double check those facts? About your potential child? And something that could blow up your family and is keeping you from the love of your life?

I the words of so many of today's generation: I can't even-.

Lila, this was funnily good, yes funnily is a word. I Think ;-)
"Well petey Is Off to give granny a piece of his mind".He can't spare a piece of his mind, he only has 4 brain cells one for himself one for granny which occasionally fizzles out, one for fiorella and, one for trying to figure out how to use The other three.
Granny just insulted every employee thats
Ever worked. she basically told fiorella she's not good enough to be in her family.
And what the hell makes her think that her money is going to be protected because Pedro and aitana might get married? she has no idea what that b*****got in mind for her family and her money. And it serves her right for looking down her nose at anybody just because they don't have money. And I don't think she came by that what she got honestly what did happen to Gabriel for him to get in that particular position to get killed the way you did. That old lady is a crook.
And that stupid stupid psychologist, (Alina) what in the world did she think she was going to mean to that jackass? She just his" HO"with A PHD.
HELLASHELLA, Pedro can't do all those things you mentioned above because granny got a leash on him. I would say she's got old her hand someplace else but I'll be nice.
Sometimes the show is rather funny and sometimes it's seriously not because of the way these people think and the way they don't think. The way eloisa insults Fiorella and anybody else thats not wealthy, some people would kill that old lady for the nasty
disrespectful things she says to people. Maybe thats why they temper the show with
Some occasional comic relief.
"I can't even----", thats right girl.

Hellashelle! Girl. Grazie mille! You speak TRUTH, sister! Every. Single. Word. Yah, we're the masochists and I've decided to withdraw to the protective shell of language practice. I'll leave it at that. There may well be some of my friends who are quite enjoying the antics of Pete and Fifi. I love your eloquent analysis, Hella. This was screaming to be said:

Um, she admitted to getting a false paternity test and you don't even want to double check those facts? About your potential child?

Lord. Help!

Yes, "funnily" is a word. I googled it. Its an
Adverb. It means: Something strange or amusing.
But yall probably already knew that anyway.
I just need it to be sure. now I am yaaaaay:-)

Grazie tanto, Nina, amica mia! girl, you always leave me howling:

And that stupid stupid psychologist, (Alina) what in the world did she think she was going to mean to that jackass? She just his" HO"with A PHD.

You SAID it! Nina, thank goodness for the comic relief because it does break up the idiocy. I often don't mention it but you guys should feel free to chime in!

Nina. If they make us watch weeks of Fifi trying to avoid bedding Vitto, I know you're going to go to town on his tail and I'll be right with you!

Oh Lila. You and Diva are made of some strong stuff to deal with this crazy mulitples times a week. Ay yi yi! (PS: "pack her rags" LOL!)

Nina-Yeah, girl. There is no trying to understand that level of classism. I only get through it imagining how twisted she's gonna be when it's revealed that Fi is Julieta's daughter and Aitana's family is broke or using the Angeles or whatever their reason is for wanted the benefits of the Angeles Famly Fortune so damn badly. She'll trip all over her words and her whacking stick then!

Pedro can't do all those things you mentioned above because granny got a leash on him
That's the thing: what leash? She needs him to keep that family from eating each other alive and taking the whole company down with them. What she's relying on is Pedro's sense of responsibility and being a "good boy" and playing by her rules. I feel for the employees, but Pedro needs to use his business smarts to figure his way out of this. Maybe he needs to get the rest of the board members on his side or threaten to go to the tabloids or simply stick to his damn guns. If her priority is the family fortune, wouldn't she rather have Pedro there rather than working for the enemy?

And in that horrible scene whereEloisa basically admits she's a classist bitch, where was Fi's sense of pride? She didn't point out that she doesn't care about Pedro's money or even ask why it's so necessary that he marry rich since they are rich. Is the company in the toilet? Why do they needs to align fortunes anyway? That's just a bunch of bull that amounts to "we do it this way because we've always done it this way" I might not mind so much if Eloisa pointed out that in Pedro's position, it serves him best to have a wife that can schmooze and keep her calm with the press, but instead she's just like "you're a servant, so you're not worthy" Yeah? Well,blow it out your shriveled old word hole, b**ch. You can only spew that much hot air without floating away because your twisted soul is so weighed down with guilt and your forked tail is planted so firmly in the past.

LILA thank you for detailing all the shennanigans last night! It's painful to watch the meaningless, repetetive make-up/break-up of our two leads (so reminiscent of Pablo/Esmeralda in TSTSNBN. One break-up has impact. One per episode, not so much.

Aitana as Cousin It--very funny!!!
Roxy--they are tantalizing us with glimpses of her sad inner child. Boo hoo.
Simona, such a wit, wish we see more of her.
Sergio is looking less buffoon-like all the time, especially while he was doing yoga.
Poor Joaquina, I wish Roxy would straighten up and fly right so Joaq could find some joy.

Well it's a cool, rainy Halloween here on the West coast,
Wishing you all a warm day on the patio...

J in Oregon


Gracias Lila! And I agree, gracias a todos who keep sticking around while we skewer this cheap microwave pizza trying to pass itself off as an authentic, wood-fired masterpiece.

"As usual, Quina is all crushed and leaves Roxi's room in tears." Effin' brat.

"Diana's Mom has about had it with her lies, now this latest stupid one of having a twin sister!" It's so ridiculous! And she halfway goes along with it, but then accidentally screws it up at the same time. Ohhhh, good grief! I wish Diana would just tell the truth already!

"Eloisa softens some and has a talk with Fiorella in the hallway outside Eloisa's room." Weirdest scene. Seriously, Eloisa, why do you care if she understands or not? And did she actually spend all day in her bed just waiting for sauna time?

"Her bed is waiting, it is time for her to be by his side." Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Please, no!

"Petey folds like a house of cards even apologizing to her." Every. Damn. Time. You could pack him in a suitcase, he folds so well.

Hey, wait, did we really spend the entire episode doing nothing but "Will Fi leave the house or not?" I can't...even....

Wow, Hellashelle @ 3:14: At least this thing is taking us to new heights in graphic and visceral imagery. Here's a gem:

You can only spew that much hot air without floating away because your twisted soul is so weighed down with guilt and your forked tail is planted so firmly in the past.


J in O! Grazie, girl! Well, it's a little clammy but high 40s isn't bad for late October and tomorrow it's supposed to be 63! J, they're really sockin' it to us, girl. They suckered us in: It is SOOO TSTSNBM with the constant make ups and break ups. It's hard not to resist the temptation to analyze why. Why do they even think this is attractive or fun or. . I know, it's about money. I'm not sure how this kind of thing earns money but that must be it. So. *Sigh.*

Wishing you a wonderful evening and weekend as well, my dear!

Mi Capitan! Diva! Gracias e grazie! Going through this with y'all is worth it for delicious phrases like this:

I agree, gracias a todos who keep sticking around while we skewer this cheap microwave pizza trying to pass itself off as an authentic, wood-fired masterpiece.

Yes, Diva, we DID spend the whole episode with will Fifi leave or not? That and yet another empty proomise to "fight for our love" and a smarmy come-on by walking dead mack daddy.

Diva. Let's face it. We're all the way in GATA territory now! It's Halloween night. Everybody SCREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAMMM!

*empty proomise? Somehow, that seems just fine. I'm going to leave it!

Let's see...Halloween fun...horrifying things about this show:

-It's possible to get locked inside the sauna while it's on.
-Vitto can materialize anytime, anywhere.
-Alina always ends up kissing Osvaldo enthusiastically. (Has Os been taking mind-control lessons from Vitto?)
-I'm not sure anyone knows the real state of Gianna's health.

And the "treats":
-Gianna and Gael smoochies
-Any time Rox acts human
-Fio and Pedro when they're actually "on again" and having fun
-Shirtless Pedro

hellashelle, couldn't agree with your more on the frustration of not only Eloisa admitting to being nothing but a crass snob where a wifey for Petey is concerned, but that Fifi stands there and takes it and there is not an ounce of fight showing in her character. I HATE that the writers, producers, directors and the actress have made this woman so beaten down and almost flustered when she's being insulted or being put in a position that she should not have to be in.

I get she has a lower self confidence based on not having a higher education or fancy work experience, but after everything she's been through, I want to see an inward spark that now says "wait a minute. I'm a person and from where I stand with you bunch, I KNOW that have more class in my pinky then the rest of you." She doesn't have to say it, but she could SHOW it in her face. Watching Livia, I got nothin'.


Agree, Daisynjay. That defeated "I'm just a servant" was...ugh!

It would be good if he'd use his business sense but thats thing about it hes not using any kind of sense at all. And like every time he get around aitana or whatever her name
Is he folds, just like he does when he swears to Fiorella that we are going to "fight for our love will you fight with me"? and then when he gets to grandma Eloisa he folds, you're right, she can put them in the suitcase and carry him off. and when he was telling Fiorella you're not leaving this house he goes to his grandmother and she starts talking to him and he starts to fizzle out again. If I thought they were hopeless I wouldn't watch
Anymore, but there is hope for these two lug
Heads in looove.

Anon, ITA. why is this character made to stand there and be insulted like that, she Is made to feel like shes not good enough cuz
She is a servant. That is honorable work just as good as a suit going to the office sitting behind a desk pushing paper around. This is
Tv, cuz in real life she'd be pickin up her false teeth. you can appreciate somebody hiring you to give you a job but you don't have to take that crap from that ol aristocratic Bitty.
obviously the writers directors and producers think so.

Diva, you go, girl! Love your horrifying things and treats!

Here's a couple of tricks:

That Telerisa has sold the story of a brow-beaten grandpup and a naive, self-sacrificing girl determined to marry her late father's oooold friend out of a misplaced sense of obligation as a good idea for a novela!

Further, they will push this twisted tale of a virile, young galan and his beautiful, nubile lady being beat up by a couple of geriatric sadists as an epic tale of "you and me against the world!" I guess Assvaldo and Alina, the ethic-less shrink, provide the heat. And yes, he did bite her lip. Oh, that's soooo sexy -- NOT!

Daisy and Nina Fifi started out like that but they extinguished the spark. That's really too bad!

Classism is alive and well and speaks many languages. It exists in every country on the planet whether we like it or not. It isn't necessarily based on money, either; it can be education-based. The two usually go together, but not always. Trust me.

We have it in the US, too, but we're in denial about it. I may make no sense, but it's there and it's ugly to encounter.

hellashelle @ 1:12 --- WORD UP!

And I agree, gracias a todos who keep sticking around while we skewer this cheap microwave pizza trying to pass itself off as an authentic, wood-fired masterpiece.”
Diva – I have no idea why I keep watching this tontería except that I get to hang with the Patio Peeps, though our population numbers are endangered.

Still have not made time to watch this.... I might be better off watching BBT (Big Bang Theory) reruns with hubby and the offspring. Now that stuff makes sense! LOL

Rainy weather here. Maybe we won't get mobbed by trick-or-treaters from neighboring counties. Gahhh.

So true, Urban. There is a parallel social phenomenon, don't know what to call it, where people will taunt, mock, threaten and sometimes do physical harm to members of their own group who try or succeed to better their lot through education or economic advancement. It's like an effort to keep the "errant" member in line, in the same socio-economic rung of society that they are on. Sometimes these means can be subtle and passive-aggressive as well as the more overt means I mention above. It's very real and very destructive and yes, UGLY. I've heard it called the "crab in the barrel" syndrome. Ah. Human beings. We can really do numbers on each other!

Lila - I've heard of and observed that "crab in the barrel" syndrome from time to time but never knew it had a name. And often a person with promise will sabotage their possibilities because that person dors not want to get ahead of their peers or family.

Ah, "crab in a barrel" syndrome? I didn't know the name for it either, Lila, thank you.

That's a interesting phenomenon to explore as it pops up in many different arenas and with many different faces. I could see them going down that road with Rox and her friends, but it would be interesting to see it in the forefront of a plot. We saw the tiniest hint of it on YNCELH too.

Yeah, Fee Fie Fo Fold. Fiorella folds like a paper boat just like Pedro when Eloisa starts howling like a black cat. I got it when she was her boss and I'll give it to Fi that she was in shock and still hoping to keep her job, but I hope that she does lose her job so that she can tell Eloisa sus cuatros verdades tambien! In fact, it might be the best thing for Fi to have to go to Vitto and work in the restaurant. She could figure out that Diana wants Vitto and play matchmaker for them, while being out from under the heel of that witch.

Lila, as usual you don't disappoint. Awesome recap, thank you. I have been reading the comments and cracking up. This group is the best. Fi can do so many things, but we have to remember she is a migrant in a strange land. We don't know if she is legal or not. Not many rights there. The ping pong between the zombie and Petro is understandable. The zombie, because he was daddy's "trusted"friend and Petro is a Christmas wish. One is truly a root canal without novocaine and the other, a fantasy. Poor baby.. Helloisa could say all those things with a straight face was truly frightening. Like UA said its a global issue, its the rich who get the pleasure and the poor who get the blame. In America everybody has rights, not so in most countries. She likes Fi but her poverty is so inconvenient. Imagine. a girl of limited education and gasp no investment portfolio. I would probably do the same if my family members were a bunch of useless space wasters. she has no remorse about sentencing her grandson to the same fate her husband had. If I was Assvoldo, I would be pissed.She was ok with his choice of a wife but not Petro. Shows she didn't care about him. Rox has no social skills. Her negative interaction with Gianna is all she has. Poor little rich girl. Sonia saps my energy. Her mother is making it easy for the family to mock her further.


Seems like Sonia gas not been wearing the cocktail dresses ever since she found out she is preggers. I rather like the blouse and skirt she wore these late few episodes.

Doris and Hellashelle, it is really sad. I see it a lot. It takes a lot of strength to assert one's self under such conditions. Its too bad some people take expanding one's horizons, realizing dreams and using God-given talents as threatening or as an affront to the group!

Hella, here's one reason why I can only watch this thing with you guys:

In fact, it might be the best thing for Fi to have to go to Vitto and work in the restaurant. She could figure out that Diana wants Vitto and play matchmaker for them, while being out from under the heel of that witch.

YES! That's true! If she does go to Vitto's, please don't let us have to suffer his constant swooning and wooing her! I don't think I could stomach it!

Hanna! Grazie, my dear! I am so glad you came to join the Muchacha Patio! Indeed, it is only through such thoughtful comments as yours and all my friends here that I can exert the effort to retell this tale of woe! This is exquisite and a hoot at the same time:

The ping pong between the zombie and Petro is understandable. The zombie, because he was daddy's "trusted"friend and Petro is a Christmas wish. One is truly a root canal without novocaine and the other, a fantasy.

Sounds like you think Roxi was getting teary-eyed over the prospect of losing Giana to kick around anymore? That sounds about right! Totally ITA about Sonia. Gosh, that storyline kills me. I so despise her!

"Crab in the barrel" syndrome? Never heard that name, but it fits. That describes Hosefa of YNCELH perfectly. She pimps out Isela to get revenge on Claudio knowing full well that it will keep Isela in the dust with her afterwards.


Hi folks. I was reading your comments and you all are hilarious.

Anonymous I think that maybe Assvaldo is the reason for Helloisa being so forceful in marrying Pietro with Aitana. Grandma thinks that Assvaldo ruined his life marrying with Sonia who she called cabaretera. Maybe she accepted his marriage because sonia was pregnant but she never accepted her as part of her family. I remember that at the beginning of the story sonia didnt even had helloisas permission to enter the ranch, she was treated like a thieve. So now Helloisa wants to prevent pietro from making the same mistake of assvaldo because she thinks that all poor girls are gold diggers. It would be good if pietro gets fiorella pregnant, maybe that could be the only way in which helloisa could approve a marriage between them.

Marla, I think you're right about Sonia being conditionally accepted, but I think now because of this "scandal" Helloisa is more likely to disown Pedro if he knocked up Fiorella.

Which won't happen because they're not going to vo-de-oh-doh-doh until the wedding night. Fiorella is too Virgin Mary for that.

Back in a minute.

Buongiorno, Peeps! Agree that Fiorella is an old fashioned novela VIRGIN. That scenario will never happen.

You know, I've been thinking that maybe these folk are trying to channel the forbidden love thing Lety and Fernando had in La Fea. Now we know Lety and Fer DID do the do-whacka-do but Lety was not a virgin. I'm referring those stolen, hot, passionate (at least to me) office kisses and hugs. Although Marcia had Fer on a leash, that time of forbidden snogging was FANtastic! There were so many YT videos set to music of those scenes; it was a big factor in my falling for that novela.

So Petey and Fifi steal kisses in the nursery at the hospital and such but even the literal heat in the sauna doesn't cut it as a passion factor in this thing. And now we're likely to be subjected to Vitto's crooning to Fiorella on a daily basis! GAH!

Continually running through my head is what if Fio wasn't a cutie with a good figure. Would there still be rags to overnight riches as her reward?

Maybe there's more that aren't modelesque but I've only seen one secondary character in Yo No, a plus size girl with smarts and spunk, but even she doesn't get the idle rich prince. I keep seeing this over and over. Rich buff dude, poor girl with not much between her ears, condemned at birth, bad cause she's poor so persecuted, but she gets a shot at happily ever after and usually we discover she has noble blood.

Mr. tofie and I do volunteer work building schools, functioning sewers, clean water infrastructure, in parts of asia where a caste/feudal system is alive and well. Places where the options are the field, a sweatshop, an indenture or if they are pretty a brothel.


It is a sad truism that feminine beauty opens doors that remain closed to others. A poor girl would require exceptional beauty to be noticed by a rich man from a snobbish family. The thing is, he has to be sick of the snobbery as well for this to go beyond a fling.

Assvaldo may never have intended to make Sonia his wife. She got pregnant so he had to marry her in case the baby was a boy. I'm actually surprised that Assvaldo didn't file for divorce after the stillbirth. He wasn't happy at the pregnancy announcement in the first place and he might have been someone who would have fallen in line with Helloisa's notions of marrying for position, having the acceptable number of children (two or three), and discreetly fooling around on the side, making sure never to knock up a fling or a mistress.

Pedro isn't made like that. Pedro is a man who needs to love his wife. He has a bit of a white knight complex, hence Tania and Aitana (whatever her issue was during their relationship). He probably never gave much thought to the long term with Tania because he was still on the rebound from Aitana. Along comes Fiorella, a pretty Cinderella with no psych issues except an exaggerated sense of duty. She's an emotional giver rather than a taker, which is new for him. She even has Tania's endorsement.

But Tania would never have had Helloisa's because she would have been lower than Sonia in Helloisa's eyes. She had scandals attached to her and substance abuse issues. Sonia doesn't have either of those but she is the daughter of an alcoholic whom she now can't get rid of. I would feel sorry for her if it were not for the fact that she's still trying to pin her pregnancy on Pedro.

As to her motive for that, it occurred to me yesterday that she is hedging her bets. If the baby is a girl Assvaldo would probably go ballistic, but Pedro wouldn't. Pedro is the executor of Helloisa's will and can (theoretically) influence her. However, she is going about it all the wrong way.

Wow- great discussions from everyone and the issue with Eloisa going overboard in her manipulations because, heavens forbid, Os already married beneath him. And Belinda's daily drunken scenes drive home that point constantly.

I wouldn't be surprised though to know that Eloisa wouldn't allow a divorce because, well, that's a scandal too. She had a loveless marriage, but again, for the sake of her idea that they must appear as pure as the driven snow to society, everyone smiled and suffered and got their happiness on the side. That's how you do it in the ivory towers in her mind.

You can wonder why the youngest generation are a mess growing up seeing two generations of miserable people in crappy relationships. Talk about dysfunction.

One good side point on our dear Gael: the actor, Jose Pablo Minor, will be in the Colunga/Salinas TN soon to start with a major role. Posted some pics today on Twitter with Michelle Renaud. A two times a day cutie fix--I can get behind that. And the pictures a friend sent of this guy during his modeling career...we are being robbed on this TN I tell you. ROBBED!! We need shirtless scenes with this guy like now, and keep them coming!
(Of course, knowing the scissor cutter, they would cut those and leave in Vitto smarming on Fi.)


While I'm no fan of Vitto and ridiculous an impending marriage with Fio is, I don't think her sense of duty her reason now to marry the dude. If she was an emotional giver across the board she'd be supporting her fiancee. Instead she is hedging her bet, with Vitto as plan B, and knowing Petey has impregnated his cousins wife and likely to marry Aitana with Eloisa's blessing, why doesn't she commit? I get, being a practical girl in love with a flawed boy, keeping the old guy hanging good sense but she's using that old man and not once considered it improper. If/when the coast is clear she'll punt Vitto in a NY minute.

I think Fiorella is too easily steamrolled by Vittorio. Notice how he's always interrupting her and never listens to anything she has to say about anything. He's determined to maintain his delusions about her. It almost doesn't matter when she gets a word in edgewise with him. Factor in that Helloisa runs roughshod over her and she becomes defenseless against Vittorio by default.

She can hold Vittorio to his promise to her father, who would not have wanted him to insist on marrying her. I wish she had thought of the latter.

TV on the whole runs towards pretty people. Who am I kidding: the world on the whole runs towards pretty people. Unless it's a plot point, it's rare to see the less than physically fabulous on television, especially when it comes to females and even more so when it comes to TNs. Aside from the general fact that people like attractive things, it can keep people watching when the plot/acting is weak.

This is one of the reasons I was so excited to see two plus sized major characters on YNCELH. It's satisfying to see someone over a size 0-2 that hasn't been cast as a talkative maid or an elderly nana. I felt the same when I saw Paola Rey and Sachi Tamashiro because they have slightly darker skin tones. But it's not secret that race and size play big parts in casting in every "Hollywood," no matter the country/market. In general, thinner, lighter and younger is better (with more leeway around the "thinner" part, historically).

Anyway, I'm getting side tracked. What i wanted to say was that if Fi did get pregnant, I wouldn't put it past Eloisa to first try to buy Fiorella off if she got pregnant (either buy her to disappear with the baby like with coma guy or buy the baby) and secondly bump her off when that didn't work and Pedro definitively grew balls and decided to be with his family.

I don't know that Assvaldo would go more ballistic than usual if the baby was a girl. I think he'd blow up a few times and then settle into angry exclamations about useless women. Then he's probably ignore her when she was born and maybe we'd get some glimpses of the human he might have once been when no one was looking a la Roxi's poor little girl lost routine.

Speaking, I think Roxi was crying more out of jealousy than out of missing Gianna. I think she might come to miss her at some point because she'sas perpetually bored as Assvaldo is angry, but I read that scene as her noting that no matter what she says or what insults she hurls about Gianna (and Gael) being "less" than her, they're the ones who have each other. They inspire each other to be better and the only thing she inspires in others in homicidal desires.

Everybody in that house got major issues and so does Roxi and the nasty exterior a defense mechanism. I think Roxi wept because she saw two people that actually care for each other and unafraid to show it, same as happened while at lunch with Benny's parents. Roxi is bout to crack.

I may be hearing things, but I thought I heard the family business referred to as something other than the empresa a couple of times in the last day or two. Seemed like it was something like AAcorp or something that started with AA. I looked back over Thursday's and Friday's episodes but couldn't find it again. Does this ring a bell with any of you?
Once again, thank you to the fabulous recappers, Lila, 5 ft and sometimes Sneaky. You and the smart and funny commenters here are the best part of following this novela.

Ann C

Thank you, and thanks for the reminder, Ann C--I heard that too and was kind of weirded out by it. Usually they just say "El Corporativo" The Corporation. I had seen that it said "A Corp" on everyone's badges, but thought nothing of it. All of a sudden they were actually calling it "A Corp" out loud and I just thought that was the strangest thing! It sounded like they were saying "Ahcorp"! Is that the best they could come up with? Does the "A" stand for "Angeles"? Corporativo Angeles? And they all just shorten it to A Corp?

I checked it with captions and Eloisa definitely called it ACorp in that last scene with Pedro. Maybe they figured they needed a slightly more specific name now that the characters are talking about it more, esp since both Federica and Aitana are both supposed to work there and Eloisa is going to use it to guilt trip Pedro.

I'm trying to care about Roxana, but every time she starts being a jerk I just imagine me walking into the scene, looking at her for a minute then slamming the heel of my hand into her nose and walking out of the room.

Great discussions, indeed! Grazie tanto, Ann C! Hella, I would love to be there when you smash Roxi in the face!

Good Sunday folks. Glad to read your comments.

Urban- Ok my idea of Pietro getting pregnant Fiorella before marrying was a little bit exagerated. It was just a thought that crossed my mind considering Sonia and Os situation but oh well Fiorella is not like her.
As to Assvaldo, maybe he didnt plan marrying at all neither in the future. He is that kind of guy that only wants to have adventures and never takes responsibility. I don't think Alina has been his only lover while being married with Sonia. And I don't see him being a puppet of Eloisa like Pietro, no way he is all the opposite, manipulator like her. In some way he is using his baby to become Helloisa's favorite grandson instead of Pietro.
And well since Helloisa cannot manipulate Assvaldo, Pietro is the one that has to pay the broken plates. By the way he always has to correct what Assvaldo messes up in the Corporativo.

And Helloisa knows that Assvaldo is a corporate screw-up. That's why she needs Pedro. He is their Rock of Gibraltar, but that has not yet translated to her into "We can't afford to lose him."

At first, I thought they weren't giving Osvaldo a chance. I thought that if he weren't the perpetually Level 10 Angry Dickwad that he is, I would say that Pedro and Eloisa should give him more of a chance to do things in the company rather than prefacing his every attempt to do things with "you're an idiot screw up who will ruin everything you touch." They treat him like the opposite side of the coin that Eloisa uses on Gael. He might fare better if he was actually coached in his job.

But he has ruined everything he's touched without Pedro's supervision and he's an ass, so I'm ok with it.

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